Dexter (2006–2013): Season 3, Episode 3 - The Lion Sleeps Tonight - full transcript

Miguel continues to press his unwanted friendship on Dexter, who has other things to worry about - primarily a child molester who has his eye on Astor.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Dexter...

This child is happening.

I'm going to have a child.
But I can't be a father to it. Can I?

The Oscar Prado case?

Fuckers are on the career-maker of the year.
Nail this Freebo and they're golden.

This time he killed a senior ADA's brother.

Except he didn't kill Oscar. I did.

- What do you have on Freebo, Maria?
- Ramon.

- Well, we're working on some new angles.
- Which means you've got shit.

This doesn't look good, Javier.
I think you fucked a girl who's now dead.

All right, look. I passed her to a friend

- who could feed her habit...
- A friend?

- Yeah, a white guy named Freebo.
- Freebo?

Why do you think
Freebo's still in town?

Because I think he killed his girlfriend
on Sunday. Jane Doe.

Wasn't Jane Doe
missing a patch of skin?

Freebo's still out there killing.
We got to catch him fast.

Yeah, but we got a lead now.

This department is
becoming annoyingly effective.

Anton is my contact.

- If you wear him out or blow his cover...
- I know how to work a CI, Quinn.

So unless there's some other reason
you don't want me to talk to him...

I can get you a shield tomorrow.

- Will you get me a shield for being a rat?
- No. For being an honest cop, Debra.

Like your father.

I know all about the Chicky Hines case.
He was a big one for the prosecutor.

- And guess who that was?
- Shit.

Miguel Prado.

M-6 bayonet.
Oscar tried to kill Freebo with it.

It's only fitting I use it to complete the task.

It was self-defense.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

The grocery store. The modern-day
equivalent of the Serengeti,

where the mighty lion goes to hunt.

And my weaker brethren
reward me with gifts.


We'll be needing a lot of those pretty soon.

The lioness, of course,
has her own agenda.

- What's next?
- Uh...

Macaroni & Cheese. Mayonnaise.

You do your grocery list alphabetically?

How else would you do it?

Got it.

Mmm! The rare and elusive White Cheddar.
Very good choice.

Let's go find some muffins.

- What you wanna be? A painter?
- I don't know...

I bet you're a good drawer. A sculptor...

My highly tuned senses detect another
predator sniffing around one of my cubs.

- D'you get the mayo?
- Yep.

He wanted to know where the Cheerios are.

Aisle three. Other side of the store.

Oh... Thanks.

All right. What's next?


Just in case.


Forensics Quarterly.

Forensics Quarterly.
With an article written by yours truly.

Good stuff. Very sexy.

"Simultaneous quantification
of autosomal and Y-chromosomal DNA"?

Yeah, I autographed it but if you want me
to write something personal, let me know.

Oh, yeah. Definitely.

No match on her prints.
No missing persons report.

- So Jane Doe...
- Is still Jane Doe.

And Freebo?

Same thing, nothing.

Sugar is so much better
than the artificial stuff. Don't you think?

Well, I guess.

- Do you like milk or cream?
- Neither.

- Not exactly the chatty type, are you?
- No.

Quinn, Morgan.
Man the phones. Man the streets.

Someone out there's seen Freebo
and we haven't found him yet. Let's go.

Miguel Prado - the only living person
who's seen me with blood on my hands.

- Miguel.
- Maria.

Hey. How are you holding up?

I can't lie. I'm missing
my little brother every minute of every day.

Well, it'll get easier.
It's a cliché but it's true.

I want to thank you for making
Dexter Morgan available to me. He, uh...

He went to great trouble
to help me... understand...

how Oscar's last moments unfolded.

Why is he trying so hard
to be my friend?

We're doing everything we can
to find the man who killed Oscar.

I know you are. That's why I feel
like I'm in such a difficult situation.

What is that?

Well, you've dedicated so many
of your resources towards resolving this...

He's trying to end the investigation.

Is it worth it? We both know if you
don't catch a perp in the first 48 hours,

the chances significantly drop
that you ever will.

Miguel, this is not the time to give up
or even slow down.

We will find Fred Bowman.
We'll bring him to justice.

Thank you, Maria.

Psst! Tonight...

Viernes Culturales.

Come by the beach, grab a beer,
uh... medianoche. Right after work.

- You'll be home by eight.
- I don't know if Rita will be up for it.

Syl already talked to her.
She'd love to go.

Then Viernes Culturales it is.

