Doctor Who (1963–1989): Season 17, Episode 16 - Nightmare of Eden: Part Four - full transcript

After succeeding in separating the two merged ships, the Doctor discovers the identities of the drug runners. He, Romana and K-9 endeavor to catch them cleverly while also avoiding both the excise men wanting to shoot them and the marauding mandrels just wanting to kill anyone in sight.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Transcripts from novels and synchro: wyxchari

Don't touch those controls.

You don't understand. The Doctor's in the power unit.

We're going to try to separate the two ships now.
I must ***** drive.

I don't know what you're up to,
but I intend to stop you.

Touch those controls I and I'll shoot!

You're going to kill me anyway.

Don't touch them!

He's done it.

Empress, this is Hecate!
Full separation has been achieved.

No damage to report.
Empress this is Hecate, respond please.

Are you *****? What do you going in the ship?

I came aboard for weapons
to help fight those Mandrel things.

- The ships separated while I was here.
- Right.

Is there any damage to the Empress?


Who gave Fisk, sir.
I request you permission to continue my journey

and I won't be pressing
any damage claims in the Empress.

No, no, no, you'll be needed as a witness,
there's bound to be a full enquiry.

But I can't afford any more delay.
I'll lose my contract.

Look, Dymond. This is an official warning.

When this accident occurred,
you were in a prohibited area.

That makes you liable to a heavy fine at the very least.
If you try to leave without my permission.

I'll order the coastguard battlecruisers
to shoot you down. Do you understand me, Dymond?

- Yes.
- Right.

Then get yourself back on board
the Empress right away.

Yes, runaway.

Operation one hundred per cent successful, Mistress.

Yes, I know, but I can't find the Doctor.
You can locate him with your sensors?


Sensors indicates that the Master
is no abord in the ship, Mistress.


Delia. Have you seen the Doctor?

No. I've been too busy helping with the casualties.

- I heard that the excise men ordered him shot on sight,
you too. - Yes, I know.

- And could you bear it if I asked you about Stott?
- Why?

Tryst was hinting that you were involved
in the drug running.

We don't believe him,
but it would help if you could tell us what did happen.

All right. I spent most of that last day with Stott.

We were very close by then,
but he was acting strangely.

Kept on telling me to go back to the ship.

He seemed to want to get rid of me.

***** about.

I got the impression he was looking for something.

- It's looking do you see?
- No.

Then it happened. There was a shot from the forest.

It's only *****.
But the Mandrel came out of the jungle.

And I ran. I ran.
I just couldn't help myself. I was so afraid.

It's all right, Delia. Any want I can you see?

The Mandrel killed him.

How do you know?

Tryst told me. He showed me a visi-print.
It was horrible...

Stott didn't die. He's here, on this ship.

Where? I must...


But we must find them.

No *****.

Now, we must find ***** the Vraxoin.
We ***** help us.

***** help me. ***** out. *****.

Romana, when I can you do help?

The fisrt point is find the Doctor.

How very odd!

A very strange.

A very clever.

Eden Project: Projected Turnover.

The profits on human misery.

Right, Dymond's on his way back.
Any sign of the Doctor?

No, they're still searching for the moment.

I think I may be able to tell you where the Doctor is.

Why? Why didn't you tell me this before?

I was afraid you wouldn't believe me.

Then convince me, Professor.

I think the Doctor went into the projection.

What projection?

The CET machine's. The image has become
a kind of unstable dimensional field.

If you want do it?

- He's got to come out of it somewhere.
Costa, check the VIP in the lounge. - Right.

I'll join you later.

Then Fisk... what do you want inside the project?

A cronology imagine that one of the crew on my expedition,
found a new source of the drug...

Vrax on place of the transmut *****.

Yes. Then inform the Doctor.
So, the Doctor can come on board and must the pick-up.

- ***** wonderfull *****.
- Yes, yes.

Why did the Doctor bother to separate the ships?

Perhaps, it's because if you said is a criminal.

Yes, *****.

Did you find anything?

Only a Mandrel.

Oh, it's must be somewhere.

Negative, Mistress.
I have scanned the ship and there is no.

What do you see, K9?

This way. The Doctor has just come on board.

Hello, K9.

- Hello Doctor.
- Romana, are you right?

What happened to you?

I got caught up in a matter interface
when the ships separated.

Look up, quick.

Why you doing with them?

Finding out a few things.

You'd better tell Fisk about it. Come on.

Bit uncivil of them waving guns at us like that.

- Hey've got orders to shoot.
- Yes.

Tell me, what would you use an encoder laser for?

An encoder can carry thousands
of them sending telecom messages.

Could it transmit a CET projection crystal?

Like Tryst's you mean? Yes, theoretically. Why?

Because Dymond's got a CET machine
on board the Hecate with an encoder laser attachment.

So Tryst and Dymond must be the smugglers?

It looks like it.

The problem will be convincing Fisk,
he's convinced it's us.

We should have to catch them
in the act of transferring Vraxoin.

Master. Detect someone approaching.

Stand aside. Leave it to K9.

What happened to you, Doctor?

Never mind about that.
We've found out who the smugglers are.

Dymond is the pick-up man
and the smuggler is Tryst himself.

- Tryst? - Yes. The Vraxoin source
is on the Eden crystal, as you thought.

They're going to transfer it
to the Hecate by encoder laser.

- You've found the source?
- Yes. This thinks.

- The Mandrels?
- Yes.

One of them attacked me in the power unit,
but is electrocuted. Burn a powder.

- A powder?
- You mean the Vraxoin!

No wonder I couldn't find it.

Yes. I think to make the transference
between ships with an encoder laser?

- Any prove it?
- Yes. I'm let them do it!

Tryst, there is a Mandrel out there.

