Doctor Who Confidential (2005–2011): Season 6, Episode 3 - Ship Ahoy! - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
NARRATOR: St Austell Cornwall

Out of season,
the harbour's a pretty chill place,

but not for the next few days.

Look, look,
you're on Doctor Who Confidential!


The Doctor Who cast and crew
have sailed into town

and are dropping anchor to film
their very own pirate adventure.


A big, huge pirate ship...
That's a win!

Yo ho ho!

MAN: Cut!

Welcome to Doctor Who doing pirates.

47, take 1.


It's got pirates, double win.

Hugh Bonneville is amazing.

Time to go.

And watch out for Amy with a sword,
that's all I'm going to say.



First of all, we've got the pirate hat,

which just finishes
the whole thing off.

I think the Doctor particularly
sort of loves

the idea of being a pirate, you know?

Because there are...
He's kind of a good pirate.

And then, on top of it, we've got
the coolest pirate coat ever!

And it swishes as well. Look! Swish!

I'm actually deeply jealous
of your pirate coat.

-It's so cool, isn't it?

This episode is pretty piratey.
I think they've managed to fit in

as many pirate elements as possible.

He slipped in the bilge water, Captain,
and fell under the rigger.

What do you think
when you think pirates?

You think there'd better be treasure.

No! This is the treasure
of the Mogul of India.

Oh, good. For a moment there,
I thought it was yours.

There'd better be a stowaway
little boy on board as well...

Fool! You fool, boy!

...who's run away with the pirates
to have more exciting adventures

than he'd have at home.
You've just got to do all of that!

We got the Black Spot.

Same as all the others.


What are you doing? This is mutiny!

Pirates have to mutiny. If there's no
mutiny, they're not proper pirates.

Walking the plank, that was hilarious.

I suppose laughing like that
in the job description?

"Can you do the laugh? Check!
Grab yourself a parrot!"

No parrot.

Erm, maybe they've hidden one.

Maybe that's a good game,
see if you can spot the parrot.

There isn't a parrot.

There may be a pirate with
a good heart who isn't really evil.

Who are you, Henry Avery?

Respected Naval Officer,
wife and child at home.

There'd better be a storm at sea,
there'd better be a ghost ship,

there'd better be all those things,
and best of all, there'd better be...

AMY: Boo!

Throw the gun down.

...the beautiful Karen Gillan
swashbuckling around with a cutlass.

Aaargh! Hey!

Initially when I read
the pirates episode,

I think it said in the script...

"Amy Pond emerges with sword
in hand..."

You know, with the full outfit on.

"Amy Pond, a pirate queen."” And I was,
like, "Yes, that just sounds amazing!"

Look, I'm a pirate queen, Confidential!

Aha! En garde!

-Can we do it, like, a half...?
-I wouldn't do it, it's really sharp.

We start off getting used to moving the
sword around and to what it feels like.

Take that!

Yeah! Come on, then!



And then I'll put some basic moves
together with her and the stunt guy.

So it's up...


-Head, other side, bang, run.

Do it again.

Shoulder, leg, leg...

At an angle.

Swing like that.

They were just telling me,
"Go for the neck.

"Go for it!" And I had...
It was a real sword.

It was blunted,
but it would have done some damage.

-Aim for the neck.

So I just sort of got over my fear
and really went for his neck.

It's so much fun! I was a little bit
nervous, actually, I must say,

before I came down to Cornwall
for the rehearsal.

MAN: Oh! That's it.

Because a lot of people do fencing
and stuff at drama school,

but I've never done any of that.

So it was all new to me,
but I'm loving it!

-Here we go. Karen, happy?
-GILLAN: Happy!

DIRECTOR: 55, take one.

for the real swashbuckling to begin.




Lots of cutlass action.


Just about everything you could want
in a stunt fight.



Woah! Look at Karen!
They can't pay us for this.

She's just on a ride. It's ridiculous.



-Cut there!
-WOMAN: Cut there, please.

