Doctor Who (2005–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - School Reunion - full transcript

The Krillitanes - aliens with a mix-and-match physiology - are trying to crack the 'God-Maker', a paradigm to give them ultimate power. They are using children as a computer, and only the Doctor and Rose, re-united with Sarah Jane Smith and K9 can prevent them from becoming masters of time and space.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- What do you want?
-The nurse sent me, sir.

I was in English and I got a headache.

- Then don't bother me, go home.
-I can't.

Why? Is your mother at work?

I live in Ambrose Hall, the children's home.

No parents? No one to miss you?

I see why the nurse sent you.

You poor child.

Poor, thin child.

Come inside.

It's nearly time for lunch.

Good morning, class.

Are we sitting comfortably?

Sub created by;
Dandysubs and cryinoutloud


Physics, eh? Physics.


Physics! Physics. Physics. Physics.
Physics. Physics. Physics. Physics.

I hope one of you is getting all this down.
Okay, let's see what you know.

Two identical strips of nylon
are charged with static electricity

and hung from a string
so they can swing freely.

What would happen
if they were brought near each other?

- Yes, what's your name?

Milo. Off you go.

They'd repel each other
because they have the same charge.


A word I have never used before
and hopefully never will again.

Question two.
I coil up a thin piece of nichrome wire

and place it in a glass of water.

Then I turn on the electricity

and measure to see
if the water temperature is affected.

My question is this. How do I measure
the electrical power going into the coil?

Someone else.

No? Okay. Milo, go for it.

Measure the current and PD
using an ammeter and voltmeter.

Two to Milo! Right, Milo, tell me this.

True or false,
the greater the damping on a system,

the quicker it loses energy
to its surroundings.

- False.
-What is non-coding DNA?

DNA that doesn't code for a protein.

-65,983 times 5.

How do you travel faster than light?

By harnessing a quantum tunnel
with an FTL factor of 36.7 recurring.

Two days.

Sorry, could you just...
There's a bit of gravy.

- No, no, just there.
-Two days we've been here.

Blame your boyfriend.
He's the one who put us on to this.

He was right. Boy in class this morning,
got knowledge way beyond planet Earth.

- You eating those chips?
-Yeah, they're a bit...different.

I think they're gorgeous.
Wish I had school dinners like this.

It's very well behaved this place.

I thought they'd all be
happy-slapping hoodies.

Happy-slapping hoodies with ASBOs.

Happy-slapping hoodies with ASBOs
and ringtones. Eh?

Don't tell me I don't fit in.

You are not permitted to leave your station
during a sitting.

I was just talking to this teacher.

- Hello.
-He doesn't like the chips.

The menu has been specifically designed
by the headmaster

to improve concentration and performance.

Now get back to work.

See? This is me. Dinner lady.

- I'll have the crumble.
-I'm so gonna kill you.


You'll be joining my class
for the next period.

Milo's failed me so it's time
we moved you up to the top class.

- Kenny, not eating the chips?
-I'm not allowed.

Luke, extra class. Now!

Careful, keep it steady.
Don't spill a drop.

I said keep it steady. Careful.

That's it. Easy now. Steady.

Right, second barrel, quickly now.

- What have you got?
- Confirmation.

I just got into army records.
Three months ago, massive UFO activity.

They logged over 40 sightings.
Lights in the sky, all of that.

Can't get any photos
'cause then it gets all classified, secret.

- Keeps Locking me out.
-Tell you what, though.

Three months ago, turns out
all the kitchen staff were replaced.

And this lot are weird.

There's definitely something going on.
I was right to call you home.

I thought maybe you called me home just...
Well, just to call me home.

Do you think I'd just invent an emergency?

- You could've done.
-That's the last thing I'd do.

'Cause every time I see you,
an emergency just gets in the way.

I've got to go.

Get her up, get her up!

Rose, what is it? What...

- What you doing?
-Calling an ambulance.

No need, she's quite all right.

It's fine. She does that.

I'd like you all to
put your headphones on now, please.

Oh, children, the things you will see.

That's the cornerstone of our work here.

But my improvements aren't confined
to the classroom. No, no, no.

We've introduced a new policy here.

School dinners are absolutely free,
but compulsory. Do try the chips.

Oh, I'd love to, thank you.
And it's got to be said,

the transformation you've brought about,
it's amazing.

I mean, maybe you're working the children
a little bit too hard now and then,

but I think good results
are more important than anything.

Exactly. You're a woman of vision,
Miss Smith.

Oh, I can see everything, Mr Finch.
Quite clearly.

Yesterday I had a 12-year-old girl

give me the exact height
of the walls of Troy in cubits.

