Detroit 1-8-7 (2010–2011): Season 1, Episode 3 - Nobody's Home/Unknown Soldier - full transcript

Fitch & Washington and Longford & Majahan are assigned to what appears to be a deceptively straightforward investigation -- a woman is murdered in an apparent robbery -- but this is far from an open and shut case. The detectives discover that the victim was a squatter in Brush Park, and they've tripped over something much bigger. Meanwhile, Stone and Sanchez find themselves drawn into the intriguing case of a murdered teenager found along with his father, a Vietnam veteran, who is severely beaten but still alive. Their investigation leads them to uncover a murderous scam involving vintage cars.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
* I know a place *

* uhh *

* ain't nobody cryin' *

* ain't nobody worried *

* no *

* ain't no smiling faces *
good morning, everybody.

Now before we get started,

Let's welcome backdetective.

Who not only received
a commendation

For heroism in the line
of duty... whoo! Whoo!

But also had
a beautiful baby boy.

Looks nothing like his father.


Congratulations, man.
Enjoy it.

I will. now hang on there, deputy dad.

We all, uh, chipped in.

We got you a little somethin' right
here. Hello! Booyah! What is this?!

here you go. Those will
fit you, too. We checked.

that should last you
all 24 hours.

Okay, we've got two live ones,
so let's get to it.

A news chopper spotted a body
out near riverside.

There are multiple tire tracks
and footprints.

It sounds like a real puzzle.
Stone, sanchez... We're on it.

please stay focused.
Be alert.

There's a lot of blood spilt
out there recently.

Fitch, washington, I need you
to get out to brush park.

There was a woman
found shot in her home.

It sounds like
a routine b&e.

The case won't solve itself,


take it easy out there.

Come on. Let's go.

Bring your diapers.

all right, now let's
status check our open cases.

A pretty secluded area.

These are exit wounds.

Looks like two in the back.

They took his wallet.

"daniel saunders.
Marine corps. "

This guy's a vet.
He's a kid.

Who do you think they get
to fight these wars?

We got tire tracks
for two vehicles,

Multiple footprints.

What were they doing
out here?

Some kind of a deal gone bad. He
looks like a drug dealer to you?

Could be an addict,
and they don'tave a look.

We'll run a tox. Hey, we got
some trampled weeds over here.

Yeah, I flagged some casings
over there as well.

shooter's pursuing him
up the hill.

Vic gets hit once, there.

He gets shot a second time
and then drops.

Hey! We got other one!

He's still breathing.

Victim's name is
sally ellison.

9-1-1 got an anonymous tip
a few hours ago.

Where's the body?

In the back. Forced entry,
one to the head.

tv dinner.

She was killed last night.


Entry wound
above the left ear.

Tight contact, close range. Shooter enters,ike
her hair is leaves the door open. R there.

Vict eating dinner,

Hears someone in the house.

She comes into the kitchen.

Shooter's hiding
in the pantry there.

He sneaks up behind her,

She drops. He closes her hair
in the door on the way out.

Guy comes in a burglar,
leaves a murderer.

What's to steal?

Hear that?



Hmm. Sounds like it's coming
from the other room.

I'll check it out.


I'm fine. You
can't call me every 20 minutes.

Try burping him again.

All right?
I'm kind of in the middle here.

Let me call you when I can.

Love you-

That was adorable.

Ah. Mason thought you'd need our help.

Mason was wrong. What, you don't
think we have our own cases to solve?

It was an order. She also said if
somebody steals your lunch money,

We should beat 'em up.

D.A. Ran the tags.

Daniel saunders, 56.

Lives in eastern michigan.

Dog tags are his.
Who's our dead kid?

Eric saunders, daniel's son.

He wore the tags ever since
his dad got back from the gulf.

If I lost my kid like this...

I'm not sure
I'd want to survive.

got somethin' down here.

These pipes have been
ripped out.

Yeah. Copper plumbing
in all these old houses.

Copper thief breaks in.

Sally catches him.
Guy freaks.

