Dexter (2006–2013): Season 4, Episode 10 - Lost Boys - full transcript

Dexter makes a startling discovery while stalking the Trinity Killer.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
PreviousIy on Dexter...

(Debra) Bathtub, jumper, bludgeon.

Lundy came to Miami to hunt this guy.

I think he got too close,
and I think it got him killed and me shot.

(Christine) I can't even imagine
looking into the eyes of the person you love,

watching as he takes his last breath.

(Debra) How much did you teII Christine
about the Lundy shooting?

I learned my lesson. I never even took
the Lundy files out of the station.

There's no way she could've seen it.

How did she know that?

How tall was my shooter?

- My height.
- Then it wasn't Trinity.

Look, I know it's really tough
for reporters right now,

so maybe I can give you that interview
you've been wanting from me.

I'm married.

- We have this connection.
- I have Dexter.

That smudge you found at the crime scene,

how do you think he got
the ashes to stick to the wall?

We got the killer's goddamn DNA?

- Going out of town?
- Yeah, on a Four Walls build.

An out-of-town build?
Is his cycIe starting over again?


This is where it all started.
Vera saw me.

I startled her and she slipped,
shattered the shower doors.

The glass sliced her leg.

She was dead by the time
the ambulance came.

Don't touch my sister!

Fuck you and fuck Vera!

(Both grunting)

Get the fuck off him!

I should've fucking killed you
when I had the chance.

Hi, Dad.

A hypodermic needIe.

The perfect drug deIivery system.

Rapid. Efficient.

EspeciaIIy in the right hands.

(Harrison whining)

So how's everyone doing over there?

(Harrison crying)

Honey, I know.
Everything's gonna be OK.

Are you OK?

Well, I'm not the one
getting four booster shots.

I don't know how you're
not a complete wreck.

Serial killer, remember?

Well, a little pain now
means a lot less later on.

l should know.

I had my chance to eIiminate
Arthur early on.

l didn't and now...

We ready?

OK, buddy, look at Daddy.



I know, I know, I know.

All right, that's one down.
Three more to go.

The good news is,
he won't remember any of this.

I didn't remember what happened
to me as a child...

until l was forced to.

Keeping my tooIs in a shipping container
makes more sense than a backyard shed.

After all, it's where
my dark passenger was born.

And, after tonight,
it's where Arthur Mitchell will call home.

Arthur is a man of ritual, like me.

Gas up the car,
a quick stop at Starbucks,

choir practice...

That's where I'm going to take him, when
he's aIone in the parking Iot of his church.

Wait. Why isn't he stopping?

(Car doors slam)

Scott, hold your sister's hand
until we're inside.

(Scott) You're not my mother.

lf Arthur thinks he can lose me in a crowd,
he's dead wrong.

"Nick, Barb, Scott...


(Chatter and laughter)

(Carousel music)

l know that look.

I'm not the onIy one on a staIk.

But it's too soon. Arthurjust finished
his Iast kiII cycIe.

By saving his Iife,
have I set it aII in motion again?

(Bell rings)

(Carousel music playing)

Where'd you go?

(Video game gunfire)

Scott, I'm Officer Carney.

Am... Am I in trouble?

No, no.

Are your mom and dad Nick and Barb?


I'm afraid they've been in a car accident.

Are they OK?

They're gonna be fine,
but they've asked me to take you

to go see them in the hospital.

- We have to go get my sister.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

My partner's got Abby
in our patrol car.

Come on.

I'm just glad I found you.

It wasn't the baby-sitter he was after.

- This isn't a police car.
- I work undercover.

Wait, where's my sister?

Well, let me radio in
and see where my partner is.

(Muffled shouts)

(Dexter) Arthur!

(Car door slams)

(Tires squealing)

- Shit.
- (Cell phone ringing)

Kyle, I don't appreciate being followed.

Arthur, what are you doing?

I don't know what you think you saw,

but I promise I'll preserve
this boy's innocence.

I'm calling the police.

If I so much as see a police car,
the boy pays the price.

You like protecting children, don't you?

Like my son.

Arthur, just pull over. Tell me where you are.

I have a process. As long as it's not
interrupted, I'll set the boy free.

- Arthur, don't do this. Let the boy go.
- (Phone beeps)

Dexter, he's gonna kill that child.

- He's never taken a child before.
- That you know of.

If this is new, this is on you.

Not if I find him first.

(Pounding on door)

- Mr. Butler?
- Where's your mother?

