Dinosaurs (1991–1994): Season 4, Episode 9 - Earl and Pearl - full transcript

Robbie and Charlene go against Earl's orders and sneak out to see his estranged sister, Pearl, a country star, perform. Roy falls in love with Pearl and plans to settle down with her, despite Earl's protests.

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And now it's time for again
Ask Mr. Eidechs.

Hey, Timmy, do you want something
learn about geothermal energy?

Geo what?

Geothermal. That's the energy
from the Earth's interior.

You do not see them easily.

Luckily we have an active volcano
right here in the studio.

I want to see this more closely.

We will need a new Timmy.

Hey, Timmy. Safety first.

Here in the lab
we always put on goggles.

One of these parent groups
must have prevailed.

And not a second too early.
I never liked the show.

Yes / Yes. Go and open the door.

I do not see any geothermal energy.
When is she coming?

Well, Timmy,
nature has its own schedule.

Let's give her a little push.

We will need a new Timmy.

Earl, there is someone at the door.

I'm busy. I'm currently spending
important time with the TV.

- Hey.
- And the child.

It is Pearl.

- Your sister.
- Pearl?

Your sister.

That can not be.
Look again.

- I recognize your sister.
- Are you doing this?

You have a better memory than me.

I had forgotten,
that I have a sister.

She would not even recognize.

Hey, Earl Sinclair.

Boy, brother, have you gained weight?

Honey I'm home.

Earl, do you want
do not greet your sister?

- Hi.
- How do we know she is?

We have not seen her forever.
Could be a fraud.

I want to see papers, lady.

And I want to see my new nephew.

Hello darling.

Who are you?

I am your Aunt Pearl.
Look what I have for you.

Do you think,
cheap toy from the airport

makes up for years of ignoring?

The love of a child
you can not just buy.

I love you, Aunt Pearl.

Well, was a nice reunion.

Let's repeat that in 15 years.
See you.

- Earl, can I talk to you for a second?
- There is nothing to talk about.

- In here, Earl.
- Yes dear.

I wish,
he would not be so mad at me.

Give him a toy.

I think it needs it
something more, sweetie.

More than a toy?

I can not believe that you like her.
How she dresses.

Good gracious.

I bet these two are tight
Dominions are Robbie and Charlene.

Hug me.

- Who are you?
- Yes.

We should not hug strangers.

We learned at school.

I am no stranger.
I am Aunt Pearl.

The sister of your dad.

He mentioned me, right?

- Aunt Pearl... Aunt Pearl...
- I remember...

Yes. When did you come out of jail?

He said I was in jail?

Well, you are either dead
or in jail, so...

Your dad may have imagination.

Not really.

Hey, is that your guitar?

Sure, that's why I'm here.

I'm going to the bar stools
Serenade in Bucking Bronto.

- You are a singer?
- Yes.

Are you definitely related to Dad?

Do not say
you do not see the family resemblance.

Yes, you look a bit like him.
No offense.

Pearl, your brother wants to tell you something.

Get out of my house.

I just remembered that we
to teach our children, each

Family member with love
and to treat respect.

- Actually, you said...
- flap. Now I'm talking.

Because I am my children
not a bad example,

or give up certain things

I decided, you can stay.

And I want you welcome.

Thank you for the generous welcome.

I would like to reciprocate with it
an invitation to Bronto tonight.

- Yes.
- May we?

In a greasy tavern
full of bar stools and sluts,

where the alcohol cheap
and life is even cheaper?

Is that a yes"?

I'm sorry, tomorrow is school.

Leave it, Earl.

- Yes.
- Let's go for the rules.

- Yes.
- That's her, Fran.

Pearl's philosophy of life.

Rules are there to break.
If it works well, then do it.

Live your dream. Taste life.

- What's wrong with it?
- It's wrong that...

You are not going out tonight.

- That's inappropriate.
- Life is inappropriate.

As long as I am your father
and not Pearl,

it will be inappropriate.

And now it's time to do homework.

Dad is right. Tomorrow is school.
Homework is more important.


- For whom is the malt beer?
- For me.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

And pack the books away.
You're in a disgusting dump.

- Behave yourself too.
- Yes. OK.

I love your new hat.
Looks great.

Hey, you did it.

I do not believe that His Excellency
changed his mind.

Dad probably recognized
that he was selfish and unfair.

You've sneaked out, right?

- Yes.
- Do not worry, I will not put up.

I am flattered that you are
Risked to hear me singing.


Robbie? Charlene?

Hey, you better have a good reason
to be here on a school evening.

Do we have.

Well. I'm sorry,
that I am so strict.

Hey, Tiger. Do we know each other?

Hardly, because of a guy
like you, I would remember.

This is Dad's sister.

I am Pearl.

