Dexter (2006–2013): Season 8, Episode 11 - Monkey in a Box - full transcript

Dexter struggles to decide whether to kill the Brain Surgeon or leave the country.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Quirky music]

♪ ♪

♪ Dexter 8x11 ♪
Monkey in a Box
Original Air Date on September 15, 2013

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

Previously on Dexter...

Harrison and I are
leaving Miami with Hannah.

You act like
this doesn't even affect me.

You can visit.

Okay, I'll look you up
the next time I'm in Argentina.

So you any closer
in your search for Saxon?

I wish we could just leave.

I still have feelings
for you.

I used to feel like something
was holding me back.

- Now?
- Now, I--

I want you to help me
like you helped Dexter.

I'll find a way.

What about Dexter?
He's still after me.

I'll talk to Dexter.

You don't think
he likes killing.

Let me show you how much
he doesn't like killing.


That's Zach's head
he's sawing into.

I'd actually like to be
a part of the team on this one.

but the Marshal service

doesn't really
take on partners.

You looking
for a new forensic tech?

- Dexter's moving on.
- Really?

It just struck me as odd
that he's leaving town

at the exact same time

Hannah McKay
is rumored to be here.

If Dexter were dating
Hannah McKay,

I would fucking know
about it.

Deputy Marshal Clayton
thinks Dexter's hiding you.

Oh, God.

- What happened?
- He fell and hit his chin.

It's a pretty deep cut.
It won't stop bleeding.

Hello, Dexter.
Mother chose the wrong son.



Oh, no, no, no.

Vogel warned me I've been
straddling two worlds,

and I ignored her.

For that, she paid the price
with her life.

Now, I have to remove myself
from her life.

[Computer beeping]

I never imagined
the last homicide I'd work

would be one
I'm now a part of.

I have to call this in.

I can't be seen leaving
the scene of the crime.

The last time I was in a pool
of my mother's blood,

I was too young to do anything
about it,

but I'm no longer
a child.

[Siren wails]
[Overlapping chatter]

She didn't say
why she wanted me to stop by.

The two of you
are friends?

Your father knew her, right?

Yeah, she reached out
to both Deb and me.

She was a good person.

So you pull up
to the house.

You see the door
kicked in...

And I ran in.
That's when I found her.

You moved the body?


I tried to stem the bleeding,
but she was already gone.

Did you see
anybody suspicious?

Miller was talking
to the neighbors.

One of them saw a white male
in his 40s take off

in a white or gray pickup.

- Which is it?
- It was dark.

That's the best
they could make out.

Give Miller a hand,
and canvass the whole block.

Updates every half hour.

The media's gonna be
all over this.


- You should go.
- No, I can help.


As much as I could use
the hand,

a defense attorney
would have a field day

with a forensic tech
who not only found a murder

but knew the victim
and then worked it.

We gotta protect
the case here.

So I'll see you
first thing in the morning.

Last day on the job.

Last day.

I should--

We got this.
All right.

Saxon may have a head start,
but I intend to catch up.

Jesus, what are you doing here
so early?

Is Harrison with Hannah?

Yeah, she's helping him
get dressed in my room.

That kid wakes
before the fucking sun.



You all right?

Evelyn's dead.

Saxon killed her last night
in front of me.

He got away.


I wanted you to hear it
from me.

Miami Metro
is working the case.

It's all over the news.

Jesus Christ.
You all right?


Evelyn was...

I know.

If it weren't for her--

We might not have found
our way back to each other.


If Saxon's out there,

Harrison needs to be
with Jamie.

She's back at Batista's.
He'll be safe there.

Are you gonna go
after Saxon?


Then I will too.
I'll call Batista.

I'll go back to work today.

She was important
to me too, Dex.

Deb, you're putting yourself
in the same position

you've been trying
to avoid.

Understand this:
If I get Saxon my way,

I'm not handing him
over to you.

[Footsteps approach]

Daddy, I combed
my hair.


I see that.

He insisted.

