Deputy (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - 10-8 Paperwork - full transcript

When Charlie and Joseph arrest a man on his way to a major drug deal, they end up bringing a bigger fight than expected back to the station. Meanwhile, Cade and Teresa continue to deal with...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Deputy...

You have gotten so big!

It's been too long
since I've seen these two.

Grandma said we're gonna
see her all the time now.

Is that okay?

I wondered how
a national security analyst

might end up driving
the sheriff of LA County,

so I called your supervisor.

I know what went down.

Sorry, doc.

We had to take matters
into our own hands.

If anything goes wrong,

I will kill you.

District Attorney Riley,

I've handed you the guaranteed
conviction of a corrupt cop.

How are you not
running with this?

Today I announce
my candidacy

for sheriff
of Los Angeles County.

Looks like things have been

going well
with the children.

Roberto's grades are up.

That's excellent.

Yeah, we've made
a lot of progress

the last few months.

-Feels like...
-Feels like a family.

Straight up.

I am obligated to inform you

that Roberto and Camilla's
maternal grandmother

has filed for custody
of the grandchildren.

My God.

I knew it.

She called in this past...

So she just shows up.

Barely knows the kids.

-No, no, no.

We've been
caring for these kids

like they're
our own for months.

They are our own.

This is why we go over
concurrent planning.

Something like this
is always a possibility.

That woman didn't even
go to their father's funeral,

Okay? She's just gonna swoop
in and take them from us?

What's the angle here?

She doin' it for the money?

Carmen is doing
all the required work.

She's making the efforts.


Did you even do
a background check?

'Cause if she's hanging outwith
the same scumbags he was...

Okay, listen, obviously,
you can recognize

that our-our main concern

is for the well-being
of Camilla and Roberto.

We've provided a safe,
stable home for them.

The first they've ever had.

We can't let this happen.

I'm not gonna.

Nothing has been decided yet.

But biological relatives
are preferred.

You told us that.

All I can say
is trust the process.

I know the process.

I have my own.

What are our options?

You're a lawyer.

Present the best
case you can.

I'm supposed to be the one

with a thousand-yard stare,
young man.

What's that?

Stop thinking so hard.

It doesn't suit you.

Thank you so much.
I appreciate it.

What the hell is that?

It's a Monte Cristo sandwich.

What do you mean,
what the hell is that?

At least I eat.
What's your excuse?

I'm not hungry.

If you ask me,
it's your conscience.


This race...

You got a 10th floor suck up,
acting like he knows best.

Old Jerry.

And let's not forget

the ambulance chaser.

She probably wants to
sue our own people.

And there you are,
not eatin'.

Why don't you just say it?

Say it.

I want the job, all right?

I want it.

You're damn right you do.

So what's the problem?

Paula. Maggie.

Even Joseph
could get hurt if I...

Let me tell you
something, son.

You're gonna piss
folks offno matter what.

That's just life.

Might as well be for
somethin' worth a damn.

They see the good
that you do. Trust me.

Thank you.

Late night?

What makes you say that?

You looked a little
roughthis morning.

You and your boys
turn up for Matthew's birthday?

-How was it?
-I didn't go.

Then what...

Let me guess.
Carter and coalition.

They get a bad wrap
but they're good dudes.

Trust me,
Carter and his boys

are not the crew
you wanna roll with.

Can't believe you faked
on your boys like that.

Look, things
are different now.

I-I tried to fit
in with them,

I just...

Can we drop it, please?

-He just ran that stop sign.
-Light him up.

-Watch now.
-I see him.

He put something
in the back seat.


You take the
lead on this one.

Evals are coming up. You
can't be a trainee forever.

Eyes up.

Can I help you
with something, officer?

You blew through
a stop sign back there.

Can I see your license
and registration, please?

This your company?

It's not mine.
I just work for them.

Good benefits though.
You know what I mean?

Deputy Minnick, I need
youover here, please.

I'll run it.

Why'd you put that bag
in the back seat?

What do you mean?

When I pulled you over, you
put that bag in the back seat.


I thought it would be safer.

How's that?

Didn't want you to think
there was something

in the front seat
to worry about, you know?

What would
I be worried about?

Something bad.

-Record's clean.

Get out of the car for me.

What's wrong?
We were being friendly.

Out. Now.

It's no problem, all right?
Okay, hey, guys.

Just-just tell me
what I did wrong.

Your ID is fake.

So, driving with no license,
for starters.

No way.
I just got that, okay?

I waited in line
and everything.

You're under arrest.

It's not mine.

Suppose this isn't either.

