Doctor Lawyer (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 15 - Episode #1.15 - full transcript

Yi-han is sure Jayden Lee took Seok-ju's heart. Someone unexpected shows up at Jin-gi's trial.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

You were the VIP patient

at Banseokwon.

You have Seokju's heart,

don't you?

You have a wild imagination.

But do you have evidence

to back that up?

I went back to square one
and thought it over again.

Who could the VIP patient be

that Gu Jingi would be willing
to kill a boy to get that patient a heart?

Who could it be
if it wasn't Lim Taemoon or Yoon Miseon?

You and Gu Jingi have become enemies now.
But five years ago,

you were his biggest investor.


It would make sense
if you were the patient.

My dad got him a heart?

-What nonsense is that?
-I'm not sure about that.

If I got the heart from him
in exchange for investing in his hospital,

would we have become enemies
just like now?

That would mean that we shared a secret

that should never get out.


That's why I thought
you would never be the VIP patient.

But that was the trap.

What? Is your pulse rising?

Those who have suffered
from heart diseases for a long time

have a habit
of frequently checking their pulse.

Since they can have
an irregular heartbeat at any time,

they're always anxious.

Let's say I got a heart transplant.

Then is there evidence that shows

I got Geum Seokju's heart?

Michael told me

when you were in Korea five years ago
to invest in Banseok Foundation,

you were in a car accident
and received emergency surgery.

On November 21st, 2016.

The night I performed
a heart transplant on the VIP patient

at Banseokwon.

I looked into every single patient
who had surgeries that day at Banseokwon.


I couldn't find any car accident victims.
Then there's only one answer.

The patient was operated on
by me, a ghost doctor.

So there was no record of this patient.

The patient was you, Jayden.

If you want to ask for forgiveness,
this is the only chance you have.


If there's an ounce of remorse

for the owner of the heart
that's beating inside your chest,

you should ask
Prosecutor Geum's forgiveness.

And reveal the truth in court.


You're still so arrogant.

I'm about to be your enemy, but you are
giving me a chance to be forgiven?

Sorry to break it to you,

but I don't want any forgiveness.

If you think I took Geum Seokju's heart,

find the evidence

and make me stand trial.


That's what I'll do then.

If you had a conscience,

you wouldn't have mocked us
by pretending to be clueless

or helping us find my brother's heart
when you knew all along…

that we were looking for you.

Unless you have a warrant,

please leave.

I've got nothing more to say to you.

You think Jayden received
an illegally-harvested organ?


I haven't found out yet
what happened in detail.

But that's what
Mr. Han and Prosecutor Geum believe.

If that's what really happened,

it's a chance for us

-to turn the table around in one go.
-I see.


I'll look into this more.

The accusation Han Yihan made.

-Is it true?
-If it's true,

will you criticize me too?

No. I can understand that.

People do anything to survive.

And the heart you got happened to belong
to Prosecutor Geum's brother.

You and that prosecutor were both unlucky.


Are you all right?
You took the drugs a while ago.

I'm fine. It was just a health supplement
that only looked like the drugs.


Why would you pull a prank on me?

I wanted to check
if you were going to take it.

Too bad.

If Gu Hyunseong didn't show up,

I wonder if you would have taken
the drugs I gave you.

Those despicable cheaters.

How dare they fool me?

To be honest,
I felt guilty about what I did to you.

But after seeing everything,
I think I made the right decision.

If Jayden didn't steal you from me,

I wouldn't have done this.

Steal me?

You're still talking like that.

Am I an object?
Something people can steal or lose?

Don't fool yourself.

I had never loved you
or considered you romantically

even for a moment.

So Jayden didn't steal me from you

because you never had me, to begin with.

Now that you know everything,
I don't want to see you ever again.

I must figure it out.


What I can do now.

You want me to tell you everything I know?

Then you two must help me

and Susie Yoon with our plan.

We'll decide after you tell us everything.

Explain the relationship
between Jayden and Gu Jingi in detail.

Start from when Honours Hand planned
to invest in Banseok five years ago.

To be honest, Honours Hand

was skeptical about investing
in Banseok Foundation.

Forget about privatizing
the health care sector in Korea.

Setting up
a for-profit hospital is difficult.

So investing a hefty sum
of 300 billion won in a medical foundation

was just too risky.

