Dino Dana (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Dinos of a Feather - Dino Baby Talk - full transcript

Dana sets out to discover how dinosaurs made friends after she's excluded from hanging out with Saara. With the help of Mom and a yoga instructor, Dana explores why dino moms talk to their eggs before they hatch.

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Dino Dana!

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

Dino Dana!


"Dinos of a Feather."



What're you doing?

Putting on lip gloss.

- Why?
- Meh. Because.

It's makeover time!

- Hi, Robin!
- Hi, Sara. Hi, you.

What's a makeover?

It's like dress-up,
for your face.

When I grow up I wanna be
a makeup artist

and do make up for
special effects and creatures.

Wait-- I don't wanna
look like a werewolf.

You won't!

But Sara,

I thought we were gonna do
a Dino Experiment today.

Can we do it later?

I... guess.

Later's a great idea.

See ya!


Now, are you sure you don't

wanna look like a werewolf?


What's wrong, nugget?

Sara said we'd do
a Dino Experiment today,

but now she's doing
makeovers with Robin.

Why don't you invite
Riley over?

She's at her grandma's.

What about the kid
with the freckles?

Those were chicken pox...

But he's still not allowed out.

What about your, uh...

dino friends?

Dad, dinosaurs
aren't my friends.

They're my research subjects.
Dinosaurs don't make friends.

- That's sad.
- Why?

Just sounds lonely.

I mean,
humans make friends.

Why can't dinosaurs
have friends?

[gurgling sound]

Sounds like...

...a Dino Experiment!

-Sink's not working.
-Thanks, Dad!

Uh, you're welcome?

Now to see which dinosaur
shows up for my experiment.





A dinosaur!

But which one?

[dino squawking and chirping]

[dino squawking and chirping]

[dino squawking and chirping]

It has a long,
feathery tail...

It's not big,
like turkey sized,

and it has big buck teeth.

It's the Incisivosaurus!

And now I get to do
Dino Experiment number 517:

"Did the Incisivosaurus
make friends?"

But first...

It's Incisivosaurus time!


What is she doing?

She's becoming a dinosaur.
She does it all the time.

It's like dress up, for science.
[makes squawking noise]

Time for Dino Experiment 517:

"Did the Incisivosaurus
make friends?"

But where did it go?

[Dana imitates
Incisivosaur squawking]

[Dana imitates
Incisivosaur squawking]

[Incisivosaur squawks
and chirps]

[imitating squawk]

[Incisivosaur chirps]

It's okay, buddy.
I'm an Incisivosaurus too.

[squeaking and chirping]


I guess dinos
don't make friends.


Is this for me?

You DID make friends!

[squeaking and squawking]

Lots of friends!

What are you doin',

Feeding my
Incisivosaurus friends.

Some dinosaurs make friends

so they can share food.

So you're saying
your research subjects

have become your friends?

Dad, this is an important

I'm pretending
to be their friend

to prove a theory.


Reggie likes apples.

You name them?

How else would I
tell them apart?


Hey friends, look!

I brought yummy food for you.



[squawking and chirping]

[squawking and chirping]

Reggie, what was that?

[dinosaur growling]

Oh no...

A Dromaeosaurus!

[imitating squawk]

Look behind you,
Incisivosaurus friends!

What do we do?
What do we do?

I know...

Wanna eat Incisivosaurus?


Well then,

this one!

[hissing and growling]

[hissing and growling]

Incisivosaurus friends,


[Incisivosaurus squawking]

Sorry, Dromaeosaurus.

I had to protect my friends.

[hissing and squawking]


Wait up,
dino friends!

[imitates squawk]

That was close.


What's wrong?




My backpack is destroyed,

so I'm not an
Incisivosaurus anymore.

Wait, does that mean
we can't be friends?



[chirping and squawking]

[chirping and squawking]


Notice anything
different about me?

Fake eyelashes?

What's wrong with you?




I used my backpack to save

my Incisivosaurus friends
from a Dromaeosaurus,

but it got shredded,

and I'm not their
friend anymore

because I don't
look like them.

What if you COULD
look like them?


[imitates squawk]

[chirping and squawking]

Reggie, I missed you too!

Oh, Brian!
Get in here!

[concerned-sounding squawking]

Let's celebrate later.

Dromaeosaurus is back.

[imitates squawk]
Follow me.


Be careful, everyone!

The Dromaeosaurus
hunt in packs.

Aww, why did I
have to say anything?

[various squawks and hisses]

Think, Dana, think.

How will I get my friends
out of this one?

[squeaking and squawking]

Good thinking, Reggie!

Smaller dinosaurs
can work together

to scare off
bigger dinosaurs.

[imitating squawks]

[Dromaeosaurus shrieks]

[squawking and hissing]

[imitates squawk]

We did it!
[imitates squawk]

You know what else?

I solved Dino Experiment 517.

The Incisivosaurus
make friends

so they can
find food together,

look out for predators,

and protect each other.


Now what are we gonna do?


You're leaving?

[chirping and squeaking]

You want me to come with you?


You guys are the best
dino friends I've ever had,

I gotta stay here.


Now don't make this
harder than it has to be.

Go, and don't look back.


I'll miss you!

...Especially you, Reggie.


Hey, guess what!

Your dino makeover worked!

My Incisivosaurus friends
took me back,

and together we solved
Dino Experiment 517!

Ooh, can we be your
next Dino Experiment?

What should we paint
our faces as?

That'll do it!

- They got you too?
- Mm-hm.

[all laugh]

Next up, more Dino Dana!


Dino Dana!

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

Dino Dana!


"Dino Baby Talk."





Wait for me!


