Doctor Who (2005–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Rise of the Cybermen - full transcript

Upon landing on an alternate version of the Earth, The Doctor, Rose and Mickey learn that Peter Tyler is apparently alive and well. Lurking in the shadows are creatures made to destroy - one of The Doctor's greatest fears have come true...the Cybermen are reborn.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The prototype has passed every test, sir.
It's working.

I hardly think "working" is the correct word.

That would apply only to machines.

I'm sorry. I should say, "It's alive."

- Can it hear me?
-It might still be in shock.

Bear in mind the brain has been
welded to the exoskeleton.

Skin of metal.

And a body that will never age or die.

I envy it. Do you know me?

Answer. Do you know me?

You are john Lumic.

My child.

Mark this day, Dr Kendrick. We are blessed.

Well, it's not quite over yet, sir.
We need Geneva's approval.

Technically, this is a new form of life,
and that contravenes the Bio-Convention.

They'd need to ratify this.

And they will refuse me.

Nonetheless, we need to tell them.

And if I don't?

Well, I'm sorry, sir, but it's my duty.
I shall have to inform them.

And how will you do that
from beyond the grave?

I don't quite understand.

Kill him.

- Captain.
-Yes, sir?

Inform all staff we have a new destination.

Set sail

for Great Britain!

Sub created by;
Dandysubs and cryinoutloud

...and that weird munchkin lady
with the big eyes.

You remember the way she looked at you?

Then she opens her mouth
and fire comes out!

I thought I was gonna get frazzled!

Yeah, one minute she's standing there,
the next minute, roar!

Where was that? What happened?

Oh, it was on, planet thing.

Asteroid. It's a long story.
You had to be there.

What are you doing that for?

'Cause you told me to.

When was that?

About half an hour ago.

Urn... You can let go now.

Well, how long's it been
since I could've stopped?

Ten minutes. Twenty. Twenty nine.

- You just forgot me!
-No, no, no, I was just...

I was calibrating.
I know exactly what I'm doing.

- What's happened?
-The time vortex. It's gone.

That's impossible. It's just gone!

Brace yourselves! We're gonna crash!

Everyone all right? Rose? Mickey?

I'm fine, I'm okay, sorry, yeah.

She's dead.

The Tardis is dead.

You can fix it.

There's nothing to fix. She's perished.

The last Tardis in the universe. Extinct.

We can get help, yeah?

Where from?

Well, we've landed.
We've got to be somewhere.

We fell out of the vortex,
through the void, into nothingness.

We're in some sort of no place.

The Silent Realm. The Lost Dimension.

Otherwise known as London.

London, England, Earth! Hold on...

It's the 1st of February. This year.
Not exactly far flung, is it?

- So this is London?

- Your city?
-That's the one.

- Just as we left it?
-Bang on.

And that includes the zeppelins?

What the hell?

That's beautiful.

Okay, so it's London
with a big International Zeppelin Festival.

This is not your world.

But if the date's the same...
It's parallel, right?

Am I right? Like a parallel Earth
only they've got zeppelins?

- Am I right? I'm right, aren't I?
-Must be.

- A parallel world where...
-Come on, you've seen it on films.

Like an alternative to our world where
everything's the same but a little different.

Like, I don't know, traffic lights are blue,
Tony Blair never got elected...

And he's still alive.

A parallel world where my dad's still alive.

Don't look at it, Rose. Don't even
think about it. This is not your world.

He's my dad. And...

Trust me on 'this.

Oh, that's weird. But he's real...

-Trust me on this.
- He's a success.

He was always planning
these daft little schemes,

health food drinks and stuff.
Everyone said they were useless.

But he did it.

Rose, if you ever trusted me,
then listen to me now.

Stop looking at him. Your father's dead.

He died when you were six months old.
That is not your Pete. That is a Pete.

For all we know he's got his own Jackie.
His own Rose.

His own daughter who is someone else,
but not you. You can't see him.

Not ever.

Trust me on this. Trust me on this.
Trust me on this. Trust me on this.

Hello? Sweetheart? Only me.