And it's ever since
the new headmaster arrived?

Finch arrived three months ago,
next day half the staff got flu.

Finch replaced them with that lot.

Except for the teacher you replaced,
and that was just plain weird,

her winning the lottery like that.

- How's that weird?
-She never played.

Said the ticket was posted
through her door at midnight.


The world is very strange.

Excuse me, colleagues.
A moment of your time.

May I introduce Miss Sarah Jane Smith.
Miss Smith is a journalist

who's writing a profile about me
for The Sunday Times.

I thought it might be useful for her to get
a view from the trenches, so to speak.

Don't spare my blushes.


Oh, I should think so.

And you are?

Mmm? Uh, Smith. john Smith.

John Smith?

I used to have a friend
who sometimes went by that name.

Well, it's a very common name.

He was a very uncommon man.

- Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you!

Yes. Very nice. More than nice. Brilliant.

So, have you worked here long?

No, it's only my second day.

Oh, you're new, then?
So what do you think of the school?

I mean, this new curriculum,

so many children getting ill.
Doesn't that strike you as odd?

You don't sound like someone
just doing a profile.

Well, no harm in a little investigation
while I'm here.

No, good for you. Good for you.

Oh, good for you, Sarah Jane Smith.

This isn't your classroom, Kenny.
Now run along.

Oh! It's weird seeing school at night.

It just feels wrong.

When I was a kid, I used to think
all the teachers slept in school.

All right, team...
Oh, I hate people who say "team".

Uh, gang-



Anyway, Rose, go to the kitchen,
get a sample of that oil.

Mickey, the new staff are all maths
teachers. Check out the maths department.

I'm gonna look in Finch's office.
Meet back here in 10 minutes.

You gonna be all right?

Me? Please.

Infiltration and investigation?
I'm an expert at this.

Where's the maths department?

Down there, turn left,
through the fire doors, on the right.

Thank you.

Hello, Sarah Jane.

It's you.


Oh, my God. It's you, isn't it?

- You've regenerated.

Half a dozen times since we last met.

You look...


So do you.

I got old.

What are you doing here?

Well, UFO sighting,
school gets record results. I couldn't resist.

- What about you?
-The same.

I thought you'd died.

I waited for you, you didn't come back
and I thought you must have died.

I lived. Everyone else died.

- What do you mean?
-Everyone died, Sarah.

I can't believe it's you.

Okay, now I can.

Did you hear that?

- Who's she?
-Rose, Sarah Jane. Sarah Jane, Rose.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

You can tell you're getting older,
your assistants are getting younger.

- I'm not his assistant.

Get you, tiger.

Sorry. Sorry, it was only me.

You told me to investigate so I started
looking through these cupboards

-and all these fell out on me.
-Oh, my God, they're rats.

Dozens of rats. Vacuum-packed rats!

- And you decided to scream?
-It took me by surprise.

- Like a little girl.
-It was dark! I was covered in rats!

Nine, maybe ten years old.
I'm seeing pigtails, frilly skirt.

Hello, can we focus?

Has anyone noticed
anything strange about this?

Rats in school?

Well, obviously, they use them
in biology lessons, they dissect them.

Or maybe you haven't reached that bit yet.
How old are you?

Excuse me,
no one dissects rats in school anymore.

They haven't done that for years.
Where are you from, the Dark Ages?

Anyway! Moving on...

Everything started when Mr Finch arrived.
We should go and check his office.

I don't mean to be rude or anything,
but who exactly are you?

Sarah Jane Smith.
I used to travel with the Doctor.

Oh! Well, he's never mentioned you.

Oh, I must've done. Sarah Jane.
I mention her all the time.

Hold on, sorry...never.

What, not even once?
He didn't mention me even once?

Oh, mate. The missus and the ex.
Welcome to every man's worst nightmare.

- Maybe those rats were food.
- Food for what?


You know how you used to think
all the teachers slept in the school?

Well, they do.

No way!

- I am not going back in there. No way!
-Those were the teachers?

When Finch arrived,
he brought with him seven new teachers,

four dinner ladies and a nurse, 13.
Thirteen big bat people. Come on.

- You've got to be kidding.
-I need the Tardis.

I've got to analyse that oil
from the kitchen.

I might be able to help you there.
I've got something to show you.


Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith,
allow me to introduce K9.

Well, K9 Mark 3 to be precise.

Why does he look so...disco?

Oi! Listen, in the year 5,000
this was cutting edge.

- What's happened to him?
-One day, just... Nothing.

Didn't you try and get him repaired?

It's not like getting parts for a Mini Metro.

