Doctor Who (2005–…): Season 3, Episode 4 - Daleks in Manhattan - full transcript

The Doctor and Martha travel to New York in 1930, where people have been mysteriously vanishing from the streets, and an old enemy resurfaces.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Two minutes to curtain up,
come on!

Two minutes
to curtain up.

- Where's Tallulah?
- Where do you think?

Tallulah, leave him alone!

It's nearly show time, Laszlo,
I gotta go.

Just promise me
you'll come on Sunday, okay?

My mother will kill me
if she doesn't get to meet you.

What if she doesn't like me?

Tallulah, she'll love you
just as much as I do.

You say the sweetest things.

But it's true. Now promise me.
Sunday, you'll come?

I promise. Cross my heart.

Oh, here take this,
sweetheart. Wear it on stage and think of me.

- Tallulah!
- I'm coming! Quit yelling!

How do I look?

Like an angel.

Wish me luck,

Break a leg, sweetheart.


Who's there?



Who's there? Who are you?

- Where are we?
- Ah! Smell that Atlantic breeze.

Nice and cold. Lovely!
Martha, have you met my friend?

Is that... Oh, my God,
that's the Statue of Liberty!

Gateway to the New World.

"Give me your tired, your poor

"Your huddled masses
yearning to breathe free."

That's so brilliant.
I've always wanted to go to New York.

I mean, the real New York,
not the new, new, new one.

there's the genuine article.

So good, they named it twice.

Mind you,
it was New Amsterdam, originally.

Harder to say twice,
no wonder it didn't catch on.

- New Amsterdam, New Amsterdam.
- Wonder what year it is?

'Cause look, the Empire State
Building's not even finished yet.

Work in progress.
They've still got a couple of floors to go,

and if I know my history,
that makes the date somewhere around...

November 1st, 1930.

You're getting good at this.

That's nearly 80 years ago.

It's funny, 'cause you see
those old newsreels, all in black and white,

like it's so far away,
but here we are.

It's real. It's now.

Come on, you.
Where do you want go first?

I think our
detour just got longer.

"Hooverville Mystery Deepens."
What's Hooverville?

Herbert Hoover, 31st President
of the USA, came to power a year ago.

Up till then, New York was a boom town, the
Roaring Twenties. And then...

The Wall Street Crash, yeah.
When was that, 1929?

Yeah. The whole economy
wiped out overnight.

Thousands of
people unemployed.

All of a sudden, the huddled masses doubled
in number with nowhere to go.

So they ended up
here in Central Park.

What, they actually live in the
park? In the middle of the city?

Ordinary people
lost their jobs,

couldn't pay the rent,
they lost everything.

There are places like this
all over America. No one's helping them.

You only come to Hooverville
when there's nowhere else to go.

You thieving low life!

All morning I wait
in the bread line for a single loaf...

I didn't touch it.

- Somebody stole it from me...
- Cut that out!

Cut it out, right now.

- He stole my bread!
- That's enough!

Did you take it?

I don't know what happened,
he just went crazy.

That's enough!

Now, think real careful
before you lie to me.

I'm starving, Solomon.

We all starving.
We all got family somewhere.

No stealing and no fighting.
You know the rules.

Thirteen years ago, I fought
in the Great War. A lot of us did.

And the only reason we got
through because we stuck together.

No matter how bad things get,
we still act like human beings.

It's all we got.

Come on.

I suppose that makes
you the boss around here.

And who might you be?

- He's the Doctor, I'm Martha.
- A doctor?

Well, we got stockbrokers,
we've got a lawyer,

but you're the first doctor.

The neighborhood
gets classier by the day.

How many people live here?

Any one time, hundreds.
No place else to go.

But I will say this
about Hooverville, we a truly equal society.

Black, white,
all the same, all starving.

So you're welcome,
both of you.

But tell me, Doctor,
you're a man of learning, right?

Explain this to me.

That there is going to be
the tallest building in the world.

How come they can do that

and we got people starving
in the heart of Manhattan?

