Doctor Who (1963–1989): Season 4, Episode 38 - The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 2 - full transcript

The Doctor and Jamie investigate Waterfield's antiques shop, where they are knocked unconscious and transported back to the 19th century.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Who are you?

Who are you?


- Why are you being so cautious?
- Ssh!

They left the door open for us, didn't they?

- It's half past the nine o'clock.
- Yes, I know.

They made the appointment for ten.
Why have we come early?

The early bird catches the worm, Jamie.
Do be quiet, there's a good chap.

And don't knock into anything.


Any good, this?

It's interesting.

In fact, Jamie, it's quite remarkable.

You told me outside it said
"Genuine Victorian Antiques".

All the stuff in here is brand new!

- You noticed that.
- Of course I did. The man's a rogue.

Yes, so it seems.

- Except...
- Except what?

Except that all these things are not reproductions.
They're all genuine.

- That's ridiculous!
- Look at this.

"To one deed box, four guineas. "

This is a bill from William Deering and Son. 1866.

- Then it's a forgery.
- If you were going to make a forgery,

wouldn't you dirty it up a bit?

Yellow the edges, crinkle it up?
This is brand-new.

- I've got an idea.
- What?

- All the stuff in here is genuine...
- Yes.

-.. but brand-new.
- Well done.

That is impossible, unless Waterfield
could have invented a time machine,

and he's bringing this stuff back
from Victorian times.

It's not very likely, but the only way
to find out is to ask Waterfield.


What happened?

The human discovered
our communication system.

- And you murdered him?
- He would have betrayed us.

- You don't have to kill!
- SilenceI

What are you dragging me into? You took
a human life. Don't you understand that?

- That is of no consequence.
- No consequence?

There is only one form of life that matters.

Dalek life.

Obey your orders, WaterfieldI

No, wait! What am I to do with the body?

I can't...

I can't go on with this.

I'm sure I heard somebody shouting.

- We've got to get in.
- Use the wire.

It's too pliable.

- Boo!
- Oh! What are you doing here?

- You made the appointment!
- For ten o'clock.

We thought we'd be early.
What are you doing here?

- I work here.
- Then what are you creeping about for?

I think you've got some explaining to do,
Mr Kenneth Perry!

My name isn't Kenneth. It's Keith.
Look, I don't understand this.

It's Keith... Do you know a man called Bob Hall?

He's a man Mr Waterfield employs.

He keeps some very rough company,
including a man called Ken.

- Ken? Kennedy!
- What?

- What do you know about Kennedy?
- Wait a minute.

I'll answer your questions if you'll answer mine.

This old police box was for a collector of curios.

- It belongs to me!
- Why is it so important to you?

Because of what's inside it, and it's my property.

- Where is it?
- At the back.

- How do we get through?
- We might be able to get over the yard gates.

- This door has an electric lock on it.
- You're going to show me where this yard is.

If it's a police box, shouldn't we get the police?


That's Kennedy!

He's dead.

- What are you doing?
- Getting the police.

Don't touch anything.

I'll be as quick as I can.

- Should we have let him go?
- He's right.

- But the Tardis!
- We'll have to find it before he comes back.

I wonder what this telephone interference is.

- Looks as if Waterfield's cleared out.
- Why make an appointment to see us at ten?

He didn't know he was going to have a fight
with Kennedy. Let's find the Tardis and go!

Yes, the Tardis...

How did he die?

His limbs are stiff, his hands clenched...

He died in horrible agony. Look at his face.

- Hello...
- What?

- It's your picture!
- Yes.

Now, he fell like that, with his arm stretched out.

Go out into the hall,
and measure the length of it up to the door here.

- 14... 15.
- It's only five from the door to the wall.

There must be another room behind here.

Hey, Doctor! There's a keyhole.

You're right. Waterfield will have the key.

We'd better find something to prise it open with.


Look at this.

That's where your telephone interference
is coming from.

This is interesting.

- Hey! The other half of your picture!
- Don't open that!

This way. Along here.

Here we are.

