Doctor Who (2005–…): Season 8, Episode 2 - Into the Dalek - full transcript

The Doctor and Clara find themselves inside of a supposedly good Dalek.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Aristotle, this is Wasp Delta,
do you hear me?!

Stay with me, Kai.
Stay with me, please.


We have been hit!

Major damage.



The enemy are right
on top of us!

I'm sorry!


You'll probably
feel a bit sick.

Please don't be.

Where's my brother?

Hello, I'm the Doctor.

He was right beside me.
Where's Kai?

How did I get here?

I materialised a time capsule
exactly around you

And saved your life one second
before your ship exploded,

but do please keep crying.
- My brother just died!

His sister didn't.
You're very welcome.

- Put the gun down.
- Or what?

Or you might shoot me.
Then where will you be?

- In charge of your vessel.
- You'd starve to death
trying to find the light switch.

- Who are you?
- I'm lieutenant Journey Blue

Of the
Combined Galactic Resistance.

I demand you take me back
to my command ship,

- The Aristotle, which is
currently located...
- No.

Hey, not like that.

You will take me back
to my command ship,

which is currently positioned...
- No, no, come on.

Not like that, not like that,
get it right!

Will you take me back to my ship...

... please?

The Aristotle's the big fella
parked in the asteroid belt, yeah?

- It's shielded.
- More or less.

Dry your eyes, Journey Blue.
Crying is for civilians.

It's how we communicate with you lot.

- It's smaller on the outside.
- Yeah, it's a bit more exciting

when you go the other way.
This isn't a battleship.

Medical insignia.
It's a hospital.

We don't need hospitals now.

The Daleks don't leave
any wounded.

And we don't
take any prisoners.

I saved your
little friend here,

If that's in any way
relevant to mention.

That's true, sir.
He did.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- I wish I could've done more.
- Then you should have.

- Ok...
- But...

...You did save Journey,

And for that,
I am personally grateful.

- Well...
- However, the security of
this base is absolute,

so we're still going to kill you.

Oh, it's a roller coaster
with you, isn't it?

Shoot him, bag him,
and throw him outside.

- No, stop!
- I'm sorry.

- He might be a duplicate.
- He's a doctor.

And we have a patient,
don't we, uncle?

Why does a hospital
need a doctor?

The Aristotle
wasn't always hidden.

The Daleks got here before us.

You don't like soldiers much,
do you?

You don't need to be liked.
You've got all the guns.

- Wow, a molecular nano-scaler.
- You know what it does, then?

It miniaturises living matter.

What's the medical
application, though?

Do you use it to
shrink the surgeons

So they can climb
inside the patients?

- Exactly.
- Fantastic idea for a movie.

Terrible idea
for a proctologist.

Are you gonna miniaturise me?

You're a doctor, aren't ya?

And this is your patient.

No, you don't understand...
You can't put me in there.



Look at you lot!

I've never seen
such a miserable bunch!

What are you, children?

Yes, sir.

- Think you're funny, Fleming?
- Yes, sir.

All right, me, too.

What are you doing, Fleming?

So, Mr Pink,
did you have a good weekend?

- Yeah, I did, thanks.
- Yes, I'll bet you did.

- What did you get up to?
- Erm, you know. Bit of reading.

- Oh, I bet you were reading.
- I was, yeah.

Eh, I bet you were.

Well, yeah, I was.

I know your type.

She wishes.

Be quiet, you.

So, that's all the questions
on page 32, except the last one,

And then everything on page 33.

All that in for Thursday.

Any questions?

Sir, have you ever killed a man?

I was a soldier.

There were other soldiers,

and some of them
weren't on our side.

I shall leave the rest
to your imagination.

And please...
Think of another question.

Ok. Have you ever killed
anyone who wasn't a soldier?

Just to repeat, that's all
the questions on page 32,

Except the last one,
and then everything on page 33.

All that in for Thursday.
Is everyone clear?

Yes, sir.

- Fine, I'll take that class,
and then we can do some...

Oh, Clara, erm,
you've not met Danny Pink yet.

Er, new fella, Maths.

- Clara Oswald, English.
- Hey.

- Hey, nice to meet you.
- You, too.

You want to watch
yourself around him.

Bit of a lady-killer,
but always denies it.

- I am not a lady-killer.
- See what I mean?

