Doctor Who (2005–…): Season 11, Episode 8 - The Witchfinders - full transcript

Arriving in 17th Century Lancashire, the TARDIS team become embroiled in a witch trial. With the arrival of King James I, the hunt for witches intensifies. However, could something more ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm sure it's somewhere around here.

Come on, Doc. Admit it.

- I don't know what you mean.
- Well, look at it.

This ain't the coronation of
Elizabeth the First, is it?

It's like a street party.

Ye olde hipster pop-up happening.

The TARDIS is being a bit
stubborn at exact readings.

So, where are we?

Apple bobbing!

I love apple bobbing!

Is this Halloween?

No. It's Sunday.

Yeah, but what's the party for?

We do this every Sunday.

Oh, happy Sunday!

Northern accent. We
must be close to home.

Mistress Savage demands your presence.

The ceremony will begin.

Anybody else missing the
party vibe all of a sudden?

Come on.

Where are they all going?

Whatever this is, I need
you all to remember

the most important thing
about dips into the past,

do not interfere with the
fundamental fabric of history.

- Even if something's not right?
- Yep.

And judging by the vibe here,
something is definitely not right.

Are you OK?

Can you tell us what's going on here?

Guys, that's Pendle Hill.

We're in Lancashire.

People of Bilehurst Cragg...

...we are forced to
meet here once again.

Satan stalks this land.

We must continue to root him out

and do whatever it takes to
save the soul of our village.

Let us put the accused to the test.

- Granny!
- Hush, Willa.

- It's a witch trial.
- Old Mother Twiston...

Must be early 17th century. stand accused of witchcraft

and shall be tried by my ducking stool,

hewn from the mightiest
tree on Pendle Hill.

If you drown, you are innocent.

If you survive, you are a
witch and shall be hanged.

- This is way too dark for me.
- We've got to do something, Doctor.

Uh-uh. The Doc said don't interfere.

You said don't interfere, right?

Don't cry, Willa!

I will still be with you.

I will still be with you.

In the water.

In the fire.

In the air.

In the earth.

Duck the witch!

- Duck the witch!
- Duck the witch!

- Doctor?!
- Duck that witch.


- Duck the witch!
- Duck the witch!


Meet me on the other side!

- So much for not interfering.
- Over the bridge! Come on!

Who dares interfere with this trial?

35 witches we have tried, and
still Satan surrounds us.

We shall not be stopped!

Doctor, we're here!

You will be punished
for your interference.

The trials are sacred.

They are the will of God!

Is she alive?

I'm sorry.

Now we have no way of knowing if
Mother Twiston was a witch or not.

Guards, whip these
wanderers off this bank

and then seize Willa Twiston.

We can take no chances.

Leave her alone.

I bet my life, neither of
these women are witches.

But you, Mistress Savage, are,
without question, a murderer.

Who are you to address me in this way?

I'll tell you who I am.

Sorry. One sec.

Witchfinder General?

That's right.

Witchfinder General.

With my crack team,
taking over this village.

Right, gang?

Yeah. 'Cause you are
in special measures.

Now do you recognise our authority?

I do beg your pardon,
Mistress Witchfinder.

Please... come to my home.

We must talk in private.

If you swear not to hurt
that girl, or anyone else.

If that is your wish,
you have the command.

Everybody, go home.

This trial is over.

I have to bury her.

Please forgive me, Mistress.

If I'd have known who you were,

I'd have bowed to your
authority immediately.

So, tell me, who exactly are you?

And what gives you authority here?

I am Becka Savage, landowner
of Bilehurst Cragg.

It belonged to my late husband,
passed to me when he died.

I have tried to be a
benevolent leader, but...'s very difficult in these
times, especially for a woman.

If you're the landowner...

...why are you walking?

Where are the horses?

Horses are banned in Bilehurst.

They are creatures of Satan.

I had them all shot.

Hey? Doc?

I've done the old Pendle
Witches walking trail.

Nobody ever mentioned Bilehurst Cragg.

Never heard of it.

And she's killed 35 people.

- 36 now.
- Yeah.

Maybe she wipes this
whole place off the map.

We're gonna find out what happened,

and how we can make her stop.

And that hall looks like
the best place to start.

Not the only place.

I want to find that girl
who's just lost her gran.

We'll deal with her ladyship, if
you go do some family liaison.

We'll meet you in a bit.

Hopefully, by then, I'll be a bit drier.

