Diagnosis Murder (1993–2001): Season 6, Episode 10 - Murder x 4 - full transcript

Three apparently senseless murders; the killers are caught but for various reasons don't talk. The police and doctors look for a common thread and find it.

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But, Paul, you just
got back this morning.

You might as well have
stayed in St. Louis.

I promise I'll be
back by Friday.

Then we'll celebrate.

Steaks at Jay's?

Make it chicken soup at home?

Your stomach flu
still hanging on?

And on and on.

I've been popping
antacids all day.


Get help!

Try again, Dr. Travis.

And remember, now, remember...

Your mouse is your friend.

And go where I want?

Well, we could
if we were working

on a text-based system,

but this is a far superior
graphics-based interface.

Oh, yeah? Superior
in what way?

That it makes people
crazier faster?

Doctor, the hospital
has made a big investment

in these computers.

Now, please, just give me
and my system a chance.

It's the mouse that doesn't
want to give me

It's the one that doesn't
want to be friends.

Look, it's not that hard.

Let me show you.

Just follow the icons
like a clearly marked path

Uh-huh. As
I was saying.

Perhaps I should, uh, reinstall.

Watch your backs.

By all accounts, everybody
loved Celeste Kirkpatrick.

Okay on my count:
one, two, three.

Okay, I want ten milligrams
morphine, type and cross,

two units whole blood
and a chest tube.
- Right away.

Watch your backs.

What do you got?

32-year-old male with a single

gunshot wound to the
left upper extremity.

Lots of shed blood at the scene.

No radial pulse on that side.

I've got pressure
on the bleeder.

Let's go... trauma one.

Let's move.

Okay on my count:
one, two, three.

Okay, I want ten milligrams
morphine, type and cross,

two units whole blood
and a chest tube.
- Right away.

Alert X-ray and notify the O.R.
we've got a stat case.

Donna, keep compression
on that wound.
- Yes, Doctor.

Where's my... my...

You're in a hospital, uh,
Mr. Kirkpatrick.

- You'll be fine.
- My wife... is she o-okay?

Whoo. At that price,

there can't be too
many F-16s around.

It's an F-355, Dad,
not an airplane.

Sh-She's dead, isn't she?

I'm sorry, Mr. Kirkpatrick.

I did this to her.

It's my fault.

Stable enough to answer
a few questions?

I think I know what
the first one's going to be.

Like why did he say
it was his fault

I have trouble

seeing a thug like Thatcher

going to a shrink.

He didn't.

He swore he'd pay me back.

I just never took him seriously.

By all accounts, everybody
loved Celeste Kirkpatrick.

Including her husband?

Apparently so.

Everybody also says they had
the perfect marriage...

Celeste, the successful

and Paul,
the up-and-coming lawyer.

Any witnesses?

Plenty, but none of them
can I.D. the shooter.

They were all too busy
eyeballing his wheels...

Red Ferrari, 355 no less.

Ooh, sounds like a
distinctive automobile.

$200,000 worth of distinction.

So I take it this Thatcher guy

is not exactly
your average citizen.

No, I'd rate him
higher than average

between Bel Air
and Beverly Hills...

Kirkpatrick is in recovery.

He came through surgery
pretty well.

His vitals are stable,
and he's conscious.

Stable enough to answer
a few questions?

No, I'd rate him
higher than average

in his propensity for violence...

Especially when
it comes to someone
who's wronged him.

I'll be sure to pass
on your condolences.

Yes, how is Paul these days?

He's recovering
from a gunshot wound.

Like why did he say
it was his fault

I'll let you know.

Vince Thatcher.

He's the one you want.

He killed Celeste.

I have trouble

Thatcher'd have no
problem doing it himself.

He also owns a
company that imports
high-end exotic cars.

He didn't.

See, I was the target.

Innocent people don't
need lawyers, Lieutenant.

Well, Paul Kirkpatrick

says that you killed
his wife this morning.

Just like you.

I just never took him seriously.

Dear God, I wish I had.

So I take it this Thatcher guy

says that you killed
his wife this morning.

I've never even met the woman,

but I'm overcome with grief.

I'll be sure to pass
on your condolences.

Got drunk and rammed it
into a brick wall.

Next thing I know,
we're headed for court.

Idiot client versus
innocent salesman...

Especially when
it comes to someone
who's wronged him.

Well, then he'd have no problem
arranging a drive-by shooting.

Thatcher'd have no
problem doing it himself.

Only you shot his wife instead.

I know it can't be easy

hitting someone from
a moving Ferrari.

I was in my showroom all day

Where's Simonetti, Thatcher?

You, uh, forget to
pay his retainer?

Innocent people don't
need lawyers, Lieutenant.

To determine his age
and get cross-sections

on his left and right
femur and humerus, okay?

All right, let's run a Kerley

to determine his age
and get cross-sections

Which killer?

Apparently someone tried
to murder Celeste

two days before she was shot.

All right, now I'm
totally confused.

He's recovering
from a gunshot wound.

How sad.

What, that he's recovering
or that he's been shot?