Oh, Beth, can I have a word?

Er... Was it you I saw outside
doing the soldiery thing?

Oh, yeah,
probably the Coal Hill Cadets.

- Just a bit of fun.
- What, teaching them
how to shoot people?

There's a bit more to modern
soldiering than just shooting people.

I like to think
there's a moral dimension.

Ah, you shoot people and then
you cry about it afterwards?


- Is something wrong?
- Nothing.

Sorry, no, nothing.
I just...

- ...I didn't think they'd
say anything, that's all.
- Sorry?

- Have they told everyone?
- No, as far as I know,
nobody's told anybody anything.

What are you talking about?

Why did you just say
the crying thing?

- I was being funny.
- Why?

I just do that.

- Why?
- I don't know.

Anyway, I, erm...

- I've left some stuff in my class...
- Ok.

- See ya.
- See you.

Er, are you going to the, erm,
leaving thing tonight for Cathy?


Yeah. Er, I wasn't going,
but I am now,

Because you're gonna be there,
and suddenly it seems like
the best idea ever.

No, I'm not.

Oh, ok. Never mind.

Good night.

Change your mind.

- Excuse me?
- I'm going.

Er, I'll give you a lift.
Why not?

Actually, now that you mention it...

... seems like the best plan
ever, thank you.

I've got some reading.

Oh, ok.

Er, maybe some other time then.

Thank you!

Is the wooden sound
you or the desk?

- How long have you been there?
- Longer than you would like.

- Ok.
- Are you gonna look that terrified

when you take me out for a drink?

I-I absolutely promise I won't.

Play your cards right,
and you might.

Where the hell have you been?

You sent me for coffee.

Three weeks ago.
In Glasgow.

Three weeks,
that's a long time.

In Glasgow.
That's dead in a ditch.

It's not my fault,
I got distracted.

- By what?
- We can always find something.
Come on.

- Why were you smiling?
- Was I?

- No, I wasn't.
- You were smiling at nothing.

- I'd almost say you were
in love, but to be honest...
- Honest?

- You're not a young woman any more.
- Yes, I am.

- Well, you don't look it.
- I do look it.

Oh, that's right,
keep your spirits up.

Clara, Clara, Clara, Clara,
Clara, Clara... Clara, Clara.

I need something from you.

I need the truth.


Right... What is it?


You're scared.

I'm terrified.

Of what?

Of the answer
to my next question.

Which must be honest
and cold and considered,

without kindness or restraint.

Clara, be my pal, and tell me...

...Am I a good man?

I... don't know.

Neither do I.

Er, hey, no offence,
but I've got plans.

I need you.


Where are we going?

Into darkness.


- How do you know who I am?
- He doesn't.

We promised him medical assistance.

Are you my doctor?

We found it floating in space.

We thought it was deactivated,
so we tried to disassemble it.

You didn't realise there was
a living creature inside.

Not 'til it started screaming.

Help me.

Why would I do that?

Why would any living creature
help you?

Daleks will die.

Die all you like,
not my problem.

Daleks must be destroyed.

Daleks must be de...

What did you just say?

All Daleks must die.

I will destroy the Daleks!

Destroy the Daleks!

- A good Dalek?
- There's no such thing.

That's a bit inflexible, not like you.

I'd almost say prejudice.

Do I pay you?

I should give you a raise.

You're not my boss,
you're one of my hobbies.

Come on.

That was quick.

This is gun girl. She's got
a gun, and she's a girl.

This is a sort of boss one.
Are you the same one as before?

- Yes.
- I think he's probably her uncle,

But I may have made that up to pass
the time while we were talking.

This is Clara, not my assistant,
she's some other word.

- I'm his carer.
- Yeah, my carer.

She cares, so I don't have to.

- Doctor?
- Hello, again.

Will you... help me?

- Will you?
- A Dalek so damaged it's turned good.

Morality as malfunction.

- How do I resist?
- Daleks must die.

Daleks must die.

- So, what do we do with a
moral Dalek then?
- We get into its head.

- Hm. How do you get
into a Dalek's head?
- That wasn't a metaphor.

These are nano-controllers, ok?

Once we're miniaturised, they take
over the molecular compression.

- When the mission's over,
hit the button.

- Are you sure you understand?
- Why wouldn't I?

Because this is
a dangerous mission

And you look like a school teacher.

