Diggstown (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Vi Bayley - full transcript

Marcie defends a hair salon owner who is charged in connection with the assault of a gang member; Doug's relationship with a former client place him and Pam in the crosshairs of a misconduct complaint.

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Previously on Diggstown:

Pam: Ainslie MacKay?


Colleen: She's a MacKay.

Last count, there
was a hospital,

a street,

the PolySci building
at St. Mary's-

She's raising four kids
on social assistance.

All I'm asking for
is three days.

Mr. Jones agreed to help me
find my kids' deadbeat dads.

A couple thousand dollars,
he said.

He sends me a bill for $50,000.

Tells me to have Daddy pay it.

I'm sorry.

No. - I didn't-

You didn't shove
the Oxy up my nose.


Mom and I don't have anything
to say to each other.

When'd you start
sleeping with married men?

Leah: Seriously, Dad?

Look, I just don't
want you to get chewed up

by some creep twice your age.

I've seen the women you date.

Age ain't nothing
but a number, right?

I was a bloody mess when I
first moved here to Halifax.

And the end of my
marriage left me a wreck.

♪ I, I know you,
I know you're for me

♪ And there's
nothing you won't do

♪ To ensure that I am cool

♪ And I am everything for you

Hey, Lorraine,
right over here.

♪ What a feeling

Vi: All right.

♪ Running through me, oh

♪ What a feeling

♪ To know that I can
be someone to you

♪ You empower me to be

♪ Everything you placed in me

♪ You're my style, my enemy

♪ No one's ever made me
feel so important, lovely ♪

Have a good one, Stell.

You too, girl.

Do me a favour.

Flip the sign on your way out.

[door chiming]


[men chattering]

[ominous music]

Vi: I'm closed.

You boys best come
back tomorrow.

Tyrell: Door was open.

And I need a cut, now!

Hook me up with a low fade
and double part.

Is something wrong
with your hearing?

I said I'm closed

and I'm late for my
ministries class.

Tyrell: Did you hear that, boys?

[objects clattering]

You don't listen too good,
do you?

D, get the door.

[ominous music]

[lock clicking]

[ominous music]

[thudding] [groaning]

It's about time you fell in
line like your damn neighbours.

All this special
treatment bullshit,

I'm done with it.

And I don't care about
who your brother is.

And I'll say it again.

I'm not leaving until you
give me what I came here for.

[dramatic music]

Oh, I'll give you something.

[singeing] [Tyrell screaming]

[echoing screaming]
[dramatic beat]

[ominous music]

Ainslie: Will I see you tonight?

What do you think, Ainslie?

Mr. Spinks: Your Honour,

on the day in question,

Viola Bayley took a hot
comb to a teenager's face.

The defence will
try to convince you

that this was an aberration,

a reaction out of fear.

But the truth is

Viola Bayley,

who admittedly looks like
everyone's favourite aunt,

is no stranger to violence.

In fact it's what she knows.

Her juvenile rap sheet

is littered with armed robbery,
car jacking-

Objection, Your Honour.

Mr. Spinks:
The defendant was a known
enforcer for her brother,

Winston Bayley, who's serving-

Your Honour, why is
Mr. Spinks referencing

my client's sealed
juvenile record?

Judge Curry:
Yes, Mr. Spinks,
why is that?

Is it your intention

to open the defendant's
sealed youth record?

Yes, Your Honour.

Judge Curry:
Well that requires
an application,

and yet I don't
see one before me.

Mr. Spinks:
It's in progress, Your Honour.

Judge Curry: I see.

The objection is sustained.

I will rule on the
application when I have it.

For now, move along.

Mr. Spinks:
Of course,
Your Honour.

The victim and four
witnesses will attest

that the assault was unprovoked.

We are asking the court
to find Ms. Bayley guilty

on accounts of assault
causing bodily harm

and assault with a weapon.

This court should not
allow her to hide

her unprovoked attack
on Mr. Talbot

behind a curtain
of self-defence.

Thank you.

Ms. Diggs?

Devonne Williams, Marcus Tait,

Byron Vance, and Chance Wheeler,

these are all
Tyrell Talbot's friends,

but these five young
men have so much
more in common.

