Dino Dana (2017–…): Season 4, Episode 11 - Episode #4.11 - full transcript

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Dino Dana!

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Dino Dana!

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[Dana] Dinosauroid



[loud gasp]


You won't believe-

How late we are?

Have you girls
seen my keys?

I know I left
them somewhere.

Why aren't you done
with breakfast yet?

Does it always take you this
long to get ready for school?

Come on, chop, chop.
Eat, eat.



Dinosaur theory.

Ah. Even better.

This theory's
about the Troodon.

This is the Troodon.


You know how paleontologists
believe Troodon

are the smartest
of all the dinosaurs?


Well this theory
says if the Troodon

didn't become extinct

they would have
evolved into this.



And awesome.

What is that thing?

A Dinosauroid

and the theory is they would
have been better than people.

That thing?

Uh huh.

Just like the Troodon,
they would have been smart,

great jumpers
and have amazing eye sight.

I could take it.

You seriously think you
could beat a creature

that would have evolved
over 66 million years

to become the most
advanced species ever?


Well, then let the Dinosauroid
versus human games begin.

It's human Saara

versus Dinosauroid Dana

at the trampoline race.

Oh, I get it.

We're racing to see
who's the better jumper.

Good luck.

Ew. Scaly.

Racers to the starting marks.

Whoever makes it
to the other side

and back first is the winner.

Just there and back?
Not twice?




I mean go!


Are you even going to try?

Just wanted to
give you a head start.

Remember how I said Troodon
were great jumpers?


are even better.

♪ ♪

Hi, Saara.

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Bye Saara.

Bet you wish you had
Dinosauroid legs.

Not with those
nasty toes.

Not so nasty now, huh?

They're still gross.

Gross winners.

Dinosauroid Dana, victory.

♪ ♪

Oh, thank you.

Found them.

You just picked
the trampoline race

because you knew Dinosauroids
are good at jumping.

What's your point?

Hurry up, girls.

We're almost nope,
we're late.

And you're not even
ready to go yet.

Quick, coats,
boots, purse.

Where's my, my purse?

I'd forget my head
if it weren't...

I don't even remember
what the saying is.

I can't believe you're
choosing Dinosauroids

over your own species.

I'm not choosing them.

I'm choosing science.

Dinosauroids evolved
from a dinosaur

that had a lot
of awesome abilities.

Well, people also
evolved from something

with a lot
of awesome abilities.

What are you getting at?

Let the Dinosauroid
versus human games continue.

It's human Saara
and Dinosauroid Dana

at the climbing wall.

Ah, clever.

Because people
evolved from apes

you think you're going to
be better at climbing?

That's the plan.

I was evolved ready.

Ha, ha.

Whoever gets
highest wins.



♪ ♪


What you want to do

is use your hand
to grab each rock.

I know it's just my claws
can't seem to get a grip.

Oh, that's terrible.

Bye, Dana.

♪ ♪

That's funny.
My hands can grip perfectly.

One hand.

Now the other.

This is fun.

Human Saara victory.

♪ ♪

There you are.

Found it.
Let's go.

I see someone else
chose science too.

I do what I need
to do to win.

Especially when our entire
species is being challenged.

Not anymore.
We're tied.

Oh, you need to finish
what you started.

We need one
more challenge.

What did you have in mind?



Car's not starting.

This day just keeps
getting better and better.

Not to worry.

I'll just call a cab.

Huh. Of course.

Must have left
my phone inside.

I love climbing
those stairs.

Um, you said the Troodon
was smart, right?

The smartest.

So let's see if whatever
it evolved into

was smart enough
to find it's way

[gasps] out of a maze.

I like it

but it would be better

if it was a glow
in the dark maze.

You're on.

Let the final Dinosauroid
versus human games begin.

First one to get
through the maze wins.

I understand
how mazes work.

Well, then I hope you
also understand

when I prove that Dinosauroids
are better than people.

Why do you want to prove
that there's something

better than us?

Because people aren't
the only special thing

that evolved on our planet
and just to beat you.




♪ ♪

Meet you at
the finish line?

I'll be waiting for you.

♪ ♪

Oh, a dead end.

♪ ♪

Huh, I feel like
I'm going around in circles.

♪ ♪


Don't do that.


This part's a circle.




Stop it.


Oh, it's hard
to see in here.

Remember how I said Troodon
has amazing eyesight?


It's amazing because
they can see in the dark.

♪ ♪


I made it.

I can't get out.

Just follow my voice.

Dinosauroids are

better than people.


I guess I'll just
stay in here.


You proved your point.

Too bad about that
meteorite though, huh?

Can't get
a cab either.

Guess we're walking.

I wonder if Dinosauroids
would have invented cars.



[Dana] Next up, more Dino Dana.


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Dino Dana!

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Dino Dana!

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[Dana] Dino Dana Says

[distant roar]

Huh, there's that T-Rex
roar again

but where is the T-Rex?