I am a school teacher.

Still didn't catch your name.

- Journey Blue.
- Blue?

- Blue, yes. Problem?
- No, I just met a soldier
called Pink.

- Lucky fella.
- Lucky?

- From the way you smile.
- So, er, who makes you smile?

- Or is nobody up to the job?
- My brother.

But he burned to death
a couple of hours ago,

so he's really letting me down today.
Excuse me.

What are those ones for?
I don't need armed baby-sitters.

We're not baby-sitters.

We're here to shoot you dead

if you turn out to be a Dalek spy.

Well, that's a relief.
I hate baby-sitters.

Ok, listen up.

Now, remember,
do not hold your breath

when the nano-scaler engages.
You'll feel like you want to,

but you must keep breathing normally
during the miniaturisation process.

- Why?
- Ever microwaved a lasagne

without pricking the film on top?

- It explodes.
- Don't be lasagne.

Nano-scaler engaging in five...

...Four... Three...

Nano-scaler engaging... Now.

Nano-scaling in progress.

Nano-scaling complete.

Nano-scaling successful.
Everyone ok in there?

We made it.
Nobody popped.


I can't believe this.

No, neither can I.

We'll be following you
all the way, rescue one.

Integration complete.

Good luck, all of you.

Dalek levels steady.

That was... weird.

You've seen nothing yet.

What are the lights?

Visual impulses
travelling towards the brain.

- Beautiful.
- Welcome to the most dangerous
place in the universe.

Entering the cranial ledge now.


- Oh, my god.
- Behold, the belly of the beast.

- It's amazing.
- It's huge.

No, Ross. We're tiny.

So, how big is it, that living part,

compared to me and you, right now?

You see all those cables?

- Yeah.
- They're not all cables.

Does it know we're here?

It's what invited us in.

Now this is the cortex vault,

A supplementary electronic brain.

Memory banks, but... more than that.

This is what keeps the Dalek... pure.

How are Daleks pure?

Dalek mutants are born hating.
This is what stokes the fire.

It extinguishes even the tiniest
glimmer of kindness... compassion.

Imagine the worst possible thing
in the universe,

and then don't bother, because
you're looking at it right now.

This is evil refined as engineering.


Oh, hello, Rusty.

Don't mind if I call you Rusty?

We're gonna need
to come down there with you.

Medical examination, and all that.

What, with all those
tentacles and things?

- How close do we have to get?
- Well, you know, we're never
gonna insert a thermometer

from up here.

No. No, no, no, stop!

- Stop! Stop, you idiot!
- We need to find a way down there,

and the only way is...
- This is a Dalek, not a machine!

It's a perfect analogue of a
living being, and you just hurt it.

So what's gonna happen now?

Oh, god.

What? What is it?


Dalek antibodies.

Nobody move.

Any attempt to help him,
or attack those things,

will identify you as
a secondary source of infection.

Stay still!

But the Dalek wants us in here.
Why is it attacking?

Can you control your antibodies?

Ross, stay calm.

We're gonna get you out of this.

Can you?

Ross, swallow that.

- What is it?
- Trust me.

Now what?


Oh, my god.
What's it doing?

They're hoovering.

- Gotcha!
- What did you give him?

Oh, just a spare power cell.
But I can track the radiation

I need to know where
they dump the bodies.

I thought you were saving him!

He was dead already,
I was saving us!

- Follow me, and run!
- Come on!

They've dumped him in here.
Organic refuse disposal.
We need to get in there.

- Why?
- Those antibodies won't give up
until we're inside there.

I'd rather go in alive than dead.

- You don't know where it goes!
- Yes, I do!

Away from here! Now in!
In! In!

- I can hold them off!
- No, you can't!

Fall back!

Jump, everyone, jump!


What is this stuff?

People. Daleks need protein.

they harvest from their victims.

This is a feeding tube.

Is Ross here?

Yeah. Top layer,
if you want to say a few words.

A man has just died,
you will not talk like that.

A lot of people have died.
Everything in here is dead,
and do you know why that's good?

There is nothing good about that!

Nothing is alive in here,
so logically,

this is the weakest spot in
the Dalek's internal security.

Nobody guards the dead.

Mortuaries and larders...
Always the easiest to break out of.

Oh, I've lived a life.

