Devils (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Episode #1.10 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Time is an illusion.
All the moments that have never been.

All the moments that will ever be.

Only God sees that they exist.

It's people who see life
through the lense of time.

People listening to the devil
whispering in their ear.

Today, at this moment
he is whispering in mine.


Can a single currency
survive this crisis?

Jean-Claude Trichet says

this is the worst
crisis since World War II,

and it requires "unconventional

Close the fucking series!
Dominic's taking over trading,

Massimo's out.
What do you mean "out"?

Dominic sacked him last night.

Good morning, gentlemen.

Did you hear the news?
We saw,

you taddling with Dominic last night

Yeah, Because you played me. I have
no idea why Massimo was fired.

Do you honestly expect us to believe a
word you say?

Sir, your wife has called. She asked if
there is a reservation tonight for
dinner at six.


Every morning you stand there like a

I am only the messenger, sir.
And the message today?

Daniel Duval is being held in isolation.

Well, that's good news.
Not exactly.

Our friends at the police didn't find
the CDO documents amongst his files.

Set a meeting.

In Greece! In Spain! Portugal!

Ireland! And Italy!

Four funerals and a shotgun
Italian wedding!

Where are you going?
There is someone I need to talk to.

Where is the CDO?

Keep it safe. Massimo

Yes? Breathe.


When was the last time we saw each

Global Finance Conference, two thousand
and one?


I believe we spoke about the need
for deregulation in the markets.

You were one hell of a shark.

I suppose like Paul the apostle,
changed on his road to Damascus.

Is that how you see yourself?
As a saint?

But right now I appear to be a martyr.
Don't I?

One man's martyr,
is another man's terrorist.

What are you looking at Daniel?
Ten? Twenty years?

You didn?t really think that I'd
make a deal with you, did you?

It's a long time to be in prison.

The cell won't keep me from fighting
for ordinary hard working people.

My bank benefits ordinary
hard working people.

Banks like yours, took us one step
away from global disaster.

You failed, Dominic.

Politics failed.

And people won't be as easily
fooled next time.

Revolution is coming, Dominic.

And how many billion will you
make off your revolution?

Where is it?

If I had the document,
don't you think I'd have used it by now?

If you return it to be, you could be out
on parole in less than two or three

I don?t have it.

But you know where to find it.

You get into a bar fight or something?

Or something.
I'm fine.

I got fired last night for opposing

He's plotting to bankrupt five countries
in Europe to destroy the euro.

He's about to succeed from the
way the markets look.

Yes. But I need to stop him.

What leverage have you got?

A document, proving massive
fraud within the bank.

Release that, you're sure for a
financial meltdown.

I'd never do that.
Then you're bluffing.

It's only a matter of time
before Dominic figures that out.

Dominic's already got the markets on his

There must be a way to stop him.

There might be, but it's a long shot.

I'll take any shot you've got.

Are you following me now?
He wants to see you.

What for?
Come on, Sofia.

They have him locked up, he won't bite.

So. Does this somehow make you feel

No, it doesn?t.

But still you're the one who
told the police where to find me.

You lied to me. Well now, switch,

I mean all the lies you told me.

You said you wanted to protect people.
People like my brother.

I did, I still do.

What you really want is to burn
everything into the ground.

The system is rotten, Sofia.
You know that.

The only way to change is, to start

With your own currency you mean?

You're just like the bankers you

Bankers like Massimo.
He is not like that.

Isn't he? Ro, would you please show her.

Lovely family, weren't they?

When Banca De Rosa failed in March 2001,

Dominic Morgan was on holiday.
In Mallorca.

With his wife Nina and their
fifteen-year-old son John.

Now benaeth those you will find
you will find bank records,

bearing the name of the trader,

who is actually responsible
for your brother?s death.


He didn?t realize.
Of course Massimo realized.

We talked about this. He just
didn?t think you'd ever find out.

I'm sorry I had to show you this.

But with the document you have

we can still bring the bank down

and get some kind of justice
for your brother.

You made a terrible mistake.

But you can still fix it though.

If we keep going the way we will
all run out of money fairly soon.

Italy should never have been able
to join the euro in the first place.