Oh, the bad penny. Was this your idea?

Don't deny it.
It's got your fingerprints all over it.

"Trust me on this."

Oh, I can trust you all right.
Trust you to cock it up.

- What have I done now?
-Have a look.

- What's wrong with that?
-40! It says 40.

- You are 40.
-I don't want the whole world telling, do I?

- You're having a party tonight!
-My 39th!

My official biography says I was born
on the same day as Cuba Gooding, Jr.

And that makes me 39,
thank you very much.

Rose. Come here. Rose.

These are from the girls in the office.
Happy birthday.

I've got hand sculpted arrangements by
Veronica of Reykjavik

and your secretary stopped off at a garage.
I don't think so.

And if you're giving out presents,
where's my zeppelin?

Everyone else has got one.
Rose! Come on, Rose!

Bet you didn't even notice, did you?
Special delivery. Got sent round today.

Birthday present from Mr Lumic,
latest model.

Diamond studded.
Pick up signals from Venezuela.

Why would you want to pick up signals
from Venezuela?

Well, I don't know, but now I can find out!
For God's sake, where is she? Rose!

She needs a good bath before tonight
or she's gonna be honking. Rose!

Come to mummy, come on!

There you are, my darling.

Mr Lumic!

Jackie was just saying thank you.
That's very kind of you.

Those Ear Pods are handmade.
Tell her to take care.

Course I will. Course I will.

I don't suppose you'll be joining us tonight,
for the party?

We'd be very honoured.

The world below can party.
Some of us have work to do.

My plans have advanced, Peter.
The President has promised a decision.

I'm flying in now.
We will be at the airstrip by 5:00.

Right. It's just that I promised
I'd help the wife out tonight.

If the President of Great Britain
can make this meeting, then so can you.

He's not married to Jackie, is he?

5:00, Mr Tyler. A famous day!

Voice print access, john Lumic.

Initiate Ear Pod override.

Subject: Jacqueline Tyler.

LUMIC". Activate.

Download. Tyler residence.
February the 1st.

Give me security arrangements
for tonight, passwords, encryption services.

And restore.

Thank you, Mrs Tyler.

Activate picturelink.

Mr Crane.

Mr Lumic.

Events are moving faster
than I anticipated.

I need extra staff.

Very good, sir.
I shall go on a recruitment drive.

Back her up.

- I told you to keep an eye on her.
- She's all right.

She goes wandering off...

A parallel world,
it's like a gingerbread house.

All those temptations calling her.

So it's just Rose, then?
Nothing out there to tempt me?

Well, I don't know.
I can't worry about everything!

If I could just get this thing to...

- Did that help?

- Did that hurt?
-Yes. Ow.

...and it's good news for Great Britain

as john Lumic returns
to the country of his birth.

Mr Lumic, the inventor of
High Content metal,

has denied allegations of ill health.

We're all flesh and blood,
but the brain is what makes us human.

And my mind is more creative than ever.

With shares in Cybus Industries
doubling in price,

Mr Lumic has pledged more support
for the homeless in New South America.

In other news.

The Torchwood Institute has published
a study claiming that...

We're not meant to be here.

The Tardis draws its power from
the universe but it's the wrong universe.

It's like diesel in a petrol engine.

But I've seen it in comics,
people go hopping

from one alternative world to another.
It's easy!

Not in the real world.

Used to be easy.

When the Time Lords
kept their eye on everything,

you could pop between realities,
home in time for tea.

Then they died and took it all with them.

The walls of reality closed.
The worlds were sealed.

Everything became that bit less kind.

- Then how did we get here?
-I don't know. Accident.

Should've been impossible,
now we're trapped.

What's that?


That there. Is that a reflection?

It's a light! Is it? Is that a light?
I think that's alight.

That's all we need. We've got power!
Mickey, we've got power!

Gentlemen, gentlemen!
I beg your attention!

Christmas has come early
so come and get it!

Oh, smell that, comrades!

Burgers and chips! Sausage and beans!

Pork, chicken and hot sweet tea.
All for free!

- Don't go!
-But there's food.

All you can eat, free of charge!

