Destination Fear (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Fairfield County Infirmary - full transcript

The team's terrifying road trip takes them to a house of horrors in Lancaster, Ohio. When Dakota tasks each member to explore the property all alone, Alex encounters something so evil it wouldn't be believed if not caught on video.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We are going to
an infamously haunted,

Abandoned infirmary.

You couldn't offer me
any amount of money

To have me stay there
overnight by myself.

I think we should
start with solos.

I'm not doing this.
This is seriously so dumb.

It is kind of a hot spot
for some activity.

I just felt, like,
a hand touch my hand.

We need to get some answers.
Answers can wait.

Something does not want us
in here.

I have never been legitimately
scared until I came here.

Aah! It's opening!
Dude, what the ****

My name is dakota laden.

I am a documentary filmmaker.

For the past few years,
I've been investigating

The paranormal with zak bagans
and the "ghost adventures" crew.

Dakota laden.
Welcome, buddy.

I grew up in a house
where paranormal activity

Terrorized my entire family.

It has gripped by sister,

My childhood best friend,

And me ever since.

So, I had an idea --

A psychological experiment...

...Where I would test how terror
affects the human mind,

What it reveals about
our true selves,

And just how much of it
a person can withstand.

To understand the paranormal,

First we need to overcome
our fear.

I'm leading us on a road trip
to explore

The most haunted abandoned
locations in all of america.

Each night, we'll separate
and sleep alone.

The catch is, I'm the only one
who knows where we're going.

- What's going on?
- I don't know what's going on.

I don't know if there was, like,
an accident or anything,

But we've been stuck here
for, like, an hour or so,

Yeah, waiting for this
to get off the highway.


- This is what happens, though.
- Yeah.

I mean, you can't predict
the future.

Geez, the weather's
been ridiculous.

You know what?
Like, every time

We've got rained on, like,
before the overnights...

It's been the worst night.
...We've had, like, bad nights.

There's electricity
in the air.

This is not good.

My god.

I'm just glad we're in the rv
on the highway right now

And not in a haunted, abandoned
building when it's raining.

Okay, two more stops to go.

Chelsea and tanner
are back in the rv.

Right now, I just want
to kind of talk

About some of the information
about this next location.

We are going to
an infamously haunted,

abandoned infirmary.

This place was a poorhouse

Where people with severe mental
and physical conditions

Were supposedly cared for,

But instead these patients
were subjected to torment,

Abuse, and beatings.

There are countless claims

Of paranormal encounters
at this location.

There have been
physical assaults.

Full-bodied apparitions
have been reported.

Audible voices are heard.

Doors open on their own.

Where we're going is
a very dark place,

And I just hope that we're
all ready for this one.

So I'm gonna go
jump back in the rv,

Because it is about
to start raining again,

And we have a long trip
ahead of us.

We are finally moving again
after 31/2 hours.

We're moving.

Think about it.

The reason this whole road trip
is happening

Is because of what happened
in our house growing up

And the paranormal activity
that we had to deal with.

We grew up in a very,
very haunted house.

We built the house.
It wasn't an existing house.

And we actually had
a neighbor tell us --

He warned us.

He said, "don't move in
to that house.

Don't build anything
on this land.

Satanic rituals were conducted
on the property."

Alex is our next-door neighbor.

You literally live across
the street from us, so all --

You felt the effects
of this, too, growing up.



I actually woke up to police
at the foot of my bed,

And I woke up,
and the police said,

"you need to get out
of your house."

my younger sister

Actually saw someone
in our house.

The police were called,
but the police said

There's no sign of breaking
and entering.

There was no sign
of anyone in the house,

And they basically said,
"this is out of our scope."

I remember that.

"this is not something
we can help you with."

You know, some of the stuff,
we were young.

You could potentially say, like,

"you had
a wild imagination."

But it wasn't just us.
It was our parents.

You see your mom crying
and scared and your dad scared,

It has an effect on you that --
it's hard to explain.

That's why we had to
get the house blessed.

We had to have
two pastors

Literally come over
and bless the house.

When you get your community
church to bless your house,

That's when you know
it's a serious issue.

It was bad.

It was really bad.

