Dogs of Berlin (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Mannschaft - full transcript


Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[muffled screams]

[woman] Why are you here?

What's going on?

[Grimmer] I am scared, Paula.

I don't know what to do anymore.

[Paula] Does that mean
you're going to stop lying to me?

[Grimmer] I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry for everything.



[Grimmer] Do I got the case?

[Seiler] I'm on my way to speak to her.

-[Grimmer] To her house?
-[Seiler] To her house.

-[Grimmer] Good luck.

Good morning.
I need to talk to your mother.

Which one?

Commissioner Bandlow.

-[woman] Come in. Sit down.

Orkan Erdem, huh?

-Isn't it better to discuss this...
-It's fine.

My wife works in the public sector, too.

-You put together a task force?
-The first briefing is on the way.

This case has top priority.

-I need it handled completely by the book.
-Of course.

With the refugee crisis tensions
in the city have never been higher.

This is the last thing we need.

-Any suspects?
-Thousands, unfortunately. He was famous.

-What the hell was he doing in Marzahn?
-[phone vibrates]


Keep me posted on any new developments.

-No surprises!
-[Seiler] That goes without saying.

We are going to need
a prosecutor and a judge on standby.

I'll talk to the DA.

I'm meeting with the mayor at 12.
I need to be well prepared.

I will have the most important points
prepared for you.


In order to be as effective as possible

the task force
should have a SWAT team on call.

[phone vibrates]


Of course we need
to put together a forensics team,

we need a coroner
and, of course, the lab on standby.

That needs total clearance
across the board.

Who's heading the task force?

-Kurt Grimmer, very experienced.
-Are you out of your mind?

Why? Grimmer is one of our best.

Grimmer, a cop with neo-Nazi ties,
investigating the murder of a famous Turk?

The press will have a field day.

That's ancient history.
He was the first on the scene.

-He was smart about keeping it hush-hush.
-I don't give a shit.

I want a Turk leading the task force.

There's no one.

Then promote someone.
You have my go-ahead.

Skip the red tape.

A dual leadership with Grimmer, yeah?

How do you think the Turkish community
is going to react to that?

Yeah, but, I mean,
Grimmer wouldn't have to appear in public.

Do you really want
to risk your career over this?

Does Grimmer have something on you?

Well, his clear-up rate is off the charts.

The Turkish community
will want to see quick results too.

Have the next of kin been informed?

-Not yet, but...
-You do it.


Dual leadership.

You've got until tonight
to find the right person.

Otherwise you and Grimmer
are both off the case.


If your protégé fucks up,
you'll take the heat. I hope that's clear.


[Paula] I...

have to...

and will inform
your parole officer, yes.

I know that means
you'll go back to prison, but...

you should have thought of that earlier.

-What should I have thought of earlier?

What you just said. Is it the dog?

Emilia, Finn, it's time for school.
Wash your hands and pack your bags.

-Aw, man!
-Come on.

You heard what your mom said, let's go.

-We will not keep the dog.
-[Emilia] But he's so cute!

-No, please don't!

It's a family decision.
We all have to agree.

Did you pack your gym bag?
Emilia, you have a game today.

-Go brush your teeth.
-That's right.

Is it Nike?

-Want me to go with you?

It's okay, you've got your big case.

It's just, I...

I liked... I'm...

I mean, I liked her a lot, you know?

Having to fire someone is always shit.
It makes me nervous every time.

And they don't have to go back to prison.


Thank you for...

not saying, "I told you so."

But I really thought she'd see it
as a second chance, you know.

Never stop believing
in the good in people.

Could you pay the rent for the shop again
this month?

I had to buy a lots of things
for the magazine feature.


No problem.

-[the dog barks]
-[Finn] Daddy!

[gagging sounds]

Ew! What's wrong with him?

[Emilia] Does he need a doctor?

[dismal music]

[the dog yelps and whimpers]

Daddy will deal with it.
You have to go to school.

[phone rings]

-[man] Where are you?
-I think I found Orkan Erdem's finger.

[dog barks]

[sirens sound in the distance]

Do you know what we're doing here?

[Grimmer] Good morning.
Now everyone is here, let's begin.

Most of you know me.
I'm Kurt Grimmer, head of this task force.

Every one of us is lucky to be here.