Don't just stand there.
Fill your faces with pasties...

They're lying.

It's easy for you to say.
When did you last starve?

All those people
disappearing off the streets.

It's been going on for months. It's them.

- They're taking you away.
-What for?


I'm so hungry.

So come and get it while it's hot!

That's it, kind sir,
get in there and fill your face!

Feast yourself, brother, feast yourself.

- What are you doing!
-Take them away.

No! No! Help!

It's alive!

- What is it?

It's tiny. It's one of those
insignificant little power cells

that no one ever bothers about
and it's clinging on to life!

It's got one little ounce of reality,
tucked away inside.

Enough to get us home?

Not yet.

I need to charge it up.

We could go outside
and lash it up to the national grid.

Wrong sort of energy.
It's got to come from our universe.

But we don't have anything.

There's me.

I just gave away 10 years of my life.
Worth every second.

It's going out. Is that okay?

It's on a recharging cycle.
It'll loop round, power back up

and be ready to take us home in 24 hours.

So that gives us 24 hours
on a parallel world?

Shore leave.

So long as we keep our heads down,
easy, no problem. Let's go and tell her.

There you are!
It's all right, no applause, I fixed it.

24 hours
and then we're flying back to reality.

What is it?

My phone connected. There's this
Cybus network. It finds your phone.

It gave me internet access.

Rose, whatever it says,
this is the wrong world.

- I don't exist.
-What do you mean?

There's no Rose Tyler. I was never born.

There's Pete, my dad, and Jackie.

He still married Mum
but they never had kids.

Give me that phone.

They're rich. They've got a house
and cars and everything they want.

But they haven't got me.

- I've got to see them.
-You can't.

- I just want to see them.
-I can't let you.

- You just said 24 hours.
-You can't become their daughter.

That's not the way it works.
Mickey, tell her.

24 hours, yeah?

- Where are you going?
-Well, I can do what I want.

I've got the address and everything.

Stay where you are! Both of you!
Rose, come back!

- Mickey, come back here! Right now!
-I just want to see them.

- Yeah, I've got things to see and all.
-Like what?

You don't know anything
about me, do you? It's always about Rose.

I'm just a spare part.

I'm sorry, I've got to go.

Go on, then. There's no choice, is there?

You can only chase after one of us
and it's never gonna be me, is it?

Back here. 24 hours.

Yeah. If I haven't found something better.

Mr Tyler, what's the matter
couldn't wait until tonight?

Mr President. Honoured.
I'm on the fast-track programme.

Cybus Industries have bought up
my company so I'm part of the firm now.

Some people say
they've bought my government.

I've never heard anybody say that. Never.

You can trust me on this.

I tried your drink, that Vitex stuff.
It tastes like pop.

Well, it is pop.

You've made money by selling
a health food drink to a sick world.

Not quite the ordinary Joe
you appear to be, are you?

He does like to keep us waiting.

But tell me, you've had a chance
to observe john Lumic more than most.

What's your opinion?

He's very sharp, I'd say, sharp as ever.

Very clever man. Brilliant, in fact.

Then you don't think he's insane?

It's not the word I would've used, no.

I see.

- Am I all right to go past?

No bother. Curfew doesn't start till 10:00.

- There's a curfew?
-Course there is.

Where you been living, mate?
Up there with the toffs?

I wish.

See you.

Mickey's mum just couldn't cope.

His dad hung around for a while,
but then he just sort of wandered off.

He was brought up by his gran.
She was such a great woman.

God, she used to slap him!

But then she died.
She tripped and fell down the stairs.

It was about five years ago now.
I was still in school.

I never knew.

-Well, you never asked.
-You never said.

That's Mickey. I suppose...

we just take him for granted.

- Do you think she's still alive? His gran?
-Could be.

Like I said, parallel world,
gingerbread house.

We need to get out of here
as fast as we can.

What are they all doing?

They've stopped.

It's the ear pieces.

Like Bluetooth attachments
but everyone's connected together.

It's on my phone. It's automatic.
Look, it's downloading.

Is this what they're all getting?

News, international news,
sport, weather.

