Dino Dana (2017–…): Season 3, Episode 10 - Dino Territory/Prehistoric Predator - full transcript

When Dana encounters an unexpected intruder in her tree-fort, she uses the same techniques that a clever Sinornithosaurus uses to defend her nest from an invading Troodon./Dana is using the bathroom to figure out how the Megalodon hunted in the ocean because it's the only place she can get dark enough to use her shadow puppets. Unfortunately for Dana, everyone in her family needs the bathroom and...

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♪ ♪
Dino Dana!
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
Dino Dana!
[Dana] "Dino Territory."
Not mine. Not mine.
Definitely not mine.
Hey, that's
my dino stuff.
And it's on my side
of the room
which is the dino free zone
so clean it up.
I will.
Right now
I need to fix my pin
so I can perform
dino experiment 710,
how did the Sinornithosaurus
defend it's nest?
You know what?
I am leaving
and I am not coming back
until all of this
is on your side of the room.
And done.
[distant squawking]
The Sinornithosaurus
is at her nest.
Dino Experiment
710 has begun.
Are you standing guard
at your nest, Sino?
[both squawking]
Now I'll be able to see
how the Sinornithosaurus
protected her nest
from one of the smartest
dinosaurs of all time.
I'm going to need
some supplies.
Uh huh. Yeah, I know.
I know.
Yeah, she doesn't listen.
Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, my gosh.
What are you
doing up here?
Hold on, Olivia.
I decided to use
the tree fort
until I get my side
of the room back.
But this is my tree fort.
No, Dad built it for me
when we moved in.
I've just been
letting you use it.
Yeah. It's her.
I'm missing it.
I'll deal with
this later.
Don't touch
anything, Saara.
I've made some
modifications to my fort.
Yeah, okay.
Okay, tell me what about
what happened in class.
So, he sat next to you.
Uh huh.
He asked for your pencil?
[loud screech]
Perfect timing.
[both squawking]
Did you actually say that?
No way.
No way.
No way!
Saara, I can't concentrate
with you up here.
You should have
thought of that
before you took over
my side of the room.
Sorry, Olivia.
What were you saying?
No way!
[dinos squawking]
[dinos squawking]
The Troodon has
spotted the eggs.
And it looks like
he's about to strike.
How will the Sinornithosaurus
protect them?
[loud squeals]
Whoa, that's loud.
[loud squealing]
She did it.
The Sinornithosaurus
protected her nest
by using her super
loud squawks
to force the Troodon
to leave.
Which gives me an idea
on how to defend my nest.
[quiet squawks]
Yeah, that's a tough decision
but do you like them
or do you like, like them?
Hmm. Yeah.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
Squawk! Squawk!
I'm going to have to
call you back, Olivia.
Squawk! Squawk!
Loud squawking
only works if things
you're trying to force
to leave can hear you.
♪ ♪
Sorry, what was that?
I said loud squawking
only works if-
Oh, sorry.
I thought you
were going to say
you were finished cleaning
my side of the room.
Never mind.
♪ ♪
I wonder
if the Sinornithosaurus
did anything else
to defend it's nest.
Huh? Where did she go?
There she is.
Are you looking
for the Troodon, Sino?
No, you're...
You're peeing.
The Troodon is back
and she's coming
towards the nest.
Why isn't the Troodon
trying to take an egg?
This doesn't
make any sense.
Maybe Mom
has some ideas.
Oh, ew.
Did I just step in pee?
I need you.
And I need you
to keep it down
during Dexter's
nap time, Nugget.
That means no more
squawking too.
But I was only squawking
because I was using dinosaur
defense tactics on Saara.
Because she's hogging
the tree fort.
I need to use it for
Dino Experiment 710:
How does a Sinornithosaurus
defend her nest?
So, you were squawking
at Saara to get her to leave?
Yeah, I need a new tactic
but I don't understand
what I just saw.
Which is?
When the Sino left
it's nest to go pee,
the Troodon didn't
try to get an egg
while the nest
was undefended.
Isn't that weird?
not that weird.
