Dexter (2006–2013): Season 1, Episode 11 - Truth Be Told - full transcript

The Ice Truck Killer strikes again, leaving a bloody scene before Christmas at a holiday-themed park.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
DEXTER 01x11.

Previously on "Dexter"...

So if you or
that skinny bitch

try to screw
with what's mine,

I swear to God,
I don't care who I have to hurt.

Let's face it, Paul.

You've been a problem.

It's time for you to go away.

It's Paul.

He violated Florida's
three-strikes law.

The cops picked him up
totally strung out on heroin.

He's back in jail.

Holy shit!
They're fucking fingertips.

He started getting all rough
with me until he saw this.

Then what?

Then he changed his tune,
got all turned on.

Told me to take
my fake hand off.

He takes all my nail polish

and paints each nail
a different color.

- Menthol?
- Like cough drops.

I could hear them clicking
against his teeth when he...

Son of a bitch loved
those fucking lozenges.

I was confused
because I love you.

What did you say?

I love you.

I love you, too.

What happened to your lip?

No, it's -- I had an incident
with a tool at the workshop.

I need an ambulance at
1228 Calendar Street.

A guy's been stabbed.

I've never had much use
for the concept of hell,

but if hell exists, I'm in it.

The same images running
through my head over and over.

I was there.

I saw my mother's death.

A buried memory,
forgotten all these years.

It climbed inside me that day.

And it's been with
me ever since --

My dark passenger.

You should be focusing
on me, socio.

Seriously want to get the motherfucker
that did this to Batista.

You all right?

I'm okay.

I'm just, you know,
distraught about Angel.

How's he doing?
Do we know?

Still in surgery.

Laguerta's there.

God, I hate feeling
so helpless.

What, no jokes about
providing gross sexual comfort

in a time of crisis?

Our friend was stabbed...

And he might die.

Officer Morgan.

What do you think, Dex?

He put up a fight.
There was a struggle.

Attaboy, Angel.

Here, this trail --

Steady stream of drops.

He had a few seconds.
Tried to move away until --

till he fell.

So much blood.

What's happening to me?

No way.

You're the one I'm
supposed to meet.

In the flesh.

You know, I was just talking
to someone about you.

That tickles.

Don't stop.

I wouldn't dream of stopping.

You're so different
this time --


Are you gonna try and get all
pervy with my stump again?

Actually, your...

...imperfection is what
saved you the first time.

Saved me from what?

True artistry.

The message of my work is --

not in the product itself,

rather the presentation.

That wrinkled flesh

on your radial carpal joint
is far from perfect.

It's quite unsightly, actually.

Hey, you don't have to
be an asshole about it.

Hey, hey, no, no, no.
Shh, shh, shh.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to offend.


I'm thankful for you.

You're my escape plan.

Escape from what?

The police.

Because of you,
I've had to speed up my...


I need something to
distract them by.

And I always found

a freshly chopped-up body
always does the trick.

Wait, wait!

Don't struggle.

That never helps.

I'm compressing your
carotid artery,

and that is cutting off
oxygen to your brain.

In about 10 seconds,

you'll be unconscious.

Hey, it's Rudy.
Leave a message.

Okay, I guess you went to bed.

Or you fell asleep on the
couch watching "Xena" reruns,

which I still think
makes you a dork.

Either way, call me
when you get this, okay?

Miss you.

He's still in surgery, but

I don't know when
we'll hear anything.

So I guess you won't be
coming over tonight.

I mean, I can't.

I understand.

You need to be there
for your friend.

I haven't told the kids yet.

Told them about Angel?

No, about Paul...

Being back in prison?

I hate breaking their hearts.
They think so much of their dad now.


You know what?

Focus on Angel.
We can talk about this later.


They're actually coming
out right now. I got to go.

Angel sustained severe
internal injuries.

He lost a lot of blood.


the surgery was successful.

It looks like our
boy's out of the woods.

I know I should stay,

be a part of the group hug.

But I can't focus.

I'm trapped in the
clutches of a memory.

I need to know what it means.


What the fuck is
wrong with you?

I have someplace I have to be.

Well, we all got
someplace to be.

But you just found out

that somebody who was supposed
to be your friend is gonna live.

Does that make
you feel anything?

Anything at all?

