Devious Maids (2013–2016): Season 3, Episode 8 - Cries and Whispers - full transcript

Carmen gets creative when her new boss invites her on a double date. Zoila gets in the middle of Genevieve and her new boyfriend. Marisol discovers a new side of Jesse. Rosie and Ernesto disagree about her working at the Stappord home. Taylor struggles to deal with the aftermath of the police's latest discovery.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "devious maids"...
-So are you two an item now? -Yep.
I want to see where this goes. So you're fired. But let's just say you quit.
Mm. That's better.
You can stay here with the baby, where you belong.
Would you come with me to greece?
Of course i will.
I'd like to leave a message for one of your hotel guests.
There's an emergency.
Thanks for coming back.
Of all the music people in town,
The only one who wants to sign me is your wife.
You must be carmen luna.
If i'm working with her and sleeping with you,
She's going to figure it out.
I was undercover in the cartel.
Someone tipped them off, so they locked me away.
Will you have dinner with me?
Rosie: Are you asking me on a date?
I don't trust you.
You're in a world of trouble, taylor.
I'm going to a hotel.
Are you going to call me katy forever?
Yes, sweetheart.
That's your name now.
You grew up in méxico, didn't you, katy?
This is blanca's necklace.
Why would she have left it behind?
I don't even know anything! I'm begging you!
[ screams ]
[ gasps ]
Oh, my god.
Reporter: Residents in beverly hills are breathing easier today
Knowing that a killer is off the streets.
I'm standing outside the mansion
Where the body of a local maid was found.
She'd been squatting in this house for weeks
Before taking her own life.
Police believe the woman was responsible
For the death and dismemberment of tennis pro louie becker.
Sources now tell us
A confession was found near the woman's body.
The suspect has been identified as 22-year-old blanca alvarez.
I still can't believe it. Blanca's dead?
And she killed that tennis pro?
And that's the best picture they could find of her?
Blanca was such a sweet girl.
This has to be wrong.
They're saying that she built some kind of shrine to louie.
Sebastien was there with mrs. Powell. He saw it all.
How is evelyn?
She went to a spa to recover.
She said of all the bodies she's found,
This was the most shocking.
Hi. Carmen?
I was so sorry to hear about your friend.
I brought you a latte -- on the house.
Actually, we all knew her.
But carmen's the one who's hurting the most.
Thank you so much, um...
Doug. It's doug.
[ both chuckle ]
That barista's got a serious crush on you.
I know.
And every time i lead him on, i get a free coffee.
Blanca was a murderer, but i'm the bad guy?
She wasn't a murderer!
None of this is true.
This says they were secret lovers.
Blanca didn't even know this tennis guy.
It is strange.
She never once mentioned she was seeing someone.
You think she's been framed?
I told you how katy found blanca's necklace.
What if something bad happened to blanca
At the stappords' house?
Well, if it did, then michael and taylor should know about it.
You have to give them the necklace
So they can handle it with the police.
What if they were involved?
This again. Rosie, enough with the crazy theories.
This is crazy.
Forget about the news.
Forget about the confession.
What does your heart tell you?
Did blanca do this?
Blanca was our friend, and she didn't kill anybody.
But if that's true and this is all a setup,
Then who killed blanca?
[ sighs deeply ]
Oh, that was quite the sigh. Is everything okay?
I just keep thinking about my friend blanca.
Oh. The murderer.
She wasn't a murderer.
She wasn't that, either.
Well, i have some wonderful news
To take your mind off all that.
Christopher's back in town.
Dr. Neff?
I thought he was doing his surgical fellowship in greece.
Well, he cares deeply about his patients,
But, as it turns out, he cares more about me!
Isn't that terrific?
Not for his patients.
Anyway, i thought you should know
Since he's moving in here with us.
What?! Why?!
Well, he rented out his home when he went to greece.
What else can he do?
Stay in greece?
Zoila... What?
You invited me to move in
So i can have a nice, quiet place to wait for the baby.
And it is quiet. Now.
But don't you think it'll be a little crowded
With you and me and...
