Doc Martin (2004–…): Season 8, Episode 3 - Farewell My Lovely - full transcript

Martin is not happy to discover that Louisa has been accepted for a child therapy course but eventually relents though he is kept busy when sailing instructor Amy Vincent passes out after ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It's rota.

- Pardon?
- A roster's a list of names.

A rota is a schedule of activities.

Thank you, Martin.

So you're blue, and I've scheduled you

to drop James at nursery every
other day, collect every third,

plus every other Thursday, when
I have afterschool meetings.

Is that strictly necessary?

It's the only time I get to
catch up with other teachers.

- Not the meetings, the rota.
- I thought you'd approve.

Things have been so
hectic since Janice left,

not that she was much help.

Besides, we'll need it more
than ever when I start studying.

- If you start studying.
- Well, yeah. If.

Look, we can discuss it later.

Maybe schedule in a
conversation for Wednesday.

- Yes.
- That was a joke.

- Hey...
- Yes.

I've spoken to Mrs
Trafford and she believes

the sale of the farm will
go through within the month.

I'll try to make the transition
as painless as possible for you.

Transition to what? Losing the
B&B? Not having a place to live?

Remember the Doc's orders, boy. Stay calm.

You'll need a place to
stay, as well, won't you?

I thought you were sleeping in the van.

Technically, I've maybe
been staying at the B&B.

I see. Well, that'll have to change.

And you'll need to find
somewhere for the whisky still.

Ruth, is there any way
we could change your mind?

I'm sorry, Al.

I've spent enough money on all this.

I don't want to lose any more.

No, the decision's been made.

Heartbeat's regular, no murmurs.

How are you getting on
with the medication?

Oh, my Sal's on top of all that,
Doc. She runs a tight ship.

- The cardiac rehabilitation?
- I'm enjoying it.

In fact, I'm planning
on stepping it up again.

Get myself really fit.

Right. You can get dressed.

Doc, have you ever heard of racewalking?

It has the same benefits
health wise as normal walking.

- It's just faster.
- Yeah.

Well, I was thinking of
asking Sal to join me.

You know, joint interest,
bringing us closer together.

Well, take it easy, yeah?

Don't worry about me,
Doc. I never felt fitter.

Still, I'd speak to your
physiotherapist first.

Make an appointment to
see me in one month.

Right you are, Doc.

Oh! Looking good, Ken!

I don't feel so good.

Well, at least you're out of hospital.

I was gonna come and visit you

but people like their peace and quiet.

Yes, Bert, they do.

Just before your incident, we were talking

about how many bottles of whisky

- you were gonna take.
- Bert.

Now, for a start, how about 12 bottles?

Sale or return. I got
the first batch here.

I'm shutting the pub.


Being a landlord isn't a job
for a recovering alcoholic.

Ooh. Well, I wasn't aware of
your previous... Situation.

But, well, just because
you work in a sweetshop,

it don't mean that you
have to eat all the cakes.

I'm going to my sister's tomorrow

while I decide what to do with this place.

The pub is the cornerstone
of the community!

You have a civic duty to keep it open!

I'm sorry, Bert.

You'll just have to sell
your whisky to somebody else.

Ken didn't take much, then?

He's not taking anything.

He's closing the pub.

Right. That is it.

Final straw. Writing
on the wall. I am done.

I'm officially handing
over the business to you.

- The business?
- Yep.

You mean the failed B&B and
the failed whisky company?

All yours.

So you're quitting and leaving
me to pick up the pieces?

Not to mention Ruth being out of pocket?

We'll talk about this later,

when you, boy, are a
little less emotional.

Emotional? It...

Mm. Cimex lectularius.

- Doesn't sound good.
- Bed bugs.

Have you been sleeping in a bed
other than your own lately?

Chance'd be a fine thing!

That's more my ex-husband's
department than mine.

I knew he'd been around
the block a few times

but he didn't have to visit
every bloody house on the way.