Take your fucking hand off me.

Just what I always thought.


* Deck the halls with
parts of bodies *

* La-da-da-da dum *

Just what I need.

- Hey.
- I know it's late.

I guess you didn't
get my message.

I drove by and saw your car.

I can go.

Get your ass in here.

It's about time you see
where I live anyway.

You have no idea
how much I needed this.

You feel good.

And cold.
You're freezing!

Well, then stay
and keep me warm.

This Batista thing has
gotten to you, hasn't it?

Angel's daughter was there.

That's got to be rough.

Daughter of a cop --

Just like you.


I remember what that's like --

Kissing your father goodbye,

always afraid it's
for the last time.

Let's get out of town
for the weekend --

Just the two of us.

We need to talk.

I'm sitting right here.


The time has got to be right.


It'll have to wait...

At least till we catch the
asshole who did this to Batista.

Let me warn you --
I can be very persistent.

I need to get out of town,

and I need you...

to come...

with me.

What I need is sleep,

which is not gonna be easy.

I'm totally wired
from all this shit.

Well, lucky for you,

I have the perfect cure.

My loving arms.


I got a little thing
to help you sleep.

That ain't no little thing.

I meant Valium.

It's one of the perks
working at the hospital.

Wine and Valium?

I'll be totally helpless.

You read my mind.

Well, as I live and breathe!

You miss me?

You and the bear claws you're
hiding behind your back.

This must be important.

Haven't seen much
of you lately.

No rest for the wicked.

How's Gene?

Good days and bad.

He just finished his
first round of radiation.

Well, he's a good guy.

Not much of a bridge
player, though.

Harry and Gene used to get

so mad every time Doris and I
would take them to the cleaners.

I was hoping you could dig
up an old case file for me.

Well, sure thing.

Got a date?

Not exactly.

It's the crime scene
where Harry found me.

I wish I could help, but...

everything from that
long ago is boxed up

in the basement at City Hall.

And... as you can see,

I'm up to my you-know-what
in year-end reports, so...

It's my lieutenant.

Camilla, is there
anything you remember?

What I remember, Dexter Morgan,
is your father caring enough

to bring you into his home
and give you a loving family.

I wouldn't keep your
lieutenant waiting.

Who found the body parts?

I did.

They were left under the tree.

I thought it was the crew from
last night just messing around...

Till I found the head.

I told him not to touch anything,
but he never listens.

God, Patty,
you're such a bitch.

Did you guys see anything
out of the ordinary

before you found the body?

There were some broken
ornaments by the tree.

Who could do something like
this so close to Christmas?

The Grinch.

Oh, you're a fucking riot, Max!

Like anyone's gonna go
shopping down here after this.

- There go our jobs.
- Thank you for your cooperation.

Oh, sucks to be an elf.

...Get some visual surveillance.

I got here as fast as I could.
What are we looking at?

Female victim.
Cut up into pieces.

The ice-truck killer?
So soon?

Yep. And after the bloodbath
at the hotel,

can't wait to see
how the captain's gonna

handle the press
on this one.

- James!
- Yeah?

I need you to walk
Dexter to the crime scene.

And will somebody turn off
this goddamn snow machine?!

Your sister can help you out.

That a whole sexual-tension
thing or am I missing something?


It's the same numbers he
left at Marina View hotel.

Any leads as to what they mean?

We've talked to numerologists,


code breakers
-- Nothing.

They need more to go on.

First he turns my whole world inside
out with a carnival of blood.

Now he leaves me this --

A calming oasis in the
desert of my confusion.

It doesn't make sense.

Crime scene's wiped clean.

Another hooker?

Ho, ho, ho --
Another dead ho.

Somebody's been naughty.

Hey, Morgan.

Want to sit on my lap
when we're done

and tell me what you
want for Christmas?

And he's back!

No, thanks.

Last thing on my wish list

is a burning sensation
when I pee.

This doesn't seem right.

Body parts scattered
among the presents.

Broken ornaments.

It's not his usual
meticulous style.

It seems rushed...


That would explain why we
can't find one of the hands.

What's wrong?

There's something
underneath the torso.

Merry Christmas, Miami.

After all this time,

why do you think the ice-truck
killer has struck again?

Any answer at this time would
be pure speculation on my part.