"dr. Neff. Nice to meet you. I'm a doctor."
Zoila, please.
He's a kind, considerate man.
And he treats me like gold,
So i hope you'll welcome him here with open arms.
When's he planning on moving in?
[ door opens ] christopher: Knock, knock.
It's me.
[ chuckles ] hello, sweetheart.
Hello, chicken.
Zoila. Nice to see you again.
How excited are you to have a doctor for a roommate?
I'm thrilled.
[ indistinct talking ]
Mrs. Taylor, are you okay?
Those detectives are here because of blanca.
It's just... [ sighs ]
It's so horrible.
I know. I can't believe it, either.
Oh. Here.
Maybe you should go lie down, hmm?
[ door opens ] michael: Thank you.
Thank you, lieutenant. Take care.
[ door closes ]
What did the police want?
Well, they're just, uh...
They just asked us some questions about blanca.
Mm. But the truth is,
Nothing seemed off with her, except for the way she left.
She left so suddenly.
But i was thinking, what if she didn't go willingly?
What do you mean?
Katy found this on the floor.
It was blanca's.
She was wearing it the day she disappeared.
Well, maybe she dropped it.
Mm. It's broken, like it was torn off of her neck.
What are you saying? You think something happened to her here?
Oh, i don't know.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Could be helpful.
You'll give it to the police?
Of course.
But going forward, uh, let's be careful
What we say about blanca in front of katy.
Before we adopted her,
She went through some...Trying times.
In argentina.
Yes, in argentina.
Let's not try and stir things up for her, okay?
I won't say a word.
Thank you, rosie. I knew i could count on you.
[ cellphone ringing ]
Do you need to get that?
No. It's nothing. [ cellphone beeps ]
So, you know what?
What are we gonna do after the second verse?
Because i feel like it's just blah.
I was thinking -- maybe we speed up the bridge,
Turn it into a dance break, like...
[ latin music plays ]
Ah! Ieso! [ speaking spanish ]
Wow! I love it!
[ laughs ]
Ooh! Carmen, you can really dance!
Is there anything you can't do?
Well, according to my boss,
I can't iron...
Or vacuum...
Or fold.
Well, you're not gonna be [ music stops ]
At that maid job for very much longer.
You really think it's gonna happen for me?
When your album drops, you're gonna set the world on fire.
[ cellphone ringing ]
Somebody really wants to talk to you.
Let's take five.
[ ringing continues ]
[ cellphone beeps ]
[ door closes ]
Are you crazy? I'm in your wife's office.
I'm sorry, but i'm worried about you.
Your friend died. Are you all right?
Me? You're the one who found her. How are you?
I've never seen anything like it before in my life.
It was terrible.
Please, can i come by tonight?
I need to see you.
I love you.
Sure. I love you, too.
Carmen? [ cellphone beeps ]
You have a boyfriend?
Why didn't you tell me?
I want to meet him.
No, you don't.
I mean, he's nothing special.
Honey, this is my process.
If you want me to make you a star,
Then i need to get to know you --
Learn who you are, who you love.
Don't you want that?
Of course.
Then it's settled.
Dinner tomorrow night.
I'll bring my husband. We'll double-date.
You mean you, me, your husband, and my boyfriend?
All...Four of us?
Yes! Doesn't that sound fun?
[ laughs ]
Jesse: Hey, babe.
Hey. How's the job hunt going?
I got some leads.
I'll tell you about it over dinner tonight.
I have a huge presentation for richard atwood tomorrow.
He has a bunch of rental properties.
He needs maids for all of them.
Well, that sounds promising.
It is. Yeah.
If i land the account,
It'll be amazing for the business, but...
I just can't seem to focus.
You're still thinking about blanca.
I sent her sister a card,
But it is so hard to figure out what to write.
"condolences on your loss.
P.S. Sorry everybody thinks she's a murderer."
You don't?
There's no way blanca could've done those gruesome things.
Well, how well do you really know her?
I mean, you only met her
A few weeks before she disappeared, right?