Look, last year
Kirkpatrick's idiot client

bought a car from me,

got drunk and rammed it
into a brick wall.

It contains a
digitalis-like poison,

and Celeste consumed it

no more than 48 hours
before she was shot.

Idiot client versus
innocent salesman...

All to fatten
Kirkpatrick's wallet.

So you decided
to get some payback...

Only you shot his wife instead.

And the condition
of the lower intestine,

so I ordered a full tox panel.

Traces of... actaea rubra?

I was in my showroom all day

with two customers
and three employees.

Ask any one of them.

And none of those guys
would have any reason to lie.

They're all model citizens.

Traces of... actaea rubra?

Mm-hmm. Baneberry.

It's a native plant.

It contains a
digitalis-like poison,

I think that somebody slipped it

into something that
she was drinking...

Juice, coffee, tea, something.

But not enough to kill her.

Oh, no, it was a lethal amount

except that Celeste also
digested a demulcent...

on his left and right
femur and humerus, okay?

Thank you.


So you got a prelim
on Celeste Kirkpatrick?

Yep. It's not going to
make you very happy.

I was hoping for something

that would make
the killer unhappy.

Which one?

Which one what?

Which killer?

Except that Celeste also
digested a demulcent...

possibly a large amount
of dairy products.

All right, now I'm
totally confused.

All right, there
were anomalies in
the stomach contents

and the condition
of the lower intestine,

with the same target?

Or one.

He tried to poison her

and, when that didn't
work, he shot her.

And the poisoner is
someone else entirely.

Thank you.

And the, uh, dairy
neutralized the baneberry.

Exactly. She was
probably pretty sick

and passed it off
as the stomach flu
or food poisoning.

No more than 48 hours
before she was shot.

So someone baked her
a baneberry pie?

Now, that's if they wanted
to do it the hard way.

I think it was probably
dried and ground up...

Very concentrated.

A small amount would suffice.

Small enough to put
in a medicine capsule?

Only she wasn't on meds.

I think that somebody slipped it

Thank you.

Amanda tell you why Celeste did
not succumb to that poison?

For one of her employees...
An ice cream party.

You check out the staff?

Yeah, none of them
look good for this.

I-I kind of suspect,
if she had taken baneberry

on an empty stomach,

she'd be too ill to eat
anything... dairy or otherwise.

So if we can pinpoint
when she took the
dairy products...

and passed it off
as the stomach flu
or food poisoning.

I told you there
wasn't much here

to make you feel happy.

Why? Just because we may
be looking for two killers

with the same target?

Owen's Investments.

Please hold.

Can you also verify that he had
an appointment last Wednesday...

and, when that didn't
work, he shot her.

Or whoever shot Celeste
was actually aiming at Paul

and the poisoner is
someone else entirely.

Owen's Investments.

Please hold.

Miss Cook, can you verify
that your employer leases...

one of those...
What do you call it? B-25s.

- Uh, 355, Dad.
It's not a plane. It...
- Right. Yeah.

Never mind.

Amanda tell you why Celeste did
not succumb to that poison?

Yeah, apparently
because she ate dairy
products of some kind.

She had to have eaten that
before she got the baneberry.

- You're sure?
- Well, I'm pretty sure.

I-I kind of suspect,
if she had taken baneberry

it's time I talked
to your boss directly.

Mr. Owen, this is
Detective Sloan.

So if we can pinpoint
when she took the
dairy products...

We'd know approximately
when that poisoning took place.

This is a copy of Celeste's

recent appointments.

Including last Wednesday?

When she threw
a going-away party

for one of her employees...
An ice cream party.

Mr. Owen, this is
Detective Sloan.

Yeah, none of them
look good for this.

Certainly none of them
drive an expensive
foreign sports car.

But she did have two
appointments after the party.

Well, what do you think the
odds are that one of those owns

one of those...
What do you call it? B-25s.

I'll call 911.

Might as well call the coroner's
office while you're at it.

You know, I've been driving

Miss Cook, can you verify
that your employer leases...

Owen's Investments.
Please hold.


Does your employer
lease a Ferrari?

An F-355, red... gorgeous car.

You a little preoccupied?

Yeah, I'm sorry.

It's this Kirkpatrick case.

I've tied Nick Owen
to the gun and the poison,

Can you also verify that he had
an appointment last Wednesday...

Owen's Investments.
Please hold.

With Celeste Kirkpatrick?

Century City,
3:00 p.m., no sale.

He hardly ever makes
cold calls like that.

Uh, thank you so much
for your help, but maybe

it's time I talked
to your boss directly.

That is, providing old
Cuddles isn't still around.

The Doberman.


You a little preoccupied?

Well, uh, no tie to
Celeste Kirkpatrick, huh?

Well, nothing that would explain

why he'd want to kill her.

I mean, this guy's a C.P.A.
with two kids in college

was strictly
business and
very cordial.

Yeah, if you want to call

attempted poisoning cordial.

My nose is runny.

I can see why you're
so perplexed, though.

Mr. Owen hardly fits any kind
of a profile, does he?

Well, there's always

the "deranged but
determined" category.