Its all right. Our friend Dymond has a gun.

What you doing surely you weren't thinking
of leaving the ship?

You've got to help the Doctor.
He warned you the CET machine was unstable.

You've got to help him to get
the Mandrels back into projection.

- Is that what plans to doing?
- Yes.

Good. In that case, I shall be right behind him.

Put your hands up. Doctor!

You are arresting the wrong person, you know.

Thats enough out of you Doctor.


Who are you?


It's Tryst and Dymond are the ones you want.

Tryst, you know Stott is alive.

Alive? He can't be!

You fired that shot, didn't you.
The last day on Eden...

I didn't want to do it, Delia.
He forced this situation an outself.

You. You're smuggling the Vrax.

Delia. It...

Yes. It was you all along.

It started just as a temporary measure.
To help me with my financial difficulties.

The cost of the expeditions was rising all the time,
it was bankrupting me.

But Vraxoin! A drug thats destroyed
people by the millions.

I had to continue my researches.

Without me, many of the creatures
we found might have become extinct.

I think that millions of people becoming extinct
is rather more serious?

But they had a choice.
It's their own fault if they choose to become addicted.

Who like Rigg, I suppose? Did he have a choice?

That was most unfortunate.

But it's necessary...

Kill it.

Kill it? I can't even stop it!

It's gone.

Delia. Get after her!

Stop them, K9, quickly.

Mission aborted, Mistress.

Your protection has a higher priority
in my programming, Mistress.

Thank you, K9. That was close!

Two metres to be precise. Mistress.

Romana. What happened?

Dymond shot Delia. She'll be all right.

Callous wretches.
They'll be making the energy transfer any minute now.

All security personnel! Locate
and detain Pilot Dymond and passenger Tryst.

They may be attempting to leave the ship.

Previous orders regarding the Doctor
and his companion are now cancelled.

It's come sooner than I thought.

We'd better get a move on.
Even if we get clear, they'll have interceptor after us.

I doubt that. I smashed the communicator.
They're cut off from Azure.

If we don't get them before they leave the ship,
we've lost them!

We could chase them in the Empress.

With no pilot, no navigator. Could you fly?

Gentlemen, once more...

What's happened?

Tryst and Dymond have got away.

They won't go without the Eden crystal.
That gives us a little time.

To do what?

Well, now that the ships are separated,
we can stabilise the projection.

- Good. It not it?
- Yes.

Which means?

Which means we can clear the marauding menagerie
of Mandrels back where they came from.

Yes. Which is where want you do?

Giving them what they want?

We've got to bait the hook first probably.

Keep them moving.
We should join up with Fisk and his squad soon.

We can't hold them!

I going inside now everybody long time.

Stay it, stay it. This way. No that way!

- So *****. Switch off the machine.
- No.

Turn it off!

Well down, Romana.

- Well Doctor.
- What now?

Romana? We've got two minutes
and fifty-eight seconds to take this machine.

- What this? - Yes.
- It's this. - Yes.

- Are you joking?
- Do I look as if I'm joking? Well.

I'll need a screwdriver.

How does it look?

Couldn't be better! Are you ready to get us out
of here as soon as I've made the transfer?

- I can five the *****.
- Good. I'm ready.

Increase the gain on the matrix modulator.

- Well?
- Up five points.

Five point. It's not enough.
We can need more power somehere.

We could put jump leads on K9.

Good. Good dog, K9, good dog. Come on.
Put your leads on. Put your leads on here.

- All connected, K9?
- Affirmative, Mistress.

What are you trying to achieve?

We're trying to increase the range
and power of this machine.

How many points now Romana?

Ten and building.

Ten and building. That's more like it.
I think we're going to be all right!

- Are you all right?
- Just a bit of a shock.

They're making the transfer.

That means we've lost --

Quiet. Quiet. Reverse the setting on
the transmutation matrix!

It's all right. It's all right.
It's quite safe.

- They've made the transfer.
- So?

They get the way.

Will you please reverse the setting on
the transmutation matrix.

- K9?
- Yes, Master.

I want to find the Hecate. Give me her position.

- Affirmative.
- Good dog.

Good. We've done it.
Now get us out of here!

47.3 vector 799, in seven seconds.

47.3 vector 799. I hop you be right, K9?

- Good!
- What happened?

Ever heard the expression
"hoist with his own petard?"

Yes, but you not anything.

Good, well, when...

So Doctor. Your plan was miserably.
There's no way we can catch them now!

On the contrary. I've already caught them.

There you are, all yours!

But... but... but...

All I did was increase the range of this machine here.
Then I used it to bring them back.

Matter transmutation, you see!
Since the projection is still unstable,

all you have to do is pluck them out!

You heard. Go and pluck them out!

Doctor, Doctor,
I never wanted to be involved in all this.

Tell them I only did it for the sake of science,
for the sake of funding my research.

You understand! You're a scientist...

Go away. Just go away.

Where are you now? Good, good.

How are you feeling now, Doctor.

The nightmare is safely imprisoned here.

In the Eden crystal.

And here's the rest of Tryst's electronic zoo.

It was never meant for a zoo.
It really was a conservation exercise for some of us.

I think the best way of conserving
the poor creatures imprisoned

in these crystals would be to project them back
to their home planets, don't you?

But you've already dismantled the CET machines.

We've got some very sophisticated
projection equipment in the TARDIS.

Do it in no time?

What about the Mandrels of the Vraxoin?

The Mandrels have a perfect right to exist too,

on their own planet and in their own way.

Major Stott, make sure no one
else discovers the secret.

I can only think of one animal who'd be happy
in an electronic zoo!

What's that?

I don't think it would be tactful
to tell you, do you, K9?

Negative, Mistress.