They were all known
to the police

prior to this alleged assault.

Together they were charged
with vandalism, assault,

armed robbery, extortion.

They all have the
same "1032" tattoo,

which identifies them
as part of a gang,

and they are the
Crown's primary witness

against my client.

I'm at a loss as
to why the Crown

is wasting the court's
time prosecuting this case.

Objection, Your Honour.

Judge Curry: Sustained.

This "group",

which has a history of engaging
in criminal activity together,

forcibly confined
Vi in her salon,

destroyed her property,

and threatened and
assaulted her.

Vi never set out to
hurt anyone that day.

She simply met an
imminent threat

with reasonable and
justified force.

Wrap it up, Ms. Diggs.

Vi Bayley's actions

are the definition
of self-defence.

She should be found not guilty.

Thank you.

[ominous music]

Gail: Mommy loves you, Jackson.

Henry: Bye-bye, buddy.

Wanda: Okay, Jackson.

Come on now, in you go.

Gail: We'll see you soon, okay?

Are you happy now, bitch?

They're taking my son!

Gail. Henry: Leave it.

You know she can barely hear.

Well she could hear when
she called the cops.

Isn't that right?

Gail, you don't want Jackson

spending three more months
in foster care, right?

We've got a hearing in
front of Judge Lawrence

in a couple of days.

We took our eyes off
him for 30 seconds,

and now we're in this mess.

And we're nearly at the
finish line so don't blow it.

Oh I'm sorry, this is my fault?

Guys, come on.

[car engine engaging]

Let's just focus on getting
your boy out of foster care.

How are the anger
management classes

and the counselling
sessions going?

Oh, don't tell me.

I missed some classes

and I've been late
for a few others.

What's the big deal?

Gail, you assaulted a senior

that stopped your boy from
running out into traffic.

Well she didn't have to
call me an unfit mother!

Judge Lawrence is a stickler,
all right?

You're gonna need to
make up those classes.

When Gail gets overtime
she's got to take it.

We need the money.

The gaming company I
worked for was downsizing,

and I got laid off.

That's an interesting
way to put it.

Colleen: Guys, hear me out.

Best behaviour from now
until the hearing, okay?

Let's just focus on getting
Jackson back home, all right?

Officer Benson:
We later located Mr. Talbot
at the hospital

getting treated for
second degree burns.

He provided a videotaped
statement under oath.

Four of Mr. Talbot's associates,

also present during
the alleged assault,

corroborating statements.

Thank you.

No further questions.

You arrived within three minutes
of my client calling 9-1-1.

A normal response time is
closer to nine minutes.

Why the difference?

A change in operating procedures

had me stationed in the area.

And why's that?

We wanted to raise our
profile in the neighbourhood

due to an increase of
suspected gang activity.

We hoped our presence
would be a deterrent.

And was it?

I can't say that, no.

Marcie: Mm, no, in fact,

reports show that
vandalism is up,

extortion complaints are up,

murders are up.

All good reasons to fear

if you live in that
community, correct?

Officer Benson:
I don't live in the community,
so I wouldn't know.

Marcie: Hm.

You drove my client to
the hospital that day?


The emergency room
report states she suffered

bruising on her side from
the arm of her stylist chair.

Isn't this consistent
with her statement?

Officer Benson:
Yes, she claimed the
victim shoved her,

but I wasn't there,

so I can't speak to that.

Well, I guess my client
shoved herself then.

Judge Curry: Ms. Diggs.

Apologies, Your Honour.

I have nothing further
for this witness.

Judge Curry:
Court is adjourned
'til Monday at 2:00.

Bailiff: All rise.

[dramatic music]

Hey, hey.

I know you're stressed.

You don't understand.

I am this close
from being evicted.

Bookings are down,

I may have to let Shonna go.

Listen, we just
need to get through

Tyrell's testimony on Monday.

And how's that gonna go, Marcie?

The judge sitting there staring
at that boy's ruined face?

How's that gonna play?

[dramatic music]

[car honking]

I copied Ainslie's file for you.

It should have
everything you need

from getting Teddy's
garnishee order lifted

to the most recent maintenance
case against Leo's dad.

You did a lot for her.

You're a good friend.