That's a good one.

You know, I've been driving

by this place for years,

I've never been inside.

Not like you have.

Don't you remember
you had to chase

your ball over that wall?

And Mr. Landau's Doberman
gave me a very quick tour.

Well, it should be more
leisurely this time.

That is, providing old
Cuddles isn't still around.

Oh, give it a rest.



I never realized

Right? And that's
not 12:00.

That's not 1:00.

That's 12:30.

Now, I confirmed that
last week

I've tied Nick Owen
to the gun and the poison,

not to mention the car.

Well, uh, no tie to
Celeste Kirkpatrick, huh?

I never realized

the real estate business
was so, uh, intense.

It's this market;
everyone's in a frenzy.

Mr. Wolf certainly is.

I mean, this guy's a C.P.A.
with two kids in college

and no criminal record.

Well, they did have that
one meeting, you know.

Yeah, the one and only,
which, by all accounts,

was strictly
business and
very cordial.

We live in the neighborhood.

Oh, okay.

You know, I was thinking maybe
we could take a quick tour.

You didn't come here
to listen to my troubles.

I'm Tab Vaughn.

Mr. Vaughn.

Kendyne Realtors.

And this is

You know, I was thinking maybe
we could take a quick tour.

My son used to play chase here.

Not... recently.

Ah, well, then, follow me.

That's a good one.

I made it up,

but at least the case is closed

and I've got my Saturday free.

You don't see Cuddles, do you?

No, no sign of him.

12:30, your office said.

Right? And that's
not 12:00.

Oh, Mr. Vaughn?
We might as well sign

your visitors' book
while we're here.

Oh, yeah. Thanks.

And, uh, call me Tab, please.

Now, I confirmed that
last week

with your office, okay?
- I understand, but...

Here it is. It's...
it's barely 12:30,

and the place is crawling
with people.

Now, come on.
12:30 is 12:30.

Am I right?

Mr. Wolf, there's
only one other couple...

Oh, give it a rest.

No, thanks. I cooked
two last Sunday.

Two banquets in one day?

Mm-hmm. My first
and my last.

Don't let him kid you.

Look at the size of this room.

You could cook a banquet in here

and have room left over.

No, thanks. I cooked
two last Sunday.

Mr. Wolf certainly is.

Yeah. I'm sorry.

You didn't come here
to listen to my troubles.

Don't let him kid you.

He's got a great little
barbecue business going.

Look at this tile.

And this is

a wonderful neighborhood,
great schools,

easy access to both the
Valley and the Westside.

Um-hmm. Till
the floods come.

Or, uh, mudslides.

Or the hills get on fire.

Well, they are double pane...
Very energy-efficient.


Oh, come on.

If you like Formica, that is.


Oh, and these windows.

Why do people spend a fortune

Ah, well, then, follow me.

You are going
to love the changes

they've made to the place.

Oh, Mr. Vaughn?
We might as well sign

Oh, come on.

I can't wait to hear your excuse

for the atrocities
in the living room.

Look at these
exposed wood beams.

And, uh, call me Tab, please.


Look at the size of this room.

That's like a feast
for a colony of termites.

Do you, uh, want to go see
some atrocities?

I'd love to.

I thought you said you were

in the barbecue business.

No, that's just a sideline.

Homicide is my main thing.

What? What? A heart attack?

No, murder.

Look at this tile.

Oh, it's nice...

if you like Formica, that is.

No, murder.

I'm Lieutenant

Steve Sloan, L.A.P.D.

I thought you said you were

Why do people spend a fortune

to remodel their house

and then just ruin it
with these cheap windows?

Evelyn, we got to go.

Windows are the eyes of a house

and, I ask you, who wants
cheap, shabby eyes?

Well, they are double pane...
Very energy-efficient.

White male, about 45.

He looks like he's
been bludgeoned,

and his rear pocket's
turned inside out.


What do we got, Dad?

White male, about 45.

Look at these
exposed wood beams.

That's like a feast
for a colony of termites.

And his rear pocket's
turned inside out.

Somebody took his wallet?

Well, could be it was
a robbery gone wrong,

Look at these beautiful
hand-carved doors.

Oh, boy, you don't see that
much anymore.

Oh, my God!

What is that?

What? What? A heart attack?

It's a Boland; it's worth
several thousand dollars.

Maybe someone interrupted
the killer,

or maybe he was
just plain stupid.

You mean it happened while we
were touring the house?


You mean the killer
could still be here

with us?

Judging from the color
of his skin and nails,

he hasn't been dead very long,
probably less than an hour.

You mean it happened while we
were touring the house?

Homicide is my main thing.


one thing I know...
This ain't my business.

Uh, nobody leaves

until I say so.

Now, does anybody recognize
this man?

Mr. Vaughn?


Hey, that lets us out.

- We're lookie-loos.
- Yeah.

Come on, Evelyn.

Uh, sir...

you want to put down the bag

They're stealing
the house piece by piece.

See? See where
your motormouth gets us?


Well, could be it was
a robbery gone wrong,

only the killer...

left the watch.

