Dexter (2006–2013): Season 7, Episode 2 - Sunshine and Frosty Swirl - full transcript

Miami Metro follows up on a local convict's recent information regarding a 15-year crime spree.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Dexter...

- Where's your lug wrench at?
- No!

We are investigating the homicide
of a Miami Metro Police officer.

Viktor left on an evening flight.

He arrives in Kiev at 5:25 p.m.,
your time.

What about the dead police officer?

- I'll make it go away.
- Good.

- Hello, Viktor.
- Is there anything I can do...

- keep you from killing me?
- No.

In my game,
you can be the serial killer.

I think this is offensive.

Who would choose
to be a serial killer?

It's a bad idea. Do something else.

Only one person who ever worked
at Miami Metro ever took blood slides.

Sergeant Doakes,
the Bay Harbour Butcher.

What happened was too strong.
It got into you too early.

You mustn't ever tell Debra
the truth about yourself.

If you think she's upset now...

...that's nothing compared to how
she'd feel if she learned what you are.

Dexter, what the fuck?

You said Travis came at you
with a sword.

Where did you get the knives?
There was a roll of them.

I'm just trying to put this together.

Are you a serial killer?


I've dreaded this moment
my whole life.

But I never pictured it like this.

Don't you fucking touch me.

I just want to know you're okay.

I am not okay.

- I am never gonna fucking be okay.
- Just try to take it easy.

Oh, my God, I can't believe this.

How long have you been doing this?

How long have you been
fucking doing this?

Since I was 20.

Oh, Jesus fucking Christ, Dexter.

Those blood slides
that I found in your apartment...

...they look like the ones
we found in Doakes' car.


Are you the Bay Harbour Butcher?

This is not the place
to talk about this.


- I only kill certain kinds of people...
- Oh, God. Travis.

Deb, Dad taught me.

He gave me a code.

Dad knew?

It was his idea. He knew everything.

- Oh, fuck.
- Deb.

Please, just...

Just come back inside with me.


Harry found me sitting in a pool
of my mother's blood.

He understood why I had these...


A lot of horrible things happen
to a lot of people.

And they don't turn out like you.

I don't know about other people.

But I have this need...

...deep inside me.

I call it my dark passenger.

You gave it a name?

Harry said it got in me too early
and too deep.

He said I couldn't change it.

And so...

...he thought up the code.

He said if I had to kill, I might
as well kill people who deserved it.

You make it sound like it's okay,
like you're the victim here.

The people in that box, Dexter...

...they're the victims.


A choir director
who raped and murdered little boys?

A married couple smuggling refugees
who killed the ones who couldn't pay?

A psychiatrist...

...who manipulated women
into taking their own lives?

There's this place
called the police department.

Sometimes the system doesn't work.
Killers fall through the cracks.

Don't I fucking know it?

I'm talking to one right now.

I am the worst fucking detective
in the world.

You're my own brother.

How could I not see
what you were doing?

- You're not responsible for this.
- Well, I am now.

I helped you cover up
Travis' murder.

- I'm an accomplice.
- You walked in on me.

- I had to think on my feet.
- Well, fuck me for ruining your night.

What am I supposed to do here?

My name has the word "lieutenant"
in front of it.

I can't turn my back on this.

All of this is very, very fucking wrong.


...what are you gonna do?

I never wanted her to go through this,

Neither did I.

Then you should have been
more careful.

At least she didn't arrest me.

Not yet.

What is this doing here?

Is it some kind of message?

Maybe someone else is on to me.

According to FBI Special Agent
Frank Lundy:

"it's almost certain that the butcher
is still at work.

Serial killers have an addiction...

...and will continue to kill
until they're caught."

If the ITK hand in my apartment
is genuine...

...then it can't still be in Evidence.

Not here.

Then I was sent the real thing.

No record of it being checked out.

Could it have been stolen?


Sorry. Saw you come in here.
I just got curious.

- Now I wish I hadn't.
- Why?

You're looking for the hand,
aren't you? Look, I can explain.

Look, remember
my former intern Ryan?

Blond, stacked and the cause
of many sleepless nights?

- Yeah.
- Well, she needed some extra dough... she stole the hand
and auctioned it online.

That's why I fired her.

- Who won the auction?
- Don't know.

- I put Louis on the case to find out.
- Louis?

Not even with all his digital skills,
he couldn't dig up a name.