I still have
unanswered questions,

And I want to chase the fear

So I can get
a better understanding

Of what is going on
with the paranormal

And what is actually happening,
because I guarantee it --

There are thousands
of families out there

Who are experiencing
right now

What we had to go through
as young kids.

It's very isolating when
you have something that,

Like, people can't explain
happen to you.

Like, I remember, like,
telling those stories

And, like, having people,
like, not believe me,

And then it makes you not want
to share your stories.

Now look at us --
we're on a road trip

Traveling to the most haunted
abandoned buildings

In the country.

Before we get to where
we're really heading to,

I have a pit stop
in mind for us,

Something that's a little
more lighthearted and fun.


- County fair!
- Okay, yeah.

- We're going to the county fair.
- We're going to a county fair.

I love fairs.

I know.

- What do we do first?
- Let's go play some games.

All right, come here,

All right.

- Yes!
- That's three, baby!

Let's go!

Okay. You got this!

Come on, tanner.
Come on, tanner.



- Tanner!
- So close!

- What are you doing, dude?
- I'm trying!


I say we just stay here
the rest of the trip.

Eat more funnel cake.

I have to tell you
some stuff soon, though.

- Like what?
- I don't know to know yet.

Like some information about the
haunted location we're going to.

That's gonna be you

- Or you.
- Or me.

The nickname for the location
we're going to

Is "the black mark."

Locals call it the black mark
of the town...

...Which is not
a good sign.

It has to do with the torture
and the abuses

That went on
at this location,

And when it comes
to the paranormal,

There was a woman
who was in one of the rooms,

And she walked in, and she felt
a hand come around her mouth,

And she thought
it was her boyfriend

Playing a trick on her,
so she stepped backwards,

And the apparition
went right through her.

Two of the things
that I'm most scared of

Are visual
and anything physical.

Yeah, and that's exactly
what's going on here.

So I have done
a lot of research.

I've talked to countless people,
and it's not good.

There are some very creepy
stories out there.

It seems that most everyone
who goes inside of this building

Has some sort
of an experience.

So, chelsea, do you want
to open the packet?

All right.

Here you go.

Fairfield county infirmary.

"nestled in the quiet fields
of lancaster, ohio,

The 35,000-square-foot
four-floor infirmary,

Also known as the
clarence e. Miller building,

Has been a site
of horrible abuse,

and shocking accidents."

This building was built
in 1826 by fairfield county

As an infirmary and poorhouse.

Women who --

Husbands didn't want
to deal with them anymore,

Children who were orphaned,
the sick, the elderly,

They were all here,
all together.

Some had some
mental health issues.

"in 1851, 31 neighbors went
to the local newspaper

To report that
the evil superintendent

Was beating patients

And often dragged them out
into the fields for punishment,

Kicking and screaming
along the way."

the superintendents

That ran the facility
at that time

Were really harsh.

They took their position
of authority to inflict harm,

And they would beat them.

"once admitted,
most patients never left,

Dying of old age,
disease, or worse.

There is a cemetery
on the back of the property.

There are thousands of bodies
up there that are not claimed.


"the morgue.

When a resident would pass away
in the winter,

The staff would store their body
in a makeshift morgue

Down in the basement
storage unit."

There's a room here
that has refrigeration rooms,

So that was used
to store vegetables and meats.

It was also used to store
the bodies during the winter.

The ground, of course, is too
hard for them to bury them,

So they would wash them
in the same basins

As they would wash their food

And then store them in the
refrigeration or freezers there.

It is kind of a hot spot
for some activity.

- Geez, dude.
- So gross.

That throws me
over the edge.

Like, that is
the creepiest thing.

"the jail cell.

At the end of the third floor
lies a room with a barred door.

It was here that the staff kept
misbehaving patients locked up."

On the third floor
where the gated room is,

The most haunted floor
in this building, in my opinion,

20 to 30 people could have been
in that small room

Locked in together.

You're talking children that
were having a really bad day,

Women who were
severely depressed.

They'd throw you into that cell
to teach you a lesson,

But you were also in there
with the folks

That were criminally insane,
that were extremely aggressive.

