Detroit 1-8-7 (2010–2011): Season 1, Episode 5 - Murder in GreekTown/High School Confidential - full transcript

When a teenage girl is killed at the same high school Lt. Mason's daughter, Simone, attends, a chill runs through the precinct. The suspects include a lecherous construction worker with a record and even the victim's boyfriend. Meanwhile, the 21-year-old son of a prominent defense attorney is murdered after hours in a Greek restaurant, and it looks to be an inside job.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Never would've pegged you
for a tea guy.

Never would've pegged you
for a detective,

But here we are.

Nothing wrong with tea.

These days, with the baby,
gotta have somethin' stronger.

Three, four hours of sleep

Can stretch a man
to his breaking point.


Good morning.

I like your hair.
Looks good like that.

Thank you.
What a gentleman.

Body of a teenage girl found
at oakland park academy.


Oakland park.
what's up?

Lieutenant's daughter
goes to that school.

All right, we'll call you
as soon as we know what we got.

Meeting with the chief
went longer than expected.

Where you two headed?
A call just came in.

What's the call?
Uh, a homicide.

Girl was found dead
at oakland park academy.

teachers, get your
students back in the classroom.

kids--all kids,
in the school now! Come on.

answer, someone.

put down the cell phone,
all right?

Come on now.

I know you're upset, but we need
you back in the classroom.

Come on, kids.
Get back in class.

Look, folks,
I know you're upset.

Please bear with us.

As soon as we know anything,
you'll know something.

Let the police do their job.

Girl's kandace monroe.
She's only 15 years old.

I was so worried about you.
You didn't answer your phone.
I'm okay.

Kandace monroe, age 15.

Superintendent found the body

About 20 minutes
after the late bell.

Blunt force trauma
to the left temporal lobe.

Most likely from this.

It's rebar.

won't hold any prints.

The surface won't hold
any ridge detail.

We'll send it to serology
in case there's d.N.A.

looks like
claw marks on her neck.

Maybe she got a piece
of the perp under her nails.

I'll have her hands bagged.

So... Guy grabs her,
tries to have his way.

She fights back,
he panics,

And he hits her
to keep her quiet.

Sexual assault?

We'll know
after the autopsy.

Go on over.
I'm fine.

Well, maybe she isn't.
We got it.

Did you know her?

Not really.


let's go. You're coming back
to the station.

Well, you need to do your job.
It's fine.

I am doing my job.

dove sono I bagni?

Where are the toilets?

Dove sono I bagni?

Where are the toilets?

Dove sono I bagni?

How much longer
do I have to listen to that?

Eight and a half months.

Would you like
a glass of wine?

Vorrebe un bicchiere di vino?

Would you like
a glass of wine?

You're really funny. You think
you're gonna retire to tuscany

And dazzle 'em with
your sparkling sense of humor?

I'm gonna try.

Two to the chest.

Guy delivering produce next
door--he saw the back wide open.

Came to check it out,
found him laid out like this.

Rigor mortis.

He's been here a few hours,
at least.

Wallet's missin'.
We searched around for it.

So... no sign
of forced entry.

Is there any report
of an alarm going off?

No. No.

So he didn't break in.
Probably an employee.

Closing up after work,
back door's unlocked.

Shooter slips in
to rob the joint. Pow.

Grabs his wallet and runs.

.40 caliber.

What is going on here?

Pl. Please.
This is my restaurant.
excuse me.

You the owner?

Oh, my god.
How did this happen?

You know this young man?

You sure?


Make sure he stays close.

so we don't know who he is,

How he got here,
or who killed him.

It's a hat trick.

Text your sister
and tell her you're okay.

You know how fast
rumors start.

Can I just go home?

No. I don't want you
to be there by yourself,

And I have work to do.

What happened at school today--
I know you're upset...

I'm not.

Even if you don't want
to talk about it.

I told you. Kandace and I
weren't friends.

it's a traumatic thing.

I hardly knew her.

Simone, you don't have to know
someone to feel bad about it.

It's called empathy.

So... How long do you think
school is gonna be out?

Not long enough
for you not to do homework.

Interview room. Go study.

And don't think I didn't notice
that makeup on your face.

We'll discuss that later.

One of kandace's b.F.F.S
over there said that she saw her

Talking to a construction worker
across the street this morning.

