Doctor Who (2005–…): Season 0, Episode 0 - The Next Doctor - full transcript

The Doctor is in a seasonal mood when he arrives in London on Christmas Eve 1851. There are snowflakes in the air, carol singers in the market square and a generally festive air all around. When a woman in distress calls for him to help her, he arrives to find someone else answering her call and calling himself the doctor. The alternate Doctor seems to know more than he should, dresses like the real Doctor and even has a Tardis - though in his version, it's actually a hot air balloon. While The Doctor sorts out just who this impostor is and why they find themselves in the same time and place, Mercy Hartigan and the Cybermen are kidnapping children to work in building their weapon that will allow them to crown their King.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Subs created by: David Coleman.

After 50 years,

and 798 episodes...

Doctor Who is the longest-running
science fiction series in the world.

- Born on the planet Galifray...
- How old are you then, 45?

- Well...
- I'm 903 years old.

The Doctor travels in time
and space in his TARDIS.

What a landing.

The man with the sonic
screwdriver and two hearts...

Has been assisted by over 40 companions.

And in his fight for good over evil...

He saved the Universe
from deadly enemies.

- None more so than...
- A Dalek.

You will be punished.

- Exterminate.
- Destroy them.

- Exterminate.
- You will be deleted.


Regeneration is the secret
of his eternal youth.

Since 1963, there have been 11 Doctors.

- They call me the Doctor.
- Doctor.

- Doctor.
- Doctor.

- Doctor.
- Doctor.

And tonight, we reveal the
identity of Doctor number 12.

Citizens of the Universe!

Please welcome...

Zoe Ball.

Woo-hoo! Good evening and welcome
to a very, very special show.

Tonight, live, the BBC around the world,

we are going to exclusively reveal
the identity of the brand-new Doctor.

To share the excitement, I'll be
joined by a host of celebrity fans,

plus some familiar
faces from the TV series.

Now, Doctor Who has the best fans in
the galaxy, I think you will agree, yes.

We have plenty of them in the audience.

There you go feast your eyes,
the Whovians ladies and gentlemen!

Come to town tonight, and they'll feel at
home surrounded by the space time vortex.

And our very special guest, the TARDIS!

It's huge, it is.

And since we are live, you can send
us your thoughts throughout the show

on Facebook, Twitter and join the
conversation on the BBC Doctor Who website.

So, it was Saturday 1st June that
the dramatic news first broke.

Now, the actor, Matt Smith, is to leave
Doctor Who after four years in the role.

The 11th Doctor will bow out at
this year's Christmas special.

The story made the news headlines
and ever since speculation

has been rife about the
identity of his successor.

We'll have an exclusive
interview with Matt later on.

So, who is the next Doctor?

Well, not long until we find out
who has bagged the little blue box.

The tension is unbelievable.

Right now, we have three people
who're well acquainted with the series.

Please welcome actors
Liza Tarbuck, Daniel Roche,

and the fifth Doctor
himself, Peter Davison.

- Hello, chaps.
- Hello.

This is all very, very
exciting, isn't it?

- Extraordinary.
- It is so extraordinary.

Can I just ask you this first question,

at this moment in time, none of
you know who the next Doctor is?

Absolutely not.

- Honestly Davison?
- Honestly.

Peter, I'm so excited to have you here.

You played the fifth
incarnation of the Doctor in

a program that's become
a worldwide phenomenon.

People say it's the best job
in television. Is that true?

In a way it's the
longest job in television.

Because you could say
it's wonderful because

it's a whirlwind time
while you are doing it...

But then it continues after you've left.

I'm still here today, the
fifth Doctor. It's fantastic.

Have you noticed that
in the audience there's

quite a few people dressed up like you?

There are a lot of people
dressed as all sorts of people!

- Very worrying.
- There's a Dalek.

She may need help later on.

And there's also another lovely connection
with you and Doctor Who, isn't there?

A family one?

Yes, I'm the patriarch of a dynasty.

I've started a dynasty as my daughter's
married to David Tennant, the tenth Doctor.

