Diablo Guardián (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - Corre, huye, desaparece... conmigo - full transcript

Pig gets his job back at the agency, but suspects of Violetta's involvement in Bosco's case and decides to set up a trap. At the same time, Rebeca bribes Bosco, Guerrero tries to manipulate...

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I'm not hungry.
Can I get some fresh air?

First, you have to call Bosco.

I don't know if it's a good idea
to ask him for money.

We should call your friends,
you said they could take care of him

posting some party incidents.

We need evidence.

Besides, you promised to help me.

I can't do it.

You can't be behind
these walls all your life.

Are you letting me go?

Be my guest
if you want to be murdered.

I thought I had a call
for a commercial.

For a job.

You promised that nothing
would happen to me.

It shouldn't have.

That motherfucker has to pay.

Your dad still thinks you are
at a friend's house, right?


I don't want him to know about it.

No one has to.

I will tell you a story.
The same happened to me.

Do you know what I learned?

If men mess with us,
we have to mess with them twice.

Don't starve to death.

Diablo Guardián, there's something
you need to learn about me.

Every time I fix a problem,
I already got into bigger troubles.



- Welcome back.
- Thank you.

A girl named Violetta
left you some messages.

Let me give them to you.




Is she the girl
you are fucking?

I'm back
and not thanks to Guerrero.

What about Carballo?
Maybe I convinced him.

No, the only thing you achieved
was to get me fired.

How resentful!
You remind me my wife.

OK, I fucked it up, I owe you one.
I was indiscreet.

You also messed it up.

Saying all that
without any evidence.

What? Are you OK?

Could you put this into my office?

Yes, boss.

Don't forget there is a meeting
in half an hour.

I don't know,
I think showing equality

with a half full glass of water
it's kind of a cliché.

Do you have any other idea, Javier?

- Javier!
- I think you are right.

That's not the right idea.

Let me think about it again.

- I'm sorry.
- Yes.

- Hi.
- Hi, Bosco.

- Who is it?
- Do not play stupid.

You know exactly who I am.

You fucked with me
and now I'll fucked with you!

I'm at an important meeting.
Maybe we can arrange...

No, hang up on me

and I'll tell everybody
at your office.

What do you want?

I want 250 thousand dollars.

Did you hear to me?

Think about it and tell me
if you get anything else.

Excuse me.


250 thousand dollars.

Wow! That has to be
the most expensive screw in history.

Shut up!

You lied to me.

You said that she had disappeared.
That there would be no problem.

I was told the same
and I believed it.

What are we going to do?

First of all,
you'll drink some tea to relax.

If the girl wants to sue,
we have contacts inside the police

and the documents could get lost.
Right, cousin?

Yes, cousin.
He's right.

Are you serious, idiots?

What worries me is my public image.

Yes, I get you. You're right.

I need you to accept everything
she asks you to do.

Are we really giving her
all that dough?

No, of course not.

But we need that girl to come out
in order to catch her.

- I'll do it.
- Do you think Carballo

won't realize that you stole
that amount from him.

We can't involve the agency.

This is our problem.

I put two, you put two hundred,
and my cousin gives the remaining.

No way, why me?

Because you lost her, that's why!

Why should I trust you again?

There's no other way.

Come on, man.
We are good at what we do.

You're good
at messing everything up

and I'm good
at solving those issues.

When does Paola
come back from India?

Want me to go on?

Cousin, I don't have all that money.

Don't be stupid!

We're taking it from the agency.
Don't be naïve.

I liked him,

and right before we went out,
I found out he had 4 kids!

Ladies, you are needed back
at your desks.

Hurry! Go, now!

- Darling, I need to talk to you.
- Right here?

And I thought
I'd seen the worst of you.

Routine kills every relationship,

What do you want?

The missing girl reappeared.

Did you find her?

No, she called Bosco and
is asking him for a lot of cash.

Why is it my business?

Since you two fucked
and charged double,

you will help me know
what we are doing with her.

- Are you not going to flush?
- No.

Hey, you owe me, right?

No, I paid it when you fell asleep
during the meeting with Bosco.

No, that was comradeship.

I need something else.