Well, maybe it
belongs to you.

Put his ass
in the back of the car.

-I'll call it in.
-All right.

Sheriff, do you know

what this election is about?

I've got a strong suspicion
that you'd like to tell me.

It's about space.

And time.

You been practicing this?

There's no more space
for men like you.

No untamed land.

Not in this city.

Not even in this county.

And certainly
not in this election.

I guess you've never been
to Lancaster.

The world has moved on.

People don't want
a gunslinger in this office.

They want an advocate.

A winner.

And you know what?
They deserve one.

It is my time.

Well, then, stop wasting it,

and have your monkeys
come up

with a better sales pitch.

I'm opening an investigation
into your office's handling

of the Johnson case.

Get out.

I got a court order.

And I'm gonna be
deposing key witnesses.

I won't say it twice.

It was your choice
to call the Times, Bill.

Live with it.

What is all this?

The nurses wanted to thank
you for saving our jobs.

It means a lot.

So we wanted to show you,
you mean a lot. To us.

Thank you, everyone.

I'm sorry it got down
to the wire.

I'm sure I wasn't
the only one losing sleep

over the financial dilemma
facing the hospital.

But knowing I was gonna see
your beautiful faces made it

a lot easier to get up
this morning.

All right, let's show
the administration

how valuable we are

so that we never
have to do this again.

Pop the gate.

Give me your fingers.

Okay, no way it's a new entry

that just hasn't
hit the system yet?

Okay, thank you.

This is a damn good fake.

Mag strip works and
everything. I'm impressed.

Professional grade forgery.
Ten grand in cash.

Yeah, the exact amount you
can bring into the country.

Can we get him on bribery?

He didn't explicitly
offer us the money.

I just get a bad vibe
off this guy.

When you're pulled over,

you're supposed
to be intimidated,

especially if you have a fake ID
and a bag full of cash.

It's like he's cool
with being behind bars.

I bet he's had practice.

Won't really know
anything for sure

until the prints come back.

-Hey, Sheriff.
-Good morning, Sheriff.

-Unofficial visit.

Everybody go back
to what you were doing.


You down here for a case?


Man, I missed it down here.

Bad coffee.
1950's office furniture.

And real paperwork.

You okay, sir?

Not really.

-You got a sec?

They're gonna give
Johnson a deal.



Short answer, it's political.

We can fight it, Bill.
We have to.

Fight's comin' to us.

DA flipped the table.

She's investigating how
we intervened in the case.

Me and you in particular.

She's got a court order
behind her.

She can bring it.

Well, you're gonna
have to sit with her.

We can get you a union rep,
department lawyer.

-Whatever you want.
-I don't want anyone.

I know my truth.

All right.

Well, just remember
it's not personal.

I know it feels like that.

But emotion's
your enemy here.

Gives her leverage.

It's just about power,
nothing else.

Yeah, I'm ready.

Don't be too ready.

-What's up?
-Multiple 245s.

Sounds like drive-bys.

David-5-5-7 responding.

-How many shootings?
-Three, so far.

-Minnick, you rollin' out?
-Yes, sir.

What about me?

Handle that paperwork, boot.

You heard her.

Deputy Bishop.

Please have a seat.

It's nice to meet you, too.

Detective Bishop,
I understand that you, personally,

voiced concern
about Sheriff Hollister

getting himself involved
in the LAPD murder case

led by Detective Johnson.

Should I have
an attorney present?

Or my union rep maybe?

Well, I mean, you are here
out of your own recognizance,

as I see it.

I mean, if you want
an attorney present,

that's your prerogative.

Although I have a feeling

that you can
handle yourself just fine.

Did you voice concern?

It's been so busy.

I moved to Majors. I
broke up with my girlfriend.

I just...

I just don't remember anything
like what you're describing.

You know what?

You and I,
we should clear the air.

I don't want there to be
any misunderstandings

straight out of the gate.

This deposition order,

it has nothing
to do with you personally.

Good to know.

I'm an outsider here.

You know it, I know it.

It's, why I had to do
my own research.

To play catch-up.

What is that?


Of what?

Department violations.

The Johnson case
is merely emblematic

of larger,
system-wide failures.

Now, okay, a lot of this
predates Sheriff Hollister,

but he is not the man
to implement reforms.

The whole John Wayne routine
only goes so far.

The results since
Sheriff Hollister took office

-speak for themselves.
-At what cost?

The future of this department
isn't in the past.

It is right now.

With people like you,
not him.

Look, this is not
a hard case to make.

It is right here
in black and white.

