Dollhouse (2009–2010): Season 1, Episode 4 - Gray Hour - full transcript

Echo's latest mission is as a professional safe-cracker to lead a team to rip off a valuable artifact from a impregnable safe. But in a twist, Echo's mind gets remotely wiped by a hidden signal and she is powerless inside the safe. Boyd then tries to find a way to rescue her while Topher tries to find out how this happened. Adelle and Laurence have Sierra programed as the safe-cracker to try to help Echo out before the authorities close in. Meanwhile, Agent Ballard struggles to recover from the attempt on his life, still unaware that his source, Lubov, is the active "Victor" whom takes refuge in his apartment claiming to be sought after by Dollhouse agents.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Oh, God!

Oh, God! Oh, God!

What is that? Why is it beeping?

So, who kissed who first?

I don't know, but she did.
She kissed me.

He lunged at me
in the middle of a frat party.

Well, yeah, it was
because you, you know,

you did the little "kiss me" face.

He had one of those sad,
little peach-fuzz goatee...

Now, I'm about to say something
that might scare you a little, okay?

- Okay.
- Little Lucy has linebacker shoulders.

So, she's going to be a lesbian?

Big baby, narrow birth canal.
That's causing her some distress.

So, you and I have
some work to do, okay?

And you have to get ready
to hold your baby girl

'cause your wife's going to be
a little wiped out. Ready?

Okay. Now, push.

Here's a promise,

all this scary, painful stuff,
you won't even remember.

I want to forget. I want to forget!

Here comes your daughter.

I want to forget!

Hello, Echo.

How are you feeling?

Did I fall asleep?

For a little while.

Shall I go now?

If you like.

Good day.

I wasn't certain where to sit.

- I swam 30 laps today.
- Good for you.

- I'm tired now.
- It's important to exercise.

I try to be my best.

- Are you?
- Excuse me?

Are you your best?

I'm not sure how to know that.

I think if you always try, that's best.


Every day is a chance to be better.

They're eating lunch.

They're eating lunch
together, man friend.

Same three.

Even the same table.

They're grouping.

Are you saying they remember each other?

No, no, no, no. The wipes are clean.
This goes deeper than memory

into instinctual survival patterns.

Whole mess of sparrows
turning on a dime.

Salmon trucking upstream.

This isn't a book club, man friend.
This is the herd.

They're not bison, Topher.

- They're a little bit bison.
- Well, they didn't use to be.

- They volunteered for this.
- So we're told.

The problem is not insurmountable.

What problem?

Upon review, your engagement was flagged

as having certain special requirements.

Before, you tell me,
no one gets to know what I'm asking for.

That's correct. However,

our computers do calculate
possible risks to our Actives.

But you, you don't know.

No one knows the details
of your engagements but you.

Excuse me. I'm very sorry.


Yes, sir, of course
I understand your concern.

Our main goal now is to complete
this matter as quickly as possible.

Yes, the less time we give him
to spin his own theories,

the better, I think.

Well, he needs closure.

And we are the experts at giving people
what they need, aren't we?

Yes, sir, I'll keep you informed.


I didn't offer you a drink.

Tea or something stronger?

These computers,
they say I have to pay more, I pay more.

You're very understanding, Mr. Diakos.

This way, please.
Judith will handle the details.

It is not for me, you know.

This night is a gift.

You're a very generous man.

Justify me

Turn me on

Mystify me Then you're gone


Blue skies.

If I had an uncle who'd get me her for
my bachelor party, I'd get married, too.

She's very comfortable with herself,
isn't she?


Taffy, baby, I'm going to have fun
with you tonight.

Anything you want. It's all blue skies.

Gentlemen. Ma'am.


Perhaps you'd like to take the party
up to your suite?

I'd be happy to send up
a complimentary bottle of champagne.

Make it two bottles and you got a deal.

Two bottles it is, sir.

Let's go!

Wait, wait for me.

Help! Someone help me!

Please! I need help!

Taffy, come on!

- We're just having a good time!
- Somebody, please!

Where did she go?

Grab her, man!

Please! Help me!

They, they hurt me. Please!

Ah, crap.

It's okay. You're safe now.

Where are we going?

- I shouldn't be here.
- Don't worry.

Those idiots didn't follow us.

Even if they did,
nobody's getting through here.

See? Everything's fine.

- Why don't you sit down?
- That was not okay.

I mean, I know who I am,
and, and what I do,

but I didn't sign up for that.

And I really have to go.

Is there a backdoor?
I have somewhere to be.