This case is a really big deal.

Hans, quick round of introductions.

I'm Hans Kuscha. I'm 39 years old.

Spare us your hobbies, Hans.
This isn't speed dating.

I'm an old colleague of Kurt's.
We worked Organized Crime together.

I've been in Homicide six years.

Tom Kriftel, Computer Crimes Unit.

I have no idea what I'm doing here
and just can't wait to find out.

I don't know what I'm doing here either.
I cover gangs and petty crimes,

key points hooligans
and all things football.


-So it is online dating.
-May I?

Lars, forensic scientist. I've been
working with Kurt and Hans for a while.

So I know why I'm here.

Football, Kurti?
I thought you were only into boxing.

I'm Jörg Glemke...




Kurt? Kurt.


Yeah, I'm sure you're wondering
why you're all here.

In the back we have our two colleagues,
Petrovic und Wachtmeister.

Their unit's out in Marzahn.

Last night they found
the body of Orkan Erdem.

This here

is his dog, Zeki.

[Tom] Why isn't this all over the news?

Because of the discreet way
Petrovic and Wachtmeister handled it.


Let's keep it that way.

This is top secret
till the official press conference.

-We need all the time we can get.

Before the media circus comes to town.

The case is top priority.
You know what that means.

Seiler already promised me
all the manpower we need.

This time your overtime
has already been pre-approved.


Orkan Erdem was found at 11:50 p.m.,
by a Mr. Stammfeldt.

Petrovic and Wachtmeister were first
on the scene, I arrived shortly after.

Here is what we know so far.

The victim was hit on the head
by a blunt instrument.

We haven't found the weapon yet,

but we have located the missing finger.

The dog had it.


[dismal music]

-Are there witnesses?
-Yeah, right. Witnesses.

One witness saw four young Arabs leave
the scene and head down Müller Street.

Right after two cars, one a Lamborghini,
sped away from the scene.


We can assume that was Erdem's car.

along with charting his last 24 hours,

questioning people who know him,
looking into threats, and so on and so on.


[dismal music]

Marzahn. Any evidence suggesting
it was racially motivated?

Not yet.

We should look into the neo-Nazi scene.
Hans, can you take it?

Of course.

All right. I will cover the hooligans
and the football scene.

You don't have to raise your hand.
You are not in school.

Does the task force have a name yet?

-[Bruno] Marzahn?
-Final whistle?


Any ideas from the lady? Petrovic.

-What about Red Card?
-[Grimmer] Again.

[clears her throat]
[loudly] Red Card, maybe?

Yeah, Red Card is good.

Right, Lars, check the dog for evidence.

And get Orkan's finger to the lab.
It's in the fridge.

Petrovic, Wachtmeister,
cross-check witness statements

and look into known car thieves.

Make sure no one finds out
whose car we are looking for.

Good. Seiler wants an update before noon.
He will get it.

Let's go, people.
Welcome to the Red Card task force.

-Not now.

[knocking on table]

[Kramer] Hello.

I was supposed to meet Detective Fucht.

I'm here. We have to be very careful.

I don't feel good about this.

I understand.
Grimmer's a formidable opponent.

What's going on here?
What do you mean by opponent?

Wachtmeister, I hoped you called us
with better questions than that.


Why did Grimmer show up
if he wasn't on call?

And where did he go for so long?

You're instincts are spot on.
We need people like you.

We're investigating
an old homicide from '98

involving the Comradeship Marzahn.

And guess who we discovered
was a member of that neo-Nazi group?

Kurt Grimmer.

Last night another dead body turns up
in Marzahn, a Turkish one.

And, again, there's Kurt Grimmer's name.

He lied. He said he was on call.

Yeah, and now he's heading the task force.
So what else has he lied about?

We can't ask these questions
without attracting attention,

which we don't want to do just yet.

He's apparently being protected
from someone high up.

-What do you need?
-Everything that seems odd.

Unfollowed leads, anything unusual.

-Missing evidence.
-Anything that points to the Brotherhood.


This is where he grew up, Wachtmeister.

His mom and his brother still live here.

You have to be careful.

But he will slip up and some point,
and then we'll get him.

[Paula] You stole from me.

I've got it on video.

I'm sorry to have to do this.

I so hoped
you'd make the best of this opportunity.