Besides, the technology inside him
could rewrite human science.

I couldn't show him to anyone.

Ooh, what's the nasty lady done to you, eh?

Look, no offence, but can you two
just stop petting for a minute?

Never mind the tin dog, we're busy.

You see, what's impressive is that
it's been nearly an hour since we met her

-and I still haven't said "I told you so".
-I'm not listening to this.

Though I have prepared
a little "I was right" dance

that I can show you later.

Two quid, love.

All this time you've been giving it
"he's different",

but the truth is,
he's just like any other bloke.

- You don't know what you're talking about.
-Maybe not.

But if I were you, I'd go easy on the chips.

Come to me.

Come to me.

I thought of you on Christmas Day,
this Christmas just gone.

Great big spaceship overhead, I thought,
"Oh, yeah! Bet he's up there."

Right on top of it, yeah.

- And Rose?
-She was there, too.

Did I do something wrong?
'Cause you never came back for me.

You just dumped me.

I told you, I was called back home
and in those days humans weren't allowed.

I waited for you.

- I missed you.
-Oh, you didn't need me.

- You were getting on with your life.
-You were my life.

You know what
the most difficult thing was?

Coping with what happens next.
You know, with what doesn't happen next.

You took me
to the furthest reaches of the galaxy,

you showed me supernovas,
intergalactic battles,

and then you just dropped me
back on Earth.

How could anything compare to that?

All those things you saw,
you want me to apologise for that?

No, but...we get a taste of that splendour
and then we have to go back.

But look at you, you're investigating.

You found that school.
You're doing what we always did.

You could have come back.

- I couldn't.
-Why not?

It wasn't Croydon.

Where you dropped me off,
it wasn't Croydon.

- Where was it?

Right. That's next to Croydon, isn't it?

Oh, hey! Now we're in business!

- Master?
-He recognises me!

- Affirmative.
- Rose, give us the oil.

I wouldn't touch it, though.
That dinner lady got all scorched.

I'm no dinner lady.
And I don't often say that.

Here we go. Come on, boy, here we go.

Oil extract...


- Listen to him, man! That's a voice.
-Careful. That's my dog.

Confirmation of analysis.

Substance is Krillitane oil.

They're Krillitanes.

- Is that bad?

Think how bad things could possibly be
and add another suitcase full of bad.

- And what are Krillitanes?
-They're a composite race.

Just like your culture is a mixture
of traditions from all sorts of countries,

people you've invaded or been invaded by,

you've got bits of Viking, bits of France,
bits of whatever.

The Krillitanes are the same, an amalgam
of the races they've conquered.

But they take physical aspects as well.

They cherry-pick the best bits
from the people they destroy.

That's why I didn't recognise them.

The last time I saw Krillitanes
they looked just like us,

except they had really long necks.

What are they doing here?

It's the children.

They're doing something to the children.

So, what's the deal with the tin dog?

The Doctor likes travelling
with an entourage.

Sometimes they're humans,
sometimes they're aliens,

and sometimes they're tin dogs.

What about you?
Where do you fit in the picture?

Me? I'm their man in Havana,
I'm their technical support, I'm...

Oh, my God. I'm the tin dog.

On my command.

How many of us have there been
travelling with you?

- Does it matter?
-Yeah, it does,

if I'm just the latest in along line.

As opposed to what?

I thought you and me were...

I obviously got it wrong.

I've been to the year 5 billion, right,
but this...

Now, this is really seeing the future.
You just Leave us behind.

- Is that what you're gonna do to me?
-No. Not to you.

But Sarah Jane.
You were that close to her once,

and now, you never even mention her.

- Why not?
-I don't age.

I regenerate.

But humans decay. You wither and you die.

Imagine watching that happen
to someone that you...

What, Doctor?

You can spend
the rest of your life with me...

but I can't spend the rest of mine with you.

I have to live on. Alone.

That's the curse of the Time Lords.

Time Lord.

Was that a Krillitane?

It didn't even touch you, it just flew off.
What did it do that for?

Rose and Sarah, you go to the maths room.
Crack open those computers.

I need to see the hardware inside.
Here, you might need this.

Mickey, surveillance. I want you outside.

Just stand outside?

Here, take these.
You can keep K9 company.

Don't forget to leave
the window open a crack.

- He's metal.
-I didn't mean for him.

- What are you gonna do?
-It's time I had a word with Mr Finch.

- Who are you?
-My name is Brother Lassar. And you?

The Doctor.

Since when did Krillitanes have wings?

It's been our form
for nearly 10 generations now.

Our ancestors invaded Bessan.