The lawyer in Leo's father's
case is pretty crafty.

We have him holding assets
in his new wife's name.

Yes, but Ainslie said she's
happy with the deal, Katrina.

She didn't wish to
pursue that line.

Did you consult with any
of your other colleagues

on this last maintenance case?

No, it's pretty
straight forward.

What about Doug Paul?

Why would Doug?

Ainslie just said
something about Doug

advising her to take your deal.

Did she now?

You know that they're
having a sexual relationship

and it would be
grossly inappropriate.

[dramatic music]

I think you should leave now.


[dramatic music]

[Pam sighs]


I've been trying to reach you,

let you know I was
gonna be here.

Can we go for dinner?

I'll only be here
for a few days.

Come on, let's go for dinner.



Drop dead.

You don't mean that.

Every word of it.

[door buzzes]

Did you start
sleeping with Ainslie

when she was my client?

The case was nearly
closed by then.

Did you advise her
to take my deal?

What's that got to
do with anything?

Well, Ainslie and her
new lawyer, Katrina Hayes,

are gonna file a Law Society
complaint against us.

She told you that?

Pam: Not in so many words,

but filing a complaint is the
only way for her to reopen

the maintenance case
against Leo's dad.

No way.

Are you telling Colleen?

No, I'm hoping we can
make this go away

before it comes to that.

[soft dramatic music]

Avery: Hey.

How was your day?

[laughs] That good, huh?

Thanks, I needed that.

So, what do you
wanna do for dinner?

Well, it's hard to say

when there's still
breakfast to deal with.

Okay, all right,

I haven't had time to
fix the dishwasher,

so I'll do them all
after dinner, all right?

It's my system.

Those have been there
since yesterday.

[scoffs] Look, I'll do
them after I make you dinner.

You're gonna cook dinner for me?

Avery: [laughs] Yeah, girl.

I'm gonna cook some soup
or grilled cheese or-

soup and grilled cheese?

[Pam chuckles]

[car beeps]

[tires screeching]

[ominous music]

[Marcie gasps]

[suspenseful music]
[Marcie breathing heavily]

The name's Bradley Gahein,

but most people call me Bragga.

What do you want with me?

I like your strategy.

Shine a light on the gang
activity around Vi's salon.

Tyrell's involvement.

It's smart.

Winning even.

But it doesn't work for me.

Find another way, Marcie.

[dramatic music]

[tires screeching]

[soft dramatic music]


This is nice, I like it.
Vi: Yeah, okay.

A little crazy curl up here.


Vi: Marcie, come on in.

Alexa, girl, you have grown.


Ms. Vi, it's been a long time.

Mom, I didn't realize
you were gonna be here.

Why, was I supposed
to pass that by you?

Shonna's gonna be so
sorry she missed you.

She surprised her boyfriend
with one of your YouTube dances

for his birthday.

Girl had a perma-smile on her
face for two weeks straight.

Alexa: Tell Shonna to call me,

because I got some new
moves to show her.

Oh [chuckles].

You know, I really
need to apologize

for my daughter's
lack of manners.

I swear I raised her better.

I'm ready to go.

Oh, hey, Daddy.

Hi, sweetheart.

I thought you were
gonna be another hour?

Well, Vi's just got
those fast hands today.

Marcie: Sorry, it's

family stuff.

Ginny: Viola Bayley!

Burning Tyrell wasn't enough?

You and Winnow had to kill him?

What are you talking about?

My boy is dead!

I know it was you.

[dramatic music]

I was going to tell you.


At the public hearing,
after I get disbarred?

I'm sorry.

It all happened so fast.

No kidding.

I wanted to talk
to you about it,

but Katrina advised me to wait.

Why are you doing this?

It's not personal.

It's a complaint
against me and Pam.

Katrina says it's the only way

to reopen the case
against Leo's dad.

Pam got you a good settlement.

And I only took the
deal because of you.

You don't get it, do you?

Katrina says the complaint'll
likely go to mediation.

I'll get my money,

and the most you'll have
to do is make an apology.

[sombre music]

Tell Leo I'm sorry I
can't make dinner.

Doug, come on.

Don't be like this.

Bye, Ainslie.