I have to inform your parole officer.


We all make mistakes, but...

we also have to face the consequences.

[shop door opens]

What are you doing here?

Nike, the registers short 234 euros.

It's only small amounts that have gone
missing over the course of the month,

but in total it's 234 euros.

-Really? That's strange.
-Don't do that. You took the money.


There's no way.

You abused my trust.
I have to let you go.

-But I didn't have anything to do with it.

Actions have consequences.
Action, reaction.

-But I didn't do anything.
-I've got it on video!

You know the rules.

I have to inform your parole officer.

-I'm not going back to jail.
-You wasted this opportunity.

-You're so clueless, man.
-They were your actions.

Yeah, I know, "Action, reaction."

-It'd be best if you leave, before...
-Before what?

Before you call the police?
Your fucking cop husband?

-You are just making it worse.
-Oh, yeah?

And you're making it better, or what?

You stupid cunt, you think
you're some kind of a social worker!

"I'm just a bored, unfucked housewife.

I drive a Benz, my kids are so awesome
and my husband's a cop.

I'm so amazing I even hired
a welfare case to work at the shop."

-Nike, just think about what you're do...


[threatening music]

[she groans]

You better think long and hard
what you're doing, you stupid cunt.

[gloomy music]

[she groans]

[oppressive music]

[Sabine] 16. [she moans]

Thank you.

17. [she moans]

Thank you.

18. Ah...

Thank you.

19. Ah...

20. Ah!

Thank you.

-Can I please come?
-[man] Only if you say, "Please."

Oh, please, master.
Can I please, please come?

Shit! Oh, no. I've got to go.

Sorry. Call me again tonight, okay?

-[luridly] With pleasure.

Fuck. Hurry, hurry, get dressed!
We're late already.


Hello. Good morning.

Oh, it's okay.

Thor, come and eat.


No, put your shoes on now.
Eat in the car.

Wait, wait! Your snack.

If Ms. Mohn asks,
tell her Erik threw up all night

and that's why you were late, okay?

-I love you. Bye.
-Love you, too.



[suspenseful music]


[Hans] Football?
I thought you were only into boxing.


[Paula] Would you pay the rent
for the shop again this month?

-[Brother] You've got till the weekend.
-[Späti] 17,000 by tomorrow.

-[Knock on door]
-[Tom] Kurt?

-Are you in here?
-Yeah, give me a minute.

We're waiting for the full DNA scan,
but the finger is Erdem's.

Yeah, cool. Thanks.

[in Turkish] Why? Why? No! No!
This can't be! This can't be!

-[phone rings]
-[Turkish] This can't be! No!

[heavy sobbing]

[phone rings]



[dismal music]

[suspenseful music]

[clock ticking]

[school bell rings]

-Give it to him.
-[Erol] No way.

[woman] Please, Erol, you have to.

Have you forgot
how my last conversation with Dad went?

Tell Mom not to let him in.
And if he turns up again, call the police.

Better yet I'll get a patrol car
to circle the block.

-Little shits.

-Nothing. I'm working.
-You have to talk to him.

I'm the last person he wants to talk to.
Hey! Hey, Murad.

Hey, wait!

He will respect you.

If we get outsiders involved,
it will get out of hand.

Please, do it for Mom.

All right, I'll take care of it.

What's going on?

[ominous music]

-I've got to go.

-Erol Birkan?
-Really? What's the deal?

-You're coming with us.
-Bad timing, I'm after a witness.

It's not a request.

Is it about yesterday? Hm?





Oh, no. Shit.

[dialing, phone ringing]

Hi, this is Sabine Ludar.
I've got an appointment today at 10:45.

Why didn't you call?

-Your appointment...
-Yeah, I know it's already 10:50.

I'm calling because my son is sick
and now my car broke down.

-But I need the appointment.
-[baby cries]

My microwave is broken,
my son needs new shoes...


I've waited a month for this appointment.

-I'll wait in line as long as it takes.
-I'm very sorry.

-But you can't...
-[baby keeps crying]


It's against the law to use a phone
at a gas station. You can start a fire!

Piss off, you unfuckable cow!

[baby keeps crying]

[repeated honking]


-[baby cries]

[several drivers honk]


There are no other traces on the dog
except from Erdem.

