Doctor Who (2005–…): Season 13, Episode 7 - Episode #13.7 - full transcript

Sarah owns and runs ELF storage, and Nick is a customer who visits his unit every year on New Year's Eve. This year, however, their night turns out to be a little different than planned.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
# Here comes the jackpot
question in advance

# What are you doing New Year's

# New Year's Eve. #

Every year, every New Year's
Eve, Jeff,

you promise me that you'll work,

and then you play me for
the fool that I clearly am,

and then just at the last minute,
when you know,

YOU KNOW I have plans, you leave me
high and dry, on my own,

on New Year's Eve working in
a business that you know I hate,

but not as much I hate you, Jeff,
and I do hate you.

I wish I'd never employed you.

So, yeah, can you call me back when
you get a chance? Thank you.

Oh! No!

Stop it! Go AWAY!

Oh, erm, hiya, Nick.

Happy nearly New Year, Sarah.

Here we are again.
Yeah, yeah.

Here we are again.

No Jeff?

No. Astonishingly, no. No Jeff.

It's become a little bit of
a tradition now. Oh, my God!

Sorry, are you busy on your phone?

Sorry, no, just my phone's broken,
the button,

and I can't put it on silent. And so
obviously everyone's sending me

messages and texts
and pictures from their night,

and unsurprisingly I don't really
want to see them.

Much better being here!

You know, instead of all of those
parties and people and drinks.

Yeah, I mean, it's not though,
is it?

I'm not really one for New Years.
Yeah. No, I know that, yes.

So, you want to access your unit?


Yeah. So... Can you remind me of

the list of things that
can't be stored?


Stolen or illegal goods, tyres,

animals, humans,
dead or alive in any cases,

cash, plant, food,
cars, guns or ammunition,

or any material that is in any
way toxic,

hazardous or radioactive,
and a shop.

I promise you I don't have a shop.
Very good. Here's the keys.

And when you say hazardous...

When I say hazardous?
Well, I suppose I'd ask myself,

"If I set fire to this item, will it
have potentially explosive or

"devastating consequences?"

So, this...

..would be OK?

Well, that's a board game. Yes.

Is it a toxic, hazardous or
radioactive board game?

There's loads of paper in there.
There's your keys.

I hear loads of storage places have
access codes now.

Yes, Nick, they do.

They also have the money
to upgrade their systems,

whereas I have no money, just
a dilapidated building,

my rival straight across the road,
and you as my only customer.

As valued a customer as you
are, Nick.

Platinum loyalty card member,
that's me.

I'll be off to my unit.



Won't be long.

See you next year.

Have you been practising that?


Ready? Ready! Ready!

When I set this going, the TARDIS
will go into self-reset,

which should, if I've got this
right, which I'm sure I have,

clear out all the Flux debris,

minimise the number of doors,
and be back to fully functioning.

But it'll be out of service for
a little bit.

How long is a little bit?

I'm not sure, but that's why we're
landing on the sentient beaches of

San Munrohvar. We'll be playing
chess with the fish,

drinking mocktails with
the lobsters.

Once I throw the last lever,

we'll have seven seconds to get out.

We don't want to be in here when
it's resetting because, well...

..we'd die.

Here we go!

Go, go! Go, go, go!

Where's the beach?


That's supposed to be like that,
is it?

Not sure.
Never had to do this before.

Are you sure we're in San Munrohvar?


Cos it doesn't look very beachy
to me.

Ah, Manchester.

What? Of all the places!

Sorry. New Year's Eve 2021.
Nine minutes to midnight.

TARDIS will be sorted soon. Come on,
there'll be a party on somewhere.

Temporal disturbance,
two floors above.

Because of the TARDIS?

Don't think so, cloaked signal.

We should check. Come on.

Mancs. New Year, Mancs.
Doesn't she understand?





I'm Nick.


Mammy, it's four minutes
to midnight.

Every year.
Why are you calling me now?

The lines will all be busy
at midnight.