What are you doing?

I understand you've had
a difficult evening, ma'am.

- Yeah?
- But we deeply regret any

indignities you may have suffered.

But it's hotel policy, in these
instances, to offer a one-time payment

to compensate you for...

You want me to let those freaks
off the hook?

Fine, they're off the hook.
I just wanna go.

You feel that way now.

But tomorrow, the next day,
you may change your mind.

- We feel it's in your best interest...
- I'm leaving.

Ma'am, that's $10,000.

Now, all you have to do
is sign this piece of paper

stating you will not pursue legal action

against the hotel or the
guests in question,

and you walk away.

With that.


I just take your $10,000 and disappear?


You could be free. You can go anywhere.

No, thanks.

I just want you to think about it.

I'm in.

We're in position.

Door code's 489-374-83.

Blue skies.

They're called breasts.
And yes, they are exceptional.

You can mention that
when you blog about this later.

I wasn't going to blog about it.

So, boss, what do we really call you?

You really call me Taffy.
And the client's the boss.

He put together this
merry band of thieves.

In his infinite wisdom he decided that,
well, guess I am the boss of you.

Not taking him out's your first mistake.

I figured out on my first job, when a
little creative thinking on my part

almost got me not paid,
never second-guess a client.

And wear comfy shoes.

Our client's paying premium for no-kill.
He gets no-kill. Okeydoke?

- I think you're hurting him.
- You're very astute, Professor.

It's a good thing this is a no-kill job.

You could have been in trouble there.

Yeah, right.
Shouldn't we go far away now?

Here's how this is going to go.

In 64 seconds, the high-security
building on the other side of that wall

is going to be shutting down
their motion sensors,

infrared sensors, security cameras.
We will be in a gray hour.

In the one hour it takes them
to revolutionize their security system

and make it impenetrable,

- we penetrate.
- Excuse me.

If their system is down, they must know
someone is going to try and break in.

That's six seconds we can't get back.

Inside security, five guards,

each with GPS tracking devices
implanted in their badges.

The guards will be focused
on perimeter threats.

They're not allowed on the vault floor
during gray hour.

For security reasons.

- You have them yet?
- Not till we're inside.

- The sensors don't pick up any...
- 15 seconds.

- You ready to go boom?
- Ready.

- We gotta sync our watches...
- Sweetie.

You're on Taffy Standard Time now.

And three, two, one, go.

A hundred people must have heard this.

Upstairs, they're just thinking
a truck rumbled by.

I am the best, my man!

Blahdy-blah. We're all the best, braggy.

So pretty.

Hey, if she's the best,
funny I've never heard of her.

You've heard of Bonnie and Clyde, right?

- Are you Bonnie?
- No.

I'm not that stupid.

Bonnie and her gun-crazy beau,
you know what they wanted?

It wasn't to be the best.

Best-ness means a quiet,
head-down kind of life.

No, Bonnie and Clydie, they wanted fame.


And, boy, did they get it.
They also got dead. I'll pass on that.

When this is over,
feel free to forget I exist.

Now just keep it down

while this little darling and I
get to know each other better.

Coming online.
Two secs. I'll see the guards.



She's in.



Tick-tock, boys.

Hey, this is... Oh, oh, my God.

There are rumors of secret vaults
used by top museums

to store the world's most
controversial works, but...

Yeah. Piccolo Boy here is shocking.

Yeah, Piccolo Boy, as you call him,

was recently stolen
from a private collector in Paris.

- Valued at $17,000,000.
- Whatevs.

So, we're stealing stolen art?

Well, some of these works
are merely of questionable provenance.

Yeah, high-quality counterfeits.

which are my particular forte...

Hey, old stuff expert?

Old stuff's in here.

Thank you, Gods, and Goddesses.

Gray hour's now gray 45 minutes.

This is what we're here for.
Find it, tell me if it's the real thing,

so we can pack it up
and get the hell out of here.

I thought it might be this.
Why else would I have been chosen?

Chosen for what?
What are we taking out of here?

The Parthenon.

Isn't that kind of big?

Don't shoot me.

How'd you get in here?

Your locks are for crap.

- Get out.
- You got to help me.

Put me in Witness Protection.
Get me out of town. Just listen to me.

The last time I listened to you,
I got a hole through the gut.

- I didn't set you up!
- You sent me to an ambush.

They were going to kill me!

Who is she?

A pretty girl.

She is a pretty girl. Pretty and lost.

- You know lots of girls like that.
- Not her.