That's funny... There were a couple
of other gentlemen here.

They seem to have... disappeared.

Hello, sir.

Are you feeling better?

Oh, you did have a party last night,
didn't you, sir!

- The master sent this in for you.
- The master?

- Mr Waterfield?
- No, sir. Mr Maxtible.

Mr Waterfield came back from abroad last night,
sir, with you and the young gentleman.

- Don't you remember?
- Not very well, no.


I'd best not wake him.

- What's your name?
- Mollie Dawson, sir.

- This stuff works remarkably quickly.
- Am I to pour some more?

No, thank you, Mollie,
but you can tell me what the date is.

- The date?
- Yes.

I am feeling very much better,

but I don't seem to be able
to remember the date and where I am.

Mollie, that will do.

The answers you require, sir,
might come better from me.

My name is Theodore Maxtible,
and I am the owner of this house.

Pray don't get up.

I have the greatest sympathy for your condition

since I was the cause of it.

And this is Mr Edward Waterfield, I presume.

- You don't keep appointments, do you?
- There were circumstances.

- Yes, there were!
- Please, Doctor. First things first.

You asked what date it was and where you were.

Yes. Well?

You're in my house,
some miles from Canterbury.

The date is June 2nd 1866.

What do you think you're up to?
You steal my property,

spirit Jamie and me 100 years back in time

- and murder a man along the way.
- We didn't kill him.

- I don't believe you.
- You will believe, Doctor.

All of us are victims of a higher power.

A power more evil and terrible
than the human brain can imagine.

Power? Victims? What do you mean?

- They've taken my daughter Victoria.
- Who?

You will not be kept in suspense
very much longer, Doctor.

Pray come with us,
and we will show you how it all began.

Doctor, do whatever it is that they ask.
I beg of you.

My daughter's life is in your hands.

I will listen. I promise.

Is er... Is that your daughter?

No, sir. That is a painting
of my wife as a young girl.

She is dead now, rest her soul,
but Victoria is the image of her.

You have not eaten.

You will eat. That is an order. AnswerI


You will not feed the flying pests outside.



Move to the machine.





The weight of your body
has fallen by 17 ounces.

What do you expect?

What do you expect?
For pity's sake, let me go!

Speak when you are told to speakI

More food will come.

Eat it, or you will be fed by forceI

Here we are, Doctor. This is hallowed ground.

Here we shall not be disturbed
by the servants.

Yes, very impressive.
Now perhaps you'll explain what all this is about?

- Patience, my dear sir.
- Patience?!

A man has been murdered! You behave
as if we're going on a Sunday School outing.

Neither Waterfield nor I
were responsible for his death. Cigar?

Why have you brought us here?

Who are these enemies of yours,
these ones you say control you?

- Brilliant minds, Doctor.
- They are monsters!

- I admit, they have behaved callously.
- Inhuman monsters!

- Inhuman?
- Creations of the devil!

- Let me explain.
- Please do!

I've always been fascinated
by the concept of travelling through time.

Waterfield here is an expert
in certain technical matters,

and I have the money to indulge my whims.

Everything you see about you
was constructed by us two.

- To try to find a way of exploring time?
- Yes.

Now, this is my theory.

- A mirror reflects an image, does it not?
- Yes.

So, you may be standing there
and yet appear to be standing 50 feet away.

Following the new investigations 12 years ago

by J Clark Maxwell into electromagnetism,

and the experiments by Faraday
into static electricity...

- Static?
- Correct.

.. Waterfield and I first attempted
to define the image in the mirror,

and then to project it.

In here, Doctor, are 144 separate mirrors.

Each is of polished metal. Each is subjected
to electric charges, all positive.

Like repels like in electricity, Doctor,

and so we attempted to repel the image
in the mirrors wherever we directed.

- You mentioned static electricity...
- That was our last experiment.

Negative and positive electricity had failed,
so we tried static.

- We didn't know the powers we'd unleash.
- Powers?

In the middle of our final test with static,
creatures burst out of the cabinet,

invaded the house and took away my daughter.