She's picking up Rebecca from ballet,
but she'll be back any minute.

- I really don't think that you...
- Jonah, don't talk.

Just listen and answer.
Do you have any idea where your father is?

He's at some teaching thing up in Naples.

- How long?
- A couple days.

A coupIe of days. Good.

If Arthur's process takes that Iong,
the boy stiII has time.

You know, it's like
Thanksgiving never happened.

Except for this.

Why are you still here?

I can't leave my mom
and sister alone with him,

and my mom won't leave, so I'm fucked.

Look, I need to find your dad, and fast.

- I need your help.
- Don't you understand?

The longer he's gone,
the better, for all of us.

Jonah, we both know what he's capable of.

Did... Did he hurt someone else?

I hope not.
That's why I need to find him,

to keep him from doing
something really wrong.

You have the chance
to finally break the cycle.

What do you want me to do?

Go through his desk,
journals, computer.

Anything, everything.
Find out what he's been working on.

He'd kill me.

I'll make sure he never finds out.

You know, I...

I'm... I'm not sure if I can...
If I can do it.

That's my mom and Rebecca.

There is a great big shit-ugly
world out there, Jonah.

The bad stuff doesn't just end
at your doorstep.

You can help put an end to all of it.

- To all of what?
- The sins of your father.

Help me, Jonah.

Where am I?

What is this place?

Do you like trains, Arthur?

My name isn't Arthur. It's Scott.

Look at that.

It's a thing of beauty.

I want my mom and dad.

(Imitating train whistle)




lf Arthur's ritual, like mine,
was born in the past,

the past is where l'll find him.

His Iast cycIe of kiIIs
took place in New Orleans.

Matthew Hicks, ten years oId,

went to the IocaI pooI, never came home.

Five days before a woman
was found murdered in her bathtub.


You always did have a soft spot for kids.

They remind you of what you lost that day
in the shipping container.


Arthur said that's what he would preserve
in the boy he took.

If each of Arthur's victims
represents members of his family,

- then the boy...
- Must be Arthur himself.

He was ten when his sister died.

Omaha, another ten-year-old
goes missing.

Five days later, another bathtub murder.

St. Paul.


Lundy misread the pattern.

It's not three victims
he leaves behind, it's four.

Lundy didn't think to look
at missing children because...

they were never recorded as homicides.

Which means five days before the Lisa Bell
bathtub murder here in Miami...

another ten-year-old went missing.

My God.
The boys begin the cycle.


Sorry. Working late.

Like always.

Is everything OK?

Harrison isn't sleeping,
so I'm gonna keep him in our bed tonight.

I'll be there in a sec.


Arthur couId have that boy anywhere,

and now there'II be an army of poIice
and voIunteers surrounding his parents

to help find their son.

l need to be one of them.

If Arthur picked this particuIar boy
for a reason, l need to know.

- (Knock on door)
- Come in.

Hey, Dex, you wanted to see me?

- Gordy, thanks for coming.
- Yeah, sure, no sweat. What's up?

I dinged a parked van last night,

and I left a note,
but the driver hasn't called me back.

And I'm thinking, after I totaled my car,

I can't afford to let the insurance companies
get involved.

You think you can do a stake and notify
so I can find this guy, pay him in cash?

Yeah, sure. Just, uh, give me the plate,
and if patrol spots your van,

- I'll give you a heads-up on its location.
- Perfect.

Hold on. As soon as he's done
with the uni, I'm next.

- Next for what?
- I have to talk to him.

He's right in there.

I'm still figuring to phrase it.

How gay are you?

Look, I...

I saw something at Thanksgiving
I wish I hadn't.

(Door opens)

- Morgan.
- Gordon.

Jesus, ever hear of a comb?
It looks like you have a cat on your head.

I'm kind of on a mission here.
What's up?

I've got that interview
with Quinn's squeeze today.


Are you sure it's a good idea
to dredge up all that Lundy stuff?

Actually, I've got a few questions for her.

I think she might have some ideas
about who shot him.

The real question is,
do I give Quinn a heads-up...

- No, you don't. I gotta go.
- Just no? He's my partner.

Yeah, he's also her boyfriend.
You don't know where his loyalties are.

- Deb, I've got field work I gotta do.
- Yeah, and I've got a briefing on Trinity

in, like, two minutes. My case.

I need your big brain, bro.

- There's no new blood. There's no need.
- No way.

You do realize I will stand here
all fucking morning.