"people report capturing
aggressive evp responses

And experiencing poltergeist
activity in this area."

Dude, that's --

Are you kidding me?

That's what scares me
the most is poltergeist stuff.

- I know.
- That's creepy stuff.

I've experienced doors
slamming in front of me

That are extremely hard to move.

I remember walking up
to a doorway,

And I locked the door,

And I stood there talking
to another staff member

Across from me,

And the doorknob jiggled
back and forth

Right in front of our eyes.

"room 322.

This area
is prone to apparitions.

One visitor claims
that a spirit

Clapped its hands
over her mouth,

And when she
stumbled backward,

The hand slipped
through her head."


That's what I was
telling you about earlier.

Some of those spirits definitely
do not want us in the building

And will poke at you
and prod at you until you leave.

I felt something poke me
under my rib cage sharply.

"a little girl named susie is
said to haunt the third floor,

Often saying that she's lonely
and looking for a playmate."

There's a spirit
of a little girl

That roams the halls here.

She walks around
with a teddy bear.

We've heard giggles
in the hallways,

Noting malicious about it,

But just a playfulness
and inquisitiveness.

Literally everything you can
think of in terms of haunting,

It has -- everything.

I have never been legitimately
scared until I came here,

And that was in the attic
in this building.

You couldn't offer me any amount
of money to stay there

And have me stay there
overnight by myself.

I saw what appeared to be

Approximately about a
7- foot-tall dark shadow figure,

Head and shoulders,
no definition beyond that.

It was a very tall male,
solid-black shadow figure.

And it melted in front of me,

And I have never, ever in my
life seen anything like that,

And it really shook me.

"on March 22, 1929,

73-year-old resident
jane householder

Was burned alive
in the attic

When she opened a gas stove and
her clothing caught on fire."

- Geez.
- Yeah, up in the attic, too.

We believe jane is still here.

We believe jane is upstairs
in that room.

We believe it's her energy
that you feel up there

That's desperate and sad.

And if you look at the room
below where that happened,

You can see where the rafters
are a little charred.

It's so creepy.

It looks right out
of a horror movie.

It is like
a horror movie.

This one is, like,
yes, it's big,

But it's not as big as some
of the places we've been to.

But don't
let that fool you.

No, all of the experiences
we just read about

Is now condensed within
the walls of this location,

Which is much smaller,

Which means there isn't
much room for safety here.


That's terrifying.

I think we should start
with solos.

I'm not doing this.

I feel like I'm gonna pass out.

Yo, what the ****

Dude, I'm freaking lost.

We are actually on our way
right now to a lady's house.

Her name is tara.

She's been to the infirmary
when it was still running.

Tara's a believer,
and her daughter was like,

"mom, no. You're crazy.
I don't believe you."

But then her daughter went there
and had her own experience,

And now she's a believer,
and I found that so interesting.

It takes a lot to turn you
into a believer.

We were in the same shoes
as tara's daughter.

When we were growing up,
we didn't believe it,

And then we had it happen.

All right, we are pulling into
tara's house right now.

- Hey, there.
- Hi.

- How you doing?
- How are you?

My name's tara.
Nice to meet you.

nice to meet you.

I hear you guys got some stories
to tell us.

We do.
We do.

You guys were at the infirmary

When it was still
running, right?

Yes, many times,
so when it was running,

It was
the health department.

And you would go in
and get formula.

And I would take her there
when she was a baby.

Have you guys
actually walked through

And experienced any kind
of paranormal yourselves?

Every time I've walked in there,
I've experienced something.

- Every time?
- Every time.

- Every time.
- Every single time.

I've had doors
slammed on me.

- In front of your face?
- Yes.

I've been scratched
before or...
You've been scratched?

On my back, in the morgue,
I was scratched.

And she's like,
"mom, my back's hurting.

It's burning,"
and so I put my flashlight on,

And it was three scratches,
and I'm like, "we got to go."

Why do you think
all these spirits

Are stuck
inside of the building?

I think the superintendent's
keeping them there.

That's interesting.
I didn't think about that.

I really think that he's
not allowing them out,

And they're so scared
because of what they lived.

And they weren't allowed
to stand up to him.

