Diablo Guardián (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Puntos suspensivos - full transcript

When Bosco's scandal breaks, Guerrero confronts his ex-partner but both parties have dangerous information on the other. Guerrero threatens Marina and forces her to back down. Pig has plans...

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There are two ways
to deceive people.

In their favor...

or against them.

I won't deny I twisted
reality for you

more than once.

Now, I just have to be buried.

That's where you come in, Pig.

What is going on?


I know we had to fuck Bosco up,

but you are compromising Violetta.

Leave her alone.

What's going on?

Did you two agree to leak the story?

I came to offer her a deal.

You were dismissing her, right?

I can't let that asshole Bosco
keep using EQUAL as a front.

It was a pleasure being used.

Let's go.

We have to keep going
no matter the cost.

No, I don't give a fuck.

- Let's go, Violetta.
- No.

We said we would fuck
Bosco up, then Guerrero.

The funniest part is yet to come, Pig.

Bosco's shit will reach Guerrero
sooner and later.

So, better sooner, right?

It's okay.

I will take the first plane
and fly there.

Will you come to see me
or to hide?

Paula, the article is
not true, damn it.

Do you think I am that stupid
to record myself

cheating on you?

It's almost in every media.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Somebody wanted to sink me

with the first shit
they came up with.

Do you swear?

On my mother, darling.

In fact...

I'm bringing you a surprise.

It's all right.

You don't need to come.

Calcutta is very far

and I am okay, I must continue
with my classes...

and I'm calm. It's fine.

- Then I can take my time.
- One moment.


Paula, I will call you later.




Divorces are fucking hard, right?

I thought our marriage
would last forever, but...

you see.

- Don't screw with me!
- I mean it, man.

With me by your side,
you would have saved yourself

this fucking scandal
you're in.

But you're an asshole.

What did you find, cousin?

It is not a USB, but,
you have to see this, cousin.

What is with that face, man?

Did you record
your obscenities with the girls?

Fuck! You don't learn, man.


I thought cellulite was
a women thing, but...

your ass is fucking ugly, man!

Goddamn it.

Fuck documents or pen drives,

this is pure gold.

You are screwed.
You know it, right?

Relax if you don't want
all of Mexico to watch your ass.

Let's go, cousin.

- What is it?
- Shall we snatch it?

No way, man. We are not thieves.

Give my regards to Paula, man.

What do you think?

They are cool, right?

Elizondo is with a "z",
not with an "s".

Sorry, man. My teacher
at university used to

write her name
with an "s" and it stuck.

What about mine?

They are not ready yet.

Lerdo Elizondo, copy.

- Lerdo Elizondo...
- Leandro.

My name is Leandro.

Come on, man!

What do you think
about the potential

clients list I sent you?

I think it is cool.

I would... try to get Rayotel.

Good. A phone company.

They always have bucks.

A phone company?


Yeah, but isn't it too risky?

We could play it safe
with Cola Smile.

Sorry, what?

Cola Smile.

Are you watching
kitten videos or what?

No, man.
You have to watch this.

You have to.




What is with the long face?

Okay, man.
Take it easy.

Let's be composed.


I think...

We need...

to associate with this man.

Yeah, we have
to disassociate from him.

I am sorry...

We have to disassociate from him.


Is everything alright?

- What?
- Is everything alright?

Yeah, everything is fine.

Elizondo with a "z"?

Let's try with Rayotel.

Now that we are getting rid of Bosco,

our parties will be cooler, right?

What did you say, asshole?

That now Bosco is gone,

the parties will be cooler.

Listen, asshole...

I am...

I am not your friend
nor your buddy.

- Yeah, yeah...
- I am not your bro.

If you mention
those parties again

I will tear your dick off, okay?

I'm sorry, sir.

You know, Pig?

You are the most loyal traitor.

To the extent you thought
you could save me.

Sometimes, I think that is
why I picked up on you.

Because you were the complete
opposite of Nefas.

I would see you roam the agency,

walking past my desk,
wanting to meet my gaze...

You seemed...

I don't know... helpless.


Really boring.

