Diagnosis Murder (1993–2001): Season 3, Episode 12 - Murder in the Dark - full transcript

Dr. Claire Hartman is extremely hostile towards a friend of Mark's, specialist Dr. John Foster, whom her rich patient Baker had flown over to personally perform the abdominal aortic surgery...

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Come on, one
song, just one song!

Hey, will you dance with me?

No. Next time.

Hey! Hi!



♪ ♪

Be out of here in five minutes.

I've got to get to the hospital.

Well, when am I
going to see you again?

Dr. Sloan?

I am fully capable of
performing Mr. Baker's surgery,

and I resent being replaced.

Good morning, Dr. Hartman.

Claire, I know how
you feel. Believe me,

nobody is questioning
your abilities.

Really? Then why is
John Foster flying in

from New York to
take over my case?

John is coming in because

Mr. Baker is very
wealthy and very nervous.

He wants the man who
pioneered the surgery, that's all.

So I'm fired?

No, no, you're assisting!

Look, John will be
here in a minute.

You're going to like him. He...

Phew! Now I know why
they call her the big chill.

Oh, yeah. She
needs to get a life.

♪ ♪

Ah. Well, nothing's
changed, including you.

Still dapper, still trim.

You're still making the
rounds on roller skates?

Have to, to keep
up with these interns.

You still sleeping
in patients' rooms?

How'd you know about that?

The whole hospital
knew about it, John.

Oh, Dr. Sloan?

Oh, Claire, I was
just going to page you.

John, this is the
talented surgeon

who's going to be assisting you.

Claire, this is

Dr. John... I assume you've read

Mr. Baker's chart, Doctor?

Uh, yes, I read it on the plane,

and I'll look over it
again tonight. I'm, uh,

very glad you're
scrubbing in with me.

You'll notice that the patient
might present complications.

He has mild hypertension

and also diabetes.

Yes, well, according
to his chart,

both conditions are stable,

but I'll order a blood
sugar in the morning.

Mmm, I already have.

Ah. Very efficient, Dr. Hartman.

And your chart
notes are excellent.

I just have one
question for you, Doctor.

Uh, you have performed your
abdominal aortic procedure

16 times this year
with two mortalities.

Is it your procedure
that needs improving,

or your technique?

Well, some patients are
sicker than others, Doctor.

Well, I'll see you
tomorrow in surgery.


Better check me for frostbite.

John, she's an
excellent surgeon.

She's just a little
intense, I'm afraid.

Well, yeah, I guess if
some hired gun came in

and took over my case,
I'd be angrier than she is.

I knew you'd understand. Uh...

Look, how about an
early dinner tonight, huh?

Oh, yeah, I'd love it. How
about my hotel? Great.

7:00? Be there.

Here you are, sir.


Sorry I'm late.

I had a patient in recovery.



You know what HMO means?

No. What?

Hurry me out.

Well, that's where
medicine is heading, isn't it?

Mm. I mean, how many
patients can we shove

through the door in one day?

It's true. It's inevitable,
Mark. I hate it.

You know, you got surgery
in the morning, don't you?

Yeah, what's a glass
of wine with dinner?

You were just finishing
one when I came in.

I don't remember your
being such a hard-nose.

Well, I don't remember

you drinking the
night before surgery.

You're right.

I don't need it.

So, how's Betsy?

Couldn't be happier.

She left me and moved
in with her tennis pro.

Oh, God.

John, I'm sorry!

Well, I got busy, she got bored.

It happens.

Oh. You having a rough time?

It's over.

It's... It's time

to move on.


Listen, Mark, I... I'm-I'm...

I'm really bushed
from the flight,

and I've got to look
over Mr. Baker's chart.

Would you mind if we
rescheduled dinner?

I'm sorry.

No! No, no problem, John.

I'll-I'll, uh...
I'll pay the tab,

and I'll go up to my room.

Okay. I'll see you
in the morning?

Right. You'd better
eat something, though.


If we don't get
started right now,

I've got to bring this guy out.

I agree. Would you please go see

if Dr. Foster has found
his way to the hospital yet?

Yes, Doctor.


Morning, all!