Copper thieves don't shoot you point-blank.
well, let's talk to the neighbors.

Maybe they saw something.

So I thought the house was

Being foreclosed on,
and then she moved in.

How well did you know her?
Well, I knew her pretty well.

She was on our neighborhood
watch. You know, she was always

Watching those bangers
and dealers and taggers.

Probably one of those that did it.
Sally was, you know, a little eccentric,

But if everybody fixed up
their house like she did,

The neighborhood would be a better place. Sally must
have wrote the mayor 50 times. Never got a response.

But that didn't stop her from trying. See,
the thing was, she was always watching them,

And they were
always watching her.

Ses like
everybody liked her.

Except the local rifaff.

Ah, look at this.
Tags all over the neighborhood.

These punks have no shame,

Neighbor mentioned a local
scavenger, shady dude-george.

Pushes a shopping cart around,
picking up scrap metal and junk.

Fits the copper thief theory.

Yeahyeah, she says she saw him t
an hour before the cops arrived.

Great. We'll put out an a. P.B.
On apping cart.

Look, um, let's just
take a drive around.

Maybe wean eyeball him.

There's a cart.


Mind if we look
in your cart?

That cart does not belong to me.
Then I guess we don't need permission.

You get first prize, damon.

Hey. Leave my stuff alone.

So it is your cart?

Then these must be
your copper pipes.

My son-

He turned 16 last week

We took some money out
of the bank to buy this car.

He always wanted a...

It's a nice car.

Eric's been working really hard
on the farm.

He was getting good grades.

So we were...

We were driving in...

To pick up this car.

And then...

Then I woke up here.

Mr. Saunders, can you tell me
how you contacted the seller?

My son found the ad.
I don't know.

Maybe it's still in my truck.

Thank you.
Get some rest now.

retrograde memory loss.

Usually temporary.

How long is that gonna last?
There's no way to know.

Excuse me.
Wh-when can I see my son?

nobody told him.

Put a citywide out
on daniel's truck.

I'll tell him.
No, no. I should do it.

My brother was in the 101st.

Mr. Saunders, um...

There's one other thing
regarding your son.

Is he okay?

okay, george.

Where were you last night?

A shelter.

What time did you get there?

I do not know.

What time did you leave?

I do not know.
Why don't you know?

I do not have a watch.

Let me tell you what I have.

I have witnesses that put you

Outside that lady's house
this morning. What lady?

Oh, you wanna play games?

You okay, brother? I'm fine.
And I'm not your brother.

Well, you don't look fine.

Pain is the body's way of
telling you something's wrong.

You ought to takbetter care
of yourself.

Very nice, coming from a guy who
pees in a cup. We're getting there.

Now I'm a man with a temper,

Which I'm trying to control,

But if you keep
playing games here,

I may have to cover that window
and go guantánamo on your ass!

Overcompensating a little?

Good cop, bad cop-
kid does it all.

Okay, maybe a little.

If I have to go and verify
that these pipes match up

With what's
in sally ellison's bathroom,

We gon' have a problem,
and I don't wanna have

A problem, george.

Problems upset me!

Sometimes I'd help her
find things-

Leaded glass fixtures,

Brass doorknobs.

All she wanted was to put that
house back like it used to be.

What about today?

I came by with a sink trap
for the bathroom.

The... Door was slightly ajar.

I entered.

She was...

Not aliv

So you just left her there?
I called 9-1-1.

After you tore out her plumbing. I
did not harm miss ellison. I swear.

We'll check on the shelter.

If you ask me, it was the
bank that did it. The bank?

That was not even her house.

She was squatting there.

And no, sir,

I do not feel bad
about taking that copper.

They're just gonna tear
the house down anyway,

Like all the others.
Pe the neighborhood clean,

As if there weren't no...

People left there at all.

That's the way it is
in detroit now.

That's the world we live in.


Here you go.

They found daniel's truck.

Heard it on the teletype.

20 minutes later
- bam, there it was. Good eyes.

