Diggstown (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Nikki LeBlanc - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it - foodval.com
Bitch, you need Spanx!
Lose some weight.

I got it just where I need it.

Yeah, but those old
creeps will pay you more

if you have lots up front.

We got you covered.

Oh my God, our little
girl's all grown up.

You up, you ready?

Do I not look ready?

Then get out there, girl.

Julie, where the hell's Julie?

I just got back.

Yeah, well, then be
less popular, bitch.

Go get that D, make that money.

If the green is low

never coming down

Michael, where are you?

Come here and have your dinner!

Relax, Emily.

Let them take the plates in.

Thanks, Mom.

Can you not undermine me
in front of my children?

Emily's been a
bit moody since
Howard got home.


Oh, so Howard's
back from Chicago?

Driving a brand new Escalade.

He got his real estate
licence and everything.

From the cut of the
suit he was wearing,

I'd say business is good.

Hmm, I'm glad he's doing well.

I always liked Howard.

Yeah, you two are peas in a pod.


Both always thought
you were too good
for up home.

Go to hell, Emily.

Aunt Marcie's on TV!


Oh, Oh my god.

This morning marked
the beginning

of a bizarre teen
prostitution ring

involving a mother,

father and their
youngest daughter

who can only be known as N.L.

under the Young Offenders Act.

The Crown is contending

my teenage client lured her
classmates and her friends

into a lucrative
prostitution ring.

We're gonna prove
that she was a victim

in a scheme conjured
by her parents.

Lord! The whole
family was in on it.


I don't want you
listening to that.

Please tell me you don't
believe that garbage.

I see trafficking victims
every week at the rec centre.

See, Mom?

In future Sunday dinners,

leave me out of it.

I'm all alone

Happy Monday.

Oh, yay.

Um, what-

Who did this?

I did.

Happy First Trial Day.

Okay, but today isn't
my first trial.

But it's your first major crime.

I mean, you're trending
across Canada.

We have a little tradition here.

Everyone in the office
has to get you a gift.

Well now!

Don't mind if I do.

You hear that, Reg?

You gotta get me a gift.

Oh, it's coming.

I think I like this tradition.


Why did he say ha?

Rule is,

every gift has to have some
kind of joke attached to it.

Oh, okay.

So what's your joke?

One of those has a
thumb tack in it.

I'm just kidding.

That was the joke.

Oh okay, I see what
you did there.

Okay, that's funny.

Break a leg, Marcie.

Eating for two.


Doug, hi.

I was wondering if you
could do me a favour.

Uh, wow, not even
nine a.m. on a Monday.

My sister Sam asked me to help

with this workplace
thing she's dealing with.

Workplace thing?

Yeah, it smells
like discrimination.

She's disabled, an academic-

Sorry, I'm slammed all day.

It's a quick meeting
with the dean.

She just needs a lawyer to
do some light sabre rattling.

And you can't do it because?


I'll owe you.

Okay, what's wrong with her?

Nothing's wrong with her,
why would you say that?

You said she's disabled.


Doug Paul,

this is my sister Sam MacLean.

Very nice to meet you, Sam.

Wow, your fingers are so long.

Do you know that finger length
is the only physical trait

that's sexually dimorphic?

Except for genitalia.

How 'bout that? - Yeah.

I'm gonna go after the warrant,

get the evidence thrown out.

How bad's the evidence look?


It's a laptop with client lists

cross-referenced with
favourite girls,

sexual preferences. It's bad.

But you know,

even if it stays in,

they can't prove Nikki
was the only one

using that computer.
- That's good.

You gotta push that suspicion
back onto the parents.

Judge Morrison's old school.

Remember, I saw him hold
somebody in contempt

for having cleavage.

Oh, well, you're
making me nervous now.

Aw, it's like the first day
of school all over again.

The Crown intends to
prove that Miss LeBlanc

was a self-styled "Queen Bee"

who ran a stable of up to
14 underage prostitutes

from her parents' basement.