Morning, Dr. Foster.

Morning, Dr. Foster.

Whoa! Who put that there?


Don't you worry, Mr. Baker.

We'll have those tonsils out

in no time.

The patient is anesthetized.

His vitals are 120...

Fine, fine.

Fine. Nurse?

Thank you.

Ooh, careful. Those
things are sharp.

Doctor, may I have a word
with you privately, please?

Uh, no, Doctor.


Shall we proceed?


You are in no condition
to perform this operation.

I'm relieving you, Doctor,
and putting you on report.

Like hell you are.

If I have to,

I'll call security and
have you escorted out.

You vindictive bitch!

I replaced you, and now

you're trying to ruin me.

You will regret this!

John, I was just
coming to observe...

John, what's wrong?

Mark, what's going on?

Claire Hartman just
relieved Dr. Foster in surgery!

John, how long
have your colleagues

in New York been
covering for you?

Claire Hartman is insubordinate,

and I'm bringing
her up on charges.

That's your
privilege, but I talked

to every member
of the surgical team,

and they all described
you as drunk.

Well, they're lying!

Why? For what possible reason?

She's their colleague!

John, listen to me.

You need help.

Please get it before you
make the kind of mistake

no doctor can live with.

Oh, leave me alone, Mark.

No! You're in trouble!

We're friends, John.
Let me help you.


Dr. Hartman?

Uh... Dr. Hartman,
are you in...?


Uh, it's Dr. Foster here.

Can I talk to you a minute?

What do you want?

Look, I'll make a deal with you.

If-If you don't put me
on report as being drunk,

I-I won't bring
you up on charges

for insubordination.

I wasn't insubordinate.

You were drunk.

No, no, no. W-Wait a minute.

I-I was not drunk.
And you still are.

Why don't you go home and
sleep it off? Come on, come on,

come on, let's
just talk about th...

Open up! Open up!

Open up, you miserable
bitch! Knock it off.

Open the door! I said knock
it off, or I'll call the cops!

Who the hell are you?
I'm the resident manager.

And you're disturbing the peace.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Get away from my
door... Both of you.

But Claire, I'm
trying to protect you.

I don't need protection!

Go away, Nolan!

Who the hell do
you think you are?!

I'm the doctor who's
going to make sure

you never practice
medicine again.

Yeah, well, I'll
see you in hell first.

Just keep it down! Bye, Nolan!

I-I took over your case,
and you wanted revenge!

Good night, Dr. Foster.

I'm not finished with you!

I'm not finished with you.

John's not answering the phone.

Well, do you have any
idea where he might be?

I haven't a clue.

Dr. Sloan, line 12.

Dr. Sloan, line 12, please.

Dr. Sloan. Hi, Steve.

Sure. What's up?

Right away.

Claire Hartman's been murdered.

I can't believe that.

Who would kill Claire Hartman?

You're not going
to like this, Dad.

I've arrested John Foster.

John?! Why?

He came here last night
and threatened Claire.

Do you have witnesses?!

Yeah. Resident
manager, Mr. Nolan,

and a neighbor, Mrs. Peterson.

Both of them
identified Dr. Foster.

They could be mistaken.

Well, Mrs. Peterson maybe.

She lives down the hall.

But, uh, Nolan not only
witnessed the argument,

he tried to break it up.

We've also got his fingerprints

on the inside of the door here.

How's John taking it?

Well, he was, uh, drunk
when I arrested him, Dad.

Yeah, I'm not surprised.

Yeah. He's obviously
got a problem.

Why is he still on staff at
that hospital in New York?

Because alcoholic doctors
only answer to their peers,

and sometimes their
peers cover up for them.

You know, I'd like
to talk to Mr. Nolan.

He's at the station
now giving a statement.

I'm going to go down
there and question Foster.

You want to come? Yes, I would.

Dr. Foster, did you
kill Claire Hartman?

I told you, I never

went near her.

We have witnesses.

The neighbor and
a building manager

who heard you
threaten to kill her.

I don't feel very well.

Compared to Claire Hartman,
you are the picture of health, Doc.

Look, she relieved
you in surgery.

She humiliated you.