You know how when we take
Nixon for a walk
he pees on every tree?
And on every
fire hydrant, bush,
stop sign, mail box
and telephone pole?
He does that because
he's marking his territory.
What do you mean?
Nixon's pee has a smell
that other animals don't like
and that tells them
that they should back off.
Sounds like your dino's
doing the same thing.
So your theory is that
the Sinornithosaurus
defends her nest
using her pee smell?
-That's gross.
-But effective.
[sniffing and squawking]
A smell you don't like, huh?
♪ ♪
Hm, I guess Dad's finally
wearing that cologne I got him.
[Dana coughing]
Can't breathe.
Must get air.
[Dana coughing]
♪ ♪
Using smell may have
forced the Troodon to leave
but it didn't
work on Saara.
Troodon's coming in
another way.
He's going to try to steal
an egg from behind
but the Sinornithosaurus
sees him.
She's trying
the loud squawks again.
The Troodon is still
coming at her.
[both squawking]
[loud squeals]
[both squawking]
She did it again.
The Sinornithosaurus
protected her nest
charging at the Troodon
and scaring it off.
I know what I need to do.
Squawk! Squawk!
Squawk! Squawk!
Are you okay?
That depends.
Will that scare you off?
Then I'm not okay.
I don't get it.
The Sinornithosaurus
defended her nest
by squawking loudly,
marking her territory
and charging.
Why won't those defense
techniques work on you?
Because I'm not
a prehistoric lizard.
think that dinosaurs
were more like birds
than pre-historic...
I'm not a bird either
and besides,
you didn't need the tree fort
to finish your
dino experiment anyway.
Yeah, but the tree fort's...
Just like my side
of the room is mine.
I understand.
You were just trying to
protect your side of the room
like the Sinornithosaurus
protected it's nest.
I think
that sounds right.
I'll go clean up
my stuff now.
That would be great.
Sorry, Seester.
Oh, that's okay,
You know what?
You can make it up to me by
showing me those modifications
you made to
your tree fort.
You mean our tree fort?
You want to see one of the two
secret compartments?
There's two?
Yep, so this one.
You pull down
the rope and...
There's all these...
[Dana] Next up, more Dino Dana!
♪ ♪
Dino Dana!
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
Dino Dana!
[Dana] "Prehistoric Predator."
[Dana] The Megalodon
was on the hunt.
She was one of the most
successful hunters
of all time.
She had rows
and rows of teeth,
each as big
as my hand.
But finding food
in the deepest,
darkest depths
of the ocean isn't easy.
The Megalodon
spent all day, every day
looking for
something to eat
but it's hard
to hunt in the...
[knocking on a door]
Dana, you almost done?
You've been in there
a while, Nugget.
Everything okay?
dino experiment?
No, prehistoric
shark experiment.
Ooh, I love sharks.
Which is why I'm
trying to figure out
how the Megalodon would
have hunted in the deep ocean.
Easy, used
all these teeth.
Yes, but as you go
deeper and deeper
and deeper
in the ocean
it gets darker
and darker.
Teeth won't help if you
can't find what you're hunting.
And you're doing this
in our only bathroom because?
It's the only room
that I can get dark enough
to use my Megalodon
shadow puppet.
I want it to feel just like
the bottom of the ocean in here.
Let me show you.
Megalodon is the largest
shark of all time
but to stay that big,
it would have
needed to eat a lot.
Paleontologists think
it would have needed
to eat a whale a day
just to survive.
Let's try
and figure this out...
After I use the bathroom.
But Dad, science
waits for no one.
It's going to wait for me.
Just quick.
How could the Megalodon
find so much food
in almost complete
You love sharks.
You must have a theory.
I did see on TV once
that sharks use
to hunt their food.
A new word. Wait here.
How do you spell it?
Location. Got it.
This is incredible.
It says here that sharks
have special body parts
that let them feel
the electricity
that living things make
when their body moves.
Sounds like
a pretty good theory
on how Megalodon
find food in the dark.
Thanks, Dad.
You're welcome, Nugget.
But Dad, the rest of my shadow
puppets are still in there.