[Ainslie sighs]

[door buzzes]

Still can't miss that
11:00 a.m. yoga.

Let's not do this.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that I
didn't have your back

when the guys at the firm
came gunning for you.

I'm sorry that I
wasn't a better wife.

It's been over 10 years, Coll.

You betrayed me.

If you're so sorry about
kicking me, your wife,

out of her own firm,

why are you still there?

Why is your name
still on the door?

You're not sorry.

You just want to be
let off the hook

so you feel like a good person.

But I'm not gonna do that

'cause I've learned from
experience you are not that.

[cell phone rings]

Don't, we're not finished.

Yes, we are.


She did what?

[dramatic music]


Wanda: Don't Wanda me, Iris.

This is bad.

Look, all I'm asking
for is an hour.

60 minutes so we can find her

and bring Jackson back
to his foster home.


Okay, if this blows up,
I'll wear it.

You weren't here.

What happened?

You've got 30 minutes,
then I'm calling the police.

Jackson's foster mom
went to a soccer game

with one of the kids.

The other kids were at
home with the babysitter.

Gail went to go see Jackson.

I mean, the babysitter
didn't know any better.

[sighs] This woman.

Where is she?

I, if-if I knew-

Henry, you need to wake
up to how serious this is.

Look, we have 30 minutes
to return Jackson

to his foster family.

If that doesn't happen,

regaining custody of your son

is gonna be the least
of your problems.

I'm telling you I don't know!

And I'm telling
you you're lying.

Cut it out, Henry.

One last time.

Where is Gail?

[dramatic music]

Hey, thanks for
agreeing to meet me.

Thank my wife.

She was craving a donair.

So, what's so urgent you
had to interrupt my weekend?

Tyrell Talbot died.

I'm aware.

Well, I expect the
assault charges

against my client to be dropped?

I thought maybe we could
resolve it quickly and-

You thought wrong.

I still have four witnesses
willing to testify

that the assault was unprovoked.

That's on top of Tyrell's
videotaped statement.

It's as good as having him
sworn in on the witness stand.

Better even.

Why is the Crown pursuing this?

A senior citizen defending
herself from gangbangers?

You know what? Not my call.

I keep my head down and
try the cases I'm given.

Now, that's it?

Good talk.


[laughs] Ah!

I got you!

Henry: Gail!

The foster mom was
at a soccer game,

and this
orthodontist appointment

took months to arrange.

Colleen, he gets severe
jaw pain and headaches.

And then I just-

Every Saturday, I
take Jax to the park.

And ever since all
this happened,

I just wanted to spend
time with my son.

You needed to call me.

We could have cleared this
with the social worker first.

I told you not to do this.

I should have known
better than to trust you

to keep your mouth shut.

How bad is this?

Colleen: It's bad.

I don't know if I'm gonna
be able to prevent this

from coming up at the
final disposition.

We're gonna lose
our son over this?

We should have made
this decision together!

You can't go off making
unilateral decisions

which impact all of us!

Oh, like the type of decisions

that lead to us losing our home?

Like when you decided to screw
your boss' assistant, Henry?

And me having to quit
my Master's program

and work as a TA so we can
afford some garbage sublet?

Is that the type of decisions
you're talking about?

This isn't my fault.

I should've left.

I could've left but I really
thought I could forgive him.

We'd still have our son.

[gentle music]

[Colleen sighs]

[door clicks shut]

[soft piano music]

Hey [sighs].

Did you get my text?

I haven't looked.

[Avery groans]

Avery: Hey, uh,

I got, uh, something
you might wanna see.

A buddy of mine he-he's
moving out west,

and he's got, like, six
months left on his lease.

You could drop by
tomorrow and check it out

before the landlord
starts showing it.

Uh, here, just check it out.

It's, like, corner unit,
newly renovated,

with, like, an ensuite
bath and everything.

It's available pretty much,
like, tomorrow.

[laughs] You must really
want me out of here.

No, I just thought you
were looking for a place.

[Avery sighs]

[Avery groans]

Can you-can you stop
doing the dishes please?

This is my house.

I don't need you to
clean up after me.

You're not my maid or
anything like that.

Got it.

I'm going to bed.

