Disraeli (1978): Season 1, Episode 2 - Mary Anne - full transcript

With the support and patronage of his friends Wyndham and Mary Anne Lewis, Disraeli is finally elected to Parliament as a Conservative member. Although his maiden speech is less than successful he does make his presence known and slowly builds a positive reputation with his colleagues on both sides of the House. The death of his friend and fellow MP Wyndham Lewis brings much sadness but also brings an opportunity as he proposes to the now widowed - and wealthy - Mary Anne. Friends and family on both sides argue against the match but over time, Disraeli develops deep feelings for her and they proceed to marry. He is deeply disappointed however when the Prime Minister fails to offer him a Cabinet post. He is soon approached by other Conservative members who, like himself, want to see more progressive policy initiatives. Over many years he establishes himself as a natural leader but many traditionalists will not consider him for high office.

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That's the oriental adventurer, Disraeli, the novelist.

Well, here in Parliament ?

MP ..

You mean is one of ours?

So he is.With radical ideas.

He?s fought five elections in five years to get here.

Nothing it seems can keep him out.

In parliament one minute,
the back benches aren?t good enough for him!

Flashy upstart.

To be part of such a scene in real life after waiting so long!

Perhaps you... perhaps you are
the only one who knows how I felt!

I am so proud!

Who?s going to form a new government?

No, no, unfortunately.

We outnumber the liberals in parliament

but the Irish and radicals will vote
with them and keep them in office.

Well then you must attack, split them up!

Oh, I intend to, as quickly as possible.

With your maiden speech.
Oh, how I wish I could be there!

I've compose it already.

It's impossible!

There is due to be a debate on the reforms
in the Irish electoral system.

and Daniel O'Connell is bound to speak and I shall follow him.


All House knows that it?s very important
I make a successful speech as quickly as possible.

The impact of this one will be tremendous.

I stand here tonight not formally, sir

but to some degree as a representative of all men

Why laugh? Why envy me?

About that time Sir, when the battle of our cathedral
announced the death of our money

You remember well ...

Now, mr speaker!

I'm not surprised..

Go home!

I have succeeded...

I have begun several things many
times and I have succeeded at last

although many predicted I will fail as they done before me.

But there will come a time
when you will hear me !

In the motivation I am about to make ...

I really don?t see what all the
fuss is about! Really, Rosina

It was just a speech he
must have made hundreds.

Yes, but never one of such importance.
In what way, mr Gladstone?

Well you see, Ma'm... One may speak well
on many occasions and in many places

yet fail when one tries
to speak in Parliament.

That?s why a new member's first speech is so important !

Well it ensures that when he rises again he?ll be listened to.

Then why is Dizzy so disappointed?

No my boy. Peel said some of the party
were disappointed but not him

He said he thought you did the best you could in the circumstances.

He was being kind.

God!I can't believe it!

What is it?



R.L.Sheil, O'Connell's right hand man.

Did he invite him? I didn?t think he had such a sense of humor

I don?t... I do believe you knew each other

I told Mr Bulwer I was longing to meet you

I wanted to congratulate you in your speech today

You are pleased to be ironic, sir

Not at all, young man, I am quite sincere.

and I wanted to apologize for the
disgraceful behavior of my fellow countrymen

And my partner so desires should apologize/

I thought you?ve been going around in despair

Your assumption today was fortunate

Well, how so?

You must know that many of the members
had misgivings about you and not only amongst your opponents.

I am aware that there might be
a certain amount of prejudice.

You know, it is not just a matter of race.

They are suspicious of reputation
for wit and brilliance

No speech that you could have made today
would have been listened to properly.

Do you believe so?
I know it.

And the best it would have been received coldly
and your speech forgotten the next day

but it is graceful behavior in my side of
the House has made the House shamed

so the next time you rise to speak
you will be listened to with politeness.

Now mark me, young man.
You must ...you must surprise them.

You must not be brilliant, but very short and simple.

well you?ve already shown us that
you have a fine voice and a good temper

And try to get rid of your genius for a while

You speak often but try to be dull,
stick to practical matters

quote figures and dates until you?ve earned a reputation for soundness

and in a short time the members
on both sides of the house

were cypher the wit and
eloquence they know is in you.

and then you can pour them forth

and soon you?ll become a favorite speaker.