Okay, let's, uh,
let's get a tow out here

So we can dust this thing for
prints, please. hold on a minute.

What's up?
It's a lottery ticket.

Uh, awesome. Keep my fingers
crossed for you.

It was bought this morning.

So whoever's riding this thing
is coming back for it.

You get smarter all the time.


Hey. 86 that tow, fellas

Let's just clear out of
here,s. All right? Yes, sir.

Come on. Move.

2007, the bank foreclosed
on the house,

And they left it to rot.
But six months ago,

Sally's apartment building
was condemned.

So seeing the house was empty
and in disrepair,

She moved in and, you know,
started fixing it up.

Which the neighbors were more
than thrilled to see happen.

A squatter with local pride
is better

Than a vacant house going to seed? Now she
told geoe someone was trying tevict her,

But she'd acquired what's
called adverse possession.

Squatters' rights. She was receiving
mail there. She was paying bills.

And that was delaying
the eviction process,

Which was a hassle
for the rightful owner.

The bank.
So the bank did it?

No, but they'd found a buyer
who was anxious to close escrow.

Who's the buyer? They won't
say. The sale was being handled

For a third party
by a local realtor.

Let me guess. They won't tell
you who the realtor is either?

All right,
get mahajan and longford.

Recanvass the area.

If this realtor's knocked
on some other doors,

You may be able
to find out who he is.

Damon, a minute, please?

Are you okay?

Fine. I'm great. Why?

You went at that old guy
pretty hard.

that's what we do, right?

I'm back up on the horse.

I'm sorry?

Nothing. I just,

Um, can I go now?

You know, sometimes I wonder
if it wouldn't be better

To get rid of some
of these old neighborhoods,

Shrink the city limits,

And start over
with a better plan.

How can you say that, man?
I mean, look at these houses.

Some are so historic,

Which means they're even older
than you are.

Ah ha ha ha ha.

Hey, didn't we come down
this street?

about ten minutes ago.

That wasn't there.

Yeah, it's the same tag
that was on sally's house.

We'll take a drive
around the block.

You know,
I'm not the only one

That thinks detroit
should shrink. I know.

I'm just surprised to hear it
from mr. "I love this city. "

"ogni uomo uccide
la cosa che ama. "

"each man kills
the thing he loves. "

Hey, check it out.
Look. Look. Hang on.

What? What are you doing?

Hang on. Hey! Hey!
What are you doing? Vik!

That wall is historic.
What are you doing?

What are you-


Where you going, punk?!

Drop the bag! Drop the bag!
Drop the bag!

Drop the bag now!
Turn around right now.

Put your hands on the truck.

Where did you think you
were going, huh? Hey!

aw, man!

This is a $300 suit, man.

hey, vik!
Where you at?!

Back here, longford!
Sit down. Sit down!

What the hell happened
to you?

This guy right here.

You know sally ellison?
Did that bitch report me again?

"that bitch"?
"that bitch" is dead.

for re?

Man, you just called her
a bitch.

I mean... I mean, she yelled
at me sometimes, but-

you break into her house last
night? No. No, no, no, no, no, man.

See-see, look, I'm just out trying to make
a living, man. What you mean, make a living?

I get paid to spray.

By who? Some dude,
all right? This dude.

Some kind of realtor
or something. I mean...

His name's bregman.
Curtis bregman.

the neighborhood
is excellent for the price.

You're, uh, close
to downtown.

School-you'll have to
drive elsewhere, 'cause it's-

Um, I'm gonna let you two go on
inside, take a look around.

I'll be right with you.
The kitchen was just redone.

Mr. Bregman. Detective longford.
Detective mahajan. Homicide.

My office told me you'd be coming.
Yeah, we picked up a suspect

Who says you pay him to tag this
neighborhood. He said I what?

Look, these punks drive down
property values.

Now I don't know

How familiar you are
with the concept of profit,

But the higher the property values, the more money I
make. So when this tagger picks you out of a photo array...