[Avery sighs]

Thank you, Reverend,

Sister Heather,

Brother Leroy,

and the Deacon board

for agreeing to hear
me this afternoon.

I know it's been a long
day for you already.

As some of you may know,

my journey to the Lord
wasn't an easy one.

But I got here
with God's strength

and with your belief and
my willingness to change.

[congregation chattering]

Vi: Lord have mercy.

Brothers and sisters,

I know you've all
heard the story,

so let me speak to it plainly.

I hurt that boy, Tyrell.

Fear sometimes makes
you do terrible things.

But as to his untimely death,

as God is my witness,

I had nothing to do with it.

And the awful rumours
that I did are hurtful

not only to me,

but to Tyrell's mother,

who is even more
deserving of the truth.

Congregation Member: Yes.

I beseech you;

do not rush to judgement.

Do not let these rumours
shake your faith in me,

your Sister.

The truth will come out.

And with God on my side,
I will prevail.

[in unison] Congregation:

Praise the Lord.

[ominous music]

Officer: Viola Bayley?

What's this about?

I'm her lawyer.

Your client is wanted
for questioning

regarding the death
of Tyrell Talbot.

[Vi softly gasps]

Avery: Ah, it's Sunday,

so you gotta make it quick.

I got things to do.

Yeah, so do I.

But then my client gets
hauled in and questioned

for two hours about
Tyrell Talbot's murder.

Wait, so she killed him?

Marcie: She has an alibi.

This is just your office's way

of publicly shaming my client.

[Avery sighs]

Marcie: It's gotta stop, Avery.

Marcie, you need to
talk to the prosecutor.

I'm not on the case.

You're the boss.

Not anymore, Marcie.

Look, Grover and the
police still believe

that Vi's a part of her
brother's operations;

that he's using her salon
as a money laundering front.

You gotta be kidding me.

Marcie, go back and check
the original loan documents.

You'll see that her
brother's dirty money

financed the whole thing.

What starts in the
dirt never gets clean.

So, my client's livelihood,
her reputation,

and her safety are
all being jeopardized

because she's related
to the wrong man?

No, it's because like those
boys that work for Bragga,

Vi is seen as a pawn
in this war between him

and Winnow Bayley.

Vi's prosecution for
assaulting one of Bragga's boys

is the Crown's way of showing
they're not taking sides.

Can you get me the rap sheet

for each of the boys
testifying in Vi's case?

[sighs] Yeah, I can do that.


Oh, uh, one more thing.

I'm gonna need an audience
with Winnow Bayley.

[Avery scoffs]

Hey, sorry I'm late.

What are you doing here?

Doug called.

He said that you
two needed my help,

but I'm guessing he and
Reggie aren't here yet?

Reggie knows, too?

Reggie knows all.


Let's start from the beginning.


I have a couple questions
for Doug first.


You're not telling
Judge Lawrence about Saturday.

No? - No.

We resolved the situation.

Jackson was never in
danger from his mother.

Wanda: I don't see it that way.

There's no reason to play
games with that family.

[scoffs] I don't
have time for this.

You know that foster family

left six kids between
the ages of two to seven

in the care of a 12-year-old.

Does that sound like a
safe environment to you?

Maybe I'll tell
Judge Lawrence that.

Look, we all know how hard
it is to find good fosters.

We'd spend the next two weeks

looking for new
homes for those kids.

That would suck.

No one needs to lose here.

[soft dramatic music]

Are there others?

It's a simple question.

Come on, MacLean.

Pam: What? I wanna know

if I should be expecting
more complaints.

Okay, time out.

Let's just focus on
what's important here.

Doug, walk me through exactly
how you and Ainslie first met.

I think it was maybe two weeks
before Pam closed her case?

We smiled at each
other in passing

as she left Pam's office.

We ran into each other a couple
nights later at Whiskey's,

we hit it off.

Wait, was she drinking?

Had a beer or two.

Oh, shit.


Well, she's an addict.

She was hooked on Oxy years
ago and then got clean.

You think she's relapsing?

Have you ever seen
her take pills?

Once or twice.

But that could have
been anything,

Acetaminophen, vitamins.

But if they weren't?

But even if they were,
she shouldn't be drinking.