I think Jamie's gonna be
really impressed with that.

You should go grab
your backpack.

She's waiting for us
back at the apartment.

I'll help you.


Don't tell her
I already had a doughnut.


- What's this?
- I booked our itinerary.

The three of us
fly to Rio.

When we get
to South America,

we catch a flight
to Buenos Aires.

And no one can trace us.

That's still
the plan, right?


But, um...

Dr. Vogel's dead.
Saxon killed her.

Oh, God.
I'm so sorry.

This doesn't change anything
for us,

but I need to make sure
it's taken care of

before we leave.

You think you can
take care of it that fast?



Two days left in Miami.

Two days to find Saxon.

Two days until I start
a new life with Hannah.

Good news.

I already have five people
coming by

to see your place today.

That was fast.

Market's coming back.

And with a location
like yours,

I wouldn't be surprised
if we end up with five offers.

I really appreciate
you taking the listing

on such short notice, Syl.

I was happy to get the call.

Oh, Harrison's gotten
so big.


So why the sudden move?


Too many memories.

Mm, I understand.

After Miguel...

I downsized.

Focused on the kids.

[Cell phone rings]

Oh, make that six people
coming by.

I should take this.

[Phone beeps]

You put monkey
in a box.

Oh, sorry about that.

God, seeing your place
all boxed up

is making this so real.


You guys are really going.

Harrison is gonna
miss you.

Monkey's gonna
miss you too.

Hey, what don't you take
Harrison overnight?

Deb's place is so cramped,

and people are gonna be
in and out of here.

And that way, you can--

Hug my favorite person
in the whole wide world

all night long!


All right.

- This one.
- This one, oh.

Oh, yeah.
Looks pretty.

Um, I'd like to get her inland
before Laura hits.


Tropical storm Laura.

They say she'll make landfall
in a few days.


She's a 2001 Century 2901
center console.

I had this custom rail
put in.

New paint.

Has a radar, GPS,

fish-finder, autopilot,

emergency life raft.

And I had these twin Yamaha 250
four stroke motors put in.

They got
just over 400 hours,

and when you open them up
and you're out there...

There's nothing like it.

Check it out.


Hoping she'd have
a bigger beer cooler.

Maybe she's not
the boat for you.

Saxon moves
from city to city,

but his job
never changes.

He inspects buildings.
It's a place to start.

[Door opens]

Good morning.

Easy for you to say.

You didn't spend the whole night
scouring Vogel's place

with nothing to show for it
except a big, fat goose egg.


See for yourself.

No prints, no trace.

Oh, man, I could go
for some hookers

and some blow right now.

But since this
isn't the '90s,

caffeine it is.

Want anything?

No, I'm good.

This hospital,
closed for years.

Saxon issued
a demolition permit,

but it's still standing.

The perfect place to cut

into your victims' skulls.
[Knocking at door]

[Door opens]

Hey, Dexter,
Quinn is looking for you.

- Because?
- Oh, yeah.

Uh, the swab thing
in the interrogation room.


Dex, come in.

Hi, Dexter.

He came in to clear his name
on the Cassie case.

I see.

I had no idea
I was a suspect.

We got to your apartment,
and it was totally cleaned out.

You can appreciate
how that looks.

I couldn't stay
at my old place.

I spent so much time there
with Cassie.

Everywhere I looked,
something reminded me of her.

You can understand that.

You knew Cassie.
She was a great person.

Yes, she was.

For a while, uh...

I was even thinking
of leaving Miami.

But my business is here,

my friends, family.

When I heard there was
an alert out for me, I...

I couldn't believe it.

I thought we already
resolved this.

We appreciate you
coming in.

Like you said,
I just wanna clear my name.


This will help
towards that.

What's this?

- DNA sample.
- Is that really necessary?

You said you wanted
to cooperate.


We're done here for now.

Hey, you plan
on any more moves...

I'll be sure
to let you know.


[Door opens, closes]

Saxon was just here,

trying to clear his name
for Cassie's murder.