Did he say anything
about the Chicky Hines situation?

I still got a witness in lockup
that says Hines is innocent.

- Miguel is aware of that.
- I know.

I was just wondering when he's finally going
to get around to questioning my witness?

- I assumed he had already.
- Not as of this morning.

Well, I'm sure he'll get to it.

I'll talk to him.

We got a new murder victim.
Dumped in the park just like our Jane Doe.

Some of his skin was sliced off.
Looks like Freebo struck again.

- All right. Let's get there.
- It can't be Freebo. I killed him.

But only Miguel and I know that.

And we're not at liberty to tell.

Javier Garza, he's a lowlife pimp.

He's the one that connected
our Jane Doe to Freebo.

Looks like Freebo paid him back for that.

I can't say for certain
until I get this under the 'scope,

but I'm guessing we're looking
at something like an eight-inch blade,

razor-sharp, single-edged.

Same type of instrument
used on our Jane Doe.

So Freebo killed Javier.

No, he didn't kill Javier.

One of the tree-trimmers called it in, said
he didn't see anything or anyone unusual.

It all points to Freebo.

- He got a little hungry for flesh this time.
- What the hell's that about?

Do we think he's eating it?

There's a lot more cannibalism
in this country than any of you realize.

Maybe the skin's like a trophy or something.

Or he just likes to hurt people.
What do you think, Dex?

- They all sound like good theories to me.
- Way to commit.

So far we haven't found shit on Freebo
but now he's giving us a second chance.

So let's not blow it. Quinn, Morgan,
let's get a canvass going. One-block perimeter.

- Start with the tree-trimmers.
- Why don't you take the tree-trimmers?

- I'm going to start over here.
- Oh, gosh. I wonder why.

Hey! Can you come down here?


Hi. I'm Detective Joseph Quinn.

There's nothing to worry about here.
Did you guys see anything?

How long have you been out here?
Been out here a while?

- What's your name?
- George Washington King.

- And you called this in?
- Yes, I did.

- You found the body?
- Uh... No, no. Mario did.

- Will you join us, please?
- Ven aqui.

Mario, did you notice anyone else?

Keep my eyes on my work.

I got to go with Freebo on this one.

Means he's stepping out
from wherever he's been hiding.

Not so good for our latest victim
but good for us.


- Yeah.
- Hey, Dex.

Let's grab a beer tonight,
talk about my Jane Doe.

I'd like to help but I have
too much to deal with right now.

What do you have to deal with?

Rita's pregnant.

Say again?

Rita's pregnant.

You're lying!

- I'm not lying.
- A baby?

A motherfucking roly-poly, chubby-cheeked
shit-machine? Are you kidding me?

Well, I've never heard it described
in quite those words before, but yeah.

That's so great!

I'm so happy for you guys.

Well, thank you.

Hmm... Baby on board.

I've got to get on board.

Grab a sweater. It'll get cool later.


You OK?

I always get my morning sickness
late in the day.

You want to stay home?
We don't have to go.

- No.
- The Prados will understand.

No. I was looking forward to seeing Syl.
I know you love hanging out with Miguel.

Miguel. My new bestest friend.

Besides, the doctor says
the way I'm feeling is fine.

What else did the doctor say?

He asked me a million questions
about my medical history.

There's a form for you to fill out too,
but I told him you were adopted.

I mean...
Are there any details that you do know?

Like "Mom was killed by a chainsaw,
my brother was killed by...

"well, me." That kind of stuff?

No, I don't really know anything.

Well, it's OK.

I could go to the doctor
and get checked out, if you want.

- You'd do that?
- Of course.

I'm glad we're in this together, Dexter.

You'll make a good father.

You know, if you want to.

- Here. It'll help settle your stomach.
- Thank you.

- How are you doing with everything else?
- Good.

I feel better about it now.

- Actually kind of excited.
- Good. And Dexter?

Mm. I think he's still
a little overwhelmed by everything.

Ugh! Men, they're such babies.

They need to be carried
kicking and screaming into fatherhood.

I guess they're just scared
about losing their freedom.

Dexter. I don't know if you officially
got to meet my other brother, Ramon.

Beautiful wife, Sara.

- Nice to meet you.
- You too.

- Sheriff's department, right?
- That's right.

So you're the guy that Miguel
is always talking about?

- Oh?
- Oh, don't worry. Like they say, it's all good.

Yeah, if good means being part of the team

that's never going to catch
our brother's murderer.

