Diary of a Gigolo (2022): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

Police arrest and question Emanuel, who begins to explain the complex sequence of events that may have led to a woman being murdered in his house.

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Emanuel Morillo.

You're under arrest.

You have the right to know
why you're being charged.

To be considered innocent
until proven guilty.

The right to remain silent.

If you testify,
to not incriminate yourself.

You have the right to an attorney.

Hands to the front, Morillo.

Officer, take him.

Sit down, please.

Tell me your full name
and what you do for a living.

Emanuel Morillo,
I work at Minou Arias' art gallery.

So you're one of her gigolos.

I'm a gigolo, yes.

Some call me that.

Though it's a nicer term
than the one you use

for women who do what I do,
it still sounds awful.

I'm just a way to escape reality.

A breath of fresh air.

It goes beyond sex.

I've learned to adapt
for as long as I can remember.

I listen to my clients.
I'm interested in their well-being.

One day, they decide to enjoy
their sexuality, and I'm there,

so we can find the way together.

People like me are often misjudged.

People think we use our ability
to seduce to take advantage,

to lie, to deceive.

If they knew who I am
and where I come from,

they wouldn't judge me.

For many, it would've been easier
if I hadn't challenged my destiny,

but that was my way out.

And that is my job.

A job like any other.

Because, at the end of the day,

we've all sold ourselves
in exchange for something.

We're not here to judge you.
You can earn your money however you want.

You know why you're here.

Morillo, come on.

Did you know the victim or not?



Fucking hell, this shit.


Julia. Open the door.

Julia, open the door.

- Julia, what are you doing? Open.
- I'm busy.

Busy? Trying to set the house on fire?
Open the door.


What's wrong with you?

Turn the music down.

Turn the music down!

What's wrong with you?

Tell me what's wrong with you.

When will you stop being so angry?

Tell me what I can do
so we can communicate.

Can you leave?

You finally spoke to me.

Fortunately nothing happened.

What if we go rest?

How can we rest
if we always have to be on alert?

Ah, she didn't want to put us in danger.

Come on, Ana.

- Come on, what?
- Don't make it worse. Come on.

She tries to burn down the house
and I'm the problem?


- Calm down.
- You don't care, she's not your daughter.


"I don't like being here."

"But I won't give her the pleasure
of getting rid of me."

"I wish I could talk to Dad."

"Ask him about the shared moments
I can't remember."

"What color was the light
the first time we saw each other?"

"Does he remember my voice? How was his?"

"What did he feel in the moment
the fire burned everything?"

"Did he die thinking I was dying too?"

Hold on, Julia!



It's beautiful, right?

It's the star of the auction.

A Mandetta.

The artist had a crazy life,
a turbulent life.

Until he found his wife.

And he knew what
redemption through love was.

Maybe that's why I'm so moved by it?

No, sweetheart, I doubt it.

For that, you'd need to fall in love
at least once in your life.

You're late, friend.
I've been waiting for you.

- I know.
- Are you okay?

I'll tell you later, okay?


- Thank...
- Thank you.

- What's wrong?
- It's just life.

Come on, what's wrong?

I know you. What happened?

Come on. Let me see you smile.

I've forgotten how to smile.

If it's because Víctor
is having sex with his secretary,

forget about it for a moment.
We didn't come here for Minou's art.

- You know that.
- I don't care about Víctor.

I'm worried about Julia.

It's so unfair that you look
so naturally young and beautiful,

while some of us struggle to look younger.

♪ This was not supposed to happen ♪

♪ This was not supposed to... ♪

- Do you know what Julia needs?
- Uh-uh.

To flourish. Have fun, enjoy herself,
be with a man, have sex.

So her teenage hormones can settle down.

Don't laugh.

Are we talking about the same Julia?

I'm sure she's never had sex.

I don't think she's even kissed anyone.

Well, she has to do something.

You have to do something.

- You think so?
- Yes.

I'm the last person Julia wants help from.

She doesn't need to know, Ana.

You've also been through a tough time.
Don't forget that.

Everything changed
when you took control of your desires.

Your daughter needs the same thing.

What are you talking about?
What do you mean?

What are we doing here?

She doesn't like art?

Maybe there's something you can buy.

Think about it.

Be my master in the performance.

Forget I am a Labrador,
I'm more of an Akita.

A Japanese dog.


without the need of physical contact,

or the need for you to throw the ball
so I can bring it.

Lino, stop.

Okay, I get the message.

What's up with you?

I lost my diary.

Did you put a glass of water
under the table?

My grandma said you have
to put a glass of water under the table.

So much art.

- This is art.
- Give me some.

- Let me have some first.
- Ah! Okay.

Here you go. There...

Hi, Abel.


You have...

Don't worry, this stays between us.

Drugs and my business
shouldn't be mixed, Abel.

Do you understand?