I love it it's complicated, she
played his daughter then married him?

I was giving the father of the bride
speech it became very confusing!

Brilliant. Liza, I know you
are a huge fan of the show.

Why do you think it's so successful?

I think it's a sort of marker
for television generally.

I think it allowed us to sit and
watch television with our family.

Or in fact sneak a look at
it when you weren't meant to,

and consequently scare the living
daylights out of yourselves.

I say that as a Yeti, I'm
still scared of the Yeti.

Um, and I think there was
something for everyone.

Everyone's got a window
to a particular Doctor,

that does a particular thing for you.

- It was great telly wasn't it?
- Yes.

It's good to be scared as well.

Daniel very excited about
you being on the show tonight.

Hello! When did you first start watching?
What is your first memory of Doctor Who?

Well um...

The classics were
recommended to me by my Mum.

Because she watched them with
her brother when she was younger.

I tuned into the first
episode on a Saturday night

not knowing what it was
and I loved it so much.

It was with the Nestene
Consciousness, and the Autons.

It was just so different
to everything else.

I just started watching it from then
on and I've watched every episode since.

- Who was that Doctor?
- Christopher Eccleston.

Do you ever fancy yourself
as a companion, Daniel?

They ever decide to
bring a child in, yes.

Call Steven Moffat immediately!

Well, I must ask you, who is
your favorite, who is your Doctor?

If it's possible to choose a favorite?

Your favorite, Liza, and why?

I'd have to say John Pertwee.

- With deference to the fifth one.
- Absolutely right.

But I'd have to have a hefty
side order of Chris Ecc.

Because without somebody that good
to reproduce Russell's work then,

we can't have what we have got now.

- Russell T. Davies, genius?
- Yes.

Daniel, your favorite Doctor and why?

David Tennant, mainly because
he was the one lasting...

Because I've only been around, not
that long since the start of it so...

Yes, he's been around during the majority
of the time I've been watching it so

he's the one I have
the most memories of.

Plus, he had this unique thing to him.

Some are dark and kooky and he had this
fantastic mix of the two which I loved.

Perfect. Peter? Your favorite?

I suppose that would have
to be Patrick Trouton.

He had the most difficult job.

He was the first regeneration.

And nobody had any idea about another
actor playing the Doctor at that time.

I just remember sitting
down with apprehension

and watching his first episode.

And just being won over. Just
in that very first episode.

In a way, he was my Doctor.

Okay I have to say, you are my favorite,
but I say that to all the Time Lords!

Big round of applause to our guests!


Now, earlier on this week, we
caught up with the current Doctor,

Matt Smith, as he talked
about his time in the TARDIS.

By the look of it, his
time in the barbers.

I've loved it. I really
have. I'll miss it. But...

When you gotta go, you gotta go.

There was a backlash when I was cast.

I was 26 and I was unknown and
people went, that is not Doctor Who.



I'm a girl.

I always knew I wanted
it to be quite physical.

And I wanted the comedy
to be quite physical.

And I knew I wanted
him to feel very clever,

but at the same time to not
understand the human race.

Has anyone ever told you
that you are a bit weird?

They never a really stop.

In the first audition
I wore a tweed blazer.

- Just because I had one.
- Yeah.

And put a bow tie on and Steven,
piers, and Beth, went "oh, no"...

And then they were like "maybe".

Nice bow tie. Bow ties are cool.

- Yours is very...
- Oh thank you.

Then it slowly dawns on you that you
are actually going to have to do it.


I loved the fez. I literally as soon as I
had it, I was like can I have the fez back?

Can we get the fez in again?

I wear a fez now.

Fezzes are cool.


I miss playing a character that
can bounce from a to zed like that.

And that is the cleverest the room. And
you know also the silliest in the room.

I wear a Stetson now,
Stetson's are cool.

You know just being the
Doctor, it's uh...

He's the Doctor you know?

What a character.

There's always a part of you
that goes, I never want to go.

There are no parts like this.