Right, a little more.


I'm telling you
the men won't stand for it.

I mean,
are you out of your mind?

I got five hundred men
working seven days a week.

They're flat out,
and you want us to go faster?

The new masters demand it.

But we're on schedule.
What's the problem?

Another month
and we'll be done.

The mast on this building
needs extra work completed by tonight.

No way. It's impossible.

- That's an order.
- Yeah?

Well, one word from me,
and every man on this site stops work.

So go on,
tell your masters that.

If that's your attitude,
I think you should tell them yourself.

Yeah? Well, I ain't afraid
of no man in a suit.

These new bosses,
what's their names?

I think you could say
they're from out of town.

- Italians?
- Bit further than that.

- How much further?
- Beyond your imagination.

what's that supposed to mean? Who are they?

Mr. Diagoras,
who are we working for?

Behold your masters.

What the hell...

I have been summoned. Explain.


It can talk. How does it talk?

And what the hell are they?
You gotta be kidding me?

I'm sorry, my lord,

but this man is refusing
to complete the work.

Then we must replace him.

Is anybody gonna tell me
what the hell is happening here?

Use him.
Take him for the final experiment.

What's going on?
Let go. Let go of me.

Let go of me.
Get off of me, you freaks!

Mr. Diagoras,
will you tell them! Mr. Diagoras...

The Empire State Building
must be completed in time.

It will be, trust me.

Labor is cheap
and that man can be replaced.

The plan must not fail.

We calculate the Gamma strike
has accelerated.

We need more
bodies immediately!

Yes, master.

So, men going missing.
Is this true?

It's true all right.

But what does missing mean?

I mean,
people must come and go here all the time.

It's not like anyone's keeping
a register.

Come on in.

- This is different.
- In what way?

Someone takes them, at night.

We hear something,
someone calls out for help.

By the time we get there,
they're gone. Like they vanish into thin air.

And you're sure
someone's taking them?

Doctor, when you've got next
to nothing, you hold on to the little you got.

Knife, blanket,
you take it with you.

You don't leave bread uneaten,
a fire still burning.

Have you been to the police?

Yeah, we tried that.
Another deadbeat goes missing, big deal.

So the question is
who's taking them and what for?

Solomon, Mr. Diagoras is here.

I need men, volunteers.
I've got a little work for you.

And you sure look like
you could use the money.

- Yeah, what is the money?
- A dollar a day.

- What's the work?
- A little trip down the sewers.

Got a tunnel collapsed,
needs clearing and fixing. Any takers?

- Uh-uh.
- A dollar a day is a slave wage.

Yeah, yeah!

And men don't
always come back up, do they?

Accidents happen.

What do you mean,
what sort of accidents?

You don't need the work,
that's fine.

Anybody else?
Enough with the questions.

Oh, no, no, no.
I'm volunteering. I'll go.

I'll kill you for this.

Anybody else?

Turn left,
go about half a mile, follow tunnel 273,

the fall's right ahead of you.
You can't miss it.

And when do we get our dollar?

- When you come back up.
- And if we don't come back up?

Then I got no one to pay.

- Don't worry, we'll be back.
- Let's hope so.

We gotta stick together.

It's easy to get lost.
It's like a huge rabbit warren.

You could hide
an army down here.

So, what about you, Frank?

You're not from
around these parts, are you?

Oh, you can talk.

No, I'm Tennessee,
born and bred.

So how come you're here?

Oh, my Daddy died,
Momma couldn't afford to feed us all,

so, I'm the oldest,
up to me to feed myself.

So I put on my coat,
hitched up here on the railroads.

There's a whole
lot of runaways in the camp, younger than me

from all over,
Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas.

Solomon keeps
a look out for us.

So, what about you?
You're a long way from home.

Yeah, I'm just a hitcher, too.

You stick with me,
you'll be all right.

So this Diagoras bloke,
who is he, then?

Couple of months ago,
he was just another foreman.

Now seems like
he's running most of Manhattan.