I?m deeply grateful

It's the best piece of advice I?ve ever had.

If you'd give me half a chance,
I tell you to pieces that's in the House

Wyndham and I so enjoyed our visit down to your family

You know, it's a pitty you can?t visit them more often!

It?s like an oasis of calm down there.
I always come away feeling refreshed.

The last time I was there I rediscovered the works of Milton.


I wandered through the woods
reading "Paradise Lost" aloud

What language ,what a sublime concept!

"Paradise Lost" is a poem?
I must make a note of it.

And now your plans back to the pros world of politics.
Add long

I?m so grateful for you taking over
the constituency work from Wyndham!

Cannot be neglected but he has all
his business affairs to attend to

you know he?s far from strong.

I?m only too happy to do it!

Besides, I owe you both an unpayable debt.

There?s no question of debt.

I am more than content with my prot?g?.

As usual Mary Anne, you overwhelm me.

If you will excuse me, now I must have work to do.
Thank you for tea.

Yes, of course.

Oh by the way do you happen
to have Mr Milton address ?

Yes, I?d like to invite him to dinner.

He's been dead for some time.

Oh dear, I?m sorry to hear that.
Was it expected?

Old age, I expect.

There you are! hello my dear

Dizzy and I?ve been having such an
interesting chat about his friend, Mr Milton!

Well you can finish your gossip later, we have work to do.

Mary Anne had never heard of Milton.

I'm certainly never heard her mention him.

Do I know him ?

You probably not, he lived in the country.

So when I come and rescue you Marianne
can be such a chatterbox.

I must confess I once thought so
and more mature acquaintance

so I found another delightful
but surprisingly shrewd.

Perceptive Mr Disraeli.

Most people see her as an empty headed rattle
which of course she is, but I wouldn?t change her

But behind of all there?s a fund of common
sense which is invaluable to me.

I told her I owe you both of them
Not saying that..

I'm already have some return on my investment.

I couldn?t cope with all
this constituency business!

and now there?s twice as much of it
and you do it all in half the time!

This is work I?ve long to do!

Besides I met my promises at the election .
I intend to work for the people who voted for me.

I only wish that some of our colleagues would have convinced
of your sincerity as your constituents and I

I shall convince them soon
about protesting too loudly.

You must be heard.
The radicals seem they silence you for good.

They will soon learn the mistake.
I intend to speak in a debate on the office copyright.

Last time there were complaints
that even some of our friends couldn?t understand you.

Reassure yourself I shall be concise and simple.

My point, sir is, that the author's copyright
is the only legacy he made his heirs

should be protected for at
least 50 years after his death.

I just been the boast of the Liberal Party

that during the many brilliant periods about
literary anuars they had been the patrons of letters

and it would be very honorable
for the present government

if under its or species it is
succeeded by legislative protection.

He is back in the saddle, he can ride on!

So , Peel has not taken off his after all.
But why?

C.. say no other reason than because Queen
Victoria would not change the ladies of her court

for the wives of those
husband who support him!

neither he nor she would give way

And so this year?s lost his chance of oposition

Dizzy he keeps up his new reputation as a serious practical thinker

He must be given office when we next form the government.

final this praise turning your head or do you take pictures?

Dear Celina, delete is like water in the desert
where salt is the last thing..

Using outside the party

That?s because I'm never more serious than when I?m joking.

Now the secret is out. I should have
to take you very seriously all the time.

Ravissant.. you are in love with her?

Of course, and with half a dozen others.

But you are not about to propose!
It's out of my mind.

I tried to take some money to school wife
and I have listened that each year

I?ve only to pay the interest on last year?s
debts and each year the mountain grows bigger!

For all of us my friend but you know,
you could solve your problem so easily

you could take the inevitable step
by marrying an heiress someone like Celina

she is obviously attracted to you.

what about the lady Charlotte Beltier,
clever 25,000 pounds and home loving

She love you.
I?m not yet up for auction.

Is for love.

All my friends who married for that or beauty
either beat their wives or live apart from them

like Bulwer and his wife.

I may commit many follies but I never intend to marry for love
which I?m sure is a guarantee of unhappiness.

I was terribly sorry to hear, Dizzy.

Don?t you know?

Wyndham Lewis... well?
He?s dead

This morning. heart attack

We?ve been married for 17 years

I was in the room with him when he died

He?s so close

All I can see is loneliness, emptiness

Mary Anne, you are too young to feel that life is over
that all happiness died with him.