Probably saw my face on a bus stop
bench. Yet another form of graffiti.

Is it true you tried to evict
miss ellison from her home?

I had a buyer for that property. Ay,
we're gonna need that buyer's name.

Sorry. Attorney/client
privilege. You're a realtor.

I didn't go through five years
of night courses

At wayne state law for nothing. I guess
they didn't have an ethics course there.

The lady was living in a house
she didn't own.

Now what's ethical about that?
The lady was nuts.

Okay, we don't want to keep you
from any possible sales.

Uh, by the way, how much you
asking for this place anyway?


in this market?

You're nuts.

So you had a brother.

Older or younger?

Uh, he was older,

About three years.

May of, uh, '05...

His transport rolled over
an I.E.D. Outside balad.


Hey, hey, hey, hey.

police! T your hands in the air! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Come on!

Get your hands off me.

I got him. I got him. I got him.
Come on. Get your damn hands off me.

Hey, sexy chick cop.

Stay still. Talk about
detroit's finest, right?

You know what I mean?

Did you just grab my ass?
No. I don't-

Oh! Whoa!
What are you doing?

Stone, don't.

Don't give this jerk's lawyer
a way to get him off. Get up.

Oh, there's lots of ways to get
me off, sweetheart.

Sorry. It's a nervous tic.

"because I am
in a snowflake.

"I am in the rays of sun.

I am in the sparkling
of the stars. "

Sally ellison was not counted
like the rest of us-

Not on any census,
not even on a tax return.

But sally ellison counted
very much.

She took and grabbed hold
of what was discarded

And tried to build it upgain.

Guess she didn't have any
family. "the lord is my shepherd.

I shall not want... "

Why were you running?

Because you're chasing me through a
graveyard. I wanted to talk to you.

Well, why didn't you ask me?
Because I couldn't catch you.

Because you're chasing me through a
graveyard. Okay, let's start over. All right?

I am detective fitch.

And you are?

Oh, uh...

I'm j. J. Zagorski.

Zagorski. How did you
know sally? I'm a reporter.

- I'm doing a local profile series for the "detroit post. " why sally?

'cause it's a great story-
you know, a squatter trying

To reclaim a deteriorating
neighborhood, you know?

I- I started interviewing her

And tracking her progress
with the house and...

God. And then you know,
uh, she started spewing...

This gunk.

"gunk"? Let's try to be
a tad more specific, okay?

Conspiracy stuff, man.

Okay, she thoughsomeone was
using the gangs and the taggers

To force people
out of their homes-

You know, corporate developers
or something. I don't know, man.

You know,
she said she had proof,

But I never saw any of it. Who
knew you were working on this?

No one.
No one?

You know,
just-just my editors.

you wanna tell me
about that truck?

I'd rather tell your partner.
Can you send her in?

We can make it a conjugal

Come on, baby. I know you're watching. Don't be shy now.
Sure. Sure, joke. Joke around. I'm working a homicide here,

And I just picked you up at the victim's truck.
I bought that truck on the street for $500.

That's impossible.

I mean, you're too stupid
to count to 500. Ouch.

Look, I know you didn't do this
alone. Give us your partner,

And maybe I'll talk about
trying to get you a deal.

Take it up with my lawyer.


I really hope that
lottery ticket hits for you.

I really do.

Because one lawyer is not
gonna be enough to help you.

Sit tight. This guy's not
gonna move. We're on the clock.

What about the boy's father? Has his memory improved?
No, not yet. The doctors are keeping us posted.

Searched the victim's truck,
found this under the floor mat.

It's the car ad.

They misspelled "firebird. "

"firbird"? I wonder
if we can find it online.

He was smart enough to use
a hotmail account.

It's untraceable.
Every picture tells a story.

Let's hope we can find one
in here.

This reporter zagorski sounds
like he might know somethin'

Or he was about
to know somethin',

Until sally got killed. It's a detour,
guys. I mean, forced entry, signs of damage,

A history of conflict
with the local vandals.