If Trinity works in the public school system

and we can't get the OK to swab these guys,
we are beyond boned.

If he's even in the school system.

Sorry, Deb, but the sooner this is over,

the sooner I get to
that missing boy's parents.

We've had better luck with private schools
and so far we're looking at 240 males

who fit our Trinity profile.

Collect their samples
and get them to Masuka.

Oh, wonderful.
More old man spit.

Dexter, I need the blood evidence
in that bar stabbing.

I'm proofing it.

Proof faster. Prelim's tomorrow.
Where are we on the Lundy shooting?

I'm still on the foreign nationals
that were staying at the hotel.

So no significant developments.

When you say it like that, no.

- OK.
- (Sighs)

Hey, uh, Dex, you got a minute?
It's about Thanksgiving.

Later, Vince.



Uh, Lieutenant, could you
authorize this requisition?

Could it be so wrong if you and I hopped
on the first plane to an island somewhere?

Yes, and this isn't a requisition.

- It's a Thai menu.
- Mm-hm.

Thank you for bringing that
to my attention, Sergeant.

Start at community colleges,
work our way up?

- Detectives.
- Babe?

Keep it in your pants. She's here to see me.

Oh, you're finally doing the interview?

- She is persistent.
- Tell me about it.

And when I'm done, everyone in Miami
is gonna know what a true hero is.

Don't forget your partner.
That's Quinn with two Ns.

Oh, shit, I forgot to run something by
Batista. Will you show her to the box?

- I'll be there in two seconds?
- Yeah.

I need you to watch Christine interview me.

And I would do that why?

This could have something
to do with the Lundy shooting.

- No significant developments, remember?
- OK.

I'm hungry.

Well, why don't you put your pajamas on
and we'll have something to eat.

No, I won't do it.

I won't do anything you tell me to.

Don't you understand?

Father drinks,
and Mother pays the price.

I'm just trying to protect you, Arthur.

My name is Scott!

Very well.

- Mr. Smith.
- Yes.

I'm Dexter Morgan, Miami Metro.

I'm not here in any official capacity.

I just want to do anything I can
to help find your missing son.

We haven't set up phone banks yet,

but, uh, we have some flyers.

- May I take some with me?
- Great.

(Phone ringing)

(Overlapping chatter)

I'm the onIy one here
who knows what happened.

I couId point the poIice
in Arthur Mitchell's direction.

But the sIightest misstep on their part

ensures this famiIy is never whoIe again.

Is there any information at all on your son?

A tip, a lead, a phone call?

Anything that couId point me
in a direction?

None. I keep waiting for...a ransom note.


I'd better go post these.

I'm gonna do everything I can
to help you get your son back.

- (Phone ringing)
- Thank you.

Can you imagine walking by
your kid's empty bedroom,

not knowing where he is?

No. l can't.

How does a guy like this make a dead body
just disappear into thin air?

The Gulf Stream does the trick for me.

But there's no ocean in Omaha,
Des Moines, St. Paul, or Denver.

The Four Walls houses.

He goes to each one of those cities
on a build as a pretext for his killing cycle.

Construction site would be a convenient
place to bury a body.

Or to hold a boy captive.

Three years on patrol,

two years in Vice.

Why Homicide?

- My dad was a detective here.
- Hmm.

But it was completely different
being a cop back then.

Yeah, I bet. Talk about your man's world.

Oh, no, no, it wasn't just that.

I think you had to rely more
on your instincts back then.

There wasn't all this forensics stuff
to lean on to break a case.

Back then, you had to rely on your gut.

Amen to that.

Have you seen these?


Forensically, we're at a dead end
with the Lundy case,

so I just stare at these, looking for answers.

You know what?

I've got enough background info.

How about I just write this up
and give you a call

if, uh, we didn't cover everything?


Can I ask you something?

- You live over in the Gables, right?
- Yeah.

Wow, that must be really nice,
being away from all that touristy stuff.

Well, I got lucky.
Found a great building.

Yeah, so the Gables, that's what, like, uh,

60 minutes from the hotel
where Frank was staying?

- I guess.
- Wow.

You sure got to the crime scene fast.


There's no traffic at 5 a.m.

Oh, I know that.

But dispatch didn't
put out the call till 5:05.

You were the first reporter on scene at 5:20.

I like to roll out of bed
and hit the gym early.

I was on my way there
when I heard the scanner.

Bullshit. She's lying.

Um, how do I get out of here?

