Dinosaurs (1991–1994): Season 4, Episode 14 - Georgie Must Die! - full transcript

When Earl dresses up as Georgie, an orange hippo that is the latest hit in children's television but the parents' latest nightmare, to put on a show for the Baby, he is arrested for copyright infringement. In jail, Earl finds out that Georgie has a sinister plan in mind for his merchandising empire and breaks out to join the Parents' Resistance and enlists Roy's help to take the evil hippo down.

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Hello, boys and girls.


We are so happy
that you are here.

Yes Yes Yes!

Gosh! I would never
my backdoor dude.

Or disappoint my buddies at home.

Hello, guys.

Hi, Georgie!

Here's a special Georgian hug
for each one of you.

Kids, you know,
What's a day today?

A special day!

Yes! And I have a special song.

- Juhu!
- Yes Yes Yes!

I hug you You hug me.

It's a special day
do you understand

Yes, we are all special
and you are my special friend.

You are so special
I say that again.

Especially, especially

Especially, especially

Especially, especially, especially
especially, especially, especially...

Especially, especially, especially...

Let it stop. Let it stop!

I can not stand this anymore!

The nightmare ends now!

Hey! This is my video!

I know you're in there,
you orange sack!

What the hell are you doing?

Morning, noon, evening,
always Georgie, Georgie, Georgie!

Georgie on the farm,
Georgie in the zoo!

Georgie on the beach!

That is my favourite!

Oh yes? Well, that's my favorite.

Georgie in a million parts!

Die! Die!

That was cruel!
Look how upset he is.

I miss Georgie! I want Georgie!

Apologize to him immediately.


I'm sorry about the video.

Here are a few bills.

I want a Georgie hug.

And I would not give you anything better.

If there was a magical way,
to give you a Georgie hug,

Daddy would do that, believe me.

But unfortunately that does not work.

That actually works.

Is here in the newspaper.

Georgie appears today
personally in the shopping center.

- What?
- What?

Show it to me.

Will see Georgie
Will see Georgie

Will see Georgie

Fran, millions of screeching children.
Do not do that to me!

Do not you love me?

You better go the same.


Why the hurry? The center
is only ten minutes away.

Georgie is very popular.
The snake could be long.

You promised him, Earl.

Alright! Put it on. Let's go.


What the hell is that?

The serpent to hug Georgie.
Do not push!

Forget it.

Georgie hugging...

Honey I'm home.


I want to see Georgie!

Will see Georgie see Georgie!

This is my death!

This noise. This is
like a spear between the eyes.

I feel it now too.

I do not understand this Georgie thing.

What does the child see in this
orange fool?

He's not even a real hippopotamus.

Is not he?

No, he's just a guy in a suit.

Is not even a good suit.

Looks like yours
made cheap carpet.

Hey, that's multiple velvety plush.

Everything about Georgie drives me crazy.

Even the stupid way he talks.

You are so special.

Is Georgie out there?

I do not see him.

I heard Georgie.

Hey, wait a moment.

I hug you You hug me.

Hug, hug, hug embrace, hug me.

Georgie is in there!
I want a hug!

Roy, he thinks I sound like Georgie.
Do you know what this means?

You can make a career as an imposter?

No! If he
Georgie wants to see in person

I can be Georgie.

- Oh yeah.
- Yes.

I only need material for a costume.

Hey, pretty clever.

Boy, we could only use the same rug
I find at home.


I want to see Georgie!

Will see Georgie wants to see Georgie!

Hey, kid.

If you want it very much,
maybe you can see Georgie.

Do not play with me.

No no. Try it.

Maybe you will be surprised.

I wish Georgie.

Wishes. Wishes.



Stupid costume.

You're the one!

Hey, that's right, kid.

I am Georgie and that is
my backdoor buddy.


- Hello, special friend.
- We like you.

- Yes.
- Yeah!

- People.
- You owe us, Georgie.

Georgie? I love you.

I have all the videos
and keep watching me

and again and again and again

- and again and...
- Good for you,

but Georgie would rather
if you play football games now and then

or turn on a sitcom.

- Yes.
- Yes.

Ok, Georgie. Was I hugging me?

Sure, special guy.

As long as my head does not fall off.

- Well, is not that special?
- Yeah!

I hope that was
a special day for you,

because he was
especially for Georgie, because...

One two three four.

I hug you You hug me.

It's a special day
you understand

We are all special
and you are my special friend.

You are so special
I say that again.

Hey there!

Especially, especially...

You're under arrest!

- Why?
- Copyright infringement.

They have themselves
created with the wrong hippopotamus.

- Stop stop...
- Exactly.

Do not make it worse.

Hey, do not touch him!
This is Georgie!

I've got to get out of here...

Visit, Sinclair.

- Thank heaven.
- Hi darling.

