Diagnosis Murder (1993–2001): Season 3, Episode 8 - Misdiagnosis Murder - full transcript

Tycoon Gregory King is admitted in Community General by Mark's fellow army veteran Dr. Ed Quiller. Jessie, who is seriously overworked, sees goons besides a man in major cardiac arrest running away when he arrives, dashes for a crash-cart himself but at his return it's another patient then the man Quiller identifies as his patient King. Norman's top priority is Page Tanner, the sexy young widow who must be convinced to continue her husband's annual generous donations or the hospital budget is screwed; she knows to appreciate his accounting, being an investment manager, they enjoy good wine together too and she proposes romantically... Jesse refuses to catch up with sleep till the mystery corps is found, and realizes cardiac symptoms can be mimicked, with an asthma dilator like he saw used by one of the goons, who threaten him to leave the patient alone. Jesse overhears them talking with Quiller and the patient about too much exposure and a delivery, so he follows them, sees the corps in a boot but is spotted and left knocked down with a concussion, the body is gone again. While Jesse, who thinks it's all a drug smuggle scam, is finally crashed out, Amanda finds and looses the corps. Now another live King appears and Quiller explains, but Mark smells a rat, so when Jesse wakes up...

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Zurich will transfer funds
for the Cooperfield buyout

whenever you give the word.

Ditto for the stock swap
with Richmond Industries.

And Morgan finally caved on
the Lakeshore Development deal.

He will accept our terms.

$25 million against
51% equity ownership

with a buyout option when
the project goes public.

A very nice play.

Do you have to discuss
this now? All you need to do

is meet with Morgan and
dot the i's and cross the t's.

This can wait, Max.

No, it really can't.

Listen, Gregory, I'm telling you

as your doctor
and as your friend,

you need this bypass procedure
now or you might not be alive

to cross or dot
anything tomorrow.

I know. I know.

I'm going to call
Community General

and have you admitted tonight.

What about her?

Can you get her there?

Lonnie says it's
a difficult situation.

First he can't find her!
Then he can't bring her in!

Gregory, you all right?

Do you need your pills?

Just so you know
what's at stake here.

Yes, he knows.

Gregory, please,
just try to relax.

Don't put any more strain

on your heart.

Just get her there, Max.

You understand?

We'll try... Don't try!

Put a gun to her head,

throw her in a car,
kidnap her if you have to.

Just get her there.

Community General?

Get me Admitting
right away. It's urgent.

Patient presented
with muscle weakness

in abdomen and chest...

faintness and sweating,

plus lower temperature
in outer extremities...


hands and feet.

I'm sorry.

Uh... we're not keeping
you awake, are we, Doctor?

No, sir.

I mean, yes.

I mean, I'm a little tired.

Why don't we
continue this outside.

Excuse us.

All right, patient history
before admission?

Okay, that would be, um...

re... ow!

Are you all right? Yes, sir.

Recent minor
respiratory infection

was treated with antibiotics.

On direction of
the chief resident,

a spinal fluid lab was ordered.

And the results were
consistent with acute...



Poly... polyneuritis.

Another name for...?


Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

It's a inflammatory
condition of the nerves

that causes rapid weakness

and loss of sensation.

Treatment? Cortisone,
combined with

physical therapy to promote
and maintain muscle tone.

All right. And prognosis?

Complete recovery over time

without residual effects.

Very, very good.

All right, that's all, class.

See you tomorrow.

Uh... might I have a
word with you, Doctor?


What time did your shift start?

What day is it?

One of the other interns
had a family emergency

and she asked me
to take over her shift

which comes right after mine.

Watch it!

So sorry.

You've been on your
feet for 48 hours?

Actually, about 53.

Sorry, ma'am.

Well, look, it's Tuesday and
I figured we're usually slow.

So I can get some sleep
during the down time.

Only there hasn't been
any down time tonight.

Look, patients get very uneasy

when a doctor yawns
during an examination.

I'll take over your shift.