He's still running
the show today.

He's still running
the show.

Do you think
it would be smart

To let all the other spirits
know that the superintendent

Doesn't have any control
over them anymore?

- Yeah.
- Yes.

And what do you think
would happen if we did that?

They're gonna
listen to you more,

But then he might
get angry at you.

It's probably --

That's an interesting
point, tanner.

Like, maybe we try that
tonight -- tell them out loud.

Just let them know that,

"the superintendent
doesn't own you guys anymore."

we've done that before,

And they've been
a lot more active.

It'll help them be less scared
to talk to you.

We got a lot to think
about before tonight.

Thank you so much
for this, seriously.

The sun is going down.

Let's just say I want
to go about things

A little differently tonight,

But I'll tell you
when we get there.

I'm already so nervous
going into tonight.

We are getting close.

- All right.
- Where are we, dakota?

- That's it, right there.
- Right there.

- Ho-ho.
- That is so freaky.

- Dude.
- Here we go, you guys.

There it is,
the fairfield county infirmary.

That is like
a horror movie.

This is it.

All right.
We're here.

- Man.
- This looks like a nightmare.

So we just got to
the fairfield county infirmary.

We set up
all of our gear outside.

I have an idea that I have not
told you guys yet.


Tonight, instead of walking in
as a group,

I think we should
start with solos.



- What?
- No!

- Damn!
- Dude.

- No.
- Yes.

I'm not doing it.

- Come on, chel.
- You're actually so mean.

I'm not mean.
I think this is a --

I'm mad I didn't think
of this earlier.

No, I can't do it.

- We have to.
- Dude, I can't do it.

I'm being serious.
Like, I can't do that.

This whole project, this whole
thing is an experiment

On facing our fears.

I think if we really want
to challenge ourselves

And test our capacity --

- What the hell was that?
- Dude, that was loud.

What the hell was that?

Did you guys hear that?

That sounded like someone was
pounding on one of the windows.

I'm not doing this.
This is seriously so dumb.

I think if we really want
to challenge ourselves

And test our capacity --

- What the hell was that?
- Dude, that was loud.

What the hell was that?

I'm scared, too, chels.
I am freaking out.

This is your stupid idea.
You're going first.

We're drawing out of a hat.
No, you're --
you should go first.

If you're so freaking impressed
with your idea,

You should go first.

We can draw who goes next,
but you're going in first.

- You know what?
- I will try it, attempt it.

You know what? You know what?
I will take that up.

I have put you guys
on this terrible road trip.

I'm putting you through
these hard challenges.

I will go first, and every time
after that, you guys can draw.


All right, so we have all agreed
now that we're gonna do solos.

I've agreed to go first
per chelsea's request.

I'm bringing this backpack

That's got two cameras in it
and two tripods.

I'm gonna try to set up
both these two cameras

Somewhere in there so that
for the rest of the night

As we go in doing solos

That there's more cameras
in there filming us.

- Good luck, dude.
- Dude, this sucks.

All right.
Here goes nothing.

I am walking up to the door

To go into the infirmary
all by myself.


Okay, so I just went in the back
entrance of the location,

Which is on the second floor.

This is really scary.
I don't know where I'm going.

I've never been in here.

Here's the stairway.

All right.
I am going up the stairs.

I'm coming in here tonight
because I have some questions

And I want to tell your story.

All right, so I just set up
this camera right here.

It's filming all the way down
this long hallway

On the third floor.

look at this.

This is the gated cell room.

This is where, if you were
misbehaving, you were sent.

Earlier today, we met with tara.

She told us that
this is the one room

She doesn't want to go in alone.

I'm gonna do it.

I should lock myself in.

Is the superintendent here?

I heard the superintendent here
is a terrible man.

I mean no disrespect to anyone
here except the superintendent.

Can you open up that door,
the cell door?

I'm gonna get out of the cell.

I want to see some more.

I'm gonna try to keep
going up to the attic.

My god, it's just really,
really hot up here.

So right now
I am up in the attic.

This is where a woman
named jane burned to death.

You can still see all of
the burn marks on the ceiling.

My god.

I just felt, like,
a hand touch my hand.