- Yes or no?
- No.

Go away!

Anyway, I pride myself on a clean house.

Bed bugs aren't attracted to dirt.

I'll write you a prescription
for a mild steroid cream.

What's wrong with your hand?

This? Been like it for ages.

It's Dupuytren's contracture.

Why haven't you shown me this before?

My mother's hand was the same.
I just thought it was genetic.

Yeah. It is. It's also easily curable.

Make an appointment. I'll
perform a needle fasciotomy

and straighten your fingers out.

I run the shop on my own
now. I can't keep closing.

My customers won't like it.

If left untreated, you run the
risk of permanent tissue damage

and the loss of function
in your hand altogether.

There you go.

Oh, Clive?

In here, my lovely.

- What? What are you doing?
- Stocktaking.

You know you're not allowed
near prescription drugs.

Dr Ellingham still hasn't forgiven me.

- I was trying to help.
- Well...

take this to Mrs Brockbank.

But she lives miles away!

Well, you can do your racewalking thing!

I was hoping that was
something to do together.

- Team Tishell!
- What, with my neck?

Dear me!

Yes. Go on, then. Go!

Dear, oh, dear.

- What are you doing home?
- Getting clothes for sailing.

- Sailing?
- I had to send Pippa home.

I think she's got the flu.

So now I have to take Year Six
sailing after school this week.

It's to complete their Activity
Certificate, their opportunity.

- But you hate boats.
- There's no one else available.

I've got some anti-motion
sickness tablets in the surgery,

I'll fetch them for you as
soon as I've updated the rota.

It's not the seasickness
I'm worried about.

It's capsizing and drowning.
I'm not very good on boats.

Sorry, why are you updating the rota?

I assume you want me to collect
James from nursery all week?

- Yes.
- Then to be effective,

the rota has to reflect the change.

Next patient's here, Doc.

Er... Right. Do you mind?

I'll keep the pen, I need it.

What are you doing?

Racewalking. Sport of the future.

I can see that.

You've got to keep one foot
on the ground all the time.

You're a natural.

- Where are you going?
- Mrs Brockbank.

Bandages run.

- Join you?
- Well, if you can keep up.

Have you set a date yet?

- End of the month. 29th.
- Aww.

- Amy Vincent?
- Yes.

Go through.

Can I have a look at this
afternoon's appointments?

Er... You are fully booked.

Right. In that case, I need you
to collect James from nursery.

Do I look like an au pair?

I can't be in two places at
once! And you do look like one!

Well, lucky for you, I know
an excellent receptionist

who can reschedule those
appointments for you.

- I must be at work soon, Doc.
- Yes! Right.

I'll change those appointments, shall I?

Yes. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Cheer up. It might never happen.

Too late. Already has.

- Bad as that?
- Even worse.

Whisky business not working out?

Nothing is. I got no job,
back to sleeping in the van.

I might as well lie down on the beach

and let the tide carry me away.

You could always come
work for me, if you like.


I can't afford to pay much,

but now I'm getting my hand
sorted I could do with the help.

Plus there's a storeroom above,

you could stick a camp bed in there.

That's very generous of you, Caitlin.

Now, when you say you can't
afford to pay very much...

Well, we can have a chat about that later.

You're running, that's not allowed.

No, I'm not!

One foot on the ground at any one time.

Your pulse rate is 48 and your
blood pressure's still low.

Last week you said it wasn't a problem.

No, it isn't necessarily.

It could coincide with
your underactive thyroid.

Probably all that sea air chilling me out.

- You should try it.
- I beg your pardon?

Sailing. I'll give you a free lesson.

No, thank you.

How much thyroxaline have you got left?

Er... a week's worth.

I'll write you a
prescription for some more.

There's something else I
wanted to ask you about, Doc.

Alopecia areata.

It's an autoimmune disorder.

Often people who suffer from one,

like your underactive thyroid,

are more susceptible
to developing another.