And that's why you
killed her, isn't it, Doc?

Mark, I... I honestly

don't remember
anything about yesterday

except seeing you
last night at the hotel.

You left the hotel, John.

I don't remember!

I don't!

Does he really
expect me to buy this?

It's possible he could
have been in a blackout.

Alcoholic amnesia.

Sometimes the memory comes back,

but most often it doesn't.

Or it comes back
in bits and pieces,

and it's badly distorted.

Not questioning my client

without me present,
are you, Detective?

Dr. Foster neglected to mention

that you represent
him, Counselor.

The judge has refused the bail,

but he has agreed to this.

Sign here. What is this?

You're signing yourself
into Community General's

substance abuse program.

I-I can't. I...

I-I can't do that.

It would ruin my career.

Forget your career.

Start worrying about this.

He's all yours, Doctor.

I guess you lucked out.

Catch you later.

It's that woman.

I couldn't have
killed her, Mark.

I'm a doctor.

I save lives, I don't...

I know.

John, I want to believe you.

But the fact is,
you don't remember

last night, and you
don't know what you did.

Help me, Mark.

Of course I will.
Do everything I can.

But if you really murdered

Claire Hartman...

I'll meet you back
at the hospital.

I'll go with you.

You can't do that.

It doesn't work that
way, they bring you.

You still don't realize

the trouble you're
in, do you, John?

I'll see you back there.

Looking to rent?

Uh, no, Mark Sloan,
Mr. Nolan, I'm a consultant

with the Metropolitan
Police Department.

This is... His
assistant consultant.

What are you doing?

Uh... repairs.

Did you install that deadbolt?

Are you kidding?

Look at this.

Oh, it's cheap, flimsy.

Dr. Hartman put it in,
for all the good it did her.

One shove from that doctor

and it ripped right
out of the wall.

And those other two
locks aren't even scratched.

Yeah, if only she'd used them.

But I guess she only had
time to slide in that deadbolt

before Foster broke in.

Why didn't you come out of your

apartment when you
heard him break in?

Oh, he was yelling.

She was yelling.

I mean, he was
pounding on the door.

I mean, with all
that noise I'll bet you

Claire didn't even
hear that bolt snap.

You overheard the
argument, you didn't see it?

See it?

For a while there, I
was in the middle of it.

I mean, I wanted
to call the cops,

but Claire wouldn't let me.

Yeah, she was a
very strong woman.

I can't remember that she ever
backed down on an argument.

You know, perhaps
she was certain that

Dr. Foster was not
going to harm her.

Well, then she was wrong.

He killed her.

Is it possible that someone
other than Dr. Foster

visited Claire last night?

Last night? No.

Well, I mean, I don't know.

It wasn't easy keeping track

of all the men she
dragged in and out of here.

You mean she dated a lot?


What, is that the new
word for "one-night stand"?

W-We are talking about...
the Claire Hartman that works

at Community General
Hospital, aren't we?

Yeah, and brought
men home every night.

Picked them up at
the Whirlwind Club.

Carrying on like that
had to catch up with her.

I mean, I warned her, but...

Look, I'm finished here, just...

you know, close the
door when you leave.

All right, thank you, Mr. Nolan.

That's hard to believe.

Maybe this guy's
just a goofball.

Yeah, maybe.

Let's just start in the bedroom.

Looks like she had
two separate wardrobes.

Claire never wore
that in surgery.

Hey, Doc?

You may want to look at this.


Nolan was right.

She was leading a second life

that none of us knew
anything about. She also had

about a hundred
guys, and it looks like

she photographed
herself with all of them.

Claire was a wild woman.

Or maybe just very troubled.

Dad, all this
proves is that, uh...

Dr. Hartman liked men.

Steve, she was picking up
men she didn't even know

and taking them home.

Any one of them
could've killed her.

But there's no evidence pointing

to anybody except Foster.

I know.

I just don't want to
believe John did it.

That's because he's your friend

and you're desperate
to help him. Yeah.

Look, if you come up
with something substantial,

anything, I'll help you, okay?

I appreciate that.

All right, call you tonight.

All right. See ya, Jesse.


