Dino Dana (2017–…): Season 4, Episode 6 - Episode #4.6 - full transcript

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Dino Dana!

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Dino Dana!

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[Dana] "Dino Feeder."

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[squirrel chittering
& squeaking]

Come on, squirrel.

[chittering & squeaking

That's it.
Come on, squirrel.

[chittering & squeaking


[chittering & squeaking

Dana, what are you doing?


There's a squirrel
hanging around outside.

It's the perfect

for me to do
Dino Experiment 818:

"Which dinosaurs
hunt small mammals?"

So you're using
a squirrel as bait?

Good luck with that.

-[cell phone beeps]
-[pigeon cooing]

[thump, pigeon squawks]

Oh, no!

Are you okay, pigeon?

Why aren't you
flying away?

Are you hurt?

You're hurt.

I'm going to get you
some help, buddy.

[knocking at window]


-[knocking resumes]

Dana, what's up?
Are you okay?

-What happened?

I was doing
a dino experiment,

and she smashed
into the window

to get the birdseed
I was using as bait.

I'm so sorry, pigeon.

It's going to be
alright, Dana.

Let me take a look.

Yep, yep, yep. Okay.

Is she okay?

Tell me she's okay!

Doesn't seem like
anything's broken,

but she is
a bit stunned.

This is all my fault.

Accidents happen, Dana.

Listen, I'm going
to keep an eye on her

and make sure
she's okay,

and then we're going
to put her back outside.

Does that sound good?

Thanks, Cai.

I'm going to go put some
birdseed in our bird feeder.

That way, we'll have food for
you when you're all better.

You hear that?

[squirrel chittering
& squeaking]

Sorry, squirrel.

I'll have to do my
dino experiment later.

[chittering & squeaking

[dinosaur snorts,
squirrel screeches]

Or will I?

[dinosaur snorts,
then roars]

[gasps] A Spinosaurus.

I wonder if a dino
as big as you

would hunt a mammal
as small as that.

[chittering & squeaking

If you don't get moving,
we're going to find out.

[dinosaur roars]


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The squirrel can't escape
the Spinosaurus now!

[dinosaur snarling,
squirrel chittering]

Sorry, buddy.

Science thanks you.

[chittering & squeaking]

You're okay!


The Spino doesn't even
care about the squirrel.

[chittering & squeaking


[multiple dinosaurs
snort & snarl]

But she does care about
an Edmontosaurus.

I wonder why.

But I'll have to
figure it out later.

Better go check
on the pigeon.

How's she doing?

Getting there.

I think she'll be ready
to go back outside soon.

That's great
to hear, pigeon.

What are you
working on?

A cat?

It's to stick
on your window

so birds know
there's glass there

and they won't...
-Crash into it!

Great idea.

And I know just
what to make.

A dino?


The biggest land carnivore
of all time.


She looks scary.

Super scary.

Unless you're
a squirrel.


It's part of my
dino experiment.

I thought
the Spinosaurus

was going to hunt
a squirrel,

but she hunted an
Edmontosaurus instead.

Which one is
the Edmontosaurus?

This one.

Is it bigger
than the squirrel?


Like, 7,000 times bigger.

So the Spinosaurus
went for the bigger meal.

That's it, Cai!

Dino Experiment 818

large dinosaurs
like the Spinosaurus

didn't hunt
small mammals

because they weren't
enough food.

So what did hunt
small mammals?

[pigeon cooing]

Oh, that's a good sign.

Looks like someone's
getting hungry.

Dana, can you get some
of your birdseed for her?

I'll be right back.

[dinosaur squawks]

Did you hear something?

[dinosaur squawking]

So do I.

[gasps] A Nanuqsaurus!

It's a carnivore
like the Spino,

but nowhere near
as big.

I wonder if that means you'd be
a big enough meal for him.

[dinosaur squawks,
squirrel squeaks loudly]

And you're not sticking
around to find out.

[squawking & chittering

[roars, chomps]

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Nice move, squirrel!

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Bad moves,

You're too big to climb
up the tree to get him.

I forgot the Nanuq's not
the only one who's hungry.

Here you go, pigeon.

We got some food
for you.

I'm glad she's
doing better.

My experiment isn't.

Oh, no. What happened
this time?

[construction paper
being cut]

[scissors clatter
on table]

Dino Experiment 818

medium-sized dinos
like the Nanuqsaurus

didn't hunt
small mammals

because they couldn't
catch them.


if big dinosaurs don't
hunt small mammals

and medium-sized dinosaurs
don't hunt small mammals,

then doesn't it
make sense that--

Small dinosaurs
hunt small mammals!

[squirrel chittering
& squeaking]

[dinosaur squawks]

Interesting theory, Cai.


Oh! Looks like someone's
ready to go back outside.

First, let me make sure
it's safe out there.

[chittering & squeaking]

[dinosaur squawks
& roars]

[gasps] A Dromaeosaurus!

She's a carnivore like
the Spino and the Nanuq,

but way, way smaller.

And she's definitely
hunting you, squirrel.

♪ ♪

Dromaeosaurus is just
as fast as the squirrel!

[squawking & chittering

A tree isn't
going to stop her.

Dino Experiment 818

Small dinosaurs like
the Dromaeosaurus

hunt small mammals because
they can catch them

and they were enough food
to fill them up.

[squawking & chittering

[larger dinosaur snarls]

Spino is back.

And she looks
hungry for Dromi.

[both dinosaurs

The Spinosaurus may not
hunt small mammals,

but they definitely
hunt small dinos.