He had an answer for everything
Quinn threw at him.

Well, he's got balls,
I'll give him that.

Masuka find anything to tie him
to Vogel's crime scene?

He came up empty, but...


- Saxon agreed to a standard.
- Well, so what?

It's not gonna tie him
to Cassie's murder.

But it'll give us
a matri-fucking-lineal match

to his mother.

Yeah, suddenly he's no longer
Oliver Saxon.

He's Daniel Vogel,
Dr. Vogel's psychopathic son

who died in a fire
at a psychiatric hospital.

Let him try to explain that
away with my boot up his ass.

Let me ask you a question.

Why are you helping us
get Saxon?

Don't you want him
for yourself?

I just want him
taken care of.

Well, that's new
coming from you.

I'm gonna go
get started on this.

I'm gonna go find
some pens.

- Hi.
- [Chuckles]

The thin mints
are in the bottom drawer.

It takes supply requisition,

like, a week
to come through, so...

- Right.
- You mind?

By all means, go ahead.


What the fuck is this?

Uh, I kept it around
just in case I decided

to marry somebody else
from work.


You've had this in here
the whole time?

[Closes ring box,
sets it in drawer]

Keep my stapler
away from Soderquist.

Guy's a fucking klepto.


[Dog barking]

Is this old hospital
Saxon's private sanitarium?

[Tense music]

♪ ♪

Saxon's kill room.

Zach died here.

And who knows
how many others?

Doesn't look like
Saxon's been living here.

But he'll be back.

This is clearly
a special place for him.

You can stake out the building,
wait for him.

I don't have time
to wait.

Hannah and I
don't have time to wait.

I want him dead.
By your hand.

Anyone's hand,
as long as he's dead.

That doesn't sound
like the old Dexter.

Maybe I'm not
the old Dexter.

Everything Saxon downloaded
about me from Vogel's computer

is on this.

He recorded all his kills.

They're all here.

But you still don't know
where he is.

Maybe this is exactly
what I need.

I can bring him to me.


You, uh,
calling it quits soon?

Yeah, I will soon.

I just wanna get up to speed
on a couple things.

You going to
Dr. Vogel's memorial tomorrow?

I know she helped you
get through a lot.

- Yeah, I'll be there.
- Need a ride, let me know.

Swung by Elway's.

He said you were back
on the force.

It's my first day back.

I'm kinda swamped.

What can I help you with,
Deputy Marshal?

Well, I was hoping
you could possibly

clear something up for me.

I'm just following up
on a lead.


Okay, seems like
a blonde woman

Hanna McKay's description

walked into urgent care

with a young boy
named Harrison Morgan,

said she was his mother.

The weird part is,
she gave your name and address.


My nephew's
been staying with me

since Dexter put his condo
on the market.

He busted his chin,

and I took him in
to get him stitched up.

So you took him
to urgent care?

I told the woman at the desk
that I was his aunt,

but maybe
she didn't hear me.

Still, she looked right
at my photo of Hannah McKay

and swore
that's who brought him in.

Well, then she needs to get
her fucking eyes checked,

'cause I haven't been blonde
since a very bad freshman year.

Right, okay.

Well, look,
you know what it's like.

I gotta check out all the leads,
even the crazy ones, right?


All right,
welcome back, Detective.

I'll be in touch.

I'll be here.


[Indistinct chatter]

Not much of a turnout.

I guess she didn't have
many family or friends.

Yeah, just the son
who slit her throat.

Think Saxon's watching?

I would be.

Thank you, everyone,
for coming.

I know most of you didn't know
Evelyn very well, but...

- It was a nice service.
- Yeah.

It's important to remember
those no longer with us.


Now who wants a drink?

[Laughs] Christ.
I'll be right back.

You know they're really
gonna miss you, right?

I know.

Maybe you should
go in there

and pretend you're gonna
miss them too.

It's your last day,
you know?

It's no longer pretend.