I think it's a good time for me to move
on and we've got the 50th anniversary.

It's the biggest year
in the show's history.

And I'm playing the part
and I pass it on with...

With a smile to the next guy and...

I say good luck, buddy.

You are going to have to work hard.

I know who they are.

If I had to pick someone...

I'd pick him because uh...

I think he's great. I think he's great.

Weirdly enough, after the 11th hour...

He came up to me in the street
and said, mate, well done,

I watched your episode last night, it was
brilliant, I think you are really good.

And I really needed that boost.

I never forgot it.

Who the man?

I'm excited because...

I know what's coming and
he's going to have a blast.


Coming out of the regeneration,

you know it wasn't massively
painful, just very exciting.

And that whammo, I think going into
it probably is a bit more painful.


It's time.

Goodbye, Doctor.

Legs, yes.

Bow tie, cool.

I can buy a fez.

Come on, then!

Look how cool this stuff is.

I don't know if I'll be doing the
Doctor's dance at the wrap but,

I would quite like to get
it in the Christmas special.

One last hurrah of the drunk giraffe.

It's been great, man, you
know, it's a really cool job.

It will be hard to top.

Yes, he has a haircut
now. Haircuts are cool.

Matt Smith there
revealing a real mixture of

sadness it's an emotional
business isn't it?

He's in LA at the moment
but I'm sure we all agree

he is brilliant and
will be very much missed.

Matt Smith!

Now, did my massive ears deceive me,

or did I hear Matt using
the word "he" and him?

Could be awkward if the next
Doctor turns out to be a woman.

It might happen one day,
you never know. Could be.

All will be revealed very, very soon,

as the next Doctor has entered
the building, ladies and gentlemen.

The next Doctor is in this building!

I'm so scared I'm going
to say the wrong thing.

We are live and it seems
the whole world is watching.

Thank you for the messages, the
Internet is melting at the moment.

It's fair to say Doctor Who's come up
with ingenious ideas over the years.

But nothing beats the fact that the
leading man can change his appearance.

It's a process, if you didn't
know, called regeneration.

Which means when the Doctor
dies, his body rejuvenates

and he comes back to life with a
new look and different personality.


From William Hartnell to Matt Smith,
the Doctor has been played by 11 actors.

And the 12th has some big shoes to fill.

The Doctor is an eccentric hero.

He's a time-traveling meddler
who says he never meddles.

He's kind of everything
and everything at once.

He's old, young, could be
your grandfather, brother.

I would describe him as the Lone Ranger.

Somebody who is a force for good,

a force for fairness, and
generally has a side kick.

Susan and I are cut
off from our own planet.

Without friends or protection.

Heartnell was the wise old gent.

He was older and that gave him an air
of authority, under a Doctor's flag.

There you are my child nice
to see you so well again.

He told everybody with what
was what and how to do it.

Regeneration is such a clever idea.

It's a part that 12 different
actors will and have played.

This has never been done
before and we had no idea,

if it was ever going to be accepted.

Patrick Truouton did the hard job.
He turned it in to something...

Different but the same.
And we all loved him.

He was like the teenager
really in an older body.

Who is also a bit eccentric,
and playing his little flute.

My Doctor, Peter Davison...

Was more man of action.

- Run.
- Than had previously been the case.

A bit glam actually.

Bit handsome.

Big scarf.


I'm going to whisper this...

But I think Tom Baker will always be...

"The Doctor".

Like "the Doctor".

You may be a Doctor, but I'm The Doctor.

The definite article you might say.

If you say Doctor Who, like in one
of those free association games...

It's like Tom Baker, because
everybody has their first Doctor.

There was a quirkiness which
I find sort of unsettling.

Something wrong?

John's Doctor was flamboyant.

He was a dandy.

He was quite a maverick as
well, he was quite stern.

The weapons you have on Earth
are quite nasty, enough as it is.

Give the cloak a flourish, darling.

Colin had his flock coat
with clown-like colours.

- You're not serious.
- I'm always serious.