- How'd he manage that, then?
- These are strange times.

A man can go from being
the king of the hill

to the lowest of
the low overnight.

Guess for some folks,
it works the other way around.


Is it radioactive,
or something?

It's gone off, whatever it is.

And you've got to pick it up.

Shine your torch through it.

Composite organic matter.
Martha, medical opinion?

- It's not human, I know that.
- No. It's not.

And I'll tell
you something else.

We must be at
least half a mile in,

I don't see any
signs of a collapse, do you?

So why did Mr. Diagoras
send us down here?

Where are we now?
What's up above?

Well, we're right
underneath Manhattan.

And here, the crowning
glory of the Empire State Building,

the mast itself.

1,472 feet above New York.

It's a beautiful thing, sir.

And every single one of us
is proud of it.

My wife says it's like a,
like a spire reaching into heaven.

Except the gates of heaven
need a little decoration.

These plates have gotta be
fixed to the mast, right to the base itself.

That's okay.
That's not too bad. Shouldn't take too long.

But the work has
gotta be finished tonight.

- What, are you trying to kill us?
- It's not safe!

We're flat out up there.
Come on.

Don't argue with me!

But, sir, the men
can't work up there at night.

It's freezing. Your hands go
numb, you lose your grip, you fall.

You don't get it.

If you won't work,
I can replace you like that.

Now take those
panels and get going.

- What sort of metal is this, anyway?
- Don't ask questions. Just go.

I don't care how cold it is,
how tired you are,

just get out there
and finish the job!

The conductor must be complete
for our plan to succeed.

Unemployment is
such an incentive.

It'll get done, don't worry.

Daleks have no
concept of worry.

Yeah? Well, lucky you.

This day is ending.

Humankind is weak,
you shelter from the dark.

And yet,
you have built all this.

That's progress.

You gotta move with the times
or you get left behind.

My planet is gone.

Destroyed in a great war.

Yet, versions of this city
stand throughout history.

The human race
always continues.

We've had wars.
I've been a soldier myself.

And I swore then I'd survive,
no matter what.

You have rare ambition.

I want to run this city,
whatever it takes. By any means necessary.

You think like a Dalek.

I'll take that
as a compliment.

This human is our best option.
Bring him to me.

Your loyalty will be rewarded.
Come with me.

Prepare the laboratory.
The final experiment will begin!

We obey.

- Where are we going?
- You have been summoned by our leader.

Oh, and about time, too.

I bring you the human.

- I take it you're in charge?
- Correct.

I am Dalek Sec.
Leader of the Cult of Skaro.

Then, my Lord Sec,
I am honored to meet you.

Ever since you first made
contact with me,

transmitting your thoughts
into the corners of my mind,

tempting me with such images,
such ideas,

oh, sir, I'd always dreamt
that together...

Cease talking.

I just wanna let you know
how grateful I am...

I said cease!

Slaves! Secure the human.

But you don't need to do that,
I'm on your side.

I'm working with you.
I'm your partner! I'm your friend!

We're way beyond half a mile.
There's no collapse, nothing.

- That Diagoras bloke, was he lying?
- Looks like it.

So Why'd he want people
to come down here?

Solomon, I think it's time
you took these two back.

I'll be much
quicker on my own.

- What the hell was that?
- Hello?

- Shh!
- Frank!

What if it's one
of the folk gone missing?

You'd be scared, half mad
down here on your own.

You think they're still alive?

Heck, we ain't seen no bodies down
here. Maybe they just got lost.

I never heard nobody
make a sound like that.

Where's it coming from?

Sounds like
there's more than one of them.

- This way?
- No, that way.


Who are you?

Are you lost?

Can you understand me?

I've been thinking about
folk lost down here.

It's all right,
Frank, just stay back. Let me have a look.

He's got a point,
though, my mate Frank.

I'd hate to be stuck down here
on my own.

We know the way out. Daylight.
If you come with us.

Oh, but what are you?