Well, gain a Morgan,
lose a Morgan.

Harry would have been proud
of the two of you.

Thank you, sir.

I want you to know both of you
have been like family to me.

And, Dexter,
if you ever need anything

or decide
you wanna come back,

this will always be
your home.

I appreciate that.

So let me buy you
another round.

I should
probably get going.

Oh, nonsense.

For the next six hours,
you're still working for me.

You're not going anywhere.
That's an order.

- [Chuckles]
- Come on.

Okay, Missy,
what's your poison?

I'll have a diet coke.

A beer for me.

Well, that's--
that's a little tame.

Are you gonna go there?

if you put it that way, no.

Okay, you were, like,
all up in my shit

about a bong rip,

but I don't know
if you've noticed,

but we're in a bar.

Look, I'm sorry
about the whole pot thing.

You know, this whole
father-daughter thing

is still kind of new,
you know?

Yeah, I know.
It's cool.

Everybody's really excited

about your sister
being back on the force.

Yeah, she told me
that you two might be

back in each other's lives.

You okay with that?

Deb likes you,

and with me gone...

I don't want her
to be alone.

I want her to be
with someone

who makes her happy.

That's all
I ever wanted to do.

I'm okay with that.

[Cell phone rings]

I gotta take this.

Hey, Syl, what's up?

Dex, I'm so glad
I caught you.

Listen, I know
it's last-minute,

but I've got somebody
who wants to see the place,

wants to meet the seller,

and he's ready
to make an offer, cash.

Give me half an hour.


[Phone beeps]

You remember
the first case we worked?

Uh, husband, wife,
lots of blood.

I'd never seen
anything like it.

The strings.

The look on your face.

You were like
a pig in shit.


Thanks, I think.

Not sure what this place
is gonna be like without you.

You're a good friend,

I'm glad to hear you
say that.

So you'll forgive me
for this.

All right, everybody!

Everybody, come on,
gather around.

Gather around.

I know that this is
a solemn occasion.

But since somebody didn't
let me throw him a party,

let's let this be it.

Dexter Morgan may be leaving
the Miami Metro familia,

but he will always be
right here in our hearts.

To Dexter.

We wish you and Harrison luck
in whatever comes next.

To Dexter.

- To Dexter.
- Salud.

Thank you.

Thank you.


I'll miss you guys too.

[Indistinct chatter,


This is Oliver Saxon.


He really responded
to the listing,

and he was hoping to take
a quick look at the place.



You'll have
to excuse the mess.

No problem.

They say that moving's
one of the big causes of stress.

Almost as much
as divorce.

And death.

Why don't you follow me?

So it's a one bedroom,
one bathroom,

but it has an attached--

Actually, would you mind
if Dexter showed me?

I like to hear directly
from the owner.

No sales pitch.


I have a few phone calls
to return.

I'll be outside.

I always did
like this place.

You have the same view
of the water Cassie did.

What are you doing here?

I have a proposal.

Figured the safest way
to deliver it

was to bring a referee.

I'm listening.

We walk away.

Walk away?

Both of us.

From each other.

Go our separate paths,
live our separate lives.

I forget about you.

You forget about me.

You went out of your way

to kill your mother
in front of me,

and you just expect me
to forget?

May have been
a little bit over the top,

but I was only trying
to make a point.

I missed the point.

It was a test to see if,
given the chance,

she would finally
choose me.

Well, we both know
how that turned out.

Yeah, so naturally,
you had to cut her throat.

You know what it's like.

The kill.

It can be...cathartic.

And it was.

That's why
I'm giving you a choice.

Go on with your life,
or come after me.

But choose poorly,
like mom,

and you will lose.

You seem pretty sure
of yourself.

You have a lot more
to lose than I do.

You've created
the perfect cover life.

Cute little son,

your sister.

Stepkids even.

And now you have
a girlfriend.

It's, um, Hannah, right?

They're not a cover.
They're real to me.

Something Saxon
can't understand.

All very lovely.

