Dino Dana (2017–…): Season 4, Episode 9 - Episode #4.9 - full transcript

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Dino Dana!

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Dino Dana!

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[Dana] Problem Cub

[video game sounds]

Ha, ha.
Got you now Uncle Ravi.

Oh, look out, Dana,
you dropped your controller.

No fair.

Looks like someone
is about to get Ravi'd.


Ravi, you remember when
we said we wanted to see

what it was like to take care
of a baby this weekend?

-Well, it's your turn.

Dexter needs a diaper change
and I need a shirt change.

Dexi, what did
she feed you?

Here, Dana.

No, I don't think so.

I already know what it's like
to take care of a baby.

Okay, let's go get
your diaper sack.

[distant roar]

What's that?

Where is that sound
coming from?



No way.

That might be the cutest
thing I've ever seen.

I need to pet it.


A scientist can't
get too attached

to what they're observing
or they might interfere.

This is my chance to observe
a baby Smilodon in the wild.

Where are your parents?

[Dexter crying]

What's wrong?

Please get rid of this.

You do not want to know
what's inside that thing.

Okay, Dana.
It's go time.

Hey, I was playing.

And now you're playing
with your nephew.

He doesn't want
to play with me.

He wants to play with you.


Oh, why's he crying again?

Maybe if I turn the volume up
I can drown him out.

Or we could take him
outside for a walk.

That's what Mom and Dad do
when Dexter won't stop crying.

Yeah, but it's cold.


Or we could
listen to him cry.

Let's go.
I'll grab the coats.


See you soon,
baby Smilodon.

Dana, you were right.

He's not crying anymore.

We're getting pretty good
at this parenting stuff, hm?

Do either of you see
a baby Smilodon anywhere?

Let me guess,
another dino experiment?

No, prehistoric
mammal observation.

The Smilodon
is the Sabre Tooth Cat.

I'm hoping if I find
the baby cub

it will lead me
to its parents

so I can see how
Smilodon families lived.

-Good luck with that.

[baby cries]


Actually, Dana.
I'll come with you.

I think Dexter needs another
walk around the block, babe.

What? Maybe I would have
liked to see the baby

sabre tooth kitty thing.

We should split up.

That way we can
cover more ground.


I'm going to go check
out the heated lobby.

[distant purring]

That must be the baby.

[coos and growls]

Oh, hi baby Smilodon.

It's okay.

I'm just here
to observe you.

And maybe pet you.

Focus, Dana, focus.

You can't get
too attached.


No. Don't do it.

Where are your parents,
baby Smilodon?

[distant roar]

Is that one
of them now, baby?

I think it is.

I better give
you some space.

[cooing and growling]


Is that your mom?

Looks like she brought
you some lunch.

Mom animals
are usually the ones

that feed the babies.

Aw, cuteness overload.

Oh, no.

I think I'm already
too attached.

I mean the female Smilodon

appears to have brought
her offspring some food.

Now where's she going?



Look, I caught
the Smilodon baby.

That's a black cat.

It has a collar.

Oh, yeah.

This probably
belongs to someone.

baby Smilodon is right...


Or at least it was.

I wonder if it
went after its mom.

You saw a mom Smilodon?


She came to feed her
baby but then ran off.

She left her baby behind?

Ha. Sounds familiar.

You left me with Dexter.

Now I'm going to
leave him with you.

Whose cat?

No ones.

I better go talk to Anjali
and put this cat back.

Uh, Uncle Ravi?

Oh, right.
Come on, Dexter.


[distant growling]

Sounds like the baby
Smilodon is close.

Better go find it.


There you are.

Are you looking
for your mom, baby?

[distant roar]

That doesn't
sound like your mom

but it does sound
like a predator.


A Nanuqsaurus.

She's definitely a predator
and I think she wants

the baby Smilodon
to be her prey.


I can't interfere.

The scientist must
only observe.




I interfered.

And if I was a baby
Smilodon right now I'd run!



Run faster, baby!


Another Smilodon?

And this ones bigger
than the other one.

It must be your Dad.

[both roar]



Looks like
the Nanuq is winning.

[both roaring and growling]

He did it!

The Dad Smilodon
scared the Nanuq off.

Nice work,
Daddy Smilodon.

Now the Mom is back.

Looks like she brought
more fish for her family.

They both take
care of the baby

but just in
different ways.



That is more cuteness
than I can handle.

Bye friends!

[baby crying]

See? Dexter always
cries around me.

He's a baby.
Babies cry.

You don't have
to run away.

You know who ran away?
The Nanuqsaurus.

After the Smilodon Dad
scared it off.

Oh, so the dad
protects, huh.


While the mom Smilodon
hunts for food.

Oh, so the mom leaves
the baby to hunt, huh?


They work together
as a team.

As a team. Huh.

So the two Smilodon need
to each do their part

to take care of their baby.

Because they're a family
and that's what families do.

Why don't I go
play with Dexter.

And I'll go grab us
some take out.

I think Dexter thinks
that's a good idea.

Here comes
the baby Smilodon.

Open up like
a Nanuqsaurus.


You know, I think
I could get used to

this whole
being a parent thing.

Me too.

Especially when you've
got a great partner.