Is that some kind
of carnival mask?

No, it's real.

I'm sorry.

But listen to me.
I promise I can help.

Who did this to you?

I think you'd better get back here.

- Doctor!
- Actually, good point.

- They're following you.
- Yeah, I noticed that, thanks.

then, Martha, Frank, Solomon.

- What?
- I think, um, basically,


- Where are we going?
- This way!

There's a ladder. Come on!


- Come on, Frank.
- Come on.

I got you.

Come on! Come on!

- Come on!
- Frank!

- Frank!
- No!

- We can't go after him.
- I've got to go back down!

- We can't just leave him.
- No, I'm not losing anybody else!

Those creatures
were from hell! From hell itself!

If we go after him,
they'll take us all! There's nothing we can do.

I'm sorry.

All right then, put 'em up!

Hands in the air
and no funny business.

Now, tell me, you shmucks,

what have you
done with Laszlo?

- Who's Laszlo?
- Laszlo's my boyfriend.

Was my boyfriend
until he disappeared two weeks ago.

No letter,
no goodbye, no nothing.

And I'm not stupid. I know
some guys are just pigs, but not my Laszlo.

I mean, what kind of guy asks
you to meet his mom before he vamooses?

Might...might just help if you put that down.


Oh, sure.

Oh, come on, it's not real.
It's just a prop.

It was either that or a spear.

What do you think
happened to Laszlo?

I wish I knew. One minute he's
there, the next, zip, vanished.

- Listen, what was your name?
- Tallulah.

- Tallulah.
- Three "L's" and an

Right. We can try and find
Laszlo, but he's not the only one.

There are people disappearing
every night.

And there are creatures.
Such creatures...

- What do you mean, creatures?
- Look, listen, just trust me.

Everyone is in danger.
I need to find out exactly what this is.

Because then I'll know exactly
what we're fighting.


- How about this? I found it backstage.
- Perfect.

It's the capacitors I need.

I'm just rigging
up a crude, little DNA scan for this beastie.

If I can get a chromosomal
reading, I can find out where it's from.

How about you, Doctor?
Where are you from?

I been all over, I never heard
anybody talk like you.

Just exactly who are you?

- Oh, I'm just sort of passing by.
- I'm not a fool, Doctor.

No. Sorry.

I was scared, Doctor.

I let 'em take Frank
'cause I was just so scared.

I got to get
back to Hooverville.

With these creatures on the
loose, we gotta protect ourselves.

- And no one else gonna help us.
- Good luck.

I hope you find what
you're looking for, for all our sakes.

Laszlo, he'd wait
for me after the show.

Walk me home,
like I was a lady.

He'd leave a flower for me
on my dressing table.

Every day,
just a single rosebud.

Haven't you
reported him missing?

but he's just a stagehand, who cares?

The management certainly

Can't you kick up a fuss
or something?

Okay, so then they fire me.

But they'd listen to you,
you're one of the stars.

Oh, honey, I got one song
in a back-street revue,

and that's only
'cause Heidi Chicane broke her ankle,

which had nothing to do with
me whatever anybody says.

I can't afford to make a fuss.

If I don't make
this month's rent,

then before you know it,
I'm in Hooverville.

Okay, I get it.

It's the Depression, sweetie.

Your heart might break,
but the show goes on,

'cause if it stops,
you starve.

Every night I
have to go out there,

sing, dance, keep going,
hoping he's gonna come back.

I'm sorry.

Hey, you're lucky, though.
You got yourself a forward-thinking guy

with that hot potato
in the sharp suit.

Oh, he's not...
We're not together.

Oh, sure you are. I've seen the
way you look at him. It's obvious.

Not to him.

Oh, I should have realized.
He's into musical theater, huh?

What a waste.
Still, you gotta live in hope.

It's the only
thing that's kept me going, 'cause, well, look.

On my dressing
table every day still.

- Do you think it's Laszlo?
- I don't know.

If he's still around,
why is he being all secret,

like he doesn't
want me to see him?