At least he was able
to erase the electronic trail.

Did Louis find the hand
and keep it?

No one needs to know, right?

But why send the work
of a serial killer to me?

Does Louis know what I am?



We're cool, right?

Yeah. No one needs to know.

Oh, thank God.

- I was ready to blow you.
- Not necessary.

- Briefing. You coming?
- Yeah.

I have to find out
what Louis knows about me.

Some time alone with him
and he'd open up... way or another.

But I need to put out fires,
not start new ones.

Remember him?

It's been three days
since Mike was gunned down.

The son of a bitch that pulled
the trigger is still walking the streets.

Where are we?

We're continuing to hit the club
where Miss Soroka was employed.

Someone there must've seen
something related to her death.

We think it's our best shot at a lead,
Gonna shut them down every night.

You know, those places do
big business during lunch too.

- Just saying.
- Start shutting them down twice a day.

- With pleasure.
- Moving on.

This pretty face belongs
to Wayne Randall.

Fifteen years ago,
Randall and his teenage girlfriend...

...went on a three-state killing spree
that ended here in Miami.

He's currently serving
two consecutive life terms at Dade.

Randall now claims to have evidence
on three other murders...

...that he committed in the Miami area,
and he wants to come clean.

He wants to lead investigators
to where he buried the bodies.

That's nice of him.

He says he wants
to clear his conscience.

His lawyers are just trying
to swing a deal.

What's he telling us?

He told us about one victim,
a brunette in her mid-20s...

...that matches a missing persons
report from that time, a Janice Dubois.

There's a chance
he's not completely full of shit.

County has requested
one detective...

...and one lab tech to help them
process the scene.

- Miller?
- Yeah.

- You're volunteer number one.
- I'll go.


- I want Masuka on this.
- I don't to work a dumpsite.

Come on, I'm up to my ears
on Mike's case.

I'm sorry. You're with Miller.

Contact info will be in your boxes.
You'll start tomorrow.

That's it. Thank you.

Can I talk to you outside
for a second?

I was this close to arresting you
this morning.

I even thought about
what I would say to the press.

I wouldn't want to have to write
that speech.

I don't know what to do.

Every alternative I can think of... fucking crazy.

Such as?

It's fucked up.

Try me.

They say people like you
are addicts.

Like drugs.

It's not untrue.

Well, when addicts want to get better,
they go to rehab.

I don't think there are clinics
for what I've got.

We can make one.

I could be your clinic.

- How?
- You move in with me.

I watch you 24/7 and make sure
that there's no way in hell you can... what you do...

...and if it is an addiction,
then maybe...

Maybe you can get over it.

You're right. It's crazy.

if you can channel your urges...

...why can't you control them?

What if Dad had taught you
how to quit...

...instead of teaching you
how to live with it?

- He fucked up.
- There's a big problem with this idea.


I've tried stopping before.

It didn't work.

Well, now you have me.

Someone who loves you more
than you will ever fucking know.

And in spite of all of this,
I still believe that there is good in you.

Maybe more that's in most people.

What if it doesn't work?

I don't...

I don't want to think about that.

And how much choice
do I have here?



Thanks for getting back to me
so quickly.

I'm curious.
Your facilities are state-of-the-art.

Why go through a private lab?

Just trying to lighten the load.
It's been a hectic few months.

Look, just to confirm...

...the blood you sampled
from the glass fragment... a positive match
with Travis Marshall's?

No question about it.

Thank you. Thanks.
Remember, keep this confidential.

And when you send back the findings,
address them to me personally, okay?

- No problem.
- Great. Thanks.

- Yes, captain?
- Regional FBI office, please.

We are back!

Hey! I won't allow this to go on.
This is harassment.

No, this is an inconvenience. We're
working our way up to harassment.

I told you the last time you were here,
I don't know who killed Kaja.

I don't know who shot
your policeman.

Kaja was clubbed to death in the
parking lot...

- ...15 yards from where we are.
- No one saw anything.

- Sell that somewhere else.
- What are you gonna do?

Gonna keep coming every day
and shut me down?

No, I'm coming back tonight too.

- What the fuck do you want from me?
- I want the shooter.

You rack your brain
and give me something...

...or I'm gonna turn this place
into a fucking monastery.

You got that list?

Follow me.

You know, the money we make here
is all we have to live on.

What you're doing is really unfair.