Will I go bald?

We shouldn't rule it out, but
see if it grows back on its own.

Wh... When? I'm getting married soon.

Impossible to tell. When
did you first notice?

Last week. Can you do anything?

I could inject the affected
areas with corticosteroids,

but it's very painful and
it isn't always effective.

Better just to wait and see
if it grows back on its own.

Make an appointment to come
and see me in a month or so.

Or sooner if the hair loss gets worse.

Thank you.


What are you doing, Clive?

- I got a new training partner.
- Hi.

Same time tomorrow?

I'm all right.

Don't you like the water, miss?

Yeah, Emily, I like it just fine.

Hello, sailors!

- Life jackets?
- Please, miss.

Oh, Miss Glasson. Where's Pippa?

She's off sick. And
it's Mrs Ellingham now.

Oh, of course, sorry.

Habit from when you were my teacher.

Like I always say, things
come and go in Portwenn,

but you can always rely
on good old Miss Glass...

Er... Mrs Ellingham, being at the school.

It's like you're part of the building.

- Do you...
- No, I'm fine. Sorry.

Yep. I know.

So, done much sailing before?

Er... yeah. A little.

These life jackets, they've been
tested recently, haven't they?

- Oh, yes.
- Why do you wear a hat, miss?

It helps keep my head warm.

- But it's boiling, miss.
- Daniel, shh. Quiet.

- Right, everyone ready?
- Yes, miss.

Climb aboard, this way.

Sensibly round the jetty,
please, Daniel. Watch it.


Sorry, Amy? Could you, er...
could you just hold up, please?

Daniel? Just... Hang on there.

- Yes!
- Good boy.

Move from the edge, there.
Don't go too close to the edge!

All right.

Everyone in position and
know what they're doing?

Yes, miss!

Right, Mrs Ellingham,
pull on the main sheet.

Sorry, the... The sheet?

Oh, the rope that's in your hand.

Uhhuh. Yeah. That's right.

Obviously I know that. But for
the benefit of the children,

how hard should one
pull on the... the sheet?

Hard enough to tighten the mainsail.

Stand by, everyone.
We're ready to go about!

Ready to go about!

- Ready?
- Ready!

Here we go!

Pull, pull, pull!

I can't believe it.

I know. Really makes me mad.

I never thought that Ken'd
close the pub for good.

Oh, right. Your dad
dumping everything on you.

That's what we're annoyed about.

So I've gotta find a new
place to live and a new job.

Al... Ken's closing the pub.

Yeah. I think we've already
established that, Morwenna.

Doesn't mean that someone else
can't take it over, does it?

- You mean me?
- You've got experience.

You ran a restaurant, and a B&B.

Yeah, ran 'em both into the ground.

Still, it's a good location.

And you could live above the pub.

Yeah, you're right.

Huh. I knew I'd think of something!

What's this?

Come on. It's not a beer garden.

Sorry, Doc, you asked me to come
in today. Blood pressure check.

Yes, go through.

- Do you have to?
- What? Eat?


Hello, Bert.

Why are you wearing that thing?

- Oh, Ruth. Just working.
- What about the distillery?

I was gonna come and
talk to you about that.

It's just that I've decided the
whisky business... not for me.

Well, you could have
consulted with me first.

If it's the overdraft
you're worried about...

What overdraft?

The one you guaranteed when
we took out our business loan.

How much of it have you used?

Erm... well, it's just that there
was this cash flow issue, see.

All of it?

And when does the bank want it repaid?

By the end of next month.

So I'm being stung for £5,000
due to your incompetence?

I intend to pay you back every
single penny. Eventually.

It's just it wasn't my fault,
with the economic climate...

No, Bert. It's you.

Giving up and letting other
people pick up the pieces.

Well, I'd say I was disappointed but...

.. it's my own fault for
getting involved with you.

Bert? Give Mrs Wells a hand
putting her shopping in the car.

Of course, of course. Ruth. Cheers.