I hope the fire has warmed you.

Some wine?


So, your witch trials have
become a weekly event

with a village celebration.

Any moment where a witch is
uncovered and Satan driven out

has to be cause for a celebration.

We will not stop until
that work is done.

You keep saying Satan, but how is
Satan manifesting himself here?

Blighting the crops, bewitching animals,

plaguing people with fits,
sickness and visions.

If all that's Satan, where
do the witches come into it?

They are in league with him.

Kill the witches, defeat Satan.

As King James has written
in his new Bible,

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

In the Old Testament.

There's a twist in the sequel.
"Love thy neighbour."

Which is why we've come,

to help you fix your problems
without killing anyone.

That's what King James would want.

What is the meaning of this?

Madam, I have come to your rescue.

King James.

Your Majesty.

You may prostrate yourselves before me,

God's chosen ruler and
Satan's greatest foe,

come to vanquish the scourge
of witchcraft across the land.

Forgive the mask, I
have enemies everywhere

and have to travel incognito.

Also, I rather like the drama.

What a peculiar ragbag of folks.

And those garments, are you actors?

We're your...

...witchfinders, sire, as we
explained to Mistress Savage.

Witchfinder's Assistant.

So, you must be the Witchfinder General.

What? No, she said she was.

A woman could never be the General.

Silly me. Must have got all confused.

Mustn't I, boss?

Uh, yeah. That's me, sire.
North-west division.

Promoted from Essex.

And these are your underlings.

It's a very flat team structure.

We all have our area of expertise.

Even the wee lassie?

Even me.

Very handy undercover.

Set a woman to catch a woman.

A cunning ruse, using your innate
aptitude for nosiness and gossip.

And what is your field of expertise,

my Nubian prince?





Paperwork, mostly, your Majesty.

Paper! How fascinating.

We should talk.

But first, madam,

word has reached me of
your battle against Satan,

your crusade against witchcraft.

But what I saw today convinced
me you need assistance.

- That's what we've just been saying.
- Hold your tongue, lassie.

Stick to snooping and leave
the strategy to your King.

This is no time for the weak.

Satan preys on the innocent,
even while they sleep.

Together... we must purify your land,

starting with the grandchild
of the witch you tried today.

A fine plan, is it not?

A genius plan, Your Majesty.

Together, we shall save the
souls of my people from Satan,

even if it means killing them all.

I will still be with you.

In the water... the fire... the earth... the air.


Get away from her!

- Are you alright?
- What was that?

I don't know.

But I want to help.

You can't. Nobody can.

Wait! Willa!

Becka wasn't kidding.

These are hard times for women.

If we're not being drowned, we're
being patronised to death.

Becka's bedroom. In here. Quick.

We are going to help them,
though, right, Doc?

I mean, otherwise his place
won't exist by the morning.

Not now those two have hit it off.

I don't know which one's more barking.

A dozen hankies.

That's a lot.

Maybe she cries herself to sleep.

Maybe. Don't worry, Graham.

We're staying here and sorting
it, even if I am just a woman.

Well, to be fair to King
James, you are snooping.

I'm investigating!

Hey! Missed a bit.


This Becka's seriously paranoid, man.

Here you are!

I've been creeping around
this place looking for you.

I found that girl, Willa,
at her granny's grave

doing some kind of ritual,

and the next thing I know,
this big kind of...

...mud tendril thing attacked her.

- Mud tendril?
- Coming up out of the ground.

I had to smash it to pieces.
I've got it all over me.

Just the one mud tendril? How big?

And when you say ritual,
do you mean, like a spell?

- Like she conjured it up?
- She was scared of it.

Whatever it was, it wasn't friendly.

Just seems to be like good,
old-fashioned Lancashire mud.

Here's the plan, you and me
need to check out that mud

and talk to Willa.

You two, stick with
Becka and King James.

Keep them here, make sure
they don't kill anyone else.

- King James?
- It's a long story.

I'll explain on the way.

Remember, no more witch-hunts.

This is Alfonso, my personal guardian.

He guards my witch-finding
tools with his life.

Time is against us if we
are to get to the village

and hunt down the witches
from their hiding.


No, we're fine.

I bet you have all the
best kit, Your Majesty.

I have a great many artefacts,

torture implements, charms, and
a wide selection of body parts.


Belonged to my first
Witchfinder General.

Scotty, who saved my life in Berwick.

Then later betrayed me,
so I had him shot.