Yeah, we should go see
if she can I.D. Him.

All right.

Excuse me.

Homicide. Detective washington.

Can we talk?

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


stay down.

you're under arrest.

So milbank security's

The only company patrolling
in and around greektown?

Uh, correct.
Uh, drove my usual route.

It was pretty quiet all night.
Nothing unusual happened.

Except for the unidentified
dead man in the restaurant.

Except for that.
Right, yeah.

Sorry. I meant
from my point of view.

Okay. Thanks for your help,
mr. Remus.

Okay. Now according
to the milbank security guard,

The alarm never went off.
No, they are mistaken.

Every night that alarm is set,
either by me or my daughter.

Every night.

Excuse me. Do these belong
to either of you--

Pillow, blanket,
condom, and a bible?

Then it looks like you had
an overnight guest.

May explain
why the alarm wasn't on.

Do your employees know the code?

A few that we trust.

You have a gun?
Oh, yes. We keep a gun here.

Three robberies
on this block in two months.

believe me,
we know what you mean.

What's wrong?

The gun. It's gone.

.40 caliber.

What do you got?

The gun missing from
the restaurant's a .40 cal--

Same as the one used
to kill our victim.
So if that's the murder weapon,
whoever used it

Probably knew the restaurant,
knew where it was kept.

Disgruntled employee
looking for payback?

They probably went in
to rob the place.

It went sideways somehow.
Doesn't explain
who our vic was, though.

His prints
aren't in the database.
So we ran the plates

Of all the vehicles
within a 2-block radius.

The results just came in.

Percy edmondson.

There's our john doe.

Any relation

To the defense attorney
leon edmondson?
His son.

His father's
a bit of a blowhard, right?

With a very high acquittal rate.
Yeah, we bust 'em,
he gets 'em off.

That attitude--it's not gonna
get in the way now, will it?

The man just lost his son.

I think I can table my feelings
for a death notification.

All right.

Let's get to it.

Ci che dio vuole
lo far .

What god wills, I will.

Ci che dio vuole
lo far .

honestly, honestly...


I swear. 24/7.

Stone's got the construction
worker in the box.

Peter afton.
Registered sex offender.

Looks like kandace might've been
hanging out with the wrong guy.

If he was gonna hurt her,
he saw her at the site.

Why wait to go after her
near campus?

Too many witness where he was?
So you think one of
the guys across the street

Killed kandace?

We don't know.

Mm, like he raped her
and then hit her in the head?

Where did you come up
with all that?

I... Read it in a tweet.

Eyewitness says you were talking
to kandace monroe this morning

Before school.

Yeah, she comes around
sometimes. Kind of a flirt,

Likes to show off to her friends
that she can work older guys.

Is she okay?

So I take it she didn't know you
were a registered sex offender.

Did she say I did something?
'cause if she did, that's a lie.

Statutory rape in 2007, huh?

The girl and I were dating.

I was a senior. She was
a freshman. It was consensual.

Law says different.

She was the one
came after me.

Just like kandace, right?

No, not just like kandace.

All we ever did was talk.

Well, she's not talking

You know why?

Because she was murdered
this morning.

Were you at work all morning?

Wait. You...
You got scratches
all over your neck.

I got these at the site,

Which is where I was
until you guys picked me up.

But you should be looking
for that guy

I used to see her making out
with behind the dumpsters.

Dude was all over her.

You seem to know a lot about
her extracurricular activities.

Kinda hard not to notice.

She wasn't exactly shy
about parading it around.

She was slutty.

But I don't wanna talk trash
about a dead girl.

Of course not.

You all are concerned more about
the crime than about justice.

That's all I'm seeking
for my client.

It's my job is to make sure
that he gets his day in court

With the best possible

After that,
it's up to the jury.

Can't help it if most times
they see it my way, right?

this is a slam dunk for you?

Mr. Edmondson, what's next?
give us a statement there.

How could this have happened?

We think he was in the wrong
place at the wrong time.

You know, we're not exactly
sure yet what happened

Or why percy was at
the athens taverna restaurant.

Does that mean something
to you?

This girl he was dating
used to work there.

I thought it was over
between them. Zoe...

zoe... Something.

I only met her
a couple of times.

Yeah. Yeah, I have it here.
Zoe fremont.

Laid off three months ago.