Go home and get some sleep.

No, no, no, no,
no. I'm fine. I swear.

You can trust me. I'm as
steady as a rock, tight as a bow.

I'm going to...


No need to apologize.

It won't take me more than an
hour to reassemble these files.

Of course I have a
meeting in 15 minutes

with the widow of one of the
hospital's biggest contributors

about continuing
their financial support.

And these files are
crucial to that presentation,

but I'm sure she won't mind waiting around
a few hours while I sort all this out.

On second thought, you
know, sleep sounds very good.

Don't come back until tomorrow.

Mark, do you know
what my fantasy is?

What's that?

A hospital with no doctors.

I long for the day when
I see my last white coat.

What's really
bothering you, Norman?



I always have my
hand out for a donation.

Whenever a big
donor comes to town,

I drop my life and
do whatever it takes

to make sure he or she continues
to support Community General.

Well, I'm no fan of the
rubber chicken circuit, Norman,

but it can't be
that bad, can it?

Dr. Rudden, please dial 884.
Dr. Rudden, please dial 884.

Do you know Dale Tanner?

Uh... Tanner Oil and Gas.

Tanner Stadium.

"Billion-Dollar Dale." Yeah.

Our largest
non-institutional donor.

I had no idea.

Yeah. He wanted anonymity.

For 15 years, Tanner's
annual donation

has been all that's stood between
Community General and bankruptcy.

Dale Tanner died last month.

And now his widow completely
controls his foundation.

The foundation that writes the
checks for Community General.

Yesterday I heard
from his attorneys

that the widow Tanner
wants a personal review

of all our operations before
she renews her donation.

So now I get to give a
grand command performance

for some little old lady
with a bank account.

Well, I'm sorry, Norman.

Look, if you need
any help, let me know.

Now that you mention it, you know,
the widow Tanner and you would be just..

Oh, absolutely not.

Mark, there is no
one in this hospital

with a better, kinder, warmer
bedside manner than you.

But she's not a patient.

Without her, we
can't afford patients.

Mark, if anybody can charm
the blue hair off this lady, it's you.

No. Nada. Nyet.

Never. Nein. What
are you saying?

I'm saying you're the best in
the business at what you do.

You don't need any help.

Yes, I do.

I need your help.

Not in this case.

Hi. I'm looking
for Norman Briggs.

I'm Norman Big... uh... Briggs.


Mrs. I'm Page Tanner.

Dale Tanner was my husband.

I'm here to discuss
our donation.


Mr. Briggs,

are you okay?

Mrs. Tanner, I've
never been better.

Shall we go to my office?

I was just telling Dr. Sloan

how I was looking
forward to meeting you.

Oh, there's Lonnie.

Maybe he's got
some word on the girl.

I'll go make sure
everything's ready.

Oh, tell me you have good news.

Oh, God.

Car keys.


In my clothes in my locker.


I really need some sleep.

Damn it, Lonnie. If you
can't get her here, I'll...

Please, get back
in the car, Gregory.

Come on. We can handle this.

The way you handled
it the first time?

Greg, calm down.

You're too sick, Greg.

The hell I am.
Get out of my way.


Oh, my God.

Watch out.

No pulse. No respirations.

Get a crash cart.
He's in cardiac arrest.


His heart has stopped. Now tell
the nurse we've got a Code Blue.

Is he dead?

Yes, he's dead.

Now go inside and
get a crash cart,

Code Blue, stat. That means now.


This door's locked.

Not that door.

Use the elevator.

You're going the wrong way.

Geez. Anybody.

Get a crash cart, someone.

They make you stay this late

even when you're
just consulting?

Well, you know me. I
get started, I can't stop.

How are you, Dr. Quiller?

Fine. Except I can't get
Admitting to follow my orders.

Well, you know something, Ed.

You're not an Army
surgeon anymore.

You've got to stop
standing at attention

and barking orders to people.

What do you need?