Where are you rushing to,


Is it under here?

Oh, your nest!

It looks like you've
got two eggs...

[troodon hissing]

And a troodon wants to
steal them both!



That was a huge roar,

What other sounds can you make?

[low, gentle croaking sound]

I didn't know
dinosaurs can sing.

Why are you
singing at your eggs?

It's not like they
can hear you...

Or can they?

I bet Mom can
help me figure it out.


[yoga teacher]
And as you release that breath,

imagine your baby
growing inside you.

Once your baby arrives,

you will never
hear quiet again,

so please take a moment...


Enjoy that silence...

Enjoy the silence...


Enjoy the silence...

Open your eyes!

Guess what-- A Spinosaurus just
croaked her song to her eggs.

I have so many questions.

Why would she do that?
Can her babies hear her?

How do I learn that song?

Babies can hear their
mother's voices

long before they're born.

It's how they know
they're loved.

Are you saying
the Spinosaurus,

the biggest fish-
eating dinosaur ever,

with the big sail on his back
and a crocodile-like snout,

was singing a song to her babies
because they can hear her?


Your little brother or sister
can hear you right now,

so it's entirely possible.


Now, let's all take a moment

and say something special
to our babies.

- Big sisters too.
- [Dana] What should I say?

Whatever you want, nugget.

[imitating Spinosaurus croak]

I'm practicing
a Spinosaurus song.

Why don't you try it
as a human?

Oh, okay.
Hi, baby sister or brother.

I'm your big sister, Dana,

and I'm gonna show you
a lot of stuff...

about dinosaurs and other
prehistoric creatures!


Dana, the baby just kicked!

Wow, there it is again.
Someone's very excited!

The baby must be
listening to you.


Well, it stopped kicking,

but I think the baby
was trying to say hi.

The baby was trying to
say hi to me from the inside?

From the inside!

I wonder if this means
the Spinosaurus babies

can talk from the inside
of their eggs, too.

There's only
one way to find out.

It's Spinosaurus time!


[relieved sigh]

Enjoy the silence...

No sign of Mama Spinosaurus.

Let's see what happens when

big sister Spinosaurus
does this...

[imitating croak]

[croaking from inside egg]

I don't believe it!

The baby spinos
are croaking back

from the inside
of their eggs!

I wonder what they're saying.

They're hatching!

[eggs cracking]

Oh, look at you!

[tiny croaking sounds]

Hello, little Spinosaurus
brother and sister.


Sounds like you're hungry...

Except I'm all out of
fish jerky.

Luckily, mama isn't!

Look at all the yummy fish
she brought us to eat!

[baby dinos
squeak and croak]

Aren't you going to feed us?

[load croaking]

[babies croak]

How do you two
know the song already?

You just hatched!

[dinos hissing and croaking]

[dinos hissing and croaking]

[dinos hissing and croaking]

Oh, you want me to croak
for my supper too.

[imitating croak]

[displeased growl]



Don't do that!

Why would you push
an adorable Spinosaurus baby

outta your nest?

I'm telling my mom.

[dinosaurs squeak,
hiss, and croak]

...And as you lay here,

feel the energy of the sun

as it shines on
you and your baby.

Feel the sun on your face...

Feeling the sun on my face...

Mom! Guess what!!

Something terrible happened!


The Spinosaurus babies
learned their mom's song.

When I couldn't
sing the song,

the mom pushed me
out of the nest!

Babies can learn to
recognize music and sounds

while they're in their
mama's bellies,

which is why we're
all going to share

music with our babies
as we sway.

Up on your feet, ladies.
Don't leave me swaying.

* [New Age music] *

Some birds teach their
eggs a secret song so they know

which ones are their babies
when they're hatched.

Are you saying the Spinosaurus
has a secret song?

What other secrets
do they have?

Oh! [laugh] Dana, the baby
just kicked again!

Lemme feel!

- Sorry, it stopped, but...
- Aww.

...But the baby definitely
likes the sound of your voice.

Hi, baby.
Talk later.

I've gotta go see if my
little dino brother and sister

have another secret to share.

* [New Age music] *

Sway with your baby...



Where's your mom, babies?

Yeah, I mean...

[imitating croak]

You still don't understand me?

[alarmed croaking from babies]

Oh no.
Troodon's back.

Little Spinosaurus brother
and sister, follow me!

Oh, no!

They won't follow me unless
I sing their secret song!

I need to remember
the song their mom sang.

[attempting to recreate
mother's croak song]

[cheerful croaks]

It worked!
Let's go.

[Dana imitates croaking]


C'mon, babies!

Come on!

[Dana croaking,
troodon hissing]

[Dana croaking,
troodon hissing]

[babies croaking]

Oh no, babies!
Are you okay?


Oh no!

Now what're we gonna do?


I remember what worked to
scare you off before, Troodon...


[loud roar]


Bye, Troodon!

Hey, Mama Spinosaurus.

Thanks for teaching me
your secret song.

And if you ever need
a dino baby sitter,

croak me.

Bye, babies!

[dinosaurs chirping
and croaking]


And now that
we're done our class,

hug your beautiful belly tight

and thank the universe
for your new baby.

- Namaste.
- Namaste.

Mom, guess what!!

Spinosaurus does have a secret
way of talking to its babies!


- Was that the baby kicking?
- It is.

I guess your little
brother or sister

loves dinosaurs
as much as you do.

I have so much to teach you.

Let's start with
the "A" dinosaurs.


It was an herbivore that lived
during the Jurassic period

and walked on two or four legs.


It was purple and yellow--
Well, most commonly...

* [continuous theme music] *

* [music continues] *

* [music continues] *

[music ends]