And all very easy
to remove from your life.

I mean, you've already had
one wife murdered.

That must be
an interesting story.

But it's gonna put you
in a very awkward position

if everyone else starts
disappearing from your life.

The choice is yours.

Yeah, I think
I can live with that.

I'll let Mrs. Prado know

I've put an offer
on the table.

He wants me to walk away

without realizing he's just
reminded me why I can't.

So...What's so urgent?

I've got a line
on Hannah McKay,

but I'm gonna need your help
reeling her in.

I thought
you didn't want my help.

We've been looking
at the wrong Morgan.

I think your former employee
has her holed up in her place.

Deb is no fan of Hannah McKay.

Yeah, but you said she'd
do anything for her brother.

Helping McKay
is helping him.

I just need you
to talk to her,

take a look around.

Look, Deb and I
didn't exactly part

on the best of terms.

If you're still interested
in that reward,

I suggest you find a way
to patch things up with her.

[Door closes]


Just trying to make our last
few days in Miami special,

you know?

I hope you like dolmas.

I'm just trying
to keep myself busy.

You should go on one of
those cooking shows, you know?

The competition ones.
You'd win.

Oh, I'd make sure
that I did.

[Knocking at door]

- It's Elway.
- Bedroom.

What's up, Elway?

Security left a couple
of your personal items

back in the office--

just a couple pictures
and a hat.

Oh, well, you didn't have

to bring them
all the way over here.

I could've picked them up.

Well, I actually
wanted to talk to you.

May I?

Uh, actually now is not
a very good time.

Ah, it'll just take
a minute.

I wanted to apologize
about the way I behaved

when you left.

Don't worry about it.

No, no,
I was a real asshole.

I let my ego
get the best of me,

and I certainly don't want
to leave it like that.

I--well, I want us
to be friends, you know?

Well, then we're good.

And who knows, you know,
now you're back on the force.

Maybe you and I can do
each other the occasional favor.

Yeah, we'll keep in touch.

You, uh--

you expecting company?

I sure am,

and I actually
need to get ready.


Well, I guess
the police department

is paying a lot better
than I remember, huh?

Hey, Elway, I really
appreciate that apology,

but I've got a lot
of shit to do.

So could you kindly get
the fuck out of my house?


He's gone,
but he's onto you.

Oh, shit.

Which means the Deputy Marshal
won't be far behind.

You've gotta move fast.


[Cell phone rings,


Dex, we have a problem.

Elway was just here.


He acted like he was
dropping by to talk with Deb,

but she's pretty sure
that he was here looking for me.

She thinks that he knows
that I'm here.

Stay there.

[Phone beeps]

[Tires squeal]

[Engine revs]

I tried to get
an earlier flight,

but it's booked solid
'cause of the storm.

I'm getting out of here
right now.

She's gonna stay
at a hotel near the airport

until your flight.

Saxon came to my apartment.

What? Why the fuck
didn't you call me?

It happened very fast.

He said he wanted
to offer me a truce.

A truce?

Really it was just
a veiled threat.

He threatened you, Harrison,
Astor and Cody, and you.

I can handle
whatever he throws at me.

You should go with Hannah.

Yes, I deposited my money
into an offshore account.

We can access it

The fucking storm
that's coming

is gonna ground
all the flights.

Saxon isn't gonna
follow us.

What if he does?

I get it.

I get that this is something

that you feel
like you have to do,

that this is who you are,

It's not who I wanna be.

I have to do this first.

There's no other way.
I will be there.

I guess this is good-bye.

For now.

I can't not see my brother
and my nephew.

Now you're a part
of that package.

Not anything
I ever saw coming.

For what it's worth,
I think Dexter's

making a huge mistake
going after Saxon.

I think he should be here
with you now.

Have you ever known him
to be able to walk away

from something
once he's started it?

That's life with Dexter.
That's who he is.

It's like having
a whole other person

in the relationship.

I must really love
this man.

Me too.

Even when I don't want to.

Take care of him.