When I was asked what kind
of costume I would like...

I described pretty much what
Christopher Eccleston eventually got.

When Christopher Eccleston walked
out of the TARDIS, I went yes.

He was so good, and he was
so dark and he was so modern.

Why don't you just die!

You would make a good Dalek.

I've always had a soft
spot for Sylvester McCoy.

I thought of him a little
like Peter Falk in Colombo.

I think he was the cutest Doctor. Scatter
brained but working it all out underneath.

He's the most beautiful
of all the Doctors.

Drop dead gorgeous.

He was a kind of a
philosopher Doctor in a way.

I'm going to betray
Patrick Trouton,

because I have to say David
Tennant was my favorite Doctor.

After Patrick Trouton.

He's very on top of things is David.

Is very good at opening doors.

He's very in command.

There's something about Matt Smith.

He had the charm of
an hyperactive puppy.

His physicality was so extraordinary.

He's so elastic. Amazing.


I've got to be in the show when
we are celebrating its 50th year.

And it's wonderful to be part of something
that so many people are talking about,

and so many love.

And so many people are
just really excited about.

50 years of incredible telly history.

What does the future hold?
We are soon to find out.

But here to share their
love of the show, I'm

delighted to welcome two
fantastic guests...

Please welcome Bernard
Cribbins and Rufus Hound.

Oh, yes.

Nice T-shirt Rufus.

It does seem fitting,
Bernard, that you are here,

because it was your character,
Wilf, Donna's granddad,

who caused the regeneration of the
last regeneration of the Doctors.

If you are going to be
rude, I'm going to leave.

Do you feel guilty about that?

No, because my character Wilf was being
kind to someone else trapped in there.

So he went in and
therefore he was trapped.

And David made the
supreme sacrifice and uh...

Released me and he then got clobbered.

Terrified me earlier though, Bernard
came to my dressing room to say hello.

Knocked three times on the door
and I thought I was going to die!

Isn't it four?

- It is four, yes.
- Four, four...

Oh, no!

Of all the rooms to get that wrong in!

- Here's the other one, ready?
- Thank you, yeah.

Bernard, would you ever
fancy playing the Doctor?

I had an interview when uh...

- John Pertwee was leaving.
- Yeah.

And I went and saw the
producer, Barry Letts.

And I sat down he says
hello and I said hello.

And he said what can you do?
And I said I'm a good swimmer.

- Yeah.
- That's fine, yes.

I said I was a paratrooper
so I could fight.

He said no, no, no the Doctor
never fights, no, no, no.

Anyway I didn't get the job and first thing
I saw Tom Baker do was clobber somebody.

Typical. Absolutely typical.

Rufus, you are a hard core fan.
Although perhaps I'm doubting that now.

After saying knock three times, I
want to shoot myself in the head.

When did you start watching the show,

because it wasn't when you
were a little boy was it?

No, I'm of the generation
that was sort of old

enough to watch it after
it had been canceled.

So I only clocked on with Russell
T. Davies, and Peter Eccleston...

Because it seemed like...

Christopher Eccleston!

Taxi! Time to go home!

He's just excited. As we all are.

Honestly, I promise you I've been sitting
in the car on the way here going...

Whatever you do in that room,
don't get the facts wrong.

- I'm absolutely dying inside...
- It didn't work.

No it didn't.

Why do you think it's so...

What makes Doctor Who so
special Rufus, redeem yourself?

Right, what I think makes Doctor
Who so special is that Sci-Fi,

allows you to look at
really human problems...

But with a degree of distance from it.

So the Doctor is able to talk to us
about life, and death, and meaning.

What it is to be a child, what it is
to grow old, what it is to be different.

We're able to understand all
of those stories without...

In a way that seems fantastic
but is able to define...

Those things that are true
of the human experience.

That was beautiful.

And I think that that's
the power of the show.

What's more powerful about Doctor
Who than any other Sci-Fi shows...

- Is that it's British.
- Yes.

And so we have this...

- Brilliant, brilliant.
- We have this uniqueness there.