I guess that's true, but she just seemed so normal.
Well, when i was in afghanistan, i saw a lot of awful stuff.
And the people who did it,
They looked no different than you or me.
So what are you saying?
Just that, under the right circumstances,
Good people are capable of some pretty bad things.
Buenos días, ernesto.
What the hell are you doing here?
Is that how you greet an old friend?
What do you want, hector?
Get inside. Let's talk.
How did you find me?
It wasn't hard... For a man of my talents.
Seems like you got a pretty nice life over here.
A wife, a son.
You've been watching us?
Tell me, does your wife know the truth about you?
That's none of your business.
I'll bet she still thinks you were a prisoner of the cartel.
That's your story, isn't it?
So what? You gonna tell her the truth?
I'm just here to deliver a message from el jefe.
He wants you back, ernesto.
Before you got away, you were one of his best men.
Well, that's over.
I'm not working for the cartel anymore.
You know he doesn't take no for an answer.
Maybe... You should think it over.
I told you -- i'm finished.
She's a very pretty woman...
Your wife.
What is that supposed to mean?
It means you may want to reconsider.
Or that pretty wife of yours...
May not be so pretty anymore.
[ thudding, passionate moaning ]
Christopher: Ooh, la, la!
Genevieve: Oh, christopher!
Ooh, la, la!
Ooh, la, la!!
Oh, yes!
Ooh, la, la!
Good morning.
I hope you slept well.
Been up since 1:33 --
Just lying there, hoping for death.
Poor dear.
What was the trouble?
Three words -- "ooh, la, la."
You overheard our lovemaking?
[ gasps ] i'm so embarrassed.
How was i?
Oh, my god. You want feedback?
Just a little.
Did i encourage him enough?
Was i rushing? I felt like i was rushing.
Genevieve, i'm not grading you!
Look, i'm happy you're having fun.
It's just...
It feels like i'm sleeping with a basketball here,
And once i'm up, that's it.
I feel terrible. I'm so sorry we disturbed you.
Do you think there's any chance the "ooh, la, las" will stop?
I wish.
Wait. What?
The truth is, i find it very distracting.
[ laughs ]
Don't get me wrong.
Christopher is a wonderful lover --
Tender and patient and very well-endowed --
Oh, no! No! No!
But i really wish
He wouldn't talk so much while we're being amorous,
Especially that god-awful phrase.
Well, have you told him how you feel?
Heavens, no!
Men are sexually delicate. You can't criticize them.
Well, i think dr. Neff might appreciate a helpful suggestion.
And that is why you are terrible at men.
I'll just have to learn to live with the "ooh, la, las."
And so will you.
[ sighs ]
She wants to go on a double date?
You, her, me, and my "boyfriend."
But don't worry.
[ raspily ] i think i'm coming down with something. [ coughs ]
Carmen, if you call in sick, she's gonna make you reschedule.
You're gonna have to come up with a boyfriend sooner or later.
But who am i gonna bring?
If i show up with some random guy,
She's gonna know we're not in love.
Then you'd be in good company.
Jacklyn and i are not in love, either.
Did you ever love her?
When we were first married.
Then after a few years, uh, we drifted apart.
Did you try to fix it?
Sure -- couples therapy, romantic vacations.
Then something changed, and i realized
I just didn't want to fix it anymore.
What changed?
I met you.
You opened my eyes, mon coeur.
You made me see that love is possible.
I just wish we didn't have to go through all this.
Come on.
There's a lot of men that would kill to be your boyfriend,
If only for a night.
You must know someone.
I mean, who cares if katy's from méxico instead of argentina?
I don't understand why the stappords are lying.
You think it has to do with blanca and her death?
What do you mean?
Maybe she found out their secret
And they killed her for it, huh?
Ay, ernesto.
I don't think the stappords did it.
They don't seem like killers.
'cause i don't want you working for killers,
Even if they pay as well as the stappords.
[ chuckles ]
You dropped this.
I'm sorry.
[ chuckles ]
You should be more careful.
Thanks for the help. [ chuckles ]
Come on, rosie. Let's get out of here.