It's a Boland; it's worth
several thousand dollars.

We didn't kill anybody.

We didn't even pick
up that thing.

Well, okay, maybe we
did take the poker.

Or maybe he was
just plain stupid.

What about these stains?

Well, other than
the blood splatters,

they look like coffee,

probably ink.

Judging from the color
of his skin and nails,


Probably very expensive, too.

Maybe worth enough to
make murder worthwhile.

You're going to try and hang
this on us, aren't you?

Evelyn, we have the right
to remain

Use it.

With us?

It could be any one
of the prospective

buyers in this room.

Hey, that lets us out.

Use it.

You ought to use
your cuffs on 'em, Officer.

I mean, look, they've already
confessed to being thieves.

You want to put down the bag

and the backpack?

Thank you.

Let's say the victim
surprised them, and, uh...

things got a little
out of control.

The only thing out of
control was this man.

Evelyn, remaining silent means
keeping your mouth closed.


there's blood on there.

N-Now, wait.

We didn't kill anybody.

Looking for someone to kill.

You were very angry

Yeah, angry enough
to commit murder.

Well, okay, maybe we
did take the poker.

And quite a few
other things. Why?

We run sort of a boutique
hardware store on Melrose.

Yeah, you ought to
drop by sometime.

- Evelyn...
- We just carry

the most wonderful
antique fixtures

and-and... and these
lovely brass fittings...


If I got here by 12:30,
I could make a preemptive offer.

I can avoid a bidding war.

The wrong time.

The place was already open
when we got here

at 12:15.

Ah, but they told me 12:30.

If I got here by 12:30,
I could make a preemptive offer.



I mean, look, they've already
confessed to being thieves.

They had the murder weapon.

What else do you need?

Motive might be nice.


Okay, um...

let's say the victim
surprised them, and, uh...

why would I have stayed
in the house?

Oh, I don't think
you did voluntarily.

My guess is that that's
Tab Vaughn, the realtor

I was in the entryway greeting
people the entire time.

If I had killed that man,

why would I have stayed
in the house?

Evelyn, remaining silent means
keeping your mouth closed.

You know, we could hear him

all the way down the hall,

and he just stormed in

looking for someone to kill.

That you talked Mr. Vaughn
into letting you in here early.

Then you killed him.

But then people started arriving

Yeah, angry enough
to commit murder.

I'll agree with that. I thought
he was going to hit me.

All right, all right, look, I...
I admit I was angry,

but it's
because this idiot's office

gave me the wrong time
for the open house.

Wrong time?

What wrong time?

The place was already open
when we got here

He's right... the guy's a lefty.

He's got his watch
on his right wrist.

Then there's that ink stain
on the dead man's shirt

But then people started arriving

and you were trapped.

You took his
jacket and then...
had to take his place.

Then you waited
for the right moment

The wrong time.

That's the answer.

Mr. Vaughn, might
I borrow your pen?


Oh, and that proves
that I'm a killer.

No, it proves you're

Mr. Vaughn here
is left-handed.

He's right... the guy's a lefty.

Thank you for making
a confession.

You see, he didn't
even open his mouth,

and he's already confessed.

Wait a minute.
I did not confess.

I was in the entryway greeting
people the entire time.

One .44 Special.

Then there's that ink stain
on the dead man's shirt

for which there is, no doubt,

a matching stain
inside that jacket.

My guess is that that's
Tab Vaughn, the realtor

who was supposed to be
showing this house.

I don't know who you
are, but I'll bet you

that you talked Mr. Vaughn
into letting you in here early.

Tab... or whoever you are,

There's just one question
that I'd like to have answered:

Then you waited
for the right moment

to slip away,
only that moment never came.

This is totally crazy.

This jacket is mine.

How can you say that it isn't?

Because, when I asked
you for this pen,

you reached in the wrong pocket.

Oh, and that proves
that I'm a killer.

Double-entry bookkeeping?

I hope that doesn't mean

we're keeping two sets of books.

No. It means all the accounts
have to balance.

Any week you solve two
murders has got to be
a real winner, right?

Well, you tell me.

I just prefer when
the killer at least
knows the victim.

No. It means all the accounts
have to balance.

You take money out of the
checking and put it into "ribs."

$900 worth.

Do you have to write
everything like it's
a prescription?

Why do I take it
you're not exactly

in the mood to be doing this?

Hey, I'm in a great mood.

Any week you solve two
murders has got to be
a real winner, right?

Tab... or whoever you are,

I'll see your poker
and raise you...

I just prefer when
the killer at least
knows the victim.

Nick Owen never even met
Celeste Kirkpatrick

before the day he
tried to poison her.

There's just one question
that I'd like to have answered:

Why did you kill that man?

I... I have the right
to remain silent.


Double-entry bookkeeping?

Well, Steve, I'm sorry,

but I still don't see
the big mystery.

Decides to do a drive-by
from a $200,000 car?

At least the guy
showed a little style.

$900 worth.

Yeah, we go through ribs
pretty fast around here.

Not as fast as we
go through ketchup.