Dr. Cohen to Pathology.
Dr. Cohen to Pathology.

You know, you look like
you could use a night out.

I hear strings attached.

Well, one of us has got
to go to the Whirlwind Club

and I don't think I'd fit in.

So far, you've refused

therapy sessions, AA meetings.

In fact, the whole program.

Well, I've got a lot
on my mind, Mark.

I know, but hiding out
in this room isn't what

you came here to do.

I'm here on a court
order and no other reason.

Do you think you have a
drinking problem, John?

No, I-I do not.

I drink too much
sometimes... who doesn't?

I mean, you of all people
should understand why.

Critically ill patients,

surgery after
surgery, it's, uh...

it's a lot of pressure,
Mark, a lot of pressure.

Everybody has pressure,
only drunks drink about it.

What right have you
to call me a drunk?

Medical evidence.

You're sweating,
you've got the tremors.

Your concentration is shot.

Looks like alcohol
withdrawal to me.

It is stress.

It is symptoms of
stress. Your drinking's

been interfering with your
work, and you know that.

What really happened
in your marriage?

Did Betsy run off
with a tennis pro

or did she just
get sick and tired

of living with a
drunk? I don't have

to listen to this.

Where are you going to go?

It isn't your choice
anymore, John.

Your lawyer told
you it's here or jail

for the killing of
Claire Hartman.

I didn't kill her!

How do you know?

You were in a blackout.

If Claire hadn't taken that
scalpel out of your hand,

you would have
murdered your patient.

The truth isn't easy, John,

but it's all we've got.

What'll it be?

Hey, have you seen her?


Excuse me.

What? Would you
take a look at that?

Nice, I'd like to meet her.

Can you arrange it?

No. Are you a cop?

Uh... forget it.

Hey, have you seen her?

What are you doing?

Selling the lady?

Geez, no, I...

Can I talk to you,
sir, in private?


You had better be a cop.

Actually, I'm a
doctor. A doctor.

Well, the fun's over, Doctor.

You're annoying the customers.

Have you seen her?

I might have.

Yeah, I know her.

Good, she was here
Monday night; do you know

who she left with?

I don't know the guy's name,

but I know he drove
a black Mercedes.

How do you know that?

The valet parker, Mike,
he's a buddy of mine.

He says this guy accused
him of putting a dent

in his Mercedes and
he was going to file

a big claim with the company.

Are you sure it was this woman?

Yeah, everybody knows Claire.

What was the name
of this valet company?


Parker Valet Service
on Third Street.


Come back now.

Yeah, I'll save up.

Code blue, ER one...

Mark, you've got to
come with me right away.

What happened?
Dr. Foster attempted suicide.

Sleeping pills.

He vomited and
aspirated into his lungs.

Lungs inflating.

Flatline, Doctor.


Two hundred. Clear.

Come on, come
on, come on. Again.

Two hundred. Clear.

Okay, we've got a heartbeat.
- Okay.

Oh, that was a close one.

Thank God.

Dr. Cohen to Pathology.

Dr. Cohen to Pathology.


Claire Hartman left
the Whirlwind Club

with a man Monday night.

Oh, good work. Who was it?

I don't know yet, but he filed

a damage complaint with
the valet parking company.

All right, you can get the
man's name from the company.


Be careful. Understand?


From your husband, ma'am.

Oh, they're beautiful.

Mrs. Romero?


Hi, is your husband home?


Does he own a black Mercedes?

Why do you want to know?

Well, it's just that one got
dented the other night and...

My God, your eye looks terrible.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Have you seen a doctor?

Look, I'm busy.

Well, it's just that I
am a doctor and...

that eye does need
serious attention.

Are you seeing double?

I was.

For a while.

But I'm fine now.

Do you have any
headaches, nausea,

dizziness, disorientation?

I don't know.

Look, what is this?

You go door to door
looking for patients?

You sure you're a doctor?

Oh, God, yeah.


Okay, you're legit.

Mrs. Romero, you
may have a concussion

and as a doctor, I feel
obligated to check you out.

So either we can do it here

or should I call an ambulance?

Come in.

Thank you.