I assure you that in myself and my family

you have sincere friends who love
you since our first acquintance

I'm so grateful!

It's just gratitude on my part

it?s an appreciation of the
qualities I?ve come to see at you.

The kindness and sweet temper that
will make me always your friend.

Oh, Dizzy!

Marianne is bearing up

From her letters she says
she had recovered her spirits wonderful

Where is she now?

I know she?s in Wales attending
to all Wynham?s business affairs

Well, at least he left her well provided for.

Very well.

And so my friend your prayers are answered..


An end to your financial problem

the answer all along was to
find a rich widow ...

Mary Anne ..she?s 45 or 46, 13 years older than I!
But she?s very rich!

and ...and young for
her age and you like her

yes I do I admire her to an extent but
well you know, it?s ridiculous Alfred!

She has never showed me that
she would expect anything more...

How many years she tell you she had been married?

By my reckoning it must be at least 22.

You don?t need me to tell you that a woman who had
such a time is careful still to consular liaison

Must have done so for a reason

You'll be my first visitor on my return
How could you doubt it?

I wrote as often as I could.
And such letters!

Well I got a little gossip might amuse you!

It was kind of you to think it at me

.. in a moment when
you?ve been out of my thoughts

You know, if I?ve been a young girl
I'd feel my head would have been turned.


I mean at first I read your
letters out loud there

there were amusing and charming but later I could not.

Why?s that ?

Well they were more than letters of a lover than a friend..

Perhaps because that is what I wish to be
and not only lover but a husband

You cannot mean it..
I do.

surely you can not be surprised, you must know I
have the most profound admiration for you.

Oh, yes, as a friend, you've never thought..
But I have, long and deeply Mary Anne.

Your heart is made to seek another
with which it may beat in time, so it is mine.


Now we could spend months, years of
needless telling us unless I speak now ..

and I offer you constant companionship
and unchanging devotion if you will marry me.

What can I say?

it?s too soon

Love is always unexpected

My feelings for you have always been...

I'm confused

I need time.

I beg you for an answer

I couldn?t possibly think of marrying me again so soon.

I need time to consider your offer,
to know your true feelings.

But they will not change,
my heart is pledged.

I must have a sign.

If you can wait here?

You ought to visit my parents at Bradham
next month. You will still come?

You will?
I will.

And listen only to your own heart

if you find you can love me
leave off the glove from your left hand

and feel the soft warmth of it in mine
and no one but ourselves shall know what it means.

They're here!

How lovely to see you!

I'm so happy to be here!

I get Tita to help you with the luggage

I can?t tell you how much
I've been longing to see you all again

You?re so welcome!

I?m going to call Tita.

I got through so much when Mrs Lewis was here.

Every morning she read to me.

Doesn?t your magnifying glass help ?

No, no. It's no use. Letters blur, dance...

God bless me though, my memory is as good as ever it was.

What was the trouble with your committee?

The usual money but I raised it.
I see.

From Mrs Lewis?

It's a pitty.

I hope you?re not committing a great folly, Ben.

There?s no fiercer Hell on us.
then a loveless marriage

I know exactly what I?m doing, father.

I know.

But it?s not you who I am concerned about.

Mary Anne is gentle, she is..

Father with you believe me when I tell you that
my only fear is that I might not make her happy?

That?s it yes, but there are those who will think

that your main interest is her money!

It?s not as much as I suppose nor as the world imagines.

I see, you still continue as a suitor.

Even more!

In these last few months since I visited her

I find I cannot live without her.

Now I know she?s silly, frivolous...

I don?t care!

Strange kind of love Ben, strange!

Got an enigma... even to me
Even to myself, father!

Is he all right?

And complaining as usual.

It is a cruel irony for someone who?s lived for books
all his life not to be able to read anymore.

Yes and you?

I hear you paces in your room at night.

I know it is not any father?s health which troubles you

Oh, Sarah..My dear Sarah..

I should know better than to try and hide anything from you

What is wrong, something to do with Mary Anne?

The last letters have been
formal and distant, I don?t know why.

The latters to me the same as ever, there is one thing!


She seems to be seeing a
great deal of Mrs Bulwer.


Since she and her husband parted Mary Anne has
often mentioned how cruelly he treated her.