So right now
I am up in the attic.

This is where a woman
named jane burned to death.

You can still see all of
the burn marks on the ceiling.

My god.

I just felt, like,
a hand touch my hand.

And I am moving away from that.

Holy ****

I just heard running.

And I am moving away from that.

Holy ****

Okay, so I just set up a camera

In the corner of this
massive room in the attic.

I already felt my hand
get touched in here,

So I am very uncomfortable
to be in here

Any longer than I have to be.

I am leaving the infirmary.

I have a terrible feeling right
now like I'm being watched.

It is time to get out of here.

Hey, hey.

That was
so freaking scary.

Dude, you were there
for forever.

- That was a good job.
- You guys are up.

I'm done.
I'm off the hook.

So you guys are gonna
draw out of a hat

To decide on
who goes in next.

Ready and open.

- Two.
- Three.


- You're going in next.
- That sucks.

This is so ****

Chelsea is about to go up
alone in the infirmary.

She has free range
to go wherever she wants.

We'll see
how long you last.

Shut up, dakota.

All right, chelsea.
Good luck.


I don't know where I'm going.

I have no idea where I am.

I think I'm on the third floor,

I don't know where I am.

Honestly, though, this is
probably the best chance

For us
to catch evidence.

Just according to
all the reports,

Like, they like
small numbers of people.

Shh! Shh!

That was someone screaming
right over here.

- Look at this. There's nothing.
- There's nothing.

Is this where the guy would
take them out and beat them?

Yeah. Yes.
Superintendent, yeah.

Dude, that was
a painful scream.

Honestly, it was
just full of pain.

Shh! Shh!

It's hard to say paranormal
because, like, we don't know.

Maybe there's someone
sneaking in the woods

Trying to scare us
right now.

Even if it was a human,
that's still scary.

What's happening to that person?


319, 320.

I'm pretty sure
this is room 322.


This room just feels different.

Gosh, dang it.

This is the room where someone
apparently had their mouth

Covered by something
that wasn't really there.

I feel incredibly light-headed
right now.

Getting out of here.

Dude, I feel like
I'm gonna pass out.

Just gonna sit here
for a second.

Just letting you guys know,

I'm sitting down in the middle
of the hallway

'cause I really
feel light-headed.

What floor are you on?

I'm on the third floor,
I think.

Honest to god,
I feel like I might faint.

- Yo, you should actually --
- we need to go in there.

Do you want me
to come in there, chels?

Hey, chelsea.

Can you answer me
right now?

I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
I'm coming out.

this is such a bad idea.

Dude, that third floor,

I literally feel like
something happened in there.

- Really?
- Geez?

Dead serious, like, my head
feels like it's gonna blow up.

That's the first time
that ever happened to me

Where I actually feel like
I'm gonna faint.

- Are you okay?
- I had to sit down.

You know how scary it is to
sit down after you feel like --

Like, I had to sit down.

So I've went inside.

Chelsea's went inside.

- You ready for this?
- Yep.

All right, brother. Good luck.

Here goes nothing.

All right.

That's how I feel right now.

I am on the third floor.

This is where it's said
that the spirit of a little girl

Is said to roam
and kind of hang out.

So this is the music box.
It's a motion-sensor device.

Just gonna turn this on.

Susie, I'm here to show you this
new toy that I brought for you.

It's right here.

If you'd like to play with it,
just stand right in front of it.

It'll make a song.

All you have to do is get
close to it and touch it.

God, the music box is broken.

The light will go off,

But I don't think the music
is gonna play.

Well, susie,
I'm gonna leave this here.

Feel free to play with it, okay?

I'm super nervous now
because I really think

The amount of people
going in and out,

Like, it's just gonna keep
amplifying and amplifying.

Like, think about it.
You went in.

You got touched in the hand.
You heard a few noises.

Chelsea goes in, she almost
feels like she's gonna pass out.

It does seem like
it's getting worse.

so if tanner comes out

And something
even crazier happens,

I don't know how far I'm gonna
even be able to get in.

Yeah. That's true.
I wonder how he's doing.

Tanner's been in there for,
like, over 15 minutes now.