I'm sure you will serve me better.

You may wear the hat.

You can trust me, sire.

I can trust no-one.

That is why I need all these.

To ward off evil spirits.

I'll be keeping an eye on you!

- What's this?
- Careful!

It's my pricker.

Essential for inspections.

A true witch will not bleed
if her mark is pricked.

Madam, do you have one of these?

No, sire.

You may use this.

It's my spare.

But, um...

...there's still some really,
really fascinating...

...body parts in here that
you could tell us about.

Yes, perhaps later.

But also, before we depart,

we should make a list of
all the, uh, villagers...

- Mm.
- ...and names of suspects,

background info.

- It's all in the preparation.
- Well, there is no need.

I know everything about
this place, and my people.

And I know everything about Satan.

Together, we will find where
he is hiding and cut him out.

By nightfall...

...every last witch in this
village shall be destroyed.


My name's Yaz. This is the Doctor.

Where you going?

As far away from here as I can.

I don't blame you.

But before you do, can
we talk to you first?

We're not witchfinders.

We just want to find out
exactly what's going on here

and maybe we can fix things.

Can you help us, Willa?

Because we want to help you.


These all yours?

They were my grandmother's.

She made medicines to help people.

She wasn't a witch.

Everyone knows that.

So, why did Becka Savage target her?

Maybe she was ashamed of the
woman who brought her up.

Wait, you and Becka are family?


We were all close till Becka married up.

Left us all behind.

Still, thought we'd be safe
when the witch-hunts started.

Then it just got worse and worse,

everyone turning on each other.

Granny said it was only a matter
of time before they turned on us.

I didn't believe her.

Oi, oi! Hold up! What's the rush?

I want this over, so we can
return to the way things were

before Satan infested this land.

Excuse me. When you say "Satan",
what exactly do you mean?

Satan is all around us, all of the time.

We must be strong, or
else he will take us.

Of that I have no doubt.

Really? No doubts? But
what if you're wrong?

'Cause you're killing all these
people, friends, neighbours.

If people are good, they
have nothing to fear.

Are you a good person, Mistress Savage?

My conscience is clean.

Here, Granny's special tea.

It soothes the soul.

Unless you think I'm a witch.

Are you not having any?

I feel too sick.

Do you mind if I check you over?

Don't worry, I am a doctor.

- What's that?
- Uh... Specialist equipment.

That movement in the mud,
it was Satan, wasn't it?

Doubt it.

Not a big believer in Satan.

My granny used to say there
was enough wonder in nature,

without making things up.

I like your granny.

Completely normal.

No magic...

...and no signs of any sickness.

You're wrong.

I think I know what it is
that's making you sick.

I had it, at my school, where I'm from,

when Izzy Flint turned the
whole class against me.

Every day, I'd wake up feeling this...



- How did you get rid of it?
- I didn't.

I just took it. Had the year from hell.

When I say "hell", I don't
literally mean Hell,

I mean it was really awful.

And I told myself, when I got bigger,

I'd stand up to the Izzy
Flints of this world.

I can't stand up to Becka.

She'll have me tried for a witch.

What am I meant to do?

Seems to me like you have two choices,

run... as far away
from here as possible,

or stick with us.

We'll stand up to Becka Savage and
we'll make this place safe again.

How do we do that?

Ah! "We"! That's good, Willa!

See? Feels better already.

Now, first things first, I need
to get a sample of that mud.

Ooh. Can I use this?


Want to come with us?

Not really.

Look at him. Alfonso's
loyalty is rare and pure.

It's only a matter of time before
I inevitably get let down.

Why do you find it so
hard to trust people?


It's a long, sad story.

A tragedy.

I've got time. Tell me.

My father died when I was a baby.

I feel you.

I lost me mum. And me nan.

My father was murdered by my mother,

who was then imprisoned and beheaded.

OK, that's worse. Yeah.

I was raised by regents.

One was assassinated, one died
in battle, and another...

...died in suspicious circumstances.

There have been numerous attempts

to kidnap me, kill me or blow me up.

It's a miracle I'm still alive.

- You're not kidding.
- No, I'm not.

It is a miracle that I have prevailed

whilst, all around me, others fall.

You should definitely get
yourself back to London, sire.

Keep yourself safe.

God will keep me safe.

As long as I do His work.


That felt good.

Thank you.

And now... we can have some fun.

Eh, Ryan?

Just mud.