So nice to have a man helping
about the place again.

We're closed. Bugger off.

- Open up, Ken. It's me.
- What do you want?

I've got a business proposition for you.

I wanna rent the pub.

I know how that goes.

You and your dad get in behind the bar,

disaster comes knocking moments later.

Not my dad. Just me.

The village won't survive
without the pub, Ken.

Someone needs to keep the place open.

I'm sorry, Al. Your track record
hardly inspires confidence.

Well, I-I-I've learnt from my mistakes.

I need someone to guarantee the rent.

Ruth. She's my guarantee.


Yeah. Because... cos we're partners.

She'd make sure nothing went wrong.

I'm also willing to give
you a share of the profits.

- I don't know.
- Let me run it for one night.

I'll get some customers in,
show you what I can do.

You can't lose.

Come on, then.

Collections between 5:00 and
5:30, Doc. Them's the rules.


It's not good for the little
'uns to be picked up late.

Makes them feel unsettled,
feel "emotionally vulnerable".

No, it doesn't.

There's a fine for
parents who pick up late!

(.. if I told you we could
sell off the whisky stock,)

(whilst making an additional
profit at the same time.)


I was wondering if er... you had a minute.

I suppose so.

Well, what would you say if I
told you I'd found somewhere

that we can sell off the whisky stocks

whilst making an additional
profit at the same time?

Well, I'd say when something sounds

too good to be true, it usually is.

Well, except, Ruth, in this instance.

Ken wants out of The Crab & Lobster,

and he's very keen for us to rent it.

There is a stipulation, though.

He needs you to be the guarantor.

A guarantor? Are you serious?

Er... Yes.

I'm already being asked to write off

your £5,000 overdraft as a bad debt.

Er... Wait, what overdraft?

The one you and your father
ran up without telling me.


And judging from the look
of incredulity on your face,

I wasn't the only one your
father kept it a secret from.

No. No, Ruth, you
weren't, and I... I am...

.. so sorry.

I imagine you are.

But I refuse to throw
good money after bad.

I'm sorry, Al.

You know how much I like you.

But our business relationship is over.

Gosh, he took an age to go down.

Did Mel say if anything happened today?

- Who's Mel?
- Mel from the nursery Mel.

Oh, no, she was too busy lecturing me

on the pitfalls of being late.

- You were late?
- A patient overran.

I doubt if James was aware.

He seems to be enjoying
nursery, doesn't he?

Well, he's a child. They enjoy everything.

He spent half an hour today
playing with an envelope.

I threw it away.

- I didn't go to nursery.
- I did.

It teaches children
important social skills.

He'll be entering the
pre-operational stage

of cognitive development soon.

And it's good for him
to learn how to interact

with others in a healthy and
productive manner, Martin.

The pre-operational stage?

Yes, it's Piaget's theory...

Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

How much reading are you doing?

I'm a teacher. It's my job to know things.


Can't you wait 20 minutes?

- I'm hungry.
- It's 20 minutes!

We're not open yet!

Hi! What are you doing here?

You're looking at the
new temporary landlord

of The Crab & Lobster!

So, Ruth agreed to be guarantor?

No. No, but I've got one
shot to show her and Ken

that I can make this work,

that we can keep The Crab.

But I need your help, cos
tonight has to be a big success.

Of course, anything.

Ring everyone you know, and you tell them,

if they wanna save The Crab & Lobster,

they need to turn up tonight and
they need to spend their money.

- All right. I am on it!
- Good.

Just remember, you're not
meant to be getting stressed.

All I'm doing is banking
everything on one single night

in order to convince a woman
who just lost £5,000 backing me

that she needs to back me again.

So... There's no stress.

Morning, Al. Didn't I check
your blood pressure yesterday?

Yes, you did, sir, and I'm just going.

OK. Crab & Lobster, eight o'clock.

Erm... I-I need to see Doc. It's urgent.