Everyone knows Rosina is mentally disturbed.

She even appeared on the election platform
to accuse him of infidelities everyone new weren?t true.

Well she succeeded in convincing Mary Anne
that she is a martyr and her husband a callous monster.

I am one of Bulwer closest's friends.
I've been a fool.

I must get back to London

His letters have been so... well so ardent..
He longs for you 4000 a year.

Yes but he knows that this house is all I?ve got
and that it could never come to him... I mean he noticed that!

Has he not told everyone you?re to be his wife?

Well, that proves that he?s serious!

All our friends now expect it!
Yes and so do the debt collectors, he?s made sure to tell them too!

They will not press so hard knowing
he?s to marrying money!

Is it your custom to walk in unannounced?

Since when do I need to be announced in this house
and since when my actions accountable to you, Madam?

You can let him speak to you like that under your own roof?

Rosina, please, please!

Very well, I shall not call
again until you send for me.

I only hope that by then you may
have learned whom you may depend on!

Well I trust by the silence
you are not displeased with me.

Why do you think that?

I?ve written over and over again,
telling you my feelings but for you nothing.

Now have you discarded me
or do you wish me to show your power over me?

Believe me, I have never put it to sending a test

but well you know I can?t express
myself on paper the way you can it.

oh I've been so troubled.How?
The thought of the way Rosina has suffered.

sorry for her

Telling the world new how
crude she?s been treated

Her husband brings his
mistresses into her very home.

Everyone knows Rosina's stories are all lies.

How can you say that?

Because I have seen Bulwer's despair

and I have watched her change from
a gentle girl into a poor creature

driven by hysterical jealousy until she's not
only a danger to herself but others!

Yes, Rosina said that you take his side,
that you are no better than he was.

You'd believe her? Not at the time.
But now because you wish to.

Look, I?m not blind

You may think that I?m a stupid
woman and laugh at me behind my back

but I know fraud when I see one

A fraud?

I?m not mad enough to
think it?s my beauty that droves you here?

You have no scrupuls when you see something that you want

A seat in parliament, house, fortune to give you respectability...

Well, Madam since you would have it...

When I first proposed to you I was
prompted by no romantic feelings

A wife would have been convenient to me

without the torches of romantic passion
so I was not blind to the advantages of our alliance

but I found you in despair and I was touched.

I find you amiable, gifted,
one whom I can look on with pride

as the part of my life who can console me in defeats,
share with me in my triumphs, happiness

I will not be made a fool of.

How could I believe that you love
a woman so much older than yourself?


all you wish to believe is what jealous friends tell you.

Now hear the truth:

This so-called fortune of yours is only
enough to maintain you in this house,

not for me to eat and sleep here.
Is that sufficient reason for me to give up my liberty?

Would I sell myself so cheap?

I wouldn?t get sent to be , I couldn?t seem
to be kept by Princess if it were not for love

but I can?t expect you to understand that.

I thought that our hearts were inextricably linked..
well I can only blame myself!

As for your behavior towards me I make no comment.

No doubt you will flatter in frivolous circles for a while,

but there will come a day when you
will sigh for a hug but can't be found

and despair for one that can be faithful
and then perhaps you may think of me!

I cannot pretend I wish you happiness.

Dizzie, don't leave me!
Please, don't leave me!

I?ll be happy with you.

I love you..You'll be anything in the world..

So Melbourne is out

And now Peel has agreed to form a government.

Has he send for you yet?

No, not as yet, but I did hear that you
are once again the Lord Chancellor.

Yes I hope to share there?s still some life in the old dog yet.

I couldn?t be more pleased than you, Mr Gladstone.

Vice president of the board of trade
has been mentioned, nothing definite is yet.

Oh, Catherine will be proud.
Most sincere congratulations

Well then we just looked in to see
if you had been set ..

Your servant, mrs Disraeli.

Patient say, there are still some posts to be filled
With many advances..

Don?t bother..we?ll see ourselves out

How exciting! Sir Robert sitting in Downing Street
choosing his team waiting to hear what he?ll be offered

But Lyndhurst is uneasy, I could tell

Now what?s the matter?

You should?ve heard by now

Not to be chosen when Peel himself
has often praised your ability!

It's unthinkable!

I have only been able to bear the struggle.

the prejudice and the hope that one day I would
be given official recognition by my own party.