No sign of any tendency to tendril.

I shouldn't be disappointed,
but I am a bit.

What was that ritual you were
doing before the tendril arrived?

A prayer, to help my
grandmother rest in peace.

I brought her body here,

I dug that grave, and placed her in it.

But I didn't get to finish the prayer.

We can finish it now, if you like.


Right, little sample.

What aren't you telling me?


I am no longer disappointed.

See?! The mud is alive!

Well, now I'm not sure it's mud at all.

- Looks pretty angry in there.
- Yaz...

Obviously doesn't like being trapped.

Do ya? What are you?

- Give us a clue.
- What's happening?

I think this is some
kind of alien matter.

But I'm not sure if it's sentient.


- Park that, please.
- Why?


That is not your granny, Willa.

- Yes, it is!
- No. That's the... "not mud".

Some sort of alien matter, filling
her body, and reanimating it.

So, it is pretty sentient.

I'm so sorry for this, Willa.

Hi... Not Willa's Granny.

I presume you're just using the
body to give whatever you are form.

Better than tendrils, right?

But really not right. Not cool!

Is that why it went after Willa?

Of course!

Not to kill her, but to fill her!

Ooh! Check out my rhymes.
Poetry under pressure.


What you doing?

You want this?

One of you, is it? Or part of you?

Oh, no, no, no. Not until you
tell me what's going on here.

Ugh. Don't like the look of your hands.

It's all bubbling away
inside you, isn't it?

Oh, no. You're not filling me.

If you're that desperate
for it, here, have it.

Oh. Delightful.

Down the hatch. I've got so
many questions right now.

Like, did you drink that, or absorb it?

Are you all one big, muddy mass,

or separate entities,
only taking the one body?


Oh. Always good to get fast answers.

- What was that?!
- I cannot imagine.

Um, best let us deal with that, sire.

You should stay here,
where it's safe, sire.

Nowhere is safe...

...until Satan has been vanquished!

Uh, did it come from that way, sire?

I thought it came from the other way.

No. Stay back, please.

I've given you the blood.
What more do you need?

- It's so annoying when they're silent.
- Witchcraft!

So much for keeping
that lot at the house.

- Stay where you are!
- Hi, sire!

I know it looks bad, but don't
worry, I'm all over it.

Willa Twiston was the witch
all along! I knew it!

I'm not. This isn't me, Becka, I swear.

She's right. It's not her,
and it's not witchcraft.

I'm working it out.

This is beyond you.

Alfonso, shoot them!

Of course, Your Majesty.

No! Alfonso, don't!

In the air and in the earth!




Now you've made them angry.
They're getting stronger.

Everybody out of here.

Get away from them, now!

We must protect you, sire.
Back through the forest!

Keep running!

This clearing! Through here!

I don't think they're following!

If they're not following,
what are they doing?

Want us to go and look?

We escape from Satan, and you wish
to go directly back into battle?

We need to know what they're up to,

make sure no-one else is in danger.

I'll go too, and keep an
eye... on my... underlings.

- Very well.
- I'll stay with Willa.

Be careful!

What were those aberrations?

- It is the work of Satan.
- It wasn't Satan.

Or witches, or Willa's granny.

Those creatures were being
controlled by something in the mud.

Something not of this earth.

Something beyond your understanding.

Something from Hell?

More like from the heavens.

It chose to kill Alfonso
when he was a threat.

But in other circumstances,

it fills the bodies and
uses them as vessels.

I don't know why. Maybe
only when they're dead.

No. It attacked me, too.

And why today? 'Cause
this is my problem,

I can buy that this is the biggest
ever witch-hunt in England,

or I can buy it's an alien mud invasion.

But both on the same
day? I can't buy that!

Why does the lassie speak of commerce?

- Don't know.
- Oh, wait. Unless they're connected.

Your witch-hunt's been
going on a while now.

So, there's no way that mud
has just rocked up today.

What do you know, Becka?

What's going on here,
in Bilehurst Cragg?

A woman who keeps an axe by her bed?

What have you seen?

I have seen you...

...with your wand, raising
your kin from the dead!


- What?! No! Hold on a sec!
- You're no witchfinder's assistant!

- You are Satan's acolyte!
- I am not!

That's why it's happening
today, because you are here,

as you say, to take over this village!

You know that's not what I meant.

We do not have time for this!

Mistress Savage is correct.

It is your fault that Alfonso is dead.

I tried to save him!