These girls will testify

that Nikki systematically
lured and groomed her friends

after working as a
prostitute herself

and discovering she
had a particular genius

for the business of
human trafficking.

I'm a genius, boss, hear that?

Control your client, counsel.

Apologies, your Honour.

Please continue, Miss Mayle.

That's all I have, your Honour.


Good morning.

Your Honour, the Crown's
case against my client,

Nikki LeBlanc is a fantasy.

The sad truth is
that a young woman

was exploited
mentally and sexually

by the very people
she trusted most,

her parents,

Donna and Vernon LeBlanc,

a mother with prostitution
in her own past

and a father so indifferent
as to essentially be absent.

Indeed, the Crown has seen
fit to charge both parents

for the same crimes as Nikki.

They're currently
being tried right now-

Your Honour, objection.

You're objecting to
my opening statement?

The trial of Vernon
and Donna LeBlanc

has no bearing on Miss LeBlanc's
innocence or guilt.

Respectfully, if Nikki
has been coerced into-

Even if the parents
are found guilty,

that doesn't necessarily
exonerate the child.

Agreed, counsel.

Let's move on, Miss Diggs.

Up until two years ago,
Nikki was a B plus student.

She was captain of
her soccer team,

an active and engaged student.


But at some point,

her home life got
the better of her.

This is a story of
child exploitation,

not criminality.

Thank you.


Fancy meeting you here.

I've been texting.

Yeah, I know.

Anything else?


I lied about where
I was last week.

You did.

You were at some guy's
funeral in Montreal.

Hugged up with the
grieving daughter.

There are no more
secrets, Carson.

I'm sorry.

Let me ask you something.

If I hadn't have found out

and I answered all your texts

and acted like
everything's fine,

would you be coming
clean right now

or would you have
just kept lying?

The situation,

it was, it is complicated.

It's complicated?

That's somebody's
Facebook status.


Sorry. - Rhonda.

Do you mind if I talk to you?

Uh, Constable Myers,

we're gonna have to
pick this up later.

Rhonda, is everything okay?

It's so crazy.

All of them being tried
for the same thing.

I feel like if I root for Nikki,

I'm turning my back
on my parents.

And if I root for my parents,

I am turning my back on Nikki.

I know, it's a tough
spot to be in.

Like I feel like an idiot.

And my mom, she told me
they were having a party.

I just really wanna
give Nikki a hug.

I don't know if the Sheriff
has brought her out yet.

Come with me, let's see
if we can catch her, yeah?

Yeah, okay.


So what caused this big meltdown

Sam had at the conference?

There were a lot of things
that contributed to it.

She was under a lot of stress.

Her medication makes
her fuzzy sometimes.

The University knows that
she has schizophrenia.

You're telling me your sister
is seriously mentally ill?

What do you mean by seriously?

Is someone without
the use of their legs

seriously disabled
or just disabled?

Don't get defensive.

I'm just saying if she's
throwing fits in public-

If an epileptic had a seizure
in the middle of a conference

and lost his job over it

you would call that
discrimination, right?

Well maybe they're just
worried she'd hurt someone.

Nothing I've told
you about my sister

would indicate that
she's violent.

Do you think all people with
schizophrenia are violent?

Well, some are.

And some indigenous
people are alcoholics.

Whoa, MacLean.

Exactly, whoa.

Kind of feels like an unfair
stereotype, doesn't it?


Hey Nikki, you can't sacrifice
yourself for them, okay?

No Marcie said maybe a
year and then probation.

I'll be out when I'm 17,
okay, big deal.


See what you did?

You little bitch!

This is all your doing.

Me and your poor father
locked in a jail cell

because of you!

You did this!

Love you.

I'll be okay,
I'll be okay, okay?

Thank you.

Now that's a first trial gift.

Hold it!

Pam wanted a shot of your face

when the box went off.

Very festive.

Um, so where's, uh,
where's your gift, Reggie?

Oh, it's coming.

Doug and I are
waiting till later

till after the amateurs
have had their fun.

Oh okay.

Hey, how'd it go today?

It was okay, I think.

