Doctor Who (2005–…): Season 8, Episode 7 - Kill the Moon - full transcript

In the near future, the Doctor and Clara find themselves on a space shuttle making a suicide mission to the Moon. Crash-landing on the lunar surface they find the most terrible things.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
CLARA: Hello! Hello!

Hello, Earth.
We have a terrible decision to make.

It is an uncertain decision

and we don't have a lot of time.

The man who

normally helps, he's gone.

Maybe he's not coming back.
In fact, I...

(SIGHS) I really don't think he is.

We're on our own.


An innocent life versus
the future of all mankind.

We have 45 minutes to decide.


Ripped By mstoll

Courtney Woods.

Doctor, she's gone crazy,

she's uncontrollable.

She took your psychic paper,
she's been using it as fake ID.

- To get into museums?
- No, no, no,

to buy White Lightning
or alcopops or whatever.

I've no idea what you're talking about.

- What is Courtney Woods?
- She's one of my Year 10s.

She was in the Tardis.

- Doing what?
- Throwing up.

Oh, her. Oh, that was ages ago.

Look, she says you told her
that she wasn't special.


She says that's what
sent her off the rails.

- Doctor! I know, I know!

But you say something like that
to somebody, it hurts,

especially if you're somebody
of her age, especially if you're you.

Doctor, it can affect her whole life.


Oi! Give over!

I got stuff to clean up with!

- What?
- And I got these from the chemist.

- Vortex Manipulators?
- Travel sickness.

Good. Because I don't like
people being sick in my Tardis.

No being sick. And no hanky-panky.

- Doctor!
- Sorry, that's the rules.

Look, Courtney,
you're not going to be needing those

because you're not going
to be doing any travelling.

- Doctor, will you just, just tell her?
- Tell her what?

Tell her that she's special.

Have you gone bananas?

Do you really think I'm not special?

You can't just take me away like that.

It's like you kicked a big hole in,
in the side of my life.

You really think it?
I'm nothing? I'm not special?

Oh, God!

How'd you like to be
the first woman on the moon?

Is that special enough for you?

- Yeah, all right.
- Okay.

Now we can do something interesting.

Hey! Doctor!

This isn't the moon.

- Where are we?
- On a recycled space shuttle.

2049, judging by that prototype version
of the Bennett oscillator.

Where's the gravity coming from?

What are they?

- About 100 nuclear bombs.

Ah. We're on our way to the moon.

Check that,
we're about to crash into it!

Hold on! Hold on!

(GRUNTS) Why didn't you just
tell her you didn't mean it?

Who the hell do you think you are?

Why have you got
all these nuclear bombs?

I'm not going to give you
another chance.

Oh, well, you're just going
to have to shoot us, then.

Shoot the little girl first.

- What?
- Yes,

she doesn't want to stand there
and watch us getting shot, does she?

She'd be terrified.

Girl first,
then her teacher and then me.

You'll have to spend a lot of time
shooting me

because I will keep on regenerating.

In fact, I'm not entirely sure

that I won't keep on
regenerating forever.

- Doctor, what are you doing?
Gravity test.

So it'll be very
time-consuming and messy

and rather wasteful

because I think I might just
possibly be able to help you.

You see,
I am a super-intelligent alien being

who flies in time and space.

Are you going to shoot me?

- No.
- Good.

Why have you got
all these nuclear bombs?

No, no, no. Easier question,

what's wrong with my yo-yo?

Doctor, it goes up and down.


- Ah.
- A-ha!

We should all be bouncing about
this cabin like fluffy little clouds.

But we're not.

What is the matter with the moon?

Nobody knows.

Do you know what's wrong with the moon?

- It's put on weight.
- How can the moon put on weight?

Well, lots of ways.

Gravity bombs, axis alignment systems,
planet shelters.

So, it's alien?

Must be causing chaos on Earth.

The tides will be so high
that they will drown whole cities!

- Yeah.
- So what are you doing about it?


That's what you do with aliens,
isn't it? Blow them up?



One small thing for a thing,

one enormous thing fora thingy-thing!

Well, so much for history.

LUNDVIK: There was a mining survey.

Something happened up here,
nobody knows what.

That's when the trouble began
back on Earth.

High tide everywhere at once.

The greatest natural disaster
in history.


Henry, go back and prime the bombs.

- Um, is there any instructions?

There's a switch on each of them.
The light goes red.