You just follow the windows
till you get to the elevator.

We've got to tread
very, very lightly with it. If Quinn...

No shit. That's why I'm asking you
to help me sort through this.

- Tell me I'm not crazy.
- You're not crazy.

I spoke to Christine
at your crime scene.

Hair made, full makeup.

No way she rolled out of bed
at 5 a.m. looking like that.

I'm telling you she knows more
than she's letting on.

She's a hard-boiled crime scene reporter,
and she couldn't even look at those photos.

Suspicious, but it doesn't prove a thing.

Well, there's something else.
I know it sounds weird, but the other day,

she was talking to me about how I was
looking in Lundy's eyes when he died.

How does she know he didn't die instantly?

LaGuerta got Broward County school district
to let us collect samples.

- Still working on Dade.
- Great.

Everything OK?

Yeah. Great.

Be right there.


We can't be doing this with Quinn around.

Thank you.

BuiId's nearly finished.

No one's here.

They're not here.


(Cell phone rings)


Kyle, I went through my dad's desk.
You know, there's nothing here.

What about his computer?

I already looked.
There's... It's just school stuff.

Look at the search history.
Does anything stand out?

OK, OK, OK. One sec, one sec.

Nothing, really.
We got some Bible stuff.

A hardware store. A real-estate agency,
the local paper...

The real-estate site.
What was he looking at?

Uh, let's see.

It's just a bunch of homes for sale.

An empty house. Good pIace to ensure
his process isn't disturbed.

- (Jonah) I can email you the list if you want.
- (Exhales)

I don't have email.

Who doesn't have email, Kyle?

Off the top of my head,
peopIe who don't exist.

Fax them to the Kinko's near your house
under my name. I'll pick them up there.


Jonah, you're doing the right thing.

You know, how...

How come you're the only one
who can see my dad for what he is?

We have a few things in common.

(Radio) PoIice are searching for a North
Miami boy who went missing Iast night.

Ten-year-oId Scott Smith
was in an arcade with his sister

and their nanny at around 7:45 p.m.

when the nanny, Susan Peterson, reaIized
that Scott was no Ionger at her side.

(Kids chanting) Fight! Fight! Fight!

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!


- Let go.
- Let go of him, Cody.

Cody! Cody, come here.
Cody, what are you doing?

He said he saw Dexter leave
the Young Sailors camp-out

in the middle of the night
cos he was scared, so I hit him.

I'm so sorry. Boys, huh?

If my son said that's what he saw,
I believe him.

Come on.

(Phone buzzes)


Why, hello.

(Exhales) I'm so glad I finally got you.

Actually, I'm in the middle of a project.

Dad, I really need to see you.

You just did. Thanksgiving night.

I can't wait another
four months until my birthday.

Can we meet in between
our usual visits? Just this once?

There's a reason why we only see each
other a couple of times a year, Christine.

I have a full life
and a family who needs me.

I'm your family too.

I need you. More than they do.

Sorry, sweetie, it'll have to wait.

Love you.

I think I'm in trouble.



So, are you gonna let me go?

In due time, Arthur.

Why do you keep calling me that?

( '50s-era music playing)

Is that food for me?

You can have something to eat...

once you put your pajamas on, Arthur.

Oh, this is delicious.

So far l've looked at
six empty houses on Jonah's Iist.

This one...not so empty.

(Cell phone rings)



Dexter, are you on your way home?

Just finishing up a few things.

Oh. The baby has a fever.

How long do you think you're gonna be?

Not very.

There's still another house
I can check on the way home.

(Engine starts)

(Door closes)


Scott Smith?

Me and my kids got nowhere else to be.

My babies just need a place
to feel safe at night.

We don't make a mess or nothin'.

You ain't gonna tell?


No, I won't.

- Shh.
- (Door opens)

Thank God.

Hey, can you take him?


Oh, he's so warm.

Yeah. Those shots really
did a number on him.

Can you take his temperature again?
The thermometer's on the counter.

You're late. Big day?

Yeah, I was helping out
with that missing boy.

Oh, that's so sweet. Those poor parents.

Speaking of which, Paul's folks called.

They want to take the kids
to Disney World one weekend.

You sure that's a good idea?
I've never even met them.

They're nothing like Paul.

He was the abusive black sheep
of the family.

Plus, I think it would be good
for Cody right now.

What happened to his eye?

One of the Young Sailors said you
disappeared the night of the camping trip.

Cody was defending your honor.