And I am...

Aunt Pearl, I know that already.

It takes a while,
until his name falls.

Well, I have to go on stage.

But I'll tell you something,
Darling, save something

from the bubbly entertainment
for after the show, ok?

Good luck. Break a leg.

The Bucking Bronto is now presenting

the first lady of country music,
Pearl Sinclair.


Roy. Roy Hess.

- Where is she going?
- Thereon.

Hey. That's a little song,
that tells my story.

I played in Spelunk in Wetlands

steakhouses and lagoons

Kissed the big boys
in the country saloons

There was Willie in one city.

An herbivore with a sad look
When I wanted to nail him.

The leaf-eater sought the breadth

I'm still dreaming of Danny

He is a Bronto from my past

But quadrupeds are running twice as fast.

I'm feeling sick and sinking
With no chance to get out of

My delicate situation
In the tar pit of love

I slide into the underground
I'll be listening soon.

My dreams are just sticky bubbles

In the tar pit of love

Thank you. Thanks. Thank you.

God, it's as if she has
just sung for me.

Do you understand now what I mean?

Where Pearl Sinclair goes,
follows trouble.

If you want trouble, call Pearl.
Pearl stands for trouble.

- Blow trouble in the dictionary after...
- I got it, Earl!

But let's not be too quick.

Who knows if she spurred the children,
not to obey you?

Does not matter,
she made the temptation.

It would not have happened
if she was not here.

That's not fair, Earl.

If it's up to you, you would be the cake
blame if I am because of him

break my diet.

There is cake?

Thanks for coming, people.
It means a lot to me that you were there.

I never expected to say that

but the cake has to wait.

Quietly. We do not want to wake Dad.

- He is awake.
- Caught.

Did you have two minors?
Have fun going for a pub?

Smaller, if you're mad at someone
have to be, then best on me.

That's exactly what I had in mind.
And do not call me kid.

Earl, they just listened to some music.

This evening.

And soon they want a band
start and go around like gypsies.

Living on the street,
one step ahead of the law,

meet dazzling villains and
Good-for-nothings and make all sorts.

I thought to college,
but that sounds better.

Which of the good-for-nothing would be
maybe... cute boys?

Do you hear the? You corrupted her.

Get out of my house
and from our life.

Why do not you relax?


You would like that, right?

If I behaved like Pearl.

To the city, to sing a few songs,
all fun.

You would all love that.

- It would be much better.
- Yes. You would much prefer us.

- Sounds exciting.
- Yes.

Pearl, I hope you are satisfied.

You have my family
upset against me.

Your work is done here.

I do not bring anyone against you.
You already do it yourself.

- You can not love Pearl.
- But I love her.

That will not do. You first met her.

Yes I know.

But when I look at her, it is
as we already knew each other forever.

She is exotic and yet so familiar.

You are only
trapped in a romantic fog.

But do not be fooled.

If Pearl is finished with you, leave her
you fall like a hot potato.

You're wrong, Earl.
Pearl wants to settle down.

That's what she told me yesterday, in a song.

Believe me, she will let you down.

Where do you want to get that from?

Because she let me down.

You deserve that.

You would not have
to go out with your sister.

Will you be quiet and listen to me?

Not only did she fail me,
but the whole family.

She is selfish and irresponsible.

As you speak, you wrinkle
your nose just like Pearl.

Nice. Alright.

Fall in love with my sister.

Make the biggest mistake of your life.

Thank you, Earl.
I just wanted to have your blessing.

He waved to me and threw me out
I just said, " Fine."

Because your ex is a big T-Rex
You move to the side.

Otherwise his long teeth will chew

Chew his long teeth.

And his big fat feet stomp

His big fat feet stomp

- Kau
- Kau

- Stamping
- stamping.

Crying brings absolutely nothing

Because your ex is a big T-Rex

- You move aside
- You move to the side.

- Yes.
- Yes.

OK. Do you know, Aunt Pearl,

Roy Hess happens to be a big T-Rex.

That's right, but somehow believe
I'm not that sweet guy like him

the heart would have to throw me out.

Or the arms.

Hey, would not it be funny

when I married and lived here.

Would the Earl
do not drive in the parade?

Yes, the more reason to do it.

Yes. Lately Dad is really nasty.

He is not funny.
You should be my dad.

I know that you mean that very much.

I do not do.

Your dad has his reasons
to be as he is.

- Oh yes?
- Yes.

When our daddy, your grandpa died,

Earl had to leave school and
Tree thrust will be to help mum.

And where were you?

I really wanted to become a singer.

So I broke off and followed my dream
and the rodeo clown buttons.

But that's a story
for another time.

Your dad never forgave me,
that I left him at home

and he is alone
had to take care of mom.

Now I want more, somehow
know about the guy.