Your first appointment's
not for 15 minutes.

Mm. Come through.

- It's getting worse.
- No, it isn't.

I want some of those
injections you were on about.

What? Corticosteroids?

- My wedding's coming up and...
- No.

I'll write you a prescription
for some steroid ointment.

And that'll do me fine by my wedding day?

You take it for six months,
then we'd review the situation

and see if you need the injections.

Six months? I need a cure right now!

I will not inject steroids into
a patient who has a condition

that may very well clear up on its own.

You're not giving me much choice, are you?

Choice? This is medicine,
not a pudding trolley.


"This is the private number for
Dr Martin and Louisa Ellingham.

Not the surgery. Please leave a message.

But not for the surgery."

Hello, this is Dr Kate Gregory

from the North Cornwall Centre
of Psychological Sciences

for Louisa Ellingham.

Just to say we've
received your application

for the Child and Adolescent
Counselling Course

and we'd like you to
come in for an interview.

How's that stand coming along?

Oh, you know, slowly.

A big bag of limes, please.
Al asked me to get some.

I'll just be a minute.

What's he want the limes for?

For tonight. Keep The Crab.

You know, much as I like Ken,

I've a feeling Al's the right
person to turn The Crab around.

Ken wouldn't let me keep
a tankard behind the bar.

- There you go.
- Ah, great.

See you later.

Get on with it, Bert.

Yeah, well, if we don't use
it, we'll lose it, Becks.

And then where are we gonna drink? Bodmin?

Yeah, exactly. OK, great. See you there.

- Oh. Afternoon off?
- I wish.

No, just come back to pick something up.

Oh, are you coming to
the pub reopening later?

Not sure if I can find a
babysitter. I'll let you know.


Morwenna. Smear.

Kate? Yeah. Hi, it's me.

What are you doing later?

Right. OK, it's just that...

Nick De Silva?

About time!

Go through.

- Louisa.
- Grabbed a jacket.

I'm not gonna spend my afternoon
shivering on that boat again.

Do you know what a sheet is?

It's the rope attached
to a clew on a sail.

- Louisa...
- Must dash. See you at dinner.

Good morning. How can I help you?

I got a new prescription.

Coming right up.

- Morning.
- Morning.

A packet of Powerlux, too, please.

- Ah, right.
- For a friend.

Right. I'll just get you a bag, then.

There we go.

- Ready?
- Be with you in a minute, Joe.

There we are.

Out. Go on!

All right.

18... That's £20 exactly!

- Thanks. Thank you.
- Bye!


Now, what seems to be the problem?

- Go on, son, tell the Doc.
- I feel sick.

Any other symptoms?

- I get a bit dizzy sometimes.
- I'll have a look in your ear.

When did you first notice it?

About a couple of weeks ago. Maybe more.

Why didn't you come and see me sooner?

Just thought it was one
of those bugs going round.

Nope. Nothing there.

Follow my finger.

Yes, look, his eyes are oscillating.

It's labyrinthitis. It's
an inner ear infection.

That's what's causing his nausea.

Can I still go sailing
with school tomorrow?

- No.
- We're dead keen on the boats.

I really need to get
my sailing certificate.

You need to stay in bed for
a couple of days, keep warm,

plenty of fluids and avoid bright light.

- Doc...
- Sorry, I told her to wait.

You can't just come in here,
I'm in a consultation!

He was the only one left
and I've got places to be.

I can't be waiting on you like yesterday.

That was ten minutes! This
is completely unacceptable!

My time is precious, Doc.

As, I imagine, is yours.

All right. If I agree to
pay you a little bit extra,

will you bring him home every day?

- 50 quid.
- 25.

- A week?
- A month.

- Split the difference, 35.
- Shut up.

I'll take 35. Add it
to your late pickup fee.

See you tomorrow, little man.

Great, see you then.

Are you coming to the pub tonight, Doc?


I'll put you down as a maybe, then?