This could be our play.

No way.

We don't know for sure.

I say we look at the lawyer.

Who's the lawyer?

I don't know,

some clicky heels Toronto
person that her family flew in.

What about pre-empting
the complaint?

You mean go to the Law Society,
turn ourselves in?

No, tell them exactly
what happened

and not what this lawyer wants
them to believe happened.

You control the narrative.

No, we're not doing that.

Do you know how many
people in that group

have scores to settle
with my father?

Yeah, not to mention
Colleen will wreck your ass.

Then we go nuclear.


She's an addict.

She's been seen taking drugs.

Not exactly the
best frame of mind

to be raising four kids.

No, I can't go after
her like that.

We're friends.

We were friends.

I'll talk to her.

Doug: It won't work.

Ainslie's lawyer convinced her

that the complaint's
no big deal.

Well, I'll convince
her otherwise.

Pam: I don't get it.

I've done nothing
but try to help you.

I'm sorry.

Pam: I don't want an apology.

I want you to drop
the complaint.

Katrina says it'll
help reopen the case.

Pam: It won't.

If anything you'll
get less support

now that your parents
are helping you out.

The only person who gets
more money is Katrina.

Lee, you've been here before.

Look, I'm here to help.

We can fix this together.

I can-

Give me $200,000 and
this all goes away.


Are you serious?

I can't stand living
under my parents' rule.

Constant judgement
of my parenting

and my choice in partners.

My kids may think that
they're living in a palace,

but to me it feels
like a prison,

and I need to be free of them.

But to do that I need money.

I don't have it.

Come on.

You must have
investments and savings.

What about your parents?

Okay then,

I stick with Katrina.

[soft dramatic music]

I know you've been
drinking and doing drugs.

If CAFS were to find out,
things could get complicated,

because if I remember correctly,

it's a condition of your custody

to stay away from
addictive substances.

You wouldn't.

I know you love your kids, Lee,

and I would hate to see
them taken away from you,

but I'm fighting for my career.

I'll do what it
takes to save it.

[cell phone ringing]

Yeah, okay.

I'll talk to Katrina.

CAFS Employee:
Child and Family Services.

[phone beeps]

[soft dramatic music]

[door buzzes]

Mr. Bayley, I'm-

Marcie Diggs, Vi's lawyer.

Mr. Bayley... Winnow.


I need your help.

Counsellor, my sister's
made it clear.

She's not interested
in my kinda help.

Marcie: The police believe

Vi is part of whatever
you're involved in.

If we don't do something,

she may end up right
where you are.

What do you need from me?

Tell me everything
you know about Bragga.

Winnow: Bragga?

Uh, me and Ty?

We came up together.

So you were friends.

Devonne: We were tight.

Ever since the first
day of primary.

Mr. Spinks:
Again, I'm sorry
for your loss.

This is a transcript of the
recorded statement you made

shortly after your
friend's alleged assault.

Crown Exhibit K.

If I can draw your
attention to line 24.

Would you mind reading
it for the court?

Uh, "Ty wanted a haircut.

"Crazy old bitch got angry,
said we were making her late,

"and then she just picked up
the hot comb and burned him.

"I ain't never heard someone
scream like that before."

Mr. Spinks: Thank you.

Do you attest that this
is an accurate portrayal

of the events on the
day in question?

Devonne: Uh...


Thank you, Devonne.

I have no further
questions for this witness.

Judge Curry:
Your witness, Ms. Diggs.

Mr. Williams,

last year you served six months

for vandalizing a
convenience store

and threatening the store
owner with a crowbar, correct?

Devonne: Uh, yeah.

Uh, owner was a racist.

Lawyer told me to take a plea.

And reminiscent of the
incident in my client's salon,

your co-accused, including
your friend Tyrell Talbot,

all sport a "10-32" tattoo, yes?

You would have to ask them.

Marcie: Refer the witness to

defence exhibit D45 and D46.

Photos of the witness
and Tyrell Talbot

with the "10-32" tattoo
under their right ears.

What is "10-32"?

[intense music]

Marcie: Is it a gang?

Are you affiliated with
a gang, Mr. Williams?

I got friends.

Is that-is that what you mean?