Jayden pushed for it.

He said he would negotiate with Gu Jingi.

-Nice to meet you. I'm Gu Jingi.
-Nice to meet you.

She's from our legal team.
This is Ms. Pyo Eunsil.

Compared to our investment
which is 300 billion won,

your collateral isn't much.

On top of that, you will pay back
half of our investment with the stocks

of the R and D Center you just founded.

We cannot agree to these terms.

The bio-related businesses in Korea
will grow drastically in several years.

And the stocks of the R and D Center
will skyrocket beyond measure.

-And as for the collateral--
-We should

discuss that in private.

I did get the feeling
that Jayden and Gu Jingi

might have worked out a deal
under the table.

They often had private meetings
without me and Ms. Pyo

with just the two of them.

And three days before the accident,

Jayden said he would stay at Banseokwon.

And when I rushed over after hearing
the news about his car accident,

he was lying in the VIP room, unconscious.


You should look
into Jayden's car accident.

To undergo heart transplant surgery,

patients must be prepped for two days.

But if he left Banseokwon before
the surgery and got into an accident,

there must be a reason for it.

Okay. I'll ask the police
to cooperate and look into this.

We should do everything we can.

I'll get going.

What's wrong? Are you all right?






Look into car accidents that took place
between 5 p.m. on November 20th, 2016,

and 8 a.m. the next day in downtown Seoul.

It involved injuries.
So there must be records.

I'll ask the police to cooperate.

What about Cheon Hyungu? Any progress?

No. This rat is determined
not to get caught.

He's not using his cell phone or cards.

So the police have no idea
where he is now.

We must find him before Gu Jingi's trial.

He took care of
Gu Jingi's dirty laundry by his side.

I'm sure he has evidence with him.

Okay. I'll look into his family
and his acquaintances.

Chief Secretary Cheon Hyungu.

He served in special forces
at the intelligence command.

He was in special forces. No wonder.
He had that intense aura.

He served for about five years.

He was injured on a mission
and was discharged.

He received surgery
at Banseok University Medical Center

and went through physical therapy
for over a year.

-His family?
-Even when he was on active duty,

he rarely communicated with his family.

And he didn't seem
to have any close friends either.

But here's the problem.
The special forces he was in specialized

in counterterrorism operations
and infiltration to the enemy line.

It means everyone in the unit
is a master of hiding.

If he wants, he can go

a year or ten without getting caught.
So it won't be easy.


Call Mr. Cheon.

I can't reach him since his disappearance
on the day of your hearing.

That's expected.

I told him not to meet or contact anyone.

Then how can I reach him?

When you go to the head office
of Hanjin Bank,

there's a VIP safe under my name.

You'll find a cell phone there.
Call the number saved on the phone.

He will answer it.

Yes, sir. What should I tell him?

Ms. Pyo?

Yes. I'm here on behalf of Chairman Gu.




-Take your time.



This is Cheon Hyungu.

It's me. Pyo Eunsil,
Head of the Legal Team.

I have a message from the chairman.

Go ahead.

The former ambassador, Lim Taemoon,
suddenly stopped the press conference.

He spoke in English
and asked if he was in the US.

And he yelled at the reporters
to stop taking his pictures.

-His acquaintances shared
-Stop taking photos of me!

that he had been showing
symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Are you all right?

I knew this would happen.
But it still doesn't feel good.

That's understandable.

He's your father.

What about your parents?
What are they like?

Come to think of it,
you never told me about your family.

Tell me. I want to know everything
there is to know about you.

It's not that I kept it from you.

I had nothing to talk about.

Both of them passed away.

I'm sorry. I had no idea.

Don't make that face. I'm really fine.

They passed away when I was very young.
So I can't even remember their faces.

Besides, you are by my side now
just like my family.

Mom, we're really going home. Right?

Of course.

Gosh. I love it.

Can you make rolled omelets at home?
I want to eat your food.

I'll cook everything you want.


-Get in.
-Be careful.

We just left the hospital.

How is he feeling?

He's good.

He can't run, but he has no problem
with his day-to-day activities.

I'll head over after I stop by home first.

Thank you so much

for waiting until his discharge.

I'm glad to hear that. I'll see you soon.



Thanks for coming.

No problem.