And can we just say while were here...

The voice of the Wombles, the Tufty
Club adverts and the Railway Children.

This year, Bernard Cribbins
celebrates 70 years in showbiz.

Give it up for Bernard
Cribbins and Rufus Hound.

Okay now, we are now getting
closer to the moment of truth.

Here is one man who knows who's Who.

Not least because he made the decision.

It's the executive producer, head writer
and guardian angel, Steven Moffat.

Every day in the rushes
when Matt's working,

he will do something
absolutely barking mad.

He will do something so bold and
clever that I won't see it coming.

And I'll miss that
brilliance and that invention.

I'm definitely a mad man with a box.

The Doctor is an icon.

People are hugely invested
in who the new Doctor is.

Everybody is wildly
speculating, it's fun, isn't it?

It's like electing the
next Prime Minister.

It could be a disaster.

I'm really terrified
that it's Harry Styles.

The selection requires some processes
that you see lots and lots of people.

And that's what we did last
time, but oddly enough most

occasions on Doctor Who, it
hasn't happened that way...

It didn't happen that way this time.

We all had an idea, we
all had the same idea...

And it was a quite different idea.

So we got our notional
number 12 'round to my house.

And made a home video...

Of that person being the Doctor and
showed it around, showed the people who...

Need to be in on that decision because it's
like appointing the President or something.

And everyone just said
well yes, that's the Doctor.

It would be interesting to
see an established actor.

Maybe who's a little bit older
but also someone with gravitas.

The Doctor has to be British.

With all parts like the Doctor, or...

James Bond or Sherlock Holmes.

There comes a right time for
the right person to play it.

Oddly enough, this person...

Briefly flicked through
my mind last time.

And I didn't think they were right.

And this time, just wow, it's...

That moment has arrived.

I would love some sort of...

Twist that we are not expecting.

It would be amazing if the
next Doctor was a woman.

With a male assistant.

We've established that Time
Lords can change gender,

so it's completely
not against the rules.

As to whether or not that's
what we are doing well,

that's what you are
watching the show for.

I like that Helen Mirren has been
saying we should have a female Doctor.

I would like to go on record, I think it's
time that the Queen was played by a man.

I suspect it will be another young male.

Could go older again.

Someone who's dark and frightening.

I would like if the
new Doctor was funny.

I would like the Doctor to
be best friends with Clara.

Uh, three words to
describe the new Doctor.

Different from Matt.

Well, he is the main man and
he's giving nothing away, is he?

So if Steven won't spill the
beans, I guess it's down to me.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's the end,
but the moment has been prepared for.

I know you are beside
yourselves with excitement,

the tension is unbearable and
the wait has been excruciating.

Some of the audience are biting
into their sonic screwdrivers.

It is finally time to put
a new face to the old name.

He may be 1,000 years old but he's
about to get a whole new lease of life.

Here we go, the big reveal, the crunch
moment we've all been waiting for.

Joining us now live in the
studio exclusively on the BBC.

Please welcome the 12th Doctor, a hero
for a whole new generation, it's...

Peter Capaldi!

Peter, oh!

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

Oh, wonderful join us, join us.

Oh, I think it's safe
to say they like ya!


- Peter, congratulations.
- Thank you very much.

Your first official
appearance as the 12th Doctor.

How relieved are you?

It's so wonderful not to
keep the secret any longer.

But it has been absolutely
fantastic in its own way...

So many wonderful things have
happened for instance um...

For a while, I couldn't tell
my daughter who'd be looking

on the Internet and discovering
that people were saying,

so-and-so should be Doctor Who
and so-and-so should be Doctor Who.

And she was getting rather upset
that they never mentioned me.

- I said rise above it, darling.
- That's absolutely perfect.

How did you prepare for
the audition, as the Doctor?

Well, it was quite hard because even
though I'm a lifelong Doctor Who fan,

I haven't played Doctor Who
since I was nine in a play.

So, as an adult actor,
I've never worked on it.

So what I did was I
downloaded some old scripts...

