Dollar (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

To promote its opening, a bank decides to circulate a dollar bill on the streets of Beirut and award $1 million to whoever ends up with it.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

We would like to remind our viewers

about the number of the winning dollar,
and we're urging the lucky owner

to call us at any of the numbers
shown at the bottom of the screen.

Now, let's continue with Mr. Wajih Kaspar,
chairman of the board of SBH Bank.

Mr. Wajih, thank you
for entrusting our station

with the announcement
of the bank's opening,

which happens to coincide
with the beginning of the new year.

First of all, I'd like to wish you
a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

And may this new year bring
good health, peace and success

to you and all the staff
of this generous station.

And I'd like to wish a happy New Year
to all the viewers.

Okay, so let's start with this new way
of advertising for the bank.

People were surprised
by this unusual idea,

which is innovative, extraordinary
and attractive all at the same time.

You're right. And, personally,
I have no doubt about it.

The proof is that we have millions
of viewers watching us right now.

That's true, but we're still hoping
that the lucky winner,

the owner of the winning dollar,
is watching and listening to us.

Mr. Wajih, how did you come up
with the dollar idea?

Well, there's a story behind the idea of
this whole advertisement campaign, so...

Mr. Wajih, they're telling me
from the control room

that the lucky winner is with us,
live on air.

Hello? Hello?

Good morning to the most beautiful
Zanzoun in the world.

What do you want?

Nothing. I just wanted
to start my day off with this pretty face.

Nizar, I have a very important meeting,
and I have to go.

So I don't have time for you right now.

Always in a rush. What's new?

You're the one who's supposed
to have news.

I told you I just needed a couple of days.
Just give me a chance. One chance.

Nizar, I'm sick of waiting.

Sick of waiting?

What about us? What about the dreams
we had that kept us together?

You forgot all about that?

The only thing
that is keeping us together now

is this ring. Do you see it?

So if you want it to stay on my finger,
see what you can do.

I swear, soon you'll wear this ring
on the other hand.

What do you mean?

I mean I'll see you tonight at 7:00,
and I'll tell you then.

- Mr. Tarek. Mr. Tarek.
- Hello, Abou Ghaith.

How's it going with the late payments?

Why do you have to bring this up
every day?

Sir, you haven't paid a single pound
in several months.

If the landlord finds out,
he won't be happy about it.

Just wish me luck today, and I'll
make it up to both you and the landlord.

God be with you. God bless you!

And may he rid me of you.

Isn't that the publicity guy?

- Yes, who else?
- He doesn't usually run out of money.

God help him.

Ever since he left his wife,
he's been going downhill.

- Good morning, Wassim.
- Come on, man! Are you kidding me?

Weren't we supposed to meet earlier
to talk about what we're going to say?

You're right, but never mind.
Just relax and watch.

At least we could've known who's competing
with us from other agencies,

or even what ideas
they're going to present.

Calm down, man.
What's the matter with you?

Look, I want to tell you something.
The boss is really mad at you this time.

And if we fail to close the deal,
he'll destroy us.

Ladies and gentlemen,
you're here to give me suggestions

we can use in the launch
of our publicity campaign

based on new and original ideas.

The opening of the bank is in two weeks,

and our name has to be
number one in the market.

Mr. Wajih, you really summed it up.

Let's ask ourselves a question:
Who is our main audience

that we want to inform about
the opening of such a big bank?

Prominent traders, capital owners,

directors of big companies, those are
the most important and beneficial to us.

The idea here is that we choose
the client, not the other way around.

We send promo reps to the potential
clients that we determine,

and this way, we won't give them
the chance to hesitate.

In this case,
when we actually choose the client,

we can guarantee the quality

and we can save the cost
of a publicity campaign.

In short: "SBH Bank...

We come to you."

No, no, no. No, sir, this is...

The people you are talking about
are big players...

Very big players.

Which means they know
everything we're planning to do

and they know all the details
concerning the bank.

Don't be surprised if, on your way out,
you run into one of them

coming to have a cup of coffee with me.

Also, we need everyone, big and small.

On the contrary, it would be quite risky
if the bulk of the money

belonged to only one or two individuals.

- Who else?
- Sir, may I?

Go ahead.

Suppose we exclude investors
and capital owners

and we focus on average citizens
and those who have a limited income,

who are in the majority,
and let's think together...

about the loans
that could benefit this social class.

As we all know, when a citizen
applies for a loan these days,

they have to go through all kinds
of security and legal procedures.

I woke up and you were gone.

Anyway, this is my number.
My name is Jana.

They need financial guarantees,
sponsors, mortgages...

Not to mention the high interest rates.

This is why the average citizen
will think twice

before going near a bank
or even an ATM machine.

Right, right.

So why don't we consider

providing some services
for this type of person?

Let's call it
"a special offer for a limited time,"

for instance, the first three months
after the bank's opening.

A facilitated loan,

no interest, and with the least
amount of financial guarantees.

Sir, you haven't paid a single pound
in several months.

If the landlord finds out,
he won't be happy about it.

The boss is really mad at you this time.

And if we fail to close the deal,
he'll destroy us.