My gracious brother.
We'll grab a beer?

- Gracias, mi amigo.
- Para servir.

Free beer. Must be nice to be you.

A lot of people appreciate
knowing that I'm on their side.

I understand you're soon to be a father.


Some mixed emotions there?

No. It's just...

Yeah, mixed emotions.

I don't know what's more complicated,
having a father or being one but...

it's good to know you're not taking it lightly.

- You'll see your way through it.
- Hope so.

So, uh... our friend Freebo...

...has he come back from the dead
or are the police mistaken?

I'd venture to guess the police are mistaken.

You're positive?

Miguel, he's dead.

I believe you.

Well, good.

You just, uh, seem a little...

Cómo anda, chiquitico?

You seem a little unsettled
with the whole thing.

That's what he's looking for.
A sign that I'm normal.

To be honest,
I haven't been sleeping too well lately.

Just know you did the right thing, my friend.

And it will never be forgotten.

A full day of work,
an evening of socializing,

and now, finally,
the calm, cool aloneness of my apartment.

Hello, Nathan Marten, Cheerios man.

My animal instincts are never wrong.

Hello, Nathan Marten, sexual predator.

You did four years
at South Bay Correctional Facility.

Your official status is "released".

Which leaves you free
to slither about the earth.

- Miguel.
- I went back to my office

to finish up with some paperwork,
and it just... it kept on nagging at me.

¡Coño! What Ramon said to you.
I wanted to apologize.

It's really not necessary.

At least share a drink with me.

Yeah, I'll grab some glasses.

Showing up late at night like this,
is it creepy, or just what friends do?

How 'bout out here?

My father, he caught me drinking
from his bottle of rum when I was, like, 12.

- Yeah.
- He grabbed that bottle, he threw it at me.

Eight stitches,
right in the back of my head right there.


He was a college professor back in Cuba.

Once he got married
and had a couple of kids, he realized,

time to get away from Castro's world.

So we came over on one of these
old fishing boats. I was, like, five.

Dexter. The boat actually sank
50 yards from the shore!

My mother had to grab Ramon, my father
grabbed me and they swam to the shore.

- Wet foot, dry foot.
- Sounds brave.


Yeah, he was a real hero, my father was.

He spent the rest of his life telling everybody
what a great man he could have been

if it wasn't for Castro.

The more he drank, the greater he became.


I would look at him and tell myself,
"I'm not going to be like him."

You succeeded.

Yes, I did.

You know what the funny thing is?
In his eyes, I was a failure.

I could never measure up!

My father was disgusted by me.


Well, no offence to the dead,
but your father was an idiot.

Never said that to anyone before.
Not Rita. Not to my sister.

Yeah, yeah, but, Dexter,
they wouldn't understand.

You know? They don't know what it is to be a
man, to be a son. All that fuckin' pressure.

You can grow up and be exactly the man
your father molded you to be, and still...

Not be good enough!


It was even harder on Oscar.

By the time he was born
my father was hardly even around.

I mean, I tried to take care of him,
look after... You know.

I'm sorry.

That I killed him.

To Oscar.

To Oscar.

So, Dexter...

I think I have an answer
for our other little problem.

- Oh?
- Yes, I think I got it all figured out.

All we have to do is get Freebo's body,
we dump it, then I can call Ramon,

tell him that I received an anonymous tip
about where Freebo can be found.

That would close the case.
And we can all put it behind us.

- Sorry, it's not possible.
- Of course it is. I'll help.

Miguel, the body is... gone.

I'll get it. Just tell me where it is.

He's not going to give up.
He needs to see something.

I'll take you there.

Tomorrow. Huh? Lunch time.

- OK.
- I'll pick you up.

But look, Dexter, you're not
in this alone, huh? It's you and me.


That's the problem.
This whole "together" thing.

- Hey, stranger.
- Shit.

It's one thing for you to come to the club,
but don't track me down all over the place.

I called you three times.

If you'd bothered to return those calls,
you could have picked the location.

No, I'm sorry, it doesn't work that way.


This is bullshit. What do you want?

Tell me about Javier.

OK, in case you haven't heard, he's dead.

- I have heard. What else do you know?
- You were one of the last to talk to him.

Having a conversation with you
can be dangerous to one's health.

- Who had problems with Javier?
- I don't know.

I'm thinking I shouldn't give you more names
or they might end up dead too.

- You better give me something, Anton!
- I don't like you talking to me that way.

I'm sorry. I didn't realize
you were such a high-class snitch.