And it won't go off?

No, not till I've fiddled
with this thing.


Shall we?

DOCTOR: ls that the best you could get?

LUNDVIK: Second-hand space shuttle,
third-hand astronauts.

DOCTOR: How many people here?

Minera Luna San Pedro.

It was privately financed.

They were doing
a mineral survey up here.

Messages? Mayday? SOS?

Pretty much all the satellites
had been whacked out of orbit.

They managed to send back some screams.

So, then you came up
to rescue them with your bombs?

Not quite.

- They disappeared 10 years ago.
- Nobody came?

- There was no shuttle.
- You had one.

It was in a museum.

They'd cut the back off it
so kids could ride in it.

We'd stopped going into space.
Nobody cared.

- Not until...

- Courtney!

CLARA: Oh, my God.

Doctor, tell me there wasn't
anyone inside that thing.

I could, but it wouldn't make it true.

I'll get some power back on.

CLARA: Come on.

Courtney, come here. Don't look.

- You all right?
- I'm okay.

Hey, look. Look at me. Look!

It's all right if you're not.

I'm fine.

What did it?

DOCTOR: Maybe something

trying to find out
how you were put together.

Or maybe how you tasted.

Do we have guns?

Not unless you brought some.

Chicken, apparently.


Save the air.



They didn't find anything.

- Eh?
- The Mexicans.

They didn't find any minerals
on the moon at all.



- Oh?
- Lines of tectonic stress.

That's the Mare Fecunditatis.

It's been there since
the Apollo days, it's always been there.

No, no, no. These are much, much bigger.

Sea of Tranquillity.

Sea of Nectar.

Sea of Ingenuity.

Sea of Crises.


Meaning, Clara, that the moon,

this little planetoid
that's been tagging along beside you

for 100 million years,

which gives you light at night
and seas to sail on,

is in the process of falling to bits.



Hello, Captain? Captain?

- Captain? Oh!




- What the hell was that?
- Duke, is that you?

I don't sound anything like that.

Can you try and get the lights back on?

That's what I am doing.

Torch, give me your torch.
Whatever it is, it's in here.



I think we've found your alien.

Back, back, back! We need a door.

- A door, a door!
- Here! Here!

- The door's locked.
- Come on, come on!

- DOCTOR: There's no power to work it.
- Courtney!

- DOCTOR: Come on!
- Doctor...

DOCTOR: Stay still.
It's sensing movement.

It can't see you. Fast movement.

There must be another exit
through there.


- Slowly.

(WHISPERING) Head to that exit.

- DOCTOR: Slowly, slowly.
- Take my hand.

Slowly. Slowly.

Gently, gently.

When I say run, run.

Who made you the boss?

Well, you say run, then!




Run! We have power. Run!

- Quick! It's shutting!
- Miss!

Courtney! Courtney!

- Miss!
- Courtney!


The power's gone again.

It's killed him. It's coming in here!

Doctor, it's coming in here!

- You'll be okay!
- Henry? Henry?

Courtney, look at me. Look at me!
Courtney! Try and get to the wall!

Try and get yourself down here.

Courtney, grab my yo-yo!



DOCTOR: Courtney!



Kills 99% of all known germs.

Good stuff, Courtney.
Just don't try that at home, okay?

You all right?

Why did I just fly? This is nuts.

Did you say germs?

Oh, God, this is incredible.

Look at the size of it,
it's the size of a badger!


It's a prokaryotic,
unicellular life form

with non-chromosomal DNA.

Which, as you and me know...

Well, not you and me,
well, you certainly not.

As, you and me,
yes, scientists know this is a germ.

You flew because that 1.3 billion
tonnes shifted. It moved!

It's an unstable mass.

- I'm scared, miss.
- Okay.

He'd just had a granddaughter.

Elina. She was his first.

He was my teacher.
He taught me how to fly.

We were both given the sack
on the same day.

Which way to the Mare Fecunditatis?

Please can I go home now?

I'm really...

I'm really sorry

but I'd like to go home.

LUNDVIK: Henry, come in.

If you don't mind, Henry, come in.

CLARA: Doctor, this is dangerous now.

DOCTOR: It was dangerous before.

Everything's dangerous
if you want it to be.

Eating chips is dangerous.
Crossing the road.

It's no way to live your life.

Tell her, you're supposed
to be teaching her!