To be passed over now would be overwhelming!

Oh no it?s too unjust my darling.
Peel has no doubt.

I wish I was so sure.

What can you do ?

Humiliate myself by writing to him
and asking him not to destroy my career.

You must try.

I?ve been fighting against it all day.

What does pride matter?

There?s no one else to speak for you.

Colonial secretary.

I?d have offered you the
Foreign Office with the queen

or rather Prince Albert
insists on Lord Aberdeen

I'm honored of course but I do have reservations

But what is this?

Now others have said the same, young Gladstone.

He may be hesitating for the same reason as myself.
Which reasons?

our first duty is to our party and our country

Sir Robert, I will not serve in the government
which contains that scoundrel Disraeli.

Is an adventurerer who only random ask
because the radicals won't have him.

Does Gladstone feel the same?

For some reason he admires disraeli?s talents
but disapproved chiefly of his moral character.

I see.

Well it is not decide anything in his.

we?ll talk again later

Very difficult.

Another letter from Disraeli, surprisingly humble.

And another in secret from Mrs Dizzy

urging me not to destroy her husband's hopes.

This year really should be given some recognition.

This is just come back.
It's a messenger from Peel.

I nearly opened it myself.

My dear Sir

I must in the first place observers

I should have been very happy and if it would be
within my power to avail myself of your service

Your letter is one of many I received
which too forcibly impress upon me. How painful..

No particularly

I'm told that Ben Dizzy was tempted to enter the lists

Did you see him as a knight in shining armor?

Not really

What device he'd going to use?
Three golden ball?

Well hit!

You approve of this block medievalism, Dizzy?

If we lament the passing of chivalry
one must attempt to revive the ideal.

...of no real value!

No not in terms of the
price of bread or sausages

but it reminds that the principle of the
property has its duties as well as its rights.

The protection of the weak but strong

I might have known you would take the poetical view.

Certainly appeals to our friends, "young England".

A nickname given to four very young welborn
MPs who were all together at Cambridge.

Unfortunately. They flee to romantic vision of the Monarchy

ruling through an enlightened aristocracy
that kind of thing absolute nonsense of course.

Not necessarily.

Not if it could be achieved.

But it can?t be Dizzy, it's impractical
as this gallon over here today.


May we?

Oh my dear, you remember George Smile

What a pitty...
It is indeed, ma?am.

You could almost say well that it was a washout!

May I present my colleague, Lord John Man

I?ve looked forward to meet you, sir.

I've told Johnny that we have
spoken and you agree with us

To an extent, I'm not sure our views are the same..

Basically we believe like you that
conservatism should be progressive and dynamic.

But we are convinced that a ginger
group speaking and voting according to its beliefs

could help to shock
our party out of its fear of progress!

And... you want my husband to join you?

No,Madam we want him to lead us!

I shall abstain from voting on this futile Irish arms bill

but I must speak!

There are certain measures which to introduce it's
disgraceful and to oppose is degrading.

But the real answer to the Irish
question is not the use of force

but to seek out the causes of
the past great misgovernment

and to put an end to a state of
things which is the bane of England

and earns us the condemnation of all Europe !

That's ultrageous!

their own government must be brought to heel!

younger men, "Young England"

Disraeli is the dangerous one,
he?s put them up to it !

He should be driven from the party
And from this club!

He should never have been allowed the Carlton in the first place!

We must be careful not to make too much of it

It?ll make him seem more important than he is.

I don?t know how you kept your temper, Prime Minister!

That scandal in fancy dress swore to support this party!

Only I can?t stand is a man who breaks his word!

That is the answer to Disraeli!

Good, honest, bending.

He takes more interest in his race horses than in the state's.

The other country members respect him, follow his opinion,
and they are the backbone of the party!

well now that he?s antagonized him
I imagine that?s the end of Judas..

No, let men stand by the principle by which they rise!

right or wrong

do not because you see a great "personage"
give up his opinions do not cheer him on!

Do not give so ready a reward to political turn trolls
yeah yeah yeah

I thought you would be asleep.
Not without you, without hearing out winds!

So how did your speech go?
It started by not wanting to listen, they ended by cheering even some behind me.

I thought you?d go to the Carlton club.
No, no, no.

Sit still or I should be crossed.

