Dirilis: Ertugrul (2014–2019): Season 2, Episode 25 - Firsat Vermeyecegiz - full transcript

Ertugrul and Suleyman put Kurdoglu on the stand, but Gundogdu steps in. Thomas tests Ustadi Azam's patience.

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What on earth is this, Tugtekin Bey?
Do you want us to die?

Ofcourse not. Not at all

I am only curious how a merchant like you
have escaped from such wild warriors?

Thanks to Ertugrul's Alps.

Me and your Alps would have already
been dead if it wasn't for them.

In brief, what matters is not how powerful
our enemy is, but what we do.

Efrasiyab, our women weave the best rugs,
fabrics, carpets with their own hands.

We have a sack full of goods.

And many animals too.

You go and check them all,
appraise them and after that

we will make a deal.
If God permits.

Okay, Bey. Give me an assistant.

I came all the way here putting my head in
the lion's mouth for a successful trade.

I pray to God for it will be
a profitable deal for both sides.

If God permits.

Alright then. You should set to work.

Kocabash will accompany you, Efrasiyab.

My sons. I hope we will get
what we expect.

We will be ruined this winter,
if we can not succeed it again this time.

Efrasiyab is a good merchant, Uncle.

That's what I have heard. I hope that
we will get what we want from him, Uncle.

It is your duty, Gundogdu.

Our nomad group will ease for a while
with those sacs we already have.

You must deal with this
without having any troubles.

With great pleasure, Bey.

With the help of God, I will provide
prosperity to our nomad group.

I hope so. I hope so.

Mongols have smashed the Islamic world.

Kayi nomad group is down at the heels.

You should talk about your dreams,
not your troubles, son.

Dream means hope.

I am speechless, and
my heart is in misery.

I know that.

They have invited you so you would
not be devistated any longer.

Who are they? Why do they invite me?

There surely must be a reason.

You should be patient, son.

Mother. What is going on?

You are lost in thoughts again.

A war breaks out inside of me
every single day, my son.

I am tired of the war

between Hayme the mother
and the leader of Seigniory.

That unscrupulous Hayme who can't even
hold a sword herself, sent Ertugrul...

...to exile. That is breaking me inside
more and more everyday.

There is no such thing, Mother.

Do not talk as if you do not know
Ertugrul. Do not you remember?

My brother tore down those Christians
who were serving the satan.

You relax.

You are right, my son. You are right
but he had his mighty dad then...

who was watching him out.

He had you.

He had his Alps.

He is all alone now.

What does he eat? What does he drink?

Where does he sleep?

Is it not too late to think about these?

My daughter, Gokce. Call Halime to dinner.

I have something to talk to you.

Alright, Mother.

Mother Hayme is calling you to dinner.

I am not hungry.

She has something to tell us, Halime.

What is it?

You will find out if you come.

I have seen my son Sungurtekin near the
Caspian Sea for the last time.

He reared his horse, waved me and
It was the last time I've ever seen him.

He has never lost the child in him
even while he was fighting against

Genghis Khan's army.

There was this hopeful look in his eyes,
and he never lost his smile

nor his hope in this cruel life.

So does my Ertugrul.

I have seen the hope and resolution in his
eyes, even when he was being exiled.

They have never given up just as
their father.

We will fight too.

We will remember this, as long as we see
those two empty plates on our table.

-In the name of Allah.
-In the name of Allah.

Come on, let's eat.

Today, Korkut Bey was here.

He talked to me about Gokce.

-I hope it is a good thing, Mother.
-It is a good thing, son.

He told me that they would come
tomorrow and ask for Gokce's hand

with the commandment of God.

What is it, Father?

It is a good thing, son.

I have talked to your Aunt Hayme today.

I told her that we would go and ask for
Gokce's hand for you, my son Tugtekin...

...under the commandment of God
tomorrow night.

It is really good news, Mother.

Only a man like Tugtekin
would suit my sister Gokce.