Yes, your dad is fascinating.

Not dad. He is
as boring as dust.

- Tell more about buttons.
- Yes.

All right then. It was a...


I searched the supercontinent
After a lizard like you

Someone to share my loot

How Loves In Love Do That

With your strong cock
And this dark, brown scales.

How could I ever feel sad?

With a lizard like you

You cuddly predator, you

I've been dreaming about it recently.

That you will recognize one day

The woman you are waiting for
could be

A lizard like me

- You have a lot of teeth
- Many teeth.

- Powerful scream
- Mighty Scream.

But you never tore me to shreds

Not a lizard like you

A lizard like you

Come, sit with me.

Yes. You were great. Great.

- Yeah great.
- Thanks.

Thank you very much.

That was wonderful, Pearl.

There is someone wonderful,
that inspires me.

For real? Who?

"Whom"? As if you did not know that.

God, you make me laugh.

Pearl, you should know, that was
the most wonderful week of my life

with the exception of the universe holiday camp.

I feel like I am doing
the summer camp competition today.

That's the most romantic thing
that I have ever heard.

And now kiss me,
like you have never kissed.

Funny, that you say that.

Come on, sweetheart.

What's happening?
Do not you want to kiss me?

Roy, what's up?

I have to go. I am sorry.
You're nice, but you're mine too...

Too familiar and...

I have a stomachache.

Boy. Roy, do not go.

I'm sorry if I pushed.

Who is this in the middle of the night?

How are you, Earl?

I just wanted to say goodbye.

Yes, exactly on schedule.

When Roy told me
that he falls in love with you,

I knew you would run away.

Instead of settling down
and to be responsible once,

did you let him sit,
like buttons, the rodeo clown...

And all the other mourning figures,
who followed in his footsteps.

I did not let Roy sit.

He let me sit.

Roy let you sit?

- Yes.
- Why?

Ask me something lighter.

I only know, I can
Do not stay here where Roy is.

It hurts.

So you just walk away?

- Like Mom and me?
- Listen,

I know you had
a few hard years, Earl.

But you have a great family.
You have three wonderful kids.

- You have a pretty good life now.
- Yeah, you're damn right.

That's because I do not
somewhere on a stage

run after some stupid dream.

With the heat of the headlights
on my face,

my fingers,
that glide over the strings,

my heart racing with the music
and fuel the audience,

just from the hot
Passion exceeded.

Was it suddenly hot here?

My dear, you are jealous.

That's why you're so mad at me.

- Jealous?
- Yes.

I? That I do not laugh.

Are you really a singer?
And not a comedian?

Because that's really funny.

I just realized something.

Do me a favor, Earl,

and come to the club tomorrow.

Bring the family.

I thought you were leaving.

Be there around 8 pm This is important.

What we mean by that, Dad, is...

We always complained
that you are such a boring

but now we understand
why you are so boring and bitter

and narrow minded...

Sister, help me.
I thought that would be a compliment.

What Robbie wants to say is Dad,

that we were mad at you,
but now you are only sorry for us.

It is about time.

People, let's get the lady back

welcome, which was country,
before it was cool,

- Miss Pearl Sinclair.
- Yes!

Thank you. Thank you.

Last night, I wrote
a new song that I have here.

When I finished, I realized
I had written a duet.

So I need a little help.

And she says she is professional.

So I ask my brother Earl,
come up here and help me.

Come on, Earl, in the shower
Do you sing every morning?

Mom, do not encourage him.

Do not forget, you are
the boring, responsible.

- You do not sing in public.
- No.

- You're welcome.
- Thank you, my boy.

Your lack of trust is
the incentive I need.

- Yes.
- No! Dad, do not do this...

This is my brother, Earl.

He did a long time ago
something pretty important to me,

for which I never thanked him.

This song is my way of saying:
"Thank you, big brother."

I know, it's a little late,
but it comes from the heart.

I can not watch it.

Some of us are trees

Rooted in the ground

Some of us are leaves

The wind blown

I've always been a leaf

Fast and free in the wind

But sometimes I wish

I would be destined to be a tree.

I was born an oak

The most powerful of all trees

But I envied every leaf.

Worn gently by the wind

And then a leaf told me.

That we are all the same

We share a single life

Although we have different names

So if the wind blows too hard
And we can not stay together.

I hope, then you will not forget

You are a part of me Forever


Thanks. Thanks.



It's hard to love a reptile
That likes to make other beautiful eyes

And here I will draw the line

You promised, you behave yourself
Then I saw you in her cave.

You have with her
instead of my played

Leave her cock alone
Leave her cock alone.

It broke my heart as I lost her
looked around your strapped

Leave her cock alone
Leave her cock alone.

I advise you, leave her cock alone.