Well, you don't seem
to have a concussion.

You're very lucky. Yeah.

How did this happen?

Oh, I was, um...

taking out the trash
and I tripped over a step.

That's, uh, some major trip.

Mrs. Romero, you have
bruises everywhere...

Your arms, your legs,

your neck. Some
of these are new.

Some are old.

Yeah, well, I'm real clumsy.

You know?

Right. Well, you know, I just
happen to know some doctors

at Community General who
specialize in counseling women

with your kind of "accidents."

If you come by, I can
introduce you to them.

Look, uh, I'm better now.

And I really think
that you should go.


Uh, hey, just one more thing.

Your husband may know something

about a doctor that was
killed on Monday night.

He doesn't.

Well, are you sure?


He was home all night with me.

And I really think that
you should leave now.

Oh, my God!

Quick! Go out the back door!

Just tell him I'm a doctor
making a house call.

He will kill you and me!

He will kill both of us!


Theresa, where are you?



What do you mean,
Mr. Smith wants to see me?

I've got things I've got to do!

Hey, he's got no reason

to be upset over this.

Okay. Okay. I'll be there.

How are you feeling?



Steve let me borrow
his case file here.

When you feel up to it,
you might take a look at it.

Something might jog
your memory a little.

Where'd you get the
sleeping pills, John?

John, talk to me.

John, we're old friends.

I'm not trying to pass

judgment on you.

I'm trying to help
you if you'll let me.

Did you really want to die?

You know, a lot of
people who attempt suicide

don't really want to die.

They just want
to stop... hurting.

I know you don't
like to lie to patients.

And I don't either, John.

Do you want to
hear my prognosis?

Transient cough.

No permanent damage.

Oh, I'm not talking about
your suicide gesture.

I'm talking about the
disease that's killing you.

What disease?

You know as well as I do, John.


Alcoholism isn't a disease.

Your liver's enlarged.

Your pancreas is inflamed.

Your blackouts
indicate brain damage.

In five years, you're
going to look, talk and act

like a punch-drunk
fighter, John.

That's nonsense. Scare tactics.

You're a doctor,
you know that's true!

In ten years you'll
be dead of cirrhosis.


No. Not yet.

And during that ten years,

you'll demean yourself
every day just to keep drinking.

You'll lie to your
colleagues, your friends,

your family.

And even if you hang on
to that New York penthouse,

it'll become your own

private little... skid row.

And if you end up on the street,

at least your environment is
going to match your lifestyle.

Now, I'll stop.

Why didn't you just let me die?

When was life ever
that simple, John?

It's still your choice.

Live or die.

All right, where is he?

I'm fed up with this weenie!

Mr. Smith, I can
explain. I... I...

Shut up, Eddie!

Get over here!

Mr. Smith, it's
not what you think!

Eddie, I told you to shut up!

Now sit down!

Dr. Rosen, please
dial 884. Dr. Rosen...

Norman, did you call
on an emergency?

Gauze pads.

Your department uses more
than the whole hospital combined.

Are they using them to
clean their windshield?

No, but that's a good idea.

Norman Briggs.

It's for you.

Oh. Dr. Sloan.

Hey, Doc, it's me.

Listen, you got
to get over here.

It's all a misunderstanding.

I've got the killer, but
there are these bad guys

with him. Jess,
I can't hear you.

What's wrong...?

That's 'cause the bad guys
are, like, three feet away!

Where are you?

I'm at 345 West Third Street.

Just sit tight.

I'll get Steve.

Sorry, Norman.

I got an emergency.

What about the gauze pads?

Amanda? Hi!

I've got an emergency.

Would you take a look in
at Dr. Foster, see how he is?

Sure. Thanks.

I told you to shut up.

You're on very thin ice here,

so you'd better start
listening, all right?

Mr. Smith, you
got to believe me!

Are you crazy?

You just don't get
it, do you, Eddie?

We've been watching you.

And we know all your tricks.

Dr. Foster, you
look much better.

Thank you.

Is Mark around?

I wanted to speak to him.

No, he just left.

Is there something
I can help you with?

I've been looking
through this police file.

