Devil's Playground (2014): Season 1, Episode 3 - He Maketh My Way Perfect - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
There's been an incident at
St. Venables. A pupil's drowned.

It was in my bag when I got back

from football.
Someone is saying my son

was murdered.
Peter did what?

Drowned himself?

But someone made him.

Bad as if they'd killed him.
He's bad, you know?

That Bishop McNally. He's a liar.

Fucked me right up.

Eminence, I was just threatened by
a street prostitute in the cathedral,

but he said he'd made
an appointment to see you, John.

I spoke to that boy responsible
for writing that note.

Made the whole thing up.

Peter's death was an accident.

He was on the swimming team at
school. It doesn't make any sense.

..that will help those who

knew and loved Peter
cope with this tragedy.

Maybe the soft words of Jesus,

"Suffer the little
children to come unto me,

and forbid them not."

An invitation to let the children
come and be comforted by the Lord.

In the midst of...
In the midst of all our questions,

there is some comfort

in the knowledge that a child dies
in a state of perfect grace

and is spared

any further earthly sorrows.

Boyhood is a magical state.

So innocent,

so trusting.

It's a time in life

when you are surrounded
by friends all day.

When you can take comfort and joy

from being part of
a community of equals,

the community,

which we see here
in this church, today.

Body of Christ.

Body of Christ.

Body of Christ.

Body of Christ.

No thank you, sweetie.

Hi, Mary.

Can I watch the video?

Is it your head or belly?

I can see if Alice has some
flat lemonade, hey?

Hello, Father.

Tom. You've had your
hair cut, Catherine.

Oh, just a trim.
She did it herself.

Does mine and all the kids.

I was studying my
apprenticeship when I met Matt.

A woman of many talents. Yeah.

Say hello to Finton.

Excuse me.


Tom, you know
Cheryl from next door.

Well, we've never met, but
I've seen you coming and going.

I'll take these round, then.

Right behind you.

There are seven stages
of grieving, you know.

They gave me a pamphlet
when my mum died.

You're probably still
in the pain stage.

Maybe still in the shock.

It gets worse after that,
but then it gets better.

I'm not quite sure, but
I think I'm in reconstruction.

Well, if you blur your eyes,

you might be able to see Peter.

Like I see my mum.

It's easy.

Like this.

You're not watching the video?

I've seen it before,
about 100,000 times.

It was Peter's favourite movie.

Do you know about the note?

What note?
The one that was put in my bag,

saying Peter was killed.

It was a joke, they reckon.

You'd have to be
fucking sick to make

a joke about something like that.

Maybe it wasn't a joke.

This is my favourite bit.

I can stay if you like.

Kids are waiting.
Thank David for his help.


See you later.

I'm leaving. I've decided
to go away for a while.

Ian Jackson's got
a contract out in WA.

I knocked him back a while ago
but now I've decided...

Now? Now seems like
a good time for you to leave?


What about Finton?

I talked to him. I told him.

He's just lost his brother.

You think he needs to
lose his father too...?

Believe me, Alice, he's much
better off without me right now.

Oh, what is wrong with you?

Alice, it's-I just have to leave.

I just can't be in
this house anymore. Fine. Go.


I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

Mrs. Doherty said
you wanted to see me.

I can come back another time.
I need you to go into archive

and get me Bishop McNally's
personnel file.

What shall I say is the reason?

I'll also need the parish records
from Colleton.

Keep the door open, please.

Mrs. Doherty sprayed
that floral room freshener

in here and I'm trying to
get rid of the smell.

If it's just a quick look for research,
I won't bother with the paperwork.

I know Father Chiechanowski,
the librarian... Thank you.

That's very thoughtful.

You wrote it, didn't you?
Why would you make that shit up, huh

That's fucking sick what you did.
Fucking sick!

Allen, grab him! You little shit!
Hey, hey, hey!

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

You're hurting me!
Let me go, you pervert!

Kelly, Allen,
to the office, now!

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
The rest of you get to class.



What sort of doctor are you?

I don't keep any pills here, mate.

I just talk to my patients,
that's all.

But you write it all down,
don't ya? What they say?

If I did something really
fucked up, you'd tell the cops?

Look, mate, if you want
to talk about it with me,

we could do that, huh?