No, they won't, because it's
not 1973.

Are you still at work?

New Year's Eve is the best time
to meet a man.

I'm not trying to meet...
I met your father on New Year's Eve.

You did not. January 9th,
same thing.

It's literally not the same thing,
Mammy. Anyway,

who says I even want to meet a man?

And the only reason I'm working
tonight is

because I had to keep on stupid
Jeff at the stupid place that

I inherited from your stupid uncle,

obviously no offence, God rest
his soul.

Your uncle Barry was a saint.

Listen, Mam, I have to go,
I've got a customer.

So, yeah, just call me at
the bongs, will you?

The lines will all be busy.
No, they won't.

I don't like calling on the...


Go away with your stupid having fun.

MUTTERS: Stupid party, stupid drink,
stupid everyone pairing up.

Just die, everyone!

Oh, no.

Dalek. Multiple weapon blasts.

Was that the time disruption?
What's a Dalek?

The deadliest killing
machine in the universe.


You all done, Nick?

I am not Nick.

This area is now under
Dalek control.

What's going on?


You'll answer for that.

Daleks answer to no-one.

Daleks answer to me.

Why are you killing these people?

Shouldn't we just go? I'm using
my sonic

to jam its weapon systems.

Sonic device will not override
my weapons.

Yes, it does.
Cos I've used it before.


Daleks learn.


Not like this.

But that's a board game. Yes.

You OK?
Yeah, are you OK?

I'm not sure.

I feel like I've just had this...
Here are your keys, by the way.

Most places have... Access codes,
yes, I know.

No need to go on about it.

Sorry, sorry. I'm just a bit
spaced out at the moment.

I've been working too hard...

I'll go to my unit.

Yes. You will.

You will...


Oh, my God.

See you next year.

Oh, have you been practising that?

Where's the beach?



Has anyone else got proper deja vu?


Didn't we just get exterminated?

Lad by the storage unit!

Wait, did I...?




No, no, no. No, no, no.

What the...?

Oh! God!

I'm going to need a weapon.
A weapon.


He's not here. He should be here.

We've gone back in time,
Dalek incoming,

two people in this building,
about to die unless we stop it.

So, why isn't he here?




Fifth floor, OK. Go!
Do not move.

You're real.

Jeff. "Temporary storage,
you said it was OK."

Honestly, I said one unit!

Honestly, give that man an inch
and he takes a corridor.


No animals, alive or dead.

Oh, my God. holiday goods!

They're probably stolen.

Jeff. Food!


I just need something
I can use as a weapon!


Mam, now is really not
a good moment!

The lines will all be busy at

No. They won't, Mammy.

Are you still at work?

New Year's Eve is the best time
to meet a man.

Mam. I'm going to have
to call you back at the bongs, OK?


No. Just no.

OK? Cos this is my premises

and you, sir, are trespassing.

OK? So, just... Just...

Just shoo. Just go. Just...
Just... Just... Just get!

Increased fear levels detected.

I mean, well, obviously!

And how did you even find me?
I-I changed up what I did!

I anticipated your change.

Please, please don't kill me.



The second time I've failed
to save him.

Second time the Dalek's been
cleverer than us.

Doctor, look, it got both of them.

It's ahead of us.

Way ahead of us.

Correct, Doctor.

Dalek strategy is supreme.

Says you! So, there's no point
making a run for it?

The entrance has been secured.
There is no escape.

If it's any consolation, we'd have
been shot before we got

there anyway. So, we're dead.
Second time round.

The inferior human is correct.
Oi. Who are you calling inferior?


Assessment has been made.

Pretty smart, Daleks.

We've been here before.
But time reset.

So, we're still alive. You failed.

My mission was completed.

There was a disruption with time.

This moment is the correction!

There is no escape!



Oh, no, you don't!

Time loop. Time loop.
Groundhog Day.

Same difference.

We've got to go get that lad.

Sorry! Sorry! Oh, my God, Nick,
we have to get out of here.