I really wanted to see you


in a prison uniform.

The thing is,

if I start talking about that night,

you'll be wearing the same outfit.

I haven't told anyone that you were
the VIP patient who received

Geum Seokju's heart five years ago.

You, Mr. Cheon, and I are
the only three people who know the truth.

Han Yihan and Geum Seokyeong

already know.

Even so. I bet it's only speculation.

They can't arrest someone
based on speculation without any evidence.

As long as I keep my mouth shut,
there won't be any evidence

or witnesses in the world.

You'll keep your mouth shut for good?

Of course,
you must want something in return.

Take only the R and D Center.

And back off
from Banseok University Medical Center.

Your investment would have multiplied
with just the R and D Center.

Besides, it will be very difficult
for a foreign company

to operate a university medical center
like Banseok as a for-profit business.

You'll face various restrictions.

And the press will push back hard too.

If you reveal what happened that night,

you and Banseok

will suffer a huge blow.

That's why I've been keeping quiet so far.

But now, I'd rather destroy everything
instead of letting you

take everything from me.

You're already the winner of our war.


don't make me use

the last card I have left.

Mom, I said I could carry that.

-No, give me that. I'll carry it.
-Let's carry it together then.

My goodness.

I'm going to step out for a second.

Get some rest in your room.

I'll make you a delicious dinner
once I come back. Okay?


-What is it, my son?

You should've listened
when we were being nice.

No. Junhwan…

Let him go. You can talk to me instead.

Sorry. No can do.

The chairman doesn't want any loose ends.




Please spare my son. Please.

Go ahead and use the last card

if you can.

Bluffing doesn't work on me.

When it comes to gambling,
I am more experienced than you are.

Do you think there is anything
I can't do in this situation?

Everyone has a card he can't use

even though it's in his hand.

To you,

those are Banseok

and your family.

What will happen if Gu Hyunseong finds out
that you are a murderer

who opened a 19-year-old boy's chest

and took out his heart?

He is already crazy enough
to swing a golf club at my penthouse.

Once he finds out that everything started

because his respectable father got a heart
for the person he hates the most,

he won't be able to bear it.

-Not picking up?
-The person you reached is not available…

No. She was supposed
to be here a while ago.

Maybe she betrayed us again.

I have a bad feeling.

I must go to her house.


Why are you doing this?

I got you the best heart. Thanks to me,

you became a healthy man.

-Why are you doing this to me?

You are unbelievable.

You are despicable to the end.

Do you still think I don't know

what you did to me that night?



do you suddenly want
to postpone the surgery to tomorrow?

I apologize.
There is someone I need to meet.

Once I get a transplant,
I will need to stay here for a month.

It's a difficult surgery,
so anything can happen.

I must meet this person now.

Wait. Hold on.

Heart transplantation isn't a surgery
you can postpone easily.

The heart might go
to the next person on the waitlist.

If that happens,

it can't be helped.

I apologize.

How about the investment?

Let's talk tomorrow.

It's too dangerous.


What do you mean?

You took various injections
to prepare for the surgery.

It could be dangerous to go out.

Banseok will take care of you.

No. Today,

I will move on my own.

In that case,
I will prescribe a counteragent.

Please wait here for a second.

No matter how important the meeting is,
safety comes first.

Understood. Thank you.

Don't mention it.

At first, I doubted it.

So that I could get
transplantation that day,

you caused the accident.

A doctor is someone who saves lives,
so I never imagined

such a thing.

So I ran various investigations
after I got discharged.

The boy who received
the heart transplantation on the same day

died the next day.

The doctor who operated on him

got arrested by the prosecution

and had his medical license revoked.

You are saying I induced a heart attack
so that you would get into an accident.

Had you died in the process,

the investment would have been off.

Why would I do such a thing?

That's right. The grounds are weak.

So I invested in Banseok
and watched for years.

But the doctor
who had operated on the boy that day

became a lawyer
who specializes in medical lawsuits

and pointed his knife at you and Banseok.

It piqued my interest,
so I approached him.

There were many secrets I didn't know.

The medical malpractice five years ago.

-Give me 200 joules.
-He just--

Give me 200 joules! Charge.


I plead guilty to the charge.

Gu Hyunseong's ghost doctor.

Park Kitae's death.