Look, I have a duty of care, okay?
You know what that is?

Of course I know what a duty
of care is. What are you suggesting?

- She's fine. What are you, 35?
- Fifteen!

- Don't touch anything.
- You got any games?

Oh, don't be so stupid!

- Can I get reception up here?
- Get in.

Why are you shutting her in?
We don't need to stay, do we?

- Eh?
- It's obvious, isn't it?

- The moon doesn't break up.
- How do you know?

Well, because I've been in the future
and the moon is still there.

I think.

You know the moon is still there, right?

Maybe it isn't the moon.

Maybe it's a hologram or a big
painting or a special effect.

Maybe it's a completely different moon.

- But you would know.
- I would?

If the moon fell to bits in 2049,
somebody would've mentioned it,

it would have come up in conversation.

So it doesn't break up,
so the world doesn't end.

So let's just get in the Tardis and go!

Clara, there are some moments
in time that I simply can't see.

Little eye-blinks.

They don't look the same
as other things.

They're not clear,

they're fuzzy,

they're grey.

Little moments
in which big things are decided.

And this is one of them.

Just now, I can't tell
what happens to the moon

because whatever happens to the moon

hasn't been decided yet.

And it's going to be decided
here and now.

Which very much sounds
as though it's up to us.

Neither of you are going anywhere.

I've lost my crew.

We were the last astronauts,

this is the last shuttle,
these are the last nuclear bombs.

We're the last chance for Earth
and you're staying to help me.

Decision made.


DOCTOR: What is killing the moon?

CLARA: How can the moon die, though?

Everything does, sooner or later.

Can we save it?

Depends what's killing it.

LUNDVIK: There are the other three.

Is it those germ things, then?

Are they like cockroaches? Is it...

- Is it an infestation?
- Is it?

Well, I've only seen one of them.

It would take an awful lot more
to cause the moon

to put on 1.3 billion tonnes.

- Doctor!

No, it's a vacuum, it won't work.


That makes two.


- If they're germs.

My nan says it's the best
disinfectant there is.

Shine your light down there.

Where have they come from?

Maybe they've been there all the time.

It's warmish. They're multiplying.

Feeding. Evolving.

Doctor, if the moon breaks up,
it'll kill us all in about 45 minutes.

I agree.
Unless something else is going on.

There's no water on the moon.

It's not water. It's amniotic fluid.

The stuff that life comes from.

- I've got to go down there.
- Doctor!

Back to your shuttle.
Get your bombs ready.

You, get to the Tardis.
Get safe. Get Courtney safe.

- I will be back.
- What? No. Doctor. Doctor!


- LUNDVIK: Will he?

Will he be back?

If he says so, I suppose he will.

Miss? Come in.


I'm bored. When are you coming back?

We're on our way. What you doing?

Putting some pictures on Tumblr.

No! Courtney, don't put
any photos on Tumblr.

My granny used to put things on Tumblr!


There he is.

CLARA: Is that where we landed?
It looks so different.

It's going down.

CLARA: Courtney!

- Doctor!
- We're going to have to take cover.

- We're running out of oxygen.
- Doctor!

Today's the day, humankind!

Where's the Tardis?

She's in the shuttle, isn't she?
She'll turn up.

Last time you said that, she turned
up on the wrong side of the planet!

You two have never gotten on, have you?

Look, we need to know where Courtney is!

Courtney is safe.

Oh, well, do you have her phone number?

No, no, no. Of course I don't
have her phone number!

What about the school,
does the secretary have her number?

(SIGHS) I can't. The secretary hates me.

She thinks I gave her a packet
Tena Lady for Secret Santa.

Look, Courtney's posting stuff on
Tumblr. Doesn't that know where you are?

I don't know. I'm not a historian.

Phone. I know what the problem is.

Oh, she can't post that!
She can't put pictures of me online!


- Yeah?
- You can't put pictures of me online!

- Are you okay?
- Uh, I'm fine. What's up?

- You said you know what the problem is.
- Yes. Yes!

It's a rather big problem.

Okay. Do you want to share it
with the class?

Well, I had a little hypothesis.

The seismic activity,
the surface breaking up,

the variable mass,
the increase in gravity,

the fluid...

I scanned what's down there.


The moon isn't breaking apart.

Well, actually, it is breaking
apart and rather quickly,

we've got about an hour and a half,
but that isn't the problem.