Italy is on the verge of collapse.

The rest of them could follow tonight,
tomorrow or the day after the latest

You said on the phone Professor Wade
has a way to save them.

Dominic was right. Finance is like water

You can't stop it from flowing,
you can just divert it.

So how do we divert it?

By getting the head of the ECB
to come out against the attack.

How are we going to get him to do that?
He would have done it already

if the Germans weren't keeping
the central bank from acting.

But we can't change their votes Massimo.

No. But we can short the Germans.

You're talking about attacking another

You'll be starting a war.
We're already in a war.

We didn't start it.
But we have to end it.

We would need another high value
investor to join in.

We have one. Who?

Li Acheng? After you screwed
him over the last time?

I came to offer you a deal.
What's this?

I told him I was betting all my assets
on this.

But you're not, are you?

Massimo, if this goes south

you'd lose your house,
your savings... Everything!

Then you'd better not screw this up.

Bond values in southern Europe
continue to plummet,

with Italy on the brink of collapse, the
effects on millions of people would be

At this point, Italy may be beyond
the point of no return.

While reform may be necessary,
it is unclear

whether Italian economic...

I just received a call from a friendin
London. And?

Massimo Ruggero is still trying to stop

Dominic let him go.
There's nothing he can do.

Maybe there is.
I?ll call Dominic at once.

Mr. Bailey, Mr. Morgan.
Margaret Cunningham in New York.

Apparently Massimo hasn't given up.

It's too late.
There's nothing he can do.

Isn't there? I'll keep an eye on
the counter trends in the market.

You do that and I want surveillance
on Kalim and Eleanor.

Massimo can't make a move
unless they make it for him.

Hey. You allright?

How did it go?

I am trying to get the
Central Bank to intervene.

Will they do that?
It's the only chance we have left.

And if they don't?

What you mean?
What if we lose?

We go away. Like we should.

And if we win?

We still go away.

Is something wrong?

I'm tired.


Let's talk about what we're hearing
out of Europe this morning.

Southern Europe, stay away
from it as an investor.

We are in a major test for the euro as a
currency in the eurozone.

And so, unless the Europeans,
specifically the Germans,

stop insisting on
austerity for everyone,

it could get much worse...
The European market,

softening balance in Tuesday trading
despite S&P's downgrading of Italy's....

Yes? Italy is seering.
It will fall today for sure.

And what about the Germans?

We started attacking last night.
Acheng joined in full force.

Is it having any effect?

Alarm bells should be ringing
in Frankfurt right about now.

The question is whether or not it's
enough for the central bank to act.

Has Dominic noticed?
Chris has been glaring at us,

checking out our trades all morning,

We've been making rule of our trade
through proxies off site.

We are talking through a throw-away
mobile, It's just like the day Ed died.

Dominic was with Nina,
Chris was giving us the stinker.

Wait. What are you talking about?
Chris was furious

about the Davenport trade.

No, the day Ed died,
you said Dominic was with Nina?

Yeah, in his office.

Are you sure?

Sure I'm sure.

Tell Oliver I need to meet him in an

I will text you the address.

Massimo, Dominic's got Oliver in his
back pocket.

Just do it.

And Europe's biggest banks,
like Deutsche in Germany,

under pressure the crisis
is slowly eating away...

Ten minutes at most.

Very clever, isn't he.
And determined.

The overnight shares have dropped
at Reintaler Bank.

What do our German friends say?
They're rattled, as Massimo intended.

Rattled enough to encourage
the central bank to intervene?


Tell me what you want, Dominic.

We're nearly at the finish line.

A call from you would be... reassuring.

So now you're asking for my help?

Dominic, destroying the euro
is your project, not mine.

Yes. But we all share in the success.

Allright. I'll call Antonio Kessler.

Much appreciated, Jeremy.

If Dominic finds out that we...
Dominic knows you're on site.

After you ratted me out.

I didn't have a choice.

I've given you the chance to redeem
yourself and make the bank millions of

buying bonds in the five
countries Dominic's attacking.

Are you out of your mind? Those bonds
are toxic, no one's buying them.