What have you done?


The two Mr. Allens.

Come here.

Finally finished the roll.

Do you remember how many times
Harrison went in the drink?

I swear the boy had
gills by the end of it.

So, I spoke to Brother Cosgrove
about your note.

He agrees it's a very serious

There's no death more tragic
than suicide.

The idea that Peter
was driven to this

does no good to anyone,
especially not his family,

who are trying to heal.

Grief makes us do crazy things,
but this won't be tolerated.

I went into bat for you, though.
Told Brother Cosgrove what

a good boy you are, normally.

So don't worry.

You won't be in trouble.

As long as you don't
tell anyone else.

Best we try to put all
this behind us, yeah?

Yes, Brother.

Good boy.

I don't know who you
bloody are anymore.

What would your mother think?

Beating up a first-former,
for God's sake. Jesus!

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Were you ashamed of what
you did behind Mum's back?

Hey. Hey.


This is all my fault.
You shouldn't have gone back so soon

I wanted to go back.

At home it's just so quiet.

Feels like it's just me
and his empty fucking room.

Family sized Hawaiian
with banana and barbecue?

Was this really his favourite?
It was Elliot Darcy that wrote

that note.

About Peter.

Why would he do that?

I mean, weren't they best friends?

I know they didn't
hang out as much...

It's not even on the menu.

Why would he even think to
put these things together?

Brother Warner. He invented it.

Oh, this is disgusting.

Totally disgusting.

Wanna go for a smoke?

That's Colleton.

The Bishop of, uh, Warrambi
sent them up.

I wasn't too sure how many you
wanted so I asked for the last five years.

Mm-hm. Thank you, Father.

Do you know where Peter
keeps the sugar these days?

It's one of the great mysteries
of the universe.

I had to filch this from
Vincent's office. He hides it.

Presumably what
he considers to be a sin.

I'd watch him if I were you.

The sugar's not the only
thing I found.

Come on!

I'm not gonna bite.

You ever done a blowback?

It's where you suck the smoke in
and blow it into another person's mouth.

It's intense.

Gets you high real quick.

Wanna try?


Not many tonight.

Wednesday night mass on
the chopping block now, I take it.

What do you think of the new wing

of the Sacred Heart hospice
in St. Vincent's?

I didn't know there was one.

Margaret Wallace
mobilised the funding.

They want someone from
the church to come down.

I was scheduled for a walk-through
tomorrow, but I've been called

away to a confirmation at Gosford.

I suppose I could do it.

Wonderful. I'll let them know.

It's an AIDS ward.

And there'll be reporters
there tomorrow, so,

some notes on our
official position.

Really appreciate it, Vince,

especially with all the extra work
you've taken on for the Nuncio.

Less flame, more disciple, maybe?

I thought of a new name
for my confirmation.


After St. Marie de Saint Just.

What's her story?

Well, she got really homesick
after becoming a nun.

And then she was
beheaded by Chinese people.

Rhiannon reckons it would have

taken them a while to cut
right through, so there would

have been blood everywhere.

Bits of bone from her neck.


Oi! Where have you been? Will you
be my confirmation sponsor?


'In response, the Catholic Church
has established this dedicated

AIDS patient care service,
situated here in

St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney,
and run by the Sisters of Charity.

We say to our brothers suffering

from AIDS, we welcome you,
without judgement or fear.

The Diocese of Sydney would
especially like to thank

Mrs. Margaret Wallace, MP,
without whose tireless

support, this service would not...'

Bishop Quaid.

I'm Sister Pauline.

This is Dr Gavascar.

Margaret Wallace sends her
apologies. She's running late.

She shouldn't be too long,
but can we wait for her?

I'm afraid I can't.

Shall we get started?
OK, this way. Thank you.

May Almighty God bless you.

A couple in here.

May Almighty God bless you.

May Almighty God bless you.

I think that's enough, Sister.

Thank you, Bishop. Thank you.
Please wait, My Lord.

Could I get a photo, please?

Maybe with you two?

But if I could I just
get you to take that out of your

pocket there?
Thank you.

Thank you, My Lord.
Bishop Quaid, any comment on

the views of your colleagues
in the US who believe AIDS

is a curse from God on homosexuals?

On this matter, the Church
has no comment.