It's funny, you were right,

it's not exactly a love match
between Nikki and the judge.

But you know,

he didn't get all fire and
brimstone on me either.

How was Mayle?

I don't think that
Mayle really believes

that Nikki did this on
her own, you know?

I think their plan is
likely to scare her

so that she's gonna testify
against her parents.

And yet Mayle is not
offering your girl a deal.

It's the group home.

What's up, Nikki?


No way.

Nikki, no, just wait.

Nikki, I will be there as
soon as I can.

What is it?

She wants to change
her plea to guilty.


Howard's return is
messing up everything.

He wants to take the kids
to Disneyland on Wednesday.

Well, they must be
losing their minds then.

Yeah, we're all
losing our minds!

Well, I mean, at least
you get a little break

out of it, yeah?

Sure, maybe I'll hit the spa.

Okay, he needs some
kind of legal letter

to take them across the border.

Listen, uh, I can't
do it today Em,

but tomorrow I absolutely can.

He needs it yesterday.

All right just uh,

come by the office at the
end of the day, all right?

I-I gotta go.

Oh sorry, I didn't wanna
take up your precious time.


Okay, I have a
hypothetical for you.


No harm in that, I suppose.

Let's say that you had a
client who was a minor,

and she was thinking
about pleading guilty-

Okay look, listen,
Nikki cannot plead guilty.


Marcie, you need to
talk her out of it.

I knew that you did
not want Nikki for this,

I knew it.

Look, I wanna win my case.

But my case is
against the parents.

Donna specifically, okay?

Personally I think
she's a monster.

But look, if Matt Chaisson
puts Nikki on the stand

saying that she's guilty,

then a woman who is happy
pimping out her own daughter

and all her little school
chums will take a walk.

Yeah but she wants
to protect her parents.

Marcie, it's not even worth it.

She's 16, Avery, she
hasn't figured that out yet.


Hypothetically, what if
this client could get a deal?

Well the hypothetical
Crown prosecutor's

not interested in that.

Okay, say, hypothetically

someone were to have
a word with her?

My client's service
to your institution

has been exemplary.

You'll get no argument
from me, Mr. Paul.

We're all big fans of Sam.

Fans of Sam,

sounds like a Dr. Seuss.

Sam's teaching evaluations
are uniformly stellar.

And her publication records
are beyond reproach.

Please understand,

our issue is not with the
quality of Sam's work.

We feel that Miss MacLean
has misrepresented

her ability to manage
her condition.

Baloney, this woman
is full of baloney.


How can you say

that someone performing at
the level of Miss MacLean

is misrepresenting
her condition?

Can I just say-

It seems to me that a

competent and beloved
member of your staff

has been dismissed for no
other reason than prejudice

against her disability.

We have always done our best

to accommodate Sam's condition.

The situation is a little
more complex than that.


Complex than what?

One second, Doug.

You knew about my condition.

But you acted like I'd
made some terrible,
shameful scene.

You had me escorted
out by security guards.

You say you've
accommodated my

but when push came to shove,

you treated me like a criminal,

an embarrassment for being sick.

And now I am just asking
to go back to work.

I just wanna do my job

and remain a part of the
institution that I love.

I think that's a
reasonable request.

Nikki, before we get into
what this meeting is about,

I'd like you to know something.

I think you pimped your friends.

And I think you
prostituted yourself.

Hell, I know you did,
the evidence is clear.

You're guilty and
you should do time.

I say this because you're
being offered a gift.

A gift you don't
necessarily deserve,

because Marcie has convinced me

that you're a victim
of your parents.

No, my parents didn't do it-

Just hear her out.

I have agreed you
won't do any time.

It was a hard sell but I agreed.

A year in a group home
and two years probation

under your
sister's guardianship.

You hear that, Nikki?

What do I have to do?

Testify against your parents.

But they didn't do anything.

Okay, Nikki, I know that
you wanna protect them

but what your
parents did to you-

I'm not sending them to prison.


So here's what's gonna happen.

After I walk out of here,

I'm gonna give the judge
notice of my intention

to seek an adult
sentence in your case.