Is Bradley Gahein, who also
goes by the name of "Bragga",

one of those friends?

Isn't it true
Bragga directed you

to commit the crime that
put you in jail last year?

Isn't it true you
and your friends

were directed to
harass, intimidate

and physically harm
any business owner

who refused to pay
for your "protection"?

You're crazy.

Isn't it true Bragga
instructs you and your "friends"

to terrorize shop owners if
they don't fall into line?

Oh, that's it, I-

I ain't talkin' no more.

I'm done.

Judge Curry:
You're done when I say
you're done, young man.

Answer Ms. Diggs' questions.

Are you deaf?

I said I'm done talkin'.

Judge Curry:
If you don't answer
the question,

I have the option of
sending you to jail.

[scoffs] Ain't no thing.

Your Honour?

Mr. Spinks, are you with us?

[clears throat]

Your Honour,

given my inability to trust the
testimony of my own witness,

this prosecution
can go no further.

We'd ask Your Honour
to dismiss the charges

against Viola Bayley.

Very good.

The witness will be
held in contempt.

Congratulations, Ms. Bayley.

You are free to go.

Thank you, Your Honour.

Vi: What did I say?

All things are possible when
you put your trust in God.

Thank you, Marcie.

[both laugh]

Uh, is that the cover?


Do you really think
she'll make a decision

based on Saturday?

Iris took care of it.

Judge Lawrence:
I've taken time to carefully
look over the recommendations

and evidence before me.

And believe me when I tell you,

I do not make my
decision lightly.

I would first like to
commend you, Mr. Finley,

for taking the necessary steps

to regain custody of your son.

You're proven to be a
committed and caring parent.

Mrs. Finley, I know
you love your son.

Very much.

However, your failure to
complete the required hours

of anger management
treatment worry me.

That said, I believe it is
time for Jackson to go home.

On the condition that
Mrs. Finley vacates the home

until she has completed

the mandatory anger
management course.

As this is my last
day in family court,

another judge will
reassess custody

once you are done, Mrs. Finley.

If you choose to
remain in the home,

Jackson will have to
stay in foster care.

Your Honour, visitation.

Mrs. Finley will be
able to continue

her visits with her son?

Yes, of course.

We are adjourned!

Bailiff: All rise.

Colleen: This is gonna be fine.

You'll complete the courses,

then you'll be back home
with Jackson and Henry.

I know this is not
what we wanted.

I want a divorce, Henry.

You're just upset.

I convinced myself that
I was staying for Jackson

but our broken marriage
almost cost us our son.

I'm done.

[soft dramatic music]



What are you doing here?

Dad told me to meet you here.

Mom, Dad?

What's this about?

After what I witnessed at Vi's,

I thought we should talk.

Thank you for coming.

Didn't seem like I
had much of a choice.

I told you this was
gonna be a waste of time.

Marcie: Hey, Mom?

Don't go.

Not like this.

You need to sort
yourselves out.

It's been ten long years.

You can't go back and stop
Alexa from running off to strip.

You can't go back and
unbreak your mother's heart.

What's past is past.

It's time to start acting like
people who know each other.

We're family.

Act like it.

[soft dramatic music]

Mom, I didn't mean
to hurt your feelings.

I just-


[soft dramatic music]

Emily and the kids will be
coming for dinner next Sunday.

There'll be a place for you.

[Avery laughs]


[footsteps] [knocking]

I thought I told you-

Strictly business.

What business?

My client, Ainslie MacKay,

she was gonna file a
misconduct complaint

involving two of your lawyers

and they strong armed
her into dropping it.

Given how much you
value the truth,

you know, I thought
you should know.

[ominous music]

[door clicks open]


What's wrong?

Colleen: In my office!

Both of you, now.



Did you know about
this complaint?

Did you?

In my office.

[soft dramatic music]

I should fire all of you.

Ainslie MacKay's new lawyer,
my ex-wife,

gets to be the one to tell me

that my team is
threatening a former client

to stave off a sexual
misconduct complaint to the bar?

Not even you, Marcie?

I was told in confidence, I-

Colleen: Save it.


Doug: They were trying to help.

We knew if we came to
you with a complaint-

Colleen: I'd follow the rules

instead of using a
client's drug addiction

to scare her out of filing it?