I scheduled a patient for
bypass tomorrow morning

and reserved the
Governor's suite,

and some nincompoop in
Admitting has no record of it.

Who's the patient? Gregory King.

Someone with that kind of money

deserves to be in
the Governor's suite.

Exactly. He's an
old friend of mine.

I don't have to tell you if he's
happy with this procedure,

it could mean a whole
new cardiac wing.

Oh, yeah. Let me
see what I can do.

I'm not used to this
kind of sloppiness.

Well, this isn't the military...

Get a crash cart.

Code Blue, level two,
the parking structure.

Someone injured?

Cardiac arrest, no
pulse, no respiration.

And you left him?

What kind of doctors are
you training anyway, Sloan?

Let's go. Watch it.

Yeah, I got it.

Rapid pulse,
shallow respiration,

loss of color.

Someday you should
learn the difference

between cardiac arrest

and a mild tachycardia, Doctor.

Mild tachycardia?

Doc, when I got here, this
man was not responding to CPR.

He had no pulse,

no respiration. He was dead.

Well, he doesn't look dead now.

Look, let's get him admitted
and prepared for surgery.

He should already be admitted.


That's not him.

Not who?

That's not the guy.

Not what guy?

That's not the
guy with no pulse...

The guy I couldn't resuscitate.

T-T-The dead guy.

They said his name was Gregory.

Gregory King?

I don't know. Gregory.

What did you do with him, huh?

Huh? What'd you do with him?

Dr. Sloan, as I told you,
Gregory King is an old friend.

That man was Gregory King.

I think your young
doctor needs some rest.

I see. Excuse me.

Jesse, look, we both
know that we get exhausted

and we make mistakes.

Now why don't you go
home and get some rest.

We'll take a fresh look
at it tomorrow, all right?

Yeah, we'll talk about it.

Fishing in Montana...


River rafting in Utah...

All right.

Or houseboating on Lake Mead.

Oh, nice.

You don't think I'm
going to go, do you?

All I know is ever
since Mom died,

every year we talk about
taking a trip like this,

and every year I plan it

and every year
something comes up

at the last second.

Okay. River rafting in Utah.

Make the reservations.


When do you want to go?

Uh, how about tomorrow
morning first thing?

Are you serious?

I am if you are.

I'm very serious. Let's do it.

Okay. I'm going
to make the call.

All right. Okay.

Doc, we've got to do something.

Jesse, I am doing something.

I am taking care
of your patients

so that you may
go home and sleep.

Sleep? How can I sleep when
there's a dead man missing?

And somebody who isn't dead
has taken his place and is pretending

to be sick when he can't really
be sick because he's not the guy

who had the heart
attack in the first place.

Now, I know that makes

absolutely no sense,

but please, work with me here.

Look, I'll tell you
what I'm going to do.

If you will go home and
get in a nice hot shower,

get between some clean
sheets and take a nap,

I will do my best to look
into this little mystery of yours.

How about that?

You're just humoring
me, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

Get some sleep.

I hate to be humored.

Amanda? Hmm?

I need your help.

Are you all right?

I'm fine. Why?

I've had corpses
come through here

that look better
than you do today.

Was one of them
named Gregory King?

Oh, I heard about that.

The tachycardia case.

The man that you thought
was dead in the parking garage.

Oh, yes, catch some sleep.

I'm fine. Mm-hmm.

Excuse me?

Do you mind if we take
a tour of your facility?

Mr. Briggs.

Norman, you haven't seen any
bodies lying around here, have you?


I'm not sure I know
what you mean.

Bodies. Stiffs. Dead people.

Why would they be lying around?

This is a professionally
run hospital.

Dr. Livingston, Dr. Travis,

I'd like you to
meet Page Tanner,

one of our more generous
contributors to the annual fund.

How do you do? Fine, thank you.

Isn't that interesting?

It's a petri dish.
We grow cultures.

Dr. Livingston here

analyzes them.

Yes, I know what
a petri dish is.

Of course.

Have you ever looked
through a real microscope?