Is she the reason they want me dead?

Her name's Caroline. Bells ringing?

No! I gave you a tip! Somebody
gives it to me, I give it to you.

- That's how it works!
- Who gave you the tip?

Boom, you get shot, my
old, nice life, over.

I can't call my friends.
I can't go home. I don't have any money.

Who gave you the tip? Was it her?

A voice on the phone. A man.

Not old, not young.

Accent. Sounded Georgian maybe.

Russia Georgia, not Sweet Home Georgia.


What do I know?
It's confusing, this country.

The Borodins used me to get to you.

That means they know
I talk to you, the FBI.

I am a dead man already
if you don't help me.

If I help you,

I never hear from you again.

- Never. As in ever.
- Never ever.

Stay here.

I'll see what I can do.

This is one of the
missing Elgin Marbles.

- Yeah?
- Okay,

but we're looking for a frieze fragment,

- not a metope panel.
- Over their heads, Professor.

The Elgin Marbles are
large sections of the

Parthenon's marble
friezes and statuary,

stolen in the late 19th century.

So we are stealing
stolen art, basically.

Not technically. You see, the Turks,
who controlled Athens at the time,

they granted Thomas Bruce,
the Seventh Earl of Elgin,

permission to remove the marbles, so...

So, Greece hired us
to take this one back.

Client info is confidential.

Explains why we got hired
through middlemen.

And the no-kill order, if things go bad

they don't want
some kind of international incident.

When a client doesn't
say upfront who they are,

finding out's usually not healthy.
How about we stop speculating?

The guards are rotating down
to the lower floors.

They're not coming down here.
At least not for the next 34 minutes.

- Better be right.
- I am.

It's nothing personal,
his thing with you.

If I were in charge,
he'd be an ass with me, too, so...

Want to grab a drink after this?

Ask me when we get out of here.

Will do. Hey!

Where are you going with that?



No, don't! Don't let that close!

Stop the door!


- Hey, are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, peachy.

- Over here.
- You're gonna be fine.

I can get us out of here.

The alarm comes back up in...

- In what?
- Thirty one minutes.

Not gonna be a problem.
Just got to make a quick call.

- What's up?
- It's me.

How in the hell
are you getting reception down here?

I got a double-crosser coming your way.

Probably the southwest corner
of the building.

He has what we came for.

Black bag. You're gonna have
to complete this job for me.

- I need a happy client.
- I'm on it.

- Everything all right in there?
- We're locked in.

My tech guy's gonna need medical,
but I'm fine, and I can get us out,

which is irrelevant if the job's a wash.

I'll finish the job.
Just get out of there.

Thanks. See you in a few.

Did I fall asleep?

Neuromodulator is your friend.

And I don't mean friend
from kindergarten you see twice a year.

Neuromod is your BFF.

Brain mapping requires...

Pizza squares, ice cream
bites, beef jerky?

Okay, you may be the boy-god
of all things neuro,

and I do worship
at the altar of your genius,

but I am not getting you all this stuff.

Ivy, babe, add juice boxes.

You're privilege-abusing.

Do you want to know
how to avoid spandrels

when aligning rigid designators?

Grape or apple?

Humility is part of
the learning process.

I break you down.

Then I build you back.



Shall I go now? What's wrong with her?

Hysterical woman syndrome?

Five minutes ago,
you were kissing her ass.

Five minutes ago,
we were on Taffy Standard Time.

It's a private number.
It's not letting me dial out.

- Shall I go now?
- Yeah. Let's go!

Get us the hell out of here!

- Do we know how long?
- Not long enough.

I've dated my share of crazies.
I know how to deal with this.



I'm not saying this isn't cute.
It's adorable.

Shall I go now?

But the sooner you open that door,
the sooner we can go get that drink.

So let's do it.

Shall I go now?


Ah, boy.

Give me the bag.

Who are you?

- The bag.
- I can't do that.

Give me the bag.

I've got a buyer who...
He pays me twice as much

as whoever, so... Okay. Okay.

You and me, we go in together, 50-50.

- I'm gonna drop this.
- I'll shoot you.

This is the Parthenon.
This is a piece of the...

Do you know how much that's worth?
That's millions. That's...

I'm gonna turn it into
dust, I swear to God.

You drop it, I shoot you.
Then you don't get paid or breathe.

Yeah. Okay.

You shot me.


I don't know where Boyd is.

Handler Man is MIA, and
Echo's vitals are...

This is a chart? They're off it.