Ah, babe.

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Next up, more Dino Dana.


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Dino Dana!

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Dino Dana!

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[Dana] Dino Doodies.

Time for breakfast.

Who's hungry?

Oh, Faran's always hungry,
aren't you?

Aren't you?

Now let's hurry up
and feed everyone

so we can have our breakfast.

Here you go, Faran.

[deep distant growl]

That wasn't you, was it?

Didn't think so.

I'll be right back.


Who left this here?

An Amargasaurus.

Did you do this?

Ew, how much
can horses poop?

That's not horse poop.

Don't tell me it's...

Dinosaur poop!

I think it belongs
to an Amargasaurus.

It's a herbivore with
huge sails down its back

but I'll need
to confirm my theory.

Dana, I'd leave
the poop alone.

But what if it
belongs to a predator

who wants to hunt
the animals inside the barn?

Faran and the other horses
could be in danger.

I'm sure they
will be fine.

We need to make sure.

What are you going to do,
investigate the poop?


Good suggestion.

No, Dana.
I didn't...

Paleontologists have been
studying dinosaur poop

for a long time.


Because you can
learn a lot from poop.

Can I see your phone?


Check this out.

It's a rock.


It's dino poop that
fossilized over millions

and millions of years
to become rock.

call it coprolite.

I call it gross.

I call it an opportunity
for discovery.

You can learn a lot
from coprolites

like what the dinosaur ate,
whether it was an herbivore,

carnivore or omnivore.

You're not going to
discover in that, are you?

For Faran
and the other horses, yes.

Want to help?

Yeah, no.

I'll finish feeding
the animals.

And I'll make sure
nothing feeds on them.

But I'm going to need
special equipment

for this investigation.

Dino poop
investigation begins.

[gasp] is that?

Oh, hay.

my theory was right.

Hay is a plant

and you're the only herbivore
I've seen, Amargasaurus

but if you're not
hunting the animals,

why are you hanging
around Grandma's barn?


I think I'm about
to get my answer.

that's Faran's breakfast.

I have to get
you out of here.

You like hay, huh?

If you want it

then come and get it.


There you go, Amarga.

Now stay out here and leave
the horse's food alone.



Here you go, Courtney.

[dinosaur squawks]

Did the Amargasaurus
come back?

[dinosaur squawks]

That doesn't sound
like the Amargasaurus.


Wait there, Laura.
I'll be right back.


A Troodon.

What did you tell yourself
about jumping to conclusions?

I should have
investigated further.

The Troodon
is an omnivore

meaning it eats
veggies and meat,

meaning if I find meat
in that poop,

it could belong
to the Troodon,

meaning it might
try to hunt Faran

and Courtney and Hol...

There's only one way
to know for sure.

Dino poop investigation



Dana, why are you
playing with poop?

I'm not playing with it.
I'm investigating it.

And I just learned it belongs
to an omnivorous dinosaur

that might try to hunt
the animals you love.

Oh, I think I know exactly

who did this doodie, Dana

and he's actually
pretty harmless.

It was Nathan,
wasn't it?

Wasn't it?
Yes it was.

How can you be
so sure, Grandma?

Well, because pigs are
the only animals on my farm

that eat meat and veggies.

See, Saara is feeding him
our leftovers from last night.

Chicken and salad.

Is she still
talking about poop?

And trying to save all
the animals in the barn.

Yes, I am and maybe that
poop did come from Nathan

but I'd rather be safe
and try to get that Troodon

as far away from
here as possible.

Well, while you're doing that,

Saara and I are going to go feed
an adorable baby donkey.

Ooh! Daniel?

Oh, he's so cute
when he eats.



I don't think you
want to eat Nathan,

he's not very tasty.


I don't think
she believes me.


Hey, Troodon.

How about some tasty
omnivore leftovers?

Chase me.


Good thing Troodons
are hunters and scavengers.

Enjoy your breakfast,

Out here
far from the barn.

Mission accomplished.



Now there's a T-Rex.

But there's
no way that poop

could have belonged
to a T-Rex.

He's a carnivore.
Not an omnivore.

Yep, there you go again,
jumping to conclusions.

There's only one way
to know for sure.

Good boy, Daniel.

Oh my gosh he's cute.

-Grandma, Saara.

I got rid of the Troodon.

Good job!

But now there's
a T-Rex hanging around.

There's no way that dino poop
could have belonged

to a carnivore, right?

It had hay in it.

Except what do
carnivores eat?

Herbivores or other
smaller carnivores

or each other
if they're cannibals.

And what's inside


Like hay.

Which means that dino poop
could have belonged to the T-Rex

all along because
he eats herbivores.

I have to save
the animals.

How are you
going to do that?

Food worked to get
the other two dinos away.

I just need a big snack
for the T-Rex.

♪ ♪

Hey, Amargasaurus.

You like hay, right?

Then follow me.

Hey, T-Rex.
Over here.

Why eat something
that lives in a barn

when you can eat something
the size of a barn?


Happy hunting, T-Rex.


Who's ready for breakfast?

I am.

Especially now that all the
animals in the barn are safe.

-Me too.

Right after you two
finish cleaning up

that big pile of dino poop.



[distant roar]

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