Doctor Who (1963–1989): Season 3, Episode 37 - The O.K. Corral - full transcript

The Clantons have shot Warren Earp, leading to a showdown between the two families with the Doctor powerless to prevent bloodshed.

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Subtitles by BeKh4t

How do you know that
the killer was Ringo?

On account of it must have been him or you.
I don't figure you killed Charlie the barman.

Of course iff'n you wanna
convince me different..?

Certainly not my dear Sheriff!

Now on the other hand, perhaps although
the Clantons know he's not Doc Holliday,

they did see him shoot a gun
out of Seth Harper's hand.

That was nothing to do with me.

Oh but they think it was, and boy you had 'em lined
up against that piana' like skittles in an alley!

Why, you're gonna be a useful man to
have around when the shootin' starts.

I certainly hope that I should not be
here, when Steven and Dodo get back I...

Oh you're gonna be here alright, Doctor.

Because I'm deputising ya right now!

Well this is utterly absurd! Nothing will
ever induce me to raise a gun in anger.

Well maybe you won't have to. But I mean with
just Bat an' me an' Warren against the Clantons

you could sure shorten the odds some.

And I'll help shorten them some more!

Well hallelujah, this
is my brother Virgil!

You got a drink for a for a thirsty man?

Well I'd just about given up on you.

Hiya Bat.

How'd you do there.

Oh, ah I'm afraid that
the bar's closed Virgil.

Say how'd that happen?

Oh, got himself shot.

You don't know pop do ya?


Howdy. Would you mind
not calling me pop?

Well, let's get on back
to the office. Come on Bat!

Warren's over there waiting for us but Morgan can't
make it. I'll tell you about it on the way over.

Bill, now we got 'im.

We got 'im Pa, we got 'im!

Seen ya coming. Took you long enough.

And we got us an Earp!

You done what?

So you finally got here
now the work's been done!

Ain't talkin' to you Ike, talking to
Billy! Maybe get around to you later.

Like I said, we shot down
one of the Earp brothers.

You shot Wyatt Earp?

No his k-k...





Well glory be! Now you
really have declared war!

It's curtains for Warren,

They've gunned the kid down.

And them bad, cruel outlaws

Are heading for town.

On your way then you cowboys,

The time will be soon;

When there's blood on the sawdust

In the Last Chance Saloon!

There was two of 'em Wyatt.

Who, who was it boy?

Clantons I guess. Comin' real fast... shouldn't've
let Phin' rile me... I turned my back a minute...

Aw no-one's a-blamin'
you son. Rest easy.

Don't let Morgan know they got my gun...

He's gone Wyatt.

Get him on over to the bench there.

Wyatt it's no use.

Do like I said!

I'll get a warrant for 'em,
Wyatt. I'll get 'em you know that.

You'll get 'em? Virgil...

Yes Wyatt?

Ride on out to the Clantons and tell
'em we'll be waitin' for 'em come sun up.

Now listen Wyatt, there's a right
an' a wrong way of doing this.

Stay out of this Bat.

This ain't legal Wyatt. Iff'n you uphold
the law you don't go startin' a private feud!

You gonna try'n to stop me?

No Wyatt, but I can't go along
with ya. The law says that...

The law? The law can't bring my kid brother back.
Virgil and me's gonna step outside of the law.

I reckon so, and I'll
tell 'em. Where'll I say?

Tell 'em the OK Corral.

So the Earps and the Clantons

Are aimin' to meet,

At the OK Corral

Near Calamity Street.

It's the OK Corral

Boys of gunfighting fame,

Where the Earps and the Clantons,

They played out the game.

They played out the game

And we nevermore shall,

Hear a story the like

Of the OK Corral!

Pass the!


Look I'm going to try to slip
away get word to Holliday.

Oh! If the Doc knew I was here
he'd blast my head off, thanks!

I'm sure he'd understand you were
only trying to get Ringo of his trail.

Ain't the way the Doc'd see it. 'Sides, you'd
get shot in the back before you gone ten yards.

Oh I dunno why they want to
keep me here, I'm no use to them.

On account Ringo don't want Wyatt Earp to
know he's here 'til he's good and ready.

Now cut it out! We got trouble
enough seein' Wyatt Earp already.

Oh it ain't Wyatt.

Ain't no-one I seen before.

I've seen 'im, old acquaintance of mine
- Marshall of Dodge City. Name of Virgil Earp.


I hear ya.

Got as message for ya.

Well come on up! Ringo you'd better get up on them stairs.
We don't wanna show our ace before we're ready to deal.

Okay. If you want me you'd
better shout real loud.

Line up on the door boys.

Long way from Dodge
City ain't ya Marshall?

Reckon you know why I'm here. Your
boys killed my kid brother, Clanton.

Well now there's two sides to every...

Ain't here to argue. Just to say that Wyatt'n
me'll meet 'em at the OK Corral at sun up.