Well, what?s the matter?
You said your speech was a great success!

yes but no one will follow my lead,

have attacked this government again and
again and Peel only grows stronger.

Our economy is based on agriculture
Peel became Prime Minister on a promise:

to protect the farmers, land workers and land owners

to prevent the liberals from
lowering the price of imported grain

I wanted to buy popularity with //
which is exactly what Peel intends to do

and the devil take the farmers he wants to protect!

Well if the other see that, why did they protest?

Admitting I?m right lord Stanley is already resigned from the government,
he will not support me openly

Well what about "Young England"
They are too afraid

Even today Lynhurst has told me

that even the queen and Prince Albert brought
clear they find my speech is offensive

almost treason.

But they are wrong! Then I'll see the Marshall Pilgrim

Thank you, my dear

if only you could convince the members of my own party...

How much do they matter?

the young folk cluster around you and the people in the streets

Yes, but they do not vote
in the House of Commons!

But even that change must come sooner or later

I mean well they must accept new ideas

How long will it take?

I am completely alone.

If you fight for something you believe,
you must fight to the finish.

I mean even if the Queen's against you

Even if the whole of parliament reject you.

You are the noblest of spirit

The most sympathetic, the most
understanding and the most severe critics.

You are the perfect wife.

dissolve it, if you please the parliament you have betrayed

and appeal to the people who I believe distrust you

but for me it remains at least this:

the opportunity of expressing thus publicly my belief
that a Conservative government is an organized hypocrisy.

Lord George Stanley

Sir when the honourable gentleman who has just
spoken predicted and denounced in the last session

the eventual defection of the Prime Minister

there was no member of the conservative party who
more violently condemned the attack as unfounded

or more readily opposed the attacker.

Now I must rise to support it!

the trust which I held sacred has been betrayed!

To abolish protection to which we are pledged is dishonorable
to the parliament as well as to the government

You see I own race horses,
I know more about pedigree than politics

I keep my horses in three counties

My sales say 1500 a year by free trade,
well I don?t care about that.

One thing I can?t stand is being sold.

I trusted Peel completely

No just as you say is about to go back
on his word and that is unforgivable.

The impact of your speech was remarkable

30 years in Parliament and it's the first time I opened my mouth

I?m a plain man, I?ll leave the talking to others

When they start to become dishonest,
it's time for the rest of us to speak out.

Will you do so again?
Just let them try and stop me!

I say again: this governance deliberate dishonesty!

May I remind the right honourable baronet

that in the past, when someone of eminence
in his own party changed his opinions

he denounced him as base and dishonest and brought him down!

And yet now he changes his opinions!

Does he not stand convicted by his own verdict?

One claims to be no speaker
you developed a powerful command of the house

Now that I?ve started, I find I quite enjoy it.

Whatever happens I?m glad we fought together

Sometimes I think I wish I got
to know you probably years ago.

Order! Order!

The eyes to the right 327,
the nose to the left 229

The eyes to the right 327

The nose to the left 229.

All that work for nothing!

No, look up the figures.

The liberals and the radicals
would go with the government falling Peel

but with the majority of 98, that means Peel got 112
conservative votes over 200 voters for us.

By Heavens, you'all right!
Peel may want the vote but he?s lost the party!

So, what happened ?

With most of the party against him, Peel has resigned.

Well, then you?ve triumphed!

A somewhat bitter triumph madam.

I guess our party is now divided:

the official conservatives

and those that have gone with Peel ,most of
the former leaders have stayed with him

But the split has let the liberals back into power.

and there will be a general election

Who lead the conservatives?

Stanley in the Lords
And in the Commons?

We?ve had enough of leaders

Would you excuse me, I?ve had some things to attend to.

We need a focus, we must have a leader.

We both know it should be you,
you're the only possible.

No, not me!

the others are still not sure of me,
why you they trust completely

I?m almost uneducated.

I?ve never even thought of a political
life until these last few months.

Besides... why should you consent to serve under me?

Because you forced Stanley to acknowledge me

He knows we need you to work out a strategy

at the risk of embarrassing you
because I admire you profoundly

Hanging on in outdoorsman.

we'll make a complete change in my way of life

I have to sell my stables.
No, surely not

I wouldn?t have done the race horses

There?s so much to learn

Political business procedures,
I have to rely on you on everything.

and I?d be proud to work with you.

