Dirilis: Ertugrul (2014–2019): Season 1, Episode 10 - Dirilis Vakti - full transcript

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Mother Hayme, why do you take
this ominous girl into your tent?

Everything that happened is her fault, isn’t it?

How can she have the face
to stay in our tribe?

What are they doing in our tribe?

How dare you question my decisions?

Get out of here now! I said now!

Beys, come on, let us talk inside.

Everyone in the tribe is informed.

What is happening?

How dare you enter your Bey’s
tent like this?

They wanted to talk with their Bey,
Mother Hayme.

And I accepted their request.

State comes first or
else you get eaten by crows.

Move! I said move!

Whatever happens do not show yourselves.

-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.


Send the Shahzadas, Ertugrul.

And you send my father!


Kill them all!

Kill them all!

What if Suleyman Shah never comes back,
my Bey?

My Bey, what if Kara Toygar doesn’t calm down
and attacks us?

We see that the tribe has
so many endless problems.

We did not know...

...that the beys who have
many jobs to do are anxious to...

...gather the headquarter meetings
every chance they get.

For you to show your courage, you had been waiting
for your Bey to sacrifice himself.

We were not aware of this, until now.

Suleyman Shah, who returned from
a number of battles sweating blood...

...would have been proud of you
if he had seen you like this.

Kill them all!

Why aren’t you attacking?


Take them away.

I told you to kill them all!

Kill them all!

This is treachery! Treachery!

You cowards! You will pay for all this!


Your brother is still in my hand,

If something happens to me...

Save your breath, Kara Toygar.

No one will come to your help.

I want to talk with you alone,
Ertugrul Bey.

Leave us alone, Alps.

I was a commander in the Seljuk army
for years.

For the Great Seljuk state
I fought inside and outside the country.

I have shed blood and fate threw me
to my Shahzada.

From now on, my only wish, my only duty
is to protect my Shahzada and his family.

That is why I contacted with the soldiers
I know within Kara Toygar’s legion.

That is the situation, Ertugrul Bey.

This is what I want as well, Afsin Bey.

To protect my tribe, my family, Halime...

...and Halime’s family.

As our wish and desire are the same...

...we should stand as strong as mountains
against this dog called Kara Toygar.

You are a valiant man, Ertugrul Bey...

...to fight side by side with you
is a pride, an honor for me.

Then tell me, Afsin Bey.
Those soldiers you are in contact with.

How effective are they?

Let me put it this way, Ertugrul Bey.

They are so influential that even when
Kara Toygar will beg for mercy...

...no one will hear it.

Let’s make him beg for mercy then.

So, it’s our duty to be the sword
and your duty to be the shield...

...in the battle on the Falcon Hill, Afsin Bey.

We will attack and you will keep the Seljuk soldiers...

...on the side where they need to be.

Of course, Ertugrul Bey.
We will be there for sure.

Today, we will take stand with the innocents
but against the cruel.

Creator of the innocents sees that.

May God be on our side and help us.

Sari Boru.

Sari Boru!

You will pay for this.

You lowlife scum!

May you burn in hell, Kara Toygar.

You will all die along with the Shahzadas.
I shall exterminate your progeny!

Those days are over, Mother Hayme.

It is time to think about
how we will pass the cliff in front of us.

Alpargu! Know your place!

Of course, we will discuss the future of our tribe...

but this is also Suleyman Shah’s home.

It is not suitable to bother Mother Hayme.

She is in enough pain as it is.

We were inconsiderate.

Let us carry on in my tent.

Carry the Bey symbols to my tent.

We are all sorry for our losses, brother.

The ambush on the caravan, the Alps
getting killed were not your fault.

Did you know beforehand?

Did you know that Numan was
a Shahzada beforehand?

No, I just learned it.

But it is obvious that
they had a good reason to hide it.

He played you just like he played us...

...but you still defend them!

Let me go, you goat herders!

Who do you think you are?

Let me go!

Your savagery won’t help you anymore,
Kara Toygar.

Your tranny has come to an end.

Savagery, huh?