I have no choice but to trust you
when you're in my client's environment.

And trust is a very fine line

that I'm not sure I want to fix
when it's broken.

Get to work.

I'm sorry, you're right.
It won't happen again.

But maybe it was a way
to get your attention

so you can equally value all of us here.

I don't like that
I'm always the last option when...

interesting opportunities come up.

If you want more from me,
I need more from you.

Excuse me.

It seems like your personnel choices
have failed this time.

Abel isn't smart, but...

women love him.
He has clients who adore him.

I'm going to set him straight.

I didn't make a mistake with you.
You're my best work.

Oh, sure.

All right, time to work.

Ana, your favorite, is here.

Some see
the strength of resurrection in it.

It must be the connoisseurs.
I don't see that.

It's all about what you can see in it.

You can't translate abstract
into objective.

You're so right.

I read that in the Cataluña.

Take a seat, please.
Welcome to the auction.

In this
well-known artist's work,

we can see

that loneliness is present in people.

The loneliness of people

in major cities.

The loneliness of people in nature.

What happens when loneliness
is present in us?

Do we enjoy it, or do we suffer?

Okay, students.

We're going to choose three photos
that inspire us in loneliness

and you're going to tell me
what loneliness means to you.

Time to work!


Get out!

That's enough!
Stop! Get out!

Get out of here!

Get out!

Get out!

Sometimes I wonder

if the fact that we don't meet often
is what makes things perfect.

You and I, for example.

Would it be different if we shared a home?

Or if I was the one who packed
your luggage when you travel?

Or if you worked in my lab?

Sometimes I wonder about that,

and I think women should have
two men in their lives.

Yes. One to be their partner,
and the other to be their sexual partner.

What do you think?

I think I'm an ally of that cause.

Where'd that come from?

It's a way to be together every day.

It's beautiful.

I love having you close.

That's why I wonder...

Can you be this efficient
with other people?

What do you mean?

This is going to sound strange, but...

I'm looking for someone...

to help my daughter.


Our relationship
has been broken since she was little.

She hates me.

My husband died
in a terrible car accident.

Julia was with him.

She has a lot of scarring on her back.

I wasn't okay emotionally.

I couldn't help her.

Víctor was my husband's best friend.

He took care of everything.
The house, the lab...

and me.


that caused...

a rift between Julia and I.

She's closed off.

She isn't close to anyone.

I need


to get close to her.

That's why I'm asking you.

- Me?
- Yes.

But, Ana...

I couldn't trust anyone else.

- Ana...
- She doesn't have any friends.

She doesn't enjoy her sexuality.

I'm only asking you to get close.

Ana, I'm sorry. I can't.

I understand that in your frustration
and desperation

that sounds like a good idea,
but it's not, trust me.

I'm just asking you to get close,

as a friend.

And I'll pay you.

Ana, please.
This has nothing to do with money.

It's just that it's not okay.

We'd be deceiving her.

No, we wouldn't! It's just...

What's wrong with having fantasies?

Don't you need a fantasy
to overcome a harsh reality?

Isn't that what you do?

I do it with the consent
of the other person.

That's not the case here.

They shouldn't be punished.

We're taught here that real art
has the power to make us nervous.

Yet they always look for someone to blame.

- What?
- You know what makes me nervous?

- No.
- Seeing you like this.

- Do you like me? For you, I can be bi.
- No.

Of course I can. Why not?

Do you like me or not?

- Always.
- Always. All my life.

I have a date this weekend.

- With whom?
- The new guy.

- No, he's an idiot.
- He's gorgeous.

No, he's an idiot and you know it.

Fucking freaky.

- Are you ready?
- Yes.

- Shall we go?
- Let's go.

How does it work?
How do you get in touch with the clients?

Through Minou,
who's always been like a mother to me.

I was 16 years old.
I lived in an orphanage with my brother.


It's time to enjoy the night.

Renzo. Renzo.

Listen, I have to go.

- But I'll come back for you, okay?
- Don't leave me alone, please.

I'll never leave you alone.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

Ema! Let's go.


Ema! Let's go, let's go!

Come on.

This way, this way, this way.

Calm down, brother, calm down.

It's here.

Let's do this.

Where'd you get that?

Come in.

There's nothing here!

Come on, Ema, the jewelry.

What are you doing?

- Get out of here, idiots!
- Give me the money.

- Get out of here!
- Give me the money!

Where is the money?

Stop. Let's get out of here.
Let's go! Hey! Hey!

You're going to get it!

Drop what you took
and get out of here.

Get up.

Get up!

Turn around.

- No, no, no.
- What did you take?

I don't have anything, I swear, I...

- I swear I didn't steal, ma'am.
- What's in your pockets?

- Show me!
- Nothing.

- I just needed...
- What's in your bag?

Look. I only needed a place to hide.