Bishop Quaid was being very generous

with his time today.
If you'd like to...

But is it your personal
opinion AIDS is God's work?

It's my opinion, good sir,
that the hand of God is

present everywhere,
and no-one can deny that.

Not government, not man, no-one.
Good day.

Bishop Quaid? What's going on?
Didn't you get my message?

Yes, yes, I believe I did.
Well, why are you leaving?

Because my time is valuable to me,
Mrs. Wallace.

It may not be to you or to your
good friend, soon to be Archbishop.

But if I'm going to be forced into
the service of your joint agendas,

I will do it in my own time,
on my own terms.

And if it was publicity
you were after for that, uh,

establishment, you can rest assured
I got you front page tomorrow.

Do you know why I was running late?
My youngest shoved a piece of Lego

up his nose. Until now, I thought

that was the stupidest thing
I'd have to deal with today.

He's three. That's his excuse.
What's yours?

I thought you could use this.

Oh, John,
talk about a gift from God.

Thank you.

So, this is where
it all takes place?

Yes. Uh, I'm afraid the atmosphere
is usually a little more welcoming.

But the police certainly
haven't made things any better

with their fingerprinting.

Police need to see
any of your files?

No, no, there was no need, because

looks like it was just a
street kid looking for drugs.

That's not why you've
come down here, is it?


But my motives are
not entirely pure.

You see, I'm in hiding.

I'm meant to be in Gosford.

It's a long story.

But if there were any matter,
which you might consider

showing files to the police,

and they concerned
somebody that I knew,

I hope you'd discuss it
with me first.

Ah, that's not the way it works,
I'm afraid, John.


I respect your
profession and its ethics.

I suppose it's just that I find it
hard to relinquish responsibility.

What we do is so similar.

You with your clients,
me with my congregation.

They need us.
Well, sometimes I feel like I need

my clients more than they need me.

I was so lonely at one point.

I started to despair.

But then I met someone.

She was smart,

spirited, beautiful.

Then we fell in love.

All very chaste, of course.

Walks, dinners, official functions.

But don't be fooled into thinking
than I'm a better man that I am.

Believe me, I really wanted that
love expressed in a physical way.

I wanted to have sex with her.

And she wanted it, too,
I know that.

But I did nothing.

And it wasn't my vow of
chastity that held me back.

What was it?

I didn't know how to kiss a woman.

Touch her body.

I mean, we start our training
when we're 12.

We're just boys.

And we stay that way.

Because of that,
I broke a good woman's heart.

Today's her birthday.

Why'd you tell me this, John?

I didn't.

I'm not here. I'm in Gosford.

Thanks for this, Catherine.

Ow! Girls, go play
in your room, please.


Will you stop? Mum!

Hello, Elliot.

I just want to know
why you wrote that note.

I didn't.
Elliot, the truth, please.

If you know something,
you have to tell me.

I'm his mother. I need to know.

I didn't write any note.

The police say it was an accident.

But he couldn't have
drowned, could he?

I mean, he was always in our pool,
even in the winter.

I remember you two practising
safety swims there, remember?

Dressed in...

Dressed in three jumpers,

diving down to pick up that
brick from the bottom.

It was Mrs Archer's garden gnome.

You came to my house, remember?

But it wasn't to drop off
Peter's homework, was it?

Elliot, please, talk to me.

I don't understand why you
would write that he was killed...

Hey, he said he didn't write it.

Cathy will show you out.

Want a sip?

Hey, hey, hey. It's OK, we...

We believe you, mate. What's this?

Someone giving you
trouble at school?

I'm alright.

If anyone ever touches you,
I'll kill 'em.

Let's go back to yours.



Look, I'm calling just to
see how things are going.

You know, after Cosgrove yesterday.


Um, Finton and I
spent the afternoon together.

We had a really good talk.

Shh. Shh.

And that's how he's dealing
with it. He seems OK.

God, how you do it?

I mean, I-I just don't know
what to do with David anymore.

Everything I say is wrong, and

I try to stop myself from
saying anything, and...

I don't know, I just can't...

Where's the toilet?

Uh, second on the left.

I feel like I'm losing him.

Oh, shit, shit. I'm so sorry.
It's alright.

That was a really stupid thing...
It's fine.