Tell uncle stupid that we're in.

Ah... A bolt hole!

He'll get us out of here.

The difficult part is not
killing him before he can.

Bolt hole.

Actually a hole for a bolt.

Does nobody get that?

Also, there's the puns.

Watch it,
decontamination tubes are hot.

Anomaly threat displaced.

Dalek levels returning
to normal parameters.

Rescue one to mission control.

This is Blue, Rescue One. Report.

The Dalek has an internal
defence mechanism.

We've lost Ross.

What kind of defence mechanism?

That thing knows
you're in there to help it.

Yeah, well, who knows, it's a Dalek.

We're gonna continue the mission.

Are you all right back there?
It's a bit narrow, isn't it?

Any remarks about my hips
will not be appreciated.

Oh, your hips are fine,
you're built like a man.


What's that noise? Are you
wearing a Geiger counter?

Standard battle equipment.
That's just low level radiation.

- But stronger down here,
for some reason.


Was that him? How's he working out?

- It's hard to say, he's...
- I've got it!

I know what's wrong with Rusty.

Ok, that's good. Is that good?

Well, you know how I said this
was the most dangerous place

in the universe? I was wrong.

It's way more dangerous than that.

Colonel, we have radiation indicators

red-lining in here.
Could be that the Dalek

- is more badly damaged than we thought.
- Copy that.

Old Rusty here is suffering a trionic
radiation leak.

It's poisoning the Dalek and us.

Just as well we're here.

Really? Perhaps we
should get out while we can.

Why should we trust a Dalek?
Why would it change?

Good question.
Rusty, what changed you?

I saw beauty.

You saw what?

In the silence and the cold,

I saw worlds burning.

That's not beauty, that's destruction.

I saw more.


What did you see?

The birth of a star.

Stars are born every day.

You've seen a million stars
born, so what?

Daleks have destroyed
a million stars.

Oh, millions and millions.

Trust me, I keep count.

And yet new stars are born.

- Every time.
- Resistance is futile.

Resistance to what?

Life returns.

Life prevails.

Resistance is futile.

So, you saw a star being born,
and you learned something.

Oh, Dalek, do not be
lying to me! Come on.

Heading for the
trionic power cells, colonel.

Radiation approaching 200 rads,
danger levels.

Radiation levels increasing.

We're at the heart of the Dalek.

Oh, it's incredible.

Geiger counter's off the scale.

- Looks like it's about to blow.

- Good!
- How is that good?

Well, I like a bit of pressure.


Rusty, can you hear me?


Rusty, we've found the damage.

I'm sealing up the breach...

... in your power cell.

No more radiation poisoning.
Good as new.

There. Job done.

That's it? Just like that?

An anti-climax once in a while
is good for my hearts.

Rusty? How do you feel?




The malfunction is corrected!

What's happened?

I'm not entirely sure.

- It's like it's waking up.
- Rusty, come on, talk to me!

- What's going on?
- The malfunction is corrected!

All systems are functioning!

Weapons charged.

Oh, no, no, no.



- No, no, no!
- Exterminate!


- No!
- The Daleks will be victorious.

The rebels will be exterminated!

What's happening out there?



Pull back! Pull back!

Dalek fleet, communications open!

The rebel ship has been identified.

Prepare boarding Daleks!

Doctor, what happened?

- You see?
- I see what?

Daleks don't turn good.

It was just radiation
affecting its brain chemistry,

Nothing more than that.
No miracle.

Let me get this straight.

We had a good Dalek,

and we made it bad again?

That's all we've done?

There never was a good Dalek.

There was a broken Dalek,
and we repaired it.

You were supposed to be helping us.

I gave it a shot, it didn't work out.

It's a Dalek, what did you expect?

No more talking, you are done!

Ok, new objective.

We are taking this Dalek down.


What's that look for?

- That's the look you get when
I'm about to slap you!
- Oh!

- Clara!
- We're gonna die in here,

and there is a little bit of you
that's pleased.

The Daleks are evil after all,
everything makes sense,

the Doctor is right!
- Daleks are evil,

irreversibly so,
that's what we just learned.

No, Doctor, that is
not what we just learned!

- Exterminate!
- Move!

- Get the door!
- Exterminate!

Wasp fighters to
action stations!

The security systems have been hacked!

We don't have access to the Wasps!