The Turkmen tribe who ambushed
and captured a Seljuk commander.

Who do you think Sultan Aladdin will call
savage when he finds out all about.

Do not waste your breath, Kara Toygar.

We will set a court and your verdict
will be given according to our customs.

When custom speaks, Beys stop talking,
as well as the sultan.

-Are you alright, my Bey?

Would you like to rest a bit?

I am fine, Deli Demir. I am fine.

Are we returning to the tribe, father?

No. First we will take back the goods
this lowlife looted from our caravan.

Afsin Bey,
you know that I would die for you...

...but what if this court ruling goes bad?

Do not worry, Sari. Trust me.

It’s clear that Kurdoglu was waiting
for the opportunity.

How else could he act so quickly
to take over the post?

Shameless man.
He even took the Bey symbols with him.

And we are sitting here
with our hands tied.

Enough, Aykiz. Enough.

You make a fuss without
knowing how the state is run.

-Do I have permission, Mother Hayme?
-Come, my girl. Come.

What happened?

You all have been waiting in pain.

You can’t even think of eating something.

I wanted to bring you something to eat.

Thank you, my girl. Put it on
the table and sit with us.

We all wait with anxiety.

While Suleyman Shah is leading them,
they will all come back safe and sound.

But my sister is worrying a lot
about my uncle Gundogdu.

You all wait for your fathers...

...and I pray for Ertugrul Bey.

You are correct.

I know the sorrow your sister
is going through.

But tell her not to worry...

...we shall leave the tribe soon.

If God permits, they will all
return safe and sound.

We can only pray for them.

You bloodless dogs. Lowlifes!

I will kill you all! Kill you all.

You will pay for all of these!
I will destroy you all!

No one in this world will remember
neither your tribe nor the name Kayi.

I will kill you all!

You shall leave immediately.
You will catch that dog called Gundogdu...

...before he reaches his tribe...

...and you'll bring him to Falcon Hill.

-Falcon Hill?
-Falcon Hill, yes.

Those Kayi goat herders are
setting us a trap there.

Did you hear, Sari?
They think they can finish Kara Toygar off.

My Bey, if you like we can go beforehand
to take precautions.

Yes, Sari Boru...

...place your most trusted
archers among the rocks of Falcon Hill.

When I give the signal...

...I want to turn that place
into hell for Kayis.

As you wish!

Sari Boru.

We checked the warehouse where
the goods are, they are all there, my Bey.

Are you alright, father?

Yes, I am.

My Bey, you are tired...

...I arranged a room for you to stay here
and rest for the night.

We can go there if you wish.

Thank you, commander.

Ertugrul you stay here.

I will go with Gundogdu.

Ertugrul Bey...

...there are matters we need to discuss.

As if what she caused were not enough...

...she is now hiding behind mother Hayme.

Wolf in a sheep’s hide.

But I swear I will make you pay for this, Halime.


Gokce, where the hell are you?
Which corner did you hide in?


Some degenerate is hiding behind mother Hayme...

and my sister is hiding in a hole alone!

Sister! You are mistaken!

I am not hiding anywhere.

I am coming from the tent,
I was with them.

Look at my sister.

I approached them with
an excuse of bringing food.

I said what I had to say and
I heard what I wanted to hear.

What did you hear?

Kurdoglu took the Bey symbols
and carried them to his tent.

It is obvious that they lost hope of
Suleyman Shah’s return.

-Did he take the Bey symbols to his tent?


What is your intention?

You wait here.


Stop, Gundogdu.

Today, I saw how you looked at Ertugrul.

You are his brother.

A brother should not look
at his brother with hatred.

Moreover, he risked his life to save you.

Father, what are you saying?

He risked his life, is that so?

I do not know whether he risked his life
for us or for his valuable guests.

I know one thing.

It’s Ertugrul’s fault that we are in this.

You have hate in your eyes
after the ambush on the caravan.

You look for a scapegoat to blame.

Are you comfortable, Kurdoglu?

Are you satisfied with sitting on Suleyman
Shah’s throne instead of saving Gundogdu?