The stories are true.
People are being taken.

We lost Frank today.

He was stolen from right in front of me, but no
more. I swear to you, no more!

Now, I made a pledge that this
place would be a peaceful place,

but now it's time
to take up arms.


We need weapons.
We need sentries on duty.

We need men prepared to fight.

We got to protect ourselves, 'cause you know
no one else will. Now get moving!

Arm yourselves, come on!


I can't feel my fingers.

We can't stay
here for much longer. We'll fall.

Come on, we're nearly done.

The chromatin
solution is ready.

Then our
preparations are complete.

What are you doing?
Preparations for what?

This is the final experiment.

What do you mean?
Do you mean like those pig-men things?

You're not gonna turn me into
one of those. Oh, God, please don't!

The Pig Slaves are primitive.

The final
experiment is greater by far.

But how does that involve me?

We need your flesh.
Bring him to me.

Halt! This action contradicts
the Dalek imperative.

Daleks are supreme.
Humans are weak.

But there are
millions of humans and only four of us.

If we are supreme,
why are we not victorious?

The Cult of Skaro was created
by the Emperor for this very purpose,

to imagine new
ways of survival.

But we must remain pure.

No, Dalek Thay!
Our purity has brought us to extinction!

We must adapt to survive.

You have all made sacrifices.

And now I will
sacrifice myself for the greater cause,

for the future of Dalek-kind.
Now bring me the human!

But I don't understand.
What do you mean? Get off of me.

Behold the true Dalek form.

Now join with me.

No! Get off me!
I did everything you asked of me! No!

That's it,
just need to heat you up.

Girls, it's show time!

you spoil my sashay tonight,

- I'm gonna punch you.
- Quit complaining, Myrna.

- Go buy yourself some glasses.
- Come on, honey, take a look.

- Ever been on stage before?
- Oh, little bit, you know, Shakespeare.

How dull is that?
Come and see a real show!

This is artificial!

Ladies and gentlemen...

genetically engineered it.

Whoever this is,
oh, you're clever.

With Heaven and Hell.

You lured me in
with your cold gray eyes

Your simple smile
your bewitching lies

One and one and one is three

My bad, bad angel

The devil and me

You put the devil in me

You put the devil in me

My bad, bad angel

You put the devil in me

What are you doing?

- What are you doing?
- You're on my tail. Get off my tail!

Fundamental DNA type 467-989.

989. Hold on,
now that means planet of origin...


- Get off the stage, you're spoiling it.
- But look, over there!



But you're
different to the others. Just wait.

It was like something
out of a movie show.

Oh, that face.
I ain't never gonna sleep.

- Where is she? Where's Martha?
- I don't know. She ran off the stage.


- Oh, where are you going?
- They've taken her.

Who's taken her?
What are you doing?

I said what
the hell are you doing?

Crazy guy...

No, no, no, no way.
You're not coming.

- Tell me what's going on.
- There's nothing you can do, go back.

Look, whoever's taken Martha
they could have taken Laszlo, couldn't they?

- Tallulah, you're not safe down here.
- Then that's my problem.

Come on. Which way?

This way.

Let me go!

- Martha.
- You're alive.

Oh, I thought we'd lost you.
All right, all right, we're moving!

- Where are they taking us?
- I don't know.

But we can find out
what's going on down here.

When you say
they've taken her, who's they, exactly?

And who are you, anyway?
I never asked.

- Shh.
- Okay, okay.


I mean,
you're a handsome enough...


They survive.
They always survive, while I lose everything.

That metal thing, what was it?

It's called a Dalek.

- And it's not just metal, it's alive.
- You're kidding me.

Do I look like I'm kidding?

Inside that shell
there's a creature born to hate,

who's only thought
is to destroy everything

and everyone that
isn't a Dalek too.

They won't stop
until it's killed every human being alive.

But if that's
not a human being,

that kind of implies
it's from outer space.

Yet again,
that's a no with the kidding. Oy!

Well, what's it
doing here in New York?