What's your name?

- Nadia.
- Come here.

Have a drink.

We're not supposed to drink
while we're working.

Come on.
You hear any music playing?

Now, what you said isn't true.

I do care who killed Kaja...

...but no one around here
seems interested... helping me find out who it is.

Do you know anybody who might be
interested in hurting your friend?

You've been told
not to cooperate with us?

Kaja was dating someone.

Tony Rush.
He's one of the bouncers here.

They were on and off,
but Tony is a good guy.

Can you point Tony out to me?

He's not here today.

I really hope you catch the person
who did this...

...and put a bullet through his head.

That's not generally how we work,
but I get where you're coming from.

Here, if you can think of anything
to help, give me a call.

I will, Detective Quinn.

- Joey.
- Excuse me. Joey.

- Tell me you got the shooter.
- Possibly.

One of the bouncers hasn't come
to work since the murders.

Tony Rush.

- How'd you know?
- He and Kaja were an item.

Suspicious timing, don't you think?
The sudden absence?

Come on.


You're gonna sleep in the bedroom.

I'm not gonna put you out.

Yes, you are.

I'm sleeping out here.

Deb, that's ridiculous.

This isn't a fucking pyjama party,
Dex, okay?

You're gonna take my bedroom...

...and I'm gonna sleep out here
on the couch.

- Between me and the front door?
- I will be by the door.

You've really thought this through.

Yeah, well, I found this website:

"How to cure a serial killer
in ten easy steps."

And this is the first step.

You'll have to print me out a copy.

I'm figuring this out as I go along,

But if we're gonna do this,
we're gonna do it all the way.

We're gonna eat together,
we're gonna watch TV together...

...we're gonna drive
to fucking work together.

Hope you got a big shower.

Why don't you go unpack.
I'll heat us up something to eat.

You have to be completely honest
with me.

That is the first rule.

My new code.

Don't you think Deb has gone through
enough without you lying to her?

I'm not lying.

You're a killer, Dex.

Deb didn't raise you.

I did.

She never saw
what you were really like.

I did.

I was right to channel your urges
instead of trying to suppress them.

You think I can just walk out of here
and call the whole thing off?

If it were this simple,
watching you for 24 hours a day...

...don't you think
I would have tried it?

Maybe you should've.

How does it feel?

This need to kill?

What do you call it?

My dark passenger.

You make it sound like
you're possessed or something.

That's how it feels sometimes.

Do you know how many assholes
in prison...

...blame their actions
on someone or something else?

I'm not copping a plea, Deb.
I'm giving you honesty.

It's rule number one, right?

How's the spaghetti?


First rule.

So how does it feel?

It starts with blood.


Yeah, the image of it...

...trickling down the back
of my eyelids.

The trickle becomes a stream
and then a flood.

It fills me up...

...all my empty spaces.

But then the blood
isn't red anymore.

- What is it?
- It's black.

And pressing.

It feels like my head
is gonna explode.


...the only way
to relieve the pressure... to open the floodgates...

...let it spill out.

I can't believe you're like this.

You're a sick fuck, Dexter.
Jesus Christ.

Well, maybe we shouldn't talk
about it.

Yeah, maybe not while I'm serving
fucking tomato sauce.

Are you seeing blood now?

Nope, just spaghetti.

Well, if you start seeing red,
will you fucking call me?

And say what?
"Deb, I'm seeing blood"?

Say, "I really feel... wrapping someone up in plastic
and stabbing them."

And I can say, "No, Dexter, don't."

Second rule.

There have to be families out there
that are more fucked up than us.

But I sure as hell wouldn't
wanna meet them.

What the fuck am I doing here?

- What you think's right.
- Right would be turning you in.

I'm doing this
because I can't stand the idea...

...of you living the rest of your life
in prison.

Or worse.

I told Deb I'd be honest with her,
but it's not like I'm stalking a kill.

I just need to get
into Louis' penthouse...

...and find out what he knows
about me.

You Okay?

- It's late.
- Yeah. I'm just doing some work.

I'll sit with you.

Deb, I'm fine.

No, you shouldn't be alone
right now.

I mean, awake and alone.

Yeah, maybe I should try
to get some sleep.

Just know that I'm here for you.

How could I forget?

Now that Deb is my Siamese twin...

...getting into Louis' penthouse
is going to be next to impossible.