It's not infested.

What are they, then, those things?


Tiny, tiny bacteria.

Living on something very, very big.

Something that weighs
about 1.3 billion tonnes.

Something that's living.
Something growing.



- That lives under the moon?
- No.


That doesn't live under the moon.

That is the moon.

What the hell are you talking about?

The moon isn't breaking apart.
The moon is hatching!


The moon's an egg.

Has it, um...

- Has it always been an egg?
- Yes.

For 100 million years or so.

Just, just growing,
just getting ready to be born.

Okay, so the moon
has never been the moon?

No, no, no, no. It's never been dead.

It’s just taking a long time
to come alive.

Is it a chicken?

- No!
- 'Cause, for a chicken

- to have laid an egg...
- Courtney, don't spoil the moment.

Doctor, what is it?

I think that it's unique.

I think that's the only one
of its kind in the universe.

I think that that is

utterly beautiful.

How do we kill it?

- Why do you want to kill it?
- It's a little baby.

Doctor, how do we kill it?

Kill the moon?

Kill the moon.

Well, you have about 100 of
the best man-made nuclear weapons,

if they still work,
if that's what you want to do.

- Doctor, wait...
- Will that do it?

A hundred nuclear bombs set off
right where they are,

right on top of a living,
vulnerable creature.

It'll never feel the sun on its back.

And then what?
Will the moon still break up?

You said...
You said we had an hour and a half?

Well, there'll be nothing
to make it break up.

There'll be nothing
trying to force its way out.

The gravity of the little dead baby

will pull all the pieces
back together again.

Of course, it won't be very pretty.

You'd have an enormous corpse
floating in the sky.

You might have some very difficult
conversations to have with your kids.

- I don't have any kids.
- Stop.

Right, listen, this is a,
this is a life.

I mean, this must be
the biggest life in the universe.

It's not even been born!

It is killing people.
It is destroying the Earth!

You cannot blame a baby for kicking.

Let me tell you something.

You want to know
what I took back from being in space?

Look at the edge of the Earth,

the atmosphere, that is paper-thin.

That is the only thing
that saves us all from death,

everything else,
the stars, the blackness,

that's all dead.

Sadly, that

is the only life
any of us will ever know.

There's life here.

There's life just next door.

Look, when you've grown up a bit,
you'll realise

that everything doesn't have to be nice.

Some things are just bad.

Anyway, you ran away.
It's none of your business.

COURTNEY: Doctor, I want to come back.

Courtney, you'll be safer where you are.

Doctor, I'm sorry. I want
to come back, okay? I want to help.

DOCTOR: There are some DVDs
on the blue bookshelf.

Just stick one into the Tardis console,
that'll bring you to me.

- Right.
- Make sure you hang on to the console,

otherwise the Tardis
will leave you behind.

So. What do we do?

Doctor? Huh?

Doctor, what do we do?


- What?
- We don't do anything.

I'm sorry, Clara. I can't help you.

Of course you can help.

The Earth isn't my home.
The moon's not my moon. Sorry.

Come on! Hey.

Listen, there are moments
in every civilisation's history

in which the whole path
of that civilisation is decided.

The whole future path.

Whatever future humanity might have

depends upon the choice that is made
right here and right now.

Now, you've got the tools to kill it.
You made them.

You brought them up here
all on your own with your own ingenuity,

you don't need a Time Lord.

Kill it. Or let it live.
I can't make this decision for you!

- Yeah, well, I can't make it.
- Well, there's two of you here.

Yeah, a schoolteacher and an astronaut.

Who's better qualified?

I don't know! The President of America!

Oh, take something oh' his plate.
He makes far too many decisions anyway.

- She.
- She. Sorry.

She hasn't even been into space,
she hasn't even been to another planet.

- How would she even know what to do?
- I am asking you for help.

Listen, we went to dinner
in Berlin in 1937, right?

We didn't nip out
after pudding and kill Hitler.

I've never killed Hitler.

And you wouldn't expect me
to kill Hitler.

The future is no more malleable
than the past.

Okay, don't you do this
to make some kind of point.

Sorry. 'Well, actually,
no, I'm not sorry.

It's time to take
the stabilisers off your bike!

It's your moon, womankind.

It's your choice.

- And you're just going to stand there?
Absolutely not.



A teenager, an astronaut
and a schoolteacher.

Hang on a minute,
we can get in there, can't we?

