Dinosaurs (1991–1994): Season 2, Episode 6 - Employee of the Month - full transcript

To drive up employee morale (or possibly to keep from getting sued), Mr. Richfield decides to create an idiot example of perfection and call him the "Employee of the Month." And who should make the grade but Earl?

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Honey, I'm home.


[on TV] Once again it's time
to learn about science

on Ask Mr. Lizard.

Hi, kids.

Hi, Mr. Lizard.

Hi, Mr. Lizard.
What are we going to learn today?

Well, Timmy, what do you think would
happen if we mixed potassium nitrate,

charcoal and sulfur?

Hmm. Gee, Mr. Lizard, { don't know.

We're going to need another Timmy.

Gee, Mr. Lizard, nothing's happening.

Well, Timmy, maybe we need
to put some light on the subject.

We're going to need another Timmy.


Say it.

We're going to need another Timmy.


- Cool.
- Cool.

- Yay!
- Finished your cereal?

- No cereal. Juice.
- First cereal, then juice.

- First juice.
- Then cereal?

- We'll see.
- [sighs]




All right, all right.

Here you go.

Would one of you keep an eye
on your brother while I'm upstairs?

- It's his turn.
- I watched him yesterday.

Thank you both so much.

And make sure he eats his cereal.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.




- Ha ha ha!
- What?


Got to love me.


- Clean it up!
- You clean it up!

[both] No, you clean it.

- I got to go upstairs!
- I got to go first!

- Wait, wait, wait, wait!
- Hmm.

Brother! Sister! I'm all alone!

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!


[creatures] What do you want?

Ice cream!

Yeah, yeah!

Kid wants ice cream. Take it.



Cookies! Cookies! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Cake! Candy! Frozen yogurt!

Come on! Keep it coming! Keep it coming!

More, more, more! Bonbons!

Jelly beans!

Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

More, more! Keep going!
Keep it coming! Keep it coming!

Go! Go! Go! Go!



Morning, kids. What are you doing?

- Watching the baby.
- Me too.

Nice to see you're accepting
more responsibility.


Franny, where'd all the sugar go?



Fran, I'm calling you.


What was that?

[babbling] Whoa.

You made all this mess?

I'm vibrating!

I am not cleaning this up.



Don't Earl me. I just pass through
this house on my way to work.

I was upstairs with Robbie
and Charlene's laundry.

I can't deal with all three kids
at the same time.

I told you two kids, but oh, no.

Now there's three of them and two of us.

We lost. 3-2.

You're talking about our family, Earl.

Excuse me, Fran, but I was prepared
for child one and child two.

We planned for them,
they arrived on schedule,

and I thought the family was complete.

- But no.
- [Baby imitating train]

Arriving on track number three...


Whoo whoo!

Absolutely without warning.

Chugga, chugga,
chugga, chugga, chugga,

chugga, chugga,
chugga, chugga, chugga,

whoo whoo!

Chugga, chugga, whoo whoo!

I'm the baby. Got to love me.

I'm the daddy. Got to go to work.
How about a kiss?

- [kissing]
- Aww.

Aw, your daddy just needs
to spend more time with you

so he can get to know every
little bit of you like I do.

See my bump?

What the heck is that?

I don't understand.
It started out as this little bump.

What do you think it is?

- In my professional opinion?
- Yes.

Along, gold bony thing with a point.

Of course,
we haven't done any tests yet.

It's like a horn.

Yes, in a way.

Let me see! Where?

How did it happen?

Well, judging from its size and color,

mmm... l have no idea.

Well, he did eat a lot
of sugar this morning.

So did I, but I don't look
like a freak of nature.


Well, good luck to you.

Doctor, wait.

You won't tell anyone, will you?

Oh, please, I'm a doctor.

Patient confidentiality absolutely
prohibits me from telling anybody

about things like that.

Hey, Earl, how's the little
freak of nature?

Now you got a son and a hat rack.


All right, very funny, very funny.

Let's all have a good laugh
at my family's pain and suffering.

- Sorry, there.
- Well, no offense.

- Glad it didn't happen to me.
- Touchy, touchy.

OK, my best buddy
in all the world, your turn.

I suppose have you an amusing remark
about my son's affliction?

Hey, would I never, pally-boy.

You know, I don't often
let people in on this,

but there was one time in my life
when I had short little stubby arms.

Yep, I did.

- Roy, you're a tyrannosaurus.
- What are you saying?

- Nothing.
- Oh.

All I know is my life
was not nearly as difficult

when I only had two kids.

Is that a terrible thing to say?

Why do I always get picked
last for the bowling team?



Oh. Ah.

- [Robbie] Best two of three?
- [Charlene] Yeah.


You told us to play with him.


Fran, I want that thing
off that kid's face.