Boyd checked in with Central
eight minutes ago.

Apparently, a member of Echo's crew
absconded with the target item

and locked the rest of the team
in the vault.

Explains the change in vitals.

This is a special skills
felony engagement.

I wove more than one thread
of unflappable into that tapestry.


Echo could have an exploding belly bomb,

and her heart rate
shouldn't go past 65 beats a minute.

Maybe you made a mistake
in the programing.

Something's wrong.
I'll initiate contact.

Yeah, Echo's not picking up her cell.

You reached out to an Active
during an engagement without my say-so?

It's the adrenaline.
It makes me forget my protocols and q's.

Echo was talking to Boyd
when her vitals spiked.

Which is irrelevant if the job's a wash.

I'll finish the job.
Just get out of there.

Thanks. See you in a few.

- What the hell was that?
- Play it again.

I'll finish the job.
Just get out of there.

Thanks. See you in a few.

That's not...


That didn't happen.

How do I know that didn't happen?
Because that can't happen.

Topher, what can't happen?

This goes nowhere good.

I'm pretty sure, I'm kind of positive,
actually, that something happened.

The exact same thing happened,
except without the chair.

You've stated that
remote wipes aren't possible.

I've said they're untested.
I've said they're a very bad, bad idea.

- I've said I can't do them.
- How do we undo it?

We don't?

Somebody out there
figured out our frequency,

hacked into our call,
and that's not even the hard part.

I mean, we're talking about someone...

I could not have seen this coming!
This is not my fault!

All right. We'll parcel
out the blame later.

What matters now is
the reputation of this company.

We have an engagement to complete.

I'll confirm that
Boyd retrieved the target item.

About Echo, how bad is it?

Being wiped is not unlike being born.
It's traumatic.

I mean, in here, we minimize the trauma

with throw pillows
and perfectly crunchy lettuce.

There's no conflict. But
out there it's all...

Fluorescent lights and forceps.

Right now, Echo is experiencing
extreme sensory overload.

That could lead to a coma state.

Or it could turn her
into Carrie at the prom.

Either way,

we have to help her.
She can't help herself.


Now you say it.

I'm Taffy.


- I know how to get us out of here.
- Yeah, good. What else?

- I try to be my best.
- You are the best.

- You remember? Bonnie and Clyde?
- Are they here, too?

Okay, all right, let's
rewind a few minutes.

- You were talking on this.
- I was talking on this.

You were talking and you said
that you could open the door.

- I know how to open the door.
- Yes, good. So, open it.

I try to be my best.


Taffy's gone, man.

She's not coming back.

Hello, Taffy.

I'm Adelle DeWitt.

I need your help.

Blue skies.

Lots of people
would die to see this stuff.

Now it looks like we're going to.

This one's broken.

Yeah, look who's talking.

On the inside.

So, you like art?

- It doesn't look right.
- It's not about looking right.

Art's about feeling right

and you have no idea
what I'm talking about.

She makes me feel funny.

Well, that's 'cause these other guys,

they painted what they saw.

But this guy painted what is.

That's what art's for,

to show us who we are.

This one, it's saying
how we start off whole,

then somewhere along the line,
the pieces start to slide.

We get broken.

- That's sad.
- No, it's weak.

You can either get broken, or you
can be the one doing the breaking.

No mystery which way you went.

Ten months of research.

Blueprints, security systems,
police response time.

The Parthenon job
was supposed to be mine.

And now it is.

- You were running two ponies all along.
- It was the client's decision.

Hey, I figured out on my first job,

when a little creative thinking on
my part almost got me not paid,

never second-guess a client.

And wear comfy shoes.

But I learned how to lap-dance.

We'll pay double your usual fee
to extract the team.

Getting sidelined by some girl
at the last minute,

my feelings are hurt.

I assure you that Echo
is not "some girl."

You and she are cut from the same cloth.

I've never gotten amnesia during a gig,
but whatevs.

Three of your peers are
locked in that vault

with nothing between them
and a SWAT team but you.

There is no balm for a bruised ego
like saving the day.

I'll need to see the cash.

We're a bit pressed for time.

Of course.

This remote wipe,

it's not about just creating
five seconds of noise.

He had to break into our system,
which is impossible.

He had to get Echo's cell number.

- He...
- Or she.

Or they. It has to be a they.

I mean, look at this build.
It's not even science. It's art!

- Well, you saw the firewalls.
- There are many.

I defy another programmer
to put that much neurotrophic factor

around each and every
personality component.

This isn't a lone gunman.