-The finger is definitely his.
-Any leads on the murder weapon?

Fine aluminum particles
in the head wound.

Could be from a baseball bat.


How is my pass going?


I'm working on it. I hope
this isn't a ploy to get autographs.

-You got me, Seiler.
-Call me later, okay. We need to talk.

-What about?
-I need to have a word, one on one.

-Don't fuck up, Grimmer!
-Never ever.

[radio announcer] All eyes will be
on Berlin tonight at 7:30

when the German national team faces off
against Turkey at the Olympic Stadium.

The big question for football fans
is whether Orkan Erdem is going to play?

Excuse me.

-[machine beeps]
-No. Fuck!

You won't get anything out of that.
They turned it off an hour ago.

Too many people.

[man] Rafika Masaad.

How would you describe
her leadership style?

Careful, professional.

Keeps a clear head, sticks to the rules.

And your colleague Aykut Kubat?

A good man.

-You're both Turkish.
-German. We're both German.

-I'm in a hurry. How long will this take?
-Yesterday's raid, what went wrong?

We got ratted out.

[woman] One theory is
that there's a mole in your unit.

-What do you think?

-Tarik-Amir knew we were coming.
-Do you suspect anyone?

No. My boys are clean, every one.

Erol Birkan. He grew up in Kaiserwarte.

On the same block as the Tarik-Amirs.

-Would you risk your neck for him?
-Of course I would!

[man] You applied for a promotion.

So what?
What's that got to do with yesterday?

Well, you took part in the raid.

And it went incredibly wrong.
How do you explain that?

Talk to Rafika Masaad.
She was leading the damn thing.

We did. Now we are talking to you.

Aykut Kubat drove with
the police light flashing, is that true?

It was on a short cut.
We had to get there before Hakim.

And who chose the route?
Was it Kubat too?

Or maybe it was intentional?

To warn Tarik-Amir?

Let's talk about Erol Birkan.

-He doesn't play by the rules.
-You mean the rumors about drugs?

I mean, he smokes a joint now and then,
but he only grows it for himself, so...

Or do you mean because he's gay?

But he's totally open about it.

If your unit's so great,
why did you want to transfer to Homicide?

That's got nothing to do with this.

What is this shit?

Are you being swayed by love of country?

Turkish honor?

Whoever the mole is,
they don't know shit about honor.

Why are you so hostile?

Because you want
to make Erol your scapegoat.

What has this got to do with me?

I could put you in charge
of the special task force.

If we can reach an agreement.

Why me? That's Homicide's turf.

We are looking at the big picture.
Thinking outside the box.

I get it, a famous Kanak is dead.
Not enough model Turks in Homicide?


But we could definitely use one now.

Are you ready for the catwalk?

I'm supposed to show my Turkish face
and someone else leads the investigation.

I was thinking a dual leadership.
You and Grimmer.

It would give your career a big boost
and make people forget yesterday's fiasco.

What about Rafika? She wanted Homicide.
Did you ask her?

Out of the question.
She'll be on sick leave for months.

I'm not interested.

We've invested 18 months
in the Tarik-Amir case.

That's what I heard.
You're taking it too personally.

They're trash on the street
and I'm the garbage man.

I'm not interested in dead celebrities.


You know what I ask myself?

A cop like you,

a proponent of "Legalize It,"
grows marijuana on his balcony

working for Narcotics.

Sounds shady, don't you think?
Kind of schizophrenic.

Listen to me, there aren't many cops
of your caliber out there.

And I don't care if you get stoned
or lick ass in your free time.

No one gives a shit about that.

But I need a Turk on this job.

Doesn't have to be presentable.
This is your big chance.

-This is my number. Think about it
-Are we done here?

You've got till tonight.

Ask Aykut Kubat.

Thanks a lot.

[radio announcer] Of course,
the German team is worried, Paul.

Orkan is apparently sick and chances
are good he won't play tonight.

The team's nervous, and as you know
if there's one thing you don't need

before a game as important as this one,
it's a case of nerves.

[Grimmer] Tomo.

Where is my money, Kurt?


[suspenseful music]

Kurti, my friend, what's up? Pay day.

Okay, guys, you got me.
Let me explain, I need more time.

I have to get into the stadium first...

You'll lose all your money if I can't get
to the stadium. Okay, I'm coming!