You were desperately looking

for the same wings
I wanted to give you

and I gave you the golden chance
of suiting my needs.


That is where you keep Dalila?


and all I have written
since high school.

I am getting closer to the end.

And when you do?


If you really want
to write your novel,

you must stop thinking
with your heart.

Hate me. Curse me.

Forget me.

Because I am not important.

Violetta is.

And when you finish your novel,

Violetta will only be a character.

A poor relative of Donald Duck.

Only Nefas will be certain
I existed.

And I want him to know

I fucked him up even dead.

Sir, someone is looking for you.

Miss Marina, would you like coffee?

No, I am fine.
Thanks, Juanita.


What time did they get here?

People have been here
since yesterday.

Journalists from every media.

Will you see any of them?

No, they all want
to tear me apart.

Well, you know the ones
who know you

are here to stand up for you, right?

I always thought you wanted my head.

Well, I'll be honest.

Many times I felt like
pushing you off the balcony.

But we are a team, right?

Thanks, Marina.

Well, I met in the morning
with the legal department,

and they don't have anything.

They don't know who is
behind that article.

I don't buy it.

Do you know anything else?

The same as you.

You took off EQUAL's
account from XAD and

the article is published.

And Guerrero.

You know I never trusted him.


Look, you know
I don't like to play games.

But there is always an exception.

What do you suggest?

We go over the bureaucracy

and if you have anything
on Guerrero, we use it.

Come. Let's go to my office.

Hello. What's up, cousin?

Cousin, could you get the car?

- Okay.
- Hold on.

Did you watch the whole video?

Damn it, man! No way.

I am too busy to watch Bosco
fucking some girls.

Shall I keep it?

No, we are keeping it in the office.

- It will be safer.
- Okay.

Hey... we can get a lot
of money from that video.

If you keep settling for less,
you won't get anywhere.

Alright, then.

Go for the car, okay?

Yeah, I'm coming.

You won't deny Marina seemed
like an unsatisfied whore, would you?

You were right.

Bosco wants to fuck Guerrero up.

What is this?

The invoices of the extra
expenses siphoned

from the agency's account.

You are the shit, Marina.

You should show it to Carballo.

- Did you check it?
- No, I didn't have time.


I don't want anything
to do with this anymore.

Take this as my resignation.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.



Shall we get to work?

You checked the pitch, right?

No, not exactly, but...

Can I tell you about my plans?

Yeah, go on.

I know we are trying
the phone company,

but I called Cola Smile.

Oh, are they interested

in your new agency taking
on their campaign?

My new agency?

The one you will have to create
if you don't take orders.

Will you work on Rayotel's pitch

or shall we hire a copy
who is interested?

No, I am in. Of course I am.


do you think it was Guerrero?

The one who threw the bomb at Bosco.

No fucking way, man.

Guerrero doesn't have the guts
to mess with anybody.

Except you.

Well, I heard him say he had
some videos of Bosco.

It's your imagination.

More likely,
he was talking about

some EQUAL videos.

No, man. You know.

The videos with the girls.

I heard he has them in his office.

Beats me, man.

But if I were you,
I would leave it alone.

You could end up like Pedro.



Hold on.

What are you waiting for?
Get to work.

- The pitches must be ready.
- Yeah.



Yeah, I'm on my way.

"I am not an asshole, bitch".


Fucking Bosco.

I have another plan.

What is it?

Guerrero has evidence against Bosco.

Some videos
from the private parties.

Where are those videos?

In Guerrero's office.

- I will get them.
- Okay.

We will screw him.

I have a surprise for you.


You know I hate surprises.

Why don't you roll a blunt instead?


Hi! Could I have one?




The pink one.

Thank you very much, sir.

I want that one.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

For you, lady.

Memory is a funny thing.

Despite being in deep shit,

there are days when
the good memories win.

You know?

You were a breath
of fresh air in my life.

You were the only one capable

of making me let my guard down.

To loosen up.

When I was with you,
sometimes I forgot about the rest.

You were my only friend.

My only confidant.

My real guardian devil.

Thank you.

He looks for happiness.

He looks for happiness.


Sorry I couldn't wrap it,

but I left the office in a hurry.