You know what
I haven't gotten into...

are the secrets.

You know, the
tucked away stuff.

But I will.

It was nice talking to you.

And I'm sorry
about your girlfriend.

So you've been involved

in how many shootings

since Sheriff Hollister
took office?

It's not polite to count.

More than ten?

Less than 20?

We all go through
the same review after a shooting.

You know that, Carol.

You're fishin'.

Come on, Cade,

I'm the county's
district attorney,

I don't fish.

Then why haven't you asked me
about the Johnson case

'cause that's what this whole
song and dance is, right?

I gotta get this.

Wait, wait, wait.
You can't just walk out.

Hey, I'll tell Bill
you said hi.

And I'll put together
a grand jury

before you can blink!

So you don't
have a real name.

Guy's using a fake.

Will take a while
to get his prints back.

Send me a picture of the ID.

I will see if I can
get my contacts

at State to run the face.

Also, there's a company name
on his car rental.

Camino Verdad. I haven't
been able to find anything.

Send it over, too.

-Are you gonna record this?

Should I?

It's your investigation.

-Well, you started it.

No, actually that would be
the LAPD officer

who pointed a gun
at my head.

And how did that
make you feel?

How would it make you feel?

Whoa, let's be honest,
it would be very unlikely

that I would find myself
in that situation.

So you think the LAPD
has a race problem?

I think that LA County
has a race problem,

which is why
I'm running for sheriff.

Then why did you
offer Johnson a deal?

Because he offered me
something much more valuable.

The white vote?


Links to other cases

that I've had
sitting on my desk.

I promise you
when this is all over,

LA County will be a much
safer place for everyone.


So why are you telling me?

Because what you did
was not wrong.

Running down
Detective Johnson,

that was the result
of great natural instincts

and sharp detective work.

So why the court order?
Why the depositions?

Why am I talking to you?

Like I said,
you did nothing wrong.

Your godfather,
as acting sheriff,

he had no business
getting involved.

He used department
resourcesfor personal reasons.

He's gonna pay the price.

I want deputies like you

to be the new face
of this department.

Of my department.

With all due respect, what you
see as a personal motivation

was in actuality a sheriffbelieving
in one of his deputies

and having the courage
to fight for justice

regardless of
political backlash.

That is why
this is his department

and it is not gonna change.

Now, if you don't mind,
I've got paperwork.

So do I.

Just left the scene
of a drive-by near Athens.

I heard about that.

There was three of 'em?
All at the same time?

Four, actually.

But no victims.

-Someone sending a message?

Talk to me.

Deputy Harris asked me
to help identify a suspect

in holding at Lennox.

ID was a fake, so I asked
my contacts at State

to run the face.

He's Kaito Hamanaka.

Japanese, dual citizen,
educated in the States.

Man's got organized
crime connections here and at home,

and recently started
doing business

with the cartels in Mexico.

Feds think
he's consolidating power

to become the cocaine
supplier for Southeast Asia.

That's why he's here.

Closing the deal.

So he's in booking at Lennox
right now?

Yes, sir.

Well, he's got
some dangerous friends.

And there's
money on the line.

What are you thinkin'?

They're not gonna let it lie.

If he's still in booking
then he made his call.

There's still no arrests
on those drive-bys.

No, most of Lennox
is still out on the hunt.

And they happened
after booking this guy.

-Get SEB down there now.
-On it.

Make sure the Feds know
we've got this guy.


Yo, Harris.

Look what I found.

Don't get too close though.
He's ripe.

You really do have a way
with people, Carter.

This is harassment.

Man, you came up to me.

Not my problem
you were in possession.

Man, that ain't mine.

This guy planted that on me.


I'll call the ACLU.


All yours.

Man, I didn't do nothing!

Tell it to your mother.

Same way I did last night.

What took you so long?

Hey, Bill.

Joseph, the driver
you brought in today,

where is he?

He's in holding.

He's cartel connected,

and may have some people
coming to get him.

Are you sure? He was asleep
last time I checked.

Quickly and quietly
move him into his own cell,

post extra deputies
at the station entrance.

I'm five minutes away.

Cade's coming with SEB.


Boot, what's happening?

-I gotta move him.

Hey, guard!

I'm hungry.

Shut up.

I'm starving, bro.

Not my problem, bro.

What you say to me?

Say it again, bro.

I didn't hear you.

I think you did.

Hey! Hey!

Knock it off!
Open this up.

Hey, get off!

You wanna get maced?

You wanna get shot?

Easy. Take it easy.

Show us the way out.

Buzz me out.