Good. Well, why don't
we just go to the cafeteria.

They make a
good root beer float.


Carry on, everyone.


You know...

You know, after witnessing
Norman handle the donors,

I can see why we're
so strapped for cash.

Hey, Amanda, stay
focused here, please.

Would you focus on the bed?

The man with the
tachycardia is not the same guy

that I saw drop dead
with a heart attack.

I don't know why, but
they switched guys.

Who switched guys?

Ed Quiller and the men who
were with this guy Gregory King.

Ed Quiller?

The former Chief
of Cardiac Surgery?

You can't be serious.

He's in it with them.
They're all in this together.

Okay, does the phrase
"sleep deprivation paranoia"

mean anything to you?

Yeah. You can't
fake tachycardia.

It has very specific
physical symptoms.

You have clammy
skin, a rapid pulse.

You can't just hold your breath
and make your pulse race.

It doesn't work that way.

So you're not going
to help me investigate.

Go rest before the eyeballs
in your head fall out, hmm?

Hey, I'm fine. Okay.

Are you sure you wouldn't
want to see the pediatrics ward?

What? And maybe get a
"No More Boo-Boo" balloon?

Oh, so you know about
the "Boo-Boo" balloons?

Could I see the financials
from the first of the year, please?

I beg your pardon?


Isn't that what you
and my husband

generally went over
when he made this tour?

Yes, but your husband was...

Was no more interested
in "Boo-Boo" balloons

and root beer floats than I am.

Yes, well... um...

Your spreadsheets, Mr. Briggs?

I was condescending, wasn't I?

Just a touch.

Here are the budget
reconciliation reports

from the last five
years, and of course,

the first three
quarters of this year,

as well as our projections
for expenditures

in income over the
next 24-month period.

You sure you
need all this detail?

I wasn't my husband's
airhead secretary

before we were married.

I was his investment manager.

I know how to
read a spreadsheet.



This is interesting.


Amortizing capital expenditures
on a 60-month schedule

against a diminishing
percentage of projected income.

That's bold, yet defensible,

even under strictly conservative
standards of fiscal management.

I'm impressed.

I was trying to
maximize my resources

while minimizing my risks.

I can see that.

You have the same flair for
numbers my husband had.

Your husband was
a brilliant investor.

I know.

Hey, you know, I'm starving.

How about dinner?


I know this wonderful little
Italian restaurant in Pasadena.

I'll call Danny.

Hey, you know,

why don't we make
this a working dinner.

This sort of thing really
gives me an appetite.

We'll order in.


You're right, Nadine.

You are absolutely right.

I mean, I've been tired before.

My first year of med school,

I slept maybe a
total of 20 minutes,

but I never saw things
that weren't there.

Okay, there was that one
time when I could have sworn

I saw Chachi at a
Johnnie's Lobster Claw.

You know, those places
with the big old claw that...

Really good shrimp.

But that had less to
do with lack of sleep

and more to do
with those brownies,

I think, during finals.

Oh, God.

Maybe I did imagine
this whole thing.

Maybe Amanda's right.

You can't fake
tachycardia symptoms.

You just can't.

You either have
them or you don't.

And all his vitals and all his
charts said they were there.

I've got to stop
drinking this stuff.

My God, it's making my
heart race a mile a minute.

Wait a second.

You can't fake 'em, but
you can mimic 'em, right?

That's right.

Nadine, I think that we're
on to something here.

Thank you.

You get some sleep.

Mm, Jell-O.

Shortness of breath...

redness in the face...

rapid heartbeat.

Sounds like my first date.

King... Gregory...

Good evening, Dr. Travis.

Huh. There you are.


Hey, what kind of
an inhaler is that?

What do you care?

That's an asthma inhaler.

Mom always told me

it wasn't polite to
grab other kids' toys

and I guess she was right.

Haven't you caused enough
trouble for one day, Doctor?

You know, a friend
of mine told me

that you can't fake tachycardia.

Your friend's right.