But first, you will tell me
who was the tattler, okay?

Bosco contacted me.

He offered me a million pesos
to get him the videos.


And do you think now
I will just give you the papers?

Well, I like money
as much as you do.

What do you suggest?

To get 500 thousand dollars
out of him and split it.

Why would I settle for half of it
if I have the videos?

Because Bosco won't
negotiate with you, honey.

Neither will I with you, honey.

This is the leash to hold
tightly that asshole, see?

Well, I guess you have
a back up, right?

See? You are not that stupid.

Are you in or not?

No, doll.

Life is not all about money,
you should know that.

Well, I guess at some point
they will look into Bosco.

And that is not good
for you, right?

Do you want to know
who leaked the information?


Someone who loves what they do.

From here, Pig,
I was by myself.


You get it, right?

Were you looking for somebody?

My grandpa used
to have one of these.

These cars are great.

Very pretty.

What are you doing here?

Cousin, don't be rude.

Help her with her bags, please.

Your boss' memes are hilarious.

Did you make them viral
or are you just

responsible for the scandal?

What do you want?

For you to take it back.

I already talked
with your journalist friend

so you tell him Bosco's
scandal is just gossip.

An outburst from feminists like you.

Tell him you don't have
any fucking proof...

and it was just an impulse.

Because you are an idiot. Right?

Do you think
this is the first time

I've been threatened?

A little bird told me
you are asking questions about me.

Asking about my business

and I don't like to be blamed
for someone else's shit.

Do you get it?

Let's do something then.

I tell you who my little bird is

and you tell me who's yours.

Is it somebody from the agency?

No. It's your fucking mother.


Give my regards to your parents
in San Miguel de Allende.

I put it all in the fridge.

Oh! Do you need anything, sir?

No, I was just...

dropping off some papers
for Mr. Antonio.

Oh... he won't be here
for another two hours,

but I will tell him you stopped by.

Yeah, I will leave them here.


I will scrounge a glass of Scotch
because I am a bit stressed.

- Don't say anything!
- God, sir!

Just one.


You will love our proposals.

If I get to see them.

He shouldn't be long.

You're late.

You told me to buy coffee.

You would starve as a waiter,

let's see if it's different
as a copy.

What is your proposal, bro?

Let's see...

Here, check it.

Take this one.

- What is this, Lerdo?
- What?

I had already dismissed these.

Where are the new ones?

Which ones?

What do you mean?

Didn't you check your email or what?

I didn't have new mail.

For fuck's sake, Lerdo!

What do you mean?

I sent it about two hours ago.

Well, I didn't see it.

I am sorry.

If you keep getting distracted
with Cola Smile,

we won't ever make it.

Hold on. Didn't we dismiss that?

My copy here is of strong ideas.

- Lety?
- Yes, sir.

- Are there any interns?

- Send one in here.
- Right away.

- You are out.
- What?

- You have a substitute.
- No. No, no, no.

I can do whatever
you ask of me.


Make 20 proposals for tomorrow.

This is... Alejandro.

No need, thanks.

I'm sorry.


"Dalila is uttered
slitting your tongue,

"then caressing it".

"It is the name I had to make up

"to hide the other one.

"The unmentionable.

"That which I buried
so I didn't enunciate it,

"think of it,

"nor write it down.

"I want to apologize
for my imprudence,

"for my cowardice...

"and for each and every weakness

"that surely makes me unworthy

"of dwelling in its memories.

"But before telling you a story

"that is more
of your own than mine.

"I must apologize for her, too.

"For Dalila.


"is you".


"Do you trust your guardian devil?"

Of course I don't.

I don't trust anybody!

Your surprise really sucked.

You can't tell
if you haven't seen it.

So? Talk to me.

What do you plan
to do with this?

If you don't wear it,
you won't know.

I give you 30 minutes,
then, I will take it off.

I hope it's something naughty.

You know I love naughty.

I didn't know if our story

was starting or getting to the end.

You looked forward
to getting in trouble.

You wanted to bet high.

You were good for me
from every angle.

Have we arrived to New York?

Not yet.

But I hope you like it.