[Dad grunts]
♪ ♪
Tired and hungry,
the Megalodon
was still on the hunt
when it felt something
in the water.
Her luck was
about to change.
The Megalodon knew
the electricity she was feeling
meant that another
prehistoric sea creature
was close by
but she didn't
know what it was.
The Megalodon
wasn't afraid.
She has no predators,
only prey.
As the Megalodon
tracked it's prey,
the electricity got
more and more powerful.
And then the Megalodon could see
the creature she was tracking.
It was a plesiosaur
and it had no idea
it was being hunted.
The Megalodon
struck quickly
using the element of surprise
but the Plesiosaur wasn't
going down without a fight.
It used it's
flippers and teeth
to keep the Megalodon at bay
but the Megalodon
was sneaky
and managed to get close.
It looked like the Megalodon
was going to win until...
The Plesiosaur got away.
Bathroom's all
yours, Dana.
But the Plesiosaur
Do you have
any other theories
about how the Megalodon
would have hunted
in the dark ocean?
No, sorry Nugget.
I'd also stay out
of there for a while.
Why is Dana on the floor?
Saara, I was using
the bathroom.
Now I am.
Are you bleeding?
Yeah, I cut myself.
Doing what?
I was practicing
a new dance move.
Which one?
Oh, this.
And then I backed
into a wall.
Do you want a dino
bandage instead?
Uh, why not?
Why were you on the floor.
I'm trying to see
how the Megalodon,
a giant prehistoric shark,
hunted in the dark.
They probably used this.
Sharks don't have arms.
No, blood.
I don't understand.
My science teacher
told us that sharks have
a really good sense of smell.
They can sense even the tiniest
bit of blood in water.
I don't smell anything.
Yeah, because
you're not a shark.
Now get out.
But Saara.
I still need-
No, you've been hogging
the bathroom all day.
Fine but it
goes like this.
Getting more and more
tired and hungry,
the Megalodon was
about to give up
when it smelled
something in the water.
It was blood.
Plesiosaur blood.
The Plesiosaur
had a small scratch
from wrestling
the Megalodon
so now the smell
of it's blood
filled the Megalodon's
as it tracked
the Plesiosaur
the ocean's depths.
The Plesiosaur
could swim
but it couldn't hide
because when the Plesiosaur
stopped bleeding,
the Megalodon
could still sense
the Plesiosaur's
to track him down.
The Megalodon
knew exactly
where to find
the Plesiosaur.
And she did
what Megalodons do best.
So Plesiosaur did what
Plesiosaurs do best,
The two prehistoric
sea creatures
battled in
the ocean's depths.
The Megalodon
was about to
snap it's massive
jaws down when...
The Plesiosaur got away...
Dana, why are you
on the floor?
I'm waiting for
the bathroom
to finish my prehistoric
shark experiment.
Why do you need to
use the bathroom?
Because it's the only place
I can get dark enough
to use my
shadow puppets.
All free.
And it's hard to focus
when everyone else
is around all the time.
It is a bit more
crowded now
and sorry sweetie,
but I do have to give
Dexter his bath now.
Does anybody
care about science?
We'll be fast.
Yeah, no, you can wait.
♪ ♪
I wonder.
Are you going to use
the bathroom or not?
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
Dana, can you come here please?
♪ ♪
Is the bathroom free now?
-But this is.
Wait for it. Just...
Now hold on,
give me one second here,
I got to put it,
you put this in the hook.
It's worth the wait.
Is that for me?
You and the toilet paper.
It's your own little
science space
so you can work on
your experiments.
I love it.
Thank you so much.
You want to
give it a try?
Do Megalodon have
the strongest bite
of any creature ever?
They do.
Then get in there.
When do I get
my own space?
There was one final way
the Megalodon
would hunt it's prey.
The Megalodon dived down
deeper into the ocean
where it was
even darker
and harder to see.
She looked up,
waiting for her prey.
Then the Megalodon
saw a shadow above
and she knew
it was time to strike.
This time,
the Plesiosaur
couldn't get away.
[growls and laughs]
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