What do you think, Gokce?

Would you allow me to say a few words
as her sister?

Sure, my girl.

Now we know why that traitor was bothering
with my sister all this time.

Selcan, if you say one more word...


She is her sister.

Let her talk.

Let her say whatever she wants.

She already knows that she should agree
with me in the end.

Her Bey's marquee is not enough for her.
She wants to rule her step child's bed.

She took my husband first,
now my sister...

I do not even count Alps that she captured
and Ertugrul that she sent away

from the nomad group.

That woman would not be satisfied
even with Kayi's marquee.

Now she wants to twist my poor sister
around her finger.

That's enough.

Enough, sister, what the hell
are you talking about?

Selcan, how can you talk like that?

Have you lost your mind?

You must get those sick thoughts out of
your mind, sister.

Swallow your words, then come here
and talk to us.

I am not the only one that you are
humiliating this way.

You are also humiliating yourself
and our family.

Do I look like I care about humiliating
myself from now on, Gokce?

If I have the right to say
only one word as your sister

you should know that
I will not give my blessings to you

if you get married
to that arrogant bastard.


Enough already.

You keep harping on Aytolun
since we came here.

You have been denigrating
my big brother and niece all the time.

I did not say a word until now
but that is enough.

You started talking against my marquee.

You must know your place.

You pull yourself together or...

Or what, Mother?

Will you send me into exile like Ertugrul?

All truth is not always to be told, right?
Will I be banished just because...

...I am telling the truth?
All I have left are my words.

I call you mother, because you are
my mother.

You did a lot for me even if you did
not give birth to me.

Whatever you decision will be, I should
submit it.

But these are my thoughts, Mother.

Have a good night.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, Mother.

We should not go there empty handed,
Aytolun Hatun.

Make a good preparation.

Ofcourse, Bey.

Especially for such a blessed night.

Isn't that so, Tugtekin?

You are right, Mother.

You did not say anything
about my decision, my son.

I will do whatever you approve, Father.

It is like the sun has risen on his
shadowed face, Bey. Don't you see it?

He cannot show his delight
due to his respect to you.

Isn't it right, Tugtekin?

That is correct, Mother.

Selcan probably had gone mad
when she heard about it.

What is that woman's problem with you?

She is a sorrowful woman whose babies died
one after another, Bey.

Poor woman. I feel pity for her
even if I get angry with her sometimes.

I feel pity for Gundogdu mostly.

He is wasting that poor man's life
too as he did to himself.

I hope that Gundogdu Bey would come to
his senses and find a decent woman...

...that suits himself and have a child
before he gets too old.

I can not allow this any longer, Mother.

I can not allow Selcan to consume both
my life and kin.

Son. Starting a family is tough,
but breaking it up is very easy.

You should not be the one to brake it up.
Do not make the angels in the sky cry.

No, Mother. Either I will kill her
or she will kill me.

This relationship will not end well.

I will not eat anything.
I do not feel like it.

I want you to know that I have loved you
since I was a child.

I have loved you ever since I could
remember, Ertugrul.

I will not let Halime or anyone else to
take this beautiful pain away from me.

I will wait for you until I die
if necessary.

What do you think you are doing, Gokce?

How can I endure seeing you
in the same marquee

with my wife and children?
How can I look at their faces?

How can I carry you like
a ruthless guilty conscience?


Why that woman?

Why is it not me, but her?


You, night people.

Thank God who created the night and
the day for us.

He is the one
who gives strength after weakness.

There are easiness and conquests
after every difficulty and grueling.

Who are the ones to conquer?

Brave ones. Alp ones.

Alperen ones.

Bravery is the state of power
and strength.

So how can one reach the state
of bravery?

By controlling his anger.

By respecting his elders.

By showing mercy to underdogs.

By rebelling against cruelty
and serving his people.

Muhammad commands that

who can be the servent of his people
is the Master of them.