But you can mimic
all the symptoms

with a bronchodilator overdose.

Rapid pulse, clammy skin,
fast shallow breathing...

You can get it all
with one of these.

Young man, you
need psychiatric help.

Unless you want me to
report you to the medical board,

I would suggest you leave
my patient alone, huh?

This is just too explosive.

We can't possibly keep the
truth quiet more than a few hours.

We won't have to.

Lonnie, have you
talked to your people?

I explained the situation.

They know it's urgent.

They promise to deliver
by 9:00 at the latest.

Where's the body now?

Out of sight.

Make sure you keep it that way.

I'll be back soon.

No more screwups, Lonnie.

Whoa, whoa. Hold it...

Hold it.

Hold it!

Stay with him.

I'll get help.



Don't try to sit up.

You could have a concussion.

We're waiting on the C-scan.

Oh, no, no, no.
There's no time for that.

The goods are going to
be delivered here by 9:00.

Oh, no, no, lie down, lie down.

Oh, no, no, please, I
swear. I'm fine. Trust me.

But you guys have
to come with me.

There's something
you've got to see.

Either of you have a tire iron?

Jesse, what are you doing?

Proving to you that I
saw what I told you I saw.

The guy who had a heart
attack in this garage...

The guy who
disappeared? I found him.

Where? Here.

Now, what...?

Please! Don't humor me.

Anyway, the good news is
we got the CAT scan back.

There are no consequences
from the concussion.

Other than you both
think that I'm crazy.

Mm-hmm. Not any more than usual.

Hey, Dad. Hi.

Hi, guys. Hey.

I ran that check you wanted

on King, Max Rondell,
and Lonnie Hill.

You actually looked into them?

I told you I would.

None of them has
a police record.

Gregory King owns
King Investments.

Max Rondell is his partner.

And Lonnie Hill is
his security chief.

What about Quiller?

I've known Ed
since medical school.

There's no way

he could be involved
in anything criminal.

Oh, yeah? Then how come
he's hanging around with guys

with dead bodies in
the trunks of their cars?

He's, uh... double duty.

A little sleep deprivation.

Oh. One interesting thing.

King and the others served
on a Special Forces team

in southeast Asia
20-odd years ago.

King won the Medal of Honor

for bravery under fire. Oh.

And that's all I got.
Well, thank you.

We're still leaving
tomorrow morning?

As far as I'm
concerned. Yeah. Why?

Because it's 9:00, and you
should be getting home to pack.

Well, you have
my word, my friend.

No last-minute
cancellations this time.

Tomorrow, it's you and me

and the wild river.

Uh... that's "river wild."

That's "river wild."
Right. See ya.

See ya. 9:00?

The goods are being
delivered here by 9:00.

The what goods?

They were all in
southeast Asia together.

Drugs come from Southeast Asia.

They're smuggling drugs.

And they've got a delivery
coming here by 9:00.

Only Gregory King

has to take the
delivery personally,

and that's why
they're pretending

that he's still alive.

This... this all
makes sense now.

Only to you.

Dorothy, you get some sleep.

We'll get you back
to Kansas real soon.

Sleep? How can I sleep
with all this going on?

You don't have any
choice, my little friend.

Those tablets I just gave you...

Oh, no.

I'm going to fight this.

There he goes. Isn't he cute?

Very sweet.

It's a '78 Bravs.

That was a very dry
year. Not too much rain.

This particular bottling is
from the northern slopes,

so it's a little less tannic

than other Bordeauxs
of that vintage.

Sorry, but wines
are a hobby of mine.

My husband was the same way.

Get Dale started on
one of his passions...

Horses, sculpture, money...

he could just talk for hours.

You remind me of him.

I do?


You've, um... you've stepped
up to the plate, Mr. Briggs.

This last hour has been
extremely informative

and exciting.

And... well, I don't think I'll
be needing anything more.

You won't?

You've won me over.

Shall we?

Shall we...?