But how long can I wait?

You know, for the tenth time...

...I barely saw Kaja that night.
I was working.

She got off at 2 a.m. and I don't know
what she did after that.

Whatever you decide to get into
after this, forget writing...

...because you could not make up
a story to save your fucking life.

Security tapes back him up.

- Shit. Are you sure?
- No doubt.

He was at the club all night working.

Well, it looks like some
of what you said wasn't bullshit.

You were working
when Kaja was killed.

We still don't like the fact that
you vanished the day after she died.

Smells like guilt to me.

- You could have had someone do it.
- No way.

What happened?
She start sleeping around on you?

- Kaja was loyal.
- Loyal, huh?

So she was doing you.

At least we're getting somewhere.

The problem is now we know
you've been lying to us...

...about you and Kaja.

And that's bad form, Tony.

We tend to get cranky
when people bullshit us.

Now, if you think what we're doing
to the club is bad...

...wait till we start on you.

She was with Viktor.

Say again?

The night that Kaja died...

...she left the club with Viktor.

- Fucking sleazebag.
- Who the fuck is Viktor?

Hey, how's it going out there?

Don't ask.

Bad as you thought?


We sit in the sun waiting
for the diggers to find a body.

I mean, so far they've uncovered
a telephone cable...

...and a bag of used diapers.

I mean, all this waiting around...'s like dating a born-again

If I don't have Deb
watching my every move...'ll be a lot easier to slip away
to Louis' apartment.

I'm getting a little stir crazy.

- I wouldn't mind a day out of the lab.
- Dude.

Oh, my God,
I would be eternally grateful.

But you'd have to clear it
with your sister.

For some reason,
she really wants me out there.

- You think she secretly hates me?
- I'll see what I can do.

Masuka's miserable on this whole
Wayne Randall thing.

He's begging me to take over
for him today.

Okay. Great.


I'll drive.

- You'll drive?
- I could use some fresh air. Let's go.

- Just got a break on Mike's shooting.
- What?

The last person to see Kaja alive
was Viktor Baskov.

He's a Russian expat. We couldn't find
anything on him in here...

...but we got a hit
on the Interpol database.

He's a member
of the Koshka brotherhood.

Known for narcotics...

- ...and human trafficking.
- Hold on.

I have to take care of this.
Are we good?

Deb, I'll be surrounded by federal
marshals. I think I'll be okay.

It was 15 years ago.
Give me a fucking break.

Where are the bodies, Wayne?

Closer to the road.

- Why'd you tell us to dig here?
- Because this place looks different.

Look at these mini-malls.

You think I like being out here with you
in the fucking heat?

- All right. Listen. We're moving.
- Damn.

Strike this.

One more wit,
he'd be a fucking half-wit.


Oh, it's hot as a pig's asshole.

All this asphalt.

You know, this used to be
a real pretty place.



Now look at it.

Yeah, nothing stays the same.

That's the truth.

Well, at least the Frosty Swirl
is still here.

You surprised a lot of people.

- How's that?
- Leading us to these bodies.

Why the change of heart?

Why do you care?

I'm just curious.

People say you grew a conscience.

It was always there.

It was just buried
under a lot of Wayne Randall.

I just surrendered.

- Surrendered?
- All right. Let's break for lunch.

We'll pick this up in an hour.

Oh, here we go.

Getting to Louis' penthouse
and back in an hour will be tight...

...but I'm not exactly flush
with options.

I can appreciate the mind-set
of a collector...

...but toys?

Seems like a waste
of a good obsession.

My charge card numbers?

So Louis killed my credit cards.

Why is he messing with my life?

It features 29 points of articulation...

...five more than the last figure
they put out... at least they're listening
to the collectors.

Still, they could have--

Idea: a video diary app.

One touch, device starts recording.
Tap again and it uploads directly to...

Still waiting.

Yeah, I'm almost done.

Your hour's almost up.
I'm only thinking of you.

Oh, God.

There'll never be an app for this.


This is going to be worse
than Bob Henley.

He got off easy.

I want to see Dexter lying
in his own piss and vomit...

...and I won't stop until that
represents the high point of his day.

No one fucks with me.

No one.

Now, on to more important things.


Bob Henley.

"Henley arrested after the FBI found
child pornography on his workstation.

Skanda tech has announced
his dismissal...

...pending charges
which could fetch up to 15 years."

