Doctor Who Confidential (2005–2011): Season 6, Episode 10 - What Dreams May Come - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
NARRATOR: This week on Confidential,

there's swimming, screams,

sharks and skids.

There's some great relationship stuff
in this episode. We find out a lot.

And the doors.


I am here, Amy Pond.

Shh! Turn that light off!

So, um, what is this? How does it work?

This is the gate.

From here, you may depart to any of
Two-Streams' entertainment zones.

This gave Confidential an idea.

If Karen and Arthur
had a holodeck to play with,

what daredevil dream would they fulfil?

So we asked Arthur.
And he said he wanted to do this.

And Karen, who's never had
a driving lesson in her whole life,

wanted to do this.


Yo. So, I travel all the time in space
with the Doctor on a regular basis

but one thing that I've never actually
learned to do is to drive.

So, by the end of the day,
on this race track,

I'm going to learn how to drive that.


Okay. Well, hi, Pat.


So, you're going to teach me the basics?

I am, most definitely.

I've never driven before
in my entire life.

Well, it's going to be fun.

-I'm sure we're going to be fine.

So I'm going to teach you how to drive
on a race circuit.

So now we need a few revs
with the accelerator.

So, with the right foot,
just a few revs... That's it, perfect.

-Oh, my God!
-And then what we do is

we very, very gently then
let our foot off the clutch

just to get the car moving.

Oh, no. Why am I not moving?

-Oh no no!
-Here we go. We're moving.

-It's a good start.
-Oh, my God, please don't stall.

Steer over to the left a little bit.
Perfect. How was that?

-That was all right, wasn't it?
-Okay, yeah.

Your first time pulling away
and you didn't stall.

Right, with the steering, we just need
look at where we want to go.

And it's that hand-eye coordination.

Let's just have a little bit
of a weave around,

just move the steering left and right,

just get a feel for what it does.

Okay, I've still got
my foot on the clutch.

You can take that all the way off now
and just rest that to the left.

Okay, all right, cool. So... Oh, God!

-If we want to go a little bit faster...

-Can we go a little bit faster?
-We just press the gas pedal.

-Oh, my God! This is crazy!
-Brilliant. Well done!

-Lewis Hamilton, eat your heart out.
-I am Lewis Hamilton. Yeah, exactly.

Button. (SCOFFS)

-Yeah. No problem at all.

That's fine. We're only in first gear
but hey, we're getting there.

It's a good place to start.

But what we might need is second gear
if we're going to go much faster.

So remember, clutch down, off the gas,

pull the gear lever back. Clutch down...

Into second...

But you're actually driving round
the fastest racetrack in the UK now.

Oh, my God!
I can't believe I'm actually doing this!

Confidential, look at me, I'm driving!


But don't forget to look
where you're going.

-Oh, yeah.

So, Pat, how did I do?

-Honest answer?
-Honest answer.

Really good.
I think you did... An absolute star.

-You did really well this morning.

-Oh, thanks.
-So good,

we're going to let you out in this one.

Oh, my good God!

So you're going from 90 horsepower
to 420 horsepower.

-Oh, right.
-So, pretty cool.

Hey, Confidential.

Now, in Doctor Who,

Rory's done some pretty exciting things
and some pretty terrifying things.

You know, he's battled with Daleks,
he's travelled in time.

He's done some crazy stuff.

But something that both excites
and terrifies me

is the idea of swimming with sharks,

which I shall be doing today,
in this building here.

Uh, so, I'm going to go and see
how big their teeth are.

I'm really excited
but looking at them right now,

the fact that I'm going to be in there
is pretty terrifying.

I've been snorkelling a few times
and always been like,

"Oh, is there going to be a shark?"
And I've always wanted to...

It's quite nice seeing one
in a controlled environment.

I think if I saw one in the wild,
I would freak out.

NARRATOR: So, now that Arthur's
whet his appetite for sharks,

it's time to sink his teeth
into some proper underwater action.

Okay, so, now you have to wear this.

What it will do,
this camera at the front

will give everybody a perspective
of exactly what you're seeing, the hero.

-Can you try putting it on?
-Yeah, let's try.

I'm going to look great in this.

I want one now. There you go.

Okay? It just does up
at the bottom, like that.


I feel like I'm kind of six years old
on a bike.

-Looking good.
-It looks ridiculous.

Okay. Thanks, guys.

Uh, it's like something from James Bond.

Just walking into
a pool of massive sharks.

I'm pretty nervous
but I'm quite excited.

I think I may have a moment
of freaking out now.

Don't film that bit.

As long as they don't bump into me,
I think I'll be all right.

DARVILL: I got in there
and thought I'd freak out.

I just started laughing.
It was really hard to...

to use the equipment properly because
I was just laughing through my nose,

making bubbles because there were
Just massive sharks all around me.

That's the strange thing about
being underwater

Is that it's just so peaceful.

I sound really chilled out because I am.

Because it was actually really...

It was less terrifying
and the water was really relaxing.

Just getting down to the floor
and just them swimming so close to you.

You're like close as you could...

And I really... I'm glad they said
don't touch them beforehand,

because I really would have,
at a few points,

Just reached out
and tried to stroke a shark.

They are very cool.
It's the ones that move really slowly

that really freak you out.

The ones that kind of swim past,
you kind of think, "Oh, wow, a shark."”

And there's some that just come
and you're like,

"Oh, now he's looking at me."

"He's looking at me.
He's going to go for me."

And then there's these ones
with these teeth that just stick out,

which, after a while became hilarious,
but at first freaked me out.

And they actually gave me a tooth,
a shark's tooth,

from one of the sharks
I was swimming with.

They're huge. They were much bigger
than I thought they were going to be.

Thank you, Confidential,
for making my dreams come true.

NARRATOR: Confidential was taking Karen
to one of the UK's fastest race circuits

to learn to drive.

But now it's time to graduate
to a 420-horsepower beast.

All right. Let's drive.

-Are we sitting comfortably?
-I am. Are you?

We shall begin.

Perfect. Just hold it at that,
it'll come back to the red one.

Wait for the red one and then turn.

No need to brake, you're fine.
Look for the green one.

Okay, out to the red cone.

Follow the red one.

Then gently come over to the right now.
That's perfect.

It's a long, long corner, this one.
It seems to go on forever.


If you get it right. If you get it wrong
it can be very short,

but I wouldn't recommend it.

There you go, that's great.
Middle of the road...

-All right.
-All right.

-We did it!
-Now we go over to the left.

-Go on!

-We're doing 100 miles an hour.
-Oh, my God.

Don't go too fast.
Off the accelerator now.

That's perfect.

Absolutely perfect. Red cone.
We're going to stop here.

Just there would be perfect.
Let's stop at that.


-No, she's not real.
-She is real.

-Let her in.
-Look, we take this Amy, we leave ours.

There can only be one Amy in the Tardis.
Which one do you want?

Getting to that point
when they go into the Tardis

and the Doctor actually turns round
and he goes, "Well, no, you can't."

"You can't do this."

I think it's one of the
hardest situations Rory's ever been in.

-Amy, I love you.
-I love you, too.

She sacrifices her own life
for her younger self.

-You can't leave her, she'll die.
-Doctor, let me in.

No. She'll never have existed.

When we save our Amy,
this future won't have happened.

Rory, please.

Don't let me in.

At the end, he gets Amy back,
with the knowledge that

when she gets older, she'll still...
She'll still love him.

So it's quite a big thing.