This is a conspiracy.

A gigantic, multi-pronged conspiracy.

You need to take something.

What is it, Topher?

When you took Echo out tonight,
did she seem normal?

Yeah, why?

You don't know.

- What's going on?
- Echo's been wiped.

- Remotely.
- What?

It's not my fault.

Mr. Langton. I talked to Topher.

If there were anything you could do,
I'd already have you doing it.

I didn't think remote wipes
were even possible.

Neither did we.

- You retrieved the target item?
- Yeah, I got it.

So, how are you planning
on getting her out of there?

- We're working the problem.
- What does that mean?

It means I'm hopeful of a happy outcome.

And if the outcome isn't happy?

Then you should prepare yourself.

The crew's access point to the vault.
Where is it?

At security office.

- Draw me a map.
- The place is a maze!

- I don't remember...
- Try.

- How?
- As if your life depended on it.

We believe, with the right equipment,

you could get inside the building
through the roof.

Oh, sweetie. Equipment's not the issue.

The gray hour's going
to end in nine minutes.

We won't even make it
out of the parking garage.

But if this Echo chick
is as good as you say,

brain fry aside,

I don't need to get inside.

All I need is a phone.

I like sky.

Yeah, the blue kind. You mentioned.

- That's a mountain.
- Yep.

What's my name?


When I'm there,

my name is something else.

Hand me that bag.

- What are you looking for?
- A way out of here.

Not to play with.

There's an air duct back here.

He's gonna find a way out of here.

Vitas isn't gonna open that door.

And I'm not gonna open that door.

And you're definitely
not gonna open that door.

They are gonna open the door.

They're gonna take us to prison.

What's prison?

It's a place with no sky.

We're bad guys.

When bad guys get caught,

we don't get to see sky.

I'm a bad guy?

You are a talking cucumber.

And I'm too broken to fix.

Oh, no, no, no.
You don't get to take the easy way out!

I'm lifting the no-kill order.

When those doors open,

we're shooting our way out.

Yumio Takahashi.

You think he's one of the prongs
in the multi-pronged conspiracy?

He's always gunning for my job.

He loves the beach.


You really think a programmer in Tokyo

is going to remote-wipe Echo
in Los Angeles to steal your job?

He shows DeWitt his mad skills,

suddenly Topher's
no longer Number One Son.

Echo could die. That is not a
plan for career advancement.

Anyway, Takahashi's a hack.

There's only one person I know
who could achieve a remote wipe.

And he's dead.

You know, this only
works if she answers.

Dial again. Keep dialing.

- I'd like to go over the plan again.
- Nervous Nellie.

He's actually kind of sweet. Okeydoke.

The vault door contains
a whole mass of glass re-lockers.

If somebody, me say,

drills through the door from the inside,
the glass breaks.

Presto, alarm goes off.

Whole other mass of locks are released.
No getting out.

You bypass the glass.

Resin. Makes it crack
rather than shatter.

If you do it right.

Well, this is about to
be a giant anticlimax.

Ten, nine, eight...

Dial again., six, five...

...four, three...

- Two?
- One.

It's over.

I don't like this room anymore.

Where are the better rooms?

I have something in my pocket.


- It's over.
- It's almost over.

The security system's going back online
one device at a time.

The vault door, then the heat sensors,
then the motion detectors.


If I can get the vault door open

before the motion detectors reactivate,
we're all good.

Is this the chowderhead?

I don't know.

Clearly, yes.

Here's the dealio.

I can get you out of that vault
if you do exactly as I say.

Can you do that?

I think so.

Underwhelming, but let's give it a go.

You should be carrying a vial of resin.

Bra's a good place.

I have it!

Then you've also got a nozzle thingy
tucked into your boot.


- Yes!

- Screw one thingy
onto the other thingy.

And you're gonna need a drill.

She says we need a drill.

- Who's she?
- I don't know.

But I'd give Taffy the drill.

This is fun.

- Are you having fun?
- No.

Go to the door. You'll want both hands.

On three, start drilling into the door.

- Doesn't matter where.
- Ready.

I'm going to close my
eyes and pray to God

that when I say stop, you will stop.

One, two,

three, drill.

And stop.

Spray the resin into the hole,
three squirts. Count them out.

One, two, three.

Put the drill in the hole. Turn it on.
Now, this is the important part.

Do not move your hand.

Don't think about it. Do it.

Is that good?

Chowderhead! Talk to me.

This wouldn't have happened
if you didn't give my job away.