The one who thinks of serving as the main
duty of a Master, is the real brave one.

That one is Alp. That one is Alperen.

Listen, night people.

It is time for the son of Suleyman Shah,
the brave of Alps, Ertugrul,

who has devoted himself to serve
for The Turkish islamic guild,

to put on his holy dress.

He is now a member of the Turkish
islamic guild.

He is the valiant of young men.

Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar.

La ilahe illallahu vallahu akbar.

Allahu akbar and lillahi'l-hamd.

Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar.

La ilahe illallahu vallahu akbar.

Allahu akbar and lillahi'l-hamd.

Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar.

La ilahe illallahu vallahu akbar.

Allahu akbar and lillahi'l-hamd.

Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar.

La ilahe illallahu vallahu akbar.

Allahu akbar and lillahi'l-hamd.

Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar.

La ilahe illallahu vallahu ekber.

Allahu akbar and lillahi'l-hamd.


Holly Lord who has eternal vitality
and aliveness.

Oh God though who makes existence exists
with his entity.

My God who owns everything.

We are being protected by you.
Please protect us.

Please offer this to us with the shield
of Your name, with verity

with protection, with order.


Let my desire not humiliate me on this
holly path.

I will always rebel against cruelty.

I will always use my weapon
according to the scales of justice.

I will always serve my people.

I will always fight for world's order.

Son, do not take off this shirt
in the great wars you will fight.

Do not forget. This is the exposed one.

What you really wear is in your heart.

May God not embarrass me for the sake of
my fight.



Yes, Mother?

We could not talk to you
throughly last night.

What do you think
about your uncle's offer?

Mother Hayme, as you would appreciate,
it is so sudden.

I do not know what to say while
Gundogdu and my sister are on bad terms.

Let us hope for the best.

And you are the one to make this
blessed decision.

However, I am curious about
Ertugrul's opinion on this matter.

I now want to prepare this place
for tonight's guests as worthy of you.

Excuse me.

Fine, girl. That will be good.

May it be easy.

Very well.
Did you also see cattles and sheeps?

Artuk Bey and I checked them all
one by one, Bey.

Our animals are fattened, Bey. They are
in good comdition.

-They do not have any sickness.
-That is wonderful!


I hope nothing is wrong.

Where is this man?

How could not I wake up?

Efrasiyab, I swear to God
you cannot find such good animals...

...in any Turkish nomad group.
They have plenty of meat.

They have plenty of wool.

-May it be easy, Gundogdu Bey.
-Thank you, Aytolun Hatun.

So, merchant?

I hope you will not be stingy
and leave us in the lurch.

I am generous, Hanim. Do not be afraid.

Even if you are a penny pincher,
our great Gundogdu Bey will probably

make you loosen your purse strings.

No, Aytolun Hatun. Wait.

We have not done a bargain yet.
He will check on the rugs.

He will check on the carpets.
Then we will start the bargain.

What is going on, Selcan?

I was worried when I could not see you,

Why would you be worried, Selcan?

Here is a huge nomad group, what could
happen to me?

Everything bad that happened to us has
happened in this big nomad group, right?

That is why I get worried every time
I do not see you.

Excuse us, Bey.

Let us leave.

Tell us, Selcan Hatun.
What did this big nomad group do to you

other than welcoming you to
it's dinner table?

I should know this as The Hatun,
so I will fix our flaws.

Do you know what is
the greatest flaw, Aytolun?

Your desire to rule everything
as being The Hatun.

Shush! Selcan!

It is no problem. It is not important.

It seems that Selcan Hatun
is trying to be a mischief maker

which she could not succeed
in Kayi nomad group.

But this paradise cannot be
the playground of her demons.

Neither Bey nor I would allow it.

Loot at her!

Demons became angels
but we were unaware of that.

What were those demons doing
while you were breaking up families

and taking place in marquees?


Go back to your tent now!
I will really cause an accident.

Come on.

Come on.