What's the rush?
I think i saw a rat.
And that cost includes labor and cleaning supplies.
You should also know
That all the maids have been personally vetted by me.
How's the scheduling work?
Any way you want -- daily, weekly.
I'm completely flexible.
I'll bet you are.
I mean the calendar is flexible.
Are you interested?
I am.
You seem like the kind of gal who, uh...
Stays on top of things.
Thank you.
Listen, i've got a bunch of vacation rentals
Over in calabasas.
Why don't you send me 10 of your best girls?
You want to hire 10 maids.
[ chuckling ] that's wonderful.
You have a beautiful smile, you know that?
Mr. Atwood, i appreciate your business,
But i prefer to keep things strictly professional.
Oh, okay.
So if i could have my knee back...
Oh. [ chuckles ]
May i offer you some coffee for the road?
Sure. Coffee sounds great.
How do you like it?
No cream, lots of sugar.
I like it very, very sweet.
Get your hands off her!
Son of a bitch! [ glass shatters ]
You come back here again, i'll kill you!
[ sighs ]
[ chuckling ] can you believe that guy?
It's so sad.
Blanca was so young.
But you never really got along with her.
I'm surprised you're this upset.
Well, i'm just in shock, that's all.
I mean, it's a lot to take in, okay?
[ sighs ] what's that?
It's the necklace blanca was wearing
The night she disappeared.
Katy found it.
She gave it to rosie.
Look. The clasp is broken.
So rosie thinks it might mean foul play.
And she wants me to give the necklace to the police.
Well, you're not going to, are you?
Would that be a problem?
We don't need the police asking questions.
W-what if they find out about katy and how we got her?
I want to protect katy, too.
But if you know something about what happened to blanca,
You need to tell me.
We're on the same side here.
Are we?
Because before i went into the hospital,
It seemed like you were gonna leave me.
I was angry.
But i'm here now,
And i'm trying to make this work.
So please be honest with me.
Were you involved with whatever happened to blanca?
[ scoffs ]
Of course not!
I mean, i know we never got along,
But i never wanted anything bad to happen to her.
Then why was her necklace found in our house?
I have no idea.
Honestly, michael, i am just as shocked as you are.
And then bam!
He grabs the guy, throws him out of the house,
And threatens to kill him if he ever comes back.
Iay, dios mio!
I know. Right?
That is so hot.
Maybe i didn't tell it right. It was not hot.
It was possessive, jealous, macho...
Hot, hot, and hot.
Okay, i'm just gonna pretend that you're helping.
Mira, violence is never good,
But he was trying to protect you.
I know.
I just didn't realize he could be so...Aggressive.
Did i tell you he was in the military?
Please -- don't say that's hot.
I won't say it, but i'll think it.
Anyway, we're having dinner tomorrow night.
What should i say to him?
Give him a break.
Sexy people deserve second chances.
Are you looking for someone?
Yep. I'll be right back.
Hey. Dave.
Oh, that's what i said -- doug.
So, what are you doing tomorrow night?
It's my nana's birthday. She's turning 90.
Oh, that's too bad.
I was hoping you could come to dinner with me.
Forget nana. What time you want to meet?
Hold on.
Before you get too excited,
Let me tell you how this is gonna work.
Buenos días, mi amor.
You're up early.
I've been thinking.
Maybe y-you don't go to work today.
Just stay here with me.
Yeah, i would love that, but i have to make money.
But it's not safe there -- a-at the stappords'.
You said their last maid was murdered?
Oh, i don't know that for sure.
You should stay here.
I-i don't want anything bad to happen to you.
That's sweet, but i live there.
I have to go back sometime.
Maybe you should quit.
You never worked when we lived in méxico.
Maybe you just move in here with me, be my wife.
What about money?
I'll worry about that.
You just worry about miguel, huh?
Doesn't that sound nice?
No. It doesn't.
I'm not the same woman i was five years ago.
I work now.
And i like being a maid. I like helping people.
Okay, i didn't want to have to do this, but...