And the hidden secrets
of those who took part

in the surgery,
Cho Junghyun and Lee Dohyung.

I learned everything
once I began to help Han Yihan.

The broken puzzle pieces came together.

That day,

you caused an accident
so that I must get a heart transplant.

Then you took out Geum Seokju's heart
and ended his life.

Through a ghost doctor,
Han Yihan, that heart

entered my chest.

Han Yihan wants to punish you
with legal means,

but I am different.

I will take away the things
that are the dearest to you.

That night,

you did the same to me.

-Do you need more time?
-It's almost done.

Please go on in.


It's okay. He just lost consciousness.

Look for Cho Junghyun.

-Prepare to move him to a hospital.

-Is she missing?

Chairman Gu, how did the talk go?

At the trial, I will deny…

all allegations.


I thought Jayden would back off
once I pled guilty,

but I can't negotiate with him.


Banseok and family are all I have.

I must stop him before he destroys them.



It won't be easy.

The fact you already pled guilty
will put you at a disadvantage.

It won't be easy.

That's why I need you.

We went through a lot together.

Ms. Pyo, please don't give up

on me and Banseok.

Yes, sir.

Chairman Gu, Mr. Cheon sent this.

I guess my luck

hasn't run out yet.

To find Cho Junghyun,

I checked all the security cameras,
but she disappeared without a trace.

The police think there is a possibility
it isn't a kidnapping case.

They say she could have gone into hiding

due to the emotional stress
of testifying at Gu Jingi's trial.

That can't be the case.

She wouldn't disappear

and leave Junhwan alone.


It must be Mr. Cheon.

She is the only witness
who knows what happened that day.

If that's the case, it's dangerous.

Even for someone
who was in the special forces,

it would be hard to avoid the police
while traveling with a hostage.

Maybe Cho Junghyun…

I want to go
to the Philippines or Thailand.

He wants to go
to the Philippines or Thailand.

Four million won for Manila,
five million for Bangkok.

Can I go to Manila tomorrow?

Can he go to Manila tomorrow?

Then the money is far from enough.

It's possible, but you need to pay more
if you want to leave tomorrow.

Tell him that I will give him more.

It doesn't matter how much it is.
The sooner the better.

If the money doesn't matter,
I'll make it happen no matter what.

It's me, Head of the Legal Team,
Pyo Eunsil.

How did it go?

I did as Chairman Gu ordered.

I will take care of her today
and leave the country tomorrow night.

No. Don't leave the country.

Take care of Cho Junghyun
and turn yourself into the police.

It's Chairman Gu's order.

Turn myself in?

Chairman Gu admitted
to killing Lee Dohyung

and ordering Nam Hyukchul to murder.

So even if you turn yourself in,

you will only be punished
for dumping a dead body.

Although Chairman Gu pled guilty,

you need to get caught

in order for the police
to close the investigation.

You know that we will be at a disadvantage
if the investigation drags on.

Before you turn yourself in,
hand over the phone to the Security Team.

It will be a hassle
if the police get their hands on it.

I will destroy it myself.

I need a way to contact you
until the very end.

Don't worry.

Chairman Gu will take the fall
for all the crimes.

That's the only way he can save Banseok.


Thank you. I will keep in touch.

I think she tried to avoid the cameras.


She is…

from New-Hope Law Office.

She left after 30 minutes.

Then she came back after an hour
and retrieved the camera.

Look at that.

We have a chance.

Prosecutor Geum.

These are the materials on car accidents.

It looks like there have been
a lot of car accidents.

Thank you. I will check them later.

You are going
to Gu Jingi's preliminary hearing, right?

Don't get worked up today.

We don't want you to collapse again.


-She will be okay, right?
-I don't know.

The hearing begins now.

The prosecution, give us
a statement of the indictment.

Yes, Your Honor.


On February 14th, 2022, the defendant
ordered a death-row inmate, Nam Hyukchul,

to murder a victim, Park Kitae,
at Seoul Northern Detention Center.

On March 23rd, 2022,
he murdered a victim, Lee Dohyung,

by stabbing him in the neck
in the parking lot of Banseokwon.

By criminal law, Article 250, Section One,

Article 31, Section One,
Article 37, and Article 38,

I indict him for abetment and murder.

Counsel, give us your claim.