No part of me needs this,
so why don't you just let me out of here?

- Not till I get some answers.
- Am I your prisoner?

Look, we have a deal! And I'm
not leaving until I get some information!

- I know what'll make you leave.
- What the fuck? Get rid of that.

Don't want anyone to know you came to the
men's room with your CI and lit up a joint.

- Fuckin' flush it.
- I can't flush this mama.

This is premium Island Lady.

- If you light that, I'll arrest you.
- Don't worry, there's more than enough.

I'll share.

I told you not to fucking do it!

It seems ironic that I,
an expert on human dismemberment,

have to pay $800
to have myself virtually dissected.

Check out this brain. This one belonged
to a serial killer executed last month.

Killed 11 women.

Then he really snapped.

Killed his wife, two kids
and the neighbor's dog.

Why are you showing me this?

Look how much smaller
the right hemisphere is.

This guy sure doesn't process
a lot of emotions, huh?

And you see all this activity
in the subcortex region?

That's where feelings of aggression
and violence come from.

- Why are you...
- Because, look.

It's exactly the same as your brain, Dex.

Freebo's final resting place.


They dig the graves the day before,
they place a tarp over each one.

It wasn't that hard
to bring Freebo here late at night,

find an open grave to place his body in
and then to cover it up with a foot of dirt.

Then the next day they lower a 500-pound
casket on top of him, cover it all up with dirt.

Hiding a body in a cemetery.
You're fucking brilliant.

I'll just get a judge
to issue an exhumation order now,

- and then we...
- I need you to not do that.

I've never done this before. I don't
know what evidence I left on the body.

Hair and fibers...
I can't have it traced back to me.

Fair enough, fair enough.

It does leave us with our next little problem.

What is that?

Well, we still have someone out there
skinning and killing people.

- Yes, we do.
- Your homicide squad think it's Freebo.

They're wasting time and energy
looking for a dead man, when...

the real killer, whoever that might be,
is out there walking free.

- Well, how's that our problem?
- Because justice isn't being served.

Of course, of course.

We have to steer the police
in the right direction.

- How do we do this?
- I don't have a fucking clue.

But I've a feeling you're not going to
leave me alone until we figure this out.


What do you think about cowboys?


Rugged American heroes?

- No, I meant for the baby's room.
- Oh.


We can do something different if you want.

Yeah, cowboys are... fine.

Hey, are you ready to go to that yoga class?


Astor! Cody! Come on, let's go.

Nathan Marten.

As the sun begins to set,
the lowly scavengers reveal themselves.

Hey, it's the Cheerios man.

- Who?
- The guy from the grocery store.

- What guy?
- The man who talked to me. Dexter knows.

Who is he?

He's no one to be concerned about.

Because in a land of predators,
a lion never fears the jackal.

And here we go into another warrior pose.

Feel your hips open up.

We are strong warriors.
All of us.

This is absolutely, without a doubt,
the worst moment of my life.

Now let's go into a little freeform yoga.
Just let yourself dance.

I was wrong. This is.

See the dust dancing against the sunlight.

Be as beautiful
as the golden flakes of dust, Dexter.

I could probably kill her
before anyone realized what happened.


Now I want all the partners
to turn and face their pregnant women.

Take your hand and place it on her belly.

And I want you to send all of your
positive intentions to your unborn baby.

I'm sorry.
I just don't want to hurt you.

Good morning, Mr. Prado.

Are you satisfied
with the sentencing of Chicky Hines?

I am. I pushed for the maximum
on this case, and I got it, and for just cause.

With Mr. Hines behind bars
for a very long time,

I'm hoping that the families of his victims
can finally find some peace. Thank you.

- Miguel.
- Maria.

- Another win for our team, huh?
- I have to admit, I'm a little confused.

What happened
with the witness I gave you?

I thought he had information
that exonerated Chicky Hines?

I reviewed his statement,
it just didn't add up.

I thought it at least merited
a conversation with him.

I see this kind of stuff all the time.
I know you do too.

Scumbags trying to play the system,
doing whatever they can to stay out of jail.

Um... Trust me on this one, hmm?

Ms. Wolf, do you have a statement?

I imagine Assistant District Attorney Prado
is going to go home now,

strip down to his American flag underwear
and pour himself a nice crime-fighting drink,

make a few fundraising phone calls
for his upcoming run for DA,

but the truth is, he just sent
an innocent man to prison for 20 years.

Ugh! He should be ashamed of himself.
It's despicable.