And have a posse waitin'? You're crazy.

Masterson's got no part in this, neither has the law. Just
a little private business to settle between our two families.

And supposin', we don't go?

Then we'll come a-lookin'.

Your friend there, whose side's he on?

I'm with you and Wyatt.

D'you wanna to ride out with me?

Well yeah, I'd like to!

Somehow I don't think
it's gonna be possible.

Regret stays here. Now get!

And tell Earp we'll be there.

I'll tell him. Sleep easy.

Well, it sure looks like
a bad year for Earps.

Ya hear that Ringo?

I heard.

Well It looks like we got 'em
- two to four.

You mean I got 'em two to one.

How'd you figure that
out? We'd be there too!

Sure you'd be there waitin' for 'em.
Kinda like cheese in a mousetrap.

Now look!

Ah shut up Billy! You ain't got a hope in hell
agin them two, only you ain't old enough to know it.

Oh? What do we do?!

Let me earn my money why don't you? I'll
take 'em from behind while you face 'em.

Never figured you for
a back-shooter Ringo!

I never figured you for any kind of a shooter Billy,
which is why we'll do it my way, okay? Real careful...

Now Mr Werp, what part am I supposed to be
playing in this feud between you and the Clantons?

I thought that you gave me
this to uphold the law, not...

He's right Wyatt. You can't ask him.

My main concern is for the safety of Steven and
Dodo, now can't I ask you to change your mind?

It ain't no use old timer, he won't
listen to me, he won't listen to nobody.


You seen 'em?

I seen 'em.

Gonna be there?

Oh they'll be there. Only thing is...


Fella up there with 'em,
name of Steven Regret.

Steven? What in the world?

Claimed he weren't no
pal of theirs, but...

Well Doc?

Well if he's there it's not a matter of choice.
He's still searching for Dodo with Ringo.

Well I didn't see Johnny Ringo, but I sure enough saw his
horse. And Kate, ain't she his girlfriend? Well she's there too.

So Ringo's with the Clantons? Well, looks lie
you an' me's gonna have a busy morning, Virgil?

This is sheer madness Mr Sheriff, you
can't take on the Clantons and Ringo!

They won't have to.

Doc! Thought I told
you to get outta town!

Well now Wyatt so you did, but the fact
is I was brung here at gunpoint by a woman!

You expectin' us to believe that?

The lady is here, the one
and only Miss Dodo Dupont!

...Thank you.

Doctor! Thank goodness you're safe!

Oh my dear, I'm not in the slightest bit of danger
- it was you that we were worried about.

Well now where do we
meet these Clantons?

We? Now see here Wyatt, I don't take kindly to
fighting alongside an outlaw, friend of yours or no!

Suit yourself Virgil. I'll just wish
you good luck and go off to find my Kate.

Oh, you'll find her at the Clantons.

What's that you say?

Yeah, with Johnny Ringo!

Johnny Ringo?!

Ah, I saw them myself,
while or two back.

I'll be fightin' beside you two tomorrow
mornin' whether you like it or not!

But this is ridiculous gentleman! Can you
not uphold the law without using firearms?

Well old friend... now I've got Doc Holliday back; why,
you can hand in your badge any time you want to, pop.

Oh good heavens, what a relief.
Here you are Bat, there's your badge.

And there is your wretched weapon!

Wyatt, how you proposin' to
handle this little Clanton matter?

Well, just walk right
up there and face 'em.

You reckon old Pa Clanton
will play it that simple?

Well they'll reckon
they're four to two...

One of them four is Johnny Ringo. I ain't lining
up for no squail dance. I'm gonna play this my way.

So what's your way?

Yes, what is your way, Doctor Holliday?

Isn't it time you went to bed Doctor?

Oh how can I possibly sleep my dear, knowing
that Steven is mixed up with all this?

I'm quite sure that Steven
can take care of himself!

Yes, but I'm not just
worrying about Steven my dear!

What about this man Mr Werp? Supposing he gets killed,
who is going to uphold law and order in this territory?

They couldn't let Masterson handle the affair I don't
know. With a posse of deputies and at the end of it.

Let the Clantons get a fair trial.

Proud to hear you say so Doctor. If'n you
feel that way there's something you can do.

I've tried all I know to talk Wyatt out of this an' he
won't listen. I'm asking you to go talk to the Clantons.

Seems like that's our only chance.

Me? But my dear Sheriff, I should have
thought you were the one to convince...

No, they know me for a friend of Wyatt's.
But if'n you go to 'em with your badge,

say you'll guarantee them a fair
trial it might just persuade 'em.

Me, I'd rather face trial than
Wyatt, Virgil and Holliday together.

Yes I see...

And you might be able to help Steven.

Yes, quite so my dear, that thought
had passed through my head, yes.