Don't turn me in, ma'am.

- Shh! Shut up!
- Please.

Walk. Walk. Get in that room.

Get in there. Shut up.

- Good evening.
- Good evening, officer. Can I help you?

Sorry we're here so late.
We're looking for a thief who escaped.

There were two,
and we caught the other one.

There's more crime
than usual in the area and...

I get scared, but...

If I see him, or if I hear anything,

should I call you?

- Yes, and, please, don't worry.
- Thank you.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Minou took pity on me that night.

And I never left her side.
Minou became like a mother to me.

Listen, ma'am, I'm not...

I'm not a thief.

I needed money and...

a friend told me he'd help me
if I helped him.

Boy, no one cares
if you were caught or not.

At best, you'd rot in jail.

- Your friend is there now.
- I don't want to go to jail.

Where are you from?
Do you have family here?

I was born here.

But when I was a baby we left for Spain,
where my dad was from.

We lived there
for a few years and one day...

he disappeared.

Then it was just my mom and I.

We came back here.

She met someone.

Had another child.

And then...

What happened to her?

She died.


I'm so sorry.

I only have my little brother.

He's a lot younger than I am,

and after tonight,
I won't be able to see him again.

Ah. Show me a picture.

He's so cute.

Florencia, go to bed.

Everything is okay.



What are you willing to do
to change your reality?

Minou made me an offer
that unites us until today.

Joining certain circles
can cost you.

All that starts badly,

usually ends badly.

And it did.

It's a shame you don't want to go.
It's a tribute to your dad.

Besides, we're inaugurating
a hall with his name.

I don't believe in that.

Tributes are for those who are here.

Not for those who passed.


You're right about that.

Even if it's selfish,
we'd like for you to come.

Who's we?

Ana asked you to convince me.

No. I am asking you,
a man who never took any advice.

Well, not quite.

I did take my dad's advice
when he said, "Listen to everyone,

but do what you think is best."

That's nice.


- That's enough, it's late.
- She's not coming?

Not even to her dad's memorial?

She hasn't been to the lab in years.

What do you want me to do?

I can't force her to come.

- I'm going to try.
- You?

If I couldn't, you definitely can't.

I'll wait in the car.

The gallery is closed. We'll open Tuesday.

I like it.

You know how to greet a friend.

- Román.
- You should pick up my calls.

I was working.
I was busy with the auction.

I'm glad you've been saving to pay me.
How nice.

- Let me be clear.
- Yes.

We started doing business
many years ago, right?

I will pay you everything I owe you.

Up to the last cent. But not now, because...

I don't have it...

I need some time.

- Time.
- Time.

Ah, time. If I don't do what I need to do,
what example are you setting?

- Just a few more days.
- I need a deposit.

- I don't have it.
- I need a deposit.

- I need a deposit.
- I don't have money.

- A deposit!
- I don't have money!

- Don't talk to me like that.
- Guys, take that.

- Don't touch anything!
- You bitch!

Fuck you!

Look at what you made me do, you bitch.

Calm down.
I'll give it back when you pay me.


That's what you owe me, okay?

I'll take this too. Payment guarantee.

- Son of a bitch.
- Fuck you, Minou! Fucking Minou!

Fuck you a thousand times!

Look at what you made me do.
Don't do this at home.

It's not okay.

What's this?


Why are these people here?

We're here for justice!




- Move!
- Calm down.

- Move! Can't you see?
- Wait. Wait.

- Move, please.
- It's okay.



Show your face!

I don't understand
why this is still happening.

You said you'd do something about it.

- Are you okay?
- How can you let them go so far?

- You're useless!
- We already called Lieutenant Caneli.

He should be here. I pay him a lot.

Yes, sir.

Don't touch me!

Stop lying!

Emanuel, how nice to see you.

Why are you here?
To walk your dogs or to buy art?

To buy, to collect.

Let's say I was visiting an old friend.

Everything is getting
harder with time, right?

I've always liked you, Emanuel.

Let me give you some advice.
She's a big problem.

Get away from her.
Find something else to do.

You've already given her a lot of time.

You're still young,
take advantage of that.

Years pass by,
and by the time you realize,

she will have already sucked
all your energy, like a vampire.

Minou is a friend, she's family.

You're nothing to me.

How sad. It makes me sad to see it.

I thought you'd have learned by now
that there are no feelings in this job.

How sad.
Well, it's nice to see you anyway.


Are you okay?

I'm fine. What's wrong?

Tell me you're okay.
I just saw Román leaving.


You already know how we get along.
It's all good.

How much do you owe him?

Don't worry about my business,
and I won't worry about yours.

We've been doing well like that.

That's it?

Yes, that's it.

It's Flor.

Don't tell her.

- Minou, she's your daughter.
- Don't tell her Román came by.


- Yes, Flor.
- You need to clear your mind.