- Someone's gotta know who she is.
- No luck?

I'm thinking of putting
her picture on milk cartons.

- Not a bad idea.
- Except nobody would ever drink milk again.

- Why the fuck did you lock up my CI?
- Why do you keep calling him your CI?

Is there something you're not telling us?

You're very curious about me, aren't you?

Look at you, changing the subject.

Hey, Sarge. Um, can you ask
Officer Morgan why my CI's in lockup?

He was antagonistic.
He produced a joint.

I warned him not to light it
or I'd have to bust him.

He lit it. I knew I couldn't back down or
he'd never have to cooperate with me again.

He practically arrested himself.

That makes sense to me.
Got a problem with that?

- No.
- Good.

Cut him loose.

- Do I know you?
- We met at the grocery store the other day.

I don't recall.

You asked my girlfriend's daughter
to help you find the Cheerios.

Oh. Right, right, right.

- So what can I do for you?
- Shut the fuck up, Nathan.

- Stay away from my kids.
- What?

Sorry, buddy,
you got the wrong idea.

Saw you at the beach yesterday
with your camera.

I'm a photographer.
I always have a camera with me.

I know who you are.

I know what you are.


Once I made a horrible mistake
and I paid the price for it.

I did my time.

But I'm not like that anymore.

I learned my lesson.
I've changed.

You haven't changed.
It's impossible.

We are what we are.

Night. Good for the hunter.
Bad for the hunted.

Nathan Marten,
is your past the prologue to your future?

From the outside, he looks normal.

But like me, his brain is flawed and he
has a compulsion he's unable to control.

We're really not so different,
Nathan and I.

Except that I would never hurt a child.

Then again,
Nathan has never killed anyone.

Which means he doesn't fit my code.

I have other problems to deal with
besides Nathan.

Miguel Prado...

...and Teegan Campbell.

If I take care of one,
I take care of the other.

It's a new day in Miami.

Perfect time to help Deb help herself.

One of the things
that makes my sister a good cop

is that she's like a dog with a bone.

Once she's got her teeth into something,
she'll never let go.

All I have to do is lead her to the bone.

Hey, Papa!

Oh, hi.

Oh, God. Almost forgot.

- Isn't it great?
- Nice.

Have you started thinking about names?

Not that I want to push it on you,

but if you have a girl,
Debra's a really good name.

- Deb, I should tell you...
- My God. What happened?

Nothing happened.

It's just I'm not sure
I'm going to be there to raise the baby.


I don't know if I'm going
to be a father to the kid.


Of course you are, you moron.

- Deb...
- Shut the fuck up!

How could you even say
you're not going to be a father to that kid?

I mean, where would you be without Harry?
And he wasn't even your biological father.

I just think I'm gonna be a lousy father.
I don't want to screw the kid up.

- Would you please stop doing that?
- Then stop saying stupid things!

I mean, first of all, who are we kidding?
You're gonna be a great father.

And second, and much more important,
big dumb brother of mine...

this isn't about you.

Who's it about?

The baby.

So it doesn't matter how scared you are,

how reluctant or unprepared you might feel,
the baby comes first.

And that baby needs you.

So you're just going
to have to set aside all...

Holy shit. That's my Jane Doe.

It's about time.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah, that's her. Teegan Campbell.

- It looks like her.
- Yeah, I gotta go, Dex. This is big.

- What's that for?
- I know you, Dex.

You're the best brother in the world,
and you can do this.

And if you don't trust yourself, trust me.

I'm the smart one in the family.

They look motivated.

- Anything?
- Claro. Once Morgan found out

that Jane Doe was Teegan Campbell,
it was a quick step to find her apartment.

- Guess who'd been hiding out there?
- Freebo. His shit was everywhere.

- All kinds of fresh fingerprint evidence.
- That's good.

Fucking guy's got an airtight alibi.
We checked the call logs.

Freebo called Abby Wilson 4 hours before
the estimated time of Teegan's murder.

- We followed up with Abby.
- But get this.

She's saying she spent
all day in bed with Freebo.

If that theory holds,
that means Freebo didn't kill Teegan.

And there are several calls from this phone
to Teegan's cell after she was killed.

Assuming Freebo made those calls,
he may not even know that she's dead.

We know Javier was killed
by the same person who killed Teegan,

so he's off the hook for that as well.

I was just telling Miguel
how we weren't giving up on Freebo.

Now I have to call him
and tell him he's probably right?