Are you deaf or what?
This is the wrong way.

I've got to get to the stadium.
Let me talk to Tomo!




Hi, Ms. Holz.
This is Paula Grimmer here.

I'm so sorry I'm so late. I'm on my way.
Can you tell the kids, please?

Sorry, your kids have already gone.

-They're already gone.

-Who picked them up?
-Their grandmother.

Mom doesn't let us ride in the car
without booster seats.

-Today is an exception.
-[Finn] I like it better this way.

[Emilia] What's wrong with Mom?

You can ask her yourself later.

Hey, Eva,
we just passed the football field!

Really? It must be a sign.

But we have to go. I have a game.

You know what? Let's go to the zoo.
That's much nicer.

Can we go see the ants?

-I love aunts.
-We should call Mom first.

But I told you she's not feeling well, hm?

-Then can I call Dad?
-I don't think your mom would like that.

Just accept it.

You're being kidnapped by me,
so you might as well enjoy it, hm?

It says, "The nests of tropical ants
are often flooded by heavy rains.

The ants respond by drinking the water,

running outside
and passing the liquid in their urine.

However, it has often been observed

that they do this too close to the nest,
causing them to flood again."

-That's dumb.
-Na-uh, ants are not dumb!

You know there's nothing wrong
with making mistakes.

It's only dumb
to make the same mistake twice.

That can be fatal.
That's how a species dies out.

But I don't want them to die.

Some species deserve to die.

Come on, you want to go
to the playground, don't you?

Birgit. Have you seen Emilia?

Don't let up girls!

Goal's on the left.


-Where is Amelia?
-I'd like to know that myself.

She let her team down.

-She didn't show up?

There's something wrong?

A misunderstanding.

I'm so sorry.

Okay, girls, keep going.

Pass the ball.

Watch it! Quicker! Quicker!


Yeah, very good. Again.

[phone rings]

Stop! What's going on? Wait a minute!

Get down. Why aren't you sliding, huh?

This is our country!

You can't let some Kanak take your place.

Shew! Get lost! Scram! Go!

But it was his turn.
We're taking turns.

-[man] What's the problem?
-My problem? My problem? Listen up.

You go back where you came from!
Shew! Shew!

Scumbag, you!

Right, now you can take the slide. Hop!

-I want to leave!

Why? Just now you wanted to slide.

You can't call people "scumbags."

I want my mommy!


Let's go.

[radio announcer] The German team
left the hotel early this afternoon

and headed to Olympic Stadium
with fans cheering them on in the streets.

They've just arrived at the stadium
and are getting ready for the game.



Why do you always have to make life
so difficult? Kurti!

-We're old friends.
-Come on, Stipe, what's my punishment?

We're going to kick your teeth in.
Tomo's fucking pissed.

-Then bring it on!
-Hey. Why the rush?

I've got to go to the stadium, man.
To get Tomo's money.

You know how much I enjoy this, right?
It's like Christmas. The anticipation.

-[man] What the fuck?
-[he groans]

Yeah, what the... ?

Can I have my phone and gun back?
I'm in a hurry.


-[baby cries]
-[calming] Shh!

I know.



-What are you doing here?
-We've been waiting for five hours.

Nobody made you wait.
You should have come to your appointment.

My son was sick, then my car broke down.
But I did call.

You should have left home earlier.

I'm sorry, Ms. Kupsch, honest.

My microwave is broken and I can't warm up
his bottle. I need an extra payment.

Mrs. Ludar, what about the extra income
you get working for a sex hotline?

Yes, Mrs. Ludar,
we know all about the extra money.

And you know that you have to declare it,
which you haven't done in six months.

Please... I... I need the money.

We are stopping your payments as of today.

Go now, before I call security.

-You don't want that, do you?
-[baby cries]

[teacher] What's up, Murad?
You only got a C this time.

Don't know. I just didn't study enough.

Mr. Potato Head didn't study hard enough?

-[teacher] Ferit!

-What did I say?
-I won't tolerate discrimination.

[Ferit] Since when
is "potato head" discrimination?

[Bruhn] One more word and you can write
an entire essay about potatoes.

F! You're in danger of failing this year.

[suppressed chuckling]

-Maybe you should think about your future.
-We're going to get him.