$4,000 for ketchup?

That's $40, Steve.
See, that...

that's a decimal point
right there.
- Well, who can tell?

Do you have to write
everything like it's
a prescription?

Let me guess... Frost is
just an average citizen.

Mm-hmm. He's got a
tract house in Arcadia,
a wife, three kids

It happens once in a while,
but twice in one week?

What about Richard Frost?

He's that guy that walked
into the open house in Malibu

On what basis?

His pathological hatred
of realtors?

No, inoperable brain tumor.

Did you verify that?

Before the day he
tried to poison her.

Well, you said he wanted
to sell her some stock.

Maybe he got mad
that she turned him down.

What, so a guy with no history

of violence or mental illness

decides to do a drive-by
from a $200,000 car?

So in one week two men
with terminal illnesses

kill total strangers.

One of which is dead
and the other one

won't talk about it.

You want some fries
with that salt?

Did you verify that?

Yeah, Frost was a patient
at Community General.


I mean, Nick Owen
just lost it one day

and decided it was time
to kill somebody, anybody.

It happens once in a while,
but twice in one week?

He's that guy that walked
into the open house in Malibu

and killed a realtor
he never met.

Let me guess... Frost is
just an average citizen.

Mm-hmm. He's got a
tract house in Arcadia,
a wife, three kids

and a lawyer that
won't let him talk

unless it's to plead
diminished capacity.

On what basis?


Amanda and I
were just looking over

Nick Owens' autopsy report.

He was a patient
at Community General.

Oh, don't tell me.

And he was in the final stages
of lymphatic carcinoma.

So in one week two men
with terminal illnesses

won't talk about it.

No wonder you're
in such a great mood.

You want some fries
with that salt?

That sounded like it was
just down the street.

Uh, Mr. Hudson, please.

Uh, there's his desk over there.

Just have a seat.

He'll be right back.

Thank you.


No one move!

Everybody down!
Everybody down!

Right now!

No one move!

Everybody down to the floor!

Right now!

Mr. Hudson?

Maxwell Hudson?

Yes. How may I help you?

It sounded like a semiautomatic.

I read one perp so far.

One of the people
that got out of there

He must have walked in
on a robbery or something.

How many perps?
How many weapons?

There's, uh, one weapon.

It sounded like a semiautomatic.

Over here!

Lieutenant Steve Sloan,
Central Division.

What's the situation?

He shot the cop!
He shot the cop!


Drop the gun!

Get away right now
or I'll shoot her!

Jesse, go. Now!

Call 911. Make sure
we got paramedics

and backup on their way.

I'm on it.

Over here!

What's the situation?

My partner just went in
to get some plane tickets.

He must have walked in
on a robbery or something.

Call dispatch. Have
them send a mobile
command post.

Will do.

And keep the
heavy firepower
out of sight.

One of the people
that got out of there

said that two people are down...

including my partner.

Get away!

Drop the gun!

Got to... got to plan something.


This is Lieutenant Steve Sloan.

Who am I talking to?

He's all bottled up inside.

There's no place for him to go.

Well, the trouble
is he probably
knows that.

Call dispatch. Have
them send a mobile
command post.

I'd still like
to know your name.

Justin Blair.

Let me help you, Justin.

Oh, yeah?

And keep the
heavy firepower
out of sight.

If we keep a low profile,
maybe this guy won't panic.

No, this...
this wasn't supposed to happen.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

Got to... got to make a plan.

Got to... got to do some...

got to... got to plan something.


Justin, we're talking
on a captured line.

My wife.

You want me to call her?

Listen to me, Justin;
I can help you.

I think we
already established
that you can't.

Let me take that wounded officer

off your hands;
that will make things

Who am I talking to?

The guy with the gun.

I'd still like
to know your name.

I didn't want to shoot the cop,
but he came through the door

and everything just...

it just fell apart.

Oh, yeah?

How about ten million dollars
and a... a safe passage

to... to Rio?

Can you help me

with that?

I don't think so.

Then what good are you?!

Everything went wrong.

I didn't want to shoot the cop,
but he came through the door

Have him check out Justin Blair.

If he comes up with anything,
have one of the techs

patch him through
on the secure line.

Steve, I'm no expert,
but I don't think

off your hands;
that will make things

easier for you, won't it?

Justin, we're talking
on a captured line.

All your calls
have to go through me.

How convenient.

Who did you want to talk to?

I wish I knew what to do.


You want me to call her?

Have her come down here?

I... I-I-I don't know.

Tell me what happened
in there, Justin.

What went wrong?


Everything went wrong.

You keep saying
you want to help?

You come down here
and take the cop's place.


Come down here
and take the cop's place

or I'll shoot him;
I... I swear I will.

It just fell apart.

Oh, man.

I wish I knew what to do.


Stop. I can't think!

Oh, my God.

Shut up!

Everybody! Just shut up!

Listen to me, Justin;
I can help you.

That this...
this man is a patient?

Well, Steve's got a hunch.

Frankly, so do I.

Jess, do me a favor.

Call my dad.
- Steve...

Have him check out Justin Blair.