- Does that includes Rosalba?
- I found something big.

You better do your job
and stop thinking of bullshit.

Because you owe me.

There are warnings everywhere,
but you don't want to see them.

Don't count on me.


What's going on?

Who the hell are you?

My daughter told me everything.

I'm sorry, Violetta.
I'm not as brave as you are.

No, you're not like her!

That's all.
Listen, you punk.

My daughter won't ask for anything
to those motherfuckers!

Are you sure
you don't want that cash?

To the hell with their money!
We don't need it.

They raped your daughter.

Say that again and I will kill you.

I'm sure the plan is going to work.

Good things don't come
from women like you.

We're going home...


What can I say?
I don't learn the good way.

Let alone the hard way.

I just understand
what's good for me.

Do you know
what doesn't work?



What's the matter, man?

What the hell is going on?
You didn't get to the meeting.

I was hungry,
I wanted to have breakfast.

Was there a meeting?

The shampoo meeting,
don't play stupid!

- Was that today?
- You betrayed me, Pig.

You did the same, we're even.

So you call this "being even"?

Fine, I'm sorry.
I'll get back that account.

- I'll go after doing that.
- From the agency?

From everything
that has to do with her.

But first,
I have to ask you a favor.

It will be the last thing
I will ask you, Pedro.

Just tell me.

I'll have the same
he's having for breakfast.


Yes, sir.

Check if we can move
the meeting 30 minutes before.


- Hi.
- I've got an idea.

Wait a moment.

- That'll be all, thanks.
- Yes, excuse me.

- Close the door.
- Yes.

Tell me.

I'll call my lawyer
to prepare a Court protection.

What are you talking about?
A Court protection?

I also thought
that we can gather the media

to make a press conference.

No, man.
I don't think that's a good idea.

Wait for me.
I'm on my way, don't do anything!

Don't you dare move a finger!

This guy is a moron.


I'm here.

Cancel all
my afternoon meetings.

And ask the accountants
if they have what I asked for.

Thank you.

Go to the Finance Department
for the documents I need.

Please. What's up, Pedro?

Could you take a look
at the cereal campaign budget?

I can't do it right now.
I'm in a hurry.

So do I,
the client wanted it yesterday.



Give it to Lety and I'll check it
first thing in the morning.

- Okay.
- Goddamn it!

What happened?
Where are you going?

To the office, I forgot my keys.


- Just check it and I’ll get them.
- No, I'm in a hurry.

- I'll do it tomorrow!
- But it is important.

I'll check it tomorrow, okay?

- The client needs a part of it.
- Fuck me!

Is there any way you...

Good luck.


My God!

Pedro, we can recover the shampoo
campaign arrange a meeting.

- Do you like the purple tone?
- Yes, purple and blue.

Yes or...


- What are you doing?
- Toño, thank God you came.

Everything is falling apart.

What's the matter with you?
It's no time for you to be drunk.

- What the hell is this?
- A confession.

- That girl, Rebeca.
- Did she call again?

- What happened?
- No, she didn't call.

Everything is falling apart, man!

Calm down, nothing is falling apart.

My goodness, you're really drunk.

- Inhale some coke and calm down.
- I don't want to.

- Do it, you'll calm down.
- I don't want to.

- Come on.
- No...

Come on, man! Calm down!
For God's sake!

We'll give the money to that girl

and you won't need to call
your lawyer or the media.

Stop thinking shit!
Got it?

Do you understand?
Calm down... Stop it, Bosco!

Calm down.

I'm going to fix this issue, okay?

But I need you to be sober,
thinking clearly,

or you're going to ruin everything!


the sluttier a person is,

the more fucking consequences
you face.


You are missing
your chance to see me.

You forgot to mention
some details in the elevator.

Since when are you doing this.

Since I came back from New York.

Is Guerrero forcing you?

Guerrero is a son of a bitch!

Why didn't you leave the agency?

You still don't know him, Pig.

He threatened me.

He said that I couldn't find a job.

And you became a whore
so no one can say you are one.

Who else have you fucked
from the agency?

I fucked Carballo.

What? Do you think
you're still there for your talent?