That's what I was coming to say
to you. What? No, no.

We're stuck in a time loop with
killer robots.

OK, yeah, that makes sense.
Does it?

Cos I actually thought I was losing
my mind. No, because I've been

killed twice by a robot.
Oh, my God, me too!

Which is crazy. Because I'm still

Right? But I was coming back to save
you on the second time.

You did what? But you weren't there.

Yes, that's because you were
coming up to save me, right?

Yep, yeah, that was it.
We must have missed each other.

Who are they?

Hi, I'm the Doctor,
this is Yaz and Dan.

How did you get in here?
Wait, are you from building control?

Are you from the council?

Yes. We're here to
control your building.

And three of you? On New Year's Eve.
You make me sick.

Building control never sleeps.
We're the rapid response unit

and we really need to get you
to safety, like right now!

Wait, have you got something
to do with that robot?

No, and it's a Dalek.

Oh, my God, you know its name!
Are you...? Is it your robot?

Cos you know we've died like two
times so far.

We have died! OK?

And I know that sounds mad because
obviously I'm alive saying it.

But still! At any point, you can
just jump in and say something now.

I'm trying to figure out which one
is most unlikely - time loop

with robots or three people from
the council working on New Years.

We're here to help. We're also
stuck in the time loop.

The robot isn't a robot,
it's a Dalek.

It's a living mutant creature
inside weaponised battle transport.

It will kill everything not within
its own image.

And then what does it want with us?
Why is it here?

I don't know. All I know is we don't
have much...


Halt! Get behind me, Sarah.

What are you doing?
I'm being chivalrous.

It's just patronising! OK!

Everybody, into my storage unit!
Just here!

Where's the exit?

What do you mean?
Where's the way out?

No, the other way out.
So, we can escape.

There isn't another way out.

What? It's a storage unit.

Not a great plan, was it?
Well, we're not dead.

From now on, I'm in charge of
the plans.

And there's always another way out.
Somehow. You just have to find it.

Surrender. There is no escape!

Daleks are patient. I will wait.


Show me your phone.
What do you want with my phone?

That's what I was worried about.

What were you worried about?
Shh, I'm working!

How did you three even get in this
building? If we told you,

you'd never believe us.

Nick, why have you got all those
names on the shelves?

They're just ex-girlfriends.

They're what?

Oh, this is where I keep stuff
for women I've split up with.

Just in case they ever ask for
it back.

I don't want it in my
eyeline, you know, at home.

I have a very small flat.
I said it's a flat,

but it's more of a boxroom.
With a door.

And a toilet. With like
a kitchenette on top of a toilet.

You have a lot of ex-girlfriends.

They're alive still, aren't they?

Of course... Oh, God! Of course!

Yeah. Not all of them were serious.
Some were just like a few days.

Man, you are weird.

What? Bit harsh.

Bit har...? He comes here - here -
every New Year's Eve,

which is weird enough in itself,
and for what? To do all of this!

Which is... That is weird!

He is standing right there.

It's fine. No, it's not fine!
It's not fine!

You're the reason that I'm here.

You're the reason that I'm trapped
in a time loop with a robot...

Dalek! Dalek! With stupidly
named robots,

with people I don't even know,
all so what?

Why? So, you can catalogue your




No, no, no, no, no!

No, no, no, no, no!

Get back in here. Take me. You can
take me. But just let them go.

Don't try and reason with it.

You're right, this is all my fault.

You wouldn't be here if it wasn't
for me. No.

So, you can let them...

It's OK. It's OK.

He did that for us. He did that for
us. For me!

It's OK. But it's not his fault.

Oh, my giddy aunt!

What the...? Mammy, please, now is
not the time.

But the lines will be busy
at midnight!

No. They won't. Goodbye!
Let's focus on what we can do now.

You know I said there's always
another way out?

Yeah! Yeah! There isn't.

Solid concrete walls,
thick ceilings.

It will take a long time to resonate
through those,

and nothing of any use in here,
unless you want to play Monopoly!