MAN: And cut! Good. Check it.

NARRATOR: But some stunts need someone
who really knows the ropes.

We had to bring in a stunt double
for this.

This is when the angry Siren
sort of screams at Amy

and she gets flown across the deck
and smashes onto the deck.



DIRECTOR: We'll go on
"three, two, one, go!", yeah?


The stunt performer
actually did get thrown across the deck

and bashed onto the deck itself.

She was wearing padding, but this is
something we could never do with Karen.

DIRECTOR: Three, two, one. Action!


This is rather bizarre.
So I am about to watch myself

getting flung across the entire deck.

-Three, two, one. Action!

I don't know, it's like having
an out-of-body experience.

She's a brave lady, Steph.
Stunt double Steph.

Well, I think they're about to go.

-I'm quite nervous.
-DIRECTOR: For rehearsal, please.


And three, two, one. Action!

And cut!

Really glad that's not me!


Oh, she's really getting thrown back!

That is going to look wicked.

Three, two, one. Action!

-You all right, Steph?
-Nice one, mate.

If you're going to do pirates
in Doctor Who,

you've got to do the whole thing.
It's one of those episodes

where we're just properly delivering
everything you'd want about pirates,

and one of the things you expect
if you're at sea on a pirate ship

is you better have a storm.

It's quite complicated,

because there are a lot of elements
being brought together in one place.

The special effects department
providing wind, rain and smoke.

Now we're just getting
into the meat of today,

which is the big scene where all the
artists are getting completely drenched.

It was torrential rain.

It was like nothing
I've ever experienced,

the extremity of that situation.

I don't think I'll ever experience
anything like that again.

It was freezing, it was cold,

we couldn't hear anything,
and it was just so much fun.

It's funny because normally in a storm,

you don't really want
to stand outside for too long.

You know, it can be fun for a bit,
but really, it's all about getting home.

But we were out there for ages
and loving every second of it.

We were blowing water at the cast
with these massive fan machines,

almost like aircraft engines, really,
so the noise that they make

is incredible,
you can't hear yourself over them.

So often, at the end, I'd be yelling,
"Cut! Cut!"

But nobody would hear,
so they'd carry on filming.

The adrenaline kind of kicks in
and you just go for it,

and there were so many times
when we looked round and went,

"We're on a boat!"

"We're doing a storm!
This is pretty cool!"


AMY: Rory! Rory.

Doctor, I can't see him!

There was a rumour that I was going
to have to go in the water,

and at first I was, like, "Yeah,
I can definitely go in the water!"

"This'll be brilliant!
I'll do it, I'll do my own stunts."

And then, and then I heard
on the day that I wasn't doing it,

and I was, like, "Oh, guys,
I can do it! Surely I can do it!"

And then I saw the water
and I was like,

"I am so pleased that
I didn't have to go in there!"

DIRECTOR: Rehearsal.
Three, two, one. Action!

AMY: Rory!

MAN: We're all happy with that.
That's all good.

MAN 2: Yeah.

The hardest part is maybe to sell the
fact that he's been hit by the yardarm,

so we have to make sure that the yardarm
can get out far enough to hit him

and also sell the fact
that it's hit him so hard

that it's knocked him overboard.

MAN: Let's have
a look at one, yeah?

Okay, ready?

So we had a couple of guys
giving it a good shove,

and we had to wait until
it actually makes contact with Gordon,

and then he can sell the rest
by going backwards into the water.

Three, two, one, action!

That was the hardest thing. Because
the rain's falling so heavy in me eyes,

I can't actually see what's happening.

It's very difficult to see
when the yardarm's coming.


I would have done it,
it would have been fun,

but Gordon's much better at getting
wet than I am for some reason,

so they had to get him to do that.

Apparently, I'm not particularly good
at getting wet.


AMY: Rory! Rory.

Doctor, I can't see him!

Doctor, I'm going in.


It's good fun, though! Great fun!