The people there
had some rather lovely wings.

They made a million widows in one day,
just imagine.

And now your shape's human.

A personal favourite, that's all.

- And the others?
-My brothers remain bat form.

What you see is a simple morphic illusion.

Scratch the surface
and the true Krillitane lies beneath.

And what of the Time Lords?

I always thought of you
as such a pompous race.

Ancient, dusty senators.

So frightened of change, and chaos.

And, of course, they're all but extinct.

Only you. The last.

This plan of yours, what is it?

- You don't know?
-That's why I'm asking.

Well, show me how clever you are.
Work it out.

If I don't like it, then it will stop.


Your people were peaceful
to the point of indolence.

You seem to be something new.

Would you declare war on us, Doctor?

I'm so old now.

I used to have so much mercy.

You get one warning. That was it.

But we're not even enemies.
Soon, you will embrace us.

The next time we meet,
you will join with me.

I promise you.

You ask me, it's just another way of saying,

"Go sit at the back of the class
with the safety scissors and glitter."

That'll be me talking to a metal dog, then.


- It's not working.
-Give it to me.

Used to work first time in my day.

Well, things were a lot simpler back then.

- Rose, can I give you a bit of advice?
-I've got a feeling you're about to.

I know how intense
a relationship with the Doctor can be

and I don't want you to feel I'm intruding...

I don't feel threatened by you
if that's what you mean.

Right. Good. Because I'm not interested
in picking up where we left off.


With the big sad eyes and the robot dog,
what else were you doing last night?

I was just saying how hard it was
adjusting to life back on Earth.

The thing is, when you two met,
they'd only just got rid of rationing.

No wonder all that space stuff
was a bit too much for you.

I had no problem with space stuff.
I saw things you wouldn't believe.

Try me.

- Mummies.
-I've met ghosts.

- Robots. Lots of robots.
-Slitheen, in Downing Street.

- Daleks.
-Met the Emperor.

- Antimatter monsters!
-Gas mask zombies!

- Real living dinosaurs!
-Real living werewolf!

- The Loch Ness monster!


Listen to us.

It's like me and my mate Shareen,
the only time we fell out was over a man.

And we're arguing over the Doctor.

With you, did he do that thing

where he'd explain something
at like 90 miles per hour,

and you'd go, "What?" and he'd look at you
like you'd just dribbled on your shirt?

All the time.

Does he still stroke bits of the Tardis?

Yeah! Yeah, he does!
I'm like, "Do you two want to be alone?"

How's it going?


Listen, I need to find out
what's programmed inside these.

What? Stop it.

Brothers, we must initiate the final phase.

Get the children inside and seal the school.

Our time has come, my brothers.
Today we shall become gods.

All pupils to class immediately.

And would all members of staff
please congregate in the staff room?

Break time's finished early!
Isn't that fantastic?

No, no, this classroom's out of bounds.
You've all got to go to the south hall.

Off you go, south hall!

What is it now, Mr Finch?

Slight change in the timetable.
We're having an early lunch.

I can't shift it.

I thought the sonic screwdriver
could open anything.

Anything except a deadlock seal.
There's got to be something inside here.

What are they teaching those kids?

Close the school.

You wanted the programme. There it is.

Some sort of code.


No, they can't be.

- They've taken them all.

They've taken all the children!


Come on, I need some help.

System restarting.
All primary drives functioning.

You're working! Okay, no time to explain,
we need to get inside the school.

Do you have, like, I don't know,
a lock-picking device?

We are in a car.

- Maybe a drill attachment?
- We are in a car.

Fat lot of good you are.

We are in a car.

Wait a second. We're in a car.

Get back!

The Skasas Paradigm.

They're trying to crack
the Skasas Paradigm.

The Skasas what?

The god-maker. The universal theory.

Crack that equation and you've got control
of the building blocks of the universe.

Time and space and matter,
yours to control.

What, and the kids are like
a giant computer?


And their learning power
is being accelerated by the oil.

That oil from the kitchens,
it works as a conducting agent,

makes the kids cleverer.

But that oil's on the chips.
I've been eating them.

- What's 59 times 35?

Oh, my God!

But why use children?
Can't they use adults?

No, it's got to be children. The god-maker
needs imagination to crack it.

They're not just using the children's brains
to break the code,

they're using their souls.

Let the lesson begin.

Think of it, Doctor.

With the paradigm solved,
reality becomes clay in our hands.

We can shape the universe and improve it.

Oh, yeah, the whole of creation
with the face of Mr Finch.

Call me old-fashioned,
I like things as they are.

You act like such a radical and yet
all you want to do is preserve the old order.