Bethany, that's not
what we discussed.

What does that mean?

Well it doesn't
mean pajama parties

with your sister a year
from now, that's for sure.

Up to 15 years in a Federal
penitentiary, Nikki,

with real grown up criminals.

Murderers, psychopaths-

Bethany, hey.

That's enough.

Nikki, let's go.

We're done here.

Looks like.


I'm sorry if you felt
we let you down.

No, no.

It was an unfortunate incident

but no one let anyone down.

Not only was my client let down,

she was clearly
discriminated against

and she needs to be reinstated.

Not so fast.

We need to talk about this.

Check it again.

That's my card.

I work here.

I work here!


What's this?

I work here!

Let go of my hand!

They cancelled my card.

Do I look like a fucking idiot?

Check it again, again!

Do you understand?

I will make you eat this!

You get it?!

These are my books!

This is my life, my work!

The Crown believes

that you and your parents
are playing them.

I'm not, I just don't
want them to go to jail

for something that I did.

Nikki, nobody believes
that you did this

on your own, okay?

I don't. The Crown doesn't.

Then why are they
doing this to me?

Because someone has to
go to jail for this.

And if it's not gonna
be your parents,

it's going to be you.

Do you think she'd really
send me to adult prison?

Maybe the judge won't let her.

Nikki, do not change your plea.

I mean you said it yourself,
it's them or me.

All right, bye.


Hey, I didn't know
you worked here.

Come on in.

Marcie never told you?

Yeah. That girl don't
tell no one nothing.

She around?

Hasn't come back from court yet.

Should have known.


I'll let her know
you dropped by.

Tell her I said thanks a bunch.

Hey, Emily, right?

Yeah, hi.


We met at Marcie's graduation.

I was one of her law professors.

Oh, of course.

Nice to see you again.

You too.

Always love getting
in on you Diggs-es.

Well, I'm known as the mean one.

Yikes, in that case,
what's Marcie?

The perpetually late one.

Is there something I
can help you with?

I need a notarized
letter for my ex.

Oh my god, take five minutes.

Follow me.

It's just that if they
take away my library card

there's nothing that ties me
to the university anymore.

The video looks bad, Sam.

How often does this
kind of thing happen?

If only that conference
didn't happen

right after my job interview,

I'd be permanent
faculty right now

and they couldn't touch me.

What job interview?

I interviewed for a tenure
track position last year.

Chair said I was a shoo-in.

He told me to apply and
I did and they hired me

pending a reference check.

They hired you?

So what happened?

After the conference,
the offer just went away.

So wait.

They told you you had the job.

Pending a reference check,
the letter said.

The letter?

There was a letter?


I can barely remember
what I ate there.


Uh, Em?

Marcie, hi.

Hi, I'm so sorry.

I was with a client.

It's all good. It's all good.

Colleen helped me.

Mm, I've been hearing all the
family secrets by the way.

You were a shoplifter, huh?

What? It was one time, I was-

That's what made
it so memorable.

Daddy's angel being marched back
into Zeller's to apologize.


The nail polish bandit
of North Preston.

Okay, one,

it was a lip gloss

and I forgot that
I put it in my-

You guys are drunk!

The University shall make
employment decisions

based on the qualifications
and merit only.

It shall encourage the
participation of women,

visible minorities,
aboriginal persons

and persons with disabilities.

They explicitly violated
their own hiring policy.

And you think it's 'cause of
what she did at the conference?

They told her she had the job.

They told her to apply.

They told her she was hired.

And three days after
the conference

they sent her an email saying
that the offer's toast?

This gives us way more leverage

even with the video.

What video?

I work here!

Dammit, check it again!

Check it!

Check it again!

The University says it shows Sam

misrepresented her ability
to manage her own condition.

We could put it back
on them though.

Say that the outburst was caused

by the stress of her firing.

In my opinion,

it's not insurmountable, Pam.

I think your sister
has a good case.

These are my books,
these are my life!

Check it again!

Check it again!

An adult sentence,

wow that's a pretty badass
move on the Crown's part.