They get it direct.
Downloaded right into their heads.

TV schedules, lottery numbers.

Everyone shares the same information.

Daily download,
published by Cybus Industries.

You lot, you're obsessed.
You'll do anything for the latest upgrade.

Oi, they're not my lot.
Different world, remember?

It's not so far off your world.
This place is only parallel.

Oh, look at that.

Cybus Industries, owners of just about
every company in Britain, including Vitex.

Mr Pete Tyler's very well connected.

Okay, I give up. Let's go and see him.

Who's that there?

Who is it? I know you're there.

Shame on you, tricking an old lady.
I've got nothing worth stealing.

And don't think I'm gonna disappear.
You're not gonna take me!


Is that you?

It's me. I came home.


It's Mickey.

I know my own grandson's name.
It's Ricky. Now come here.

Okay, I'm Ricky. Of course I am.
Ricky, that's me.

- You stupid boy!

-Where've you been?
-Stop hitting me!

It's been days and days.

I keep hearing all these stories,
people disappearing off the street.

There's nothing official on the download

but there are all these rumours
and whispers.

I thought they'd gone and disappeared you.

That carpet on the stairs,
I told you to get it fixed. You're gonna...

fall and break your neck.

Well, you get it fixed for me!

I should've done it way back.
I guess I'm just kind of useless.

Now, I never said that.

I am, though.

And I'm sorry, Gran. I'm so sorry.

Don't talk like that.
Do you know what you need?

A nice sit down and a cup of tea.

- You got time?
-For you, I've got all the time in the world.

Oh, you say that but it's all talk.

It's those new friends of yours.
I don't trust them.

- What friends are they?
-Don't pretend you don't know.

You've been seen. Mrs Chan told me.

Driving about,
all helter-skelter, in that van.

What van's that, then?

You know full well.
Don't play games with me.

Get inside.

I've been looking for you everywhere!

Ricky. Ricky!

Ricky, you were the one who told us.

You don't contact your family
'cause it puts them in danger.

Yeah. Ricky said that.
Course I did. just testing.

I saw them. I taped them.

They went round Blackfriars gathering up
the homeless like the Child Catcher.

They must have took four dozen.

The vans were hired out to a company
called International Electromatics.

But I did a protocol search,

turns out that's a dummy company
established by guess who?

I don't know. Who?

Cybus Industries!

Well, now we've got evidence!

Bad news is they've arrested Thin jimmy.

- So that just leaves you.
-Leaves me what?

The number one.

Top of the list.

London's most wanted.

Okay. Cool.

Say that again.

The mos? precious thing
on this earth is the human brain

and yet we allow I': to die.

But now Cybus Industries
has perfected a way

of sustaining the brain indefinitely
within a cradle of copyrighted chemicals.

And the latest advances
in synapse research

allows cyberkinetic impulses
to be bonded onto a metal exoskeleton.

This is the ultimate upgrade.

Our greatest step into cyberspace.

I'm sorry, could we stop it there?

I don't need the pitch. I think we all know
what this ultimate upgrade entails.

And I'm here to tell you, john,

the answer is no.

My government
does not give you permission.

And I think no government ever will.

I've prepared a paper
for the Ethical Committee.

Oh, come on!

It's not just unethical, it's obscene.

Mr President,
if I might make a personal plea.

I am dying, sir.

I'm aware of that.

And I'm very sorry.

Without this project,
you have condemned me.

My inventions have advanced
this whole planet.

Would you have all that perish?

You're a fine businessman, john.

But you're not God.

I'm really very sorry
but I think we should end it there.

Mr Tyler, I'll see you tonight.

I think we could all do with a drink.

Mr Lumic.

Still, it's not the only country
in the world. There's always New Germany.

This is the homeland.

My birthplace.

You may leave.

Thank you, sir.

Mr Crane!

Ready and waiting, sir.

Did the override work?

Well, it needs a bit of fine tuning.
We weren't exactly delicate given the rush.

But, yeah, yeah, it's all working.

I've been testing the system, sir.

They've grafted on a treat, these have.

Given a little persuasion.