Yeah, I will.

[Engine starts]


[Computer beeps]

Saxon wants to make Miami
his home.

Little does he know
how hot the summers can get.

And once everyone
sees the footage of him

as the brain surgeon,

the heat will be unbearable.

You know, he's not just gonna
walk away from that.


I'm drawing him to me.

So I guess you're not gonna
accept his offer.

You believe him,

that he's willing
to disengage?

You clearly don't.

He came into my house
and threatened my family.

Now you're sounding like
the old Dexter again.

No, this is
a different kind of kill.

Dead is dead, Dex.

It didn't used to matter
who was on my table,

as long as someone was,
but now--

It's personal.

It's been personal
for a long time.

And that need
you used to feel?

It's still there,

But since Hannah
came into my life,

it's lessened.

What I need...

Is her.

So when you get to Argentina,
what happens?

I don't know.

[Keys jingle]

But I can't wait
to find out.


Dad said you were
waiting for this DNA stuff?

Tell your dad thanks.

It's so weird
Masuka's your father.

Weird awesome.

You're not gonna fucking
believe this.

Saxon is related to Vogel.
He's her son.

You're kidding me.

I thought all her family
was dead.

You think this fucker killed
his mother along with Cassie?

[Knocking at door]

What are you doing here?


Saxon's DNA came back,

so they put out a warrant
for his arrest.

Miami Metro knows
that Saxon is Vogel's son,

and Elway and Clayton
have no idea where Hannah is.

This is your last night
in Miami,

and we are having
dinner together.

Even though you've already
packed up your fucking kitchen.

You wanna help me find
a plate and some pans?

I'm really not hungry.

Dexter, the next time
we do this,

it's gonna be
fucking tacos and Tequila.

Or whatever the fuck they eat
in Argentina.

it'll probably be steaks.

It's Argentina,
not Mexico.

Deb, you shouldn't be here.


Do you remember
where you put the pans?

Listen to me,
you can't be here.



What the fuck is going on?

I'm expecting company.


Just leave him to me.

And I mean leave.

After everything
you've been through,

I don't want--
listen to me.

and I mean nothing,

is gonna stand in the way

of me having one more night
with my brother.

Now are you gonna help me find
the fucking skillet or what?


[Radio chatter]

This place
has been wiped clean.

Almost clean.
Look at this.

The last site someone
visited on this computer

was for an Aero Sudamerica.

Any specific details?
Did she book a flight?

If she did,
it's not here.

But I'll tell you
what I can do.

I can access the manifests

for the flights
in the next few days,

then cross-check those names
with passport photos.

Not exactly legal.

Okay, are you saying
don't do it?

I'm not saying anything.

But while you do
whatever it is you're gonna do,

I'm gonna tail the Morgans,

see if they'll
lead me to her.

Done and done.

How are Astor and Cody
doing with the move?

They're better
now that I told them

they could come down
for Christmas

and that Astor
could have my SUV.

You think you could
drive it up to her?

She asked about you.

Yeah, as soon
as the storm passes.

They're saying it might
turn into a hurricane.

It's one of the few things
I won't miss about Florida.

God, this is
such a mindfuck.

After tomorrow,
you're not gonna be here.

What the fuck
does that look like?

We both start over.

Is that even possible?

Yeah, I think so.

Don't you?

It's just
every fucked up--

every time I've been
a complete mess,

you've been there for me.

Even when it was your fault
that I was fucked up,

you've never
given up on me.

So if I can't
make this work...

Going back to being
a cop again,

then who the fuck
is gonna help me

pick up the pieces of that?

You're not
that person anymore.

You're stronger than that.

You're stronger
than I'll ever be.

I'm not.

Deb, Dad and Vogel
gave me the code,

so I'd know
the right thing to do,

but you've always...

Just known.

It's the compass
I always wished I had.

And as long
as you listen to that,

you won't need me.

You'll be fine.


But don't ever think
that it was the code

that made you
a good brother.