Yes. Right. Labyrinthitis.

I won't prescribe an antibiotic,
not much point at this stage.

Large whisky? One for you then? Lovely.

That is about £8. I'll come
and get it later. All right?

Are you OK?

I didn't think it'd be this busy.

I told you, the village needs this pub.

- This is amazing!
- What are you doing?

- Looks like you need a hand.
- Yeah? We'll cope! Thank you!

Well, there's no need to be like that!

You should have told me
about the overdraft, Dad.

Your blood pressure was
high enough as it was.

I didn't think saying
something would help matters!

Now, do you want my help or not?

No, thank you.

Right. Who's next?

- Right. I'm off to make dinner.
- Oh, right.

Oh, no, no, no. You stay
here and have another.

Keep off the hard stuff, mind.

- Lemonade shandy, I promise.
- Right.

I'll make sure he gets home safe.

- I'm a very lucky man.
- Luckier than I am.

Never had much success with the ladies.


Why not? One more won't kill us.

I can't wait for Pippa to get better.

I mean, you think I'd
be at home on a boat.

I live by the sea, I was
born in a fishing village,

you think it'd be in the blood.

But no, each day is just
as bad as the one before.

Dr Kate Gregory left
you a telephone message.


I mean, the whole idea of
a soul mate is ridiculous.

That there should be one
person for you in the world.

Although, me and Janice
did have a lot in common.

Fish and chips, Kung Fu movies, robots...

sausage and chips.

She loved sausages.

But it's fine. I'm fine.

This is good. This is better.

Thanks, mate. I appreciate it.

Clive, people are starting to stare.


Morwenna. Ring the Doc.

Why didn't you tell me you'd
already applied for this course?

I didn't wanna say anything
until I knew I'd been accepted.

You said you hadn't
made any decisions yet.

I hadn't. And I still haven't.

You know, giving up
teaching's a big deal, Martin.

I just needed time to think and
explore my options, that's all.

So are you gonna go to the interview?


They've asked me for an interview?


- I'll be right there.
- Is everything OK?

No. Sounds like Clive Tishell's
had another heart attack.

I can't believe you didn't
realise he was dead.

I just... thought he was a good listener.

Oh, God.

Someone's gonna have to tell Sally.

- It's me, isn't it?
- Yeah.

- Will you come with me, Doc?
- No. No.

I need some support. She
respects you, you're a doctor.

Fine. Come on.

Right. Under the circumstances,

I think we should close for the night,

but one last drink, on the
house, for Clive Tishell.

Clive Tishell.

(Mr Tishell...)

Don't worry, Doc. I know what I'm doing.

Dr Ellingham. What can I
do for you at this hour?

Mrs Sally Tishell? Wife of Clive Tishell?

- Of course she is. Idiot.
- Just following procedure, Doc.

What procedure?

Well... You know I said I'd
make sure Clive got home safe?


Remember I told you in the pub?


Well, anyway, er...

Clive won't be coming home tonight.

Why? Where's he going?

Well, that's the big question.

I suppose it depends on your beliefs.

Oh, shut up, Penhale!

Mrs Tishell, Clive, Mr Tishell,
had another heart attack

and I'm afraid he's dead.

They've erm... taken his body
to the hospital in Truro.


Did you understand what I just told you?


Thanks for telling me.

You're welcome.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.

You see? That's what happens

when you don't follow procedure, Doc.

I was thinking we should pop in
to see Mrs Tishell this evening.

- See how she's coping.
- Yes, if you like.

I'm sorry to ask, Martin,
but are you still OK

to pick James up from nursery?

Er... there's no need.

There is, Martin. I'll be sailing.

No, there's no need to pick him up.

Nursery's gonna bring
him home from now on.

How did you manage to swing that?

Just seemed the most convenient
solution for everyone.

Well done.

Louisa, can we talk about
this interview of yours?

Yes, we will. This evening.

Sorry. Yep. Coming! Coming, James!