- Exterminate!
- Then god save us all.

We need to place these
charges for maximum effect.

I'm gonna scan the rest
of the architecture for more.

- One question!
- No time.

Why did we come here today?
What was the point?

- Exterminate!
- You... You thought there was
a good Dalek.

What difference would
one good Dalek make?

All the difference in the
universe, but it's impossible.


Is that a fact?


Is that really what
we've learned today?

Think about it.

Is that what we learned?

Journey, what the hell's happened?

That thing set the Daleks on us,

And it's locked us
out of our defences.

Journey, you're
the Aristotle's only hope.

I need you to destroy that Dalek.

The rebels will be exterminated!

Whatever it takes.

Understood, uncle.

I'm sorry.

Yeah. Yeah, me, too.

Clara Oswald, do I really not pay you?

You couldn't afford me.

Whatever you're gonna do, don't do it.

This Dalek must not be destroyed.
We can do better!

- Are you out of your mind?
- No, I'm inside a Dalek.

I'm standing where I've never been.

- We cannot waste this chance,
it won't come again.
- What chance?

I have my orders.

- Soldiers take orders.
- I'm a soldier.

A Dalek is a better soldier
than you will ever be.

You can't win this way.


So what do we do?

Something better.

Prepare to board the rebel ship!

We must find our comrade Dalek!

Spare no humans!

Exterminate them all!




The Dalek isn't just some
angry blob in a Dalekanium tank.

If it was, the radiation would've
turned it into a raging lunatic.

Er, it is a raging lunatic,
it's a Dalek.

But for a moment, it wasn't.

The radiation allowed it
to expand its consciousness,

to consider things beyond
its natural terms of reference.

It became good. That means
a good Dalek is possible.

- That's what we learned today.
Am I right, teach?
- Top of the class.

But now it's back to how it was.

But what it saw, what it felt,
it's still there.

Yeah, I'm not really seeing that.

Not here. There!

You mean in the cortex vault?
The evil engineering?

Every memory recorded,
some suppressed,

but all still intact.

We need to show the Dalek
that star being born again.

Recreate that moment.

You need to get up there, find that
moment and reawaken it.

- Me?
- Yes, you. Good idea.

- How?
- Haven't the foggiest.
Do a clever thing,

and then once you've done it,
the Dalek will be suggestible
to new ideas.

It will be open again.
And I will show it something

that will change its mind forever.
- What?

Not a clue.

Docking initiated!

Pressure equalised!

Boarding corps, begin attack!

Exterminate the humans!

Seek, locate, destroy!

Surrender is not accepted!

This is crazy.
There is no way that we can
get back up there in time.

- Yes, there is.
- No, Gretchen.

It'll bring the antibodies
down on us.

Tell me the truth.

Is he mad or is he right?

I've come this far.

Probably gonna die anyway.

Wouldn't mind something to do
for the rest of my life.

Is he mad or is he right?

Hand on my heart...
Most days he's both.

One question, then.

Is this worth it?

If I can turn one Dalek,
I can turn them all.

I can save the future.

Gretchen Alison Carlisle.

Do something good
and name it after me.

I will do something amazing,
I promise.

You damn well better.

No, Gretchen!


They're coming.
They're coming!

Grab onto the rope.

Don't look down.

Good luck.

Hello. I'm Missy.

Welcome to heaven.

Would you like some tea?

Little splosh?




Seek, locate, destroy!


Seek, locate!


Rusty! Well, here we are.

- Eye to eye.
- You cannot save the humans.

They will be exterminated.

I shall join the Dalek unit
in the final attack!

- So what do we do?
- Er...

A clever thing, quickly.

Think, think, think, think, think.

Some of the lights are out.

Yeah, we've got a damaged Dalek,
you want to complain to someone?

It's not damaged. Look at them.

- So?
- So, the Doctor said that
this was a memory bank

and some of the memories
were suppressed. What if...

...What if the dark spots
are hidden memories?

What if one of those
is the Dalek seeing the star?

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

Well, maybe. It's either that,
or the bulbs need changing.

- It really could be the bulbs.
- Got a better idea?

- Really wish I had.
- Yep. Me, too.


Watch out for antibodies.

Let's see if there's an on-switch.

I saved your life, Rusty.

And now I'm gonna go one better.

I'm gonna save your soul.