Do you think it has any
connection with your department's

handling of the
Neil Perry fiasco?


"You've arrested
the wrong man.

"Made the world think
I'm a rank amateur,

"and I'm very,
very angry

"to answer for your mistakes."

Stop the tape.

What are you doing?

Look at her tears.
They're rolling up.

Oh, my God.

Bastard's got her upside down.

That's how he bleeds them out.
He strings them up like meat.

No, please, no --

All right, turn it off.

I'll have the tape sent to
the station for analysis.

Sergeant Doakes,
you're on point.

With all due respect, sir,

lieutenant Laguerta's in
charge of this investigation.

Not anymore.

The fact is we haven't
been able to catch this guy,

and now he's rubbing
our noses in it.

We've got to come up
with some fresh ideas.

This is some bullshit.
I'll go talk to him.

No, no, no.
Do as he says.

The commissioner has
his ass in a sling.

He's up for review.
Word is he's getting the boot.

So you're just gonna
sit back and take this?

Well, if it means being seen
as his worthy successor...

I'll be at the hospital.

All right, P.B. and J. inside,

cut diagonally,
not straight across.

Tastes better that way.

Has dad said
if he's coming over

Christmas eve
or Christmas morning?

I miss him.

I'm afraid your dad's not

gonna make it this
year for the holidays.

Where is he?

Well, uh...he's --

He's back in jail,
isn't he?

Look, I know he wanted
to say goodbye,

but there wasn't any time.

He loves you guys so much.

I forgot my math book.

I'm -- I'm sure he'd love
to hear from you.

We could write him a letter.

It's all your fault.

You could at least pretend
you want to be here.

You're the one who had
the urgent need for tacos.

Yeah, so we could
talk about Rudy.

He's been acting weird lately.

Last night he said
we need to talk.

Well, that's never good.

Well, thanks.
I feel a lot better.

I've only been obsessing
about this all day.

Think you could
talk to him for me?

Look, it's Rudy.

I sort of called him.

Dex, Deb didn't tell me
you'd be joining us.

Apparently she's had
a lot on her mind.

Oh, shit.

That's work.
I have to go.

Here, take mine.

What's with your lip?

Deb catch you with
a right hook?

She can be pretty
protective with the remote.

I had a little... workshop
accident this morning.

Doesn't look like it
happened this morning.

The cut's already closing up.

Did I say--
I meant yesterday morning.

I think I'm working too hard.

Anyway, I don't think
my lip is why

Deb arranged
this little chitchat.

My sister is afraid there
may be trouble in paradise.

Your sister's wrong.

So this whole "need
to talk" thing?

I'm starting to look
at the big picture.

She's someone that

I could see spending the rest
of my life with, you know?

No, I don't know.

But I do know that Deb's
falling for you...


You hurt her...

- And you'll hurt me.
- Something like that.

Angel, se recupera.

Angel va a estar en la
casa para la Navidad.

El es un hombre fuerte y strong.

Y adem?s...

I'm tired of hearing
you two gallinas cluck.

Hey, you.

You had us so worried.

If I'd have known that

this would get you back
in the same room with me,

I would have gotten
stabbed sooner.

I'm gonna get the doctor.

No, no, no.
What are you doing?

No, dejalo.

The doctor said you're lucky
to be alive

and still have a liver.

That's why I got two, right?

It's a good thing you
decided to be a cop.

Tell me that you
caught the cocksucker

that ruined one of
my best shirts.

We don't have any leads.

Did you see anything?


He was behind me.

I just felt the blade go in.

It happened so fast.


How long has
Nina been here?

She was the first
one at the hospital.

She's been with
you the whole time.

Yo no s? porque, pero...

My mother was murdered
before my eyes.

Makes sense I'd choose a life

where I search
for meaning in blood.

The sole memory I have of
her is being covered in it.

I need to know more details.

I hope that look means
you found something

on Batista's shirt.

You should see this.

That's what I drove all the
way back from the hospital for?

This drop of blood doesn't
match the wound pattern

or the spatter from the
rest of Batista's shirt,

and look where it is --
On the inside of the back collar.

Angel is stabbed from behind.

You think
it's the attacker's blood?

We know Batista fought back.

Well, run the DNA.