You're lucky Kat hasn't
made a complaint herself.

She couldn't if she wanted to.

There's no grounds.

Colleen: I don't care!

It's not how a
situation like this

is dealt with in my office.

Look, Ainslie MacKay may be

dropping the complaint
against you but I'm not.

You shouldn't have had a sexual
relationship with a client.

I don't care that she
wasn't your client.

I wouldn't even care if you
didn't know she was a client.

The people who come into
this office are vulnerable.

They need to trust us

without fear we'll take
advantage of them.

You're suspended.

Three months,
effective immediately.

Finish out the rest of your day

and then leave your
keys with reception.

Oh come on, Colleen-

Colleen: Save it.

I am this far away from
suspending you too.

[Colleen sighs]

Get out of my office,
all of you.

[soft dramatic music]

[soft atmospheric music]
[city nightlife sounds]

♪ How do you avoid
them fake ones

♪ Man, who knows, I got day ones

♪ Relax, I can't
relate to the fish

♪ Cut 'em off, let me see
if they gon' make it

♪ I never switch

♪ Hustler, we never sleep

♪ None of us honour defeat

♪ That's my gang,
that's my squad

♪ Those my girls, that's my car

♪ That's my best friend

Marcie Diggs.


Vi's free and clear of it all.

As she would have been

if you had just let
me try my case.

But instead you
had Tyrell killed.


Kids like Tyrell are hotheads

with a propensity to use
their fists over their heads.

They die every day.

The smart survive.

Don't we, Marcie?

Be seeing you.

♪ I'll make your heart go
beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

♪ In the street, street,
street, street, street ♪

Alexa: Marce?


♪ I'll make your heart go
bang, bang, bang, bang, bang

♪ Now you wanna buy a ring,
ring, ring, ring, ring

♪ Use the money in the bank,
bank, bank, bank, bank

♪ Good girl swagger,
got that good girl swag ♪

♪ Good girl swagger,
got that good girl swag ♪

Hey, are you ever gonna
figure things out with Mom?

Please do not start
that up again.

Not tonight.

I'm just sayin',
I think it's about time

that you guys made up.

Well, we're getting there.

Mm hmm.

♪ So I know you know
I'm so classy ♪

So what are we celebrating?

Another win.

Of course, the golden child.

[laughs] Well,
somebody has to be.

♪ Don't you care
that you're free ♪

I have to pee.

All of a sudden.

♪ I'll make your heart go
beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

♪ The baddest broad in the
street, street, street, street ♪


You had a good day.

Well not at the office, but-

Yeah in court today, it was-

It was a good day.

What happened at the office?

I can't talk about it.

Excuse me.

Can I get a scotch on the rocks?

She's paying.

Excuse me?

For all my favours, a thank you.

"Avery, can you run a search?

"Avery, can you
drop the charges?

"Avery, I need you."

Okay, it's called
"quid pro quo."

[Avery laughs]

Yeah, exactly.

You know, if you're
gonna harsh my high,

I'mma be over there.

Hey, come on.

♪ You don't need to
worry about me

♪ I don't be fighting
for the spotlight ♪

You did good today.

♪ I keep seeing a hundred
and no in between

♪ Good girl, good girl

♪ I'll make your heart go
beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

♪ The baddest broad in the
street, street, street, street

[heavy breathing]

♪ What are we doing

♪ This is one hell of a ride

♪ And I don't know if
I'll make it through it

♪ Putting my pride aside

♪ You know I'm by your side

♪ There's nothing to it

♪ But I feel like I'm losing

♪ I don't wanna be choosing

♪ It is a conclusion

♪ It's rather confusin'

♪ All of the games you playin'

♪ I'm saying that we
could be blooming

♪ Like flowers in June

♪ A beautiful view
on a late afternoon

♪ I'm hoping it's soon

♪ I don't know what we doing

♪ But I'd rather know
than to be assumin' ♪


No no.

Sorry. Sorry.


I'm not about this.

I'm not about this.

♪ You tell me that
my love it heals

♪ Really seen you
from all you face

♪ But just of the fact

♪ That something keeps
holding me back, why? ♪