From the Internet and practiced
those in front of the mirror.


But Steven had already been written,

some scenes that referred
to a Doctor of my ilk.

"Of your ilk". Oh, it's all so
exciting, I've got clammy palms.

Over the last couple of days,

fans in their droves have been
sending in questions for you.

Kelly from Dundee said,

what were you doing the moment you found
out you were going to be the next Doctor?


I was actually filming in Prague...

I'm doing the BBC's adaptation of
the Three Musketeers over there.

Playing Cardinal Richelieu.

And I was... I had my phone on "silent".

So I missed the call.

And I looked at it and saw missed
call, it was 10 minutes ago,

and it was uh, my dear Agent
and I rang her up, and said...

"It's me", and she said "hello Doctor".

Yes! How exciting.

And I just started to laugh. And
haven't stopped laughing since.

Nicola from Stevenage wants to know,

have you been practicing in
front of a mirror saying...

"Hello, I'm the Doctor".

Because of course you
played a spin Doctor.

The iconic Malcolm Tucker.

A slightly different Doctor to this
one you are going to be playing?

Yes, well I think Malcolm's
been banished from the mirror.

By the new Doctor Who wouldn't
put up with any of Malcolm's...

Language or attitudes,
uh... to the word.

I don't say I'm the Doctor.

I'm surprised now to see
"Doctor Who" looking back.

That's what's really strange.

You look in the mirror
and suddenly strangely...

He's looking back and he's not me yet.

But he's reaching out.

And hopefully we'll get it together.

It's still early days. You
have been in Doctor Who already.

You were in "The Fires of Pompeii".

And you said yourself you have
been a fan for a long, long time.

So much so that you actually
wrote, to the Radio Times...

Years ago.

Have a look at this letter, this
is the letter that Peter wrote,

a young Peter wrote to
the Radio Times in 1988...

Uh... oh no you write...

"I hope that in 15 years' time in
1988 you will publish another special

to celebrate 25 years, of
wondering in time with the Doctor".

"Peter Capaldi. 15 Glasgow".

How cute is that? Who would have known?

- Is that what got you the job?
- Yes, yeah, no.

I mean I've... I've hidden that
from my wife for about 25 years.

And it's the full geek
it the full anorak.

You are never going to get a
girlfriend with a letter like that!

Well it just sort of seems now here
than in the 50th year of the show,

here you are sitting on the hot seat.

Do you have a message for all
the fans, who are watching?

Well, I think it's an extraordinary show

and the thing that strikes me about it is
that it's still here after all this time.

The reason is I think it is still here,

is because of the work of the all
writers, and directors and producers,

who've worked on the
show, the work of all.

And the actors, and I don't just mean the
fabulous actors who've played the Doctor,

but those actors who've sweated
inside rubber monster costumes...

And those who wear
futuristic lurex cat suits.

The real reason, the big reason that Doctor
Who is still with us is because of...

Every single viewer...

Whoever turned on to watch this show.

At any age, at any time in
its history and their history.

And who took it into hair heart,
because Doctor Who belongs to all of us.

- Yes.
- Everyone made Doctor Who.

That's beautiful! Beautiful!

I completely agree. That's
a very special message.

And we do have Matt Smith who has a special
message for you. Now have a look at this.

I just want to wish...

My successor all the best and um...

And uh, just say good luck.

Good on you for getting it.

Because I know he's both
a huge fan of the show...

And uh, a really nice guy.

I think the casting of
it made me really excited.


Genuinely and, as a fan
I, think it's a really...

Canny choice.

I think he'll be a hit, so...

Good luck, man, it's
going to be a thrill.

Oh, that's beautiful.

So that is it, Peter.

A huge thank you to all our
guests and to Matt Smith.

You can catch him on the Doctor Who prom
on 26th August, that's bank holiday Monday.

Let's hear it for the newest incarnation
of the galaxy's number one hero...

He's the 12th Doctor and the
whole of time and space awaits.

Huge applause please!

For Peter Capaldi!