It's the jail cell.

That's so sad.

Okay, I'm gonna go down
to the basement.


This is a weird vibe.

I think I found the morgue.

Yeah. I found it.
This is really creepy.

They would just stack
dead bodies up in here

Right next to all the food

Because in the winter,
they couldn't bury the graves.

Okay, this is the most scared
I've been the whole entire time.

This is freaking creepy.

I don't like it
down here at all.

What the **** was that?

I think I found the morgue.

Okay, this is the most scared
I've been the whole entire time.

This is freaking creepy.

I don't like it
down here at all.

What the **** was that?

Done, done, calling it.

How was it?
I found the morgue
right underneath here,

And, dude, that room
creeped me out.

Like, all of a sudden,
like, I was just --

Like, heart started racing.
Like, I was just, like --

I don't know why,
but, like, I'm freaking out,

And then I heard a big boosh!

And I was like,
"out. Done. See you. Bye."

- Yeah.
- Was that when you left?

Yeah. I was like, "all right.
I'm out of here."

Holy crap.

So, alex, you're the last person
to do a solo walk-through.

This is my first time ever going
into a building like this alone.

- Good luck, dude.
- You got it.

Let's just get it over with.

See you in
like two minutes.

I hope not.

So right now,
I'm on the second floor.

How do you --

So I'm already lost.

Dude, I have no idea.


Here it is.

Okay, so I'm making my way
up to the third floor.

Dude, the music box
is going off right now.

I know there's no music.


Hey, alex.

Dude, the music box
is going of.

Holy ****

Dude, I just heard the loudest
bang at the end of the hallway.

- What?
- What?


I'm shutting this thing off.

Wait, alex,
what did you hear?

Dude, so the music box
was just going constantly on,

And then I heard a huge bang

At the end of the hall
on the third floor.

There's only two hallways
that go down.

It's that one random one
and then the other one,

Which is the jail cell.

Where's the jail cell again?

So when you
come up the stairs,

You take a left,
the left hallway.

It's on the very end
of the hall.

Down at the end of the hall

Where the camera's shooting,
that's where the cell is?

Yep, the last one
on the left.

Is that where the noise came
from is towards the jail cell?

- Dude, yeah.
- Really?

So is it closed?

Because that's -- I mean,
I made sure it was closed.

Let me just --
let me go check.

I'm just gonna -- I --

I'm getting off walkie
for a second.

I'm so scared right now.

Just for reference, this is what
I'm seeing right now --

Pitch black.

Okay, so I didn't
even know this,

But where I heard
the loud noise

Is actually where
the jail cell is.

My god.

It's open.
It's open.

Dude, it's wide open.

Well, tanner, you claim --

Dude, we'll look at
my footage again,

But I'm like 100% certain
that was closed.

Like, I'm almost 100%
certain that I closed it.

It's the jail cell.

That's so sad.

Dude, the music box
is going off.

Dude, the music box
is going off.

I walked past the music box,
which was going off,

And I heard a loud bang
at the end of the hallway.

Tanner says that this door

Right here in front of me,
he shut it.

Man, okay.

I'm gonna close the door
just to be safe.

All right, I'm gonna head
upstairs to the attic.

You freaking stirred
something up, dude.

I was talking
super respectful.

I was really respectful
in there

Until I mentioned
the superintendent.



This is the room where jane
was set on fire

By accident or by suicide.

No one's really sure.

I don't feel good right now.

I feel really nauseous.

I need to get out of this room.

My knees feel super weak
right now.

Like, it's hard for me to walk.

I'm out of here.
I don't like that attic.

All right, I'm back down
on the third floor now

Where earlier I heard the bang
down by the jail cell,

Which, by the way,
tanner said he closed,

So I don't know how --

It's closed.


Did I close that?

I don't remember
if I closed it or not.

Aah! It's opening!

All right, I'm back down
on the third floor now

Down by the jail cell.

It's closed!


Did I close that?

I don't remember
if I closed it or not.

Aah! It's opening!
It's **** opening!

Dude, dude, holy ****

Dude, what the ****

Holy ****

Dude, the jail cell opened.

I got it on camera.

I hear him.