Did you buy it already?

No. Not yet.


This is the surprise.

To hell with everything, Violetta.

I finished my novel.

- Let's go away.
- Pig, to Central America?

It can be the first stop,

then we can go anywhere.

Europe, Asia...

I have unfinished
business here, Pig.

We have nothing to do here.

I have Bosco's videos.




You know what?

There's your car.
I'm leaving.

Don't be an ass!

You wanted the videos, right?
I got them.

And, by any chance,

how did you get them, huh?

I gave Guerrero
an incredible blowjob,

- then Lerdo showed up...
- You and your bullshit...

It is not bullshit.

Do you think Violetta
always get things

whoring out?

Well, that's not true.

I barged into Guerrero's office
and stole them.

No whoring out.

I told you to leave it up to me.

Well, I told you I wanted
a yellow Camaro.

We are even now.

I need to fuck Guerrero up, Pig.

I swear I need it.

"Your data travels
in first class."

Hi, Carmen.

"Creative director."

Come in.


I was wondering
if now that Javier

is going on vacation...

could I supervise Rayotel's account?

What are you talking about?

He is spending
three months in Belize.

I thought you had given him leave.

Stop gossiping around
and get to work.

No, sir.
It's not gossip, look.

This is the reservation...

Turn on the TV!

I offer a public apology...

for spreading information
against Ignacio Bosco

without supporting evidence.

Okay, move over.

Yes, sir.

I am sorry for the damage
I could have caused.

What do you think, Daniel?

This leads me...

to inform my resignation from EQUAL.

The ONG that for years...

was the place
where I provided my services

to the only cause that has always

motivated me.

To stand for women rights.

- Who is it?
- Javier.

Why the hell did you make
that statement?

What happened?

Guerrero happened.

- Are you okay?
- Yes, I am fine.

Son of a bitch!

What did he tell you?

Well, I don't know,
that someone...

a little bird told him
I leaked the information.

Listen, I swear Violetta didn't...

And my parents are getting

weird phone calls in San Miguel.

I have to get out of here now.

Where to?
What are you going to do?

I am going to my parents place.


Take care of yourself.

- Where are you going?
- To my parents'.

I will give you a ride.

No, there is an UBER downstairs.

I don't know
Marina Alzaga's motivations...

and I think it is a cruel irony

that my right hand
during all these years

fighting for women rights,

has done this to me.

Anyway, I am thankful
she came to her senses

so we can put an end

to this unfortunate
chapter in my life.

Would you retaliate
against Marina Alzaga?

I cannot say anymore about it,

and I would like
to thank each of you

for coming

and mostly, I appreciate
justice has been made.

- Excuse me.
- Sir, please...

Can anybody give us more details
regarding Marina, please?

You heard Mr. Ignacio Bosco.

Apparently, all was...

Please, be careful. Okay?

- Yes.
- For channel 6...

News flash experts,

reporter Isabel Alvarado.

Yeah, don't worry.
I will call if I need you.

Call me if you need anything.

Eyes open, Pig.

To fuck Nefas,

I had to get
the evidence from Bosco.

Sir, someone is looking for you.

Can I ask Rodrigo
to take me to the market?

Sure, Juanita.

Tell your boss...

that I don't want to hear
from him again.

My boss doesn't know I am here.

Hi, this is Marina.
I can't answer right now,

but leave your message
and I will call you later.


sorry for calling.

I didn't tell you, but I am
fucking everything off, too.

I just wanted to say
that I wish we...

I don't know,
that things would have been

different between us.

I don't know why I keep going,
you already know.

I send you a kiss.

Are you sure there's not a copy?

I'm sure.

Don't you want a line
while we wait?

No, thanks.

Come on.

I still haven't celebrated
that I got away clean.

And you want to get dirty already.

At least your boss left
something good.

I have to go.

We celebrate...

then you go.

I won't fuck with you.


Let's go or not?

If you want me
to be your character

you must understand something.

My cleavage is my best weapon.

I know it drives you crazy,
but it's the truth.

I liked playing
business woman

in a short skirt.

In my code of ethics,

morals are not important
if you get what you need

at the end of the day.