Doesn't hurt at all.

That's because of the anaesthetic.

Just hold that.

Are you OK, Doc?

My Jimmy was the same.

First sign of blood and he'd faint.

Should have known then he was no good.

Stop talking.

You'll need to take a few days off work,

give your hand a chance to heal.

Shouldn't be a problem
now I've Bert helping me.

I'll make an appointment
to see a physiotherapist,

for a programme to restore
the movement in your fingers.

Thanks, Doc! You are a wonder.

Thank you.

What's this?

That's the first instalment
of the money we owe you.

- It's £500.
- Come on in.

This is all from one night?

It was a special night, to be fair.

- But you closed the bar early.
- Yeah. Poor Clive, eh?

So there would have been even more?

Well, it won't always be that much, Ruth.

I realise that.

Why are you playing down your success?

It's important to be honest,
considering what we owe you.

- It's your father's debt.
- It was my business, too.

Look, if you would agree to come on board,

I would take the bare minimum
until you're all squared up.

On one condition.

I'm doing this alone. Dad
is not gonna be involved.

Good. We'll talk later, then.


Come along, everyone, quick as you can.

Steady. That's it.

Hold up. Wait for me, miss!

- Steven? Thought you were ill.
- He says he's feeling better.

I just needed a good rest. I'm
all set to get my certificate.

Grab a lifejacket and climb aboard, then.

Set sail in five minutes.

Due to get a bit choppy later.

Gonna need your sea legs, then, eh?


See you later. Have a good time!

- Sally?
- Oh, Dr Ellingham!

I didn't think you'd be open.

People still need their medicines.

Now how can I help you?

Well, I just wondered how you were coping.


Oh, I'm fine. Oh, I'm fine.

You seem to be taking
Clive's death very well.

You, me, Dr Ellingham, we're
all medical professionals.

We, more than anyone, bear
witness to life's brutal cycle.

We're born, we live, we die.


Good morning! How can I help you?

This is the life, eh, Mrs Ellingham?

Never know how you teachers do it,

stuck in the same old
classrooms every day.

At least we don't run the risk
of drowning in the classroom.

Oh, we'll make a sailor out of you yet.

Oh, miss? Steven's not feeling very well.

Hang on.

- Take the helm.
- What? Me? Shouldn't I, well...

How are you?

Right. What I need you
to do is just lie down

and keep your body
steady so it can adjust.

Sorry, Amy?

Er... steer towards port!


- Are you all right, miss?
- Amy! Amy!

Amy, can you hear me?

- Amy!
- Is she OK?

Oh, no.

Grace. Go below deck,
look for a first aid kit.

Amy? Amy? Can you hear me?

Don't you need to steer the boat, miss?

One thing at a time, please,
Katie. Don't worry about it.

- How will we get back home?
- Yeah!

Come on... No signal!

No, the Doc doesn't normally
make house calls, Mr Greenwood.

Well, if you insist on doing it yourself,

there's always a risk that might happen.

Next patient. Go through.

I'll get him to call
you when he's free. Bye.

- Have you got a moment?
- Ruth.

- In private.
- My last patient. Can it wait?

- Well, I suppose it'll have to.
- Right.

Come on! Buck up!

Oh, I can't believe this. Oh, come on!

We're heading out to sea!

Yeah, look, look, nobody panic, OK?

Are you all right? Should
we call the Coast Guard?

Yes, that's a good idea,
Oliver, but we've got no signal.

Steven, I'm sorry if
you're feeling sick again,

but we've got more important worries.

Lower the mainsail to steer
ourselves onto a starboard tack.

Really? Well, how do you know that?

I sail with my dad every weekend.

Good! Good! Everyone listen to Steven!

Steven, what do we do about
the... the steering thing?

Well, she was pretty unresponsive

when I broke the news to her last night.

Oh, it's more than that, Martin.

It's as if a customer had
died, not her husband.

It's denial, isn't it? Classic
reaction to sudden loss?