The defendant denies the charges.

He didn't abet Nam Hyukchul for murder.

As for Lee Dohyung,
we claim it to be an accidental injury.


The victim, Lee Dohyung, passed away.
Why do you claim it to be an injury?

The defendant did cause
an injury to the victim's neck,

but it isn't the cause of his death.

The defendant didn't cause
a serious injury that could lead to death.

We claim the victim's death
was caused by an external factor.


Prosecution, apply for evidence.

Yes, Your Honor.


Counsel, what's your opinion

on the evidence?

We disagree with item five,
the police report,

and item 12, Han Yihan's testimony.

Item ten, police interrogation report,

and item 20,
prosecution interrogation report.

We deny them all.

Prosecution, request for witnesses.

Yes, Your Honor. We request Han Yihan
who gave his testimony for item 12.

Okay. Does the counsel
have evidence as well?

Yes, Your Honor. We submit

the security camera footage
of Banseokwon's parking lot that day.

We also request Banseokwon's employee
from the footage, Cho Darom, as a witness.

They want me as a witness?


Will you be okay?

Of course, I will be okay.

Do you think I will be
as slow-witted as this bear?

Stop digging up my dark past.

He admitted all allegations.

Why did he deny them
on the day of the hearing?

He thinks he can win the trial

because the witness
and accomplice disappeared.

We must find them.

If Mr. Cheon kills Cho Junghyun,

there won't be anyone who witnessed
what happened five years ago.

There is

one more person.

Is it my turn?

Were you preparing to leave the country?

Yes. Honours Hand took over
Banseok Foundation's board.

Chairman Gu got arrested for murder,

so my work here is done.

I am sorry. I couldn't have guessed

that Chairman Gu had taken out
a patient's heart.

Is that really the case?

You are an experienced pathologist,

so you must have known
that the heart you examined didn't match

the patient's records.

Your sin

is no smaller
than Lee Dohyung or Cho Junghyun's.

The autopsy report you fabricated

buried the truth
about Gu Jingi stealing the heart.

If you have any conscience left,

stop thinking about running away
and reveal the truth.


Mr. Gu Jingi, you have
a request for a meeting.

Who is it?

He is Mr. Han Yihan.

Would you meet him?

Mr. Gu Jingi refused a meeting.

Did you give him my name?

Yes. He asked me to send you away
because he doesn't want to see you.

Jayden, that crazy punk!

He is trying to swallow Banseok whole!

We must stop him.

There can't be Banseok
without Cardiothoracic Surgery.

It won't be easy to turn it
into a for-profit hospital.

But if the stock price continues to drop,

it will be impossible
to pay back Honours Hand

using your shares and assets.

Then you will have to issue
convertible bonds.

Then you will lose Banseokwon
and Banseok University Medical Center.

That's why we need to think of a way
to stop them!

Until when will we sit still
and let them have their way?

Who is it?
I told people not to come today.

Han Yihan?

What are you scheming?

Don't say anything stupid to my mother.

I'm here to help you, so move.

It's been a while.

You too, Yoonjung?

I don't need you to greet me,
so cut to the chase.

I don't wish to talk to you.

I'm here to save you.

-From Jayden and Honours Hand.


At this rate, you'll lose all of Banseok.

I'll stop that.

-How will you stop that?
-Hold on.

Let's hear him out.

Okay. Tell me.

How will you save us?

Before I tell you, I have a question.

-What is it?
-How much do you know

about your husband, Gu Jingi?

What do you mean?

What will you do
if your husband, Gu Jingi, killed

Prosecutor Geum Seokyeong's brother,

took out his heart, and used it
to do an illegal heart transplant?


Was your trip here okay, Boss?

I'm not your boss yet.

I need to talk to Han Yihan
and hear from him first.

To see if what you said is true.


I'm sorry!

Oh, dear.

Gu Jingi has fallen.

It's okay.
We're going to throw it out anyway.

Don't worry about it,
and get rid of everything.

I'm going to change it to my preference.

Why would we change it to your preference?

Did you forget that we agreed to hand over
the chairman position every two years?

Then you can redecorate in two years.

I'm going to be using this office,
so I'll do what I want.

Oh, my. Thank you
for taking the time to come here.

What are you doing?