Okay, Lieutenant Sloan.

You keep saying
you want to help?

Should the patient files
be this hard to access?

We'll get into them,
I-I promise...

You know, although, you know,
what are the odds

that this...
this man is a patient?

I-I'm still having
a problem here. Uh...

You're supposed to be our
computer expert, Mr. Rogan.

Should the patient files
be this hard to access?

Get me a Kevlar.

I'm a real hero.


I'm here, Dad.

And the hostages...

and your partner.

I'm a real hero.

At Community General,
chemotherapy for lung cancer.

He's terminal?

Steve, this man
has nothing to lose.

Steve, I'm no expert,
but I don't think

trading yourself for a hostage

is proper police procedure.

Jess, you think
I want to do this?

I haven't got any time;
he's going to kill that cop.

All right, what's to stop him
from killing you?

Jesse, please, just call my dad.

Jesse, I'll get back
to you... eventually.

Uh, I-I...
I'm sorry, Dr. Sloan.

I-I'm still having
a problem here. Uh...

until I've got the situation
under control.

All right, we'll work
out the details later.

No arguments. You're going
to need a doctor in there.

You're not going in

until I've got the situation
under control.

Turn around. Turn around.

I'm not armed, Justin.

Okay, we've got
four snipers in place.

All they need is a clear shot.

Just maneuver him
to the front door or a window.

It won't come to that.

What? Are you going
to try and save this guy?

And the hostages...

Hands high.

Shut the door.

Turn around. Turn around.

Justin, it's Steve Sloan.

I'm here, Dad.

Just like you thought...

Your Mr. Blair
is under treatment here

at Community General,
chemotherapy for lung cancer.

Well, somebody has to be...

considering what
you're going through.

Steve, this man
has nothing to lose.

Maybe I can convince
him otherwise.

No arguments. You're going
to need a doctor in there.

You... you wouldn't
let anything hurt

your new pal.

Hey, I won't kid you
about the pal part, Justin.

I can trust you?

You're on my side?

Well, somebody has to be...

All right.

When I say so
and not a second before.

I'm a walking dead man.

Justin, it's Steve Sloan.


I don't care about these people,

and I...

I don't give a damn about you.

I'm not armed, Justin.


Yeah, right.

You're my friend.

You have any kids?

Hey, I won't kid you
about the pal part, Justin.

But I am here to help you.


I can trust you?

I'm supposed to get you
over by the window

so they can...

so they can take you out.

There's also eight TV crews

ready to go live
when it happens.

I know how sick you are, Justin.

I went past sick
a long time ago.

Is that how you want to say
good-bye to your family?

Is it going to help
if all these people die, too?

I don't care about these people,

Oh, God...


you and your wife,

you have any kids?

Oh, God...

Justin, there are
four snipers out there.

I'm supposed to get you
over by the window

so they can take you out.

There's also eight TV crews

before today, right?

Read him his rights
and get him out of here.

I have control of the weapons.

Send in Dr. Travis.

Thank God.

Do you really want
your children to see that?

You have the
right to remain silent.

Anything you say can...

psychologically speaking.

Which means he's probably
not speaking at all, right?

He suffered a complete
mental breakdown.

I have control of the weapons.

Three law-abiding citizens

suddenly start
committing murders.

One takes himself out;
another's lawyer

won't let him talk;
and now this.

He suffered a complete
mental breakdown.

There's no telling when
or if it'll ever pass.


Three law-abiding citizens

Tell me something, Justin.

That man over there...

You knew him,

didn't you?

I mean, you met him

before today, right?

Well, maybe they traded murders.

I mean, all three were patients

here at Community General.

Yeah, and each one
of them could have
been killing someone

Read him his rights
and get him out of here.

Of the victims and the killers.

All right,
what about
a cult angle?

I mean, what if there's, like,

some bogus messiah
who's commanding
them to kill?

There doesn't seem
to be any reason here.

Well, then there has
to be another connection.

There is.

What do you mean,
I can't talk to him?

The man's involved
in a criminal conspiracy.

He's also in a
dissociative state.

And what does that mean exactly?

Well, it means that your
Mr. Blair has imploded...

psychologically speaking.

Sure. I admitted
all three of these guys.

Then you don't
deny knowing them.

I wouldn't deny knowing any
of our terminal patients.

Dealing with terminal patients.

Yeah. These people...

A lot of the time,
they can barely cope.

They need somebody
to guide them.

I wouldn't deny knowing any
of our terminal patients.

That's my job; I admit
almost all of them.

Donna's had special training

dealing with terminal patients.

Won't let him talk;
and now this.

Well, Steve, at least
you caught them.

Yeah, but I still don't know

why they did what they did.

I mean, they were
all terminally ill,

but none of them are destitute.

Yeah. Fortunately,

they all had insurance benefits.

Well, maybe they traded murders.

And there's
a chance other
people could die

if we don't solve them.

Well, you're right
about one thing.

Yeah, and each one
of them could have
been killing someone

for one of the others.

Yeah, but there's
no connection between any

of the victims and the killers.