I'm sorry, Pig.

But you decided
to fall in love with me.

Not because you didn't imagine
the things I did,

but on the contrary.

Admit it.

You chose me
because you suspected that.

Crazy, how this life works.

I was the only person
that can get you out of it.

I'm your fucking writer's thesis.

I'm coming!

What's wrong?

- Sorry.
- Are you okay?

What happened?


Why not?

Want some water?


A mezcal.

Where's Rosalba?

That's not her name.

Her name is Violetta.

And she's a whore!

So now you're
from the macho club

thinking that you can call us
like that due to jealousy.

And when men are unfaithful,
you see yourselves as heroes.

You are wrong.




There's no rush.

No matter how nice
I thought I was,

I couldn't believe a thing.

I knew I was a scoundrel,
the meanest whore.

On top of that,
I felt like a cockroach.

I suppose I'm saying
this to avoid being judged.

It's a confession, okay?

I don't know
why I'm making excuses,

I'm not telling you
my former story.

There you were,

while I was flying
on a freaking broom to hell.

I would like to say
that I didn't like it,

that I had no other option,

but there's no point
in telling you lies.

Truth be told,
I went where I wanted to go.

And I crashed where I had to.

- Hi.
- Violetta, it's Rebeca.


My dad accepted.
We're going to do it.

We're going to fuck those assholes.

Okay, I'll call you in two hours.

Did you know there are more than
70 thousand whores in Mexico City?

It was a research
for the Equal campaign.

The correct term is "prostitute".

I didn't think
you were politically correct.

Language is important.

You should know that
more than anybody else.

Yes, I was thinking on
the correct words for the campaign

and I thought you could help me.

What would be the best way
to call the imbeciles

that force them to do that?

Pimp, whoremonger, runner?

You see, you can do it.

You have a large vocabulary.

What you need to do
is to extend your fieldwork.

Find out how many of those
"whores" do it by choice

and how many
do it out of obligation.

- Stop playing stupid, idiot.
- Listen, bro.

The difference between us
is that you think you can save her

from something you don't like.

I'm just placing the steps
for her to go wherever she wants.

You're disgusting.

And you're a romantic man, Javier.

You look pretty good,
but you lack experience.

You are falling in love
with a concept, not a person.

- Do you get it?
- I finally found you.

I'm glad you had
the chance to smoke.

The office is upside down.

Javier had some doubts.
Something was worrying him.

Yes, now I know
how this agency works.

I'm glad,
that's why I hired you again.

- Go back to work.
- Yes, go to your desk.

- Do you have another?
- Yes, of course.

How did you do?

Have you seen Rosalba?

Hey, Javier!
What are you doing here?

- Working.
- The meeting starts in 10 minutes.

- You were late yesterday and...
- Don't piss me off!

Do you have
important things to do?

Let me remind you
that there are many people here

that depend on your work.

Could you...?


Stop thinking about Rosalba.

Think in something worthwhile.


Hurry or you'll be late!

- Pedro.
- Hey.

What does he want?
Is he still asking questions?


I don't know, I saw you arguing.

I was scolding him because
he was late for the shampoo meeting.

- The shampoo meeting?
- Yes, it starts in 10 minutes

and it is a couple of blocks away.

Good day.


- Yes?
- Please, call the IT guy.

It's his lunch time.

- I don't care, bring him here.
- Yes, of course.

I have good news.

Two journalists will print us
if we get Rosalba to testify.

Rosalba or Violetta?

It doesn't matter.

They won't use her name,
it will be a nickname.

Want to grab a bite tonight?

- What are you laughing about?
- Well...

- There's no need to do this.
- What?

This silly lovers game.

I'm just inviting you
to have dinner?


...we had a great night,
but that's it.

Besides, you're in love.

Did you give her a chance
to explain everything?

Violetta gives
no explanation to anybody.

I'm sick of her lies.

Well, what do I say
to the journalists?

What do you want?


At with time?

Sir, it is illegal to get
into another person computer.

Okay, let me explain you something.

This computer was given
by the office and I'm the boss here.

I'm also the one paying
for your checks.

I sign them, do you follow me?