Our resources in defeating
the Dalek are limited

to non-existent.

Do you have anything we could use to
defeat the Dalek? It really is

a matter of life and death.

I mean... Four floors up.

I mean, there's a mad stash
of stuff four floors up.

But we're on this floor!

This time.



Very persistent, your Dalek.

How do we get out of here?

I don't think we do.
But we get another go.

Except we'll have less time.

ALL: What?

I felt it the second time,
but this time I'm certain.

Time on your phone proved it.

We're coming back
a minute later each time.

Last time, it was eight minutes
to midnight.

This time, seven. I think the next
is going to be six.

The time loop's shortening on
each reset.

Is that a good or bad thing?

Not sure. Definitely one or
the other.

Depending on your outlook!

Less time for the Dalek to find
and exterminate us.

Equally, less time for us
to figure this out

and defeat it.

Whatever's causing
the time loop can't sustain it.

It must be under some sort
of pressure.

That's why it's decreasing.
Either way,

the loop repeats, time repeats,

so we need to be the variation.

We need to be unpredictable,

so the Dalek can't guess what we're
going to do next.

Next time, we don't come back here.
That's what it'll be expecting.

We go straight to the fifth floor.

See what that mad stash
has to offer.

But what about Nick?



The most evil creature in
the universe has successfully

vanquished an old door.


No chance. You just can't seem
to get rid of us, can you?

We have learned.
We will exterminate all life here

until the closure of the time loop.

All necessary calibrations have been
made. The target will be executed.

Targeted execution of who?

You, Doctor.

I was worried it might say that.
So, it is your fault?

You've killed us twice.
Yet we're still alive.

Why do you think it's going to
work this time?

We are relentless.

Your ultimate extermination
and execution is inevitable.

You are trapped, Doctor.

Not trapped, never trapped.
You won't win.

You never win.

Incorrect. Exterminate!

Lift. Fifth floor.

Do not move!

I am very much going to move!


Just passed reception.

Patterns indicate that's where
the Dalek's starting this time.

And the time loop's shortened by
a minute.

Every time one minute less.
This is tricky.

It seems that the time loop only
extends to

the radius of this building.

If we can stay alive

and be outside the building when
midnight hits,

we might stand a chance
of getting clear of this.

Second Dalek signal.
In a different part of the building.

That's either an echo or...

There's two of them.

What are you doing?

I'll keep the one in reception busy.

You two try and figure out how to
stop all of this.

If I manage to stay alive,
I'll see you up there.

If not, I'll see you in
the next loop.

So, there'd better be a next loop.

Dan, you don't have to do this.
I know.

But you saved the entire universe
last week.

I think I owe you one.

Look after each other.

Oh! You're here.

I was worried you wouldn't be here!

Look, sorry you got killed,
you know?

But you should not have done
that, though.

Especially not because of anything
that I may or may not have said,

or made you feel, or whatever.
Anyways, I've got a plan.

We're going to get out of here.
What about the others?

Literally not our problem.
They'll be fine.

Probably their fault that the robots
are here in the first place.

So... That's what I was thinking.

So, yeah, come on.
Wait, but...

Don't have time to explain!


All right, mate, are you new here?

I arrived 1.93 rels ago.

Yeah, well, I've got some stuff
I need storing.

I just wanted to see what
was available.

Daleks do not store stuff.

You're in the wrong job, then,
aren't you?

What are you, some kind of automated
staff? How does this work?

Desist. Do not approach.

I'd get a friendlier voice, though.
This one's a little bit grating.

What kind of a welcome is that, eh?

I'll report you to your manager!

Daleks do not have managers.

Maybe that's part of your problem!

Artron energy particles detected.

You are a friend of the Doctor.

Analysis concludes this is
a delaying tactic!

Took you long enough.


What the hell is that?

And what's all this stuff?

Do you know no-one's paying for
anything on this floor?

If Jeff is sub-letting this
place, honestly,

I'll actually... This is crazy.