Freebo's probably long gone?

- Looks that way.
- ¡Ay!

- What is that?
- Oh... Uh...

- You stuck a piece of chewing gum on it?
- I'm sorry.

This is a deliberate insult
against me and my people!

- Come on! Come on!
- Ass-wipe.

- Who the fuck are his people?
- I don't know.

Little scientists, I guess.

The lieutenant's right.
We're starting all over here.

We need to get out there
and see what we can shake loose.

We're looking at two cases now.

Ramos, liaison with tri-state PD
on the Freebo situation.

Quinn, Morgan, you stay on the Skinner.

And you need to mend fences with that Cl.

He's part of that world. We need
all the help we can get on this. OK?



Lucky break, huh?
Seeing that flyer?

You make your own luck.

And now that I've dealt with Teegan...

- Yep?
- Hi, it's Dexter. Good news.

I was going to call you.
We need to meet.

Uh... OK.

Today, right after work.
Under the bridge near the beach club.

Hey, Dexter.


So you said on the phone
we have good news.


It was just the other day
that I was stressing the importance

of getting the police off of the Freebo trail.

And today, suddenly, I get the word
that the police have done exactly that.

I don't know how you did it, Dexter,
but I'm impressed.

Actually, it wasn't me at all.
It was my sister, Debra.

You're a little uneasy with compliments,
aren't you?

We all need to be liked.

I also notice that you always
have your guard up around me.

Oh, that's not true.

Ah, it's OK.

Actually, it's a good thing.
I appreciate that you're a cautious man.

It's actually a very valuable trait to have,
especially considering our circumstances.

It's just my nature.

I just want you to know,
you don't have to worry about me.

We're on the same side here.

Honestly, I try to avoid
taking sides in most situations.

There you go again, always being careful.

OK. Come on.

I got a gift for you.

A gift?

You know, when you took care of
my brother's murderer...

you gave me, uh, peace.

Now let me give you peace.

A shirt?

The shirt. This is the shirt I was wearing
when Freebo met his end.

That's his blood, right there.

This shirt implicates me in his death.

Accessory after the fact.

- Why?
- Because I trust you.

I trust you.

And I want you to trust me.

Same question. Why?

Because I like you.

I like working with you.

You're a good man, Dexter Morgan.

You got a lot of potential in you.

Sometimes I think that you are
the only one who doesn't know that.

So I'm gonna be seeing you again soon.
All right?

Yep. OK.

Is it possible I've actually made a friend?
Someone I can trust with my dark secrets?

Or am I being foolish
for even asking myself these questions?


- Hey, if you've come to arrest me, I'm clean.
- I don't even have my cuffs.

Look... Anton...

I feel...

not good about what happened.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Came on a little strong, didn't you?
- You kinda pushed me into it, didn't you?

Yeah, OK. I'll admit that.

All right, so, um... I feel...

not good too.


I've even been working on a song for you.

Kind of an apology.

- No fucking way!
- Yeah, yeah. Um...

It's, uh...

It's not done yet.

Hey, you.

Hey, Dexter. I was wondering
if you were coming by later tonight.

If I do, it'll be pretty late.
I've got some work stuff I gotta take care of.

Well, you think you could get a chance
to pick up some milk for the kids?

For their cereal in the morning.

I'll try to remember.

♪ Es una puta flaca mala

♪ Eso es exactamente lo que es

- ♪ Te va a dar por los cojones
- Ay!

♪ Y después
♪ Te arrastrará a la cárcel

♪ Se reirá

♪ Por todo el camino

♪ De ti

♪ ¿Por qué?

♪ Puta, flaca, mala

♪ Puta, flaca...
♪ iMala!

♪ Puta, flaca, mala...

- He wrote this for me!
- You're the puta mala flaca?

- Yeah, that's me.
- She's the skinny mean bitch!

♪ Puta flaca...
♪ iMala!


So here I am again. Drawn to the
house of a man who doesn't meet the code.

But maybe there's another code.

A code that says,
"You've stepped uninvited into my world."

And that's a place
where I decide who gets to live...

and who doesn't.

I am not like you!

Nobody hurts my children.

It's milk.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

So how was your day?

Um... Long.

- You?
- It was good.

Yeah, mine was good too.

Took care of some stuff... I needed to do.

Mm. That always feels nice.

Just sending out
my positive intentions to our baby.

So there it is.
I'm going to be a father, and raise my child.

It's what any good man would do.

After all...

it's a jungle out there.