I manage your agenda,
I know it's your night off.

I'm at a bar with a friend.

Flor, you know I don't like it
when you do this.

You need to hang out with people your age.

We don't want you to become
a boring old man.

Besides, I miss you.

Okay, I'll be right there.

I'm sorry, girls. He's mine.


Juan, Emanuel.

Emanuel, Juan.

Florencia was
anxious you weren't here.

She manages my agenda.
She takes care of me.

You're brother and sister?
You have different accents.

- We're family.
- Hi!

- Oriana.
- Hi!

- My cousin. Emanuel.
- So, you're real.

Flor spoke so highly of you,
I thought you didn't exist.

Bug off.

Or do you want to end up in a dark cell?

Open that door, please.
What are you doing?

Julia. It's nice to see you at the lab.

We're here in honor of a great man,

Lorenzo Bolonte,
the man who founded this lab.


Don't touch me.

Let go of me.

I'm sorry. Carry on.
Continue with the speech.

Today is a day of celebration,

although it seems
some started celebrating early.


I'm glad you came, sweetie.

Please, let's give a round of applause

to my daughter Julia,
a great plastic artist.

Julia, please don't leave. Julia!

Murderers work at this lab!

Don't be afraid, let's go in together.


Murderers work here!

You're all accomplices!
Their blood is on your hands!

Florencia said you work at the gallery
with her. Are you an artist?

- No, I work with her mom.
- Doing what?

Customer service, public relations,
whatever comes up.

Looks like you're very close.

- You're getting bored.
- No, why?

Don't mind me.
Sometimes I'm a bit insecure.

Insecure? With those eyes? Impossible.

- Come to the bathroom with me?
- Yes.

What's up with your brother?
I like him a lot.

Why'd you think of him for me?
Do you think...

Of course.

You're his type.
I can tell he likes you a lot.

How can you keep up with Florencia?

She's intense, but fun.

Tell me more about your brother.

What type of women does he like?

I have a different personality.

I'm more structured.


Let me tell you something.

She's wild, but she falls in love easily.


Did you come in late last night?

I missed you.

How's the architect?


He's fine, thank you.

What about yours?

She sounds good.

You're lying.


So, I fall in love easily?

You do.

Only with you.


- Good morning.
- Good morning.

I have to go.

- Where are you going?
- To work.

We're off today. Aren't we?

I'll give your regards to the engineer.

You coming back later?

I don't know.

That means yes.

- I'll keep it until you come back.
- Bye!

I'll see you later, neighbor.

Dear God. Please, close the blinds.
The light hurts my eyes.


Leave them open.

Forget it.
We don't want to contradict him.

I also wish I had such an
efficient head of public relations.


Take care of that too!

- Please make me vodka with orange juice.
- Perfect.

Do you also want vodka, sir?

Good morning. I'm sorry.

I drank too much last night.

I'm not the one you owe an apology to.

Of course. You don't even remember
what you do when you're drunk, as usual.

No, I do remember.

I remember a boring speech.

I think it's important for you to see
what you do when you're drunk.

- That's not necessary.
- Yes, it is.


- I don't care.
- Look. You have to.

- Look.
- Don't touch me!

Don't touch me!

Rosa! My drink!

No, no, no, no. Shit, where's the diary?

- Julia! Julia, don't leave.
- And the scandal that came after.

I'm not surprised
your daughter has issues.

Don't talk about my daughter!

The issues she has with her mother.

Rosa! My drink!

"Help me, please. Love you, Ana."

"If I lit a match looking
for light in the middle of the night,

I would only bring light to my darkness."


is a party I wasn't invited to."

"Them, those outside,

speak to fill the silence."

"They can't stand my silence."

"They want to know about me,
but not about my pain."

"The air is foul, yet they say,

'Breathe, breathe.'"

"The sun doesn't warm you,
people get away from you."

"Once again,
the unstoppable fire that burns

and attracts just the same."

"Fuel, oxygen, and heat."

"The triangle that triggers the games."

"If I could only get rid of one
of the three elements,

I'd avoid the flame."

"I don't know the game of talking
without having anything to say."

"I'm a suffocated scream sealed in a jar."

"One that no one hears."

"Doesn't matter if there's a way out."

"No more accomplices."

"But I'm here."

"Traveling with my eyes closed."

"Crossing through the purifying fire."

"Life can change in an instant."

"A perverse fragility
that destroys complicities."

"That leaves your feet
hanging off the cliff."

"Even the right to silence
was denied to me."

"The noise is incessant."

"We change. We don't know who we were."

"Who we are

and who we can be."

"Harmony shows up when I paint."

"When I see the sky from the roof."

"When I remember
my dad's voice singing to me."

"Less and less."


I'm Emanuel.

The body
was found in your house.

Do you have something to say about it?

I didn't kill her.