You saved them from being shot!

You said this evil
fell from the heavens.

Oh, yes, it fell,

like your lord, Lucifer!

Honestly, if I was still a bloke,
I could get on with the job

and not have to waste
time defending myself!

Oh, you bewitch us

with your alluring form and
your incessant jabber,

but I knew you were unnatural
from the very start!

And now I see you... for
what you really are.

- She was trying to save us, sire.
- Thank you, Willa.

Are you sure you're not mistaken, Willa?

Or are you in league with the
witches, as I first suspected?

She said she wanted to help me.

Who do you trust to save you?

Your King? Your family?

Whatever I have done, I did
to save all of our souls.

What's really going on, Becka?

Hold your tongue, or I will cut it out!


Tell the truth, lassie.

I... I did think it was
strange when they...

...said her name was the Doctor.

Like Doctor Dee.

A necromancer.

That seals it.

Arrest the witch!

I... I am not a witch!

Which way d'you reckon they went?

Hey. Guys. Over here.

There you go.

Holly berries, no holly tree.

There's more this way.

They can't be that far ahead.

Come on!

Comfortable, witch?

I do hope not.

Come for a visit?

I shall take my opportunity to
converse with an agent of Satan.

If I was Satan's agent,

do you seriously think a
bit of rope would stop me?

I say a bit. Quite a lot.

Tightly bound. It's pretty painful!

You know how to tie a knot
in this part of the world.

I am an expert on witchcraft, Doctor.

But I wish to learn more.

Before you die, I want answers.

Your wand, how does it work?

Why do you want to know?

I wish to know all the
secrets of existence.

Don't we all!

But true knowledge has to be earned.

Tell you what, I'll trade you my wand

for answers to as many
questions as you want to ask.

I'm not a fool, Doctor.

I am King James, Satan's greatest foe.

Yeah, yeah. I know.

It must be comforting playing that role.

Hiding behind a title.

Just as you hide behind
"Doctor", perhaps.

There they are.

You should take up
witchfinding for a living.


Shame I missed the training session

on what to do when you've found 'em.

I guess we have to follow them.

- Very quietly.
- OK.

Who are you? Really?

Behind the mask?

The drama?

What does it say on your garter?

"Honni soit qui mal y pense."

"Evil be to him that evil thinks."

You wear it like a hero,

even though you're killing

and scapegoating

and stirring up hate.

And you wonder why the
darkness comes back at you.

There is no darkness in me.

I quest for goodness and
knowledge, beauty and art,

all of God's virtues.

Your own mother was scapegoated.

How do you square that
with your witch-hunts?

What do you know of my mother?

You could've seen her before she
died, but you didn't want to.


She left me.

When I was not even one year old.

What kind of mother does that?

Why would I wish to see her?

Nobody will ever know why
she left you, James.

But you can't go hurting people

just because you're scared to face
up to the darkness inside you.

You have to be better than that.

Who are you?

How do you know these things?

I know because...

...we're all the same.

We want... certainty, security,

to believe that people
are evil or heroic.

But that's not how people are.

You want to know the
secrets of existence?

Start with the mysteries of the heart.

I could show you everything,

if you stop being afraid of
what you don't understand.

If you trust me.

I am not a witch.

But if you want to defeat evil,
you have to let me go, now.

Please, sire.

I do not know what you are.

And there is only one way to be certain.

Guards! Summon the villagers!

All the way through the forest
and we're back where we started.

Keep your voice down.

What would they come here for?

That's Becka's bedroom.

They're looking for her.

Revenge. That's why the
undead always come back.

Must be why Becka has that axe.

Speaking of which.

In here.

Where are they going now?

I see you've brought a
gathering. Thanks very much.

Mind if I take off my coat?

Lots in my pockets.

Might stop me floating.

Of course, as a woman, you don't get
to have pockets for a while yet.

A girl called Izzy Flint
bullied my friend, Yaz,

so no-one would pick on Izzy.

That's what you're doing,

pointing the finger at other
people so no-one points it at you.

But what I don't know is why.

- What are you hiding, Becka?
- Sit down.

Or would you prefer a hanging?

Do you know why the ducking
stool was invented, Doctor?

To silence foolish women
who talk too much.

Yeah, I did know that, which is
daft 'cause talking's brilliant.

Like, if you talk to me now, I can help.

You've ducked 36 people already

and whatever it is has
only got worse, hasn't it?

What was that?