If this guy's got priors,

we'll get a hit
on the database.

Already sent a
sample to the lab.

All right, let's get this together.
Come on, let's go.

Sorry to hear...
You know,

about Matthews taking
you off the case.

Last gasp of a desperate man.

Things are gonna
change around here.

And I won't forget your help.

"And I'm very, very angry."

"Oh, God, no!
No, please!"

I can't watch this again.

I know it's tough, but just keep
your eyes on the monitor.

Wait --
What was that?

The camera tilts up

right before he hits
the off switch.


That, my friends,
is a monster refrigeration unit.

He needs it cold to preserve
the bodies. We knew that.

But check this out.

Look how much space there is
between her feet and the ceiling.

This room is way bigger

than your standard
commercial freezer.

Most likely it was
a custom build.

So we should focus our search

on commercial districts.



You think he built
this in his own place?

He picks up hookers, right?

I worked Vice.

The smart girls know
not to go near a factory

or a warehouse unless you
never want to be seen again.

How do we know

he didn't knock out his victims

or drug them,

then take them back
to a warehouse?

None of the other victims
showed any signs of head injury

or narcotics.

Besides, what better
way to trap a victim

than to get her to walk
into your own home?

The escort service said
she was meeting her client

at the corner of Brickell
Avenue and Coral Way.

And her body was found
at Santa's cottage,

which is on Biscayne mall.

We'll map out grids.

We'll focus on
private residences

drawing large amounts of
power near those areas.

We catch a break...

We'll catch this
son of a bitch.

Wait! Where the hell
are you going?

I need to do some
research on a case.

You were supposed to call me
after your lunch with Rudy.

I've been freaking out!

He sent me this text message.

"Cum sail away with me?"

He misspelled "come."


This is no time to joke.

This is good, right?
A romantic weekend?

What did he say to you?

Oh, wait, no.

Don't tell me.

Maybe he wants
it to be a surprise.

Unless I should know.
Should I know?


Tell me.

You know, no.

"We need to talk"?

Who says that unless
you're getting dumped?

I don't think that's
what this is about.

He probably wants me out on the
water in case I make a scene.

You know, I always do this.

I put myself out there.
I set myself up to get hurt.

He wants to be part
of the family.





I have to get to the
library before it closes,

but we'll talk about
this later, okay?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

I was never one to
dwell on my past,

always content to
leave it a mystery.

No details --

Just a blur of images
rushing by.

But my friend out there wants to
bring those memories into focus.

So do I.

This is it for the Metro
News for 1972 through 1973.

The Tribune's archives...


1-0-3 --
Same as the hotel,

same as Santa's cottage.

This is what he wanted
me to find all along.

Close your eyes.

Don't look.

Laura Moser...

My mother.

No wonder I felt so
disconnected my entire life.

If I did have emotions,
I'd have to feel...


October 3, 1973.

Laura Moser and three others
found chopped up with a chain saw.

Apparently a drug dealer
didn't appreciate

Laura and her friends
stealing his cocaine.

First officer on scene
was Harry Morgan.

You've been busy.

A crime that big

and yet there's no record
of the case file at City Hall,

that seems a bit odd.
Don't you think?

It's a long time ago.

What is in that report that
Harry didn't want me to see?!

Why was there no mention
in any of the newspapers

about a 3-year-old boy
at the crime scene?!


Damn it, I need to know.
I need that file.

I can't give you the file
'cause it no longer exists.

I destroyed it the day your
adoption went through.

You did what?

Made a promise to your father.

Why, to protect him?

To protect you.

Harry had a code.

He'd never ask you
to destroy evidence.

Your father was a decent
man and an honest cop,

but what he saw in that
cargo container changed him.

You were left there for days,


in blood 2 inches thick.


Cody's run away!

Are you sure?

I've looked everywhere.

Well, call the police.
I'll be right there.



I need to know the truth.


Leave this one alone.

I can't sit here like this.

I should be out there
doing something.

Rita, the police said
you need to stay here

in case Cody comes home.

The neighbors are helping.
We'll find him.

Yeah, but one squad
car for all of Miami?

What if some crazy person
picked him up off the street?

It's all my fault.

Honey, what are
you talking about?

I should have heard
Cody get out of bed.

I'm his big sister.

Hey. Hey, look at me.