And he knows I never come down here,
this is unbelievable.

Please don't tell anyone from
the council about this.

They're not from the council.


Hard to keep track. Oh, Mammy!

Please don't call before midnight.
How many times?

No, the lines won't be busy.

What do you mean? I haven't spoken
to you since August.

Yeah, I know. Shh, Sarah! Down!
I'll call you back.

The robot's over there.

They must be trying to hunt us down.

The escape is over that way,
through that corridor.

Listen, I, um... I lied to
you earlier on.

I didn't come and try to save you,
that second time.


Yeah. I went to find a weapon.

In Jeff's.... On the fifth floor.

Right. I guess that's
a valid approach.

But, like, I'm sure, that had
I found a weapon,

and not been killed,

then I absolutely would have come
to save you.


Except I would have been dead.

Yeah, admittedly, that was a flaw.

But that's why I came to save you
this time.


I really appreciate you trying
to save me.

You know, not many people would have
done that.

Some close friends
and family included, actually.

We should get going. Yeah,
don't want to get killed!

We're never going to get that moment
on the beach, where you tell me

everything that happened to you,
are we? Of course we will.


I'm not sure these are particularly
useful resources.


Who eats beans

and then thinks these could just do
with being a bit beefy?

Nobody, by the looks of things.
These are three years out of date.


I think Jeff might live here.

Oh, Jeff. You bad, bad man.

Yaz. This is the sort of stuff about
which you would ask yourself

"If I set fire to this, will it
have explosive

"and potentially
devastating consequences?"

And the answer is yes.

Surrender, Doctor!

It's blocking our exit.

Why do you always put your stuff
into storage just before midnight on

New Years Eve?

Feels a little over-organised.

That's the time I'll know
you'll be here.

Jeff always lets you down.

I have an embarrassing crush on you.

No, I don't mean the crush
is embarrassing,

I mean...the time.

This is an embarrassing time
to let you

So, why are you saying it to me
like this, now?

Cos I'm going to be killed by
aliens in a minute.

Again. I guess...

..I'm just worried that one of these
times I won't make it back.

How long has this been going
on for?

Three years. Oh, my! What?!

Three years? That is so stalkery.

I'd prefer unrequited. Or shy.

Stalkery would be if I was
menacing you.

Or said anything about this at all.
Which I haven't.

No. And I wouldn't... No.

If I wasn't going to be...



You're going to be sorry for that.

Daleks are never sorry.


Come on, door! I know I haven't
opened you in years,

but just work with me!


You will not escape us, Doctor.

You will never escape us.

So, there's two of you. Bad news.

Bad news on top
of previous bad news.

Not my favourite New Year's Eve.

Your attempts to evade us
are futile.

Agree to disagree.

But why have you created
a time loop?

We did not create the time loop.

The time loop was created by
your TARDIS.

We caused it with the reset.

Dalek command identified
the energy pattern of your TARDIS

and despatched Daleks
to execute you

for your actions against
the Dalek race.

Which particular actions?

Using the Flux to destroy
the Dalek war fleet.

That wasn't my idea!

That was a Sontaran stratagem that
I hijacked.

You are responsible for

the destruction of
millions of Daleks.

Your death is the priority of
the Dalek race. We will not stop.

Exterminate! Exterminate!

We made it back. I'm alive!

All right, don't get cocky.
Reception. Take the stairs!

I mean, a thanks would be nice.

Oh. OK.

Er, where were you?

Well, I can explain.

We had a deal.
Meet on the fifth floor.

Yes, yes, fair. Fair. But... Yeah,
OK, so I did desert you, I did,

but to be fair to me, I was trying
to not get killed again,

and we almost got out. Well...
I almost did.

I got to the door,
but then it zapped me.

Well, actually, it zapped...
It zapped us.

Oh, my God, Nick!
I have to go get him.

No, you have to stay here,
there's more than one of them.

I'm not just going to wait
for him to get killed.

I don't care if he's a weirdo.
And he is. He is a weirdo.