That's why you will.
I'm not even a trader.

But you could hack into someone else's

At the end of the day, they
will be worth millions. I hope.

If this is such a good idea,
why you trusting me with it?

Because you are going to do do
me a favor in return.

I need you to check security.

Tell me if Nina Morgan signed in
the day Ed Stuart died.

You know I don?t remember inviting you

CDO, Sofia. Give it to me.

I've told you, I don?t have it!

What? You gonna kill me?

I know you feel betrayed.

But there are only two sides
in this fight. Theirs and ours.

Theirs, yours and mine.

There's my side.

So ar you gonna kill me or not?

Then get the fuck out of my apartment!

Get the fuck out!

Hey! My card isn't working.

I think my phone must have
demagnetized it or something?

Wait here.

Well? Hey.

I checked the visitor's log
from the day of Ed Stuart's death.

What did it say?

Nina Morgan never signed in that day.

Well done.
What does it mean?

It means we are still on.

Mr. Harris.

You were on the phone with Massimo
Ruggero just now, weren't you?

And now you're gonna tell me everything
he just said.

Massimo! Dominic's not here.

I came to see you.

I'm sorry about what's happened. You
know, firing you was the last thing...

I'm here to talk about you.

Me? Yes.

You were at the bank
the day Ed Stuart died.

Yes... The police
never took your statement.

Never considered you a suspect.

I wasn't on the visitors log.

Security always waves me in.

CEO's wife and all.

Everyone has been questioned, Nina.

Everyone but you.

Ed discovered everything.

He was going to destroy the bank,
Dominic, all that you have.

But Dominic was too controlled
to lose his temper.

Check for 65 million euro's!
You forged Massimo's signature!

I think you need to calm down.
It's outrageous!

This is not what this bank is about!
You're overreacting...

You, the fucking Germans, the whole lot!
I've had it! I've had it! Fucking had

You weren't.

The second I did it

I wished I could have taken it back.

Since we lost John, the bank has
been our entire lives.

And Ed Stuart was going to take it away.

Why didn?t you tell me?

What good would that have done?

None at all.

It's your word is against ours.

But my word is enough to ruin you.

Both of you.

Stop the attack.

Before you do something you'll regret,

you should know, the central bank
is not going to intervene.

You lost.

Too late, Massimo.

You're not welcome here anymore.



Massimo, are you watching?

What? The news! You've go to see this.

Risk premiums that are related to fears

of the stability of the euro
are unacceptable

And they need to be
addressed in a fundamental manner.

I don?t think we are unbiased
observers in Frankfurt.

We think that the euro is irreversible.
And it's not an empty word now

because I conceded
saying exactly what actions

are made and would make it irreversible.

Europe is founded on four building

fiscal union and banking union.

Within our mandate...

Within our mandate,

The ECB is ready to do
whatever it takes to preserve the euro.

And believe me, that will be enough.

Investors retreated within
their national banks...

Start buying! I need five hundred,

These are some short term challenges

"I'm going to do anyything to save the

AYou would have seen stock....

national, industrial stocks rose in

Mario Draghi said the ECB could...

The only way to get out of this
crisis is to have more Europe,

not less Europe.

The European Central Bank has posted...

Massimo, you shrewd bastard! You did it!

A bold move...

The main thing is
consistency and predictability...


The Governing Council,
within its mandate

to maintain price stability
over the medium term...

Get me Jeremy Stonehouse.
No way.

Do not underestimate the
amount of political capital,

which is invested in the euro...

Mario Draghi said he was
ready to help Spain and Italy to...

Angela Merkel commented:

Germany wa committed to do everything
necessary to save the euro.

Could you come with me please?
What for?

Just come, please.

Where are we going?

The executive boardrom, sir.

Mr. Ruggero!

Are you hungry?

No thank you.

Please take a seat.

I'll stand if that's allright.
Mr. Ruggero,

that was quite a victory defeating
Dominic Morgan, beating him at his own

and clearing what,
four hundred million pounds doing it?

Oliver Harris bought those bonds.
Then he did so at your direction.

You see, Harris has told us everything,

Including your inquiry
into Dominic's wife

The statement you made to the police.