Mmm, the gloves are off.

You think it was the
parents' plans all along

to make Nikki take the
rap if they got caught?

I don't know. I just know that

someone has a hold on that girl.

Or maybe she's
telling the truth.

Maybe she's a
criminal mastermind.

Ah come on,

we've all seen the parents,

they're not exactly
the wonder twins.

It's time.

Oh, uh, I don't know,
maybe you should hold off-

Iris, you're gonna
want to see this.

Who are those-

Shh, shh, just wait.


Doug/Reggie: Happy first trial!

Marcie Diggs,
you've been served!


Oh geez.


Oh my gosh.


Um, this is gross.

Okay, all right.

No, no, no, oh boo!

Bye. - Let's go.

You girls really need
to get out more.

I appreciate this, Matt, thanks.

Damn girl was out of control.

She had stopped going to school.

You had girls down in
your basement every night.

You didn't think to
ask what was going on?

Ah, I work all day.

Nights, I got to
take care of Vernon.

What about that new TV?

The new recliner?

All of these pricey gifts
just showing up in your house?

Nikki's pretty enough.

Maybe she got
herself a boyfriend.

It was none of my business.

You're her mother.

Do you even understand
what happens to Nikki

if she's sentenced as an adult?

Yeah, I'm not an idiot.

Look, those Crown lawyers,

they're just playing chicken,

waiting for us to blink.

I don't blink.

Except you're playing chicken
with your daughter's future.

She could go to jail.

Oh, she is not gonna go to jail.

Look, if she gets sentenced,
she'll appeal.

That's how the game's played.

But you can't count on
her winning an appeal.

And we'll get a real
lawyer next time.

Not some welfare lawyer.

Mrs. LeBlanc, I am begging you

not to gamble with
your daughter's life.

Write Nikki a letter and tell
her not to change her plea

so I can defend her.

Please, she's sacrificing
herself for you.

Yeah, that ain't happening.

Look, I got diabetes.

Nikki's dad,
he's a goddamn wreck.

He's 60 years old,
he's got a bad hip

and high blood pressure.

If we go to prison,
we die there.

They're not gonna put
a kid away for long.

With this judge,
anything is possible.


She gets out when she's 25.

I mean, that's when your
life really begins

as a woman anyway, right?

We think of these models
as having been created

by the digital age,

when in fact,

temp agencies have used
these models for years,

but it was apps

that allowed the on-demand
model to dominate.


Five aspects:

discovery, booking,


payment and review.

And I guess we're out of time.

Okay, read chapter five,
chapter five.


Marcie, uh, hi.

Um, is everything okay?

I can't talk Nikki
out of changing her plea

and neither of your
parents will talk to her.

Oh I'm sorry Marcie,

but I could have told
you that they wouldn't.

Rhonda, you must
have known the truth

about what was going
on in that house.

I told the police
everything I know.

But my mom knew
what was going on.

Dad was oblivious.

I don't have proof,

but that's just the
pattern of my family.

What about Nikki?

All I can say is,

for the past year or so,

Nikki's been very angry.

You know, fed up with my
parents and their poverty

and she wanted a different life.

And yes,

I think she would have
done anything to get it.

Hey Rhonda.

Heard your news, congrats.

Thanks, Lars.


Ah yeah, I won the
fellowship I was up for.

Two years at the London
School of Economics

starting next spring.

Wow, Rhonda, that's um,

that's amazing.

Well it couldn't come
at a better time.

You know, if, uh,
Nikki goes to jail,

I don't know how I'm gonna
look at my parents again.

Nikki's crimes in no
way meet the standards

for an adult sentence.

That's for his Honour to decide.

Nikki may have contributed

to the exploitation
of these girls

but there's no evidence
of physical abuse.

She was a recruiter.

These girls all were
willing participants.

In short, this isn't
a presumptive offence.

It doesn't need to be.

It's a heinous crime that's
inflicted untold damage

on the community and on 14
exploited teenage girls.