[distant roar]

Sounds like it's
coming from that way.

♪ ♪


An Albertosaurus.

Close, you're
a tyrannosaur

like the T-Rex,
only smaller.


Don't be upset, Alberto.

Being bigger
isn't always better.

[distant roar]

Unless you're trying
to scare away other dinosaurs.

Where is she?

T-Rex weigh as much
as two elephants.

She should be
easy to find.

[distant roar]

Got ya.

Got something.

Ozraptor, have you seen
the T-Rex around here?


Coming, Mom.

Hold that thought, Ozzie.
I'll be right back.






Very funny, Mom.

Very funny.

Where are you hiding?


There you are, Dana.
My shift's almost done.

We can head home soon.

How did you do that?

-Do what?
-Do what?


I didn't. She did.

She did.

Hello, friend.

Hello, friend.

Who is she?

We'll see you
again next time.

-Bye now.
-Bye, bye, bye.

She bothering
you again?

No, she's just
being cute.

Being cute.

Dana, you remember
Dr. White, my boss.

Hi, Dr. White.
Is she yours?

-Yes, this is Dharma.

She's been a little lonely
so I've been bringing her

into work with me.

Me, me, me.
Me, me.

Mom, you're so lucky.



Why does she do that?

-What, copy us?

Oh, well lots of
birds mimic or copy.


Sometimes it's
to make friends

or find a partner
or sometimes-

I wonder if dinosaurs
did the same thing.

Well, birds are just
modern-day dinosaurs

so I don't see why not.

There's only one way
to know for sure.

Dino Experiment 819.

Did dinosaurs copy?

I know just the dino
to try it out on.

It's Ozraptor time.

Remember Dana, just a few
minutes then we got to go.

Got it.

It's Ozraptor time.

It's Ozraptor time.

Time. Time. Time. Time.



Squawk! Squawk!

Ozraptor, I need to perform
my dino experiment with you.


Where'd she go?

[distant roar]

That doesn't sound
like an Ozraptor.

♪ ♪

Hey, Albertosaurus.

You haven't seen
an Ozraptor around, have you?



You think I'm an
Ozraptor, don't you?



Maybe I chose the wrong dinosaur
to do my experiment on.

It's Albertosaurus...


whoa, better yet,
maybe I should run!



She's too fast for me.



[distant roar]

Ha. Someone's
afraid of the T-Rex.

It sounds like it's coming
from the top of the slide.

There you are, Ozraptor.

Better quick go hide
by your nest again.

There's a T-Rex nearby.



You can roar like a T-Rex?


Hello? Hello?
Hello, hello?

Hello, Dharma.


Mom, you won't believe it.
I just saw.


Eva will fill Buster's
prescription for you.

Now, what did
you see, Dana?

I just saw an Ozraptor
mimic a T-Rex's roar

but I don't think it was
trying to make friends

or find a partner.

Well, that's not the only
reason birds copy other birds.

They also mimic
the sounds of predators

to scare off
other predators.


So is your theory that
the Ozraptor is mimicking

the T-Rex's roar to
scare off the Albertosaurus?

Well, I don't recognize
all those dinosaur names,

but sure.

Why not?

I have to go
test your theory.

Dino Experiment
819 continues.


-I love this bird.

-Hi Dharma. Hi, baby.
-Hi, hi.

-I love you.
-Love you.


Where did she go?

[distant roar]

Who made that roar?


The Giganotosaurus.


He's even bigger than the T-Rex.


Is that the Ozraptor
following behind the Giga?

What she doing?

[loud roar]


That's even louder
than the T-Rex's roar.

I don't understand.

Why were you following
around the Giga, Ozraptor?

[distant roar]

Wait, that wasn't
you, was it?


Uh oh, Ozzie.

I think she
smells your eggs.


Hi, T-Rex.

[distant loud roar]

Sounds like
the Giga's back.

I don't think you want to
get in a fight with him.


But where is the Giga?



Wait a minute.
That was you?


Is that why you were
following around the Giga,

to learn it's roar?

Dr. White's
theory was right.

like some birds,

copy other dinosaur's roars
to scare off predators.

Dino Experiment
819 solved.

Smart thinking, Ozraptor.

I can't wait
to tell Dr. White.


Isn't that incredible?


I'm just glad I could help.
Have a great night, you two.

Thanks, Dr. White.

And bye, Dharma.

Hopefully I'll see
you again soon.

Well, actually I am
looking for someone

to bird-sit this weekend.



Can we, Mom? Please?


Please, please.
Please, please.

Of course.

I'd love to spend even
more time with Dharma.

-More time.
-That's perfect.

I'll drop her off on Thursday
and pick her up on Tuesday.

I'm taking
the long weekend off.

-Long weekend.
-You should.


I'm going to teach her
so many new dinosaur words.

Words, words.

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