I'm going to become the chairman
of Banseok Foundation soon.

That's why I'm cleaning it out in advance.

Come to think of it, I forgot to tell you.

About what?

As Banseok Foundation is being reborn,

I intend to leave it to a young
and competent management specialist.

I'll reorganize
the board of directors with outsiders.

-This isn't what we agreed to.

You said we'd be chairmen.

I'm sorry.
I was planning on doing that initially,

but as I watched you, I realized

you're incompetent and greedy.

You're the worst people

to lead an organization.

What? You punk.

That's enough. I won't warn you again.

Don't worry.

I'll fulfill your greed.

I will give you the dividend
I promised every year.

I know money is more important

than running Banseok for you.

We will start the trial.


I'm here with some coffee!

Soohee, I got you three shots of espresso.
Here you go.

Yihan, I got you a cold brew latte. Here.

-Thank you.
-No problem.

I'm done writing the article.

After the trial,
dozens of articles about Gu Jingi

and Jayden's
illegal organ harvesting suspicions

will be plastered
all over the portal sites in Korea.

I knew it. You're so competent.

You are as good at your job
as you are beautiful.

What is that? Who is it?


This is Chief Director Susie Yoon.

Susie, this is Lawyer Han Yihan.

You're Han Yihan?

I heard about you.

You played a decisive role

in bringing down Banseok with Jayden.

Let me introduce myself.

I'm the Chief Director
of Honours Hand headquarters, Susie Yoon.

Nice to meet you. I'm Lawyer Han Yihan.

On March 23rd, 2022, at around 10 a.m.,

the day of the hearing
for the Minister of Health and Welfare,

you met with the victim
who was to testify as a witness…

at your hearing.

-I didn't think--
-This is nothing.

Let go!


-Let go!
-Oh, my.

As you can see, the defendant

clearly aimed for the victim's vital point

as he swung a weapon at him.

Furthermore, the location
in which the victim was attacked

was the hospital
that the defendant was in charge of,

but he didn't take any action to save him.

Therefore, it is clear
that he had intentions to kill him.


Counsel, do you have anything to say?

Yes, Your Honor.

The victim was a colleague of the victim

who has worked together
on numerous surgeries.

So why would he attack that kind of person

on the most important day of his life?

The fountain pen that the defendant
used to stab the victim

had a micro camera hidden within it.

When the defendant found out,
he lost his temper in the moment

and took the pen from him.

When the victim tried to take
the pen back from him, he was flustered,

so he accidentally swung his arm
to hold onto it.

Even if stabbing the victim
in the neck was accidental,

the fact that the defendant didn't do
anything to save his life is a fact.

That's true. It is unfortunate.

But at that moment,

the defendant was consumed
with the realization

that his colleague had betrayed him.

He also had a hearing an hour later.

In this situation,

how many people could calmly give orders

for medical assistance?

Could you do that, Prosecutor?

She's deviating
from the essence of the case.

Please rephrase this.


Counsel, please give your argument
based on the facts.

I will practice caution.

Then from this point forward,
I will speak about the truth.

Is the person who murdered the victim

really the defendant sitting here?

The victim didn't die

on the spot in the parking lot.

The person who ended his life…

was this man,
Chief Secretary Cheon Hyungu.

Mr. Cheon. Good work.

-Why did you bring these guys?
-You don't need to worry.

I brought them just in case.

Before that, give me your phone first.


I'm going to give
Chairman Gu my last report

and destroy it myself.

No. We will take it and destroy it.

Hand it over.


Thank you.


What are you doing? Get him!

Counsel. Please start your questioning.

Witness. On March 23rd, 2022
at around 9 a.m.,

you installed a camera
and an audio recording device in your car

and filmed the footage of the victim
meeting the defendant. Right?

-Did someone order you to film the video?

-Who is it?

Be specific.



It was Han Yihan.

"Han Yihan?"

Are you talking about the lawyer Han Yihan
from New-Hope Law Office?


Was he also the person
who gave you orders to post it

onto a streaming site?

-Then that means

you filmed the victim
meeting with the defendant

with the purpose of posting it
onto a streaming site.

Without the consent
of the person involved.

Assistant Director Lee Dohyung
gave his consent.

It was with the purpose
of public interest.

Please answer with yes or no.