- What's the police response time?
- Seven minutes. Guards inside, less.

Six minutes 15 seconds less.

You stupid bitch!

Taffy, thank you for your services.

That's it?

Mr. Dominic will take you down
for your treatment.

Thanks for the cash.
Good luck with the girl.

I'll notify Boyd.

He may have to neutralize her.


I'm beginning to suspect
he hasn't the proper distance.

Send down for Ramirez and Hutchins.
Put them on standby.

I'm sorry.

Me, too.

Don't go anywhere with that.
I've got my eye on you.


This may pinch.

The guards are closing in.

Remember, your hands go over your head.


- Why?
- Why? 'Cause you don't want

the guards to put a
bullet in your chest.

Don't listen to him. Take this.

Get up.

Point it at the bad guys
and you squeeze the trigger.

Aren't we the bad guys?

Down. Remember what I told you?

You get broken or you do the breaking.

Come out slowly!

Let me see your hands!

Let's go!

Start shooting now,

or I shoot you.

I'd like to go now.

Let's see your hands!

There's no way out!

Drop the weapon!

Do it.

Building perimeter is locked down!

Hands on your head!

Do it now! What are you waiting for?
Do it!

Around the corner,

you can get out.


Go now, they won't be able to see you.

- Are you okay?
- He's broken.

- Can we fix him?
- We'll try.

I'm not broken.

No, you're not.

Come on. Let's get out of here.

What took you so long?

There's a car out there.

Two guys, motor on, 15 minutes at least.

This is West Hollywood.
Two guys in an idling car isn't news.

So, who am I going to be?

John Smith, maybe?
I got a good American accent.

You're gonna be Anton Lubov.

- I don't get it.
- I may have misled you

about the "me helping you."

I needed you to stay put
while I put you front and center

on every "be on the lookout" list
from here to New York.

If you try to leave Los Angeles
by plane, train, or automobile,

the FBI is going to be all over you.
We won't be discreet.

I'll personally drop you off
at the Borodins' doorstep,

- make sure they know we're friends.
- Are you crazy?

You want me to die?

I don't want you to die, but if you do,
there's a lot to learn from a dead body.

I know how the Russians kill.

I know their favorite weapons.
I know where to look for bruises.

I know which body parts
they like to chop off

and what message
they want a body to send.

I tried to help you.

If your body turns up
and tells a different story,

well, then that'll give
me information, too.

The FBI doesn't work like that.

You can't do this.

I'm a screw-up, remember?

My CI shows up dead,
nobody's going to blink.

Nobody's going to care.

You put on your mean face, act tough,

but you will care, Agent Ballard.

That's your problem.

I'm not broken.

Around the corner, you can get out.

What are you waiting for? Do it!

Aren't we the bad guys?

- Bitch!
- Is that good?

No, it's weak. You either get broken or
you can be the one doing the breaking.

That's what art's for,
to show us who we are.

This one's broken.

Shall I go now?

Shall I go now?

Did I fall asleep?

Hello, Echo.

How are you feeling?

Did I fall asleep?

Michelangelo believed
his sculptures already existed

inside the marble, waiting to be freed.

We should get this to our clients
first thing in the morning.

- And the antiquities expert?
- They can have him, too.

So I put Echo through
every test I could think of,

which is a lot.

The remote wipe didn't do
any permanent damage to her, so... Phew!

Whatever happened
in Echo's head in that vault,

- it's gone?
- She's fresh as morning dew.

No pesky human evolution bits
lingering around.

Well done.

I believe Victor has completed
his debriefing.

He's ready to be wiped.

It was Alpha, wasn't it?

Nobody else could come even close
to pulling off a remote wipe.

He's alive. He's out there.

You'll need to sign
and initial at the bottom.

Is this...

Am I fired?

I'm upping your security clearance.

Does that mean I'm right?

Alpha's alive? He's out there?

But after the incident,

you told us security tracked him down
and, you know...

Our influence is substantial,

but Alpha, with his gifts,
gifts we gave him,

finding him, confining him,

we're not all-powerful.

I'm scared.

I'm scared like a little girl.

Sign and initial at the bottom.

I'll tell you what I know about Alpha.

You'll tell me how he did this

and how we can keep him
from ever doing it again.

When I look up from my pillow

I dream you are there

With me

Though you are far away

I know you'll always be near

To me

I go to sleep

And imagine that you're there with me

I go to sleep

And imagine that you're there with me

I go to sleep

And imagine that you're there with me

Corrected & Synced by Bakugan