Divorce (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - Night Moves - full transcript

[HBO] HD. 'Night Moves.' Season Two Premiere. Robert and Frances start their new, single lives after signing divorce papers.

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Who you have literally
nothing to say to.

- I want a divorce.
- Are you drunk?

I made one wrong decision.
Julian meant nothing.

I need to know, how many times
did you have intercourse?

Thirty? Thirty-two?

What the fuck?!

FRANCES: You had an emotional affair.

Never physical.
I did not cross that line.


- Right?
- Wow.

You need to destroy him
before he destroys you.

He's the father of my children.

Tell your children
you're getting divorced.

It's like the first day
of divorce school.

- I want to bea good student.
- Robert, let's go.

Your mother and I are getting a divorce.
Do you have any questions?

No, I'm good.

It is the perfect spot for
the Frances Dufresne Gallery.

It's exciting and terrifying.

Residential real estate
is when opportunity

meets risk meets ebb meets flow.

That's barely a sentence.

This block is such a boneyard
for small businesses.

Oh, but it's perfect for a gallery.

This opening is miraculous.

- Hello?
- Hello, Frances.

- This is Robert's new lawyer.

Tony Silvercreek is one of
the most disgusting lawyers.

- What are you doing?
- You don't have to act ugly.

That's what I'm here for.

I don't know who your wife's lawyer is,

but wow, your assets are frozen.
Court order.

Are you authorised to have
custody over your children?

We haven't had any custody disputes.

Until now.

FRANCES: You have made
a terrible, irreparable mistake.



- Ticket, please.
- Oh.

- Thanks. Thank you, ma'am.
- Thank you.

Ticket, please.


Now, hold on there, buddy.

All right, given that your client had
a recent payout from her company,

it is not out of line to reopen the
discussion of spousal support.

Your client called the cops on her!
He's lucky he's not in jail.

My client deeply regrets
the events of last month.

I do.

I know.

ELAINE: And as the
documents clearly show,

my client has opened a small gallery.

She does not have the income,
nor, frankly, the obligation

to support your completely
not-infirm client.

He should get a job.
Shovel snow, drive a cab,

sell one of those
ridiculous flop-houses.

Flip house, Elaine.
Saw what you did there.

It is a sound investment.

Robert gets the children for dinners

- on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
- Mm-hmm.

Until he gets the walls on the
bathroom of your "sound investment,"

they do not spend the night.

I'd also like my Eagles albums.

- Wait, what?
- "Hotel California",

"Live", and "Best Of,"
volumes one and two.

Fine, whatever.

You know, I'm just gonna step
in here and remind you both

that these are important decisions,
and Elaine and I are more than happy

- to do another go-round on the docs.
- Absolutely.

We should officially enter the
Eagles into the agreement.

Honestly, we have been
doing this for weeks!

I'm very happy to go on
the record right now

and say in front of everybody
that Robert can have

all of the Eagles albums, okay?

One last one. There you go.


- "Congratulations," really?
- Ah, yeah.

Good luck.

You going to the Southern
District dinner?

- Like I've got a fucking choice?

I just go to see Judge Werner
get shit-faced every year.

- Best part.

The after-party is fucked-up.

- TONY: Sure is.
- Yeah.


Here, do you wanna...?

- Oh.
- Go.

(SIGHS) You going back to Hastings?

Yeah, the 2:49.

- What about you?
- Yeah, me, too.

- MAN: Taxi!


MAN OVER P.A.: Train to Poughkeepsie
now arriving at track one.

Train to Poughkeepsie, track one.

- Hello.
- There you are.

So how did it go?

Uh, not what I expected.

You know, I mean, after all
the really painful stuff,

the thing that you'd think
would be hardest...

The actually signing
of the divorce papers...

It just... wasn't hard at all.

It was like, um...

It was like nothing, you know?

One minute, you're
married, and the next minute,

it's like, "Yeah, bye-bye,
see ya, nice knowing ya."

Anticlimactic is good. You don't
want any last minute fireworks.

- Trust me.
- No, you're right, you're right.

So, uh, yeah, what now?

You know, I'm realizing
that I spent so much time

focusing on what might happen today

that I just didn't let myself
think about the future.

- You remember you did this?
- Mm-hmm.

So, now what? I'm divorced.

- I'm officially divorced.
- It's a milestone.

I went out and got a tattoo
of a tiny bird on my ass

- when my divorce was finalized.
- Really?

Yeah, it started out as Snow
White holding a tiny bird,

but I couldn't handle the pain, so.


- Robert.
- Hi.

- Same train, different car.
- After what he pulled,

I can't even imagine you staying
in the same state as him.

- Whoa!
- Sorry.