Yes, Nikki herself
is one of the 14-

Any adult would receive
a sentence of 10 years

at least for Nikki's crime.

That's the only
necessary standard here.

Your Honour, the Crown
is making this proposal

out of sheer malice.

I beg your pardon-

Yes, Miss Mayle wants to
condemn a 16 year old child

for whom this is, again, a
non-violent first offence.

We are just gonna-

All right, I've heard enough.

Miss Diggs, your point is taken.

True, Miss LeBlanc is not
guilty of a presumptive offence.

But I cannot agree with
you that her crime was

in and of itself non-violent.

Your honour-

Miss LeBlanc has
done serious harm

to young women who
gave her their trust.

She lured her peers
into prostitution

for her own financial gain.

Now Miss Diggs has
noted that Miss LeBlanc

is a neglected youth.

And I have no reason
to doubt this.

But the damage Miss LeBlanc
has caused

and the sheer lack of remorse

that she has displayed
in this courtroom

convinces me that the suggested
course of action is correct.

The Crown's request

that Miss LeBlanc be
sentenced as an adult

is hereby granted.

Thank you, your Honour.

Thank you.


All rise, the sitting
of the Provincial Court

presided over by Chief
Justice Morrison is adjourned.

I don't know, Sam.

You threatened that
lady at the library.

I've never seen you
do that before.

How often has this kind
of thing been happening?

Not that much.

I mean, maybe more
than it did last year?

What does Dr. Burgess say?

Oh you know,

try this dosage,
try that dosage.

Ah, and Soroya?

Sam, tell me you didn't.

Look, she doesn't read.

Not even the Greeks.

We have nothing to talk about.

You can't keep firing
your support workers.

Please don't tell mom and dad.

I don't wanna live
in a group home.

You're not gonna
live in a group home

because we're gonna
get Soroya back, okay?

And if not her it'll
be someone even better.

Or someone who's read
Heraclitus at least.

Okay, sure.

And I will help you get
on a regime that works.

I need the University
to let me back in

otherwise I don't have the
credentials to do my research.

What about your teaching?

I don't know,

I get funding to
go to conferences

but I'd make more progress
in my research if I-

Sam, focus.

When you go in for that
meeting with the dean today,

if there is one thing you're
hoping to get out of it,

what would you say that is?

Somebody needs to take a breath.

I can't, I gotta be
in court in 40 minutes

and I gotta get to
the parents' trial.

Marcie, take a breath
and look around.

Okay, look, I don't need,
you know,

an inspirational metaphor
thing right now.

Look around on your desk.

Is it gonna explode?

I think you've had enough
surprises for one week.

Happy first trial. - Aw.

I forgot about this picture.

So did I until I ran into Emily

and then I remembered
meeting her at your grad

and handing her my camera

to take a picture of us.

I found that in one
of my old albums.

Yeah but where's the joke?

No, I never play the joke,

it just annoys people.

Thank you.

All right, now I have to go.

Hey, um, your sister's great.

Yeah, you two hit it off.

Yeah, um-

Do you think she's
seeing anyone?

Oh I don't think so.

I mean, she's pretty
down on men these days.


Oh she's not-


Oh my god.


Folks, it's very simple.

You flagrantly violated

your own anti-discrimination
policies here.

We never even-

We all know that Sam has a case

and if this goes to court,

she'll not only be
reinstated with full tenure,

she's likely to obtain a
substantial cash settlement.

So I assume you have demands?

You could say that.

We're open to negotiation.

Well, let's begin.

My client would like her
library card reinstated.

Done, what else?


Thank you, Sheila.

You're welcome, Sam.

Come on, Doug.

Pleasure doing business.

Your Honour, the
defence is arguing

that Vernon and Donna LeBlanc
didn't have the mental acuity

to commit the crimes of
which they're accused?

Mr. LeBlanc has a
Grade 8 education.

Mrs. LeBlanc, Grade 11.

The parents are the
masterminds, your Honour.

You do not need a-a-a degree
to operate a cellphone

and a laptop.

This goes far beyond cell phones
and laptops, your Honour.