Oh, my dear fellow! My dear, dear fellow!

We shall win through now that the Doctor is here.

These creatures...

We had opened the way for them
with our experiments.

They forced me into the horror of time travel.

They ordered me to steal a box belonging to you

and thus lure you into a trap
and transport you here with Mr McCrimmon.

- They knew about me?
- They gave us likenesses.

What could I do?
They said my daughter would die.

- What are they called, these creatures?
- DoctorI

Now do you understand?

Oh, yes. Perfectly.

Move backI

Our plan has worked.

- We shall triumphI You will obeyI
- Obey? What do you want?

We have your time ship. We will destroy it

- unless you help us with an experiment.
- What experiment?

- You will help us test another human being.
- What sort of test?

- No questionsI
- I am not a slave!

- Doctor, I beg you...
- No harm will come to you if you agree.

Where is your companion?

- Jamie?
- He is in the house.

- I have done everything you asked me to.
- Why do you ask about Jamie?

- He is the human being who is to be tested.
- What do you mean? Tested how?

SilenceI You will reveal nothing
to your companion.

Obey the DaleksI You are in our powerI

What have you done with your infernal meddling?

What is this test?

- Do either of you know?
- No.

I believe I do.

They, I mean the Daleks, tell me
they've always been defeated by human beings.

In the long run, yes.

Possibly because of some factor
possessed by humans

- that is absent in Daleks?
- Possibly.

Perhaps they want to find out what it is,
and transplant it into their race?

But if they do do that, they'll be invincible!
Maxtible, you should have...

My dear fellow, I am merely surmising.
I know nothing definite.

Besides, what could we have done,
even if I had known for certain?

The fact was, nay, is,
they hold your daughter Victoria.

And now they've got Jamie.

I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to wake you.

It's not funny.

The master left this for you to drink, sir.

This'll clear away the cobwebs.

- Here you are, sir.
- Where's the Doctor?

- He's with the master and Mr Waterfield.
- Waterfield?

- What are you doing here?
- Just seeing to the young gentleman, miss.

Go and bring some tea.

Well, go along.

- Please, Mr McCrimmon.
- You know my name?

My father told me that you and your friend
arrived last night with Mr Waterfield.

Your father? I seem to have great difficulty
in remembering anything.

He owns this house.

- I'm his daughter, Ruth Maxtible.
- How do you do?

- Have you seen the Doctor?
- He's with my father. He'll be along presently.

- Do you have all you need?
- Whatever this stuff is, it works all right.

- You shall have some tea.
- I'm obliged to you.

- Miss Maxtible.
- Yes?

- Could you tell me who that is in the portrait?
- That's Mr Waterfield's late wife.

- She is very lovely.
- Yes, and his daughter looks just like her.

- You're quite comfortable?
- Yes, thank you.


So that's what Waterfield's done.

Here we are, sir. I've been as quick as I could.

Shall I pour for you?

Poor young gentleman.
They shouldn't have given you so much to drink.

- Doctor... I do ask you to consider.
- I have made up my mind.

But they ordered you
not to tell your friend anything.

Do you think I will allow Jamie
to run into danger? No, I will not.

- Suppose he refuses to do what they want?
- We shall see.

He's still asleep.

The gas in that box of yours was pretty potent.

It was Maxtible's invention.

- Jamie...
- Mollie!

Order the Doctor to begin the test.

But I must first explain to him
what he has to do.

Go now. Obey the DaleksI

But your friend is vital to the plan of these Daleks.
Absolutely essential.

So it seems. So who can have kidnapped him?

The threats they make are not idle ones.
Kennedy was murdered.

Without your friend, our only hope is gone...

unless... unless you know something.

You seem to be well acquainted
with the creatures.

Everything you say, Waterfield, is true.

If we cannot find Jamie, the Daleks
will take pleasure in killing everyone in sight,

and their greatest pleasure will be in killing me.

The humans have been told
to begin the test.

Any delay will result in death.

There will be no delayI