Is this how Louis took control
of his software company?

By setting this guy up?
What's he planning for me?

With Deb on my case, I don't know
when I'll have this chance again.

- Why are you fucking with me, Louis?
- God, please, don't hurt me.

Give me a good reason
not to hurt you...

...because right now
I want to break your neck.

- Why'd you send me the hand?
- It was a stupid joke.

I just, you know, the lifelines,
you know, time is short.

It was a clue.
I was screwing with you.


Because I came to you for help
with my game and you said no.

Your game?

Yes, I swear that's the reason.

This is about your game?

I spent five years on that game
and you shit all over it.

And now I'm too depressed
to even look at it.

It was my whole world!

I never wanna see you again.

Work. Jamie.

Do you understand?

I'm done. I'm totally done.

Where the fuck have you been?

Running an errand.

What errand?

Deb, I didn't kill anybody.

How the fuck do I know that?
I've been calling you and calling you.

- I didn't get the messages.
- Well, check your fucking phone.

I need to know where you are
at all times.

- That is what we agreed on, right?
- It won't happen again.

Finish what you need to do here
and we'll go visit Harrison together.


Here you are.

Seems you rode that wagon
till the wheels came off.

- Trouble in paradise?
- No, she's my sister.

Also my boss.

You just redefined hell.

What crawled up her ass?

It's a long story.

Randall, what'd you mean earlier
when you said "surrendered"?

I just accepted my situation,
you know...

...of being where I am.

Prison. People watching
your every move.

It is what it is.

Once I stopped fighting it...

...the anger just fell off... a bad scab.

Left me open
to try and make things right.

They still use real ice cream.

At least everything hasn't gone
to hell.

We're still not getting anywhere,

I mean, you must like us
coming here.

- There's nothing I can do about it.
- Stop protecting Viktor Baskov.

- I told you--
- Yeah, he doesn't work here.

Just comes in for a drink
now and then.

- That's all I know.
- Right.

We'll see you soon.

I might even bring a portable
polygraph next time.

You know how long it would take
to poly everyone in here?

Okay, everybody get your asses
back to work.

- Rough day?
- Isaak.

Mr. Sirko.

What are you doing here?

I heard the police.

It would appear that I'm here
for the same reason, to find Viktor.

Yeah, I swear I...

I have no idea
how they got his name.

I'm sure of it.

But we'll get to that.

Anyway, I thought he was in Kiev
with you.

If Viktor was in Kiev...

...why would I be here?

Viktor never made his flight.

I checked.

Well, I don't understand.

Where is he, then?

Viktor's caused us some problems.

I won't deny it.

Shooting a policeman
is never good for business.

I can't help but wonder...

...if someone in the brotherhood
decided to make an example of him.

Without your approval? No.

Oh, no. Viktor was impulsive, yes.

He did a stupid thing, yes.

But he was one of us
and we would always protect him.

You're in luck.


I believe you.

I've had a long flight.

We have a lot to discuss.

- Hello?
- Hello, Joey?

It's Nadia from the Fox Hole.

Yeah, how many Nadias
do you think I know?

- What's up?
- My car won't start.

I was wondering if maybe you could
give me a ride home tonight.

Yeah, sure.
What time do you get off?

- Hey.
- Hey.

We were just having a little dinner.
Look who's here.

Hey, bud, I missed you today.
How was school?

- We had toy share.
- Toy share?

- Did you bring your train set?
- Fire truck.

- Fire truck beat out the train set?
- Yes.

Oh, hey, Dex.

Just grabbing one for the road. I know
you don't like me being on this side...

...but it's all right when Jamie's here,

- Why not?
- Sweet.

This is such a great place
to hang out. Right by the bay.

- Yeah.
- I love coming over here.

Well, I better get going.
I'll see you tomorrow.


...I'll catch you at work, right? Yeah.

He's not scared of me at all.

And he's not going to quit...

...unless I stop him.

You're a lifesaver.
Not all cops are so nice to strippers.

To tell you the truth, I was hoping
you had something more for me.

- More for you?
- About the murders.

What? You think this is just some ploy
so I could get you alone...

...and spill my guts?

Look, I told you everything
that I knew.

My car really did break down.
I'm sorry.

- I could pay you for the gas.
- Stop it. It's fine.

It's the least I could do
after all I'm costing you in tips.

You'll have to do a lot more than
give me a lift to make up for that.