If you'd like to accompany
me to my hotel room,

I'm prepared to give
you everything you want.

That's an offer I can't refuse.

I'll be right behind you.

I just have some
things to take care of.

Oh, of course.

Okay, stay calm.

This is just a business deal.

Don't get too excited.

Baby, the way
that you're kicking,

you are definitely going
out for soccer someday.

Uh... Nurse, does Dr. Quiller

have any patients on this floor?

Only the tachycardia
patient in ICU.

What about room 130?

There's no one in 130.

Really? Thank you.


Oh! Ow! Damn!

Bruises inside and out.

Hello. Are you all right?

Oh! Oh! Ooh!

Nurse! Nurse!

Nurse! Nurse!


Doesn't anybody
work at night anymore?

Jesse, wake up! You were right!

I saw your dead man!
He's really dead! Jesse!

I told you.

We have a patient... a Mr. King...
Who was admitted this morning.

I need his medical records.

Oh, his doctor's
office might be closed.

I can check with his
insurance company.


Mm-hmm. They keep records
on all medical procedures

performed on the
patients they cover.

I can have his records
in a few minutes.

Okay. Thanks a lot.

But I'd like to get out of
here as soon a I can. Okay.

Mark, you've got to
come with me right away.

The baby?

No! You'll never believe this.

I don't want anything
to do with this.

Given the circumstance,
you don't have that option.

I'll take it from
here, boys, okay?

Come on.

I think this is the
same dead guy

that Jesse's been talking about.

Here. Let me do that.


You mind? I'm trying
to take a nap here.

Sorry. Have you
been here a while?

The room was open.

I was tired.

I didn't think
anybody would mind.

But if there's a
rule about this...

No, no. No problem. Our mistake.

Go back to sleep. Sorry.


Mark, I'm telling you, the
man in that bed was dead.

And I know dead.
I'm a pathologist.

He was D-E-A-D dead. Finito.

I don't know what to tell you.

Well, I know it's
crazy, but he was dead.

Amanda, do you have a minute?

No. Not really, Norman.

It's kind of important.

You all right, Norman?

I... I need to talk
to a woman alone.

Okay, Mark?

Oh, sure. Yeah. Go ahead.

Step in.

What's going on around here?

Okay. What's up?

Uh... have you ever seen
a suite at the Bel-Air Hotel?

No. They're exquisite.

I was in Page's room.

Uh... she invited me.
She invited me there.

Did you get the donation?

Well, not exactly.
What happened?

Amanda, she... she's a
very... a very attractive girl.

Don't you think?

Yeah, I'd say so.

And she has a certain...
sexiness about her.

Norman, what happened?

Well, I was sitting
in her parlor,

and she went into her
bedroom to get a checkbook.

She came out in this little,

fluffy, see-through...


She said she'd write the check

right after we... she...

Why are you telling me all this?

Because I couldn't. I didn't.

What? Am I insane?

Do you think I insulted her?

I felt so... so
cheap... so... so used.

It was tawdry.

So you did not get
the check, did you?

What I did get was dizzy.

I had to leave.

I left her in the
parlor in that...

little, fluffy, see-through...

Mm-hmm. I guess I
should have just rolled over

and thought of
Community General.

Well, "roll over" would be the
operative phrase, wouldn't it?

But I still think you made
the right decision, Norman.

You do?

Absolutely. You're
a man of integrity.

You're a man of values.

Never cheapen yourself.

And, as a woman, I have to say

that I am very impressed by you.



Well, I guess I'll just have

to find some new donors
for the annual fund.

That would be the
wise thing to do.

Thank you, sweetheart.

You're welcome.


I'm going around
and around on this.

Please, talk to him.

I don't have anything
to say to that bastard.

He has something to say to you.

Just listen to him.

There. You see?

She's the goods.

Excuse me? Sloan,
what's going on here?

What's going on

is you're busted.

Jesse... We know all

about your southeast Asia
drug smuggling ring, Quiller.

Drug smuggling?! Sloan...