You ready?


Dr. Reyes, you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.


Paula! Paula!

Dr. Reyes?





Let's start again.

They have a gun
and took Carter!


You get him moved?

He broke out of holding
with another prisoner.


They took Carter hostage.

How the hell did that happen?

I don't know.
They got a gun.

Okay, are they still
in the building?

Yeah, I think so.

Listen to me
and stay focused.

I need you to seal
the perimeter,

I'm gonna secure
the armory, you got that?

Seal the perimeter.
I got it.



Code 3 11-99. Shots fired.

Shots fired.
Station lockdown.

Get everybody out
that's not armed.

You, come with me.

Move. Let's go.

All units be advised.

Shots fired
at Lennox Station.

Repeat, shots fired
at Lennox Station.

This is the sheriff.

All units in the vicinity

converge on Lennox Station.

Hold tight.

It's okay.

I need 902 to booking now!

Grover, you all right?
Hold tight, buddy, okay?

Get us outta here.

Get in! Get in! Get in!


Let's go.

Dispatch, this is Air 1.

I have a white sedan
in a parking lot.

Doors wide open.

Suspect vehicle located,

Vermont and 123rd.

One confirmed dead inside.

They ditched the vehicle
for another one.

Witness reports suspects
fleeingin a burgundy SUV.

I've got a burgundy SUV
driving erratically

southbound on Alvarado.

They're coming right
back at us. Grab the M4.

Don't stop. Run it.

That's gotta be them.

Lose them.

Do what you have to do.

Hey, get outta the way!

Secure the driver.

Show me your hands now!

Hands now!

On the ground!

-Not gonna say it again!
-Get on the ground!

Lay on your stomach.

First smart thing
you did all day.

Son of a bitch.

Is everyone okay?


What about Deputy Grover?

I heard he was taken
to St. Regents.

Any updates?

Just got out of his surgery.
He's gonna be okay.

Bullet didn't rupture
any vital organs.

-Thank God.
-Did you get the guy?

Guys. Yeah.

SEB's sweeping upthe
rest of their operation now.

-Long day.
-No kidding.

I've had my hands full
since the second I walked in.

What's wrong?


I had a moment.

What do you mean?

A moment.

While doing
some routine surgery.

Deja vu?

Yeah, exactly.

Just a little PTSD,
out of nowhere.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I am now.

But at the time...

I'll be honest,
it scared me.

Well, after everything
you went through, it's natural.

Yeah, I know
but I'm a surgeon.

I cut people
open for a living.

You told me
once that in your job

there's no room
for distraction,

it requires total focus.

I remember.

Well, it's the same for me.

You know, an accountant
makes a mistake,

they just press delete.

I slip up and...

But you got through it.

Yeah. Like I said,
it was just a moment.

Well, there might be more.

PTSD likes to circle back.

I know.

And I'm prepared for that.

But today...

today taught me
I can deal with it.

I know you can.

-I'm proud of you, honey.
-Thank you.

Dr. Reyes, please call OR 3.

Dr. Reyes, OR 3.

Sounds like you gotta go.

Yeah, we'll talk tonight.

I love you.

I love you, too.

I don't normally
say things like this.

I'm not trying to get all up
in my feelings with you, but...

I'm proud of you, boot.

You did good today.

You're making
a lot of progress.

You sure you're not
just saying that

so you can push me
through my training,

get that promotion of yours?

See, that's exactly why
I don't give you compliments,

'cause you'd be
feeling yourself too much.

-Is that what I'm doing?
-Yeah, that's exactly what you're doing.

But it's all right.

Imma let you slide
'cause you got

a lot of paperwork to do

and I don't want you
gettin' distracted.

You tried it.
I think what you meant to say

is that wehave a lot
of paperwork to do.

Nah, with evals coming up,

I think I'm gonna
take a step back,

you know, take more
of a supervisory role.

Do you know how much
paperwork is in there?

Don't stay too late, boot.

I'll review your work
in the morning.

She is not joking.

If you need me,
you know where to find me.

Deputy Minnick.

Thank you.

Well, turns out that
Hamanaka was on his way

to seal the deal
with the cartel brass

when he got pulled over.

I mean, like,
five minutes away.

It's his own damn fault.

The DMV handbook says to
always use your turn signal.

Page one.

Hey, any update
on Camilla and Roberto?

Teresa left a message.


Haven't listened to it yet.

Why not?

Well, I got this rule
I like to stick to.

One catastrophe at a time.

You're in
the wrong business, brother.

Well, think positive.

You and Teresa
have a strong case.