It's not your fault, okay?


Could you go get
Dexter some water?


I should have seen
this coming.

Cody was so upset with me

when I told him that
Paul was back in jail.


Today's Thursday, right?


I think I know
where Cody might be.


Need a push?

Today's the day you meet
daddy in the park, huh?

He'll be here.

Oh, baby, I'm so sorry,

but he's not coming back --

not for a long time.

Look, we'll talk about this
when we get home, okay?

After all the lies Harry
left for me to uncover,

I'd love to run away, too.

He won't even look at me.

I'm not the one in jail,

and yet I'm still the bad guy.

Well, you didn't tell
them the truth...

About their father.

I told them Paul
was back in jail.

Well, right,
you told them where he is,

but you didn't tell them
who he is. He's still the same --

drug-using, wife-beating
redneck he always was.

They should hear that.

You're not a parent.
You don't understand.

You do anything to
protect your kids.

Rita, wake up.
You're not protecting them.

You're protecting Paul.

Well, I --
I got to get them home.

Somebody's in a good mood.

The commissioner and the review board
did not look happy this morning.

They've been in Matthews'
office for two hours.

You thinking his ass is about
three shades of red right now?

I don't care what color it is

as long as it's on
its way out the door.

Tell me that did
not just happen.

It's who you know
and who you blow.

Probably picking their
fucking tee time.

Maria, watch your back.

He's gonna be gunning for
you now more than ever.

Let him try.

My man Juan,
hook it up.

They didn't have
"Road and Track" so...

That better be a
bag of applesauce.

Okay, Juan, at this point,
you should go save yourself. Go.

You got to be kidding me!

Two double-meats?

A man's got to eat.

You're so cute when
you're annoyed.

You know, your mouth makes
those little O's.

God damn it, Angel,

do I look like I'm being
fucking cute with you?

- Well, not now you don't, no.
- Why do you always do this --

make light of
things that matter?

Okay, I'm sorry.

When I come home,
I'll eat anything you want.

No jokes, no complaining --
I promise.

When you come home?

I thought the way things
are going with us...

I thought you'd forgiven me.

Well, of course I forgive you.

I forgave you
a long time ago.

Okay, so let's fix this.

This could be a
second chance for us.


Look, you did what you did.

It was hard.

But it got us to
face the truth.

We were miserable...

for years.

Do you really want
to survive this

and go right back
to being unhappy?


What if I do?

Look, you will always
be Jorge's father.

I will always care about you.

I'll always be here for you.

But our marriage is over.

Why, yes, by all means,
Tom, please, come in.


Let's you and me have a talk.

Congratulations on the review.
I hear it went well.

You must be thrilled.

But now, if you don't mind --

Let me get right to the point.

All our mishaps these
last few months --

Failure to bring in
the ice-truck killer,

mishandling of Tony Tucci...

Even Neil Perry --

Neil Perry was your fuck-up...

Not mine.

They're all the result of
a bad command structure,

and that's my failure.


I'm glad to hear
you say that.

Takes a big man to
admit his own mistakes.

So this morning,

the commissioner gave me the go-ahead
to restructure the division.

Effective immediately, you will
no longer serve as my lieutenant.

I'm sorry.
I know this must be difficult for you.

Please, it's ridiculous.

You really don't
want to do this.

Because of your status
in the Cuban community?

I'm a fucking hero
to this community!

You think they're
just gonna accept it?

Your replacement has
already been selected.

Her name is Esm? Pascal,
a transfer from fort Lauderdale --

A real up-and-comer.

Pascal, the Haitian-American?

The one who got shot last
year in the line of duty.

Turns out
she's an actual hero.

You think I'm gonna stay quiet for this,
you're out of your mind.

I did warn you, Maria.

I'm gonna need you to clear
out this office tonight.

Expect a call from
my union rep.

You want it, you'll always
have a place in the bullpen --

And my fucking lawyer, too!

...with all the other detectives.

This isn't fucking over, Tom!

You goddamn... son of a bitch!

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

How are you?

How the hell do I look?

I can barely remember
how I got here.

Look, there's something
we need to discuss.

If you came for an apology,
you wasted a tank of gas.

I'm not finished.

Fuck you.

Astor and Cody are
in the other room.