Also, we need everyone, big and small.'re luring them in to rip them off.

I want to establish
a friendly relationship with the client.

I want to instill trust in them,
with a new phrase,

line or slogan.

I want an advertising idea that can
be summed up in two words, that's all.

Do you have this kind of idea?

What about you, sir?

Anyway, it seems
we'll need to have another meeting.

Let's wait for the board's decision,
and we'll pick it up from there.

Mr. Wajih?

I have an idea that might save you
another meeting with us.

Go ahead. I'm all ears.

You've intrigued us.

Please, can we talk in private?

Excuse me?

I prefer to discuss this in private.

If it's okay with everyone else,
of course.

But this is necessary.

Once I tell you about the idea,
you'll know why.

As if we care to hear
about Mr. Archimedes' idea.

Maybe he's just shy. He could be worried
that we might laugh at him.

Right. Did you see how embarrassed he was
when Mr. Wajih responded

- to this brilliant idea of his?
- Anyway...

What's this?

This is a lucky ticket.

A lucky ticket? For whom?

For you when people buy it
and for the person who finds it.

Please explain, and be quick.

This is a one-dollar bill,

so it could be in the hands
of any person in the country.

We'll release it to the public,
and it will pass from one hand to another

and go from one pocket to the next.


And then we'll launch a big campaign.

Billboards, television,
social media of course.

But the main focus of the publicity
will be this bill,

this one-dollar bill
with this specific number.

And the owner of the bill
with the right number

wins a valuable prize from the bank or...

some special offer
that you find reasonable.

Well done. Then what?

What do you mean?
Can you imagine, Mr. Wajih,

what will happen when this dollar bill
starts circulating?

Everyone will start searching
their pockets to see

if they have the one-dollar bill
with the right number.

And your bank will be the talk of the town
until the lucky winner is revealed.

And on New Year's Eve,

you'll appear on the most
popular TV channel in the country

to announce the prize and the name
of the winner to all the viewers.

Well done!

Well done! Well done!

Hello? Yes, Nizar.

I'm at work. Did something happen?

I said fine, tonight at 7:00.
How many times do I need to say it?

What selfie?

You'll see me tonight when we meet.

Okay, okay!

Okay. I'll send it now. Bye.

Mr. Tarek...

Such an idea for such an event
in such a bank...

needs a different kind of prize.

Like what?

"If you're the owner of the dollar bill
with the specified number,

please call to collect your prize
of one million dollars,

courtesy of SBH Bank,

to celebrate the opening
of all its branches in the new year."

- One million dollars?
- Why not?

So... "Your dollar is worth a million."

There's your slogan.

Very well done.

You see now why I asked to have
this conversation in private?

Of course!

- But... I have one more question.
- Go ahead.

What if I keep the bill,

and have one of my own people
claim to be the winner?

This way, we'll win the contest

and we'll only pay
for the advertisement of the prize

plus some change for the person
who will claim to be the winner.

Mr. Wajih, this is what they call
the clever person's mistake.

What do you mean?

Trust is the most important factor
in any bank's success,

especially yours.

People have to absolutely believe
that it's a real prize.

We can also have the prize
handed over to the winner on TV,

so that the public, the press and everyone
can watch how they won,

how they claimed the prize
and everything they did with it.

Mr. Wajih, people's trust
is the most important thing.

One hundred percent.
Really, thank you so much.

Don't mention it. This is my job.

I'd like to congratulate your agency
for having an employee like you.

Someone who's smart and talented.

Thank you for your kindness.

Don't forget to pass by my office manager
on your way out

so that she can hand you your reward.

You mean the contract with my agency?

No, no. Your agency and their deal,
that's another thing.

And your commission
from the agency is up to them.

This is a personal reward
that I'm giving you.

You humble me, Mr. Wajih.
I'm very grateful.

Don't mention it.

- If you'll excuse me...
- You may go.

You forgot something.

Excuse me, I was sent here by Mr. Wajih.

You? What is it?

I'm here for the reward.


Yes, Mr. Wajih?

Yes, he's right here.

Yes, sure.


Of course, Mr. Wajih. Very good.

You're welcome.

Sign here, please.



Kindly go to accounting.

Thank you for your time.

What category should I write this under?

What a brilliant idea it could be...

Yes, Mr. Wajih?

Yes, it's done.

Pardon me?

A dollar? You want one dollar?

Yes, okay, okay.

This is what I need.

Can you imagine?

I just realized that it's been years
since I carried this bill in my pocket.

It happens, Mr. Wajih.

Anyway, how much was the estimated budget
for the publicity campaign

in the feasibility study?

Around 700,000.

Add to the budget one million,
which you will subtract from the capital.

- One million pounds?
- One million dollars.

I'll get the board's approval
in our next meeting.

- And don't forget to include this dollar.
- Yes, Mr. Wajih. If you'll excuse me...



- Would you like anything else, sir?
- No, thanks.

Mint lemonade, no ice.

I've been waiting for half an hour.


That's okay. I've been waiting for years.

Rest assured. I have good news.

- I want new news.
- New and good.