Yes? Please, open it.

Is it ready? Return to your break.

Thank you!



Come on!

What's going on with this guy?

"Diablo Guardian's Rap.

"Girl, I'm your Diablo Guardian.

"I have many secrets
and I'm a rebel."

What is wrong with him?

My goodness.

You hid her all this time.

I didn't want her
to tell you my story.

Do you think it would be
different if I’d told you the truth?


Hi, my name is Violetta.
I like you a lot.

I work as a whore for my boss.

He's a son of a bitch.

He turns everything
he touches into shit.

And you are a poor soul.

Stop it, Pig.


I'll do the interview
and Marina can have the exclusive.

I'll disappear from your life.

I'm glad you're looking better.

Want to eat something?

Only you can eat
in a moment like this.

I don't understand.

Did you understand?

- Do you have the money?
- Of course, there it is.

Where's your part?

Check it, cousin.

Are you sure
you don't want some noodles?

The noodles prepared here
are delicious.

Calm down,
you'll have the money back tonight.

- Everything would be alright.
- I hope so.

- Is it complete?
- Yes.

Well, you know what to do.

Be careful.

Say goodbye to the girl!

Don't want to sit down?

I'll do it.

- Thank you.
- Don't, I'm not doing it for you.

I'm doing it for the interview.

It's almost time.

- If she doesn't come?
- She can go far away.

Are you doing
the same with your share?


I'll buy a Camaro.

- But I have a problem.
- What?

Only you can be its driver.

Listen, I know why
you want to ruin Guerrero.

I understand your reasons.

But I don't know
if I can trust you anymore.

Fuck off! Don't be offended.

We are the same, Pig.

Have you forgotten
what you did to my parents?

No, that's different.

- I wanted to know who you are.
- Now you know.



I wanted to start anew with you.

I don't know if you've noticed,

but every time I have a plan,
I risk a life.

It's my way of fasten things up.

I knew there was a risk.

On one hand, I was very distracted
with our love triangle.

On the other, there were many people
involved in the plan.

- Give it to me.
- Guerrero said you can’t touch it.

Since when are you his servant?

I'm not his servant, but his cousin.
We're family.

That's weird, he never
mentioned you in New York.

Who are you?

Ms. Rebeca
sent me to pick up a bag.


- Big guy, let me talk to her.
- Get off!

- Get off!
- He's escaping!

- Hurry up, Violetta!
- She's getting away!

She's getting away!
And our plans, Pig,

more than dynamite
they are a mess.

Fuck! Nefas is going to kill us!

It was your idea
to follow them.

- How are you Rebeca?
- Good, Dad.

- Good, get out of the car.
- Yes, coming.

- Get out, we're going.
- No, we'll wait for Violetta.

Get out of the car, Rebeca!

- Calm down.
- What are you doing?

- Your hands on the wheel.
- What are you doing?

- Get into the car!
- No, dad!

- Calm down, don't be a hero.
- Dad!

Get into the car
and don't argue with me!

Don't look at me, eyes to the front!

- Dad, let's go.
- Don't move. Let's go!

Don't move!

Don't worry for the money
if I'm going to be at peace.

Well, I paid three hundred,
but you're right.

Our businesses come first, right?

You'll just have to pay me
that money little by little.

How am I supposed to do that?

Equal campaigns
will be more expensive,

but it will be worth it.


Now, I really want to leave
this agency.

And that's exactly
what I'm going to do.

Your chance at leaving
was many moons ago.

You can't leave us.

You're swimming in shit.

Yes, I was,

but today,
I closed our joint account.

You can't do that
without my consent.

You're not the only one
that can pay to silence people.

I hope you don't mind,
but I asked the bank

for a copy of all the movements.

You should explain Carballo
what happened.

Son of a bitch.

Think twice
who you're going to slap next time.

Son of a bitch!

Fuck you!
You let them take my money!

They pointed a gun at me!
What did you want me to do?

You only care about your money!

It's only money, Violetta.
It's money!

No, no, no! That's not it!

It's not that!
It was my freedom!

It was my opportunity
to fuck over Nefas!

- My fucking Camaro!
- Enough!