You know? But he's decent.

And he's got a good heart.

My friend Lauren actually says that
good-hearted weirdos are actually

the keepers. So...


No, nothing.

No! We need to stay here

and come up with a plan.
I can fix this.

But then why haven't you? You
haven't done a very good job so far,

have you? Oi. I don't see you coming
up with solutions.

Yeah, cos it's not my fault, is it?
It's hers.

And there's no point us all
sticking together

if we keep on dying. Multiple times.

Including the time you followed your
own plan. Didn't go well, did it?

Please, you need to trust me,

do as I ask and stay here.

No, you don't understand!

Nick doesn't survive past five to.

So, if he doesn't survive this time,

then there's not
going to be another five to.

It'll be four minutes to.

And then he'll be dead, properly.

That's right, isn't it?

Stay here.


Do not move!

No, I'm going to move.

Do not move!

Two of you now. That's not right.

Daleks are supreme.

OK. Come on, then.

You've got me again.

Say it.

BOTH: Exterminate!

I'm not dead.

I can make it to midnight.
I can make it out!

Woo! You think you can kill a Rasta?

Nick, what happened here?

Don't worry. I've dealt with them.
I took them out.

They're not coming back.
You're welcome.

I mean, they will.

Cos the fact that there's two
of them means they've found a way

of keeping inside the time loop.
So, what did you do?

It was a lot of strategic analysis,
weapons assessment

and battle-ready thinking.

Did you duck? Yeah. Nice!

You saved him.

Saved myself, actually.

Yeah. No. What really happened?

Yeah. Took two of them out. Huh?
Yeah, yeah. Two top level ones

as well. They were the same as
the others, don't milk it.

If there's two there now, that could
mean there's more on their way?

Knowing Daleks. Yeah. Listen,
we need to be strategic,

and we need to work together.
The Daleks have learned

and applied it across the loops.
We need to do the same.

Yeah, but if we get rid of them,
then we can get out.

There's a door downstairs in
the basement without

that force fieldy thingy on it.

We have to think longer term.

As in four minutes longer term?
Exactly. We don't get out this time,

but we formulate a plan which
guarantees we make it out before

the loop closes.

How would you feel about destroying
this place?

I mean, I'd have to talk
to my insurance providers.

I don't think you'll be covered
for an Act of Dalek.

I mean, this place is all I have.

But if you don't get out,
you won't have anything.

Who is he? Why's he talking?

Oi, you. No dissing my mate.
That's my job.

Thanks, Sheffield. Shh!

NICK: How would the plan work?

Next loop we have four minutes.
If we divide,

that's four minutes each.
Times five, that's 20 minutes.

And we know there's a stash of toxic

and combustive materials on
the fifth floor.

Fifth floor's too far up to lure all
the Daleks in,

be sure they're destroyed,

get back down here
and out the rear exit.

There could be more of them
in the basement.

Jeff has all of this stuff
down there,

even though I explicitly said to him
not to have any more stuff in there.

Honestly... If we're going
to divide up,

some of us could go upstairs to
the fifth floor,

get Jeff's stuff, bring it down,
then wrap it round

his other stuff downstairs.

But won't the Dalek things just
find us?

I can make the Daleks think we're
somewhere else.

I can use my sonic to bounce our
life signals off

the walls, sort of sonic

It's my party trick!

If I can do it long enough to
confuse the Daleks,

we can lure them to wherever we
want them to be.

Ah, but I'm going to need
an ignition trigger.

Oh, my God, are you serious?

AH! Two birds, one stone.

Or two Daleks, one phone.

Yeah, no, the other one's better.

Can you get your mum to call at
exactly ten seconds to midnight?

Absolutely not, she's not
doing that.

Not even if her daughter's
life depended on it?

If our lives depend on my
mother ringing me at

a time I actually ask her to,
honestly, we're all dead.

I'll try, I'll try.

So, we're good, we make this work
next time round?

But we failed to do this the last
five times.