And I with you.

Why do you wear all those those chains?

You are practicing to be Lord, Mayor or something ?

You know for years I couldn?t
stand the sight of you

because of your rings and your
perfumes and your fancy way of dressing.

Do you have to be such accursed dandy?

A dandy is not only a clothes horse

To be a true dandy is to be self
disciplined, detached even spiritual.

It is also a gesture of
individuality and a mask

behind which the slights and
sneers of the world cannot reach.

Well, maybe you needed something to hide behind once
but hanging that's why others still distrust you.

They expect their leading statesmen to look the part
not like some Italian dancing master...

In a powerful delay in the making of progress
on the proposed ...

It's strange...

His books are all that?s left of him.

Father died so peacefully.

I hadn?t realized he was so devoted to Mama.

After her death he just slowly dwindled away.

Oh, I wish I could keep the house on

but I must move to a smaller one.

Then all father's things will be scattered.

Well, you mustn?t leave Lord Bentick alone too long.

No.. no

I was touched by his coming all this way.
He doesn?t look well.

His health has been undermined
by his recent responsibilities.

It makes me angry to remember how people laughed

Yes but he has proved them wrong.

He will be one of our greatest leaders.

Is your sister alright?

Very calm, she will join us presently.


A glass of Madeira?
No, no, thank you.

It would send me to sleep.
I still got some memoranda to look at later

Let it wait.
Sleep might do you good.

I can?t
I'm thinking about Surplus.

Yes, Surplus, your horse won the Derby!

Thank you.

All my life I wanted to achieve
that you know and Surplus wins it.

Just after I sold him.
It?s unfortunately.

You do know what the Derby is, don?t you?
Blue ribbon of the turf?

Yes, "The blue ribbon of the turf"

Well I sacrificed it for a mass at Westminster.

You do look worn out.

I'm tired, that?s all.

After this session I?ll go home.

Country walks, fresh air will set me up again

But what are we gonna do?

There?s no real government to speak of.

liberals are in the minority then
they kept in power by the Peel-ites

who'd support automatically anything you and I oppose.

It'll take a long time for their
good sense to overcome their ill will.

Where do you get your patience from?
From my father.

It was a lesson that was
a long time learning

I wished I?d met him, you know.

He would have liked you.

I?m glad he lived to see me a
member for Buckingham in this country

He always wanted to have a place here too.
The same one you like?

you wouldn?t matter if you
might have down the road.

Why didn't you?

Well, he did leave me 10,000 pounds
that is about a third of what it would cost.

Yeah.. I?ve I?ve been thinking about that.

You know there?s a lot of leaders of the landed Gentry
you really ought to have your own property

I?ll make you a loan, free interest,
say 25,000 to complete the purchase.

I could never pay it back.
What's money between friends?

You will pay me back when and if you can.

What do you want me to say?

Anything but thank you.

Start thanking me and I?ll change my mind.

it's not only.. I own you a lot, too.

I?m acting politically

so I see

I tell you, mr Disraeli I don?t know what to do

None of the men available has ever held high office before.

You yourself quite frankly when I suggested
you to the queen and Prince Albert

they were reluctant to
have you in the government.

I understand they were very attached to Peel.

That is so.

Then again there?s the old
question of your ambition

Many in our parties still doubt your motives

in short they distrust everything except mediocrity

That may be so.

Then let me make your task easier, Prime Minister.

I am more concerned for my
country than for myself

and more devoted to my party
than to my own ambition.

If after 15 years faithful service
this is still not acknowledged

then it is better for me to
retire from the struggle

and make way for someone more
acceptable to the crown and to Parliament.

There's no need for that!
No need!

I wish to offer you the position
of Chancellor of the exchequer

Next to you, that will be the key post in the cabinet.

Will you take it?

I know little of finance.

No one does the start off.

They'll give you the figures.

I must warn you that Peel's old followers
will unite against any government that includes me.

I?m prepared to risk it

For the sake of a man who deserved far more
from his country and his party than they realize.

and he certainly deserve more from me.

And the queen?

I shall simply tell Her Majesty that
without you I cannot form a government.

Mr Benjamin Disraeli, chancellor of the exchequer

you Benjamin Disraeli do swear
that you will well and truly serve

Her Majesty Queen Victoria in the
office of Chancellor of the exchequer

so help you God

I do.