Hm. I didn't realise
you were so enlightened.

Well, what do you want me
to do about it? Morwenna!

Well, I just wanted to make
sure you were aware, that's all.

We should all keep an eye on Mrs Tishell.

- Should we?
- She's one of your patients.

Yes, I suppose she is.

We don't want a repeat of
that business with James Henry.

Doc, it's Louisa. I can hardly
hear her but it sounds urgent.

Well, go.


Martin! Over here!

It's Amy! She's unconscious,
her head's bleeding.

Bring it closer this way.

Yeah, we're trying,
it's just not that easy.

Throw me a rope and I'll pull you in.



- Try again.
- Yes. OK.



- Careful.
- I've got you.

Here we go.

Brace yourself.

No. No, Martin!

I've... I've got you!

Oh, Martin!


What's this?

Peace offering. Fish and chips.

I'm not hungry.

- Oi!
- Oh...

You might as well know.

I'm gonna run the pub.
Ruth is gonna back me.

On the condition that you aren't involved.

Well, I am gonna pay her back.

How? Hm?

With the money you earn from the shop?

It's gonna take years.

So it's up to me, as usual.

- Are you OK?
- I'm fine, it's Amy.

What are you doing here?

- I'm better.
- Well, you don't look it.

I did get seasick, but I'm OK now.

Steven's responsible for getting us back.

We couldn't have done it without him.

Does that mean I passed my
Activity Certificate, miss?

Amy has the final say,
but yes, I expect so.

That's gonna need stitches.

- What's going on?
- You felt faint, cut your head.

Lie still.


- What's that on your hair?
- It's hair restorer.

How much have you put on?


Two packets? Since yesterday.

You're an idiot! Why
didn't you consult me?

I told you I was worried about my hair.

Yes, and I told you to use the ointment

and wait and see what happens!

I needed a quicker solution.

There isn't one!

Do you think I give this advice on a whim?

Over the counter hair
restorer contains minoxidil

which is a drug developed to
treat high blood pressure,

and you have very low blood pressure.

It's not surprising you felt
faint and banged your head.

I had to risk it. I don't wanna
wear a hat on my wedding day.

Oh, no. Never mind drowning
all these children.

- Miss!
- What is it, Steven?


Get some rest for the next 24 hours.

- Avoid any strenuous activity.
- I will.

Ooh. Er... Doc? As a way of thanks,

I'd like to invite you
and Louisa to my wedding.

Erm... no, thank you.

Oh. Right.

Oh, I'm so sorry about all of that.

Don't worry, the children
all got the bus back

without any further problems,
a minor miracle in itself.

Thanks for getting my boat back.

You're welcome.

- Are you all right?
- I'm fine.

As long as I never, ever
have to get on a boat again.

- Martin...
- Mm?

I've been thinking about the
interview. I've decided to go.

Right. Good.

Oh. I mean, I'd only need to go
into the course one day a week.

Have you squared this with your governors?

No. No, not yet. That was my next step.

You are aware this'll create a
lot more work for both of us?

Well, in the short term, yes,
but if the child therapy works,

I can stop teaching, build
my hours around James.

I mean, it won't be easy at
first but it's worth a try.

And this'll make you happy?

Yes. Yes, I think it will.

Well, then you have my full support.

Thank you. Thank you, Martin.

You're welcome.

You're going to need all
the help you can get.

And by that you mean...

It's been a long time since you
were in full-time education.

You've only ever had a
handful of therapy sessions.

You're a little out of your depth.

Thank you, Martin.

You're welcome.

- Surprise!
- Hi!

What are you doing here?

Don't shake that in my face.

Oi! What about your dog?!
Relieving itself on my bag.

It's me. I work here.

I'm not just some random
person off the street.

Possibility of a dangerous intruder
inside. I'm just waiting for backup.

- Don't be ridiculous.
- No, wait!

- No!
- (Ohhhh..