Well, you're right
about one thing.

I'm the only one who's had
contact with all of them.

Donna, this code
by their names...

Some bogus messiah
who's commanding
them to kill?

Jesse, sometimes you scare me.

Wait a minute.
That's not such a bad idea.

That's what scares me.

Cults and terrorists
have an agenda.

There's a reason for doing
what they're doing.

There doesn't seem
to be any reason here.

I'm not sure.

Let me try to find out.

Nick Owen, Richard Frost
and Justin Blair

all had the same
admissions nurse.

That new computer guy.

Absolutely. No. I agree.

They've all been routed to the
same person in administration.

Which person?

The genius

that put together
this whole system...

That new computer guy.

To make our new software secure.

Ernest, I'm glad
to hear you say that

because someone
with unlimited access

They need somebody
to guide them.

Right, Doctor?

Mm-hmm. Donna, we apologize
for all these questions,

but there's been
three murders already.

And there's
a chance other
people could die

insurance benefits running out,

life savings spent.

Think how easy it would be

no first degree murder,
no death penalty.

And no maximum security,
no Pelican Bay.

You make me happy,
I'll give you what you want.

Donna, this code
by their names...

I don't recognize that.

Do you know what that means?

I'm not sure.

Think how easy it would be

for someone to coerce them.

You, for instance.

What it means is

these patients' insurance claims

aren't being processed
by billing, like everybody else.

They've all been routed to the
same person in administration.

I don't have one.

How about you, Doctor?

And you're just willing

to sit here and let it happen.

Well, it won't be
on my conscience.

I don't have one.

Absolutely. No. I agree.

Medical confidentiality...
It's... it's crucial.

Now, that's why I was so careful

to make our new software secure.


And as far as the "whom"...
Very grammatical, Lieutenant...

Not until I get a deal...

because someone
with unlimited access

to those patient files

could wind up with
a lot of control.

I... I... I don't
quite follow you.

Well, think about it.

Terminal patients,
for instance...

You know, they're
usually desperate...

insurance benefits running out,

They all had full benefits.

Their original policies

have expired, but somehow
they're all still covered.

There's another murder
in the works.

In about two hours.

And you're just willing

Only questions now
are why'd you do it

and for whom.

Well, what other "why"
is there, Lieutenant?



Routed through a phony
insurance company.

If that's what he did...

that should be
very easy to find.

Not until I get a deal...

from the D.A.

Let me guess:

no first degree murder,
no death penalty.

It's up to us to uncover

the identity
of anybody in
this hospital

that Rogan's recruited.

Unfortunately Rogan has locked

You make me happy,
I'll give you what you want.

The names of the people
who actually paid
for those murders.

Well, they are
the ones that bear

the ultimate
responsibility, right?

You really think

we can't put that together
ourselves in a few days?

What if I told you
you don't have a few days?

There's another murder
in the works.

Well... and with
a half hour to spare.

Too bad he's not the right one.

That should be
very easy to find.


What, "aha"?

There are seven patients
in this hospital

covered by Montana Mutual.

And they're all terminally ill.

I assume that list
contains our three killers.

We've got less than
an hour and a half.

You know, I hate
to say this to you guys,

but I think we should
have taken Rogan's deal.

Even if we wanted to,
we can't trust that guy.

Jesse is right.

It's up to us to uncover

I see you've found
one of my clients.

More than one, actually.


Well... and with
a half hour to spare.

Unfortunately Rogan has locked

all that information up
in our new computer.

I thought these guys
all had insurance.

According to this,
they've exhausted
their benefits.

No, that can't be. I checked.

They all had full benefits.

Well, very good, Lieutenant.

I see you've found
one of my clients.

By the same company, right?

Yeah. Montana Mutual.

Never heard of them...
That must be a new outfit.

Of Rogan's. I'm willing
to bet you anything

that Montana Mutual
is his outfit.

Rogan paid off his
killers with payments

routed through a phony
insurance company.

I'd die first.

It won't be you, Lieutenant.

It'll be some poor
innocent woman.

I honestly think that, uh...
that's the only reason

he found a new woman...

One that he would kill
to be with.

Only he's not the
one that's going to
be doing the killing.

It'll be some poor
innocent woman.

If you're so concerned,
why don't you give me her name?

Hmm... I'm sorry.

I assume that list
contains our three killers.

Yeah, and four more
potential killers.

And one of whom
is scheduled to commit murder

in less than 85 minutes.

Well, the question is which one.

Let's check out these others.

Won't you feel
just a little tinge

knowing you could have saved

her life, huh?

We'll get your killer.

You know, what a pity
that her husband

finds her so dull
in the bedroom.

I honestly think that, uh...
that's the only reason

She's a hard worker;
she's a devoted mother;

she's a regular churchgoer.

I think you'd like her.

Well, maybe you
could introduce us.

Too bad he's not the right one.

How many are left, I wonder?

We'll get him.

Well, of course you will.

All this manpower that you have,

how could you fail?

Oops. I'm forgetting

you only have a half hour

unless you cut a deal with me.

I'd die first.