You're great parents,

and those kids
are in your corner.

Yeah, well,
tell that to the judge.

What's up, Bishop?

Just got word from SEB.

They intercepted a drug
shipment out of Long Beach.

Hamanaka's contacts
are in custody.

Not bad for a day's work.

Most sheriffs hope
for one of these victories

in an entire term.

I'll type up the report.

Some office you got here.


Not bad, kid.

Feel like I'm in
the President's office.

You okay?
What are you doing here?

I thought I'd come downand
say hi to some of the guys.

That's great.

Hey, I got donuts.

Don't worry,

your mother knows I'm here.

Mom's been gone
for over three years now.

You remember that, right?


Are you still
running for sheriff?


That's good.

One thing a man
doesn't need is regrets.

Says the one person I've
never heard regret a thing

his whole damn life.

Dropped out of
rodeo clown school.

I regretted that.


Summer after high school,

I wanted to be
a rodeo clown.

You didn't know
that, did you?


I guess it would've been like
what you ended up doing anyway.

A rodeo clown's job
is to jump in the ring

when things go wrong.

Make themselves
the target to save others.

How's that any different
from what we do around here?

Let me fix you here.

Thank you.

-That's Maggie.

Hey, Mags, I'm sittin'
with your grandad.

We're just ta...

What's the matter, honey?


Calm down, okay?

Take a deep breath.
I'll call you right back.

-What's wrong?
-I don't know.

saying that
the potential misconduct

does involve the misuse
of department resources.

The Sheriff appears
to have been compromised

in his official

by personal relationships
and favors.

Turn the damn thing off, son.

Not a chance.

Is this something you think
the sheriff should resign over?

I-I'm not here
to wag my finger

or pass moral judgment.

It is my job, however,
to look into any behavior

public or private,

of an elected official
to faithfully carry out

civic obligations.

It's all crap.

You're in the game now.

Don't take this stuff
personal. It's not personal.

It's only about power.

You still here?

Yeah, I got homework, man.

All right.


homework's for school kids.

Give Adams something to do
in the morning.

You keep thinking like a newbie,
you're gonna stay a newbie.

-Man, Minnick is gonna...
-Minnick's not your mommy.

Thanks... for today.

It's my own damn fault, I
shouldn't have gone in there

and tried to break things up.

Guys are never gonna
let me live this one down.

You were just
doing your job, man.

Nah, man, I should've
just tased both of them

and then
kept drinking my coffee.

There will be payback
for what they pulled, so...

Two guys died and Hamanaka's
going to supermax

for the rest of his life.

It feels like
plenty of payback to me.

Yeah, not them.

Talking about the next piece
of trash we bring in here.

You get rid of one

and another one just
crawls out from under a rock

takes his place.

They're cockroaches, man.
They're cockroaches.

And we bring 'em in here
and we feed 'em

three square meals a day
on the taxpayer's dime.


who's the chump?

Anyhow, today...

you showed me that
you're the real deal.

-Thanks. Man, I...
-I mean it.

It's one thing to tag along,
get a few beers, but...

today you became one of us.

There are people out there
who get how the world works,

and there are
people who don't.

You get it.

Not sure exactly what I get.

You will.

All right, man, come on, get
your ass outta that chair.

Let me buy you a drink.

Come on.

There you go.

She's gonna kill me.

Is Maggie okay?

She says she is.

You don't believe her.

I told her not to worry.

It'll all be over soon.

Riley got what she wanted.

What does that mean?

Well, maybe you
saw it coming,

I was gonna tell you tonight

that I decided
to run for sheriff.

But not anymore.

I'm done.

You're what?

I'm not running, honey.


Riley's out for blood.

She'll dig through
all my old cases.

Every complaint.

And if that doesn't work,
she'll come after you.

I can't let that happen.

I won't.

So that's it.

Do you remember
our second date?

Not bottles night.
Olvera Street?

Dancing in the plaza.

'Course I remember.
What does that ha...

Walking back to the car
that night,

that guy tried
to grab my ass.

You broke his nose.

I can handle myself.

I know.

You're a fighter.

It's what I love about you.

I still am.

You say that now,
but Maggie...

She said she's okay
because she is.

So unless you're afraid...


That's it.

That's the look I wanna see when
someone's coming after you.

Bill Hollister,
you're running for sheriff

because you are
the best man for the job.

Since you've taken over,
this city is safer,

morale is higher.

You're gonna run
and you're gonna win.

And your family's gonna be
right beside you.

I wouldn't have it
any other way.

Let's do this.

I love you.