No, that was a really
stupid thing to say.

I shouldn't be dumping this on you.
It's fine.

I guess I-I just miss...
You miss Therese.

It's only been a year.
Of course you do.

But Tom, I'm sorry, I can't.

I've got to go. Bye.

Ten minutes, OK, Bridie?

Were you looking for
something in my briefcase...?

Morning, Dad.
Good God.

What the hell are you doing here?

Come on, get your fucking clothes
on now. Get them on. Go on, get out!

Stop, Dad!
Clothes on, please. Go on!

Dad, don't!

Don't think we won't talk about
this display of yours later, David.

Dad! Please!
Later, David! Who's he? Get out!

Get out!

See ya later.

Get inside.

How do you know him?
Where did you meet him? Why?

That little bastard broke

into my office and went
through all my files.

Now he's gone through my briefcase!
Um, we've run out of

Rice Bubbles...
Bridie, go to your room, OK?

Just get dressed. Now.

He's a crim, he's a drug user.

He's obviously using
you to get at me. Why?

Well I don't bloody know, but you

ever see him again, ever,
you tell me, OK?

He's bloody dangerous.


You know Mrs. Doherty
will do that for you?

A man who doesn't clean
his own shoes, Father,

is as dirty as they are.

I'm not familiar with that phrase.

My father used to say that.

Did you want something?

Yes, I've been talking with
Father Chiechanowski about

your work, for the Nuncio.

There was an additional file
he thought you might find useful.

That's very kind.
You can leave it on the table.

She was a lawyer. Bishop McNally
met her at a conference.

They were both on the Board of
Catholics for Social Justice.

She resigned from the
Board and requested a transfer

with her firm.
This is not what

I'm looking for, Father.

It's embarrassing, Bishop...
You embarrass yourself.

Take it away.

What are you fuckin' lookin' at?

Does anyone know a Brendan?

I need to find him.

He's not in here.

I know where that kid is
if you wanna find him.

Yes. Yes, I do.

Where is he?

You don't need Brendan.

I'll suck you off if you want.

But I'm gonna need
another 20 dollars.

Get Brendan for me.

Tell him Bishop Quaid
wants to help him.

No, they go like...

You are so noisy!

Can me and Darcy play?
What's down there?

Love, you need to get changed
right now if we're going to get
you to footy practice on time.

Come on, we'll be late.
Girls, can you put your shoes on?

We've got to take your brother
to training. There you go, Father.

All done.
Oh, thanks, Catherine.

Hurry, mister!
Girls, shoes on, please.

I can take him if you like.
Oh, Father, are you sure?


Oh, you're wonderful.
There you go, bubs. Thanks again.

See you.

You ready, mister?

Where is it?

I looked in here.
I looked in your briefcase.

What are you talking about?

I just need to know what he said.

You said you write it all down.

What they tell you.

I told you, what my patients
tell me is private.

I fucked your son.

I fucked him up the arse.

I fucked him, and I fucked him.

You stay away from my son!

He wanted me to stop. Begged me.

But I didn't stop. He just kept
fucking me till I bled.

He just kept fucking
me till I bled.

I wanted to scream,
but I couldn't.

I couldn't.


Who did this to you?

You know who.
I don't know.

Didn't he talk about me? Brendan?

Mate, I don't know who you mean.

# According to my heart,
you're the one for me


# The wonder of my life
is here when you're with me

Come on, sing.

# If someone stole your love

# my heart would make you more

Ba-bum, ba-bum.

# You're the one my heart
is always longing for

Ba-bum, ba-bum.

We miss him, don't we?


Peter was such a special boy.


I never forgot about you, though.

Want to shoot the gun?

Come on, then.

# According to my heart

# You're the one for me

Ba-bum, ba-bum.

Is that a good spot?

How's that?

Not yet.


Come on, I'll take it.

You load it up.

Here. Now,
remember what I showed you.

Quite heavy.
Hold it up to your shoulder.

That's the boy.
Now aim it up between me

and that little leaf
at the end. Head down.

Close your left eye,
aim at the can.

And when you're ready, hold it
steady, gently squeeze the trigger.

Yes! Ha ha!

All righty, give it to me.

Grab it, grab it, grab it.

That's for you.

What do you think of that, eh?