I don't see any reason why
we should think thiss

More than what it seems. Well,
what about this realtor-bregman?

yeah, I mean,
he was paying a tagger

To deface the whole
neighborhood. That's a crooked way

Of devaluing property so you can flip them. It's not
murder. If we're focusing on some low-level crook,

We're thinking way too small here. Well,
the bank isn't exactly a good suspect,

And the realtor was a dead end. Everything's
a dead end until you find a way through it.

When you hear hoofbeats,
you look for horses, okay?

I let you guys go off and chase
unicorns. That was my bad.

Look, but let's just
get this solved and move on.

She was a nobody,
shot at point-blank range-

A little woman
in a little house.

Mean... In what world does
a killing like that make sense?

I get it,
but we can't get hung up

On everything
that we don't understand.

If we do,
we won't close any case.

All right, you see this guy?

Henry malloy-real tycoon.
Three years ago,

He bought up a whole bunch
of properties on the riverfront.

They're about to break ground
on this huge project.

Now malloy has made millions

Buying out
troubled neighborhoods

And developing
commercial ventures,

But here's the kicker- all right, let
me guess- his realtor's curtis bregman.

You got it.
And one more thing-

Malloy owns
the "detroit post. "

henry malloy?

The henry malloy? He's been buying
up houses like it's a fire sale

In that part of town.
So you guys think that he was

Trying to harass sally out of her
house? We have a strong suspicion.

We know
that malloy's holding company

Ed bregman to buy other properties in the
past. Come on. That doesn't make him a killer.

No, it doesn't. Malloy
owns half of detroit, man.

Look, he's done
a lot of really good things

To help keep this town afloat. Yeah, he's a
very big fish, and this is a very big story,

And maybe it's a little too much
for you to handle. I didn't say that.

Did I say that? No, I didn't.
I didn't say that at all.

What, you need
something more to go on?

Yeah, I need something.

This is strictly confidential,

I'm breaking protocol
showing you this.

What is it?

This is the official
d. P.D. Report on bregman.

He cops to what we're talking
about it, and he names malloy.

He does?

Yes. Don't look at it here.

Okay. Take a look.

Think it over. See if it's
something your paper would run.

I'm guessing we could help
ch other out here, okay,

For sally's sake?

all right. Okay.

Don't insult me.
Put your money away. I got this.

All right.

I'll, um,
I'll be in touch.

Be careful with that.


D.P.D. Report? Bregman didn't
admit to those things.

Well, just because
he didn't admit it,

It doesn't mean he didn't do it.
So what's that report you gave him?

It's a work of fiction...
For now.


and don't worry.
That story's never gonna run.

This is the car daniel
and his son were gonna buy.

What 16-year-old boy wouldn't want
one of these? An '86 firebird trans am?

A little bit of work,
she could be a real banshee.

Okay, this photo was taken
on a lot, right?

Now look at that-
that's a '68 ram air g. T.O.

That's very rare.
I mean, you probably have

Five or six of those
in the whole state.

That's the same g. T.O.


Excuse me. Do you have
an '86 firebird on this lot?

Yeah, one of my mechanics
has one of 'em.

He working today?

Right over there. Hey, k. J.!

sir, detroit p. D.

It's the '86 firebird.

Radio 9-7-2-1, in pursuit
of a red firebird

Heading east on clinton.

Whoa! Whoa! Watch out! Watch out!
Watch out! Okay, okay, I got it.


Up there. Go straight.
That's a dead end.

What are you doing?
I'm gonna cut him off.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What?



Suspect is heading south
on blake street.

He's going too fast. Firebird
ain't gonna make that turn.


Let me see your hands!

Put your hands
out the window!

Hands out the window! Now!

Hey, this is detective fitch.
What's up?

uh, all right. So I-I
pitched the story to my editors,

And they're considering it.


Only they're
a little bit uneasy about

Pissing off a guy like malloy,

So they've asked for another source. Can you get me
one? Only they're a little bit unei'll work on it.

Thank you.