I forbid you from leaving this apartment.
[ laughing ]
Why are you laughing?
Because it's cute.
You're being macho.
And i've seen you using my girly shampoo.
Makes my hair feel silky.
Rosita, please.
I'm trying to protect you.
Just do what i say.
You can't tell me what to do.
Yes, i can. I'm your husband.
I am going to work, and that is that.
Don't make me regret choosing you over spence, hmm?
Oh, thank you, zoila.
So, how far along are you now -- 6 months?
6 1/2.
Did you know that, right about now,
Your fetus is the length of a football,
Covered in fine hair called lanugo?
Anyway, i'm gonna take a nap.
Very well.
Ooh, la, la.
What is that?
The whole "ooh, la, la" thing.
Well, it's an expression of french origin,
Meant to convey enthusiasm and, in this case,
An appreciation of your delicious soup.
That's nice.
But you don't have to say "ooh, la, la."
I mean, it's just soup.
If anything, it deserves an "ooh, la, la, la, la."
Oh, my god. I made it worse.
Made what worse?
Dr. Neff, it seems like you say "ooh, la, la" a lot.
Nobody's ever told you it's a little...Ridiculous?
On the contrary -- everybody loves it.
In fact, genevieve finds it very endearing.
You don't think so?
Look, genevieve is crazy about you.
I haven't seen her this excited about a man
In a long, long time.
I feel the same.
But that's exactly why it's so hard
For her to tell you when she doesn't like something.
And she doesn't like... "ooh, la, la"?
May i ask you, in what context she dislikes it?
All contexts.
Every...Single... One of them.
...In the boudoir?
Oh, my lord.
She's discussed this with you.
Dr. Neff...
I'm sorry.
I'm the one who's sorry.
Please excuse me.
The maître d' says our table will be ready in five minutes.
[ clears throat ]
You okay?
Honestly, no.
You really scared me the other day, jesse.
What, when i put atwood in his place?
I know your intentions were good,
But you were so far over the line.
He put his hands on you.
I was handling it.
The last thing i need is a hothead
Who solves all of his problems with his fists.
All right. I-i'm sorry.
I overreacted.
But it's only because i care about you.
Look, if this is gonna work, i need to know
That you can keep calm and take the high road.
Do you understand me?
Hi. What --
You probably already noticed, but you're, like...Really hot.
[ giggles ]
Excuse me. We're kind of in the middle of something here.
Hi. I'm amber.
Are you kidding me?
I've got this.
Hi, amber. It's good to meet you.
But, as you can see, i am on a date.
With her? Mm-hmm.
Yeah, with me. Who'd you think i was?
I don't know -- his boss?
[ scoffs ]
Well, i-i used to be his boss,
But now i'm his date, so if you don't mind --
Okay, don't tell her i said this, but... [ chuckles ]
[ singsong voice ] i can hear you.
Shhhh! Shh, shh.
My friend julie and i are going clubbing later.
Stop writing your number. Stop it.
Why don't you text me after grandma goes to bed?
Oh, wow.
I promise i'll show you a good time.
[ giggles ] oh!
Hands off, bitch! [ glass shatters ]
[ patrons murmur ]
[ clears throat ]
So much for the high road.
I'm so glad we're doing this.
You know, maybe we can make this a regular thing.
[ chuckles ] maybe.
So, doug, how did you meet this beautiful lady?
Well -- you don't want to hear about that.
Yes, i do.
We just sat down, jacklyn.
Do you have to interrogate them right now?
I-i just asked a simple question.
I work at a coffee shop.
And one day, carmen came in and just took my breath away.
For the longest time,
I tried to get the courage to ask her out,
But, as fate would have it, she asked me.
[ chuckles nervously ]
Aww. What a romantic story.
So, which one of her songs is your favorite?
Jacklyn, don't put him on the spot.
It's a tie between "amor de mi corazon"
And "mi amor es tuyo."
You know my songs?
I-i mean, of course you do.
Good boy.
I'm carmen's biggest fan.
[ chuckles ]
Okay, it's official --
I'm very impressed with doug.