There's a human being
in there.

There always has been.

Even if you can't see it.

Miami Metro is seeking
the public's help

in locating a local man,
Oliver Saxon,

in connection with a string
of grisly recordings

that were recently obtained
by channel eight news.



Did you help them
recently obtain that footage?

I needed him
to be a wanted man

and force his hand.

If he wants to take
a last stab at me,

now he has
to do it tonight.

Which I why I need you
to get out of here, Deb.


Bringing him in
for questioning

is still
the department's top priority.

Miami Metro is seeking
the public's help

in locating a suspect,
Oliver Saxon,

in connection with a string
of gruesome videos.

The footage we received
from this anonymous source

details the extreme nature
of the murders,

allegedly committed by--

Fucking Dexter.

[News report
continues indistinctly]

[Engine starts]

[Suspenseful music]

[Lock clicks]

♪ ♪

Freeze, motherfucker.


I'll take it from here.

Thanks, Deb.

Welcome home.

I guess this means you've
decided against the truce.

Yeah, I'm afraid so.

It's your own fault.

You should've walked away,
left Miami when you could.

Mm, I like this place.

Miami's a great city.

I love the Cuban food.

Nice weather.

Murder solve rate
at about 20%.



I understand.

There was a time I wasn't
willing to leave either.

I didn't want
to give up anything.

Sounds like
something's changed.

It has.

Your girlfriend?

Yeah, that's part of it.


I've never been good
at relationships.

Longest was
a couple of weeks,

and she was chained
to my radiator,

so I guess
that doesn't much count.

Not really, no.

Too much anger
towards women, I suppose.

I can thank my mother
for that.

No, that's all on you.


Well, I wish you luck.

Hope you don't stab her
in the heart while she sleeps.

No, Oliver,
I like her.

I love her.

I think about her
all the time.

I'm thinking
about her right now.

How I'd rather be with her
than here with you.


This is usually
my favorite moment,

the kill.

The moment before the kill,
the kill itself,

the moment right after.

But now I don't even
want to be here.

I'm feeling
a much stronger pull.

I don't need to kill you.

Then don't.

Walk away.

I will.

I guess I'll live
to see another day.

Oh, no,
you're still gonna die.

Just gonna be
in the electric chair.

[Muffled groans]

Hey, Deb,
change of plans.


Saxon's in here.

Arrest him.
Take him in.

Arrest him?
He's still alive?

Say you were looking into
the buildings he was inspecting.

You subdued him.

You'll be the hero
of Miami Metro.

I guess I fucking will.

What about your knives?

I've got a plane to catch.

Do you want me
to send them to you?

Leave them as evidence.

Say you found them
in the cabinet.

People will think
they're Saxon's.

Let them.

Give him even more credit
than he deserves.

But once I get settled,

I'm gonna figure out a way
to get in touch with you.


My car, I'll leave it
at the airport.

- Dexter.
- And Astor--


You could at least
fucking hug me.

This is just for right now.
It's not forever.

I know that, fuckface.

Go get on a plane.

I will.

Are you sure
about this, Dexter?

I am.

I never thought
this day would come.

You don't need me anymore.

[Engine starts]

This is Debra Morgan
requesting backup

at the Rendell Psychiatric
Hospital in Allapattah.

[Phone beeps]

[Muffled shouting]

What the fuck
is going on here?

Help me, please!

I was abducted by the man
who was just here.

Did you see him?

I didn't see anybody.

Get me out of here, please,
before he comes back.

I thought I was gonna die.

Thank God you came here.


Don't move.




This is detective Debra Morgan.
I've been shot.

Please send help.


I used to live my life
at night.

In the shadow
of my dark passenger.

I lived in shadows
for so long,

until the dark
became my world.

But over time,
the people in my life

flipped on a light.

At first I was blinded,
it was so bright.

But over the years,
my eyes adjusted,

and I could see.

And now what's in focus
is my future.


Brighter than it's ever been.


== sync, corrected by elderman ==