If you called me here to fire me,
you are too late.

On the contrary. I underestimated
you, Massimo.

Call it some Anglo-Saxon prejudice

against a man from a
Mediterranean country.

My mistake.

But I never make the same mistake twice.

I wopuld like you to return to the bank.

I'm not interested in my old job.

I?m not offering it.

I had in mind, CEO.

Penny for your thoughts?

Dominic told me I'd lost.

That the central
bank wouldn't intervene.

That's what Jeremy Stonehouse
led him to believe.

Why would Stonehouse lie to Dominic?

Jeremy never believed in
destroying the euro.

And there was no love lost between them.

This was Jeremy's chance to

get rid of Dominic once and for all.

He offered me Dominic's job.

You surprised?
You're not?

You thought he would try to crush you,
not promote you.

Yes. You should know,

that what Dominic did wasn't for the

Then who was it for?

A sort of club club,

a group of like-minded people

with a high sense of patriotism.

We call ourselves the "Thirteenth

You're one of them?

I thought it better to rock the boat,
not to sink it.

And as for Dominic's methods.

He should never have got Carrie mixed up
in this.

I'm sorry, Massimo.

Toy? What are you doing?

What does it look like? I'm leaving.

I've got some big news today!
You wanna hear it??

Not really.

They offered me a contract.

They want me to be... a trader.

I'm happy for you, Oliver. Really, I am.

But, I gotta go.

Look, I'm ... I'm not gonna take it.

Not unless you think we should.


Since when do we start making
decisions... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just
a moment...

What? What are you doing?

Something I should have done a long time

That's it! OK. So...

I need to, I need you to

use your imagination, okay?

This isn't what it looks like,
but it is what it looks like.


Paris Taylor

I love you.

I know... I know...

And I don't deserve you.
I really don't deserve you.

But there is no one else that I would
rather spend the rest of my life with

And I'll be a better man for you.

Please just give me another chance.

I'm so sorry. I love you.

Miss Flores.

I would like to be alone.
Of course sir.

I was worried.

Have you seen the news?

You rescued Europe. Congratulations.

You should be happy.

I am happy.

Why were those guys here?

I'm taking Dominic's place.

I'll be named CEO in the morning.

Someone's got to take the job.
Why not me? Why not?

I can fix things. I can make things
right. But I need you.

We can make things right, together.

I know you got my brother killed.

I am not the man I used to be.
And you know it.

You know it, because you were with me.

We were together,

and I can make things right,
but I need you on my side.

I really need you on my side.

If you were on the right side,
you'd be fighting them.

Not becoming one of them.

But that's who you are.
That's who you always were. A devil.

I'm going to do everything
in my power to destroy you.

The missing document. The CDO

What about it?
She still has it.

You ought to leave her alone.
Understand me?


I didn?t mean for it to end this way.

Of course you didn?t. This whole time
you never understood the game you were

It's not a game.

This isn't just about making money,

They are paying us to manage power.

To preserve the western world.
You flatter yourself.

We swim in the waters of ??finance, that
makes us the fish in the know

That creates an obligaton to act
on behalf of those who can not.

You acted to enrich yourself
and your friends back in New York.

There is an order.

Based on the primacy
of the American dollar.

It isn't perfect.

And, God knows, it isn't always fair.

But it has created the greatest
period of peace and prosperity.

In the history.

But the price for that peace has been
paid by the most vulnerable people.

They call us devils.

But we are the last defense against

Welcome to the club, Massimo.

I'm not like you.

I won't destry people's lives.

Won't you?

Hi. Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning everyone. Thank you for
being here for this special

As you know, for the past decade

Dominic Morgan has led the New York
London investment bank.

What is it?
This better be important!

Massimo I'm sorry to tell you this,
but there's been a terrible accident.

What accident?

Sophia Flores.

She was killed by a hit and run driver.

I'm so sorry.

New times call for new leadership.

But I think you'll agree
when I say that we found

an extraordinary new leader.

Please join me in welcoming...

the man who is going to lead us
into the twenty-first century.

Please join me in welcoming our new CEO,

Mr. Massimo Ruggero.