If you'd care to observe, sir.

And turn to the right.

And back to the left.

Are you having fun, Mr Crane?

No, no, not at all, sir, no.
It's just... Well, it's irresistible.

Then resist and start the upgrade.

Did we get permission?

1 am governed by greater laws, old friend.

The right of a man to survive. Now begin!

And turn to the left.

Forward march.

Whoa! Let's cover up that noise.
Give us track number 19.

There's a light on.
There's someone inside the base.

Mrs Moore, we've got visitors.

One, two, three, go!

What the hell are you doing?

What are you doing there?

What am I doing here?

What am I doing there?

They've got visitors.

February the 1st. Mum's birthday.

Even in a parallel universe,
she still loves a party.

Well, given Pete Tyler's guest list,
I wouldn't mind a look.

And there is one guaranteed way
of getting inside...

Psychic paper-

Who do you want to be?

-We could've been anyone.
-It got us in, didn't it?

You're in charge of the psychic paper.
We could've been guests.

Celebrities. Sir Doctor, Dame Rose.

And we end up serving.
I did enough of this back home.

If you want to know what's going on,
work in the kitchen.

- According to Lucy, that man over there...
-Who's Lucy?

She's carrying the salmon pinwheels.

- Oh, that's Lucy, is it?

Lucy says
that is the President of Great Britain.

What, there's a president,
not a prime minister?

Seems so.

Or maybe Lucy's just a bit thick.

Excuse me, thank you very much.

Thank you,
if I could have your attention please.

- Come on, Pete.
- Thank you very much.

I'd just like to say thank you to you all
for coming

on this very special occasion.

My wife's...


Trust me on this.

And so without any further ado, here she is,

the birthday girl, my lovely wife,

Jackie Tyler.

Now, I'm not giving a speech,

that's what my parties are famous for,
no work, no politics.

Just a few good mates
and plenty of black market whisky.

Pardon me, Mr President.

So, yeah, get on with it. Enjoy! Enjoy.

You can't stay. Even if there was
some way of telling them.

Course I can't.

I've still got Mum at home, my real mum.
I couldn't just leave her, could I?

It's just...

They've got each other.

Mum's got no one.

She's got you. Those two haven't.

All these different worlds,
not one of them gets it right.


Here's my little girl!
Come to mummy, come to mummy, yes.

Good girl, aren't you!


Platoon 02 now boarding.

Platoon 02 now boarding.

Stop staring.

- But what are they, sir?
-I'm told they're the future.

Ain't technology wonderful?

Go on, get to the cab, start her up.


LUMIC". Mr Crane, are we mobile?

just about to hit the road, sir.
And yourself?

I'm arriving, Mr Crane. Prepare the factory.

Now send them forth, old friend.
Let the good work begin.

He's clean. No bugs.

But this is off the scale.

He's flesh and blood. How did that happen?

Well, it could be that Cybus Industries

have perfected the science
of human cloning.

Or, your father had a bike.

And your name's Mickey, not Ricky?


Dad was Jackson Smith, used to work
at the key cutter's on Clifton Parade.

Went to Spain, never came back.

But that's my dad.

So...we're brothers?

Be fair, what else could it be?

I don't know.

But he doesn’t just look like me.
He is exactly the same.

There's something else going on here, Jake.

So who are you lot?

We? We are the Preachers.

As in "gospel truth".

Do you see? No Ear Pods.

While the rest of the world
downloads from Cybus Industries,

we have got freedom.

You're talking to London's most wanted.

But target number one is Lumic
and we are going to bring him down.

From your kitchen?

Have you got a problem with that?

No. It's a good kitchen.

- It's an upload from Gemini.
-Who's Gemini?

The vans are back.
They are moving out of Battersea.

Looks like Gemini was right,

Lumic's finally making a move.

And we are right behind him.
Pack up, we're leaving.

I remember her 21 st.

Pint of cider in the George.

Sorry, sir, champagne?

Might as well, I'm paying for it.

Big night for you.

For her.

Still, she's happy.

Yeah, she should be. It's a great party.

Do you think?