Daleks do not have souls.

Oh, no? Well, imagine if you did.

What then, Rusty?
What would happen then?

- I'm in the cortex!
- If there's a pack of spare bulbs,

break it to me gently.


Your memories!

I'm about to give some
back to you.

Are you ok? Clara!


I think there was
some sort of energy charge.

You got the first lights on.

Of course. It's a brain.

Brains work with electrical
pathways linking up memories.

It's working!

It's working! We're turning
the memories back on!

You see, all those years ago,
when I began,

I was just running.

I called myself the Doctor,
but it was just a name.

And then I went to Skaro.

And then I met you lot.

And then I understood who I was.

The Doctor was not the Daleks!


Fall back! All of you, back!

- Exterminate!
- Fall back!

- Exterminate! Extermin...!
- Fall back!

You'd better get a move on.
There's company coming.


- Exterminate!
- Fall back! Fall back!


Hurry up!

Show me a star, Rusty!

Oh, look, it's your memories again!

Looks like somebody's
mucking about up there.

Memories... All those memories.

Do you remember the star
you saw being born?

Almost done. One more to go.

Hurry up, Clara!
Hurry up!

Clara, you did it! It's rebooting.

The antibodies have reset!

I... I remember.

You saw the truth, Rusty.

Remember how you felt!
You saw a star being born!

The endless rebirth of the universe!

- No!
- And you realised the
truth about the Daleks!

Truth? What is the truth?

Let me show you the truth.

I've opened your mind,
and now, I'm coming in.

That door's never gonna hold.

But I'm damned if I'm gonna
make it easy for them.

I'm part of you.

My mind is in your mind.

I see your mind, Doctor!

I see your universe.

And isn't this universe beautiful?

I see beauty.

Yes, that's good. That is good.

- Hold on to that.
- I see endless, divine perfection.

Make it a part of you.

Remember how you feel right now.

Put it inside you and live by it.

I see into your soul, Doctor.

I see beauty.

I see divinity.

I... see...

... hatred!
- Hatred?

I see your hatred of the Daleks,
and it is good!

No, no, no, no.

No, you must see more than that.
There must be more than that.

Death to the Daleks!

Death to the Daleks!
Death to the Daleks!

No, there must be more than that.

There must be more than that!

Daleks are evil!
Daleks must be exterminated!

Daleks are evil!

God save us all!

Daleks must be exterminated!


Under attack from a Dalek!


The Daleks are exterminated!

Of course they are.

That's what you do, isn't it?

- Journey!
- Uncle Morgan.

I have transmitted a retreat signal.

The Daleks will believe
the humans

have initiated
the ship's self-destruct.

What about you, Rusty?

I must go with them.

Of course you must.

You've unfinished work, haven't you?

Victory is yours,
but it does not please you?

You looked inside me
and you saw hatred.

That's not victory.

Victory would've been a good Dalek.

I am not a good Dalek.

You are a good Dalek.

'Til the next time.

Is he leaving?
Isn't he gonna say good-bye?

I think that was it.

Yep, that was it.

Sorry, gotta run!

I'm sorry.



...Take me with you.

I think you're probably nice.

Underneath it all,
I think you're kind,

You're definitely brave.

I just wish you hadn't been a soldier.

How do I look?

Sort of short and roundish,
but with a good personality,

which is the main thing.

I meant my clothes. I just changed.

Oh, good for you. Still making an effort.

Ok, right,
you're back in your cupboard.

Thirty seconds after you left.

When will I see you again?

Ah, soon, I expect.

Or later. One of those.

I don't know.

I'm sorry?

You asked me if you were a good man,

and the answer is... I don't know.

But I think you try to be,

and I think that's probably the point.

I think you're probably
an amazing teacher.

I think I'd better be.

- Oh, hey.
- Hey! Danny!

Have you changed your clothes?

Yes. Yes, I-I have.

- Well noticed.
- Ok. Good.

Yes, good, very good, good work.

You passed the test.

Are you really gonna go
for a drink with me?

Yeah, of course I am. Why wouldn't I?

- I just thought...
- Thought what?

I thought you might have
a rule against soldiers.


No, not at all.

Not me.

There is someone
I always wanted to meet.

- It's Robin Hood.

No damsels in distress!

Seize him!

- No pretty castles.

No such thing as Robin Hood.