Today, my father held a meeting
for all my brothers,

and he hired each one of us
based on what we specialize in.

So tomorrow, I'll start in my new office.

This is the new news.
What's the good news?

I'm telling you,
I'm the new head of purchasing.

So now I have my own position,
my own signature and my own stamp.

But you're under your father's thumb.

- But he's my father.
- And that's the problem.

You're his eldest son,

but he's treating you like every other
employee working for his company.

- Same as all my brothers.
- You're all under his thumb.

And I don't even care.
If you're happy with the allowance

you're getting from him every month,
that's your problem.

What you're calling an allowance is
a salary some people can only dream about.


Meaning? I don't know.

You know the meaning. I was excited,
and I came here to tell you about it,

thinking that I made a breakthrough.

I wanted to give you the good news.

You just came to trick me.


Wait, wait. I've never tricked you,
lied to you or misled you.

Ever since I met you,
I've wanted to marry you.

You're the one who's always making up
excuses and creating obstacles.

This is not true, Nizar. It's not.

You never wanted to marry me.
I want to marry you, not your father.

I want us to live together in
our own house, not in your father's villa.

Okay, and what do you suggest?

- Take your share and leave.
- No way!

There's no reason to claim my inheritance
while he's still alive.

In fact, he doesn't deny me anything.

Oh, so having your own business,

planning your own future,
becoming independent,

starting a family and having kids...

None of those things
are worth thinking about?

I can have all those things without
making trouble with my family

and giving my father a stroke.

So that's your decision?

Yes. What's yours?

My decision won't take me too long,

As for the lemonade, you can have it.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

To what do we owe the pleasure?

- It seems she doesn't know yet.
- Know about what?

The chairman seems to think
we're backup players here or extras.

He makes decisions on his own.

Are you going to tell me what's going on?

Mr. Wajih asked technical affairs
to call in a graphics agency

for the bank's advertisement.

So? What's the problem?

With a decision like this,
he could've at least discussed it with us.

He could've discussed it with me
as a marketing manager.

But there's a board of directors,
and they can do whatever they want.

Zeina is right.
This kind of decision is up to the board.

Especially when it involves
one million dollars.

- What?
- You heard right. One million dollars.

They said that the person who has the
one-dollar bill with the specified number

that will be disclosed on New Year's Eve
wins one million dollars from the bank.

Are you kidding me? One million dollars?

Honestly, miss,
good people like us have bad luck.

I mean, does it really make sense
to throw away such a big sum of money

for an advertisement? This is insane.

- Can I have a glass of water, please?
- Sure, right away.

My point is, if he had donated
that much money to his staff,

wouldn't it have been better?

Abou Akram,

the employees still haven't received
their first month's salary.

So why would he donate that money to them?

He's giving away the money anyway.
But what can I say?

I think there's something wrong
with this guy.

I mean, what chairman
comes to work in a cab?

Pardon me?

He came in a cab?

I'm telling you,

a man who owns ten cars
with their chauffeurs,

and he comes in a cab?
Then he throws away one million dollars

just to show off
and make some advertisement?

Well, God protect us
from what lies in store.

- Abou Akram?
- Yes?

Did you see him with your own eyes
getting out of the cab?

Not only did I see him with my own eyes,
I even opened the cab's door for him.

If you don't believe me,
ask the security guards outside.

I prefer to discuss this in private.

If it's okay with everyone else,
of course.

But this is necessary.

Once I tell you about the idea,
you'll know why.

This is what I need.

Can you imagine?

I just realized that it's been years
since I carried this bill in my pocket.

Especially when it involves
one million dollars.

They said that the person who has the
one-dollar bill with the specified number

that will be disclosed on New Year's Eve
wins one million dollars from the bank.

...a man who owns ten cars
with their chauffeurs,

and he comes in a cab?
Then he throws away one million dollars

just to show off
and make some advertisement?

It was here.


- What are you looking for?
- Well, my necklace...

The necklace that I got from my fiancé,
I can't find it.

- Were you wearing it today?
- Yes. But...

- I don't know where it's gone.
- Okay, calm down.

Just come in with me,
we will search for it together.

Your issue is really simple.

I'm going to show you
what you've been doing

from the moment you came in
this morning until now.


Wait, isn't that Mr. Wajih?

It is. This guy is really something.


Hang on. Can you rewind it a bit?

It seems you're mistaken, Zeina.

That's you when you came in this morning.

There's nothing on your neck.


- Well, I must have left it at home.
- That's a relief.

- Anyway, you helped ease my mind.
- Don't mention it.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hello? Hi?

Cedar Taxi?

I have a question, please.

This morning, the chairman of SBH Bank
rode in one of your cars.

Yes, this morning.

This is all I have.

Sir, check the side pocket,
see if you can find something.

God, give me patience.

Why are you upset? I don't understand.

What's your problem? I said I'll give you
ten dollars for each dollar.

So you're the winner here.

And why are you doing that?

Are you giving alms
in honor of your dead grandmother?

Well, I collect currency.
That's none of your business.

Are you out of your mind?

Give those back.

None of them is it.

Subtitle translation by Adnan Rifai