Supposedly she moved
out of town.

They don't call me the prince
of prints for nothin'. Bam!

Left-hand corner.
1 corinthians, chapter 13.

Print belongs
to one zoe fremont.

And the real miracle is,
she has a record.

May be our girl.

You never got back to me on that
double date thing I suggested.

Yeah, I did.

I told you I had to find someone
who'll go out with you first.

Whoever owned this bible
was studying it very seriously.

Last known address
was near wayne state,

But that was over a year ago.

No point in going there first.

Let's take a visit to

The holy trinity
redeemer church.

Why? You wanna pray
for a better lead?

So what can I do
my prayefor you gentlemen?

We speak
to the man in charge?
That would be me.

Unless you mean god, in which
case, uh, he's unavailable.

my name's reverend james boon.

How are you?
Ah. How you doing?

So zoe fremont--she's
a parishioner of this church?

Zoe's a good girl. I'm sure
this is all a misunderstanding.

"all" what?

What are they doing here?
What are they doing here?

I told you
not to call the cops!

They just showed up.

We just wanna ask you
a couple of questions

About your boyfriend,
percy edmondson.

Wh-what are you doing?!
Put that gun down!

Zoe. Zoe. Take your finger
off the trigger, zoe.

I'm not talking to any cops!

Zoe, I need you
to put down your weapon.

We just wanna ask you
a couple of questions.

Go ahead.
I'm afraid we're gonna have
to do that down at the station.

But if you didn't do anything,
it won't take long.

I didn't shoot percy!
Then we can talk about who did.

What are you doin'?

What are you doin'?

"doth not
behave itself unseemly,

Seeketh not her own..."

Please leave me alone!

"thinketh no evil."
say it with me, zoe.

Say it with me.

"rejoiceth not in iniquity,
but rejoiceth..."

"in the truth."
"in the truth," yes.


"rejoiceth in the truth."

Corinthians I...

Chapter 13.

it's okay.

It's okay, zoe.
It's okay.

Afton's alibi checks out.

He was on the worksite
the entire time.

Let's still have ward
check the tissue

Under kandace's fingernails
against afton's d.N.A.


And what about this boyfriend
afton mentioned?

Girls at school claim
kandace didn't even have

A serious boyfriend, so...
Yeah, teachers, parents,
they all say the same--

She was
really into her studies.

Which definitely tells me
she was secretly seeing someone.

Someone her parents
didn't approve of.

why hide it at school?
maybe her friends
wouldn't approve either.

Makes it more dangerous.

Could ask simone.
Maybe she heard rumors.

she didn't really know her,

And I don't nt to push.
You have results for us?

Your vic wasn't raped,
but she was pregnant.

Four months.

Well, get to work
finding the baby's daddy.

Boys in ballistics

Still have a few tricks
up their sleeve.

While your gun was
the same caliber

As the one used
to kill percy,

It's not the same gun.

I told you
I didn't shoot him!

Then what's with all this drama?

We can't help you
if you don't help us.


Where you there last night?

I've been sleeping there

Just until I can find
a place to stay.

My key still works,

And the alarm code's
still the same.

I sneak in after-hours.

Why didn't you just
stay with percy?

I was too embarrassed
to tell him I had nowhere to go,

So I pretended
I still worked there.

He came to pick me up,

And I talked him
into hanging out...

So we could
spend some time alone.

We fell asleep,

And about 3:00 a.M.,
we heard a noise up front.

I knew the petroses

Kept a gun under the counter...

So I grabbed it.

And then that...

It's okay, zoe.

You're safe here.

We saw him!

he was just standing there.

He started shooting,
and I froze.

I saw percy go down,
and I ran.

I thought he'd come after me.

You saw the intruder?

Not his face,
but how he was dressed.

His uniform.

So, zoe, you're saying

That the shooter
was wearing a uniform?

Yeah. He was a cop.

We dumped
kandace's cell phone.

She contacted a women's
health clinic a week ago.

Stone and washington
are checking her computer,

See if there's any names.

Go to the clinic. Maybe kandace
didn't go there alone.



It's weird how simone was asking
so many questions earlier.

morbid curiosity.

A cop's daughter's
pointed questioning.

It's more than that.

We should clock it.

You, uh...


Did you do something
to your hair?

I changed it a bit.