Jesus, you brought them here?

Look, I know this
will be difficult,

but I need you to explain to
them why you're in this place.

I have no fucking idea
why I'm in this place!


Fine. You want to be in denial?
Go ahead.

You will never see
your kids again.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Rita, wait, wait.

I fought so hard to
win those kids back,

especially Astor.

If they see me here like this,
I'm gonna lose them forever.


the one good thing that came out
of our marriage are those kids.

And I know you love them.

But if you want to have any kind
of real relationship with them,

it has to be with
the father they have,

not the father they
wish they had.

Now, you cheated on me.

You broke my heart,
you broke my bones,

and I took it

so those kids
wouldn't have to.

But I am giving you the
chance to make it all right.

But not for me,

for them.

wouldn't know what to say.

Tell them you're paying
for your mistakes.

It's a valuable lesson.

It's one you never got.

So what's it gonna be?


- Daddy!
- Daddy!


All right,
this won't take long.

There was a drop of blood

on the back of your
shirt that wasn't yours,

so I need to check
the back of your head.

Just so long as it's only my head
you're checking back there, bro.

How are things
with you and Rita?

Not so good, actually.
We kind of...

had words.
I think I really upset her.

That's rough, man.

Maybe I'm not the
right person for her.

Some people are meant
to be alone, right?

Dex, socio,

alone sucks.

- Hijo de puta!
- Sorry.

Teeth marks.

You definitely wounded this guy.


I hope I broke
his fucking nose...

Or at least gave him a fat lip.

Angel, have you ever met
Deb's boyfriend, Rudy Cooper?

Yeah. I went by his office
a couple of days ago.

Nice guy.


At lunch, Rudy said he'd
hurt his lip that morning.

He was lying, and I was
too distracted to care.

But he's got my
full attention now.

Hey, you here tonight?

Yeah, we're tits-deep in
the ice-truck killer.

Might be onto something.
It's gonna be an all-nighter.

So that text message you got from
Rudy about going away with him --

you're not gonna do that?

Tragically, no.

I was all psyched to meet him
at the Miami Beach marina but

this bullpen's my home
till we finish this.

- Good.
- Good?

I'm working on a theory that
Rudy was gonna propose,

and now he can't --
Why is that good?

No, I meant good that you're
making progress here.

We're getting closer.

Fingers crossed.

At least I know my
sister is safe tonight,

which gives me time to check
out my own theory on Rudy.

We've defined the area for
the residential search.


So we'll start canvassing
tonight. You take the --

That him?

Yeah, how'd you know?

'Cause you got that stupid-ass
grin on your face again.

- Go ahead. Answer it.
- Okay.

- Hey.
- Hey, Supercop.

What's the word?

I'm kind of in a
thing right now.

Got it.
I'll be quick.

You never answered
my text.

Do I have the pleasure of
your company this weekend?

Yeah, about that --

Come on, Deb,
it's only two days.

I know, I know.
It's just --

We've had a major break in
the ice-truck-killer case.

I promise, as soon as we
catch this douchebag,

you and I are gonna spend a
whole week together in bed.

You are not gonna be
able to get rid of me.

Okay, okay but --

- How about dinner?
- Oh, my God, you are persistent.

you got to eat, right?

So why not eat dinner
with me...

on this yacht I'm on?

Where the hell did
you get a yacht?

I rented it.

I thought we'd have a nice
couple days together, but

we could still
have a nice night.

And there is that thing
we need to talk about...

Okay, well, maybe I can take
an hour for dinner.

I can work with an hour.

I mean, a real hour,
not one of your

"let's stretch this
out till 2:00 a.m.

you might as well stay
and have sex" hours.


Real hour. No fakey hour.
Got it.

All right, I'll get out of here
as fast as I can.

I'll see you soon.

Thinking Rudy attacked Batista
doesn't make any sense.

He's a loving boyfriend.

He spends his life
helping people in need.

He brought me steaks.

Well, that's just rude.

Why would loving
and helpful Rudy

need an industrial-grade lock?

And a security camera?

How do I get his DNA now?

At times like this,

I wish the truth was
more easily accessible,

and less --


But Harry taught me
to trust my gut.

"People lie all
the time," he said.

"But your instinct
will never fail you."