Get out of the way.
Yeah, no, it was, um...

You know, it was awful.

But I know he regrets it,

and I need to move on, you know?

I need to clear out all the old shit

and just start fresh.

You know, I want our... I want
our home to be happy again.

I want the kids to be good.

Make sure to take care
of Frances, too, okay?

Thanks. Frances will be A-OK.

Okay, I have to go.
I have a client emergency.

Really, I'm not your biggest emergency?

- Ugh, not by far.
- Well, that's good news!

Hey, thanks for seeing me.

Of course. Come in.

Hold on a second, when you
said, "Come in here,"

you meant, like, "come in you," right?

- Oh, Jesus, don't talk.

Show me that little birdie,
you hot fucking minx!

- Come on.

Oh, my God!

Oh, toilet paper. Goody, goody, goody.

Why'd you leave your job if it means
that we can't have normal cereal?

Well, 'cause the company
was restructuring.

You know, they were getting...

They were getting smaller, and...

they needed people to leave.

And they...

they actually paid me to go.

You know, it's a...
A fantastic opportunity.

And, really, kind of
fortuitous timing, right?

I mean, I... it allowed for me to
spend more time with you guys,

which is exactly what I wanted.

And I could really
concentrate on the gallery.

MAN ON P.A.: Can I get a
pallet lifter to 14, please?

Yeah, okay, we'll get
this in the normal store.







July 2008? Jesus.




We gotta mop the floor,
install the glass,

paint the walls, and get you a door.

- Exactly.
- I'm a bit shorthanded.

I lost three of my best guys last week.

Goddamn deportations.

- No, they just got better jobs.
- Oh.

So, look, you're the boss.

Right now, we're looking
at a month or two,

and it'll cost you around 10K.

Craig, it's a shitter,
it's not the White House.

I understand that.
I'm just being honest.

You give me a deposit and I get started.


I know you're against it
with money right now.

I want you to have your kids.

You know how to hang drywall, right?

I mean, I worked
construction through college.

I need some expert hands.
I'm just putting it out there.

Pays 20 bucks an hour.

That is a generous offer, Craig,

and I appreciate the reach out,

but I got a few irons in the fire still.

Yeah, in fact, I'm late
for a meeting in the city.

Maybe you noticed the suit and tie, huh?

I did.

I thought maybe you were going
to a funeral or something.

- Good morning, Frances!

- Good morning.


This is to celebrate your
papers being signed...

...and for me officially
investing in the gallery.

Thank you, thank you. But it's a loan.

It's a loan. I'm paying you back.

La, la, la, la, la! I can't hear you.

Nobody deserves Nick's money
more than you, except me.

Aw, that's very, very sentimental.

I thought, uh...

I thought you weren't imbibing.

I'm not. I'll just watch you drink.

So how are you doing, Frances?
Are you doing okay?

Uh, I will be once I get
a decent night's sleep.

Oh, my goodness, why didn't you say so?


Try this... Xanax. It'll
knock you right out.

I took two of these
last week before yoga

and I woke up four hours later in Zumba.

Can you believe people
are still doing Zumba?

I don't know, I'm not really a big fan

- of taking pills.
- Oh, please, neither am I.

But you're going through a
very big transition, Frances.

I mean, break ups are hard.
Hell, marriages are hard.

Yeah, I know that.

I mean, up until a week ago,

I literally wanted to kill Nick.

You did literally try and kill him.

Oh, that's old news!

You know, we've been doing this exercise

out of this relationship book.

It's called "The Positive Proposition,"

and it has totally saved us!

The way the book works

is you're not supposed to say
anything to your partner

unless it's a compliment
or something positive.

So because Nick and I have nothing
good to say to each other,

it's just silent all the
time, and it's so sexy!


The quiet just builds up and builds
up, then all you feel is this...

This kind of primal
attraction to one another.

I mean, thank God Nick is at
the office most of the day

so our time together is limited,

but it's still so wonderful.

I mean, if all it takes
is silence, distance,

and a compliment here and there,

marriages should last forever.

Oh, I'm not saying it's for everybody.

I mean, in your case, I certainly
don't think it would've mattered.

Hmm, you're being so quiet.

Oh, I get it, you're "positive
propositioning" me, aren't you?


- MAN: Jesus!

Bobby, ha!

- How long has it been, huh?
- 11 years.

Seems like it was just
yesterday, though, huh?

Remember that time
we took the guy to Luger's

and he choked on a piece
of his porterhouse?

Yeah! And then you
were like, "I got it!"

And you Heimliched him
so hard, he broke a rib!

I saved that son of a bitch's life!

Then he sued you.

- What an asshole.
- Asshole!