Yeah, I can see that.

All right. Who's driving?

Do you remember seeing
this young lady in here

A few days ago?

Looks a little familiar.
We get lots like that.

Well, we're only interested
in this one.

Her name is kandace monroe.

She and her boyfriend
came in,

Both scared
out of their minds.

We told 'em there was
a 24consent law,

Meaning they had to review
all the materials for a day

Before an appointment
could be made.

O over so well.

What happened?

They got into a big fight.
We had to ask them to leave.

Do you remember
the boyfriend's name?

I definitely
can't give you that.

Look, we have a dead,
pregnant 15-year-old,

And the baby's father is
a definite person of interest.

Anything that you can do to help
would really be appreciated.

I'm not allowed to give out
that kind of information.

It could cost me my job.

We have a very strict
confidentiality policy here.

You have a good day.
Thank you.

Lance brown, 15 years old.

Zoe fremont is the last person
to see my son alive,

And she's not a suspect?

We think she was actually
a witness.

She says it might've been a cop
who shot percy.

A cop?

Do you know any who may have
had a vendetta against you?

I know I'm not aorite
of the police department, but--

That's probably
an understatement.

Look, I do my job,

I defend my clients
to the utmost of my ability,

And I don't make excuses
for that.

It's never personal.

Okay. Okay, well, look,

That--that's good to know,

There was this drug bust case
that I had last month.

I accused a cop
of lying under oath.

He ended up getting demoted.

I got some threatening e-mails
from him.

Did you report this?

I had this strange idea

That I might not
get much support from d.P.D.

Were these e-mails threatening
enough to go after your family?

You be the judge.

"you will pay for what you did
to me and my family.

What goes around comes around."

It might not have been personal
for you, counselor...

But it sure sounds personal
to him.

I don't deny it.

I hate that son of a bitch.
He ruined my life.

Did you send those e-mails?
Ten years on the job,

And this assbag concocts
some kind of crap

About me falsifying a report.

Like that, I'm back
patrolling the streets

And overseeing
community programs.

So where were you

At approximately 3:00
this morning?

I was answering a home invasion
outside of greektown.

And I got a partner,
a report,

And a guy in holding
to back me up.
All right.
We got any more questions,

You mind coming down
to the station?
I have no problem.
I got nothin' to hide.

You call, I'll be there
with a union rep.
All right.

Thanks, man.

Give johnnie cochran
a message for me.

Tell him if I was gonna
kill anybody,

I'd go after him,
not his son.


I believe him.

Kandace monroe
was not the perfect girl

Her teachers
made her out to be.

oh, yeah?

Facebook page, chat rooms--
they're all vicious.

Looks like anybody
she didn't like was a target.

"I can ruin your life.
No one likes you, loser."

She really had it out
for this "losergirl."

That the baby daddy?

He and kandace got in a fight
a couple days ago at the clinic.

Why is lance here?

We have to ask him
a few questions.

He couldn't kill anybody.

He couldn't kill anybody.

Simone, you should get back
to your algebra

Before your mom gets back.

Holland checks out.

There was a home invasion
on the 1500 block of warren ave.

An arrest was made.

Yeah, the c.A.D. Also lists
another home invasion

On jefferson,
near the renaissance center.

Alarm went off.

D.P.D. And milbank security
answered the call.

And you know
that milbank security guard

I talked to this morning--

He said nothing unusual happened
last night.

Patrolled the same area.

Zoe said it was a cop.
Security guard, cop--

At night, it could
all look the same.

Yeah. I think we should have
another chat with mr. Remus.

so you're telling me
you didn't know kandace monroe?

Uh, I've seen her
around school a couple times.

That's about it.

That's about it. Hmm.
I was under the impression

You knew her
a little better than that.

Nah, you got me mixed up
with someone else.

My son told you,
he doesn't know this girl.

Now can we go already?

So that wasn't you arguing with
her at the clinic the other day?

That wasn't you.

Somebody get
their memory back?

What's he talking about, lance?

Here's that file you wanted.

Thank you.

We need to call a lawyer,

Well, you do that, you only
make it harder on yourself.

Look, I only found out
a couple days ago

That she was pregnant, and then
she says she wants an abortion.

You got a girl pregnant,
and you didn't come to me?
You should go back to studying.