Some blood from
a cut lip, perhaps?

[Fuck me!]

I believe your rule specifically
prohibits such action.

Did you do all this?

In fact --
I did.

You like?

I like.

I like so much that it makes what I
have to tell you that much harder.

Oh, please tell me
you're not leaving.

I'm sorry.

I hit traffic. It took
me 30 minutes to get here.

I have to turn around
and go right back.

Oh, my God.
Hold on.

Hold on.

Well, you're sort of
forcing my hand here.

I wanted to wait until we
were out in the water, but...

Here it goes.

I know this seems fast...

But I feel --

I feel that I waited my
whole entire life for you.

And now that you're here,

I don't want you to leave.

Debra Morgan...

Will you marry me?

I knew it!
I fucking knew it!

Is that your version
of a "yes"?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, but --

No, no, no!
Stop at "yes." "Yes", I like that part.

Yes, but let's slow it down,
you know?

Like, let me savor this.
I want to be with you.

I want to enjoy it, you know?
So it's a "yes," but --

- Okay, I get it.
- You do?

No, not really,
but I can work with it.

Good, good.

Oh, God, I can still wear
the ring, right?

Yes, but...

There's a condition.

I know you have to
go to work, but...

If you're gonna wear the ring,
we need to celebrate.

One glass of champagne.
That's all I ask.

- Rudy, I --
- I mean it.

You can't leave
your sort-of fianc?

on a yacht
with a cold meal

and an unopened bottle of champagne.
It's kind of cruel.

Just one glass
of champagne...

to celebrate.

And then you can go back,

saving Miami from
the ice-truck killer.

I can live with that.

Hey, I need these two
tested against each other.

It's kind of a rush.

Excuse me, hi.

Hey, these two --
Tested against each other right now.


It's Deb.
Do it.

Hey, I know you're working,

but let me know when you come up
for air. I need to talk to you.

I'm in the building.

This yacht's amazing.

I didn't know you went
for stuff like this.

Well, you have a whole
lot to learn about me.

Was that just the
phone ringing?

Yeah --
Big brother.

I let it go to voice mail.
He can wait till we're done here.

I want you all to myself.


let the toasting begin.

what comes next.

You're not drinking?

Tastes like menthol,

which, it turns out,
is not that sexy.

What's the matter?


Just bad memories.

That's right.
That was the --

the one clue

the ice-truck killer
left behind, right?


How did you know that?

I don't often make mistakes,

but when I do,
they haunt me.


Your champagne's
gonna get warm.

You know the one thing

I've been dying to ask you?

How did you not know
who I was?

You're a cop.

This isn't funny.

I think a real cop would...

at least have a sense that
she was in the presence

of the person she
was hunting. Right?

You're hurting me.

I didn't show you the
best part of my loft.

Built it myself.

Stop it!

The refrigerated room.

Oh, God,
why are you doing this?!

You know, the tricky part
was getting you on the boat.

The other women
I could just pay.

But at the end...

You made it easy.

So desperate to fall in love.


Dude, you got to see this.

The autopsy on our Santa's
cottage victim? Check it out.

One arm was shorter than the other.
So that got me thinking.

I mean, our guy isn't sloppy.

- He's precise.
- Not now, Vince.

Her left wrist was 2 inches
shorter than her right.

I mean, why? Why cut off more
on the left side than the right?

Because our girl...

Our girl was
a fucking amputee.

I looked up her
medical records.

She had a fake left hand.
That's why we couldn't find it.

The killer cut off that
extra piece of wrist

so that we wouldn't
see the stump.

Let me see that.

That night Batista was stabbed,

he was following up on a lead he
got from a one-handed call girl.

Guess what the lead was about.

The ice-truck killer.


- You sure?
- Positive.

The samples you gave me
were a match.

They're from the same person.

Hey, you all right?

Where's my sister?

Took her code 12.
Left about an hour ago.

She went to dinner?
She wasn't supposed to go anywhere.

Dispatch, this is
Dexter Morgan.

I need you to raise officer
Debra Morgan on her radio.

Sorry, sir. She's been out of
range for the last half-hour.

It's Deb.
Do it.

Where the fuck are you?

I'm here at work, and you're not.
I need to talk to you.

Do not see Rudy
until you find me.

Call me when you get this.