So am i.
Welcome to chat affamé.
Tonight's specials are in your menu,
But the confit de canard is my favorite.
I'll be back with the wine list.
What the hell was that?
You were flirting with her.
Don't be ridiculous.
You were flirting. Mm.
You were flirting.
I-i was just being friendly.
Like you were being friendly with the yoga instructor
And friendly with the dog walker?
I told you none of that is true.
Just because i never caught you doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Carmen, i'm sorry,
But i seem to have lost my appetite.
Jacklyn, wait.
Wow. Is that guy a jerk or what?
Oh, my god.
Michael! There's someone outside!
What? I saw someone outside our window.
Should i call the police?
No. Uh... Michael!
I'm going. Everyone stay put.
Be careful.
You son of a bitch!
You stay away from my family! You hear me?!
Michael, stop!
Why the hell was your husband sneaking around our house?
Michael. Keep your voice down. Katy might hear you.
I-i'm very sorry.
I-i just wanted to make sure rosie was okay.
You scared us half to death.
I-i wanted to make sure you were safe.
Safe from what?
I don't want her to end up murdered,
Like that maid who worked here.
Blanca wasn't murdered. She killed herself.
That's not what rosie thinks.
Okay, well, next time you come by, we better know about it,
Or we are calling the police, you understand?
It won't happen again.
I will make sure of that.
Thank you.
Come on, michael.
¿estas loco?
Are you trying to get me fired?
I'm not gonna apologize for protecting you.
How many times do i have to tell you? I am not in danger.
I think you are.
We are not going to argue about this here.
I am going to get my purse. Hmm?
[ groans ]
My name is...Katy.
Ay, dios mio.
I still cannot believe you
Sneaking over here like a crazy man.
I'm sorry. I-i was wrong.
The stappords seem like very nice people.
He hit you with a golf club.
I had it coming.
You know, the point is, i think you should keep working here.
I'm sure that little girl really needs you.
So, you are...Changing your mind just like that?
Yeah. Just like that.
Who did you think that was?
Outside the house,
Before you knew it was rosie's husband.
You thought it was someone else, and you were terrified.
Did you think it was the man who killed blanca?
Don't ask me that.
Do you know who he is?
Just...S-stop it.
Is that who you've been cheating with?
I mean, what the hell is going on, taylor?!
I want to tell you things.
I do.
But if you know the truth, you will be an accomplice.
To what?
Katy needs a parent. We can't both go to jail.
Why would we go to jail?
What did you do?
I'm sorry. I can't tell you anything else.
So you have to decide -- are you standing by me or not?
You've been terribly quiet tonight.
Have i?
Well, maybe there's some way i can perk you up...Dr. Neff.
Why? So that you can run off and tell your maid about it?
Excuse me?
You discussed our most intimate secrets with zoila.
I most certainly did not.
You didn't discuss my "ooh, la, las"?
Well, that --
I am mortified!
How would you like it
If i went around telling people how...
Insatiable you are in bed?
I wouldn't mind.
If you had issues with my "ooh, la, las,"
You should've talked to me.
I didn't plan to talk about it to zoila.
It just happened.
You have to understand, we're very, very close.
"codependent" is what i would say.
Oh! Well, now you're just being unfair.
Genevieve, when i asked if you wanted to live together,
Do you know what you told me?
Only if zoila was okay with it.
You care more about her feelings than mine.
That is not true!
If we are ever gonna make it together as a couple,
We have to put each other first!
I have to be the most important person in your life,
Not zoila!
[ door opens ]
You need to leave.
Please. I'm so sorry about the dinner.
I mean it, sebastien. I don't even want to look at you right now.
My marriage wasn't happy, and i strayed.
That has nothing to do with us. That was the past.
You know... I don't like what we're doing.
But i keep telling myself it's okay
Because we belong together, that our love is special.
It is. No!
You will sleep with anything that moves.
I'm just a flavor of the month.
Those women meant nothing to me.
Mon coeur, i love you.
All this time, you've been telling me
How -- how cold jacklyn is, that she has pushed you away.