Alex, what happened?

What is going on?

Dude, I'm coming out right now.

I'm coming out right now.

Where do I go?

Dude, I'm freaking lost.
I'm lost.

I'm freaking out right now.
I'm lost.

- Okay, well --
- aah! ****

We're coming in.

Let's get alex.

- My gosh.
- No way.

Alex, yo!

- Al!
- Alex!

Dude, what the ****

- What happened?
- What happened?

- Dude!
- What happened?

What happened?
I go back downstairs
from the attic,

And I start walking towards it,
and it goes...

- No!
- I got it on camera.

- Dude!
- Got it on camera, 100%.

- You got it on camera?
- Dude!

We need to watch this.
We need to watch this right now.

This is, like,
some of the best ****

That I've ever seen
in my life.

Sometimes, like, when you're
moving your light, though,

Like, it looks like
things are moving.

Yeah, are you sure
it wasn't, like, you --

Dude, it opened.

I need to get out of here.
I need to get out of here.

Let's get out of here.

What the heck?

You're freaking sure?

Dude, I need to see it
with my own eyes.

Wait until
you see this.

- Can we get a laptop?
- Yeah. I got my laptop.

- Let's pull it out.
- What the hell, dude?

Dude, what's really weird,
too, is up in the attic,

I felt nauseous.

My knees were weak.
I felt like I could barely walk.

- Holy crap.
- Weird, dude.

- And then I went downstairs.
- I felt that same way.

Yeah. I'm gonna cut this camera
so we can --

- Okay.
- I'm shaking.

I got my laptop.

Okay, so right now, alex
just had a crazy experience.

We got my laptop.

We put the memory card
on the computer,

And we are gonna
review this footage.

Which, by the way,
tanner said he closed,

So I don't know how --

It's closed!


Did I close that?

I don't remember
if I closed it or not.

It's opening!

It's **** opening!

Dude, dude, holy ****


- My god.
- I told you.

What the hell?

Let me go back.

What the hell?

- ****
- my god.

- Dude, you actually got that.
- Yeah.

I'm not freaking sleeping there,
no way.

- I'm not going back in.
- We have to.

I'm only going in there
if us four go together.

That is the most insane thing
I've ever seen.

I can't believe
we just caught that.

Alex, you actually
caught a door opening.

That's insane.

A big door, the heaviest door
in this facility.

What the hell?
Wait a second.
Wait a second.

When I was in the jail cell

And I was antagonizing,
and I literally said,

"can you open a door?
Like, I hear -- "

Like, I was talking
to the superintendent.

I mean no disrespect to anyone
here except the superintendent.

Can you open up that door,
the cell door?

Okay, I know no one wants
to go back in there,

But now let's go back in
as a group.

We'll bring
the digital recorder.

We'll try
to get some answers.

- This is messed up.
- This is really messed up.

Guys, I really don't think
we should go back in.

Me either. I'm on board
with not going back in.

I just have a bad vibe
all around, all --

Everything about
this whole last 30 minutes.

Dude, have you ever seen
anything like that before?

I've heard of it.

I've seen, like, other people
catch stuff like that,

But I've never
actually seen that,

Like, up close and personal.

Dude, you think get answers
from these types of things?

I have more questions now.

We've all just did our solos.

Alex caught a door
opening on camera.

We have to go back in, but we're
gonna go in as a group.

We're gonna stay together.

I'm, like, not sure
we should sleep alone tonight.

I think we should just --

I mean, we kind of did our
challenge already being alone.

I think the best plan
of attack

Is that we try
to get some answers.

Alex, just let us know.
Like, I don't know.

I feel like whatever's here is,
like, totally messing with you,

So, like, if you feel anything,
just let us know.

All right, we are going up
to the third floor.


All right, so the jail cell
is open right now.

I just want to feel
how heavy it is again.

Yeah. Let's see how heavy
this door is.

Like, this is a heavy door.

My gosh. Yeah.
That's heavy.

I don't how
that's even possible.

There's no, like,
spring or, like,

Nothing that would,
like, generate force.

Mnh-mnh, and there's no air
in here at all, and it's --

That's a closed window.