That's right. Drug smuggling.

Jesse... And she's your courier

here to make a
delivery to the head man.

So where do you
got the goods, huh?

In that little bag right there?

Jesse, I think you ought
to sit down for a moment.

I think Mark's right: maybe
this isn't what you think it is.

Oh, really? Really?

Well, then, who is she, and
what is she doing here? Huh?

My name is Ruth Chandler.

And I'm here because
Gregory King is my father.

He's your father?

Well, if this a family affair,
I think we'd better be going.

No, that's all right.

Please, stay.

I don't care who knows what
a bastard my father's been.

I think Mark's right.

I think we should leave.

He deserted my mother
when she was pregnant,

and ignored both
of us for 25 years...

like we didn't exist.

Like I didn't exist.

25 years

of nothing!

And then five days ago,
my mother passed away.

And out of nowhere
he wants to meet me.

He wants to do the

loving-daddy thing.

Well, I told him
he could go to hell.

So he has his thugs kidnap me.

I guess he thought that
would make a great impression

with what a good father
he was trying to be.

I was nothing to
you for 25 years.

Why should I have
anything to do with you now?

Because I'm dying.

And there are some things

you need to hear that
you can only hear from me.

If you don't mind, I
would like to talk to my...

daughter alone.

Oh, of course. Of course.

Wait a minute. How does
all that stuff you said tie in

with the drug smuggling
ring in southeast Asia?

Come on, come on, come on. No.

Ed, I am sorry for
barging in there

and for the accusations
that Jesse made.

It reminds me of
my old intern days:

too many long
shifts, too little sleep,

too much responsibility.

It all takes a toll.

You tried to save
Gregory's life.

We owe you something for that.


WOMAN Dr. Cohen to
Radiology, Dr. Cohen to radiology.

How did Gregory King win
the Medal of Honor anyway?

Our patrol was
headed for an evac

behind enemy lines
when we hit an ambush.

Gregory hung back
and drew their fire

until the rest of us
could reach the chopper.

How did he get out?

He made a run for it.

He took a couple of
bullets for his effort.

Spent a year in rehab.

But we all lived,
thanks to Gregory.

You owe him a lot.

You owe a man your life,

it's a debt you never
really can repay.

It's true. Is it true

what he said in
there, he's dying?

Well... those old wounds
left heavy scar tissue

around his heart.

A few weeks ago,

he had a coronary
episode, a big one.

It's only a question of time.


Yeah. Excuse me.

All I'm saying is that maybe
you and Mark are right.

I mean, maybe I am so fried

that I'm actually seeing things.

You actually think that I
imagined seeing a dead man?

No, I did not.

I'm not allowing you to
back off on this either.

I'll answer your
question, yes, I do.

No. He was dead. I totally think

that you could have imagined it.

Dead, dead, dead. Shh. Shh.

Thank you, Sandy.

Hey, Doc, please tell
her that I'm delirious.

He's delirious.

However, I don't think
you're seeing things.

So you think Ruth
Chandler is a drug courier?

No, I think Ruth Chandler is
exactly what she says she is,

but other things are not.

Keep an eye on those
two guys, will you?


Just call it insurance.

Oh, look, the big
guy. He's moving.

All right, all right,
you wait here.

I'll check him out.

Yeah, right.

Like I'm going to run
to keep up with you.

Oh. God.

The morgue?

Can you think of a better place

to hide a dead body?

That's the guy I saw.

That's the guy I saw.

Yeah, well, I saw him first.

Well, I did.

He's moving him again.

Well, how do we stop him?

Go around to the other door.

Stick this in the handle.



Open the door. Open the door.



The other door! The other door!


Dr. Broenig, please dial 884.
Dr. Broenig, please dial 884.

Are they still talking in there?


Ed, who is that
in there with her?

Is that your old
friend Max Rondell?

I don't know what you mean.

When that man in there told
Ruth Chandler he was dying,

I took a look at
his cardiac monitor.