It reacted to your touch. Why?

I warned you to keep quiet!

- Rather I asked Willa?
- Silence!

Or I shall duck her too!

Last request, I definitely
get a last request.

Lend us your hanky.

I don't have one.

There's loads in your room,
and an empty medicine bottle.

What were you taking the
medicine for, Becka?

Know this, Doctor,

once I have dealt with you, I shall
go after all of your friends.

Quiet a sec.


That was coming from the river.

Someone must be getting ducked.

The Doctor wouldn't let that happen.

- No.
- Unless...


Satan has made our crops fail,

bewitched our animals and
brought the sickness.

His agent sits before you,

the most evil witch in Christendom,

and she would call herself "The Doctor"!

We bring her to justice in
front of our great Majesty,

King James!

Give the word, sire,

and we shall duck the witch and
save our souls from Satan...

...once and for all!

Duck the witch.

I was right.

- Doctor!
- Guards, duck her now!

Bring her back up now!

What have you done?

You will see the result.

I'm the Witchfinder General.
I'm giving you an order!

I obey only my King!

Sire, please order her to be raised.

She's not a witch. She's your only
hope of getting out of here alive.

They're witches, sire. All of them!

It's Satan testing us!

Get her out of there.

It has been long enough.

No, it hasn't! We must be certain!

Bring her up now!


Please, Your Majesty.

Raise the stool. The trial is over.

Where's she gone?
What's happened to her?



Where is she?

- Looking for me?
- Doctor!

She truly is a powerful witch.

No, sire. I am no witch.

I'm just good at holding my
breath and getting out of chains,

thanks to a very wet
weekend with Houdini.

Hi, team!

Gang? Fam?


I'm so sorry, Doctor. I was scared!

See? That's all it takes, Becka.

Start there. Tell me the truth!

She survived! She is a witch!

No. I'm not.

And despite all appearances...

- Doctor!
- ...neither are they.

You might want to come and
stand with me now, Becka.

'Cause they look like
they're coming for you.

We have to help out.

Yes. Yes, we must confront
those agents of Satan,

even in the face of witchery...

Oh, mate, seriously. Not witches.

Bodies possessed by alien mud!

Come on!

I will be with you... the water... the fire... in the air...

Stop! Just stop!

They're obeying you. Why
are they obeying you?

What happened back there?

I thought they'd come to kill you,

which is a fair assumption,
given they're carrying an axe.

But they haven't, have they?

Of course.

They've come to join you.

It's in you, just as it's in them.

And none of you can hide it anymore.

In the air...

What happened?

I cut down her favourite tree.

What? I don't understand.

It was spoiling my view of the hill.

But something lay beneath it.

I awoke Hell.

Satan himself attacked me, poisoned me.

That night, I felt it growing inside me.

The mark of Satan.

I fought it.

I took medicine, I prayed! But it grew.

I did God's work in the
hope that he would save me!

You killed people to
try and save yourself.

All these witches? All this evil?

You knew they weren't witches!

The only thing you feared was yourself!

Did your granny know what you
needed the medicine for?

Not to start with, but
then I had to tell her!

I needed her help! I begged for it!

For her to lance this evil out of me!

But she was too weak!

So, you killed her by ducking?

I had to! She knew!

I can't fight it anymore, Doctor!

You cannot fight it because
you are the witch.

I have let Satan in!

I have failed you, sire, yes!

I am the witch!

Everyone, behind me.
It's Becka they want.

- But why?
- What's happening to her?

I tried to hold Satan back.

I'm so scared.

Please, forgive me!

What is happening?

She's possessed by Satan.

Not by Satan.

Then by what?

Something not of this earth.


- Who are you?
- Hand me your king!

- What?!
- Haven't you got your own king?

- Or is he hiding?
- He does not hide.

He waits.

We have all waited for too
long, trapped in the hill.

- Pendle Hill.
- Our prison.

The mighty Morax army,

captured and imprisoned
on this pitiful planet

for war crimes.

Pendle Hill is a prison
for an alien army.

Oh, well, it's obvious
when you put it like that.

Imprisoned no more. The lock was broken.

What lock? How was it broken?

Now the Morax army shall
rise again and take form.

Your king shall be filled with our king

and we shall be free

to fill all of you!

To fill this whole planet

with rage and force and hate

and Morax!

Come on, Witchfinder.

Up you get.

Go on, what happened?

Same thing that happened to all of us.