Stop the process.
Dalek Sec is failing!

The experiment must continue.

Administer the solution!

We must evolve.

Evolve! Evolve!

Every second you're down here, you're in
danger. I'm taking you back right now.

Where's Martha?
What have you done with her?

- What have you done with Martha?
- I didn't take her.

- Can you remember your name?
- Don't look at me.

- Do you know where she is?
- Stay back! Don't look at me.

- What happened to you?
- They made me a monster.

- Who did?
- The masters.

The Daleks. Why?

They needed slaves.

They needed slaves
to steal more people,

so they created us,
part animal, part human.

I escaped before
they got my mind but it was still too late.

Do you know what
happened to Martha?

They took her. It's my fault,
she was following me.

Were you in the theater?

I never...

- Yes.
- Why? Why were you there?

I never wanted you
to see me like this.

Why me?
What I got to do with this?

Were you following me?
Is that why you were there?


- Who are you?
- I was lonely.

- Who are you?
- I needed to see you.

Who are you?

- I'm sorry.
- No, wait.

Let me look at you.


My Laszlo?

What have they done to you?

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Laszlo, can you
show me where they are?

But they'll kill you.

If I don't stop them,
they'll kill everyone.

Then follow me.

What are they
keeping us here for?

I don't know.

Got a nasty
feeling we're being kept in the larder.

What are they doing?
What's wrong? What's wrong?

Silence! Silence!

What the hell is that?

You will form a line!
Move! Move!

Just do what it says,
everyone, okay? Just obey.

The female is wise. Obey!

- Report!
- These are strong specimens.

They will help
the Dalek cause.


What is the status
of the final experiment?

The Dalekenium is in place.
The energy conductor is now complete.

Then I will extract prisoners
for selection.

Intelligence scan - initiate.

Reading brainwaves.
Low intelligence.

- You calling me stupid?
- Silence!

This one will
become a Pig Slave. Next.

No, let go of me!
I'm not becoming one of them.

No, let me go!

Intelligence scan - initiate.

They're divided into two groups: high
intelligence and low intelligence.

The low intelligence are taken
to become Pig Slaves, like me.

- But that's not fair!
- Shh!

the smartest guy I ever dated.

- And the others?
- They're taken to the laboratory.

- Why? What for?
- I don't know.

The masters only call it
the final experiment.

Superior intelligence.

Intelligence scan - initiate.

Superior intelligence.

This one will become part
of the final experiment.

You can't just experiment on
people. It's insane! It's inhuman!

We are not human.

Prisoners of high intelligence will be taken
to the Transgenic Laboratory.

Look out, they're moving.

Doctor. Doctor, quickly!

I'm not coming.
I've got an idea. You go.

- Laszlo, come on.
- Can you remember the way?

- Yeah, I think so.
- Then go, please.

But, Laszlo,
you've got to come with me.

Where would I go?

Tallulah, I'm begging you.
Just save yourself, just run. Just go!


- Keep walking.
- I am so glad to see you.

Yeah, well, you can kiss me
later. You, too, Frank, if you want.


Dalek Sec is entering
the final stage of evolution.

Scan him. Prepare for birth.


What's wrong with
old Charlie Boy over there?

- Ask them.
- What, me? Don't be daft.

I don't exactly want to get
noticed. Ask them what's going on.

Daleks, I demand to be told.

What is this final experiment?


- You will bear witness.
- To what?

This is the dawn of a new age.

What does that mean?

We are the only four Daleks
in existence.

So the species must evolve.

A life outside the shell.

The children of
Skaro must walk again.

What is it?

I am a human Dalek.

I am your future.

Move, move, move, move, move!

Come on, everyone up, come on!

Daleks are bad enough
at any time, but right now they're vulnerable.

That makes them
more dangerous than ever.

Monsters! They're monsters!

It's started.

Got to get everyone out.

Hooverville's the lowest place a man can fall,

there's nowhere else to go.

- Oh, my God.
- Take aim.