How are you?

Not good, Fran.
You have to get me out of here.

The days are long
and the nights even longer.

The food is bad and the guards
just waiting to give it to you.

It's lonely here under construction, Fran.

You have only been here for 20 minutes.

I saw enough movies,
to know what to expect!

Earl, listen. Everything will be fine.

I called the Georgie Studio
and spoke to Georgie herself.

He was very nice and offered
to come here myself and to settle this.

Visit, Sinclair. Very special visit.

Hello, Fran. Hello, Earl.

- Hi.
- Thanks for coming.

I wanted that
settle as soon as possible.

Earl, I'm really sorry,
if you have inconvenience.

Honestly, I'm such a jerk, if it is
for things like patents, trademarks

and international copyright laws.

I never thought that me
could cause such a vortex.

I just want to make kids laugh.

They make children laugh clearly.

Fran, can I talk to Earl alone?

Yes of course.

Earl, I hope
I'll see you home soon.

- Bye.
- Fran, it's only a matter of time.

- A life long!
- Huh? What?

The Georgie Co. -Works do not like them
Piracy of their intellectual property.

I will be with you
make an example, Sinclair.

Nobody, but neither
meddle in my empire!

I'm sorry for your empire.

I only did
a little show for my child.

They wanted to
Make children laugh.

To laughing children

it went the first ten minutes!

Now it's about coal.
Videos, dolls, T-shirts.

Market saturation is unprecedented.

And that is only phase one!

Phase one? How ominous.

They have
anything diabolic, right?

This is not your normal laugh.

Soon we will reveal phase two.

The Georgie cable channel.

24 hours a day
Georgie programs and advertising non-stop.

Advertising for each one
imaginable Georgie product

and sell, sell, sell!

Well, I leave my children
Do not look at your evil channel.

I will exercise parental authority.

That will not make a difference.

When phase three comes,
we do not need TV anymore.

We beam our program
directly into the children's brains

by recipients who go to the dentist
be secretly implanted.

I start to believe
You are not a good role model.

It does not matter what you think

- because you can not get out of here!
- What?

They will rot here!

Goodbye. And do not forget,
They are something special.

Hey, guard! Guard, someone is trying
to break into my cell.

Heaven, if you can not
times in jail is safe...

Hey! Hey, you make everything dirty.

Hey! Guard! Guard!

- Guard!
- Hey, rest, you idiot.

We come to save you.

- Save me?
- Oui.

How are you
come through the wall?

This baguette.
Hard as a chisel, non?

Quick, Jean-Claude, hurry up.

Who are you?

- We are the parent resistance.
- Oui.

Freedom fighters who have a guerilla war
lead against such a tasteless evil,

so sweet that it's the mind
threatened by parents everywhere!

You speak of Georgie, yes?

He has to be stopped.

But he is on TV,
and that is a powerful medium.

True, he is powerful
and we are just simple parents,

but our concern is fair
and our duty clear.

The world of the orange evil,
Georgie, free.

We consecrated our life to this goal,
our destiny and our holy honor!

you awaken my patriotism.

Fast. Love me.

Unfortunately, there is no time for that.

So urgent is our concern.


We sacrificed everything.

Yes. Will you
join our noble effort?

I am not sure.
I can not get the accent.

That is unimportant.

Important is only
a passion for justice.

Not even a kiss?

Chérie, it will still be
give plenty of time for kisses,

if the world
finally freed from Georgie.

- Oh yeah.
- Monsieur, we need you!

We heard about your scary talent,
Georgie perfect to imitate.

That gave us new hope,
to overthrow his kingdom of evil.

I am supposed to imitate him?

You have to imitate Georgie,
to infiltrate his organization.

That sounds kind of risky.

Monsieur, the hopes and dreams
of millions of parents

clench your fearless breast.

Like me now.

Yes, I can feel it.

Brigitte, break
your revolutionary fire.

So, where is your Georgie costume?

- At home.
- Then you have to go there,

where we pick up your costume
and then go to the Georgie TV studio,

Tomorrow morning à six.

- Six?

We explain it to you on the way.

- Go Go.
- Allons-y!

Oh! Oh, your baguette. I'm coming!

- No, no, hurry!
- I'm coming.


Oh, it's just you.

Who else should it be?
At 3 o'clock in the morning?

You called and said
I should come here.

I'm sorry that I called so late.

I just wanted to tell you
you were a good friend.

Oh thank you, you too.

Until this 3 o'clock in the morning nonsense.

Where do you want to go, right?

Roy, if I tell you,
I have to kill you.

Then I do not want to know.

Does this have anything to do with Georgie?

How do you know?

The big note on the fridge.

"Do not forget, Georgie costume
to take on a secret mission."


Hey, if you are a covert mission
plan to get this orange evil

I want to be there.