Well, i know her now.
And she doesn't seem cold to me.
What are you saying?
Maybe the problem is you.
So, are we gonna talk about what happened at dinner?
I lost control for a second.
Can we just forget about it?
We could, or i could just tease you about it forever.
[ chuckling ] stop it.
You just can't stop hitting people,
And i'm the hothead.
Okay. Okay. You made your point.
I'm sorry i came down so hard on you before.
It's all right. We both had...Moments.
It happens.
It's not just that.
I've had bad luck with men.
Really bad luck.
I told you about nick, right?
Your ex.
He proposed to me right after we met,
And i thought, "why not? I'm a good judge of character."
He was handsome and charming, smart.
But it turned out
There were all these parts of him that i didn't know.
I see.
So with you, it's like...
I'm holding my breath.
I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.
And when you went off on atwood,
I was like, "there's the other shoe."
You can stop holding your breath.
There is no other shoe.
I'm gonna... Take a shower.
Care to join?
[ giggles ]
I'll be right in.
I didn't know you were up.
Where's dr. Neff?
Taking a walking to clear his head.
We had a big fight last night.
Yeah. I sort of heard.
Oh, no. Did we keep you awake again?
Don't worry about me.
How are you?
I'm so mad, i could spit.
Did you hear what he was saying about us,
That we're too close?
I did, and...
I think he may be right.
How could we be too close?
Your daughter is marrying my son. We're family.
We're really wrapped up in each other's lives,
And it keeps getting us in trouble.
It's why you went to greece in the first place.
I think it's time for me to move back to my own house.
Are you quitting?
I'll still be your maid during the day,
But at night, i'll go home,
And you and christopher can have the house for...
"ooh, la, la."
[ scoffs ]
Are you sure you're gonna be okay on your own?
Oh, please.
It's the last time i'll be on my own for the next 18 years.
Besides, i think he really loves you,
And i want you to be happy.
Then why do i feel so sad?
[ chuckles softly ]
[ sighs ]
Listen, um... [ chuckles nervously ]
I just wanted to talk to you about last night.
No, i -- i'm so sorry
That you had to see me fighting with my husband.
Please. I mean, if you ask me, he got off easy.
[ chuckles ] well, thank you for being so understanding.
I'll bet you and doug never fight like that.
Oh, all the time.
To be honest, i don't think it's gonna work out with doug.
Oh. Well, that's too bad.
I know it's none of my business...
But if your husband cheats on you...
Why do i stay?
I've been asking myself that question a lot lately.
Well, i think you deserve better.
Oh. No, you don't have to say that. No, i mean it.
You're smart and beautiful, a successful businesswoman.
I mean, what is he bringing to the table?
[ scoffs ]
I don't know.
I guess i'm just a sucker for a sexy accent.
[ chuckles ]
Well, women like us, we don't need men like that.
You know what?
Maybe we don't.
[ both laugh ]
Thanks, carmen.
Mm. [ chuckles ]
[ chuckles nervously ]
Mrs. Taylor, you're awake.
Are you feeling okay?
Well, your door was closed, so i didn't want to bother you.
But you don't have to worry.
Katy's playing in her room, and i'm making us lunch.
Oh, i think mr. Michael left early for work.
[ crying ]
Ay, mrs. Taylor!
What's wrong?
Michael left me.
Oh, my god. What happened?
I-i don't even know where to start.
It's okay. Just let it out.
I'm all alone.
What am i gonna do?
Mrs. Taylor, you are not alone.
We're going to get through this together, huh?
Come here.
[ sighs ]
I'm glad you called.
I assume...
You've seen the light.
I want to talk to el jefe.
He's in méxico. I know.
I need you to set up a meeting.
I want to make a deal.
What kind of deal?
[ sighs ] i want my freedom.
I don't ever want to work for the cartel again.
[ chuckles ]
[ laughs ]
You're a fool if you think he'll agree to that.
But i can give him something he desperately wants.
And what is that?
Tell him...
I found the little girl he's been looking for.