The photographs
of Claire Hartman

after the murder.

Do you remember something?

I think so.

I mean, I'm not sure.

My memory's so jagged.

Yeah, I remember
pounding on her door,

screaming terrible things.

And then what happened?

She opened the door

just a crack.

I behaved so badly.

She was right to
relieve me in surgery.

Well, Claire was a
magnificent doctor.

She was.

She was.

She opened the door.

I could swear she was
wearing a white robe.

You see, not-not the clothes

that she's wearing
in these pictures.

You know, I was wondering
about the clothes myself.

I could be wrong.

I don't think so.

But the answer to that
might be in her apartment.

Dr. Foster, if you should
see Dr. Sloan before I do,

would you tell him that
that's where I've gone?


Thank you.

Something is too
quiet around here.

I don't like it.

Looking for somebody?

What do we do?

I can do that.

If you'll step that way.

He sounds like a waiter.


I'm sorry! Guns make me nervous.


This is all my fault.

I-I shouldn't have called you.

No, no, Jesse, you
did the right thing.

No, no, I screwed up.
I-I shouldn't have called.

You're always telling
me to focus, you know?

And see the big
picture and the details!

Excuse me!

Would you mind

beating yourself up
on your own time?


Federal Marshals.

How long have you
been in business

with Eddie Romero here?

Boy, are you wrong.

Don't panic, guys.

I'm going to reach in my coat.

Metropolitan Police?

Does that mean we're, uh,
all on the same side here?

What it means is, Mr. Romero

here is in the Witness
Protection Program.

Am I right?

Nice call.

But lately our friend Eddie here

has found that our
support is insufficient.

So, he's decided to
supplement his income

by returning to his previous,

more lucrative occupation...

Stealing all this
electronic junk

and selling it

out of his warehouse here.

Haven't you, Eddie?

You guys expect me to live
on the allowance you give me?

I got standards.

And he thought we
would never catch on,

even after he
bought the big house

and the sharp little
Mercedes, huh?

Eddie thinks we're all
real stupid, don't you?

It did take you a
long time to catch on.

Eddie also beats his wife.

An all-around good
fella, huh, Eddie?

Now, why are you chasing him?

I'm investigating the murder

of a doctor... Claire Hartman.

She was seen leaving
the Whirlwind Club

Monday night with Eddie Romero.

Wait a minute!
I didn't kill her!

Oh, come on, Eddie, you're
the one that took her home.

You're the one
that strangled her!

Look, look, I left
the club with her,

but then I got a call from...

an associate that there
was a shipment coming in,

so I came straight
to the warehouse.

I never went in there.

I just dropped her off.

If you don't believe me, you
can ask the guys who unloaded

the merchandise.
Oh, I'll do that.

He's telling the truth.

We've had him
under surveillance.

This guy'll give
you a good rash,

but he doesn't break the skin.

He's not your killer.

Well, he's all yours then.

Listen, I'm going
to be stopping by

every now and then just to
check up on Mrs. Romero.

I think I'll go with you, Jesse.

And if Mrs. Romero has
so much as a scratch,

if she's in a bad mood,
I'm going to bust you.

My way.

That all right with you?

I love it!

You straighten out

your act, Eddie, or
I'm going to move you

into the Witness
Retirement Program, hmm?

Witness Retirement Program?

What's that?

Oh, that's when the
Feds tell the guys

that Eddie ratted out
where he is, and, uh...

they retire him.


Retire him.


Anybody here?


Hi. Oh! Oh!

The apartment won't be ready
for another couple of weeks, but...

Oh, no, no, it's okay.

I'm-I'm not looking
for an apartment.

I was a colleague
of Claire Hartman's.

Oh, I'm sorry. It's okay.

I've come to get
something of hers,

and I shouldn't be but a moment.

Okay. Um...

Is the bedroom this way?


Oh, thank you.

Why couldn't Eddie
have been our killer?

'Cause that way the, uh,
crime would be solved,

and we could all go home happy.

This way we get to beat
our heads against the wall,

which is a lot more fun.

Don't you think?
I need a vacation.

You know, this is odd.

Steve, look at this.

This deadbolt doesn't
make any sense.