Hey, you know
this kind of thing here?

This is the reason I went
to journalism school.

Yeah, well, be sure toention
me wheyou win your pulitzer.

Oh, man. That'll be the day.
I'll buy you a bottle of dom.

All right.

Why are we sitting
on this guy?

Well, whoever didn't want
sally lison talking

Isn't gonna want
zagorski talking either.

okay, longford.
He's moving out.

We got him.

So your ride was for sale,

Until you got it wrecked.

Us? You're the one that was
driving like an old lady.

Why were you painting it?
The buyer didn't like red.

And who's the buyer? Don't know. They
were gonna come over, take a look at it.

You were painting it on spec?

I don't think you killed
that kid. Kid? What kid?

Ah, ah, ah.

I do think your buddy did.

I mean, he's got the brains,
you got the car, right?

He convinces you
to put out this ad,

Lure that father and son
into town to rob them?

Only dad's a veteran.
Dad decides he's gonna fight.

Your buddy freaks out,
shoots 'em both,

And now you're sitting here, facing life.
I would like to call my attorney now.

Who's your attorney?

I would like to select
an attorney,

And then I would like to give him
a call. You're only making it worse.

Your jacket's vibrating.

Hey, honey.

He did?

I told you that would work.

Yeah, yeah. Put him on.

Hey, little man.

You being a good boy?

Yeah. Daddy loves you. Bye.


Let me see your hands!
Hands out of your pocket!

Hands now!

Jeez, man!
Did that guy have a gun?


You never said anything about
getting shot!

radio 9-7-0-4,

In pursuit of an armed suspect.
We need backup!



Drop it! Drop it!

I will kill you, sir.

Bet you could use one of those
diapers right about now, huh?

good job.

Don't ever do that again.

Mr. Landry,
I'm detective fitch.

thiss actually
very confusing to me.

Your record's clean.
Two kids, a wife.

You being here
almost makes no sense at all.

Doesn't it?

No, it doesn't.


This ballistics report just
came in. It seems your gun

Matches the weapon

Used to kill sally ellison.
Does it?

You killed a squatter
in an old house.

Seems like a random killing.

Of course, I've been at this
long enough

To know there's no such thing
as a random killing.

Isn't there?

Sally ellison's murder

Was clinical, unemotional,
and impersonal.

There was no signature.
There was no ego.

There was no apparent motive.

It was passionless...
Like a business transaction.

Now I see that,

And the only thing that makes
any sense to me at all

Is that this killing was done
for money.

Did you kill her for money?

Did you kill her for money,
mr. Landry?

Were you working
for henry malloy?

Was I?

And sally ellison...
Wasn't the first, was she?

This guy
must play poker.

I'm guessing he wins a lot.

How about this?
Let me tell you a story.


A little girl is asleep
in her bed.

In the middle of the night,
someone comes in

And takes her away.

Her family searches.
The whole city searches.

Eight months later, they find
the remains of this little girl

In the trunk
of a burned-out car.

They never catch a killer.

I know how it began.

You feel so much,
the only way you can cope...

Is to stop feeling anything.

And then killing becomes easy.

We shared a bunk bed.

I slept on top.

I never heard
the window open.

I never heard
the man come in.

My sister was 8 years old.

Mr. Landry,
you want this to be over.

I can see that.
But we don't have a lot of time.

Right now it's just
you and me in here.

You and me and...

It's up to you.

You're in control.


Mm, I went
into the woman's house.

It was very nice in there-
what she'd done.

She came in the kitchen...

And I shot her-
on in the head.

That's all the job required.

Who are you working for?
It's who you think it is.

It's malloy?

I need you to say the name.

This isn't what I expected
at all.

I- I-I need you
to say the name.

You've been...

Very... Kind to me.

Can you say the name?
I don't deserve it.

If it's malloy,
say it's malloy.

my name is sally ellison,

And I'm here to document

The terrorism that exists
in our o neighborhood.

Somebody wants to-
was us away from here.