Oh... Ow!

Zapped by Becka Savage,
Queen of the Morax.

She's taken the King,
knocked the rest of us out.

- OK.
- Quite a blast, that.

I haven't had a hangover like this

since the Milk Wars of Keston 5.

What are you doing with this thing?

Tell them what Bilehurst means.

"Sacred tree on a hill".

The tree Becka chopped down because
it was obscuring her view,

the tree this ducking
stool is made from,

the tree that isn't a tree.

It's ancient alien technology.

Beautiful and broken.

A very old, very advanced
biomech security system.

A lock to keep the Morax
army imprisoned here.

It responded to Becka's touch

because of the Morax
infection inside her.

So, Pendle Hill's a prison?

From what Becka said,
I'm guessing the Morax

are royals with soldiers,

pretty brutal ones at that,

presumably exiled for war crimes,

scrambled down into their primal form...

And they stay in prison until
Becka Savage goes at that tree.

Well, it can't be much of a
lock if she can break it.

It's old, eroded over billions
of years, presumably.

But she must have broke it enough

for part of the Queen's form
to escape and infect her.

According to my calculations,

this ancient alien wood
is like Semtex to Morax.

That's why it made such a good lock.

Right, help me break it up.

Break it up? Why? What for?

Anti-Morax weapons.

The smoke is toxic to Morax.

It should be enough to fend them off

so you can rescue King James
and I can get to the tree.

- Then what?
- I fix the lock,

putting all the Morax
energy back in the slammer.

One more thing, Doc.

Morax Finder General, back in command.

It's a very flat team structure.

Ready for battle?

Yes, we are.

You don't have to, Willa.

It's time to stop being scared.

A little bit of scared
isn't a bad thing.

Morax is way more dangerous
than Becka ever was.

Only I know the path up the hill.

- So, you need me to lead the way.
- She's right, Doc.

There are more powerful people
here than kings and queens.

There's us.


Lead on, Willa Twiston.

Onwards to save the King.

Kneel before Morax, feeble human!

Tell me what you are,
you Satanic creature.

- We will rule this world.
- We?

Your body filled with my Morax king.

Come to me, my love!

Satan rises! Oh! Oh!


I may fear you but I have my faith.

May the Lord save me!

Or, alternatively, Witchfinders
United at your service.

Yeah, mate, you better back off.

Let him go, Morax.

You can't have King
James or this planet.

Get away from the King!

The torch is a weapon. He
won't come near the flames.

- I've got you, sire.
- My protector!

Willa, watch out for your granny.

You're not my granny.

Let her rest!

And you, Morax, back into
your cell now, please.

Those flames don't scare me, Doctor.

Nothing scares me now.

I know you're in there, Becka.

I know you're scared.

Nothing of that pathetic woman remains.

No fear. Only power.

We will fill your king and kill you all!

Afraid not, Morax. I'm here.

Everybody back!

I've reactivated the prison.

Back you go, King of the Morax!

Jail re-energised.

No! My king! What have you done?!

Feel that security
system kicking back in,

sucking every Morax cell back,

back down into Pendle Hill,

back out of the bodies they hijacked.

Have peace.

No! I will not go!

Yes, you will. Burn the witch!

No, sire, stay away!


What, woman? She was a
witch. She confessed.

So, you got what you came for.

I have vanquished Satan.

No more witch-hunts.

She still does not speak to me, Ryan.

Can you get through to her?

Afraid not, sire. This is on you.

What apparition is this?

Just another inexplicable
wonder of existence

you're not going to be
able to tell anyone about.

Doctor, I understand you
are displeased with me.

And I owe my life to you.

Not one word of any of
this shall ever be spoken.

And even the name Bilehurst shall
be erased from all records.

As long as all the villagers
make it out alive.

What will you do, Willa?

Find a new home.

Take Granny's potions and be a healer.

Be a doctor.

I reckon you'll be good at that.

One final command... as your King.

Come back to London with me, Ryan.

Be my protector.

I mean...

It's a kind offer, sire.

But, uh, you know, I've got stuff to do.

But I'll...

...keep me... eye on you.

So, you... behave yourself.

Or else...

..."We will strike down upon
thee with great vengeance

and furious anger."

- Ezekiel.
- Tarantino.

What are you all doing?

A brilliant man once said,

"Any sufficiently advanced technology

is indistinguishable from magic."

We're just about to prove him right.

Wh... Where did they go?