I don't care what it takes, just do it.

How was your day, dear?

Saw it off, Fran, saw it off right now.

We are not sawing off
a piece of our child's head.

[sobbing] But I'm
getting teased at work.

That's not a good reason, Earl.

This, on the other hand,
is a very good reason.

Where did you get that, Ethel?

A dinosaur in a black cloak
delivered it.

- Oh, no!
- What is it, Dad?

It's the official scroll
with the official red ribbon.

Well, what does it mean?

It means... [gulps]

...I've been summoned, haven't 1?

"The Council of Elders,
meeting in the Cave of Destiny,

deep within the Mountain of Terror,

half a block south
of Mort's Big and Tall,

hereby summons Earl Sinclair..."

What have I done? What have I done?

"...and his infant son."

I knew it. I told you.

"Nothing but trouble," I said.

"But he's such a sweet thing," you said.

Well... well...


I don't get it. What's the big deal
about this cave of old guys?

Terror. Horror. No one ever comes back.

I hear they once made a guy
bite off his own head.

Earl, calm down.

All these wild tales
of mystical voodoo mumbo jumbo

are just silly rumors.


[rhythmic chanting]


- Silence!
- You got it.

Are you the father of this horned child?

Um, uh... uh... uh...

Oh, geez.

Yeah, I am.

But please don't make me
bite off my own head.

I was practicing in the lobby,
and it just wasn't happening.

- Silence!
- You got it!

Do you understand the significance
of the golden horn?

Uh... no.

But I could chew off
my foot if you want.

Behold the Sacred Book of Dinosaur,

the wisdom of the ages handed down
from the beginning of time.

"And there shall come a child

from whom shall grow a golden horn,

and he shall be king of the dinosaurs.”


"And he shall be born of a noble mother,

and his father shall be
courageous and wise."


Give me the Wite-Out.

"Father shall be a blithering idiot."

Can he do that?

"And this golden child shall be revered
from near and far."

Junior, you hear that?

Uh, got to go.

No! No!

"And from his mouth his simple words
shall ring out only the purest truth."

- Got to go.
- Junior, hold it in.

Behold, the king of the dinosaurs!

Behold, his brow is knit with wisdom!


Hey, are you guys really serious?

Behold he is about to speak!

I made a big poop.

[Elders] Ohh! Ohh!

[Baby] Ah! Ah!



[announcer] The Making
of a King, Day Two.

Now here is DNN correspondent
Howard Handupme.

Good evening.

As prophesied in the Book of Dinosaur,

a child with a golden horn has been
found and declared the new king.

This was the scene yesterday
at the Cave of Destiny.

[Elders] Behold the king!

I don't have to take a nap.

Today the king holds court
at his parents' home

as thousands flock to see the infant
sovereign and touch the sacred horn.

Make way! Coming through!
Father of the king coming through!

All right, get back. Wait your turn.


There he is.

How's Daddy's little monarch?

Want to go night-night.

Oh, heavy is the head
that wears the crown.

Earl, it's time for his nap now.


The problems of state never nap.

Our little potentate
has subjects to receive,

disputes to settle,

athletic gear to endorse.

- [Earl] Prince Robert?
- Yeah, Dad?

Princess Charlene
could use help out there

granting admittance to those commoners

who seek an audience with their king.

Forget it, Dad. I'm not bowing
down to my little brother

because he's got some horn
growing out of his head.

Those dinosaurs outside are just sheep.

Have you noticed some
of those sheep are cheerleaders?

Your Majesty. Yes.

Oh, look, Dad, it's Mr. Turtlepuss
and the guys from work.

Uh, hi there, Earl.

We've come to pay homage to the king.

Looky who's here, the three wise guys

who come to make some humorous
affliction remarks about my son,

the royal hat rack.

- Well, we brought gifts.
- Yeah?

Spices from the north.

Silk from the east.

One of those big
plastic fire trucks with ladders

and hoses that squirt.


I'm not sure your transparent generosity
is acceptable to the king.

Yes, it is.

Uh, Earl, we're sorry
about what we said.

Yeah. We didn't mean anything.

How were we supposed to know
the kid was so special?

I knew. I always knew.

I knew from the day this kid was hatched

I was the father of a very,
very special treasure.



Boy, those kings on a stick
went like crazy.

Just look at this floor.

Everyone in Pangaea
must have trooped through here.

A monarch's work is never done.

It still isn't, Dad.
There's one more loyal subject out here.

Uh, hey there, pally-boy.

Roy, come on in. Glad to see you.

Come down to have a beer
and shoot the breeze?

Actually, I wanted to talk
to the king for a minute

if it's all the same to you there, Earl.

Uncle Roy!

Sure. Step right up.

You're a good friend
of the court after all,

the best friend.