The material that was
gathered on Nikki's computer

points to the sophistication
of the LeBlanc operation.

Look, you've got
business spreadsheets,

financial data,

correspondence with
their webmaster,

app makers.

Hi, uh, sorry.

I know it's after hours.

Yeah, you-you good?

We need to talk
about the LeBlancs.

Your case, my case.

Can I come in?

Um, now is not a good time.

Hey, is that the sushi?

Oh, uh...

Wow, um, you know what,

this-this can wait,
this can wait.

No, come on, don't be silly.
Let's just-

No no, I'll call you bright
and early in the morning.

Have a good night.

Explain this chart to me.

On demand services, marketplace-

Don't read it.

Tell me what it is.

It's like a chart.

This is the basic structure
of the prostitution ring

that you oversaw.

Tell me how it works.

Your sister's the one
you've been protecting.

That girl can't trick no one.

All she knows is books,
I know business.

You can't even tell me how
your business works, Nikki.

You know your sister
is moving to the UK?

She didn't tell you that,
did she?

Yeah, she's going to the
UK on a scholarship.

You think she's
gonna protect you,

look out for you?

Rhonda is gonna be
enjoying her life

halfway across the world
while you sit in a jail cell.

Are you gonna be good with that?

Caramel cappuccino.

Got them to add an extra
shot of syrup for you.


I know that you're worried
about the sentencing

but it's gonna be
just like I said,

however long that old
creep decides to give you,

we'll appeal.

I'll still be in jail
for however long

the appeal takes.

Yeah, but it's not
gonna be that long

and I'll come visit
you every week.

Marcie said you're
going to London.

In the spring for a month.

Marcie said two years.

Well Marcie's wrong.

I wouldn't leave you.

I don't think I
can do this, Rho.

I'm not gonna plead guilty.

Marcie says that-

Okay, but you can't
listen to Marcie,

Marcie's just some
shitty Legal Aid lawyer.

Just stick to the plan.

Nikki, just trust me.

I've always looked after you,
haven't I?

I think you've been using me

and now you just wanna dump me.

Hey, I love you
more than anything!

Remember how we wanted to
escape this shit hole life

we were born into?

Do your time.

And don't be a snitch.

And you're gonna be set.

I don't think I can
believe that anymore.

I think I'm gonna
tell them the truth.

Come here.

The truth?

Here's the truth.

You were a good little whore

but who knew you were gonna
be so good at recruitment?

All those needy girls

who need someone to tell
them that they're pretty?

Your talents and my brain
made a lot of money.

I'll fix this.


Guess you should have kept
your stupid mouth shut.

I know.

This looks stalkery.

But I'm getting the feeling
there's not much point

in sending texts anymore.

I never do this.

I don't play games.

And I'm not the silent
treatment kind of girl.

You know, Carson,

but when someone lies to me

I get-

I get self-protecting.

You... I'm married.

The funeral I went to
was my father-in-law's.

Hence it's complicated.

She and I, we have
been apart for years

and we are both fine with that.

It was bad, my marriage.

But my father-in-law,
he was a good guy.

And I felt as though I
owed it to him to be there.

And lie to me about
why you were going?

Marcie, I didn't
know where to begin.

And yes, I lied.

I was an idiot.

You're a married idiot.

It is over, I promise.

You know, usually
when someone says

their marriage is over,

they stop being married.

Well come back and see me

when things are
less complicated.

And then we'll talk.



Sorry, I guess my
timing's off a little.

Hey, excited to
see Mickey Mouse?

I wanna meet Elsa!

So I hear you won your case.

Yeah, she's gonna do a
year in a youth facility

but, uh, compared to what she
was looking at, it's a win.

Who, the pimp?

Mom, she's not a pimp.

Hey, how did you
hear about my case?

Talking to Colleen.

Colleen, huh?

Yeah, mind your business.

It's good to see you smile.


Well, I don't know why
you're not going with them.

Howard invited her.

Did you know that, Marcie?

Why anyone would let
a man like that go-

You know what, Mom?

Shut up.