I will prepare your morning food, Bey.
You come and eat.

My apologies, Aytolun Hatun.

It is no problem, Gundogdu Bey.

Wonderful. You are really patient, Bey.

You were patient with this barren, wild,
impertinent woman for all these years.

I wanted to say thisfor so long
but kept my mouth shut.

There is no mor Ertugrul nor Sungurtekin.

Suleyman Shah's lineage is
about to become extinct.

If you wait for this devilish woman,
you will wait for a long time, Bey.

Kayi would break up.

You mark my words.

May it be easy.

You are devil. Devil!

You subverted the peace in nomad group.

I am at the end of my tether
because of you.

Are you talking to me, Gundogdu?

Do you not see the evil next to you
and find fault in me?

Shut the hell up!

God damn the day I have met you, woman.

God damn the day
I have taken you into my tent.

It is not bearable any more.

I do not want to see your face again.

Pack your things and get out of my tent.
Okay? Get out!

I will not go. I will not go.

I will not leave my home
to that devilish woman.

I will not give my home to her.


Is there any home left, woman?
Is there any home left?

Is there any peace left?

Get out! Get out, I do not want to see
your face again. Get out of my tent.

-I will not go. I will not leave you.
-Go. Get out. Come on.

-No, I will not go.
-Get out.

You are not my woman anymore.
Get out!

Get out! Go! Go!

Get out!

My God!

The circumstances in the nomad group is
really tough.

Do not give them the amount
they are asking for.

You are their last hope.

Aytolun is so tough.

Gundogdu is so smart.

Gundogdu has problems with his woman.

You should entrap them slowly.

We will take action as soon as we hear
from Noyan.

Let us see how the nomad tent
will survive the winter without any gold.

Good boy.

Come on.

Good boy.


I would be scared if I were
your enemy, son.

Your sword turns into the angel of death
in your hands. Wonderful.

My brother mows infidels
like he mows grass.



When you hold your weapon,
you will not feel the difference

between your hand
and your weapon. Okay?

Hold it now.

I want an axe as well, Turgut Alp.
I will not fight without an axe.

Let us hope for that. Maybe some day.

You will ask it from the master,
not from me, son.

Brother. What will we do
about this traitor in the nomad group?

We will follow every trace.

The traitor will surely leave a trace.

Peace be upon you.

-And peace be upon you.
-And peace be upon you.

We owe you our lives. We want to have a
dinner and have fun with you sometime.

Dinner is fine but we are not
in the mood of fun, merchant.

You would be out of your spirits
if you commiserate.

We owe you our lives, brother.

Your sorrow is our sorrow from now on.

We know how to share your pain
as we share our bread.

Thank you, Kocabash. Thank you.

Thank you.

Excuse us. You know, we have a lot to do.

May it be easy.

We cannot win victory
even if we make the all nomad group

go down on their knees as long
as Ertugrul and his Alps do not give up.

I would not die in disappointment since I
saw this Kocabash mutt...

...turned into a sheep. They learned
to appreciate.

A fox cannot be your friend
as you cannot use a bear's peltry.

Once a whore, always a whore.

You should be careful.


My girl.

What happened?

Come here.

Come here, girl. Come here. Sit down.


What happened to you? Tell us.

It is over, Mother.

Everything is over.

We are at the point of no return.

What do you mean
everything is over, Selcan?

What do you mean by
the point of no return?

Gundogdu does not want me
neither in his bed

nor in his tent.

Bring water.

He does not want me in front of his eyes
or on the land he steps on.

I have no place to stay
in this nomad tent anymore.


My girl. Selcan.

You are not only a daughter-in-law to me,
but also a daughter.

Do not say that again.

There is a solution for everything
in this world except for death.

You can stay with Halime for a while.

You will be companions.

Sit and relax. Pull yourself together.

After that we will talk.

Okay, my girl?


Aytolun and Gokce were
the final straw, right?

Translation: Losa Translation Services