[school bell rings]

Murad, just a minute.

What's going on? Is it trouble at home?
Or is it Ferit's gang?

-All good.
-You're smarter than them, you know it.

-You've got potential.
-Can I go?

[Ferit] Oops!

Did someone slip on his own drool?

[boy] He slipped on Bruhn's cum.
It came out of his kiss-ass.

Go on, give it to him.
We've got something special for you.

Come on, eat it!

Come on, eat it, you fag!

Swallow, you fag!

-Tastes good, huh?
-You like it?

Is there a problem?

[Ferit whispers]
Fuck, that's Raif Tarik-Amir.

Hey, Murad.

What's up?

Salam aleikum. Aren't you Raif?

[Raif] Ready?

-Who are those dicks, man?
-[Murad] I don't know. Some losers.

Think I drive a car like that
when I'm not working? No way, dude.

Why not? It's a cool car.

Sure, if you want people
to think you're a pimp.

-I prefer the subway.

-Who were those fuckers anyway?
-Who knows?

They're real pussies.
You should teach them a lesson.

-[silent scene]
-Yeah, man.

That's sick. That's good.

["The Four Seasons" by Vivaldi playing]

[rapping] ♪ Yo, 16 shots on the train ♪

♪ No clue, what you want
I wanna ride ♪

♪ Black hair is the stereotype
You have for me ♪

♪ Your hate is pure but the weed is cut ♪

♪ I freestyle to classical music
But you don't get it ♪

-♪ This Kanak has got it ♪

♪ Givin' brothers
A shakedown in the hood ♪

♪ I don't know what you need
I don't push no weed ♪

We get it, okay?
You're really cool, but can you stop now?

Some people like it quiet.

♪ Cool Chara,
Mr. White Bread, what do you know? ♪

-♪ You son of a bitch ♪

I'm not interested
in the shit my family does.

-You think it's cool, having a car, cash.

No, it's not respect. It's fear.

And fear sucks, it leads to hate.
And hate is powerful.

Hate makes people do really bad things.

-[woman] Murad?
-Fuck, it's my sister.

Hi. I'm Raif.

-Why aren't you doing your homework?
-Raif is a friend of mine.

-We're working on a new track.
-Your brother's got talent.

My brother's
getting his high school diploma.

-Ever heard of it, diploma?
-I'm not trying to prevent...

I know who you are and who you belong to.

-So now you think you know me?
-Yeah, in this case I do.

Hey, why not find out for yourself?

I've got VIP tickets for tonight's game.
Want to join?

[Murad] Really?

Let me be perfectly clear.
I'm not interested.

All right, but if you change your mind,
you'd make me happy.

You've got my number. See you.

-What are you doing?
-What are you doing?

He's nice. He's interested in my music.
And you are a bitch.

That guy recruits for Tarik-Amir.

Why do you hang out with him?
Do you work for them?


Murad, please. I don't want to lose you.

[Murad] I'm sorry.
I won't do anything stupid, walla.

[dismal music]

-[Erol, in Turkish] Is Emre Birkan here?
-[in Turkish] Who wants to know?

-Tell him Erol's here. He's expecting me.
-Maybe... But he's not here.

Tell him I'm looking for him.
He's my father.

[phone beeps]


Maïssa, I have an idea.

[suspenseful music]

[phone beeps]


[indistinct voices]

Who are they?



Emilia, Finn.

-You've gotten big.
-This is your uncle Ulf.

It's been a few years, huh?


[dogs bark]

Keep doing your homework, hm?

Meeting today?


Tell them the truth.

And that Kurt's leading the investigation
into that dead Kanak.

What will that accomplish?

-They want to punish you anyway.
-I'm prepared for the consequences.

I know.

But remind them

that you got information out of Kurt
and we now have the upper hand.

We can get to this freedom fighter
before the police do.

Don't you see?

We can help him.

All because of you. It's your only chance.

[honking horns]

[fans chanting]

I'm late. I hope I can find
the all-access pass here somewhere.

Excellent. Where?

I thought you were going to watch it
in the bar with Holger.

Plans change.

So what changed
since Raif offered you tickets?

Because he's a bad influence.

What's he doing here?

-He invited us to the game.
-[quietly] Do you like him?

Hey, Murad.


Shall we?

-Thank you.
-No problem.