I'm sorry, Roy, it's too dangerous.

Hey, "danger" is my second name.

Originally that was
my mother's maiden name and her

gave it to me,
so he stays in the family.

Of course he did not use me until today.

I do not want to argue with you.

I only want the person
say goodbye, which is closest to me.

Would not that be Fran?

Damn it!

I just pack some food,
then I'm gone.

- Earl, that sounds very dangerous.
- Yes.

What should I do if something happens to you?

Head up, kid.

You know, the problems of two little dinosaurs

mean in this
crazy world not much.

I almost forgot the beans.

Half a dozen cans should do it.

Well, farewell, Fran.

Earl, do not go!

Frannie, I have to go.
If I do not go, I will regret it.

Maybe not today,
maybe not tomorrow or this week,

but probably until the end of the month.

Do you have a calendar?

In or out?
The bugs come in.

This is my brave girl.

Pay attention. I want Georgie's goods
in front of your shops.

In showcase.

I do not care if you sell vegetables.

Become all that useless fruit
and vegetables going on.

Clear Georgie's videos
and dolls forward.

Because they do not do that,
Georgie tells all his little fans,

that she's not Mommy and Daddy anymore
to let in your stores.

Yes, I thought
that you also see it that way.

Remember, you are special.

But not like that, me
She can not crush like a bug.

I hug you You hug me.

I am the richest man the story

- Excuse me, Mr. Georgie.
- Who are you?

- I'm Roy.
- Huh?

I'm just a normal fan,
who wants an autograph.

- Oh, a fan!
- Yes.

Everything for one
from Georgie's little fans.

- Oh thank you.
- To whom dedicated?

I have to go fast
think of a name.

Bob Young. Oh, hey.

Good job, Roy. Now bind him,

and I say to the whole world,
What a dodger he is.

On the air in 30 seconds, Mr. Georgie.

I will soon be there.

No, you do not go out there by yourself.

You go out there
with the hopes and dreams

millions of angry parents.

Hopes and dreams
are basically abstract,

So you are alone.
But hey, good luck.

Is Georgie's turn? Is Georgie's turn?

Mom, do we have to look again?

Yes, yes yes, yes, yes!

I would say yes.

And here comes
everyone's favorite hippopotamus: Georgie.

Juhu, Georgie!

Hello, boys and girls!

Georgie wants everyone
say something special.

Georgie is not the one who believes her.

- Dad?
- Earl?

You probably think Georgie is
a nice, loveable guy,

who likes to hug, but...

Hug! We want a hug!

We want a hug!

Georgie will be right back, kids.

Talk to each other.

I can not do that, Roy.

Do you see these kids?
They love Georgie.

I can do their little hearts
not break.

Think of all the parents at home,
who suffer endlessly because of Georgie.

They count on you, the children
say who Georgie really is.

We want Georgie!

We want Georgie! We want Georgie!

We want Georgie!

We want Georgie!


Yes, that's a brave hippopotamus.

Hello again, children.

The show usually has
no real content,

but today I have something to tell you.

Sometimes your heroes are not that,
what they seem.

You should know something about Georgie.

This is a swindler, boys and girls.

He is not Georgie. I am Georgie.

No, kids, he's the dodger.

I am the real Georgie
and I can prove it.

I'm pushing you

You push me

So you Georgies
get a special knee

What's going on there?

In this show
there is only room for a Georgie.

You would not hurt your friends?

Do you want to bet? Take that and that.

Help! Help, children, help me!

- Now I have it.
- You lousy rat, hippopotamus.

Finally this show is good.


Oh, man.

Keep it up, Earl. Yes! Grab it!

Hello, children.

It's certainly confusing to see
like Georgie and his evil twin

to argue like that.

But until there is a winner,

Do not we want to have fun ourselves?

Let's sing this song

Uncle Roy! Yes.

Oh, she's a brick house.

Yes, she is mighty tall

And just let everything out...


Hey, have a heart.

You do not want the most popular one
To cut figure on children's television.

This is at home for all parents.

Oh, look at it, hang on it
Hail on it, take care of it

Hang on, look at it Wait.

Look at it Oh, yes.

Hang on, look at it
Have a look on it,

Look at it take care of it

Look at it Have a look on it,

Hang on, look at it Wait.


You see DNN with the headlines.

Here's the chief newscaster,
Mario puppet.

And finally, the fallout resulted
of the melee of the Georgian show to

an investigation of the Georgian empire
through the Ministry of Justice with

Georgie arrested for organizing
Crime and tax evasion.

Related to this was Earl Sinclair
acquitted of all actions

by the council of elders,
who also has children.

He handed him over
a key to the city

and thanked him for it, I quote:

"The giggling duffel bag
the deserved

Punching in the jaw."

Yes, that brings me a lot.

The city has no door!