Ah, Peter.

So is this office big enough for you?

Yeah, I'm one of those douches now.

So how's Frances?

She, uh, is divorced.

From me.

Oh, man, sorry to hear.

- Yeah?

WOMAN: Ballard is here for his 4:00.

Oh, three minutes.

Pete, here's the deal.

I'm thinking about getting
back into finance, you know?

Come to work for a firm like this,

maybe as a money manager.

I used to crush it at the client speak.

I closed every day, all day.

The reason for that... People like me,

they can understand me both
on the phone and in person.

Very likable, Peter. Very, very likable.

And being likable is
a fucking dying art.


- WOMAN: Ballard's wait...
- I know.

(SIGHS) Look, Robert, I'm sorry.

I just... I don't have anything.

I wish I did.

All right, well, very likable.

- It's your loss.
- Good luck.


(SOTTO VOCE) Son of a bitch.

Come on, Lila, push it.

Give it to Lexi. Good. Go, Lex!

Put it up. Good shot!

- Ah!
- CROWD: Oh!

- Halftime!

All right, let's bring it
in, ladies, bring it in.

All right,

let's start off with the highlights.

Good D, Sasha, all right?

Bridget, didn't have to hit your
inhaler till 10 minutes in.

All right, now to the lowlights.

- We are getting our heinies kicked.
- We suck.

We have a whole second half
to turn this thing around.

Let's don't focus on the negative.

We're not gonna focus
on Maya missing a layup.

Look, we've all made mistakes.


the number of times that I've asked a
woman, "Hey, when's your baby due?"

And it just turned out that she was,
you know, big-boned around the middle.

Or, you know, I could fixate on the
mistakes I made in my marriage.

Like the time I gave my wife, Frances,

a parrot for our fifth anniversary,

when she had never demonstrated
any interest in parrots

- or, actually, birds in general.
- Dad!

Okay, here's the point.

I took the parrot back to the pet store

and they found him a new home.

A home full of love and appreciation

and, apparently, eight bedrooms.

So overnight, that parrot was a winner,

living in a mansion, Bridget.

And the lesson to be learned here

is that we can turn
this around right away.

We make our future, okay?

I want you guys to go out
there in the second half,

and I want you to crush it,
and be the parrot!

- Okay, on three, kill.

- One, two, three, kill!
- GIRLS: Kill!





Hey, I'm Mitch. You must be Robert.

- Come on in.
- Yeah, okay.

Thank you, Mitch.

- That's Diego and Jeb.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.

- Hey, Jeb.
- What's up, my man?

- All right.
- They were Tony clients, too.

You know, when he called about
you, I was like, "Hell, yes!"

We got the Silvercreek fan club

going on up in here at 64 Bonnymeade!

You're in luck 'cause
Mikey moved out last week.

He left all his sheets
and an old bathing suit,

so those are totally up for grabs.

You know, I'm a BYO
bathing suit kind of a guy.

But, look, this is just
a short-term situation

so that I can finish fixing up my house.

Just need a place where my
kids can spend the night.

And the random "girlfriend"
in quotes, right?

Don't have a girlfriend
presently, Mitch,

but, uh, working on it.

The basement is a perfect play room.

Your kids are gonna love it.

Dude, this room is not for children.

- That's a fucking bong.
- Yeah. (SIGHS)

My shrink says I've got some childhood
issues I'm working through.

Tony hooked me up with
her... Dallas Holt.

She's giving me a deal.

Not just 'cause Tony's boning her.

Tony's boning Dallas?

A strong choice.

Nice mustache.




♪ Some expression in your eyes... ♪

Adios, fucker.

♪ Overtook me by surprise ♪

♪ Where was I? ♪

♪ How was I to know? ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ How can we drive to a movie show... ♪


♪ When the music is here in my car? ♪


♪ There's a band playing
on the radio... ♪

Oh, God.

♪ With a rhythm of rhyming guitars ♪

♪ They're playing "Oh, yeah"
on the radio... ♪








Lila, how's it going?

Hey, Dad.


What are you doing here?!

Honey, is something wrong?
Is everything okay?

No, I just wanted to
spend the night with you.

Aw, honey. Aw, you know
you can't do that.

It's against the rules.

I'm being the parrot.
I'm changing my future.

Well, hey, fist bump on
remembering my coaching, okay?

I miss you.

I miss you, too, honey,

but I don't even have
a toilet that works.

So? I can hold it.

(SIGHS) Does your
mom know you're here?

Oh, come on, honey.

- We gotta get you home.
- No, Dad!

I want to live with you, not her.

All right, look, honey, here's the deal.

I don't have a place
for you to stay yet.