The only time I left my tent that night
was to find a tree.

Well, Cody doesn't want to be
part of the group anymore.

He said he doesn't want to be
around somebody who tells lies.

Too late.

(Thermometer beeps)

100.1 .

Oy. You mind giving him
a sponge bath, cool him off?

- Food will be ready when you're done.
- OK.

This is so frustrating.
None of it makes any fucking sense.

What if Christine was covering for a source
that knew something about this?



I couldn't even look Quinn in the eye.

Don't worry.
We're gonna figure this out.

We just gotta think outside the box.

How's this for outside the box?

Christine's the same height
as the shooter.

Christine shoots Lundy. Why?

Beats the motherfuck out of me.
She doesn't have a record.

You ran her prints?

After the interview, I lifted them off
some pictures I got her to pick up.

Maybe she has priors that
she hasn't been nailed on.

We get her DNA,
we check it against the database.

You and I both know we don't have enough
to get a warrant.

Think outside the box, Sergeant.

Nothing like clean, cool water,
huh, big guy?

You'll be as good as new in no time.

But will l?

l killed an innocent man
when I Ieft the campsite that night.

Now Rita and Cody have been
drawn into defending a Iie.

My Iie.

Trinity's not the onIy one
using his famiIy as human shieIds.

Are you out of your fucking mind?

No way Christine had anything
to do with shooting you or Lundy!

You've been dating her for what, two
months? How well do you even know her?

Is this some Morgan vendetta against me?
Is your asshole brother behind this?

Why the fuck would my brother
have anything to do with this?

Forget it. It...

(Sighs) Look, you're probably right
about Christine,

and I am totally off-base,

but you're a cop, and a good one,
and I know you know what it's like

when you have a hunch.

Who else knows about this?


Great. Make me look
like a fucking asshole.

Don't make this about you.

Does she keep a toothbrush here?

Christine will never know about this.

And when the results come back clean, you
can shove this up my ass anytime you want.

I need you to get a DNA panel
on this ASAP.

That's your emergency?

Project Runway is on.

(Sighs) Fuck you.

- I'll owe you one, all right?
- Who's it belong to?

We may have a big fucking lead
on the Lundy case, and...

Just fucking run it.


Six houses down, another eight to go,
and I'm running out of time.

(Cell phone rings)


Dexter, where the hell are you?

En route. Traffic.

OK, well, the DA's all over me
about that blood report.

I'll have it on your desk in half an hour.

- What?
- I was just thinking.

Christmas is coming up.
You got any plans?

- You and me.
- What about your family?

Hmm. We're not that close.

I guess that's why
you never talk about them.

Have you seen my toothbrush?

Oh, the cleaning lady must have
thrown it out by mistake.

She's jealous of my perfect teeth.

Here. Brand-new.

Are you OK?



Are you sure?

Now's not a good time.

Well, maybe it is a good time for me.
You ever consider that?

Wow. Um...

This is about your partner, isn't it?
Did she say something to you?

About what?

She gave a shitty interview.
I'm ditching the article.

- So you think she's pissed about that?
- I don't know. It doesn't matter.

I'm gonna be late for work.

Daddy, I can't wait.
I need to see you now.

We might be in trouble.

We have to talk about, uh...

that woman in the bathtub that night
when I was little.

Please call me back. Please.

( '50s-era music playing)

Now what'll we call this station?

Why can't I go home?

Northern Springs? Rainbow Valley?

How about, uh, Copper Flats?

This is stupid!

You should take me home.

I want to see my mom and dad.

( Frankie Avalon: Venus playing)

(Singing along) Venus, make her fair

A lovely girl with sunlight in her hair

And take the brightest stars
up in the skies

And place them in her eyes for me


Why are you so sad?

It was Vera's favorite song.

She was my sister.

What happened to her?

She died.

It wasn't my fault.

It wasn't my fault! (Crying)


Uh, I'm sorry about your sister.

And if it'll make you feel any better,
you can call me Arthur.

You'd let me do that?


Now how about we play trains
a little bit more

and then you can take me home?

You're a dear boy, Arthur.

So innocent.


Promise me you'll always stay that way.


Do you like ice cream?

After you've, uh, finished your treat...

I think it's time to let you go free.

Yeah, I'm calling about the house on Olive.

Yeah, I'm sure
the curbside appeal is great,

but I need to know, is the house occupied?

Oh, the current owners
are still living there.

Great. Ah, that's OK.

No need for a drive-by.