Well Mr Sheriff if need my assistance I
certainly will go along and talk to them.


Now, only about two hours to sun-up.
You'd better get started right now.

Boys're on their way.

On their way to murder?

That's a big word boy. It fits though.

This was meant to be a fair fight.

Think I wanna see my own sons killed?

They may as well be if they win this
way. Masterson'll see they hang for it.

When the shootin's over we'll have this town in the palm of our hand
- including Masterson.

There's still Morgan Earp.

Oh if he's still alive we'll deal with him too. Can't
build an empire boy, without getting a mite unscrupulous.

Come on in.

Mr Clanton I presume?


Not Doctor at the moment dear boy,
I am... Deputy-Sheriff of Tombstone.

Well ain't that somethin'! My
cattle been a-roamin' again?

I've come along to ask you to call off your
boys from embarking on this ridiculous duel.

Yeah, seems like they was
the ones got challenged.

And if you'll do this I'm sure that
Masterson will see that they get a fair trial.

Oh that's real handsome. Only
it don't fit in with my plans.

I see. You would prefer them
to be shot down in the Street?

Well they can take their chances.

They aren't taking any chances Doctor.
Johnny Ringo's going be behind the Earps.

One more yap outta you
Regret you're dead, boy!

Ah tch...! If you are alluding
to the presence of Mr Ringo

I can assure you sir that that also has been
anticipated. They're quite ready for them.

Okay, supposing they are? There's
still only two of them against four.

You have been sadly misinformed!
Doctor Holliday is there also.

What?! Kate, you said
Holliday was in New Mexico!

I blush with shame Mr Clanton, indeed I do. That was a dang
blasted lie. He's right there in Tombstone with the Earps.

Doc Holliday and the
Earps? Again' my boys...

So the cards, they are drawn

An' the chips, they are down,

Them outlaws and lawmen

Are headin' for town.

So the Earps an the Clantons

Are aimin' to meet,

At the OK Corral

Near Calamity Street.

We're early!

D'you wanna be late...
for your own funeral?

Now you cut that out Ringo!

Take it easy kid!

Just remember what I told you.

Yeah I remember. We're
the bait in the trap.

That's right. Now don't forget,

start firing before they get into range, and go on
firing so as they don't get a chance to look behind 'em.

Because that's where I'll be

okay? Be seeing you.

So them bad, cruel outlaws

Are meeting up soon;

And they've done their last drinkin'

At the Last Chance Saloon.

Well, best be going.

Wyatt, are you sure I can't stop ya?


Okay. So, good luck.

Ready Doc?

Oh, ready as I will be. Why these here get togethers have
to be held at sun-up I never will know. It'ain't civilised!

Now just where're you gonna
make your play from, Doc?

Well it's like I say Wyatt. I'll be strollin' along real
easy behind you on the shady side of the Street. Okay?


It's the OK Corral

Boys of gunfighting fame,

Where the Earps and the Clantons,

They played out their game.

Here they come boys! Now!


Take the side.

Doc, look out!

Well if it ain't Doc
Holliday. Who invited you Doc?

You did Ringo. It seemed
kinda seemly to show up.

Throw down your gun,
or the girl gets it.

I'm sorry Johnny.

I thought you'd do
better than that Mr Ringo.

I will... next time!

Ah now Missy you sure do perplex me,
go on now you get the hell outta here!

Oh now Doc I was only trying to help!

You try to help me any more
you'll be the death of me, go on!

Ringo was here.


He is no more.

Phin'! I'm gonna get Doc Holliday!

They paid their sins

And they lost on the draw,

For the Earps they was faster

And they was the law.

So beware all you cowboys

Who's yearning to sin,

If the Earps is the lawmen

You ain't gonna win!

Why on Earth would you want to leave Tombstone I can't
imagine! All the Clantons are dead, Ringo is dead.

Matters anent.

Yes, but surely Wyatt Earp...

Wyatt Earp is no longer a lawman.
Besides he killed two Clantons.

Even so, he'd never let a friend down.

Neither would Masterson.

Show 'em Doc.

Ain't nothin' Masterson
would do to oblige a friend.

Ain't it always the same?

Always the same.

It's a very good likeness.

It's yours.

Thank you.

Goodbye to you all.

Come along Kate.

Aah what a terrible, terrible
injustice. You know I'm tempted to...


So fill up your glasses

And join in the song,

The law's right behind you

And it won't take long.

Ah my dear Dodo, my dear Dodo!

You know you're fast becoming a prey to every
cliche-ridden convention in the American West.

And it's high time we
left. Now come along

Thank goodness for that!

Come along now!

Oh but Doctor!

I don't want to discuss it any
further. In you go, come along!

Yes I think I can say that I
know just exactly where we are.

Past, present or future?

In the future, very much in the future.

We've now reached the distant horizon of
an age... an age of peace and prosperity.

Now I'm going to be off!