- You can sort it out with that thing.
- No.

Some decisions are too important
not to make on your own.





Oh, what a prat.



I'm going to detonate the bombs, agreed?



Hang on tight, there's been a breach!

If we let it live, what would happen
if the moon wasn't there?

- We haven't got time for this!
- We're discussing it!

What would happen
if the moon wasn't there?

I have a physics book in my bag.
There's this thing on gravity.

Super. Is there a word search?

(SIGHS) Okay. There would be no tides.

But we'd survive that, right?
There's, uh...

They've knocked out the satellites.
There's no internet, no mobiles.

I'd be fine with that.

It's not going to just stop being there.

Because inside the moon, miss,

is a gigantic creature
forcing its way out.

And when it does, which is
going to be pretty damn soon,

there are going to be huge chunks
of the moon heading right for us,

like whatever killed the dinosaurs,
only 10,000 times bigger.

But the moon isn't made of rock
and stone, is it? It's made of eggshell!

Oh, God! Okay, okay, fine.

If, by some miracle,
the shell isn't too thick

or if it disperses or if it
goes into orbit, whatever,

there's still going to be
a massive thing there, isn't there,

that just popped out.

And what the hell
do you imagine that is?

Loads of things lay eggs.

It's not a chicken.

I'm not saying it's a chicken.
I'm not completely stupid.

It's an exoparasite.

- A what?
- Like a flea.

Or a head louse.

I'm going to have to be
a lot more certain than that

- if I'm going to kill a baby.
- Oh, you want to talk about babies?

You've probably got babies
down there now.

- You want to have babies?
- Well... Yeah.

- Mr Pink...
- Shh!

Okay, you imagine you've got children
down there on Earth now, right?

Grandchildren, maybe.

You want that thing to get out?
Kill them all?

You want today to be the day
life on Earth stopped

because you couldn't make
an unfair decision?

Listen, I don't want to do this.

All my life I've dreamed
about coming here.

But this is how it has to end.


I've given us an hour.
There's a cut-out here.

If anyone has any bright ideas
or if he comes back, that stops it.

But once it's pressed, it stays pressed.

And if he doesn't come back?

I didn't expect to survive anyway.

He's going to comeback,
though, right? Isn't he, miss?

Hey, why don't you call me Clara?

I prefer "miss", miss.

We just need to make up
our minds, that's all.

Well, you know him.

I think he really might just be
leaving it to us.


MAN: Can anybody hear me?
Come in, please.

- Can anybody...
- Lundvik.

- This is ground control.
- Yeah, yeah. I can tell by your haircut.

- How are things down there?
- Pretty bad.

Yeah. Pretty bad.

Listen, we're patched in
to one of the TV satellites.

We haven't got long.
How are things up there?

- Can we broadcast on this?
- Who are you?

School trip. Can we broadcast on this?

Well, yes.

Hello, Earth.

We have a terrible decision to make.

It's an uncertain decision
and we don't have a lot of time.

We can kill this creature
or we can let it live.

We don't know what it's going to do,

we don't know what's going to happen
when it hatches,

if it will hurt us, help us
or just leave us alone.

We have to decide together.

This is the last time
we'll be able to speak to you

but you can send us a message.

If you think we should
kill the creature, turn your lights off.

If you think we should take the chance,

let it live, leave your lights on.

We'll be able to see.

Goodnight, Earth.

Was that okay?



Come on. Let's see.



Oh, Doctor, where have you gone?

We can't risk it all just to be nice.

- Okay.
- Miss.

- Nine seconds.
- You can't!

Sorry, girls. See you on the other side.



- One, two, three, into the Tardis.
- What's happening?

Let's go and have a look, shall we?

Bloody idiots!
Bloody irresponsible idiots!

Would you mind your language, please?
There are children present.

You should
have left me there, let me die.

I wanted to die up there with
the universe in front of me,

not being crushed to death on Earth!

Nobody's going to die!

Could you please let us see
what's happening?


- What's it doing?

It's feeling the sun on itself.

It's getting warm.

The chick flies away
and the eggshell disintegrates.


Did you know?

You made your decision.
Humanity made its choice.

No, we ignored humanity.

Well, there you go.

So what happens now, then?

Tell me what happens now.

In the mid-21st century,

humankind starts creeping off

into the stars.

Spreads its way through the galaxy,

to the very edges of the universe.