You stay blessed too.

Lieutenant, blood report
on the bar stabbing.

Hey, Dexter, just got word
on that stake and notify.

We found your van
about 20 minutes ago.

It was at a diner on Flagler and Fourth.

- Hope you find your guy.
- Me too.

lf Arthur's van was spotted
cIose to where he has the boy,

that should narrow
my search down considerabIy.

Fourth and Flagler.

Four listings in the area.

Two within a mile.

Uh, hey, Dex...

- Where are you off to?
- KiII the guy you're Iooking for.

Save a kid.
Remember to pick up diapers.

I have to be two places at once.

Not a great day.

I hear you.

I'm half out of my mind
trying to crack this Lundy thing.

(Woman) Debra Morgan!

Fuck me twice on Sunday.
That's all I need.

Who's that?

One of dad's old fuck buddies.
Emphasis on old.

Harry's past is a minefieId.

But I've got my own
ticking bomb to defuse.

Let me know what happens.

What's up, Valerie?

I'm sorry I said those things
about your father.

He dumped me for another CI,
and all this time, it still hurts.

Do you happen to remember
this other woman's name?

No, but I bet she'd remember me.
God, I was completely out of my mind.

Went to her house, confronted her.

Valerie, I have to go. I will call you.

So, um, pick you up later?

Get a bottle of wine?

- You're...
- In love with a beautiful woman.

So shoot me.


The DNA results on Christine Hill are back.

She's fucking related to Trinity.

Bomb shelter.

1960s Miami.

Cuban Missile Crisis.

Irony is, places like this
were built to keep people safe.

I hate irony.

They were here...

and I just missed them.

I'm sorry, Daddy.

Thanks for meeting me.

I never told you because
I thought it was a dream.

And I wanted it to be, but it wasn't.

Now, now, now, now, now, slow down.
What are you talking about?

I saw you that night.

Back when I was five.

You told me to stay in the car, but I didn't.

So I got out and I went
into that woman's house.

And I saw you in the bathtub with her.

The water was so red.

It was a dream.

You were right the first time.

It wasn't.

I knew it wasn't when it happened again
in the same house 30 years later.

I couldn't figure this out in time.

You'll have another shot at Arthur.
Isn't that what you want?

What if it was Harrison or Cody?

Your priorities have changed.


I'm a father now.

I went back and I looked through all
the postcards you sent me over the years.

Every trip you took in every city you went,
a woman died in a bathtub.

- You don't know what you're talking about.
- It's all right. I protected you.

That FBI agent? Lundy.

He was starting to get close,
but I stopped him.

I got in with the Homicide department
so I'd know what they knew.

And I followed Lundy

and I saw you run into him.

And he started putting things together,
and he was never gonna stop, so I shot him.

You what?

It's OK.

I made it look like another crime spree.

The Vacation Murders.
The police had no idea.


Well, they still don't have anything solid.

But they're starting to ask questions.




You put yourself at risk...

for me.

I'd do anything for you.

More than your other kids.
They would never do what I did for you.

It's gonna be OK, baby.

I'm not gonna let anything
happen to you, I promise you.


You've always been so special to me.



Dad... (Crying)

Now go home.


I'll drop by tonight,

and we'll figure all of this out, OK?

Go on now.

- (Exhales)
- It's gonna be fine.

Stupid fucking cunt!

(Engine starts)

No wonder none of those missing boys
has ever been found.

Encase a body in cement

and it's preserved forever.

The Four Walls build.

You were already there.
Arthur wasn't ready then.

He is now.

Burying a child in cement.
That's not very Christian.

No closer.

I'll take that to mean the boy is still alive.

Walk away, Kyle.
This doesn't concern you.

There's no way I can do that.

I need to do this.

I can't stop this.

I can.


(Breathing heavily)

(Yells) Arthur!

(Knock on door)



(TV on)

(Turns TV off)

Hey, you.

Hey, you too.



- Long day?
- Oh...

The longest.


- Mm.
- They found that boy.

Do the police have
any idea what happened?

If they do, they're not saying.

Those parents must be so relieved.

(Crickets chirping outside)

Do you hear that?



For once, the house is quiet.



(Harrison crying)


Jinxed it.


- I got this. I got it.
- No, but you're so tired.

It's OK.

I want to.

(Harrison fusses)

Yeah, it's OK, big guy.

It's OK.


I'm sorry you're in pain.


I promise you, no one's
ever gonna hurt you again.

Especially me.