I'm glad Claire had friends.

Oh, yeah. She was
a marvelous doctor.

When I finish
fixing the apartment,

I'll pack her things. Will
you be picking them up?

No, but I'll find
out who will be.


What are you looking for?

Um, I'm looking
for a skirt of Claire's.

Is it important?

It-It could be.

You see, she was found dead

in a red bustier, a brown jacket

and a black skirt.

Red, brown, black?

I don't get it.

They don't match.

And Claire was a
meticulous dresser.

She wouldn't be
caught in a red bustier,

and a brown jacket

from another
business suit, and then

a black skirt from another.

Unless, of course,
the brown skirt was

in the cleaners or something.

Oh! Oh!



Mr. Nolan?


You can't take that skirt.

Oh, no! It's-It's not for me!

You see, this is
for the detective

who's investigating the case.

Oh, Detective Sloan?

Yes. You see, this is
very important evidence.

What, that skirt!

Come on, it can't be.

Oh, it proves

that someone dressed
her after they killed her.

Someone without a
lot of fashion sense.

Thank you.

You seem like a very nice woman.

I'm sorry you came here.

I have to be leaving.

You can't give that skirt

to Steve Sloan.

I really have to go.

Sloan would put

two and two together,

come back here
and ask questions.

And I would be in a whole
world of trouble, you see?

And I can't have that.

Can I? There's no
reason for you to get upset.

Why are you putting
me in this position?

Why are you doing this to me?

I'm not doing anything to you!

No, you're backing
me into a corner.

She did.

You see, all I ever wanted
to do was help Claire.

And all she did was laugh at me.

I understand.

We all understand.

Stop lying to me.

What do you take me for, a fool?

No, of course not. Yes, you do.

Like Claire did.

She slept with every
man off the street...

except me.

Never with me.

And I loved her.

I believe you.

I do.

Um, I just, you know,
I wondered why...

Why I changed her clothes?

She looked like an
angel in that white robe.

And I wanted people to
know that she was trash.

Help, somebody! Help!

Somebody help me!

Help me!

Somebody help me, please!


You're safe. Oh, Mark!

Nolan killed Claire.

Oh, I know, and
I figured that out

when we eliminated Eddie.

I went back to the crime photos.

You know, it finally
dawned on me that Claire

installed that
deadbolt to keep out

the one person who had
the keys to all the locks.

Nolan. Of course.

She was protecting
herself from him.

Come on.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will

be used against
you in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney...

Claire's killer
just went to jail.

Yes, I heard.

I'm relieved for
myself, but sorry for her.

Well, Claire was a good doctor.

Her private life doesn't
take away from that.

It looks like you're leaving.

Do you expect me to stay?

Well, I was hoping you'd
stay for the program.

What's the point?

I mean, my career is over.

My license is up for review.

Did you hear that?

John, I requested the review.

Well, you can't keep performing
surgery drunk, can you?

Medicine's all I've got.

I mean, what do I have to do?

It's very simple: stay sober.

I can control it.

You couldn't control it before.

What makes you
think you can now?

You can just taste
your next drink right now

and the next one after that.

You can't do it alone.

AA meetings are terrible.

Well, look, if you
want entertainment,

go to the movies.

You have to go to them forever.

No, just as long as
you want to stay sober.

You're going to fight this
all the way, aren't you, John?

I-I don't believe in God, Mark.

You know, I mean, I know
they call it a higher power,

but they mean God, don't they?

No, no, they mean
a higher power.

Something more powerful
and bigger than you are.

I know a guy who picked

Mount Rushmore.

He figured that those
presidents' faces

would be hanging
up there forever.

He's been sober 13

years now.

The fact is, I don't
want to be an alcoholic.

I never knew anyone who did.

My father died drunk.

I don't want to die drunk.

John, then finish the program.

It's 30 days.

What's 30 days if it
gives you your life back?

You can be a doctor again.

Maybe the program
will grow on me.

You know, it just so
happens that there's

an AA meeting
starting right now.

It just so happens, huh?


The coffee at these
meetings is terrible.

Yes, it is, but why don't
you try making it yourself?