This is it. On the left.

What'd you have in mind
as far as compensation?

I don't know. Use your imagination.

Well, you're gonna have to give me
a hint. I'm very unimaginative.


George says the problem with my car
could be the transmission.

It means it's going to be in the shop
for at least a few days.


Well, maybe you could
pick up the bill.

I'd really appreciate it.

You're awfully quiet tonight.

Anything you wanna talk about?

Anything I can do?



Do you have any A-1?

I think so.

Just enough for a good night's sleep.

That's all I need.

- Success!
- Thank you.

Just finishing what you started.

I promised Deb.


Where are you?

Sorry. I got here as fast as I could.

Almost drove off the road.
I'm so fucking tired.

What are you doing here?

I snuck out of the house
while you were asleep.

- Dexter, what the fuck did you do?
- Nothing.

I couldn't go through with it,
but I wanted to.

I needed to.

I didn't care about anything else.

I lost control.
All I could see was blood.

All I could feel was the pressure
in my head. Fuck!

It is too deep inside me.
Harry was right. I am a monster.

You should arrest me.
You should take me in.

Get me off the street.


Dad was wrong.

The fact that we're here tonight
proves that you are in control.

- But I wasn't.
- But you stopped.

That's what's important.

It must've been so hard
for you to call me...

...but you did,
and that's a huge step.

It makes me think
maybe you can control this.

You really believe that?

I didn't.

But maybe now I do.

What happened tonight
is a good thing.

It was really, really good.

I'm not gonna give up.

And I'm not gonna let you give up.

- Are you okay to drive?
- No, I'm gonna stay with you.

I just need to be alone
for a couple of minutes.

Nothing's gonna happen.


You'll wake up with a headache.

Probably have a decent idea
how you got here.

Maybe that's a good thing.

I still have to get you out of my life.

But not by taking yours.

What the fuck?

Who the fuck are you?

I'm your employer or rather,
former employer.

I believe you recently gave notice.

Bullshit. I work for George.
Well, worked.

And he works for me.

My name is Isaak.

I'm the owner of the Fox Hole chain
of gentlemen's clubs...

...amongst other enterprises.

What do you want'?

It would appear that George neglected
to do your exit interview.

It's company policy and I'm a stickler
when it comes to rules.

You got to be kidding, right?

Keeping good employees is essential
to running a successful business.

Your feedback is important.

Would you mind telling me
why you quit?

Well, I trust it wasn't the hostile
working environment.

No, I...

I just felt it was time to move on.

So it was nothing to do with
the tragic death of one of our dancers?

Kaja, I believe her name was.

Because if it did,
I would completely understand.

It must have been quite
a traumatic loss for you.

What do you mean?

Yeah. Maybe that's why you talked
to the police.

- No way.
- I had you followed.

You know what?
I didn't say a word. I swear.

I lied. I didn't have you followed.

You were just
the most likely candidate.

You loved her, didn't you?


Kaja. You were in love with her.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

It's the one thing
that gives meaning in this life.

I would have done the same thing
if I was in your position.

It's terrible to lose someone
you love.

You still thinking about last night?

Actually, I'm thinking about how much
I could go for a Frosty Swirl.

That's good.

A sudden craving for sugar is good?

If you're thinking
about normal things...

...then maybe you're becoming
more normal.

I'm never gonna be normal, Deb.


None of us really are.

Where you going?

I want a Frosty Swirl.
I'll bring you one.

She'll always be watching me,
but maybe that's okay.

If Wayne Randall can make peace
with his sentence...

...who am I to complain?

Especially considering
the alternative.

Well, well.

Looks like you two are ready
to eat each other's shit.

Oh, yeah.
We kind of patched things up.

I'm happy for you.

I never got to do that with Hannah.

It's Robin to my Batman.

I was never as alive
as I was when I was with her.

Every day was like Christmas Day...

...unwrapped present.

I wish I had a chance to tell her
how I felt.

You can still tell her.


I'm afraid the clock has run out.


I sure as fuck gonna miss that.

Hannah used to think
I was something special.

Now she sees me as just a killer.

And you know what?

She's not wrong.

There's just one last person
I need to kill.

He never cared
if anyone found the bodies.

He just wanted a couple of days
of sunshine and Frosty Swirl.

Randall didn't change,
and he couldn't take life in prison.

Can I?