It's a terrible burden,
but guilt...

That's far worse,

don't you think?

Well, I'm not the one

that's got something
to feel guilty about.

Don't you?

Hmm... I'm sorry.

I, uh... I don't remember.

Maybe it's the stress
of facing that lethal injection.

But, I uh, can tell you a little
bit about the, uh, victim.

She's a hard worker;
she's a devoted mother;

Deal, Lieutenant.

You have 25 minutes.

And I'm not going to waste
any more of it on you.

Get him out of here.

- I am your only hope.
- Let's go.

I sure hope you're wrong.

Get him out of here.

No. Wait a minute.

This is not a smart thing
to do, Lieutenant.

- I am your only hope.
- Let's go.

Only he's not the
one that's going to
be doing the killing.

Yes, but I think it will, uh,
weigh heavily on his conscience.

You know, alimony, it's a...

it's a terrible burden,
but guilt...

Well, let's hope he gets there
inside the next half hour.

Mark? I think we got it...
I mean him, Troy Griffin.

We tracked down his wife,
and-and she said that Griffin

was having a business meeting
at Del Floria's Restaurant.

Well, that still leaves

one possible killer...

Troy Griffin.

Whose whereabouts, unfortunately
are still unknown.

I do have a unit watching
his apartment at least.

When they peel that poor woman
off the wheels of that bus,

won't you feel
just a little tinge

I do have a unit watching
his apartment at least.

Well, let's hope he gets there
inside the next half hour.

We'll get your killer.

It's a big city, Lieutenant.

I mean, even if I told you

my client was going
to commit his murder

somewhere on,
uh, Ventura Boulevard,

how long do you think it would
take you to find him?

Is that where it's
going to happen?

Ventura Boulevard?

Oh, I don't know.

Sunset or Santa Monica
or Western,

or maybe not even a bus.

I mean, uh, the stress
is just killing my memory.

Deal, Lieutenant.


Steve, how'd you do?

So far,
we picked up two of them.

Well, I can rule out
another one for you.

Mr. Heyward's in I.C.U.
in a coma.

Well, that still leaves

and ends up in prison.

Along with the
guy who paid for
Tab Vaughn's death.

What was his story?

Was having a business meeting
at Del Floria's Restaurant.

In less than half an hour.

Get that, Steve?

I'm on my way.

Well, thank you, sir.

Oh, no. Not anymore...

Not since, uh,
Mr. Rogan left.

No. The mouse
is my friend.

What was his story?

He and Vaughn were
partners in a bent
real estate scheme.

When things started
falling apart,

Vaughn decided to
turn state's evidence.

Turns out poor
Paul had some heavy
financial problems.

You know, he must
really be disappointed.

He gets shot by his own hit man


Drop the knife.

You don't really want

to do this, do you, Griffin?

You know, this could be a little
more involved than we think.

It turns out that Rogan
has been going

from hospital to hospital
for years, brokering murders.

Now he's headed for Folsom,

along with the rest
of Rogan's clients

as soon as we
catch up with them.

You know, this could be a little
more involved than we think.

Well, thank you, sir.

I appreciate
that. Right.

Captain Newman says hello.

Oh, hope he's in a good mood.

Well, he should be.

Paul Kirkpatrick
just pleaded out.

Did he admit to hiring Rogan

to arrange his wife's murder?

For her life insurance.

Turns out poor
Paul had some heavy
financial problems.

That are likely to die
before the police can ever

track them down.

And the sad thing is he
practically pushed them into it

Yes, I can get
the lights back on.

Oops. Does anyone know
where the fuse box is?

And the sad thing is he
practically pushed them into it

with this offer
of free medical benefits.

And a cash death benefit
for the family.

You can almost understand
why they did it.

Vaughn decided to
turn state's evidence.

So his partner
decided he had to go.

Yeah. Along with, uh,
Maxwell Hudson's partner.


Yeah. He's the guy
that was killed in
the travel agency...

Which turns out to
be the front for a big
smuggling operation.

So his partner wanted
the whole operation for himself.

Now he's headed for Folsom,

Oops. Does anyone know
where the fuse box is?

It's pretty dark.

Hey, who's that?

To maintenance to personnel...


Guys, what's going on?

From hospital to hospital
for years, brokering murders.

- Without ever getting caught.
- Well, he'd been very careful.

One here, a couple there,

never enough to attract
any attention.

It's pretty clever, too...

Using, uh,
terminally ill patients

that are likely to die
before the police can ever

And the sad thing is he
practically pushed them into it

with this offer
of free medical benefits.

And a cash death benefit
for the family.

You can almost understand
why they did it.

Aha. Got it.

Are you still having trouble
with that mouse?

Oh, no. Not anymore...

Not since, uh,
Mr. Rogan left.

No. The mouse
is my friend.

I can zip along
from patient history

to maintenance to personnel...


Guys, what's going on?

It's all right, Amanda.

You, uh, can get the lights
back on, can't you?

Yes, I can get
the lights back on.

Oops. Does anyone know
where the fuse box is?

It's pretty dark.

Hey, who's that?