I am sorry.
Wait. Wait, wait.

I was just trying to do
the right thing.
How? By crushing her skull?

No. I wasn't even at school
this morning.

I was out looking for a job.

How about a lifetime position
at the license plate factory?

Her being pregnant
got you looking at

Double homicide, lance.
Hey, he said
he didn't kill anybody.

Simone, you shouldn't be
watching this.

But lance didn't kill kandace.
He couldn't hurt anybody.

Look, she wouldn't even text me
back after we left the clinic.

Did that make you mad?
Well, what do you think?

That's what we call motive.
No, stop twisting my words
around, all right?

Stop talking.
She wanted the abortion,
not me.

Stop talking, lance.
I think you wanted the abortion.
She wouldn't do it.

No. No.
You got mad. You got
into a fight. She stormed off,

And then you confronted her
at school.
No! No!
That's not what happened.

Hey, this conversation's over.

Now, we want a lawyer,
and we want a lawyer now.

That's fine.
Whatever you like, mr. Brown.

Lance didn't do it.

I swear.
You got somethin' to tell us?

no. No. Forget it.

Forget I said anything,
all right?

Your daughter's impeding
an investigation.

I've already talked
to her.

Talk to her again.

She said she doesn't
know anythg.

She's lying.

She knows a lot more
than she's saying.

With all due respect,

We've got to look
into every lead.

My daughter is not a lead.

Lance brown's not our perp.

He was looking for a job
at the time of the murder.

You confirmed this?
The only thing he's guilty of
is knocking up our victim.

What do you think she knows?

Nothing. I already told you,

What? Just because I don't think
lance killed kandace

Means I know who did.
You have any idea
who it could be?

Are you asking me as
a lieutenant or my mom?


You know what kids call me
at school?


Or "here comes
the snitch-bitch."

No one wants me
at their parties because

They think if they pull out
a beer or something,

I'm gonna run home
and tell mommy.

I know
it doesn't mean much now,

But in the long run,
none of this is gonna matter.

Most of these kids you won't
even see after high school.

But you know what's gonna
stick with you?

What you did
when you had the chance

To do the right thing.

It's okay if you don't tell me,
but tell somebody.

I didn't raise you
to be afraid.

This morning,
you told me nothing unusual

Happened on your shift
last night.
That's correct.


See, that's strange,

'cause we know that
a milbank security guard,

Along with d.P.D.,
responded to a home invasion

At 1023 traylor street.

Now traylor happens to be
on your patrol,

But for some reason,
the responding officer tells us

That the security guard
was not you.

In fact, none of your stops
remember seeing you at all.

Now you tell me if I'm wrong,

'cause english is
my second language, but...

Doesn't that seem unusual
to you?

So if you weren't on
your patrol, where were you?

Perhaps breaking into
the athens taverna restaurant?

You had access
to the alarm codes.
No, that wasn't me.

You had plenty of time to shoot
and kill that 21-year-old kid.


I didn't work last night, okay?
I traded with another guy.

Oh, that's...
Pretty darn convenient.

It's not a lie.

He paid me 100 bucks.

Well, why didn't you just
tell us that this morning?

I was scared
I'd get fired.

We're not supposed
to switch shifts.

But lying to the police--
they're cool with that.

Who'd you switch with?

Dennis lyons!
Police! Open up!

get him out.

Careful. Door's hot,
door's hot, door's hot.

got him?

Uhh! Help.

going through
the stop sign...


First he was going..

no, I understand.

I see this green...
...Handle the investigation.

Um, I'm going to need
to take as much information

From the families
as I possibly can.

Have you seen simone?

Not since earlier.

She's not answering her phone.

Where the hell
is your partner?

Can anybody tell me

Positive l.O.C.

First and second degree burns.

Pulse was weak and thready.
Bed 3.

That man's a suspect
in a homicide.

he car
went up like that?

He had about ten gas cans
in the trunk.



I'm amara petros.

I got a call they were
bringing my boyfriend in.

They told me to come here.


Simone's still not answering.

Well, I tried some
of the friends' numbers

That you gave me,
but no one's heard from her.

Try 'em again. What about Fitch?
Still not picking up.

Next message, tell him
he doesn't answer his phone,

He'll be working midnights
in central district.

Uh, losergirl, talkalot--

I checked the I.P. Addresses.
They're all fake handle names.