Think of the changes that could be made
if this power was used for good.

- What, by someone like you?

Someone like you.

The paradigm gives us power,
but you could give us wisdom.

Become a god at my side.

Imagine what you could do.
Think of the civilisations you could save.

Perganon, Ascinta, your own people, Doctor.

Standing tall.

The Time Lords...reborn.

Doctor, don't listen to him.

And you could be with him
throughout eternity.

Young, fresh.

Never wither, never age, never die.
Their lives are so fleeting.

So many goodbyes.

How lonely you must be, Doctor.

Join us.

- I could save everyone.

I could stop the war.

No. The universe has to move forward.

Pain and loss, they define us
as much as happiness or love.

Whether it's a world or a relationship.

Everything has its time.
And everything ends.


Come on!

What is going on?

- Are they my teachers?
-Yeah. I'm sorry.

We need the Doctor alive.
As for the others, you can feast.


Suggest you engage
running mode, mistress.

Come on!

K9, hold them back!

Affirmative, master.

Maximum defence mode!

Come on!

Power supply failing.

Forget the shooty dog thing.

Power supply failing.

It's the oil. Krillitane life forms
can't handle the oil! That's it!

They've changed their physiology so often,
even their own oil is toxic to them.

- How much was there in the kitchens?
-Barrels of it.

We need to get to the kitchens. Mickey...

What now? Hold the coats?

Get all the children unplugged
and out of the school.

Now, then, bats, bats, bats.
How do we fight bats?

Get after them.


Come on, boy! Good boy.

Okay, listen, everyone,
we've got to get out of here!

They've been deadlock sealed.
Finch must have done it. I can't open them.

The vats would not withstand
a direct hit from my laser,

but my batteries are failing.

Right, everyone out the back door.
K9, stay with me.

Everyone, get out. Now!

Come on! Move! Let's go, let's go!

Capacity for only one shot, master.

For maximum impact,
I must be stationed directly beside the vat.

- But you'll be trapped inside.
-That is torrent.

-1 can't hat you do that.
-No alternative possible, master.

- Goodbye, old friend.
-Goodbye, master.

- You good dog.

- Where's K9?
-We need to run.

Where is he? What have you done?

When we find him, eat him if you must,
but bring me his brain.

The little dog with the nasty bite.

Not so powerful now, are you?

Come on guys, let's go, let's go! Come on!


You bad dog.



- Did you have something to do with it?
-Yeah, I did.

Oh, my God.

Kenny blew up the school! It was Kenny!

Kenny! Kenny! Kenny!

- I'm sorry.
-It's all right.

He was just a daft metal dog.

Fine, really.

Cup of tea?

- You've redecorated.
-Do you like it?

Oh, I do. Yeah.

I preferred it as it was, but it'll do.

I love it.

Hey, what's 47 times 369?

No idea.

- It's gone now, the oil's faded.
-But you're still clever.

- More than a match for him.
-You and me both.


Urn, we're about to head off,
but you could come with us.


I can't do this anymore.

Besides, I've got
a much bigger adventure ahead.

Time I stopped waiting for you
and found a life of my own.

Can I come?

Not with you, I mean, with you.

'Cause I'm not the tin dog
and I wanna see what's out there.

Oh, go on, Doctor.

Sarah Jane Smith and Mickey Smith,
you need a Smith on board.

Okay, then. I could do with a laugh.

- Rose, is that okay?
-No, great.

Why not?

Well, I better go.

What do I do?

- Do I stay with him?

Some things are worth
getting your heart broken for.

Find me, if you need to one day. Find me.

It's daft,

but I haven't ever thanked you
for that time and like I said,

I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Something to tell the grandkids.

Oh, I think it'll be
someone else's grandkids now.

Right, yes, sorry.
I didn't get a chance to ask...

There hasn't been anyone... You know.

Well, there was this one guy.
I travelled with him for a while,

but he was a tough act to follow.

Good bye, Doctor.

- Oh, it's not goodbye.
-You say it, please. This time.

Say it.


My Sarah Jane.


- Mistress.
- But you were blown up.

The master rebuilt me.

My systems are much improved
with new Omni-flexible hyperlink facilities.

He replaced you with a brand-new model.


Yeah. He does that.

Come on, you. Home. We've got work to do.


We are under attack.
There are creatures. We can't stop them.

I need to find out what they're looking for.
There's only one way I can do that.

You are inside my mind.

A spaceship from the 51 st century
stalking a woman from the 18th.

One of them must have found
the right time window.

Now it's time to send in the troops.


The clock on the mantel is broken.
It is time!

Doctor! Doctor!