Raif is bad news.

I don't know how I'm supposed to
look after Murad 24/7.

Don't worry.
I'm here to serve and protect.

[man, next room] All members are present,

meaning we can now come to a decision.

So now let's get to the reason
why we've assembled...

I have to go and check something.

Keep working.
And don't do anything stupid.

[man] The accused member, Ulf, talk.

[Ulf] I know I broke
our rules and I'm prepared to accept

whatever punishment you see fit.

[ominous music]

You let a dirty traitor take money
from our coffers, without asking us.


[Ulf] Let me just say one thing
before you make your decision.

Last night
a Kanak was murdered here in Marzahn.

Kurt is leading the investigation
and now he owes us money.

The cops are after this freedom fighter.
We should get to him before the cops do.

I know the circumstances are unfortunate,
but I needed to make a decision

and I made it for the Brotherhood.

Not for Kurt.

Not for a traitor.

I did it for us.

You just ignored our laws,
made a solo decision.

I know.

Ulf's right.

-We've got Kurt by the balls.
-So what?

Since when do people just get
to decide things on their own?

What do you want? Kick me out?

That's not only my decision to make.

Then let's vote.


All those in favor of Ulf's expulsion,
raise your hand.

[dismal music]

All opposed?

All those abstaining?

It's been decided, Ulf stays.

You know the punishment.

If the money's not back by Sunday,
there will be ball-busting.

[dismal music]

Ms. Kupsch.

-What do you want, Mrs. Ludar?
-Listen to me, please!

You're just making things worse.
Make an appointment!

-You can't treat me like this. Hey!
-It's your own fault!

You'll be lucky
if you're not charged with fraud.


Give me my money, you cunt!

[crashing sound]

Mrs. Ludar?

[oppressive music]


-[baby screams]


What are you staring at?

I'm investigating. Shall I arrest you
for obstructing justice?

-I thought you might need a doctor.
-"I thought." Shut up and let me through!

[quietly] I'm at the big steps
and heading down. Okay, great.

[announcer] The Turkish team
is already in the tunnel.




-Excuse me.
-This is private property.

I'll show you private property, asshole.

It's okay. It's a personal matter.


Go to the car and wait for me.

-What are you going to do?
-I need to clear something up.


Bye. Bye, you two. So?

-Recovered from your bender?
-Don't ever do that!

What? Help you out?

Never come near
my kids or my family again.

You called me.



I was worried.

About you, my grandkids.

Rightly so, I'd say.

I can smell the alcohol from here.

Perhaps we should call Kurt, have him
come to pick up you and the kids, huh?


Try it.

Kurt wouldn't even answer the phone.

I didn't want to believe it,
but Kurt was right, you are evil.

[dismal music]

And our little plan for me
to help you and Kurt reconcile, forget it.

Starting today they'll be
no photos, videos or contact of any kind.

You can fool Kurt, perhaps.

But I can see right through you, Paula.

Fuck you, Eva.


Grimmer, Homicide.


[he knocks]

Good evening.
I'm Detective Grimmer, Homicide.

I need everyone who's not a player
to leave the room immediately.

I need your attention for just a moment.

I'm looking into the murder
of your teammate Orkan Erdem.

Be available for questioning
after the game, don't leave the country.

Good luck and toi, toi, toi.

I needn't remind you that this information
cannot leave the changing room.

We are in the middle of an investigation.

My condolences.

[reporter] You know, Paul, Coach Kranz
is sheltering his team from the news

so they can give
full attention to tonight's game.

But if Orkan really isn't playing,

then, well,
the team's going to find out eventually

and that's where those nerves come in.

And that's what might cost us
our victory against Turkey tonight.

[reporter] Both teams should have been
on the field a few minutes ago,

but, as we saw earlier,

there are still masses of fans
outside the gates

and that's probably the reason
for the delayed kick-off here in Berlin.

And they're out!

[deafening crowd noise]

[indistinct cheers]


[German national anthem]

♪ Brotherly with heart and hand ♪

♪ Unity and justice and freedom ♪

♪ Are the foundation of happiness ♪

♪ Germany, Germany above all else ♪

♪ Above all else in the world ♪

♪ Germany, Germany above all else ♪

♪ For the German... ♪

♪ Fatherland! ♪