I believe
I don't need to answer like that.

It is what I said.
Take what you want from that.

Your Honor. The victim and Han Yihan

colluded to film the defendant

and they induced him
to say the answer that they wanted.

Please keep this in mind. That is all.

please start your cross-examination.

Yes, Your Honor.


Witness, do you know why
Han Yihan ordered you to film the video?


He wanted to reveal the truth

about the illegal organ harvesting

that the defendant had done
five years ago at Banseokwon.

Your Honor. This is unrelated to the case.

Please strike this from the record.

No. In the video, the victim

asked the defendant which patient
received the heart transplant,

and after he did, he was murdered.

It's an important question to reveal
the defendant's motive for murder.

I agree. Please continue.

Thank you.

Please continue.

He said it was a critical opportunity
to reveal who received the heart

that was removed from the patient,
Geum Seokju,

after he was killed five years ago.


Your Honor.

In order to verify if the defendant's
counsel and witness are telling the truth,

I would like permission
to question the defendant.

Okay. We'll adjourn for 20 minutes,

Counsel, please prepare
the defendant for questioning.

Yes, Your Honor.

All rise.


The court is now in session.

In your previous investigation with me,

you admitted to the murder
and abetting in murder. Is that correct?

But why are you taking back
what you said during this trial?

When I was being investigated,
I was in a state of shock.

And I didn't have the help
of a proper lawyer.

I was going to take full responsibility
for Banseok,

but I thought that hiding the truth

wasn't the best thing I could do.

You were also very coercive

as you accused me.

Okay, fine.

Then in this court, where you aren't
being coerced, can we believe

everything you say to be true?

-Of course.
-Then let me ask you this.

Your counsel claims
that it was Cheon Hyungu, not you,

who killed the victim. Is this true?


I don't know anything about that.

I asked Mr. Cheon
to take care of things after I left

and went to the hearing.

I didn't hear nor see what he did

to Assistant Director Lee Dohyung.

Then that means the victim could've died

because of your attack
and not Cheon Hyungu. Is that correct?

Your Honor.

This is a leading question that assumes
unfavorable situations for the defendant.


Please avoid leading questions.

I will practice caution.

Then I'll ask a question
that the defendant can definitely answer.


Did you ever abet Nam Hyukchul

to commit murder through Cheon Hyungu?

Please answer. Did you abet in murder?


I did not.

I never abetted anyone
in committing murder.

If Nam Hyukchul received orders
to commit murder,

they were orders given
by Cheon Hyungu on his own.



So he wants to take this all the way?

So you didn't murder Lee Dohyung,

nor did you abet Nam Hyukchul
to commit murder.

And you never took out

Geum Seokju's heart at Banseokwon
five years ago.

Your Honor. This case is unrelated
to the case from five years…


I didn't.

It is true that my emotions took over
and I attacked Assistant Director Lee.

But I never intentionally murdered anyone
or abetted anyone to commit murder.

Because taking a patient's life

on purpose at my hospital

is unimaginable.


Counsel. What is this?

What is this noise?



Is this phone you have in your hand yours?

Your Honor. Prosecution has confirmed
circumstances that suggest this cellphone

possessed by the defendant's counsel
is important evidence in this case.

Please consent to check it.

What are you doing? Let go.

Prosecution. What do you mean?
How is it evidence?



Who is it?

It's Cheon Hyungu.

Where are you?

I'm at the courthouse.

Mr. Cheon Hyungu?

Yes, that's right.

What is this?
Prosecution, what is going on?

Cho Junghyun, Cheon Hyungu.

Were you planning on killing them both?

Did you say you were sick of this?

I'm sick of it too,
so I'll reveal everything

right here, right now.

Your Honor, I would like to call
Cheon Hyungu to the stand.

Let me introduce myself.

I'm the Chief Director
of Honours Hand headquarters, Susie Yoon.

I'm going to take Honours Hand
from Jayden.

I'm getting revenge. Revenge for taking
the most precious thing in my life.

Prosecution. Are you okay?

Seokyeong. Call an ambulance. Hurry!

I don't think
I can defend you anymore. I'm sorry.

I'm going to leave the country as soon
as I redeem my investment in stocks.

I wanted to be with you guys
for a bit longer.

Thank you.

Translated by Won-hyang Son