- You can trust me!
-"You can trust me on this."

That's it, sorry. Yeah.

So, how long have you two been married?

20 years.

No kids, or...

We kept putting it off.

She said she didn't want to spoil her figure.

It's not too late. She's only 40.


All right, 39.

It's still too late.

I moved out last month.

We're gonna keep it quiet, you know.
It's bad for business.

Why am I telling you all this?
We haven't met before, have we?

- I don't know, you just seem sort of...

I don't know. just sort of...


Stevie, how's things?
How's it going at Torchwood?

I don't know what they're doing,
but this seems to be the target.

Big house, fair bit of money.
Now we've got to find a way to get in there.

I've identified the address,

it belongs to Peter Tyler,
the Vitex millionaire.

Pete Tyler?

He's listed as one of Lumic's henchmen,
a traitor to the state.

But... We've got to get in there!

Now shut it, duplicate.
That's what I just said.

What are they doing?

What the hell are they?

The mos? precious thing
on this earth is the human brain...

Mrs Tyler, is there anything I can get you?

The last 20 years back.

I could manage a glass of champagne.

- Or a nice cup of tea?
-Oh, that'd do me.

My mum loves that.

End of a long night,
she never goes straight to bed.

She always stays up
just to have that last cup of tea.

Oh, I'm the same.

- Two sugars.
-And me.

And Pete always says, you know...

Never mind him.

I was talking to him earlier.
He's a nice man.

You know, a bit of a jack the lad,
I suppose, even if he has got money.

But he's a good bloke.

Better than most.

He's worth a second chance.

Are you commenting on my marriage?

No, I was just...

Who the hell do you think you are?
You're staff.

You're nothing but staff. You’re just
the serving girl for God's sake!

And you are certainly not getting paid.

Don't you dare talk to me.

This is the ultimate upgrade.
Our greatest step into cyberspace.


It's happening again.

What do you mean?

I've seen them before.

What are they?


Mr Lumic.

Mr President. I suppose a remark
about crashing the party

would be appropriate at this point, sir.

I forbade this.

These are my children, sir.

Would you deny my family?

- What are they? Robots?
-Worse than that.

- Who were these people?
-It doesn't matter.

They're people?

They were.
Till they had all their humanity taken away.

That's a living brain
jammed inside a cybernetic body.

With a heart of steel,
all emotions removed.

Why no emotions?

Because it hurts.

I demand to know, Lumic, these people,
who were they?

They were homeless
and wretched and useless,

until I saved them, and elevated them,

and gave them life eternal.

And now I leave you
in their capable hands. Good night, sir.

Good night, Mr President.

CYBERMAN". We have been upgraded.

Into what?

The next level of mankind.

We are Human Point Two.

Every citizen will receive a free upgrade.

You will become like us.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry for what's been done to you.

But listen to me.

This experiment ends tonight.

Upgrading is compulsory.

- And if I refuse?

What if I refuse?

I'm telling you, don't!

What happens if I refuse?

Then you are not compatible.

What happens then?

You will be deleted.



There's nothing we can do.

But my mum's in there.

She's not your mother, come on!

Pete! Pete!

- Pete, is there a way out?
-The side gates.

Who are you? How do you know so much?

You wouldn't believe it
in a million years.

Who's that?

Get behind me!

Oh, my God, look at you!

I thought I'd never see you again.

Yeah, no of fence, sweetheart,
but who the hell are you?


That's not me. That's, like, the other one.

Oh, as if things weren't bad enough,
there's two Mickeys!

- It's Ricky.
-But there's more of them.

We're surrounded.

Put the guns down.
Bullets won't stop them.

You! Stop shooting! Now!

We surrender.

Hands up.

There's no need to damage us.
We're good stock.

We volunteer for the upgrade programme.
Take us to be processed.

You are rogue elements.

But we surrender.

You are incompatible.

But this is a surrender!

You will be deleted.

But we're surrendering!
Listen to me! We surrender!

You are inferior.

Man will be reborn as Cyberman

but you will perish
under maximum deletion.

Delete. Delete. Delete. Delete.