What do you guys say that we do

A digital-recorder session
right out here?

Maybe we can get, like, a name.
Maybe we can get a reason.

I'm gonna set up this rem pod
down at the end of the hall.

Rem pods pick up
electromagnetic energy,

So if something comes close
to this, it's gonna go off.

All right, I'm rolling
on the digital recorder.

Who opened this jail-cell door?

Can you tell us your name?
Who was that?

Susie, is that you?

It stopped.

It sounds like
that's susie.

If that is you, susie,
if you talk right now,

I will be able to pick up
your voice on this device.

Susie, we believe
that we're talking to you.

Can you just verify
that we are talking to you?

- The rem pod, the rem.
- Dude.

That's the sound it makes
when the temperature changes.

I've never even heard it
make that sound.

It's not susie.

Can you stop?


This is very, very intelligent.

I'm gonna cut
on the digital recorder.

- Cutting.
- I don't think it's susie.

I think it's someone who has
access to every floor.

The superintendent.

What was that?
What was that?

Okay, the rem pod's
going off.

We just heard
a freaking loud noise.

What the hell?

What is actually
going on here?

After we talked
about the superintendent --

It just stopped.

I think it's
the superintendent.

Who opened the jail-cell door?

Can you tell us your name?
Who was that?

Should I play this back?

- Yeah.
- Play it back.

Who opened the jail-cell door?

Can you tell us your name?
Who was that?

did you hear that response?

- What was it?
- I think it said, "I did."

My gosh.
Let me listen to it again.

...Jail-cell door?

Can you tell us your name?
Who was that?

- "I did."
- "I did."

Can you tell us your name?
Who was that?

This is, like, the most active
hallway I've ever been in.

I think we're messing
with the wrong stuff here, guys.

I'm rolling on the digital
recorder for the second time.

Are we talking
to the superintendent?

Can you say yes or no?

Were you trying to scare
our friend here, alex,

By opening the door on him?

I'm really curious
to see what we got.

Are we talking
to the superintendent?

Can you say yes or no?


"are we talking
to the superintendent?

Can you say yes or no?"

And it said something
very aggressively.

Are we talking
to the superintendent?

Can you say yes or no?

- "get out"?
- "get out"?

- That's what I hear.
- "get out."

Are we talking
to the superintendent?

Can you say yes or no?

That's an aggressive response,
to be honest.

Really aggressive voice.

Dude, something does not
want us in here.

I've been saying that
the whole time, you guys.

You're really
pushing your limits.

I just need to get
some answers, though.

Like, we have
more questions.

Dude, I think
answers can wait.

I don't think you always
need an answer.

That was intense.

Get me the heck
out of here now.

The sun is out.
We're done with the infirmary.

We've had just
way too much happen.

We're done.

We're gonna go over
where the unmarked graves are

Just to pay our respects.

We never ended a night
like this before.

I think it's the right thing
to do, though.

We do not want to take home an
attachment from this location.

This one just resembles
all of them, right?

"to the memory of our dead."

"to the memory of our dead."

A lot of people died here,

People who did not
even want to be here.

I'm glad we have
one more location left,

Because I want
to experience more.

This just got me
more curious than ever.

It's so interesting to see

How fear affects
everyone individually,

And I just felt that it was
necessary for the entire group

To spend some time alone.

Dakota threw a curveball,

But I think that's just gonna
go with the territory.

He wants to push our boundaries.

He wants to test our limits,

And I think this was
a really good test for us.

Dakota is very much
equipped for this.

He was at the
professional level,

And I am just scratching
the surface.

I like to be pushed, but I have
limits just like everyone else,

And it's making me
really uncomfortable

That he does not know
my boundaries.

To be honest, I really think

Dakota might have been
a little overambitious

When he wanted all of us
to go in solo.

I mean, I really think he needs
to take a step back

And look at myself
and tanner and chelsea

And kind of understand

That this is something
that we've never done before.

I'm doing this because
I want us all to grow.

What they did last night
was huge

In terms
of trying to overcome our fear,

And we all needed this training

To fully prepare for the end
of this road trip.

I'm not gonna say much,
but this final location

Will be the ultimate test.