Not to overstep my bounds or nothin',
but could I speak to the king alone?

Sure. I guess, if you want to.

- I'll just go over here.
- Good.



Your Highness...

Uncle Roy.

Uh, as I understand it,
now that you're the king,

well, you may have some kind of mystical
powers of a supernatural nature.

- Hi, Uncle Roy.
- Yeah, hi.

And I was hoping you
could see your way clear

to granting me a wish.

- Juice?
- Thanks, no.

I realize I'm a tyrannosaurus,

and as a tyrannosaurus,
I use my massive jaws

to tear stuff limb from limb,


To tell you the truth,
I always wanted to play the piano...

...eat with a fork,
get picked first for the bowling team.

Want a fire truck?

No, I want longer arms.

Can you do that for me?

Funny arms.

Yeah, I know.

- Like 'em.
- You do?

- Like you.
- You do?


So I'm just being stupid?


Yeah, I guess I am.

- Uncle Roy?
- Yeah?

- [kiss]
- [grunts]

Hey, you got
a great king there, pally-boy.

Yeah, thanks, Roy, old buddy.

Yeah. I got a great kid.

Oh, yeah... Aah!

- An!
- have come for the child.

What are you talking about?

He is king now. He must join us
in the Cave of Destiny,

where we can train him
in the manner of a ruler.

What makes you think
my husband and I

are going to stand by while
you walk out of here with our baby?


"He who defies the will of the Elders

shall be thrown into
the Fiery Pit of Despair

and suffer an eternity
of unspeakable torment

roasting in the unrelenting fires
of absolute misery."




Um... good dinner, Mom.

Don't start in on me.

What'd I... What'd I say?

Charlene, sweetheart, it's all right.

Your mother just hasn't come
to terms with the fact

that your little brother
is not with us anymore.

- Oh, I understand.
- [Earl] Good.

- Robbie.
- Hmm? Oh yeah.

Not the mother! Not the mother!

[sighs] No, that's not it at all.

Yeah, it's the wrong pot.

It doesn't matter.
It could never be the same.

Just forget it.

Should I throw some food at you?

That's sweet, Charlene,
but it won't change the fact

that... that... my baby is gone!


They took him away to a beautiful place

and a wonderful life where he'll
get everything he could ever need.

Aw, Dad.

And I'm not going to be the one
who gives it to him.

Robbie, Charlene,
could you give us a moment, please?


Yeah. I'll practice on Charlene.

It's all my fault, Fran.

I said we should
have never had a third kid.

I said we should have stopped at two.

How could I have been so foolish?

Earl, if you want a third child again,
there's only one thing left to do.

Aw, geez, Fran, I'm not in the mood.

Of course I could get in the mood.

Couple of cocktails, rub my back...

Go get our son and bring him back.

All right. You're right.

I'm going up there
and getting my son back

and I'm going to get him back right now.

Number 4,077.


All I want to do is add
a second story to my garage,

but it's zoned R1, so I need ten
additional feet for my property line.

Anyway, I was wondering
could you grant me a variance?

- Kiss the doll.
- Oh, sure.

The variance is granted.

Touch the horn and go.

Thank you.

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Oh, my contractor will be so thrilled.


Give me a whitefish.


Isn't this the Cave Deli?

It's the Cave of Destiny.

I've been standing here 16 hours.

What do you want from me?

I just wanted to get a piece of fish...


That's me.

[Elder 1] Approach the king,
state your case.

[Elder 2] You have three minutes.

I know you!

He remembers me!

Not the mama!

Nobody else does it like him.

Two minutes.

Oh! Uh...

I came here to take you home.

But the guard at the door
with the machine gun

said that wouldn't be possible, son.

He's not your son. He's the king.

You have one minute.


I guess I didn't
treat you much like a king, did I?

You were new. You were my third child,

and your mother says I should
have spent more time with you.

Then you became king
and they took you away.

So now it's too late.

But I want you to know

even though all these guys think
you're king 'cause you got that horn,

you will always be my son.

[Elder] Your time is up.

Touch the horn and begone.


[all gasping]

- You see that?
- What does it mean?

[gasps] Son! The horn! It's falling off!

You need the horn to be the king.

Without the horn,
you'll just be my son.




[both laughing]

The King is a Hoax, Day One.

Now here is Howard Handupme.

Thousands are stunned
as today the golden horn

of the Sinclair baby
falls off suddenly.

The horn, first thought to be
a portent of a golden age

for all dinosaur civilization

is now believed to be
just one of those things.


Gee, Mr. Lizard, what should
1 do with the nitroglycerin?

[both] We're going to need
another Timmy. [laughing]

Well, Timmy, you just pour it
into the blender there

while I get behind this lead shield.


- Say it.
- Say it.


We're gonna need another Timmy.

[Baby] Yay!