Is it safe out here?

Now it is.

I think our little friend
is ready to go.


Bye, pigeon.

I'm glad you're
feeling better, and...

sorry you got hurt.

I'm ready.

Three, two, one,


♪ ♪

[pigeon cooing]

Thanks for all
your help, Cai.

Any time.

Now we just need
to make more cut-outs

to make sure
no other pigeons

ever fly into our windows
ever again.

Coming in!


[calling out] Dana?!


[squirrel chittering]

[Dana] Next up, more Dino Dana!


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Dino Dana!

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Dino Dana!

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[Dana] "Tyrannosaur Test."

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[both growling]

♪ ♪


Mission accomplished.


[all roar]

Yes, I finally got
the Tyrannosaurus Rex,

and the Nanuqsaurus

into my front yard.

[sighs] Found you. Come on.
Grandma wants us in the kitchen.

But I'm--

Do you want to tell her
you're not coming?

Hi, Grandma.

It's your lucky day.

Today, I'm going to
teach you how to make

my favourite dessert:

I'd love to, Grandma,
but I'm right in the middle

of a dino experiment.

And I can't
help either,

because I'm right in the middle
of texting with my friends.

It's so cute how you both
think you can say no.



You start by dunking
these cookies

in chocolate milk

and placing them here.

Now, tell us about
your dino experiment.

I'm doing
Dino Experiment 808:

"Which Tyrannosaur
is the best hunter?"

Hold on, Dana.

Uh, phone down.

I'm testing
the Tyrannosaurs Rex,


and the Nanuqsaurus.

What's the difference
between a Tyrannosaur

and a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

I was hoping you'd ask.

Tyrannosaurs are all members
of the same family.

They all have short arms,
huge teeth, and eat meat.

How are you going
to figure it out?

I don't know yet.

Well, keep dunking.


Now it's time
for the filling.

Smell this.

Hm. Smells good.


I just remembered
that paleontologists

think Tyrannosaurs all have
an amazing sense of smell

so they can find
their food.

If I can find out which one
has the best sense of smell...

You can figure out which
one was the best hunter.

Do you want to go outside, Dana?


Five minutes.

Thank you, Grandma.

Just need some beef jerky.

Where do you think
you're going?

I thought you said we were
taking a five-minute break.

For fresh air.
Not for texting.

Here, this needs
some more whisking.

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Dino Experiment 808
test number one begins.


If one of the Tyrannosaurs
can smell the jerky

in all this stinky garbage,
I'll know it's the best hunter.

[dinosaur roars]

Here comes one now.


The Nanuqsaurus
didn't smell anything.

[both roaring and sniffing]

But the T-Rex
and the Albertosaurus did.

[both growling]

The Albertosaurus
knocked over the garbage can.

[both roaring and growling]

But the T-Rex wants it, too.

Who's going to get it?

[both roar]

No one.

Nice layering, Saara.

Can I take a picture?

Uh, no.

The T-Rex and the Albertosaurus
smelled beef jerky,

but then they got too busy
fighting over it to eat it.

Now I don't know
what to do next.

-I know what you can do.

You can add the next
layer of cookies.

Oh, that's actually
looking pretty.


Paleontologists also think

Tyrannosaurs could see
really well to find their food.

If I can find out
which one had the best sight,

I'll know which one
is the best hunter.

Well, I can finish this layer

if Dana needs
five more minutes outside.

Off you go.

Thanks, Seester.

Whisk break?

♪ ♪

Dino Experiment 808
test number two.

If one of the Tyrannosaurs
can see this jerky,

I'll know
it's the best hunter.



I don't think the T-Rex saw it.


Neither did the Albertosaurus.

[loud squawk]

But the Nanuqsaurus did.

It has the best eyesight
of the Tyrannosaurs,

which means it must
be the best hunt...

[roars and growls]


The Albertosaurus
scared off the Nanuqsaurus,

so it must be the best hunt...

[loud roar]


The T-Rex scared off
the Albertosaurus,

so it must be
the best hunt...


Dino Experiment 808 solved.

[notification sounds]

Aren't you
going to get that?

What? No. I'm busy.

So am I, completing
dino experiments.

So who was the best hunter?

Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Even though it didn't
have the best eyesight,

it was able to use its size
to get the beef jerky.

Well, good job.

And you're just in time
to help finish the tiramisu.

Looks amazing.

You two are
a great cooking team.

Oh, no.

-"Oh, no" what?

I forgot to test if any of
the Tyrannosaurs hunted in packs

to get their food.

Dino Experiment 808 reopened.

Small piece or big piece?

Big piece.

Dino Experiment 808
test number three.

Come on, Tyrannosaurs!


Nanuqsaurus is back,

and so is
the Albertosaurus,

and the T-Rex, too.


Looks like none of
you hunt in packs.

[loud roar]

Or do you?

[all roar]

Two more Albertosaurus?

Are you here to help
your friend hunt?

[all roar]

[all roar]

They are.

The Albertosaurus worked
together to scare the T-Rex off.

[all roar]

That means the Albertosaurus
is the top Tyrannosaur hunter.

Dino Experiment
808 solved.

For real this time.


Just in time.

Try a bite.

So did you solve your
dino experiment, again?


Swallow first.

The Albertosaurus
worked together as a pack

to get their food.

They even got the jerky
from the T-Rex, which means...

The Albertosaurus
are the best hunters?


Well, they may have
been the best hunters,

but you know what we are?

The best eaters!



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