As fabulous as this house
is going to be one day,

it doesn't count, apparently.

I mean, yes, I could sell the house

and get a crappy apartment,

but the problem is the market
is down and no one is buying.

I just have to wait for
the market to improve.

And it's gonna be, like, maybe June.

I don't wanna wait until June.



A stupid place for that.

Right over the heating vent.

It's a fire hazard.

- ROBERT: Yeah.
- What are you doing here?

Lila biked over to my house last night.


Lila, you can't ride your bike
in the middle of the night!

- That's incredibly dangerous!
- I was fine.


Oh, my God, McMillan doesn't
even have a stop light.

People are hit there in broad daylight!

- Oh, my God!

Why didn't you call me?

I tried. You didn't pick up.

Oh, that's 'cause I...

'cause I took a Xanax,
well, half a Xanax.

And then I took the other half,

which was basically just dust.

So you're popping pills now?

No wonder Lila wants to live with me.

No, I am not popping pills...

Are you kidding me?

Just saying she's not a big Frances fan.

I am not the biggest Frances fan
right now either when I'm with her

because I am the one that
always has to say no to her.

I'm the one that makes her
eat generic cereal

so I can support us
and keep the gallery going.

And you're the good guy.
You're the fun one.

You're the, you know, crazy dad

who... who takes us to Applebee's

and lives in an open-air tree house!


I have no idea why
you have three putters.

And I am not a narcissist.

I know because I read the book

and I took the quiz.

And yet you still thought
it was about you.

Oh, my gosh!

No, I'm not doing this with you.

- I'm not doing it.
- Okay.

You shaved your mustache.

I did.

It looks good.

Yeah, 'cause your face looks,

you know, like, less...

Is that a compliment?

That sounds like a semi-compliment.

Yeah, yeah, it is.

You cut your hair.

Oh, yeah, just a little bit.

Thanks for the putters. (GRUNTS)


- NICK: Ah!


Diane, I have to tell you,

the last week has been just amazing.

Just you and I, us.

I hate saying goodbye nonverbally

to you in the morning.

I know, me, too.

I wanna spend more time
with you, my love.

You do?

Maybe we should go down to
Miami for the long weekend.

Have a real vacation.

I was thinking something bigger.

Rome? Paris?!


Or we could do that meditation
safari we've always wanted to do.

I'm going to retire.


Say something.

It's... great.


Hello, chickadees.

How was school?

- It was okay.
- Okay?

Okay is okay!



Fine? Fine's better than okay.

Follow me.

I have a surprise for you both out back.


You bought a trampoline?

Yes, I did.

Indeed, I did, yes.

It was gently used on craigslist,

so forget about the old swing set

'cause the future is trampolines.

Remember how you always wanted one, Tom?

Yeah, that was on my Christmas
list in like, 2010.

Then Merry Christmas!
Let's give it a whirl!

We'll all do it together. We'll
give her a little test run.


Ooh, God, wow!

Took some unexpected core work.




Oh, my God, it's so good!

Lila, get on up here!

- No, thanks.
- Oh!

Tom, you know you want to.

Yeah, I kind of don't.

Oh, you kind of do!

Your legs are saying yes.

Don't let your head say no.

Lila, come on!

It's so good! It's awesome.

It's better than I remembered.

We'll bounce together. Get up here.

Come on, look!

Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Remember this crazy maneuver?









♪ Too many broken hearts
have fallen in the river ♪

♪ Too many lonely souls
have drifted out to sea ♪

♪ You lay your bets
and then you pay the price ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ Communication is
the problem to the answer ♪

♪ You've got her number
and your hand is on the phone ♪

♪ The weather's turned
and all the lines are down ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ Like walking in the rain
and the snow ♪

♪ When there's nowhere to go ♪

♪ And you're feelin' like
a part of you is dying ♪

♪ And you're looking for
the answer in her eyes ♪

♪ You think you're gonna break up ♪

♪ Then she says she wants to make up ♪

♪ Ooh, you made me love you ♪

♪ Ooh, you've got a way... ♪


♪ Ooh, you had me crawling
up the wall... ♪


♪ Like walking in the rain
and the snow ♪

♪ When there's nowhere to go ♪

♪ And you're feelin' like
a part of you is dying ♪

♪ You think you're gonna break up ♪

♪ Then she says she wants to make up ♪

♪ Ooh, you made me love you ♪

♪ Ooh, you've got a way ♪

♪ Ooh, you had me crawling up the wall ♪

♪ A compromise would surely
help the situation ♪

♪ Agree to disagree,
but disagree to part ♪

♪ When after all,
it's just a compromise ♪

♪ Of the things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love ♪

♪ The things we do for love. ♪