Somebody wants to scare us off.

And the powers that be
think that we're expendable,

That they can just come in
and take our land for profit.

Send in all their little-
little criminals

To try to frighten us,
little lowlife gang members

And-and thieves
to try to scare us off.

But I'm here to tell you
that we were here

When this city was great,

And we'll still be here
when it's great again.

We are not expendable.

We are detroit.

Zagorski sent this? She mailed
it to him the day she died.

Why is he giving it to us?

"I'll keep digging,

If you will, too. "

Landry signed off
on eight different murders-

Most of them cold cases,
all of them disconnected.

It's a major score, fitch.

What about sally? Did he say
who he was working for?

No. I don't think
we'll get that.

You're letting us go now?

Not yet.

I want you guys
to get comfortable.

Have a seat.

Coffee? You want me
to get you guys some coffee?

Not bad.

h- hey.
Yo, man, check it.

That dude was dead, man.

you left a witness, boys.

Do you want room for cream?

Wait. What the hell is this?
This is how this is gonna work.

You guys make him pick you
out of a lineup.

The prosecutor's gonna push
for the max.

But you sign a confession, maybe
you can avoid a death sentence.

Your choice.

Give me the papers.

I'll sign it.

Coffee's cold anyways.

mr. Saunders, we caught
the men that did this.

They're confessing.

So no lineup? Because my-
my head's not right still.

I wouldn't know them
if I saw them.

That's okay.
They knew you.

We, uh, we don't need
these anymore.

you'd want them back.

...Think that we're expendable,

That they can just come in
and take our land for profit.

Send in all their little-
little criminals

To try to frighten us,
little lowlife gang members

And-and tes to try and scare us off.
So what do you wanna do about it?

I want to catch the coward
behind the killer.

And you think that's henry
malloy? This tape goes to motive.

The question is, who wanted
to clear out brush park so badly

They were willing to hire
a hit man to murder this woman?

Malloy's been eating up areas all over town.
And cleaning them up, which in many ways,

Is a positive thing for this city.
Not if this is the way he does it.

I can't pursue a case
based on the rantings

Of some kooky squatter.
Kooky murdered squatter.

our shooter did give indication

That he was being employed malloy.
Detective, we have limited resources.

Until you've got more evidence,
I'd rather start making a case

Against landry
on multiple counts of murder

Than tilting after windmills.

You heard what she said, right?
Yeah, malloy's too big for her.

She doesn't have the balls to go after him. No,
she's saying she needs something more concrete.

Get her that,

And I promise, she'll take it
as far as she can.

How's your gut?

My gut's fine.

I heard you chased down landry.
I'm sure you weren't scared,

But if you were, it's okay.
You're supposed to be scared.

If we're lucky,
it'll keep you alive.

Sir, do you have
a reservation?

I'm a guest of henry malloy.

...So the car is-
is rolled down the hill,

And I'm in the backseat, right?

And she's...
screaming her head off.

Who's sally ellison?

Who is sally ellison?

Sit down. Have a martini.

it's too dirty for me.

Would you like to speak
in private?

Here. Let me give you my card, and
- I know what happened. I know what you did.

What's one small death when
you're building an empire?

look out there-

Schools, libraries.

I've helped put up
more than you can count.

I've donated wings to hospitals,
made safer parks for kids,

Yet you have the audacity
to walk in here,

Disturb my evening
with your naive theories?

Okay, I'll take that to mean
you did know who she was.

I won't stop. Okay? I don't
care what the record says.

To me, the case is open.

You think you know me.

I know you.

I know what happened
in new york.

I know what brought you to our
fair city all those years ago.

If you really knew
what happened in new york,

You'd be crapping in your pants
right now.

* a boy is born *

* in hard-time mississippi *

* surrounded by *

* four walls
that ain't so pretty *

* his parents give *

* him love and affection *

* to keep him strong *

* moving
in the right direction *

* living just enough *

* start giving just enough *

* for the city *

Sync by Rafael UPD
www. addic7ed. com