And this time we have even
less time.

What makes you think that this is
going to work?

Because something seems impossible.

We try, it doesn't work,
we try again,

we learn, we improve, we fail again,

but, better, we make friends,
we learn to trust,

we help each other. We get it
wrong again,

we improve together,
then ultimately succeed.

Because this is what being alive is.

And it's better than
the alternative.

So, come on, you brilliant humans!

We go again. And we win.


Deal. Deal.

Deal. Deal.


I'm so tired.

What?! Oh, come on!

No, no, no! That's not fair!

Daleks are not fair.
Daleks are unstoppable.

Right, come on. Oh.


I got away last time.

We can't execute the plan in time
if it's dark. Stay here.

No, but... Stay here.
I need to know where you are.

We've only got four minutes here.
Stop leaving us all the time!

We're all worried. But I'm trying to
keep everyone safe.

Have you ever told her?

Told her what?

How you feel about her.

I don't know what you mean.

Yeah, you do.

Is it that obvious?

Maybe not to a good-hearted weirdo.

But I've spent four years travelling
the world with you. I saw it then.

You didn't half cane looking at
that hologram. I didn't.

I mean, it were just that...
She's just....

I don't know what to do, Dan.

I've never told anyone.

Not even myself.

Just tell her.

It's not that easy.

Look. I took way too long
to tell somebody that I liked them

and then the universe ended,
and everything got messy.

I wouldn't want that to happen
to you, Sheffield.


Don't move.

WHISPERS: There's one behind
you, Yaz.


The Doctor cannot save you.

The Doctor will never save you.

I'm sorry.

I'll fix this.



I'm angry now.
Exterminations will do that.

Right, why would he cordon this
stuff off?

Let's have a look. Oh. Oh!

Oh, Jeff, you bad, bad man.

Dan, come and help me with this.
Yaz, go get Sarah and Nick.

Bring them down here.

What about all the stuff on
the fifth floor?

Just bring them down here!

Sorry. No time.

Really, no time. My actions are
catching up with me.

Time is catching up with me.

I will not let you die
because of decisions I've taken.

Please go, get the others!

She likes you.

I like her, too.

No, I mean...she likes you.

I don't understand what you're
saying, Dan. I think you do.

But for some reason
you pretend to me,

and to her, that you don't.

In your dreams, mate!

Sorry you're going to be
losing this place.

Oh, God, I'm not. It was
a family obligation.

Everyone was grieving, and then
I sort of stepped in to help.

It just sort of became my life,
really, when I wasn't looking.

Right. In that way that life does,
you know?

So, who named it Elf Storage?

Oh, Elf. No, the S fell off.

Right. But if this place blows up
on me,

you're going to lose all your stuff.

Yeah, I feel like I'm done with it.

They're never asking for their stuff
back, are they? All my exes?

No. They're really not.

And what are you going to do without
this place? God. I don't know.

I always sort of wanted to travel.

Yeah, I had this romantic notion,
I suppose,

that I would go travelling
the world with someone.

But, um, yeah, never really had
someone to do it with.

You two. Come on. Out of time.

But this is the plan.
Basement, now!

No human presence.

Life signals in sub-ground
level space.

Analysis suggests

the Doctor's survival plan centres
on that location.

So, wait, am I getting my mother
to ring now or what?

I don't know any more!

Great, well done!

Why's the plan changed?

The plan hasn't changed.

Are those fireworks in those
boxes? Jeff!

If we're to stand the best chance,

we need to be one loop smarter
than them.

The Daleks will learn based on
the information we give them

in the whole of the next loop.

That last-but-one loop becomes
a decoy loop.

So, give them false information
to change what they predict.

Bingo. Decoy plan. You know
the plan,

do the opposite. Soon as it resets.

Then when it resets for
the final minute,

we will have the narrowest
of narrow precious advantages.

Surrender, Doctor!

You took your time!

I'm not even wearing a watch,
I'm doing it for show.

Still haven't beaten us, then?