And it

endures till the end of time.

And it does all that
because one day in the year 2049,

when it had stopped thinking
about going to the stars,

something occurred
that made it look up, not down.

It looked out there into the blackness

and it saw something beautiful,
something wonderful,

that for once it didn't want to destroy.

And in that one moment,

the whole course of history was changed.

Not bad for a girl
from Coal Hill School.

And her teacher.

Oh, my gosh.

It laid a new egg.

It's beautiful.

Doctor, it's beautiful.

That's what we call a new moon.

You can be the first woman on that!

I think that somebody
deserves a thank you.

Yeah, probably.

Thank you.

Thank you for stopping me.

Thank you for giving me the moon back.

Okay, Captain. Well, you've
got a whole new space programme

to get together. NASA is, uh...

that way. About 2,500 miles.

You still got your Vortex Manipulators?
I'll give you a run home.

Not that it's any of my business
but I think you did the right thing.

Yeah, you're right.
It's none of your business.

Come on, Courtney, off you go.
Double geography.

- Can we do it again?
- Go! Go, go. Chop-chop.



Tell me what you knew.

I told you, I've got grey areas.

Yeah, I noticed.
Tell me what you knew, Doctor,

or else I'll smack you so hard
you'll regenerate.

I knew that eggs are not bombs.

I know they don't usually
destroy their nests.

Essentially, what I knew was that
you would always make the best choice.

I had faith that you would
always make the right choice.

Honestly, do you have
music playing in your head

when you say rubbish like that?

It wasn't my decision to make.
I told you.

Well, why did you do it?
Was it for Courtney, was that it?

Well, she really is
something special now, isn't she?

First woman on the moon,
saved the Earth from itself

and rather bizarrely, she becomes
the President of the United States!

She met this bloke called Blinovitch...

Do you know what? Shut up!
I am so sick of listening to you!

Well, I didn't do it for Courtney.

I didn't know what was going to happen.

- What, do you think I'm lying?
- I don't know. I don't know!

If you didn't do it for her, I mean...

Do you know what, it was...
It was cheap, it was pathetic.

No, no, no. It was patronising.

That was you patting us
on the back, saying,

"You're big enough to go
to the shops by yourself now.

"Go on, toddle along."

No, that was me allowing you to
make a choice about your own future.

That was me respecting you.

Oh, my God, really? Was it?

Yeah, well, respected is not how I feel.

Right. Okay. Uh...

I nearly didn't press that button.

I nearly got it wrong. That was you,
my friend, making me scared,

- making me feel like a bloody idiot...
- Language!

Oh, don't you ever tell me
to mind my language,

don't you ever tell me to
take the stabilisers off my bike

and don't you dare lump me in
with the rest of all the little humans

that you think are so tiny
and silly and predictable!

You walk our Earth, Doctor,
you breathe our air,

you make us your friend,
then that is your moon, too,

and you can damn well help us
when we need it!

- I was helping.
- What, by clearing off?

- Yes!
- Yeah, well, clear off!

Go on.

You can clear off. Get back in
your lonely, your lonely bloody Tardis

and you don't come back!

Clara. Clara!

You go away.


You go a long way away.



- Hello.
- Hey! Now, then.

- What've you been up to?
- The usual.

It happened, didn't it?

Well, he was wrong, wasn't he?

Wasn't he?

Danny, what do you think?

I think I've seen this look before.

No, you haven't. This is new for me.

No, not on your face, on mine.

- What did you do?
- I left the army.

You loved the army.

Yep. And then one day I didn't.

I'm done, I'm done.
I am finished with it. I am... I'm done.

It's over. I'm finished with him
and I told him that.

What is that face for?
Why don't you believe me?

Because you're still angry.

You're never 'finished with anyone
while they can still make you angry.

Tell him when you're calm, then tell me.

When did you get to become so wise?

Same way as anyone else.

I had a really bad day.

DOCTOR: There were many trains
to take the name Orient Express

but only one in space.

MAN: Good morning, everyone.

Your goal is to ascertain
the Foretold's true nature.

I know exactly what this sounds like.

MAN: Isn't this exciting?

DOCTOR: It's immortal, unstoppable.

- Unkillable.
- Can we get a new expert?

MAN: Those that bear
the foretold 's stare

have 66 seconds to live.

DOCTOR: Stop the clock.

Ripped By mstoll