I do not reply as I know
you worry about your husband’s life...

...but know your place, Selcan Hatun.

I know my place,
that is why I am questioning you!

Why don’t you do anything
to save Gundogdu?

Do you see what is going on in this tribe?
Do you hear them?

We have had all kinds of trouble.

Our tribe would have fallen apart
if I had not stepped in.

Who was to blame for those many troubles?
Wasn’t it you who stirred up the trouble?

I told you the things Suleyman Shah was
keeping secret, I committed crime...

...but what did you do? Nothing!
-What did you expect me to do?

Do you see me as a traitor? Did you think
that I would share the secret plans...

...of my tribe with the enemy?

What will happen to them?

If that dog called Kara Toygar
kills my husband...

We will pray for them to be spared.

This is all we can do.

We need to get out of the Seljuk territory
before all hell breaks loose again.

Not for myself but for my son who is in deep sleep unaware of anything.

I understand you, my Shahzada.

I guess that is the best course of action
for everyone’s sake.

But we might need horses and weapons to leave.

I have another plan in my mind.

After the funerals, I shall request
permission from my father to go to Aleppo.

I can take you there
safe and sound with my Alps.

-After that...
-Thank you, Ertugrul Bey. Thank you.

I shall always be thankful to you
and your family.

Tomorrow we shall talk with Suleyman Shah
and set off as soon as possible.


You are not asleep.

You are not asleep either.

We managed to win this time as well...

...but there is something
eating me inside, Deli Demir.

How did Kara Toygar know that we were here?

The thing that is eating your heart inside
is eating my heart as well.


...I will tell you something but...

Tell me, Deli Demir.

That night those dogs raided Halime’s tent...

...the person who drove me away
from the tent...

...was Kurdoglu.

I don’t want to blame anyone
without proof, even Kurdoglu but...

...this is a problem of the tribe.
I wanted you to know that.


-You have a message from Titus, sir.
-What did he write?

They could not do one thing properly.


...and mate.

Do not forget, when the game ends...

...the king and pawns
are put in the same box at the end.

Only the one who is removing them
from the table knows the winner.

Be careful and don’t make me angry
before you go in the box.

Send a message to Titus, immediately.

He should not sacrifice
Kara Toygar for anyone.

Can Titus still prevent
Kayis from coming to Aleppo?

I do not know whether he can succeed or not.

I cannot predict what is going to happen
and that is grievous!

Tell them to get prepared, Marcus.

You are coming with me to Aleppo.

We have some business to attend
with Nasir.

Do you have any other
orders for Titus, sir?

Tell him to make Kara Toygar
a fire of wrath for Kayis.

He can either do this himself
or use Kurdoglu.

This shall be his decision,
as he will be responsible for the outcome.

Where is Suleyman Shah?
They say that our caravan was ambushed.

Where are the bodies, my Bey?

He is right. Where is the Bey, where are
the bodies? What is happening, Kurdoglu?

Beys of Kayi.
Today is not the day for complaints.

We still have no news from our tribe’s
pillar Suleyman Shah and our Alps.

God forbid, we need to be prepared
for all possibilities.

The unity and future of
our tribe is under threat.

And this Aleppo issue
in the middle of all these troubles.

The decision our Bey took in good times...

...should be reconsidered under
these harsh conditions.

What else can we do, Kurdoglu?
What is on your mind?

Before I state the thing on my mind,
I would like to remind you that...

...Suleyman Shah left me in charge
before setting off.

-My words are our Bey’s words.
-Of course.

My heart is not in peace with setting foot
on the unknown path of Aleppo.

To migrate, we need to find...

-Suleyman Shah has returned!
-Suleyman Shah is back!


Stop! Stop!

Don’t do things that would not suit us!

We shall talk about
the trial in the headquarters.

Our customs will judge him.

Tie him up to the log.

Let go of me!

I will kill you all!

-Kill him!
-Don’t make him live!

-Kill him!
-Kill him!

Thank God, you are back safe and sound.
God has accepted my prayers.

Suleyman. Suleyman.


Dear God.