The time loop is almost closed,
you cannot escape us.

I can. Cos we've got

a brilliant plan.
Haven't we got a brilliant plan?

Yep. Yeah.

See? Worried now.
Daleks are not worried.

You should be.


Exit the ascension device!

Sorry! Important stuff to do.
Really important stuff!

Hiya, Mam.


Uh, yeah, just rang to say
Happy New Year, really.


And I miss you.

And I love you.

Yeah, cos I'm not really sure I say
that enough.

Are you drunk?

No, I'm not drunk, Mammy.

Oh, God, are you ill?

No, I'm not... Do you know what?

Happy New Year.
I love you but I have to go.

Male human located.

He has returned to
the subsection of the facility.

The objects in this unit have been
placed as a barrier.

Male human is behind its belongings.

What are you going to do now, then?


Thanks for the therapy.


Ex. Terminated.

Top floor, electricals, womenswear,
fish tanks.

Locating the Doctor.

Hi, there. Want to join?


Just having some beef and beans.

Might put on the Hootenanny.

What about you? Any plans?
Seeing friends?

Daleks do not have friends.

Yeah, well, you've only got
yourselves to blame for that.

You will never escape execution.

Let's see, shall we?

And brace for the final go-round.



Mam, don't speak,

I need you to call me ten seconds
before midnight, OK?

But the lines will be busy.
Just do it. Bye!


Run! Go!

We'd be so good on
Supermarket Sweep!

Doctor identified. Exterminate!

We're running out of time, Doc.
I'm really aware of that, Dan.

We've got to go. We've got to go.
The Doctor has deceived us!

Life signals detected in subground
level space!

Go, I'll be right behind you.


I haven't seen this much gunpowder
since 1605.

Halt, Doctor!

Door's just through here.

Switching to dark vision mode.

Dark vision mode interference.
It is the Doctor.

Human life signals
detected. Converge.

We know you are hiding within this
collection of objects.


False signal confusion done!
Just answer the phone.

This way!

Where's the Doctor?

Everybody get clear, get down!

Sarah? Human presence confirmed!

Good fireworks, though!

Fair play to Jeff.


Wait. We're alive.

You did it. Time didn't reset.

We did it.

Good display.

Just for me, is it?

Look at you.

It's so much better.

Thanks for looking after us.

If you did.

Quite mysterious, really.

What did you mean,

when you said your actions were
catching up with you?


Nothing. I don't remember.
I say lots of things.

We all say lots of things we
don't mean.

And some we do.

Do you know what I've
always wondered?

The lost treasure of
the Flor de la Mar -

whatever happened to that?
Shall we go have a look?

It's ridiculous.
Just use the wheels.

I'm fine, babe. Oh, my God,
this is the most silliest type

of macho-ness I've ever seen.

Oh. Hiya, Mammy!

Yeah, we're just about to get in
a taxi to the airport.

Have you got your passport? What?
No, I don't have my passport, Mammy,

I set fire to it in a bin
last night.

Yes, I have my passport, of course.

I'm a grown woman and I ran
a business by myself

for almost five years.

Before you burnt it to the ground.

It burned to the ground, yeah.

There's a lot more to that story
than you know about, so...

Isn't there always? Isn't there...

Well, moral of the story,
I have my passport. Oh, look.

Hello, Mary. Oh! Hi, Nick.

OK, Mum, I'll call you from
the other side of the world, OK?

Bye. Bye. Bye.

Bye-bye, bye-bye! Bye.
Do not flirt with my mother, please.

I'm just being nice.
Just being nice.

What, so she doesn't think I'm
a madwoman for travelling around

the world with a man I've just met?

I guess it's a weird first date.

As opposed to our actual first date
where we were killed... Oh!

Where we were killed eight times
by robot aliens?

And saved by a woman in an old
police box.

But was that a first date? I feel
like it was more of a meet-cute.

Do you? Mm?

Madame Ching, pirate queen?

She killed my father
and she released a demon.

Sea devil.