I couldn't see anything wrong.

I thought maybe I was
missing something subtle.

But then you told
me that Gregory King

had scarred heart tissue
from an old war wound.

This is a fax from
his insurance carrier.

It's his medical records.

Now according to this,

that man in there should
have extensive damage

around all four aortic arteries.

This is a printout from
the cardiac monitor

in the nurse's station.

There is no evidence of
any scarring of any kind here.

This is the heart
of a healthy man.

Whoever that is in
there, it isn't Gregory King.

Jesse was right, wasn't he?

He's dead, isn't he?


Why pretend he's still alive?

For that girl in there?

Gregory and Ruth's mother
were together briefly 25 years ago.

She broke it off when
he joined the Army.

She hated the war, hated
him for being part of it.

He didn't know she was pregnant?

Didn't know he had a child?

When she realized she was
dying, she sent him a letter.

Said she'd poisoned
the child against him.

If you ask me, it was
that letter that brought on

his first heart attack,

although it probably would have
happened soon enough anyway.

After she died,

Gregory had Lonnie
try to find the girl.

He wanted to make amends.

Wanted to make her his heir.

She didn't want anything to
do with him or his money, huh?

Her mother did a
good job on Ruth.

Gregory felt the only
way to convince her

he knew nothing about her

was face-to-face,
father to daughter.

He wanted to do that tonight.

Oh, but he died before
that could happen.


So you and your friends decided

to keep him alive so that
Gregory could have that talk

with his daughter.

Max was like a
brother to Gregory.

If anyone could say what was
in Gregory's heart, Max can.

After this, we planned

to take Gregory's
body back to his hotel

and let a maid discover it.

Quick cremation,
nobody'd ever have

to know when he really died.

What are you going to do, Mark?

Well, I...

aside from the moral
question raised here,

as a doctor, Ed,
you did something

very unethical.

I know.

I know, I know you did
it for the right reasons.

It was very noble.
It's just that...

Are you all right, Ruth?

I don't know.

I think he's not

the man that I thought he was.

I'm just so glad I
had this opportunity.

You must have a
lot to think about.

Uh, Dr. Quiller,

why don't you see
that she gets home



we'll look after your father.

I'll do that.

Thank you, Mark.

Dr. Sloan.

We've got Lonnie Hill
locked up in the morgue

with Gregory King's body.

Oh... In the morgue? Yeah.

Oh, Jesse, bad move.

Why? What?

Well, Lonnie is an agent.

He works for the government.

An agent?

Oh, yeah. Drugs.

Drugs. Southeast Asia.

That's right.

Dad, what's taking so long?

Just signing my last chart.

All right. Well,
let's get out of here

before all hell breaks lose.

Right behind you, my friend.

Mark. Mark, I
need to talk to you.

Good. I'll see you in a week.

No, no, no, no, not a week. Now.

Now I'm going on a vacation
with my son, Norman.

You don't understand.

It's an emotional crisis,
a trauma, catharsis.

It sounds serious, Norman.

It is. It is, Mark. Thank you.

I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll go to Utah and
get really rested up,

and then I'll be back
fresh and ready to help you.

Mark, I need... Steve. Steve.

Bye, Norman.




Norman, I can't blame you

for not bearing to look at me,

but please turn around
so that I can face you

and face my guilt.

I know how you must
be feeling, Norman.

Cheap, used...



If I'd only been able to control
my desire, just for a moment,

I should have given
you that check...

and then I could have
freely given myself.

You mean, you would have
even without the money?

Instead, I blundered

like a fool.

But being alone with
you in that hotel room,

so handsome

and being so noble.

The same fascination
I felt for my husband.

This is for you, Norman,

the $3 million endowment check.

No, no, wait.

Take it, darling.

Then I can leave.


No, Norman.

I'm going back to New York,

and I'll never bother you again.

Norman, she's leaving?



You could have had...


She wanted me for me.

And now?

Now, all I have is a
lousy $3 million check.