Kandace used them to spread
rumors about other girls

-She didn't like.
-Of course.

So no one could
trace it back to her.

Hey, partner. Yeah.
Is that fitch?

Let me talk to him.

I don't understand
any of this.

They said he was running
from the police,

And then their car
burst into flames?

He was actually running
from us, miss petros.

Did he do something wrong?

We got a warrant. Had detectives
search your house.

We found the gun
that killed percy.

The ballistics matched.

That's not possible.

I told you. I never saw
that boy before.

We don't think
he was part of the plan.
Plan? What plan?

Plan you and dennis had--

Burn down the restaurant,
collect the insurance money.

That's ridiculous.

Amara, dennis had gas cans
in his car.

That's why it went up
in flames.

Did dennis have a key to
the restaurant on his key ring?


I know how hard times
can affect people.

But... A young man is dead.

I never planned to burn down
my father's restaurant.

Somebody did.

We checked
with milbank security,

And there's no record of you
setting an alarm last night.

Of course I set it.

Not according to
"open and close logging"

Which you signed up for
a few years back.

It's possible I forgot.

I-I don't know.

I must have.

There was a lot going on.

Or could be
you didn't set it on purpose.

No. Mr. Petros would
never do that.

He knows that there's been

A rash of burglaries
in his area.

He'd make sure
to protect his restaurant.

His daughter.

Of course.
What was I thinking?

I'm very protective of
my daughters, too, mr. Petros.

They live miles away,

But I still call them
every once in a while,

Worry about 'em like
they were 7.

Make sure
they're taken care of.

It's natural.

But the insurance money

Would have gone a long way
towards taking care of yours.

Two things
you didn't count on...

Zoe and percy.

You might be able
to lie to us.

There's one person
I don't think you can lie to.


Papa? Papa.

Where is she?


Inside where?

This is the home
of laila stevens,

15-year-old honor student,
math tutor.

Doesn't sound like a killer.

No, but she is someone who
has been viciously bullied.

So you're saying kandace
was killed in retaliation.

Kandace confronted laila
in the parking lot.

Tired of being
kandace's punching bag,

Laila picked up the rebar
and hit her.


This is all because
kandace thought

Something was going on
between lance and leila.

Turns out leila
was only tutoring him.

Okay. Just follow me.

So when did you
figure it out?

I got a freaked-out text
from laila

While I was doing
my homework.

Why didn't you say somethin'?

Laila asked me to walk to school
with her this morning.

And I blew her off.

I just got tired of being
the target, too.

I guess... I feel guilty,

Like I caused it
or something.

It's not your fault. You had
no idea this wasonna happen.

I feel so bad.

I just feel
so bad, mommy.

It's okay. It's okay.
I'm here.

♪ I asked my mother,
what will I be? ♪

It's okay.

♪ will I be pretty? ♪

Mm. What, you got a hot date

I'm going home
and I'm gonna be thankful

I'm single with no kids.

You won't always feel
like that.

Someday you'll have a couple
and be proud.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Good night.

♪ whatever ♪

♪ will be ♪

Hey, pumpkin.

Yeah, I was just thinking
about you.

Figured I'd give you a call.

How's my little girl?

Are you still thinking
about next summer in tuscany?

♪ to see ♪

♪ well, well, well ♪

Can I get you
to sign these?

♪ que sera ♪

♪ que sera ♪

She's a good girl, you know,
and she's proud of you,

Even if that's hard to see

How old's yours now?

5 weeks.

It's a balancing act.

Goes by fast.

Make sure
you don't miss it.

♪ well, well, well ♪

♪ que sera ♪

You and I need to go over
some ground rules.

You're in charge,
and I'm not.

But you know what
they say, lieutenant.

By any means necessary.

Oh, is that what they say?

I overstepped my bounds.
It'll never happen again.

Yes, it will.

Just make sure the next time
does not involve my daughter

Or anybody else
that I'm related to.

Nice work today, folks.
See you in the morning.

♪ que sera ♪


Uh, your hair--

Your hair,
how you changed it...

♪ will be ♪



Um, looks great.

Really, really looks...


♪ to see ♪

♪ ohh, ohh ♪

♪ que sera ♪

Nice job today, detective.

♪ que sera ♪

♪ que sera ♪